#Ambrose Island Spoilers
nightingaletrash · 2 years
okay I finally got a couple more runs of Ambrose Island in, and I love that Grey gets a moment to be sentimental over the militia and the people he brought together. After reuniting with 47, it’s like he just kinda dropped them altogether and didn’t give a damn anymore which could make sense from the cold practical stand point of the militia being his tool against Providence, but Ambrose not only explains why they’re not in operation anymore but also opens up on Grey a little.
He knows some of them are useful monsters, like Rose and Reynard and Crest, but he acknowledges that some of them were good people who wanted to make a difference. That they wanted what he and 47 wanted. And he has some regrets about how it all played out for them because in the end, their course was changed from a world-changing cause to being a group of glorified thieves. He knows he made a mistake with Crest - which wasn’t entirely his fault, but a result of the circumstances - and he regrets it. He feels for the men and women who joined him.
It’s a little more insight into his relationship with the rest of the militia which we didn’t really get before. It feels like he probably knew everyone he hired on some level... and then lost them over a single decision.
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diana-fortyseven · 2 years
And that was my first visit to Ambrose Island!
First impressions and spoilers under the cut.
The island is amazing! So much to explore, so many fun activities (the slapping contest omg) and chances to interact with locals. I'm super happy to have a tropical island at nighttime, and I can't wait (but I will, because I need to pace myself) to play the mission again and go for different kills!
The only thing I don't like, and it's a big issue, sorry, is that the opening cinematic is the only moment we interact with Diana. Grey is our handler for this mission, and while I'm happy for everyone who missed him and must be so thrilled right now, I just wish we had at least a Dubai situation where Diana and Grey were our contacts.
That's a huge disappointment for me, not gonna lie. 💔
Anyway, time for dinner and then maybe a second playthrough.
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cicaklah · 2 years
Diana rolling her eyes!
Animated hitman 2 era cutscene!
Vaguely bad animation
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mordeshakes · 2 years
tell The Constant to start jopping
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myth-blossom · 2 years
Just realized I need to check out Ambrose Island ASAP so I can watch my favorite chaotic trio at @outsidexboxofficial do a let's play eventually 👀
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oseathepebble · 2 years
Marc Ambrose's Profile
"Watch your mouth, I can dig up any of your secrets."
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"A student that never seems to see eye to eye with their housewarden. Meticulous and secretive, they always seem to know something about everybody from info gained through social media or other means."
Introducing my Twisted Wonderland OC, Marc Ambrose! He's my twstsona and also has some inspiration from AUTO from WALL-E and Lethe (the river of forgetfulness)
The sections on Marc's background and notable relationships have Ch. 6 spoilers!
Close Up + More Info Below
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Technical Information
Name: Marc Ambrose
Japanese: マルク・アンブローズ
Other Names: Monsieur Petit (Rook) Anchovy (Floyd) Rabid Racoon (Leona) Pebble (Ignihyde Members)
Meaning: His first name, Marc means "brave" or "virile" His family name, Ambrose means "immortal"
Voice Claim: Ayumu Murase
Biographical Information
Gender: Bigender
Marc experiences exactly two gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between the two (Male and Female)
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
He has no preference between men and women
Age: 18
Birthday: October 26
Starsign: Scorpio
Height: 148 cm (4'10)
Eye Color: Cocoa Brown
Hair Color: Wood Bark Brown
Homeland: Island of Woe
Family: Father, Mother
Professional Status
Dorm: Ignihyde Dorm
School Year: Third
Class: 3-B, Student No. 12
Occupation: Student
Club: Board Game Club
Though Idia is in the club, Marc still joined the club since no other club really interested them
Best Subject: Art
Due to one of Marc's hobbies being drawing, art became one of their best and favorite subjects
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Pork Adobo
Pork Adobo is one of the foods he grew up eating, the taste comforts him
Least Favorite Food: Dill Pickles
He finds the taste of dill pickles to disgusting, though he finds other pickled vegetables to be better tasting
Dislikes: Disorganization
Marc hates it when their things aren't organized. But that doesn't mean color-coded or sorted by name, they have a place for everything. To some, their idea of organization may be different, but to him, it makes sense
Hobby: Drawing
They have many sketchbooks filled with drawings they do, as they find drawing to be calming and a nice way to pass time. They also do digital art when they have the time
Talent: Hacking
Marc is able to hack into other databases, other people's devices, and security systems with ease. Due to years of doing it, they're able to leave little to no trace when hacking
Marc is a short person with beige skin, brown eyes, and wavy, chin-length brown hair that he ties into a ponytail with 2 chunks of hair in the front. Their nails are painted black and they wear glasses. Above their left eyebrow is a beauty mark, usually covered by their hair. They also have 2 ear piercings, one on their lobe and one on their helix. They typically wear a small silver stud on their lobe and a small silver hoop on their helix
He wears his school uniform with the blazer unbuttoned. His tie is tied into a bow. He pairs his uniform with black platform loafers which makes him 5'0 when wearing them
To others that don't know Marc personally, he appears to be shy and reserved. But really, he is a loud and chaotic person. He can become very angry and abrasive if the right things set him off. It's not a rare sight to see him get emotional over certain things. His more chaotic nature only comes out when he's with people he's comfortable with, online, or alone. Otherwise, he does get shy in public
Marc isn't one to make empty threats. Though he doesn't look very threatening, many have found out they aren't one to be messed with as he does follow through with his words. He also keeps many secrets from others, such as how he obtains information of others and some of his abilities
Though he is chaotic, Marc is still very detail-oriented when it comes to his work. Whether that be his programs, machines, or school work he has to make sure everything is right and perfect. He prefers to know all the details of assignments before proceeding with doing them
He's often regarded as the "Loudest Member of Ignihyde" due to how it's not uncommon to hear them yelling at games or such in their room and how he tends to socialize more than most members of the dorm
Skills and Magic
Info Gathering: Marc is very good at gathering information about his fellow students. He does this through hacking, social media, or by observing them in person. If given a name, he can find public and private information about them
Programming: He is a very skilled programmer for their age
Machine Creation and Maintenance: He knows how to create various machinery and perform maintenance on them. He's done maintenance on several magic wheels
Explosive Making: Marc knows how to make various types of explosives and has extensive knowledge of them. This includes fireworks
Fire Magic: Marc is very adept at fire magic. Most of the spells he's mastered are fire spells
Unique Magic
Marc's Unique Magic is "Flames of Remembrance" With it, he can remove any memory from a person's head
After the memory is removed, it manifests as a small, blue flame. If the flame goes out, the memory ceases to exist. But if kept in a jar, it can be maintained, and if so desired, returned to the person it's from. The flame doesn't burn things or produce heat, it is simply just a manifestation of the memory. The only things that can make the flame go out are if Marc blows on it or if it's left outside for too long (hence why it's kept in a jar for preservation)
To give the person back their memory, they have to be the one to blow out the flame. It is possible for Marc to give someone another person's memory. But it is something they don't do unless it gives them an advantage since they can't give themself other people's memories
Marc was born in the Shaftlands, but a few months after they were born, their parents were offered a job at S.T.Y.X. by Idia's parents, who they were friends with. And so Marc grew up on the Island of Woe with Idia and Ortho
At a young age, Marc's parents expressed their expectations for him. They wanted them to maintain a proper appearance, excel in school to keep up their family name, and later on become a person fit for a job at S.T.Y.X. Marc tried so hard to meet their expectations but this led to burnout
The only fun they had was when they got to hang out with Idia and Ortho and play video games. Being around them and S.T.Y.X Laboratory in general, they picked up many talents and skills
After Ortho's death and Idia shut himself away from others, Marc was alone. So their parents sent them away to go to a middle school in the Shaftlands. After they came back from their first year of middle school, they were up to date on current trends and had a new love of social media. Idia didn't like this new Marc, the new difference in their personalities cause them to start fighting. They came to despise each other even though they had been friends ever since they were babies
Upon coming to NRC, Marc hoped to not be put in the same dorm as Idia. Though it still ended up that way, much to their dismay. They continued to bicker and despise each other
As the years went on and Marc made new friends, the divide between the two became greater. Marc had wanted to be the dorm leader but when Idia became it, he was angry. And what made him even angrier was that Idia refused to make Marc his Vice Dorm Leader. The two had the biggest fight they had that day
Marc tries their hardest to separate themself from Idia and their past together, but no matter what, it seems like they always end up being stuck with him. Whether that be through the fact they're in the same dorm, class, and club, or the fact Marc is destined to just become another employee of S.T.Y.X. that works under the Shrouds
Notable Relationships
Idia Shroud: Idia and Marc are childhood friends. They used to be very close but as time passed and the two grew older, they drifted apart. Conflicts started arising between the two of them. Now they refuse to acknowledge the fact they were once friends and often argue with each other. But despite their dislike of each other, the two are frequently seen near each other, which has led some members of Ignihyde to believe the two secrety liked each other
It was Idia who gave Marc the nickname "Pebble" It used to be used in an affectionate manner when the two were kids, but now it carries a negative connotation. The two do have certain moments where they get along, but it doesn't take long for them to go back to hating each other
Ortho Shroud: Ortho and Marc were close as kids. Since Marc is an only child, they often treated Ortho like he was their little brother. When Ortho died, Marc was as sad and distraught as Idia was. Though he has mostly moved on, Marc is sometimes reminded of the incident when he looks at robot Ortho. Despite Marc's hatred for Idia, he still loves Ortho and treats him nicely. Ortho tries to get him to make up with Idia, but so far his efforts have been in vain
Azul Ashengrotto: Marc finds Azul to be very interesting. He adores him and finds his nature to be cool. He's the reason why Marc is still in the Board Game Club. Azul is the one who urged Marc to "know their worth" and gave them the idea to start charging others for his info-gathering services. The two are extremely close and Marc often visits Octavinelle and the Mostro Lounge just for Azul
Over time Marc developed a crush on him. He had accidentally confessed to Azul but immediately used his UM on him to make him forget. Ever since that day, Marc has been working up the courage to properly confess to him
Cater Diamond: Cater and Marc met through Magicam in middle school. The two became online friends and were very close. They were ecstatic to discover they were both going to NRC. They often talk about social media and current trends together. They confide in each other about personal matters. Though they may give each other horrible advice, they both have each other's back and will do anything for the other
They both got piercing together to solidify their relationship as best friends. When they go to cafes, Cater orders sweets just to post and lets Marc eat them after. Sometimes they have sleepovers where they paint each other's nails and Marc tells Cater all the new info he's learned
Riddle Rosehearts: Riddle and Marc have found out they have a few things in common. Mostly the fact that they both have parents that expect a lot out of them. Riddle appreciates having someone to talk to about his home life to that understands what he's going through. Marc listens to all his troubles and gives him comfort when he needs it. He attempts to get Riddle to do more chaotic and spontaneous things with him
Marc has offered to talk to Riddle's mom for him and tell her everything that's wrong with her parenting style, but Riddle refused
They carry a taser around with them
They know secret passageways throughout NRC and often use them to move undetected
They are partially blind in their right eye
They have two Magicam accounts, a personal account, and a drawing account
He once accidentally caused a mini explosion in the rooms of Ignihyde. He was forced to pay for the damage
He has bitten someone's fingers before
If the opportunity presents itself, Marc steals people's shoelaces
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yellowjackets 204 thoughts
(no moose, just spoilers below)
not once did ANYONE thought it would be a bad idea for two of your most useful teammates to run around in the wilderness alone???
but we got precrash team canon divergent au, laura lee and lottienat so yknow what y'all were right to be unhinged
nat has so, so much love in her. travis is seriously on thin fucking ice if he even raises his voice an octave about javi
oh yeah javi is back. this boy survived on his own for two months and my girlfailure jackie couldnt for two minutes?? my loser (affectionate) fr
WHY did shauna think it was okay to trauma dump on callie!!!!! but callie's seemingly okay and participating in shipman family tradition (being dexterous with a knife) so all's good i guess until pedo cop shows up god i hope shauna peels his skin off
jeff's doing his best to be a good dad. it's cute honestly. i like one man even though he cheated on jackie but fine bygones be bygones or whatever
LOTTIE is just TRYING. still stuck in her grief over laura lee, her trauma from the wilderness and life post-rescue, trying to save the girls and herself. they could never turn me against you, my poor baby girl
nobody is allowed to talk shit about taissa im so serious. she's so confused, scared and lost. all she wants is to be okay.
tai seeing through van's request to scope the area even though she didn't believe the mumbo jumbo??? anyone who calls her self centered and narcissistic has to line up outside my door because i will start firing.
tai loves van so much that she's willing to see van's side of things even though it makes no sense to her. and van loves tai so much that she's adamant on tai having faith in the church of lottie so that tai doesn't have to suffer.
misty and walter are like the overly paranoid version of sherlock and watson. they are made for each other. y'all feed off each other's unmedicated energy
also ben defeating the dying allegations??? man is just on ao3 in his imagination
mari is so fucked though. why tf is she still hearing dripping sounds. girl just tune it out, we still need you here in bitch island!!
lastly, first we had to deal with the shit in the bucket NOW THE MISSING MEAT. mark my words, these are all connected.
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lucas-grey · 2 years
So, there is one very emotional line Grey says on Ambrose Island (but he just says it every 48 hours, so listen carefully!).
If you don't want spoilers and you want to discover yourself, don't continue reading!
When you've completed all tasks, that is eliminating Noel and Akka and destroying the Satellite Control Unit, go to the laptop next to the Control Unit and investigate it. And than just wait some minutes.
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Grey: I'd be lying if I said I didn't regret some part of this. It's safe to say I don't pick my allies for their congeniality, but they aren't all like Noel. There are good people here. People who want the same thing we want... But now's not the time to get sentimental.
It's sweet in some way how he talks about his milita. We have seen that he gives compliments to his allies (like Delgado and Rose on the phone) and I think he's truly kind if he sees that these people have the same goal he has.
But don't fuck with him, like Noel did, or you will die! 🤣
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dianaburnwood · 2 years
Ambrose Island: First Impressions
It’s time for another first impressions post! Spoilers ahoy, matey
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Ok so I am so glad I was not spoiled for the Ambrose Island Bitch Slap Competition 2022 because what the HELLLLL that was incredible 
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I’m really curious if the devs had hoped to do arm-wrestling here cos it looks like that kind of set-up and I thought that’s what it WAS when I approached, but honestly the slap competition is hilarious and they probs were able to reuse the anim from Diana getting the slap in Mendoza
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What do you mean I look suspicious, this is my everyday tactical guerrilla wetsuit
Also, when you start at the bar I swear my man is trashed? he keeps swaying lmao
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Heading up to the ruins when I saw WHOMS”T I stg
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47 has got to be this man’s nightmare at this point
And of course BESTIE showed up lmao the derision in Grey’s voice like bro I swear ok I don’t really know this dude that well
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47 was so nice to him tho?? Even asking him if he needed help. Babe it’s time for you to collect those Interpol cheques 
It was nice to have Grey as mission support again but by GOD did I miss my sexy handler 
Love the new music for this map, so cool they didn’t reuse stuff. Also, the really soft music when you’re in the jungle is GORGEOUS, I want to find it
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The man really can do anything
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This little fishing anim has me positive 47 can go fishing on his lake in Freelancer
Ok so WHAT is playing on the radio in Akka’s hut?? It sounded like four, two, seven... then I was like, 47??  I was expecting to get something for filling all the holes or collecting all the leaflets, but no??? I figured something with the braziers too and could not figure out how to dig, Google had to help me put those two together lol 
Anyone figure out what to do with the gold idol yet?
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Really liked this little side questy bit of bringing the dude stuff and he makes me poison. I feel like this is teasing the kind of stuff that might happen in Freelancer? 
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Also, make your own bombs! Nice to see the workbench from Romania is getting another go.
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I think the only thing I didn’t like was that the map was hard to navigate. There wasn’t much making the areas distinct enough imo. By my most recent playthrough I could get around easily enough. Also, the easiest SASO I think ever maybe??? But the challenges were pretty cool overall. 
Sadly my game kept crashing every time I dug up the sabre for the pirate challenge, so I had to bring my own pirate outfit and sabre from home. 
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Also thought it was strange that there were no mission stories/opportunities, because some challenges were set up as if they were e.g. A Kill to Treasure and Another For Good Measure. But it was fun to figure stuff out myself.
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HITMAN 3 in HITMAN 3 cos why the hell not lol
Overall this mission lifted out of the narrative easily, so I can see why it wasn’t needed for main game. Giving everyone something to do between Vermont and Isle of Sgail made a lot of sense, so glad they placed it there. Was hoping for more juicy lore, but honestly obsessed with Diana saying “good morning, 47” when he walks in so obviously Diana and Grey were up early making revolutionary plans together while 47 was still in bed. 
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queenclaudiabrown · 2 years
Trigger warnings: discussion of age gap in a relationship, predatory woman., dubious consent in a sexual relationship, etc., long post
Okay, it’s long overdue for a rant about Helen Cutter née Ambrose and Stephen James Hart’s toxic relationship. Too many people give him crap for it and I’m done. I’d like to give credit to my dear friend, the wonderful and beloved @witchofthemidlands (aka Kat) for some of the ideas that will be below and all the conversations we’ve had about this.
First of all, I’d just like to say that the “canon” ages of Nick and Helen are too young to be accurate. There’s no way that they were university lecturers in their mid-to-late 20s. Even if they could get to that level at that age, they’d still need longer to become as feared and intimidating as they were considered, as apparently the episode retelling storybooks such as A Rip In Time and Dangerous Dimension say. Their reputations didn’t get to be that severe overnight. They were probably around 30.
In England, typically university is attended starting at about 18 and depending on how many years you’re there you’re 20-22 when you leave.
In Episode 1-6 Helen (twice) refers to Stephen as her student when the affair was going on, meaning he was between 18-22 years old when it started. If it continued beyond his university years is both unknown and irrelevant.
So, Stephen might’ve been as young as 18 when a mid-twenties-or-older university lecturer started putting the moves on him, and he couldn’t have been any older than 22. The following is an edited (for spoilers) excerpt from the canon novel The Lost Island:
("I'm sorry about Helen, about what happened," Stephen rasped. “I suppose I was flattered. And it didn't seem as if you two were ever getting back together. I thought all that was over."
"Bar the shouting," Cutter said. Then he added, "She was still my wife."
"In name only, Nick." …. “Anyway," Stephen went on … “it was wrong, what I did. I was wrong."
"Don't beat yourself up about it, not here, not now," Cutter said, looking off into the distance.
"It wasn't entirely your fault anyway." He sighed heavily. "What Helen wants, Helen gets, She was always that way. In the beginning, it was why I loved her - that ambition, that drive. But all went sour. She's a brilliant woman-“
"And a complete egomaniac," Stephen interrupted with a wan smile on his face.)
Then there’s what Helen said during the revelation scene in the end of 1-6:
“See, Nick, it was just one of those things- I was lonely and you didn’t seem to care about me and Stephen was so sweet and attentive. …. Falling for one of your students is never a good idea but, um, sometimes these things just happen, you know?”
And then, as Kat pointed out, Helen delivered this creepy line to Connor in 3-10: “Such a sweet, clever boy. What a shame you ever met Cutter.” She also calls him “Good boy.” a few minutes prior.
So what we have- just in the very beginning of the affair- a woman at least 5 (almost certainly more) years older than him, abusing her power as his lecturer, breaking the law (to my knowledge, it’s illegal for teachers/students to have romantic or sexual relationships in England), cheating on her husband, and preying on a younger man. Connor’s in his mid-twenties in the show, but he’s still at least ten years younger than Helen. Bringing Connor into this shows a pattern of her going after younger men. Kat and I share the belief that she might also be partly responsible for Patrick/Ethan getting screwed up in the head- just conjecture, but it fits the pattern. I’m also convinced that Stephen was not the only student she slept with, and that she slept with Leek and Philip as well.
Stephen, while an adult and obviously capable of free will, was still very young and scientifically his brain wasn’t finished developing yet. Given all that Helen’s got giving against her, and what Stephen said in TLA, she started it and lied to him about her marriage (and probably played the pity/victim card) in the process.
Now let’s skip 8+ years into the future.
There were implications of the affair from early on; Stephen saying that she meant a lot to him in 1-3, her coming to Stephen in 1-2 and 1-6, etc. Frankly I’m surprised that Claudia or Lester didn’t figure it out.
In 1-6, yes he checks her out (for lack of a better term) and leans in when she kisses him, but as she walks away he’s hardly on cloud 9 and responds sarcastically to what she had said to him.
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Helen: “It’s good to see you again, Stephen. You know, you were always one of my better students. Not the very brightest maybe, but always full of idealism and integrity.
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Helen: “I miss that.”
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Stephen: “Thank you. I’m touched.”
She literally says he wasn’t the brightest of her students. She went after someone naïve intentionally.
Then, after the affair is revealed:
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I mean, she’s literally rolling naked in his bed and he tells her to leave before he comes back. Yes, he gives her medical treatment, but that’s because he’s a decent human being. Repeatedly we see him pushing her away and not letting her in. The only reason he starts listening to her in that scene is when she really brings up Nick.
The only time we see her actually reciprocating her advances is here (excuse me vomiting in the corner)
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And he’s just been, in his mind at least, betrayed by his best friend and Abby, the person who seems to be most likeminded to him on the team. And Connor and Jenny aren’t coming up to him and offering support. In this moment, Helen seems to be the only one who cares about him at all. And she’s telling him that everyone he cares about is in danger from the traitor. She’s feeding into his beliefs that the public should know the truth. She’s saying everything he wants to hear and pretending to be there for him when his friends somewhat understandably wash their hands of him because he’s hanging out with Helen. But there’s no loyalty to him at all, because at the end of that episode she’s kissing Nick again and going on about how she doesn’t want him hurt.
And finally, in the end of 2-7, he’s furious with Helen when he realizes he’s been betrayed, and in the end sacrifices himself for Nick- but not before giving Helen a look like “aren’t you gonna do it?”
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I firmly belief that a major part of his decision to sacrifice himself was to make amends for repeatedly falling into Helen’s traps, and to make it up to Nick.
TL;DR, to summarize and conclude, Helen Ambrose/Cutter is a creepy, disgusting, vile woman who cheated on her husband to seduce and sleep with a younger man, a student, and proceeded to gaslight, manipulate, and mentally abuse for literally the rest of his life. Meanwhile, Stephen is the victim of what one could argue to be grooming and spent the rest of his life trying to make up for what he did and trying to not fall back into toxic old habits. She is a predator and a sicko and he was just a barely-adult that got screwed over repeatedly and demonized for his mistakes, which he clearly regrets.
So if you’ve seen the show and you give Stephen grief over his part in the affair, I hope this perspective changes your mind.
Rant over (for now).
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apricotbones · 2 years
Ahhh I just saw a broken heart in relation to Ambrose Island and quickly clicked away to avoid spoilers. Guys, am I in for some emotional turmoil here??
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bookwyrmshoard · 5 months
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The Night Island, by Jayne Ann Krentz
Fast-paced, high-octane paranormal romantic suspense
(Note: This review contains spoilers for book #1 in the series, Sleep No More.)
I've been a fan of Jayne Ann Krentz's fast-paced, high-octane romantic suspense thrillers for years now, so I always look forward to the next one. The Night Island did not disappoint. In fact, the pacing is smoother than in the previous book in this series (Sleep No More), and the plot is easier to follow.
In Sleep No More, we learned that months earlier, three women (Pallas, Talia, and Amelia) had woken together, strapped to gurneys in a burning building, with no memories of the previous night... and with enhanced psychic abilities. Determined to find out what happened to them, they joined together to start The Lost Night Files podcast. Sleep No More recounts Pallas's investigation of someone else's missing night; she and the subject, Ambrose, eventually figure out that they both took the same psych evaluation test years before, and suspect that whoever experimented on the four of them may be working from a list based on that test.
After a prologue to introduce the hero, The Night Island begins with Talia March headed to a meeting with an unknown informant with information about the list. But when she shows up at the rendezvous, the informant is missing, and another interested party, hero Luke Rand, is also there. The pair warily exchange information, discovering that they are both looking for the same list, and for the same reasons: Luke, too, experienced a lost night and a significant boost to his psychic powers. Talia knows he's not telling her everything, but based on a clue found in the missing informant's house, they agree to join forces to investigate the Night Island and search for the informant using Talia's enhanced talent for finding things. Outwardly the home of a tech-free meditation retreat, the Night Island has a decidedly creepy vibe, with unusual vegetation, a mysterious conservatory, and a very weird gardener. When people on the island start turning up dead, it will take all of Luke's and Talia's skills to keep themselves alive and solve the puzzles of the Night Island.
If you're thinking this sounds somewhat familiar, you're not wrong. There were hints in Sleep No More that the Lost Night Files trilogy might eventually tie into the Fogg Lake trilogy, with its mysterious Foundation and secret, lost government labs where experiments in psychic abilities and weapons took place. Those hints grow stronger in The Night Island, which has me excited for the third book (presumably featuring the third member of the podcast team, Amelia, and probably releasing in January 2025.) And since there were hints in the Fogg Lake books that the Foundation may exist in the same "universe" as the Arcane Society novels, though independent and unaware of the Arcane Society... well, this Krentz fan is definitely hooked.
One of the things I love about the Arcane Society series is how the Society offers structure and organization to the paranormal world and to the various types of "talent." Most of the characters are aware of and operate within that known structure; it helps ground them. Their own talents may be off the charts, but most of them exist within a community that recognizes and acknowledges the existence of the paranormal. In a more nebulous way, the Foundation serves a similar purpose in the Fogg Lake books.
That's not true for the Lost Night Files characters, who went from having slightly-better-than-normal intuition or abilities to having a strong psychic talent. Not only are they dealing with the impacts of, and learning the extent of, their enhanced abilities, there's all the disorientation of not knowing what happened to them and who was responsible. And they have to cope with all this without the benefit of any support other than each other, in a world which doesn't believe at all in paranormal abilities. It makes all the Lost Night Files characters less confident, less trusting, and less open about their abilities than most of the Arcane Society characters... but equally determined to survive and thrive. Talia and Luke are no exception.
In fact, Talia and Luke are typical of Krentz's main characters—smart, capable, and emotionally strong—though both are on the edgier, less communicative side of the Krentz hero/heroine spectrum for the reasons I mentioned above. I'm still not entirely sure why Talia is so drawn to the deeply taciturn Luke. Then again, she's not exactly open about her own thoughts and feelings, and clearly recognizes and (to some extent) accepts Luke's reticence. As a long-time fan, I have accepted that sometimes, I just have to accept the attraction between Krentz's hero and heroine as a given, and that's what I did in this case. Krentz does a good job of showing how their relationship develops from wariness to reluctant-and-limited partnership to deep-seated trust as they learn more about one another. The progression feels slow, but since the book takes place over the course of four days, it's actually quite fast.
It's hard to say any more about the plot of The Night Island without revealing spoilers, so I won't. I'll just say that for me, it hangs together better than the plot of Sleep No More —which I nonetheless enjoyed—and that I liked The Night Island as much or more on a second reading (to refresh my memory for this review) than I did the first time through. If you are already a Krentz fan, I think you'll have fun with this book. If you are new to her work, or to her paranormal-themed romantic suspense, I recommend starting with either Second Sight (the first Arcane Society novel, written under her Amanda Quick pen name), or The Vanishing (the first Fogg Lake book.)
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
OC Name Meanings Tag!
Thank you for tagging me @albatris!
Rules: Search and post the meaning of your OCs’ names (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! Bonus if you can find something for their last name too
Okay, this is gonna be fun because name meanings is actually kind of an Interest of mine. Like I don’t always keep meanings in mind when naming characters but I like to sometimes because it makes brain go brrr. My favorite is when a name is chosen kinda incidentally and it ends up really vibing in terms of etymology.
In case y'all can't tell I am an avid fan of behindthename, which is going to be the main source I use for this unless I can't find something there or if I want to look into things more for fun and flavor.
Anyway enough stalling <3 I'm going to do the cast of A Modern Ghost Story, mainly because the cast of The Ruins of Memory all just has nature names and I'm thinking a lot about my funky little ghost hunters <3 Under the cut in case this gets long.
Sydney "Syd" Ambrose - Sydney is a variant of the name Sidney, which comes from a surname that is derived from a place name that means "wide island." After looking into it a bit more, it can also mean "wide meadow" or even "from this place" apparently! Neat! And apparently the name Ambrose ties back to a word that means "immortal," which. Considering the themes and characters in this story. That's very interesting actually.
Yara Key - Yara has a couple of possibilities, based on the specific origins, but the ones that are most interesting to me are "friend, helper" (the Arabic meaning according to behindthename, which is probably the one her parents had in mind) and "lady of the lake" (the Tupi meaning, according to a Wikipedia search). Huh! As for their surname, it has a few potential meanings, but the one I find the most fitting is that it can trace back to Gaius, which means "to rejoice." That vibes.
Roach - So originally a part of me wanted to do Roach's full legal name, but I'm not sure yet if that's a spoiler and also I don't really want to share it b/c their name is Roach and that's what matters. Anyway I named them Roach for fun, but they chose the name Roach specifically for the connotations of being "unkillable" and like. Survival. There's a reason for that. We'll get there.
Oliver Cox - There's a couple of potential meanings for Oliver, but the one that I like the most is "ancestor's descendant." Just think that's neat. I don't know if it has any application b/c Oliver isn't super developed yet but it's fun to think about. Cox, meanwhile, is a patronymic form of a name that means "rooster." I think he'd like that.
Juno London - Juno is named after the queen of the heavens from Roman mythology, and his name possibly means "young." This is a little interesting b/c they're one of the oldest characters in the cast, but they were made an immortal at a very relatively young age. Their surname is taken from the place, but it apparently can mean "from the great river," so I might have to take that and run with it a little.
Asher King - Asher's name means "happy, blessed" in Hebrew!! I think this is interesting because they're one of the more serious characters in the cast, and she isn't really much for smiles. However.... that may change.... we will see...... As for her surname, there isn't much complicated there. Its name just means king. "Blessed king" is Asher's full name <3
Apollo - Apollo is named for the figure in Greco-Roman mythology, and there are a few different theories for what this name means!!! The ones I find most interesting, though, are "strength," "father lion/father light," and "to destroy." Apollo isn't super developed as a character yet, but the "father light" one is very interesting... also just in general naming him for the god of prophecy and the sun was a Conscious Choice I won't go into too much depth about rn.
And, finally, as a bonus:
Jimmy - I think Syd named their dog Jimmy mostly as a joke or because they thought it would be cute, but Jimmy comes from the name James, which means "supplanter." Neat!
Okay I'm gonna make this an open tag but I also am going to tag @dr-runs-with-scissors because I love learning about your characters,
But also anyone who wants to do this. Please feel free to do so. And absolutely feel free to tag me if you want me to see it; name meanings are my Passion.
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cicaklah · 2 years
My Ambrose island thoughts
I find the darker levels where everyone is out to kill you stressful and not that fun, and this is one of those.
I took an hour and probably only found a few secrets but it was fun, and I did enjoy myself.
It was also really dark in terms of its at night.
I dunno, I knew it wouldn't be my kind of level, but there were some nice touches, and I did genuinely like the few bits I did find, but I got compromised early in the only military outfit and save summed a lot and only got one star
I mean Diana and 47 are never going to shag here so lbr I was never going to be obsessing over it.
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ashen-crest · 3 years
find the word tag
Okay, I think I’m pretty much caught up with tag games! Thanks to @abalonetea and @spacetimewraithwrites for tagging me. I picked a few words from both of your lists: flash, night, fair, and ash.
I’m pulling from the RPS Pirate AU for these:
Captain Valenz was leaning against the doorway, hands in his pockets. He had rid himself of the coat and cutlass, and rolled his sleeves to his elbows. If Ambrose didn’t know better, he would say he looked like any other member of the crew, save for the flashes of gold jewelry around his neck. 
The coat fit perfectly, its thick, warm fabric swirling at his calves. The silver buttons trailing down its length made him look taller, but not as spindly as Sherry kept claiming he was. Ambrose fiddled with the midnight wool at the collar, wide enough to turn up against the salt spray on deck. He hadn’t worn anything this nice in ages.
“Back to work, all of you,” Sherry’s voice cut through their muttering, and she shoved through Ambrose’s admirers to check him over. “How are you, dear? Looking a fair sight better than yesterday, at least.”
“I’m alright, Sherry, thank you,” he said as she tugged his sleeves up to inspect his arms. “I apologize for burdening you with the reversal, I should have warned you in advance—“
“Burden,” she snorted. “S’not a burden, helping you. You’re never a burden, lad.”
Ash (had to be careful with the surrounding sentences due to spoilers)
It wouldn’t be long until the rain of ash and charcoal started to land on the island itself—Ambrose would have to move soon.
Tagging, with zero pressure: @zmlorenz, @akindofmagictoo, and @chaotic-queer-disaster! Your words are: squint, smoke, scream, and shout.
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myth-blossom · 2 years
Love being such an explorer that I can provide everything instantly for NPC requests. 😂
Spoiler for who below:
Got to help Farah with all 3 tasks in under 2 minutes. I could earn a decent living as Ambrose Island's fastest delivery buccaneer at this rate.
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