#And only one more hour for him to show up at Gavins house in the middle of the night to try and flirt back poorly
incenseburnerdreams · 2 years
Gavin: Nines, hate to admit this but youre fucking hot.
Nines: (clearly confused as Gavin had said that now in five different ways in the last month) Detective I am not overheating, i am at optimal temperature for an android.
Gavin: …
Nines: …
Nines: (trying to understand and slightly concerned) Are you cold?
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kinokoshoujoart · 9 months
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scribbled down a relationship chart for the forgotten valley bros to collect my thoughts after snooping into their dialogue files, because i’m crazy over the barebones scraps of tiny interactions between them that we are given they’re a neat group of lads and i want to see them in lots of wacky situations together
rambling explanation and screenshots under the cut. spoilers for dialogue
gordy and gustafa are bffs and i love them!!!!!
they have mutual respect for each other… gustafa clearly admires and understands gordy’s art, and gordy seems to view gustafa as his closest confidant, he even gets you and Gustafa the new kitchen if you enter chapter 2 without being able to “afford” it yourself
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they only really mention each other and don’t have anything to say about the other two boys
no one has anything bad to say about gustafa, which is exactly how it should be. blessed bard. it’s extra sweet to me that he’s the most well-liked bachelor both in and out of the game given one of the npc gossip lines your son can tell you— he grew up without many friends (in the original game the secret was that he was bullied). he deserves all the happiness in the world
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matt opinions
matt shares his Opinions (slander) on gordy and rock specifically if you show him your kid with them, but has no slander for gustafa… his line for gustafa is instead just copied from what he says about the bachelorettes’ kids. so i count that as a gustafa win
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i had to stretch to find any mention of gustafa by matt, the closest thing is that he comments that he doesn’t usually go to the starlight concert
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i want gustafa and matt to interact!!! i want gustafa to give matt a tomato when he’s being gruff like he did with nami (matt: “th-thank you…..*blush* i already have ten billion of these”) matt also has lines about farm work being easier when you’ve got music accompanying you if you show him a record so i’ll count that as a very flimsy positive connection (matt IS friendly with gavin, due to frequenting the bluebird café, but is a bit reticent to make friends on his own)
rock opinions and social diseases
rock is extremely excited about hearing gustafa play music and calls him a wizard at the guitar and says he never gets tired of hearing him play. he also likes wandering over to gustafa’s yurt and listening to his music along with tei on market days (his most normal bachelor to bachelor interaction)
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the only guy who gets no positive comment from rock is matt, instead rock goes to town roasting him in his fourth heart event out of envy for a completely imaginary situation and argues that he’s worth a hundred matthew’s (source?). he also likes to go into the already crowded farmhouse at night on market days and make it even more cramped, but he usually leaves right before matt gets home
finally rock has what i can only describe as a really odd one-sided crush on gordy!! he meanders into gordy’s trailer at 12:45 AM (AM) every market day and loudly, obliviously asks why there’s so much “trash” everywhere (you’re the trash, rock!!!!!!). thankfully rock is quite literally beneath gordy’s notice, however this seems to make rock sad and he tries to come up with wacky stunts to get gordy’s attention like drawing on gordy’s face and… holding his breath? (maybe, i dunno WHERE that dialogue triggers). he has a line celebrating gordy finally noticing him, i’m not sure what causes it though (for his part, gordy has no lines referencing rock)
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finally, if you show rock your kid he will tease them by bragging that he was waaaay cuter at their age… but ONLY if it’s a bachelor’s child. rock your complex is so obvious that it’s more of a simple
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in summary,
rock seems to think highly of each of the guys (except matt), unfortunately this manifests in him making really odd attempts to barge into their houses at strange hours and by trying to assert dominance in annoying ways. thankfully no one really notices anything he does (except matt)
matt doesn’t generally say nice things about anyone except cecilia (which makes the nice things he says, like about nina, more meaningful…) so unsurprisingly he has nothing nice to say about any of the guys, but he doesn’t have anything negative to say about gustafa. however he seems to want friends to do stuff with (he complains about how no one in the valley wants to go swimming…..hhhgg i am desperate to force rock and matt to spend time together. a friendship where you can’t stand each other but you’re the only two people who enjoy doing the same hobby so you put your differences aside and splash around in the water) like with rock no one really seems aware of matt’s existence except rock who is Extrwmely Aware to the point of knowing about matt’s crush on ceci, but unlike rock matt is not exactly jumping at the chance to go socialize with others
gustafa and gordy are friends with each other (and also both are friends with nami) and they support each others ambitions. i have no source but i’m confident that when gustafa visits gordy he’s also bringing him water and soup (he also visits daryl so i think it’s cool and fun if gustafa drops in on the local lost-in-thought creative hermits with hydration reminders and care packages)
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livingwritinglegend · 1 month
Eternal Sunshine
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(Gif is not mine)
Request: Nope
Gavin Gore x Male Reader
Desc: When reader comes back from winter vacation during the end of spring, Gavin and him have a lot of catching up to do.
Type: Fluff
Warnings: Kissing two idiots in love.
You and Gavin were always attached to the hip. Mostly due to his golden retriever personality and you secretly being madly in love with him. He was your everything. And secretly, you were his. But he stuck to girls. Not because of opinions. But it was what he was used to.
You ended up leaving town for a winter. Coming back during the summer. And he couldn't be more estastic. He waited for you at your house for about three hours that day. When you finaly got out of your car and saw eachother you guys ran as quickly as you could.
He picked you up spinning you around, and even when he sat you down he was still hugging you. He missed the way you smelled, he missed hearing your flip flops or sandals smack the ground. And most of all he missed you.
And you missed him. "I'm glad I'm missed" you said after you two pulled away from the hug. "Yeah, it's been kinda boring without you here. I've missed you, a lot" Gavin Said. And it created butterflies in your stomach giving you a light blush.
He soon took your hand dragging you off to somewhere. "Gavin, where are we going?" You say giggling as he pulled you. "You'll see" he said giggling. You were gonna question where his girlfriend was but you thought, for your benefit you shouldn't ask.
You guys eventually came upon an abandoned park in the middle of a field. It wasn't eerie, it was more comforting than you'd think. He walked over to the swings sitting on one and you sat on the other.
"How was your winter?" He asked you genuinely."It was boring, I really did miss you" you said laying your head on his shoulder. Gavin blushed. He liked the feeling you gave him. He liked the feeling of, being somewhat protective over you.
"Gavin?" You asked with your head on his shoulder. "Yeah, (y/n/n)" He responded gazing at the sunset. "I'm glad I'm here with you" You said lifting your head up to look at him. He then turned to you with furrowed eyebrows. But then they softened at the sight of your face.
He gave you a toothy grin giving you a great view of his pearly whites you blushed. "Oh, guess what, I gained abs" Gavin Said excitedly as he lifted up his shirt showing you a lightly muscular chest. You giggled. "Uhm, but seriously, if I tell you something will you be mad" you asked preparing to let the cat out of the bag.
"I doubt it, I don't think you could say anything to make me really mad" he said with a serious face. You took a deep breath and... "I love you" you said Quickly closing your eyes. You couldn't bring yourself to look at him. His eyes softened. He had a goofy grin on his face. Only if you could see it.
"Please say-" you were cut of by Gavin cupping your chin and making you look at him in the eyes. You saw his beautiful goofy smile and your heart jumped. You didn't expect his next move. He smashed his lips onto yours.
His lips were soft and plump and intoxicating. You put a hand in his hair smiling into the kiss. It then started raining. It was like a scene from a movie. And you were enchanted. You cupped his face. Deepening the kiss making him moan into it. You finally pulled apart for air.
"I love you too,and I think I have for a long time. Eversince you set m and my ex up I knew I loved you" Gavin Said smiling through the rain. Both of you now wet. "Kiss me" you say grinning.
And he does. He picks you up wrapping your legs around his waist. He kissed you passionately not breakin at all. You gripped his hair, now as the wet feeling became normal. You finally pull away once more. "Will you go out with me?" Gavin Said grinning
You smiled softly. "I'd love to" you say basking in his embrace. "Great, titans on Saturday?" Gavin asked."Of course. You said. He gave you a kiss on the head. "Can I Uhm, walk you home? If you don't mind" Gavin asked. "I have no problem with that" you say.
He the signals for you to get on his back and you do. You kiss his cheek giggling and he blushed a bright pink. He dashed to your house making sure you didn't fall. He loved you with his all. And you loved him even more.
Should I make this a series????
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ghostofaboy · 5 months
Rock Bottom - Group Activity
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Summary: Frankie is spiraling after Tom’s death. Drugs lead to some unhealthy friendships, and too ashamed to reach out to his former teammates for help, Frankie is drawn into a world he’s afraid he can’t get out of.
Tilly wants to show Frankie one of the videos he collected from Gavin.
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morale/Original Male Characters Rating: Explicit. Serious over 18s only Word count: 2382 Chapter: 23/?
Warnings: Dubious consent, group sex, gangbang, anal sex, mentions of past drug use, double anal penetration
Note: This is a fic with gay and bi characters. Please make sure you read the tags/warnings. Header by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
Part 22 / Part 1 / Masterpost
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As the weeks turned into months, Frankie’s new reality slowly took shape. Having finished his notice at Malcolm’s repair shop, Frankie was now working full time for Tilly. While that mostly meant days spent in the garage tending to the classic cars or services some of Tilly’s regular vehicles, Frankie was now providing his other service more regularly as well.
Almost every weekend was spent at Tilly’s now. Usually just the Saturday, where Tilly would fuck him for a while before they both got on with the rest of their weekend. However, there was the odd time Tilly wanted him Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Those were usually for the more intense sessions, where Tilly would spend hours opening Frankie’s ass up to take a massive dildo or a fist. Thankfully, whenever one of those weekends was on the horizon, Tilly gave Frankie plenty of notice.
Things with Tyler were going well, and Frankie looked forward to precious moments with his young boyfriend. On the weekends he wasn’t with Tilly, Frankie would go to Tyler’s where they would spend every hour wrapped up together. Sometimes Frankie would help Tyler set up for a shoot, but more often than not they’d spend their time with one of them balls deep in the other. Sex with Tyler was always fun, filled with laughter and kisses; the complete opposite of sex with Tilly.
Then there was rehab, which Frankie was due to start soon. The program Will had found for him had sent him a pack through, detailing when and where he would be expected to attend each week. Finally, things with Benny seemed normal again. They had hung out a couple of times, with Will there, but Benny hadn’t brought up anything that Frankie had told him. Frankie was honestly grateful for that. As far as he was concerned, Benny already knew too much about his shameful bullshit. But, all in all, life looked pretty stable; from the outside.
Internally, Frankie was as anxious as ever. He knew, logically, Tilly was not a good person. Although he’d never seen any evidence of that himself, with Tilly treating him with care and affection, Frankie knew that this was not a man to cross. But for now, Frankie had to play the game. He had to open his legs on command and deal with it. At least until he could put together a plan.
After tidying his tools away, Frankie made his way into the main house at Tilly’s estate. His stomach growled quietly, eager for his lunch, as Frankie ducked into the downstairs bathroom to wash the oil and grime from his hands. He had kept meaning to ask Tilly if he could get a sink put in the garage, but so far the request had slipped his mind. 
Drying his hands, Frankie opened the bathroom door and was about to return to the garage when he heard someone in the kitchen. Pausing for a moment to listen, Frankie strained to hear who was speaking. Tilly was meant to be at his office until five, but the more Frankie heard, the more he was sure it was Tilly.
As the voice got louder, Frankie wasn’t sure whether to stay and listen or leave as it became obvious that it was Tilly and that he was talking about Frankie.
“...you’d love him. Fantastic ass. Yeah? I mean, I can only ask.” Tilly gave a hearty laugh. “I don’t own the guy. Look, I’ll ask then if it’s a go I’ll set everything up. Ok, yeah. Ok. I gotta go. Talk to you later, Ian.”
Frankie could hear Tilly coming out of the kitchen and quickly dipped back into the bathroom. He could hear Tilly’s footstep pass the bathroom and the door to Tilly home office open. After a few seconds, Frankie didn’t hear the door close, so taking a deep breath, he opened the door and stepped out.
“Frankie?” Tilly called out immediately. His cheerful voice ringing out from the other room, the sound of it making Frankie’s cock react instantly.
“Hey.” Frankie ducked into the office to find Tilly stood by the window looking out onto the back garden. “I didn’t know you were home.”
“Yeah.” Tilly smiled, shrugging as he closed the gap between them. “Wasn’t in the mood to stay cooped up in the office. Besides, I wanted to see you, although I was going to wait until you’d finished today.”
“Oh? What’s up?” Frankie could feel his cock hardening and his face started to heat up. As much as he hated to admit it, he loved the effect Tilly had on his dick.
“I wanted to give you an update on the videos young Gavin took of you.” Tilly reached out, stroking along Frankie’s jaw as he spoke, his eyes drifting down his body. “I’ve had him tracking them all down. He’s been giving them to me, and yesterday he assured me that he’s found them all.”
“How many were there?” Frankie murmured as Tilly’s hand crept down his torso.
“A lot.” Tilly grinned as he cupped Frankie through his jeans, his thumb running along the length of his erection. “Most were of you and him, pretty run-of-the-mill stuff. You know, lots of oral, anal, and many, many close-ups of Gavin’s own cock. But there were a few of you with others. Would you like to see some of them?”
Frankie’s eyes snapped to Tilly’s as his heart jumped into his throat. “You have them here?”
“Of course Frankie.” Tilly locked eyes with him as he started to unfasten Frankie’s jeans. “I have to keep them safe. Can’t have them floating around out there for just anyone to watch. Why don’t you take your clothes off while I pick out something for us to watch?”
Frankie’s hands moved on their own, pulling off his clothes as Tilly keyed in the code to his safe and pulled out an external hard drive. Tilly went and sat at his desk, connecting the drive to his computer as Frankie removed the last of his clothes. His cock was achingly hard, longing to be touched, but Frankie waited patiently until Tilly was ready.
“There.” Tilly smiled, pulling open his own trousers to expose his twitching girthy dick. “Almost ready, bend over for me, Frankie.”
Frankie moved closer, leaning over the desk and spreading his legs as wide as he could. He could hear Tilly opening and closing a drawer. Frankie knew what was in that drawer, this wasnt the first time he’d been bent over this desk. Sure enough, the familiar sound of the click of cap could be heard before Tilly’s lubricated fingers entered him slowly.
Frankie let out a soft gasp as what felt like two of Tilly thick fingers plunged into his ass and began pumping. Frankie didn’t need to be prepped too much, but he knew Tilly loved to watch anything in his ass. Dildos, plugs, fingers were all regularly inserted into him, along with a few unusual things from time to time. A beer bottle, a candle and a cucumber had also been used on him over some of the more intensive weekends at Tilly’s.
After fingering Frankie for a few minutes, Tilly tapped him on the ass cheek. That was Frankie’s signal to move, to come and sit on his cock. Swinging his leg over Tilly’s knees, Frankie positioned himself, allowing Tilly to ready his dick before guiding Frankie down onto it. Inch by inch, Tilly filled him until Frankie was fully seated on Tilly and his back flush against Tilly’s chest. 
“Are you ready?” Tilly reached forward towards his keyboard, shifting inside Frankie as he did, pulling a moan from both of them. “I picked one of my favorites.”
“Ready.” Frankie growled, his eyes moving to the monitor in front of them.
The video began as soon as Tilly pressed enter, filling the screen with what looked like a frat party. Groups of half naked young men were laughing and drinking while sucking each other off as the camera wandered through the party. Two large jocks were spit roasting a skinny blond guy on the dirty carpet, making the cameraman laugh, and Frankie recognized the voice: Gavin.
As Gavin continued on, the camera started to focus on a larger group in the kitchen, stood in a circle around a figure on the floor. Frankie’s heart started to pound in his ears, and his cock throbbed as he realized who he was looking at. As Tilly bucked up gently, urging Frankie to move, Frankie watched as his own naked form came into view on the screen. Past Frankie was on all fours getting fucked by a sweat covered frat boy, surrounded by about eight or nine others all in various states of undress masturbating furiously over him.
From of the look of him Past Frankie had already been fucked several times that night. Come spattered his face and body as he gasped, moaned and laughed. The guy fucking him finished, pulling out and Gavin zoomed the camera in on Past Frankie’s gaping ass. The crowd cheered as Past Frankie pushed a thick load of come out of his ruined asshole, laughing as it dripped onto his balls before pooling on the floor.
“Look at you.” Tilly whispered in his ear, reaching up to play with Frankie’s nipples. “You know how many I’ve watched this? You look fucking amazing and we’re not even at the best part.”
Frankie rolled his hips, relishing the growing heat inside him as he watched frat boy after frat boy fuck him in the video. The sound of skin against skin almost drowned out the sounds of moaning on the screen as Frankie rode Tilly. His cock bounced, gently tapping his stomach as Frankie let Tilly split him open while Past Frankie was spit roasted on the grimy frat house tiles. 
The screen went black for a moment before flickering back to life, this time in a bedroom. Frankie felt Tilly’s breathing start to pick up as his hands went to Frankie’s hips. This must be his favorite part, but all Frankie could see right now was Gavin switching the camera between his own face and a very young looking student blowing him. 
Tilly was thrusting up into Frankie now, his fingers gripping his hips as Frankie tried to focus through the intoxicating feeling spreading through his body. He wanted to watch the rest of the video, he needed to see what he used to do. He had no memory of this night, but it looked like he enjoyed himself, judging by the grinning and laughing.
Tilly was getting close to finishing and Frankie knew it, as he frantically fucked up into Frankie. Keeping his eyes glued to the screen, Frankie couldn’t stop himself from letting out a gasp as Past Frankie finally came into focus.
Gangbanged. Frankie remembered Gavin saying something about letting a bunch of frat boys gangbang him. Hearing it had been one thing but seeing it here in front of him was something else.
Past Frankie was sandwiched between two guys on his back, both their dicks stretching his wrecked asshole, with his head hanging backwards. Three more guys were taking turns fucking his throat while he held a cock in each hand. In total, seven guys were fucking Past Frankie at once, with more watching over their shoulders. His body was stained with come, with clumps in his hair and mustache. His legs were held open, displaying his hard cock bouncing with each thrust of the men as his body was used for all to see.
With a loud, strangled cry, Frankie came, shooting thick ropes over Tilly’s desk and monitor. His vision swam for a moment as the shockwaves overtook him, before Frankie slumped back, leaning against Tilly as he tried to catch his breath. Behind him, he heard Tilly let out a low, throaty groan and could feel the hot seed filling his ass. 
For a few moments they sat there breathing heavily with nothing filling the silence except the obscene moans coming from the video still playing in the monitor. The frat boys were switching places, moving around Past Frankie, shifting him as they needed, before filling him with their cocks.
“I’m so glad you enjoyed watching it as much as me.” Tilly purred into his ear, leaning forward to hit pause. The still close up of Past Frankie’s hole stuffed with two cocks filled the wide monitor. “I love this one. Love watching take all that dick.”
“Fuck.” Frankie panted out, slowly standing up, feeling Tilly’s shaft leaving his ass. “I don’t remember any of that. But…” He trailed off as he rounded the desk, looking out towards the window.
“But you found it a turn on?” Tilly stood up, not bothering to tuck himself away. “Would you want to do something like that again? When you’re sober, so you can remember?”
“I don’t know.” Frankie murmured, looking out over the garden. He could feel Tilly come up behind him and push a finger into Frankie’s come filled ass. Arching his back, Frankie let out a soft moan. His cock was hanging limply, but he knew that wouldn’t stop Tilly and his libido. 
“I have some friends. I’ve told them a little about you, nothing that could identify you, of course.” Tilly pushed in a second finger, pushing some of the come inside Frankie’s hole out. “We could have a little party. It’d be a better fuck than drunk frat boys.”
“I mean…” Frankie couldn’t stop himself from leaning forward, giving Tilly better access, resting his arms and forehead against the cool glass of the window. “It was… hot… sexy… I looked like I was having fun.”
“You were.” Tilly cooed, and Frankie could feel a third finger being pumped into him, pushing more come out to run down his leg. “I’ve watched everything Gavin has given me. You always look like you’re having the time of your life. It would be me and four friends. Nothing would be recorded.”
“I’ll… I’ll think about it.” Frankie stammered as Tilly removed his sticky fingers. 
“That’s all I ask.” Tilly grabbed Frankie hip, turning Frankie to face him. “Now, come on upstairs. I’m ready for something a little more substantial.”
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yeastinfectionvale · 1 year
Mors, Amicitia et Deinceps
Life after death in Dahlia and how Sam and Gavin deal with the death of their loved ones long after they died.
Sorta NSFW
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Gavin didn’t stay in one place after Freelancer died, Caelum called him a hobo on multiple occasions, trying to get him to at least stay the night.
Gavin would always refuse, not wanting to stay on D.A.M.N grounds longer than he wanted to. But here he was, suitcase in hand standing in front of a small house, small flowers dotting the path to the door following D.U.M.P’s ‘guide to grieving’. He knocked on the door before pulling a tri-folded pamphlet out of his coat pocket, reading the first page to look busy.
D.U.M.P’s Guide to Grieving for Immortals.
Step One: Donate the loved one’s possessions and store any picture of them away (preferably buried with the loved one). [This was bullshit in Gavin’s eyes but he hid the pictures away anyways.]
Step Two: Move Away from the property if shared with the loved one. If comfortable, sign-up for the Immortal residency scheme to gain a new roommate. [Freelancer’s 
apartment was a rental, so this wasn’t difficult with the landlord being an asswipe. He had signed up with mock-enthusiasm. Who would want an Incubus as a roommate?]
Step Three: Move on with life, keep the loved one in the back of your memories but do not dwell on them, they wouldn’t want you too. [More bullshit in Gavin’s eyes, how was he supposed to just go on and forget not only the love of his life, but his closest friends as well?]
“Hello?” a voice asked cautiously, a southern twang coating their words. Gavin looked up to be eye-level with his new roommate, a vampire by the name of Sam Collins. “I’m Sam, you must be Gavin.” Gavin nodded, waiting for the look of disgust to appear in Sam’s eyes as he looked at Gavin’s horns. But it never came. Instead Sam offered his hand, Gavin accepting quickly, shaking firmly. 
They both moved silently into the house, Sam extending his hand out to take Gavin’s bag. He watched Gavin move back and turned to give him space. “-and this is your room.” Sam said, opening a door to a neatly made bed with blue cotton sheets. 
The room was sparsely decorated, just the bed, a dresser and a painting on a wall. The painting was of a lake house, nine figures out in the water. “Angel painted it.” Sam said with a sparkle in his eyes, “they basically ushered us out into the lake for hours, David included. He could tell everyone as much as he wanted that he was the alpha but we all know Angel was running the show.” Sam slapped his thighs, “well i’ll leave you too it. I’ll be up at around 6am so breakfast will be ready whenever.” Sam left the room, closing the door behind himself as Gavin fell onto the bed. He curled up into a ball and wept himself to sleep, missing Huxley, Lasko, Daimen and his Caelum. But most of all he missed his beautiful Freelancer, their bright smile and soft eyes.
The next morning came and Gavin woke up, to the smell of eggs. He texted Caelum, and walked out into the dining room. Sam sat at the table, pictures strewn all over, not wanting to invade his privacy, Gavin knocked on the doorframe. “‘Morning.” Sam said, tapping pictures onto the desk. “Don’t tell D.U.M.P I got contraband.” He waved the pictures with a cheeky grin. Gavin pretended to zip his mouth and walked back to his room, returning with a plastic bag. “Don’t worry.” he replied, waving the bag “I have a few myself.” Gavin sat down next to Sam, not sure if he should join him. He hesitated for a second and pulled out the stack of pictures.
Sam glanced at Gavin’s hands and sat up straight, grabbing a picture of a group. He began to point at faces, listing their names. “That’s David and his partner Angel. Then there’s Asher and his mate Babe, Christian and that’s Arden.” Sam pointed to himself, “that’s yours truly, the person being carried is- no was my mate Darlin’. The guy holding Darlin’s legs is Milo and the person resting their chin on Milo is his mate Sweetheart.” Sam sighed as he passed the picture to Gavin. “Sweetheart died three days after this picture was taken. They were an investigator for D.U.M.P and Sweetheart found a mole in the department. We watched Milo feel them die, he sat there clutching his stomach and heart wailing as Sweetheart bled out. We couldn’t find a body for weeks. Poor Milo never recovered and died on a security job a week later protecting a seer named Morgan.” Gavin’s heart clenched. Sweetheart and Milo both looked so happy and full of life in the picture. “Arden moved and I hope she lived a long life. Christian died in a car crash three years after this picture and Babe left comatose. They were on a ventilator for two months after the crash before Ash chose to pull the plug. Ash actually moved in with me for a while before he moved back in with his parents. Two months after moving back to his parents, he fell ill. Really ill. He never recovered. David and Angel lived to have children, a daughter named Gabby and two sons named Milo jr and Asher jr. Milo jr became the new Shaw pack alpha and Asher jr became the head of Shaw security, Gabby followed in Angel’s footsteps and is a children’s book illustrator.. David and Angel both passed in their sleep when they were in their 60’s. Darlin’ and I stepped in as the Godparent’s to the Shaw children until Darling died in their sleep last year. It wasn’t painful, I felt them slipping away from my core and all I could do was hold them.” Sam grabbed another picture of him with three other people. “These are the Solaire’s. That’s Vincent and his partner Lovely. They are both vampire’s like me and both do not understand the concept of calling before dropping by, but I’m grateful that they are immortal and are there for me.”
Gavin flicked through his batch of pictures landing on one caelum had taken on a sunny June afternoon. “This was my Deviant, they were a freelancer. The behemoth of a man is Huxley and the one scrowling at the camera is his boyfriend Daimen. Lasko is the one wearing a v-neck sweater in June heat. Caelum is the one taking the picture. Daimen was the first to pass, he basically burned himself up and depleted all his magic. Huxley was heartbroken and devoted himself to helping the less fortunate. He died while volunteering to help find hurricane victims, trapped underwater. Lasko and his partner both died when a former D.A.M.N student decided to take his anger out on the school in an armed robbery. Freelancer never really recovered and was a walking corpse before they died of a heart attack. This was over 50 years ago.” Gavin plucked out a picture of him and Caelum, taken on Caelum’s first day at D.A.M.N. “- and is Caelum, empathy daemon and one of the best I know.” he said, giving Sam the picture. Sam grinned, nodding to the picture, “you must be proud of your kid, it takes a lot of strength to go to D.A.M.N, even after the new reforms.” Gavin nodded, not bothering to correct Sam that Caelum wasn’t his son, let alone his steward. Sam and Gavin spent the rest of the day sifting through pictures and decorating their home with memories of their loved ones. 
The two of them fell into a comfortable rhythm, days falling into a routine of gardening and volunteering punctuated by Caelum or the Solaire’s visiting for a chat. It was a routine that became too comfortable for Gavin and he sat waiting for the pin to drop. But it never did. Sam had become a person that Gavin could rely on and Gavin had become somebody Sam could rely on with the worry of their death. 
They nearly slept with each other, shame, guilt and a whole shitload of other emotions stopped them both. Gavin had been weaker than usual, due to him feeding less and less, something Caelum revealed to Sam. Both had been slightly frustrated sexually and the two of them had decided that it would be in both of their interests if they slept with each other. Deeming it better than going out and attempting to find a one night stand and then bringing them home. In the middle of Gavin giving Sam a handjob, they stopped both knowing this wasn’t what the other wanted. They both retired to their bedrooms, pretending they couldn’t hear the other masturbating, moaning the names of their beloved into the pillow.
The next day Gavin had woken up early, bag packed ready to leave before Sam had the chance to kick him out. Once again his reputation as an incubus combined with his own actions had shot him in the foot. But before he could pick his bag up, Sam caught him. Gavin opened his mouth to apologise but Sam raised his hand up. “Gavin I don’t know what is going through your head right now. But let me tell you one thing, last night changed nothing.” he stepped closer, “you are my roommate and my friend and I’m sure as hell not going to let you go because of some stupid thoughts in your head.” The air left Gavin’s lungs as he sank down onto the floor, sobbing. Sam wrapped him up in his arms and the two sat there for what seemed like hours. 
Weeks had passed and Gavin was feeding properly (The Solaire’s a buffet of sexual energy much to Caelum and Sam’s fake annoyance. Also to their actual annoyance when they caught Vincent balls-deep in Lovely on Sam's truck.), his skin glowing and eyes looking more lively. He sat on the porch, basking in the sunlight as David and Angel’s grand-children used Sam as a climbing frame. The D.U.M.P Guide to Grieving in his hand as he tossed it into the firepit, no longer mourning his Deviant, instead living life in their honour. Gavin stood up, stretching as he ran towards the gaggle of children, tossing them over his shoulder and chasing after Vincent.
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adultswim2021 · 1 month
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Soul Quest Overdrive #2: “Meals on Wheels” | February 25, 2010 | S01E01
Soul Quest Overdrive continues to be bad, but this one’s not quite as bad as the original pilot. It does take a hit from the inclusion of noted retard Gavin McInnes as a soccer ball doing a Scottish accent. This one, at the very least, has a plot that sorta resembles a typical absurd Adult Swim style plot. 
The plot: the bible guys are doing Meals on Wheels, but they are just cheaply delivering dog food to senior citizens so they can steal from them. When they arrive at the house of one of the oldsies Bert tries to steal pills, only to discover they are flea meds and aren’t altering his consciousness effectively. The old man behaves more and more dog-like until it’s revealed that he actually is a small dog controlling a human robot body. He escaped dog planet, and a spaceship with dog soldiers on it come down to apprehend him. The soccer ball removes him and his fellow outreachers’ ribs after watching all the dog soldiers successfully lick their own nards. They show the blood!!!
I gave this one tepid praise for resembling the humor of–I’ll just say it!!!–Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I mostly mean this as far as the plot is concerned. The intimidating dog soldiers showing up and immediately tying themselves up by grooming their groins is fairly ATHF. Speaking of ATHF, they show the original Bible Fruit episode on the TV at one point. How fun.
That also sorta hints at the main issue this show has; so much of it, and I mean, SO MUCH OF IT, reminds me of other cartoons. The elderly man rapes Bert like Handbanana. Mortimer quotes “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” from Star Trek, which was a South Park joke over a decade before this. And the intelligent dog in a robot costume is ripped directly off from Rick and Morty. These craven psychos went into the near future to steal. How dare they.
I remember seeing this back when, and was puzzled by the inclusion of the soccer ball character, and had to look up Gavin McInnes, probably pissed off that there was seemingly an interloper in this cast of comedy people I sorta respect. I forget what the exact chronology is here, but I recalled seeing "Dos and Don’ts" videos (A Vice feature dedicated to mocking people wearing uncool fashion; a concept that does worse than nothing for me) hosted by Gavin featuring nearly all of these people. I remember Kristen Schaal saying she hated dudes with a lotta bad tattoos, and then going “oh, wait, sorry” because she was talking to one. I recall Jay “January 6th” Johnston being in one of the videos… (solemnly) a portent of things to come.
Fun fact: My Fox-News-obsessed father once told me he admired Gavin McInnes which really puzzled me because the only thing I knew him from was this and a handful of Vice videos that repulsed me. This is how I learned that McInnes went right-wing. I have to give the guy credit: I can’t think of a single other person who did such a 180° turn politically and remained exactly as hated by me as he was before.
What’s worse is his character sorta adds nothing to the show. Bert is basically the Master Shake of the show and McInnes is like, a second Master Shake but worse? He’s just a drunk guy who, at one point, screams “PUNK’S NOT DEAD!” and thrashes around. It sorta seems like they were literally trying to make an actual COOL character. It’s the sort of comedy that people who aren’t funny try to write. “What if there was a crazy guy who did crazy stuff who liked all the same bands as me”. 
Those following along will note that this is the second of two "pilots" they used for this show for this contest. When the show aired for real, it aired as the second of four episodes (not counting the Gavin-less pilot episode). Like the not-for-television pilot episode, it's half the length of a quarter-hour Adult Swim show. And yet, still too long.
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
i am what's known in the trade as an idiot
(read: it is 3:15am gmt and i should probably not be awake HOWEVER it is still TECHNICALLY the 25th across the pond and therefore i say it counts - the whole thing should be finished pretty soon, but i couldn't just let rae day pass me by without an appearance from my girlie's favourite vampire, could i?? happy birthday beloved @sri-rachaa and i hope you're having a wonderful day 💕💕💕)
under the cut: can't be fucked to think of something clever, it's the first draft of the first bit of 五二零, have at it
Vincent Solaire is up to something.
You're not sure what, and you don't really know why, but he's got that look - you know the one. The one he gets whenever he spies the final jam tart sitting unguarded on the table, whenever he notices William's left his instant camera unattended, whenever Sam says he's leaving you two alone with Fred and his partner, don't touch anything. It's the look that means he's plotting something nefarious again - one of his diabolical schemes that should send anyone with common sense running for the hills, and that probably means you either need to find your passport, renew your life insurance, or check the stability of every flat surface in the house.
(Actually, now that you think about it, how does life insurance work now that you're a vampire? Are there special empowered insurance providers? Do you get a payout if you get turned into a vampire? Are you or a loved one eligible for financial compensation? Mental note: ask William at tea on Thursday.)
He says it’s nothing. Yeah, right. You’d almost believe him if it weren’t for that cheeky grin he’s been sporting for the last week when he thinks you’re not looking, tapping away on his laptop of an evening like a man possessed, stifling a laugh every ten minutes or so. Meddling little so-and-so. He thinks he’s so slick, but you know better. Vincent Solaire has got something up his perfectly tailored, meticulously ironed, ridiculously expensive sleeve, and you are going to find out what it is.
You’ve got a pretty decent idea of where this particular scheme has come from, so that’s a good start. He was out with Gavin a few weeks ago, one of their little mothers’ meetings, and you’re sure whatever he’s planning is the product of that. The pair of them are terrible when they’re together - they gossip like you wouldn’t believe, wander round Dahlia charming the (thankfully metaphorical) pants off of everyone they meet, and they both drink like fishes if there’s nobody around to supervise. They’ll have cooked up one of their signature (read: stupid) ideas that sounded really good at the time, and now you and Gavin’s partner - who, let it be said, has the patience of an absolute saint when it comes to Vincent and Gavin’s collective bullshit - have to deal with the fallout. You know the drill.
(To be perfectly honest, you’re still not over last time - they’d come stumbling down the street at some ungodly hour, absolutely sloshed as usual, tottering arm in arm towards your front door and giggling uncontrollably at some half-baked joke Vincent was trying to remember. You and Gavin’s other half had been forced to pause your show for some emergency damage control when the dynamic duo finally managed to get the key in the door, and to this day you’re not sure how they managed to get Gavin safely out of those shoes and into pyjamas without some sort of divine intervention.)
Anyway, you have no doubt that they’ve come up with some Machiavellian (or, more likely, Rube Goldberg-ian) plan or other, which probably means the only option is to brace for impact. He’s a force of nature, your Vincent, and he tends to get what he wants - the stranger the better, and he’s had some pretty strange ideas.
(Strange might be putting it a bit lightly. The day Sam stops reminding him about the roller skates incident is the day hell freezes over - you don’t even want to know how they managed to get the dents out of the rear bumper.)
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rk8connorzz · 2 years
𝔟𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔥𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔴𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔰 // 𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔡900
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𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔯𝔰 𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢: This was supposed to go up on Gavin’s birthday but I got caught up with some other things and completely forgot to finish this so I finally got to it and finished it. Btw, yes this is mostly a Detroit: Evolution Reed900.
My birthday was always a day I dreaded. There was nothing to look forward to, no one to spend it with. No one took time out of their day to wish me a happy birthday, in fact, most people forgot about it. I wasn't expecting visitors today, but the visitor for me was more than welcome. Maybe I didn't have the courage to tell him face-to-face that I loved him. Maybe tonight it'll be different.
"Gavin? Are you in there?" Nines said in between his rhythmic knocks on my wooden door. I hurried up and slid my sweater over my chest to greet the android at my front door. When I opened the door, Nines' stare almost met my eyes completely perfectly. "Hello, Detective R-" "Nines, you don't gotta be so damn formal near me. Gavin is fine." His LED glared yellow, then back to blue. "I apologize, Gavin. I also apologize for showing up on such short notice." I hated when he talked about things in such a clinical matter. He acted like he was giving a speech while talking almost constantly, but it was one of the things I find attractive about him. His way with words.
"Just come in," I grumbled. He walked into the dim house with something inside of his hands. I didn't bother to look into it further. "Today is your birthday, isn't it? I bought you something in celebration." I'll admit I was surprised, no one has done that for a while. Most just forget about my birthday. I guess since he's an android, forgetting things isn't really 'easy' for him. "I- Thanks. You didn't have to." I was facing away from Nines, knowing that if I did look at him, I would be pierced by his almost fatal eye contact.
"I just wanted to get you something for the occasion is all. I know it's late but I got off of work only an hour ago and the drive here isn't very short. You weren't at the office today, can I ask where you were?" I didn't want to really tell him because it was pathetic. At least to me, it is. "I just didn't want to go to work." I felt his gaze. He was analyzing me, wasn't he? "I understand. In any case, here," He handed me a medium-sized wrapped box with red ribbons forming a T-shape on the outside and a red bow to tie it all together on top.
When I took it out of his hands, it weighed down my hands as they came along. "Fuck, what did you put in here?" Nines chuckled at my question. "Just something I thought you would enjoy." His eyes lit up in enthusiasm while I sat the box down on my coffee table to fully unwrap it. It was a box for a new coffee maker. "Nines? Did you really get me a coffee machine?" "I thought it would help. You were talking about how the one at the DPD isn't very tangible so I tried to help you find a solution."
It was cute, and I really did like the present. "Thank you...Nines." I took a deep breath. In...and then back out again. "Can I ask you something?" He sat down on my couch about a foot away from me. "Of course, Gavin." Sweat glazed my skin as I prepared myself to finally tell him. "I-I...I think I might...love you. Like, I've felt so attached to you since we met, and god. When we first met, I was such a dick and I feel so bad. I really wanted to make it right by trying to be nicer but when you started being a little kinder as well, I started to fall for you, y'know?"
I finally looked over my shoulder to look at Nines' eyes. It looked like...was he crying? "Ga-Gavin. I...I'm flattered. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I wanted to hide it as best I could. I think I might be in love with you as well. Even when you weren't exactly the easiest to be around, the reason I stayed was that I was in love with you." I really wasn't expecting to spill out my feeling for him but hey, I act out of impulsiveness all the time.
"I love you, Gavin Reed." "I love you too, tin can."
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cameoapperance · 2 years
Big Nerd
A/N: The worms that live in my brain wouldn't let me rest until I wrote this so if it's not good blame them. Anyway, the characters are from @imnotcameraready 's Chivalry au which everyone should read not matter what <3 They said Draco likes to knit once and the thought slowly overcame me until a wrote in in a single sitting.
It was a nice day. The sun was out, there was a gentle breeze. A perfect day to spend outside.
As such, that's what most of the advisors were doing. Phillip was off to brunch with Cadence and Marlowe. Gavin had excitedly told them all Eric and him were going to adventure. Even David decided to leave his hoval of a studio to sketch near the lake.
Everyone was out and about and accounted for. All but one.
Draco was sat alone in a small section of the castle's extensive library. A place he assumed no one would look for him.
It wasn't often Draco was alone, but that was by design. He much preferred the company of the side characters, the guys, Philip.
No, Draco wasn't often alone but on days like today, with no one around, he knew he had to take advantage of the isolation.
So alone he sat in the library: Draco, the dragon, The Coolest Advisor (self appointed) sat alone in the library.
And so it is revealed why our hero is companionless in the one place no one would ever look for him. This was the only time he had to work on his newest passion and greatest shame. Knitting.
Now, don't get him wrong: Draco loved knitting, he'd even gotten pretty good at it. It's just that knitting was so lame. He was the dragon for beast's sake! He was big and scary and cool (The Coolest, if we're counting self appointed titles)! Knotting yarn into incredibly soft blankets and sweaters? He's not sure anyone would think that was even remotely cool. He'd be ostracized if the others found out. Forced out. Phillip would surely want a divorce.
No, Draco shook the idea out of his head. He focused on the line of stitches he was making. But maybe.
Draco hated thinking like that, letting his ego slip so easily, but he just couldn't help it. He knew he didn't have the same ability to create as David and Marlowe. He wasn't as sharp as Cadence and Eric. Didn't have the same groundness as Phillip. He couldn't bring the group together like Gavin. All he had was his incredibly cool and intimidating exterior. Roman would truly be lost without it, sure, but that's really all the more reason he has to keep up the facade. No one could know that he was just a big nerd like the rest of them.
But that wouldn't be too hard, at least with beautiful days like these. With everyone out and Draco in, he could knit and purl and knit and purl and finish all the hats and scarfs he could dream of and no one would be any the wiser.
Except, in a delightful turn of events that so conveniently forwards the plot, the weather had shifted. It was raining. A gentle shower that left the grass looking greener, the sky looking bluer, and left the residents of the imagination in their homes.
Elsewhere, Eric rushed a disgruntled Gavin back to the tree house mumbling something about not getting a cold. David hid his sketch pad in his hoodie as he rushed to the nearest entrance to the backstage. Cadence and Marlowe said their final parting words.
Phillip made his way back to the castle.
He walked through the main entrance, made his way to his room to change, and made it back out to the more active floors of the palace without once being stopped by his golden retriever of a husband. Something's up, Phillip thought
No, it's probably fine, He corrected himself
But what if it’s not. Phillip could go through this back and forth for hours, but frankly, he had already done his mental gymnastics for the day (And although he reached the conclusion that Cadence and Marlowe actually didn't much care for him and only invited him to be cordial, he still went out for brunch. Whether or not he was proven wrong again is beside the point). He was tired. Draco would show up eventually. Phillip would just wait for him in the library.
Phillip didn't like being in large, spacious rooms, but the library had many nooks that one could quietly hide in. Phillip absent- mindly made his way to his favorite spot: a small sofa in an archway in the wall, in between the fantasy and romance sections (which, in all fairness, made up most of Roman's collection).
It just so happened, that was also Draco's favorite spot, and it was exactly where Phillip would find him. Knitting
It might have occurred to Draco how romantic it was that they unknowingly shared a secret hide away. Might have, if not for the singular thought racing through his head when he heard Phillip call out his name from the end of an aisle: Oh god. Oh fuck. Oh no.
Draco rushed to hide the large blanket but it was in vain, for it was, by definition, large.
"What're- What cha doing, lovey?"
"Absolutely nothing!" an excellent lie, "You're home early, why?" and an even better transition, the subject would be changed in no time.
"Careful now, I might almost think you missed me," Phillip looked unimpressed, "what's gotten you in such a fuss to change the subject" Damn it, how did he pick up on that so quick
"Nothing's gotten me in a fuss about anything." He could still turn this in his favor
"You sure it's not whatever's behind your back?" Damn, he was good.
"Nothing's behind my back?" One last ditch attempt
Phillip held his chin between his thumb and pointer finger and forced Draco to look in his eyes.
His eyes were so pretty.
Draco was fucked.
"Angel?" Phillip asked.
"Yes?" Draco answered. Without a second thought.
"What are you trying to hide from me?"
Draco couldn't lie to him. Even if he wanted too, between the physical contact and the way Phillip was looking at him, his mind was drawing a blank.
He pulled the blanket out from behind him.
A pause, as Phillip takes it in his hands.
"Lovey, did- did you make this?"
Draco felt his eyes well up a bit. This is so dumb. Phillip didn't think so, his face softening as he saw Draco.
"Oh, bite! What's wrong?" He took Draco's face in his hands, sitting beside him, careful not to mess up the unfinished stitches.
"It's nothing, it's dumb!" Draco started, "I don't even care about it! I was just messing around, ya know, it's dumb!"
"Draco, Darling, it's not dumb at all!" Phillip would look back on this later and laugh, but right now? With his Draco crying? This was dead serious.
"It's not dumb?" Draco looked for reassurance in Phillip's eyes. That's where he always went for it.
"Of course not, it's so nice! How long have you been doing this?"
"Well, I started the blanket about a month ago, when it was still cold and you were always saying that it was to chilly in the palace," Draco paused for a second, and then another, and then one final second for good measure, "but I've been knitting for around a year or so."
"Why haven't you shown any of us?"
"I just," Oh Draco hated admitting stuff, "I just didn't want you guys to make fun of me."
In that moment Phillip would've burnt the imagination to the ground for him (again, but again! beside the point).
Phillip pulled Draco close, the taller slouching down so he could rest his head in the crook of his partner's neck, "Lionheart, we would never make fun of you for this," Phillip rubbed steady circles on his back, "this is amazing!"
"You really like it?" Draco looked up at him.
Phillip looked down at the blanket covering their legs. The needles were currently making long lines of blue gray yarn. Green spruce trees lined the bottom. It was soft and warm and thoughtful. In those regards it reminded Phillip a lot of Draco. His Draco.
"I love it," Phillip smiled at his husband.
Draco smiled back, as he always does, and went back to his place in Phillips arms. Though after a while of peace, Draco pulled away again,
"And you don't think I'm a big nerd?"
Could you really blame Phillip for laughing?
"Oh sweetheart, nothing you could do would convince me you weren't a 'big nerd'"
Draco drew back in offense, Phillip pulled him back closer, "but you'd be a mad man if you think that'd make me love you less."
Damn it, Phillip always knew what to say. Draco really did try to stay offended for even a moment longer but when Phillip, his Phillip, pulls him in for a kiss, Draco doesn't fight it.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 10 months
Lady C Tea YouTube 7/25/23 (a few nuggets paraphrased by me) by u/daisybeach23
Lady C Tea YouTube 7/25/23 (a few nuggets paraphrased by me) Greetings from Castle Goring!Lady C, its calms me greatly that the democrats are not taking Meghan’s calls and they are not going to be taken in by her. I heard she had several meetings with Gavin Newsom because she wants to be appointed to Diane Feinstein’s senate seat. This astonishes me. She wants Gordon Getty to help her. I am so nervous. She is a malignant person and will never stop. Do not be worried. From what I have been hearing in the last 36 hours. I understand that Gavin Newsom is fed up with Meghan trying to get the remaining term for Diane Feinstein which comes along with access to the Intelligence committee. This means she would have access to sensitive information worldwide and paid security. Newsom is sick of her. Meghan has misunderstood the situation. First of all, the democrats view Meghan as a loose cannon. Second, Gavin Newsom was Gordon Getty’s son’s good friend. Meghan is delusional. According to my source who has close ties to the democrats, Newsom has blocked her from his mobile phone and told aides to not connect her calls.Lady C, OMG here we go again with breaking news Meghan and Harry are moving to Malibu due to all these projects she has. I read that Meghan wants to replicate Oprah’s career by having a talk show, a media empire, then making a triumphant return to the silver screen! How are the Sussexes going to buy a house in Malibu when they are cash poor right now? Who is going to bankroll Meghan’s career? Not Gordon Getty from what I hear. Tyler Perry? I am told Tyler’s interest lie elsewhere. Oprah Winfrey? Oprah is well known for financing her own interests. She is very much quid pro quo. She has achieved what Meghan would like to achieve. Oprah was an actress, but never a star. Are you hearing anything from your contacts? I am hearing that Meghan is hitting brick walls. I am reading that Meghan is tearing her (paid for) hair out. Nobody loves Megsy baby anymore 😥😥😥😥😥 The idea that Meghan Markle will be a power player in Hollywood is ludicrous. She does not have the talent, the depth, personality, intelligence, knowledge, she does not have the character. She is only as good as #6 on the call sheet and when she was made aware that her contract was in danger, she decided to go to England to get a spot on “Made on Chelsea.” And when that didn’t work, she decided she wanted a rich English husband. And she landed a Prince. When she realized the life wasn’t as grand as she wanted, she scooped him up to America to fill 16 lavatories with substances they are both abundant in. I think she has been a total failure.Lady C, I thought the Harkle’s have separated and hair plugs went to Africa? I think we are seeing red herrings everywhere we look. There are red herrings everywhere. Harry is in Africa. Meghan is going to knock Oprah off her perch. They are separating. They are moving to Malibu. We are bombarded. However, their antics are bringing to our attention that we must value our liberties. Our rights to express our opinions in a lawful manner.Lady C, spends a long time talking about Coutts Bank revealing how people are being abused by powerful entities. She talks about how YouTube has been instrumental in getting out information to the public because the mainstream media is controlled by a small group of people.Also, apologies not posting her last few videos, I was away. You didn’t miss much other than she did drop a little nugget to say Meghan and Harry are beginning to get their comeuppance. She says the big ones are yet to happen and to not ask her for more than that. She also said the democrats prefer to align themselves with King Charles and Prince William and feel Meghan and Harry's agenda is too extreme.Toodles Sinners! post link: https://ift.tt/2mCt0Qf author: daisybeach23 submitted: July 27, 2023 at 02:36AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Fines Imposed an Kirkland Lake Men Instead of Terms,” The Porcupine Advance (Timmins). June 11, 1942. Page 2, section 1. ---- Convictions of Men Charged with Offences During the Strike Sustained but Penalties Changed. --- Haileybury, June 10 - Three of the men whose activities during the recent gold miners strike at Kirkland Lake brought them into conflict with the authorities appeared here, Monday, before Judge G. Hayward when their appeals against convictions by Magistrate S. Atkinson in Kirkland Lake court were heard.
In every case the sentence imposed by Magistrate Atkinson was reduced to a fine and costs. George Lundstrom, convicted on a charge of intimidation had his sentence reduced from two months in jail to a fine of $75 together with $75 costs. Steve Harkin, convicted of obstructing the police, will have to pay a fine of $25 with $100 costs instead of having to serve 30 days. John Brown in place of a sentence of three months will have to pay a $100 fine and costs of $75. He was convicted on a charge of intimidation.
Reviews Lundstrom Case In only one case was the evidence reviewed, that of Lundstrom. The evidence of Mrs. Joseph Gavin, who, it was alleged, had been intimidated by the accused was read to the court she being in hospital. It was to the effect that the accused had come to her home two days after the strike started and threatened her that he would "fix" her husband if he did not cease working at the Macassa Mine. The accused stayed in the house for over three hours and repeated his threats on more than one occasion. He said how sorry he was for her because of what would happen to her husband if he continued to work and that some of the men would catch him in a dark alley some night and beat him up.
Makes Denial The accused denied making these statements telling the court that in the three hours he stayed there they had talked of dances, church and the odors of cooking which percolated up to the Lundstrom flat, which was over the Gavin home. He denied any intention of "fixing" Gavin and told Crown Attorney Dean that it was the swift passage of time that made him stay in the Gavin home so long.
At the conclusion of the hearing, Judge Hayward, after hearing arguments from both Crown Attorney Dean and J. L. Cohen, K.C., who appeared for the accused men, stated he had no hesitation in upholding the magistrate's conviction.
The question of penalty then came up Mr. Cohen held that the judge had the power to assess new penalties while Crown Attorney Dean claimed that it was not in his power to do so. Court then adjourned for the noon hour and remained adjourned for two hours afterwards while Judge Hayward took the matter into consideration and looked up the authorities.
When court reopened he states he had come to the conclusion that he had the power to assess new penalties and fixed the fine in the case.
In the Harkin case Mr. Cohen stated he had, after considering the case, no fault to find with the conviction by Magistrate Atkinson but only with the penalty and after hearing the circumstances outlined by Inspector Doyle of the Provincial Police Judge Hayward fixed the fine with the higher costs due to the presence of several police witnesses from the southern part of the province.
In the Brown case the same statement as to the conviction was made by Mr. Cohen. Crown Attorney Dean called the attention of the court to several previous convictions for various offenses. His Honor held that these showed the accused was not a law abiding citizen.
Joseph Brown, committed for trial on a willful damage charge during the strike, and who was to have appeared for trail today before Judge Hayward had his trial put over until July 6. Bail was renewed.
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asset35-maya · 3 years
I am sleepy but I gotta make a request before the busy tomorrow so 2 things on my mind! Sleepy and the 'oh my god they were roomates' vine xD with any characters and aus I love everything you write anyways xD Happy timezones and best vibes your way >^<!! 💖💞💕💕
Oh my god, they were roommates…
“The rental market in Detroit is absolute shit! How dare these bloodsuckers charge such high rates for the most under-developed properties! This city’s going to the dogs!”
“You have to pay your own weight in gold just to live in a shoebox for a year. Nonsense!”
“Are you even listening to me, Tina!
Goddamnit Tina!”
Gavin thumped his fist on her desk, but Tina’s eyes barely flicked up from her phone.
“Oh my god, you sound like my grandpa…”
Gavin turned red and his brain buzzed with a thousand colourful retorts. He was just about to pick one when Tina stopped scrolling and turned her phone screen towards him.
The suburban paradise for executive androids and humans alike. Located 25 minutes drive from downtown Detroit, with a full amenities.
Gavin’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. He balked at her.
“You’re joking? How could I possibly…?”
“Get with the times, boomer…”
Tina lazily skimmed her thumb over the screen. The webpage promised plenty of greenery, good infrastructure and modest but spacious rooms. The extremely reasonable price tag was Gavin’s dream come true. He’d spent weeks apartment hunting in the wake of an early lease termination by his cantankerous landlord. Gavin knew he’d never find a better deal.
“Shit, this is so good, T! Why the phck does it have to be in that- that place!”
His friend arched a sceptical eyebrow.
“What place?”
“The Tincan ghetto!”
Tina smacked him on the arm. None too gently.
“It’s subsided public housing located in an android-friendly estate… because they’re the ones that need it most right now. And frankly, you seem to be in just as much need, so you should really get off that high horse.”
“Fine, fine. You’re right. I should seriously consider this place, even if my neighbours are gonna have more in common with my car than me. But damn, it seems a little too good to be true. There’s probably some fine print, hidden costs that’ll come out later.”
“Hmm… let’s see…”
Tina scrolled further and then let out a half-laugh. She held her phone up again.
“Nothing shady about the rates, but there is something you should know…”
At the risk of being called old again, Gavin squinted at the screen and read aloud.
“Bearing in mind the founding principles of New Jericho, all human occupants may only apply for tenancy in co-habitation with at least one android citizen of the United States of- JESUS PHCKING CHRIST! Absolutely not! I am not going to live with a plastic prick!”
Gavin had to get through half a bottle of wine before he could bear to scroll through the rental listings. Unlike other humans who had happily moved into New Jericho with their android friends or partners, he had to find an android who was also looking for a flatmate.
Some listings came from ardent supporters of Markus. These were the androids who wanted to ease the post-revolution transition by reaching out to humans. Some listings were put up by the android equivalent of frat boys. These individuals were clearly looking for someone on the fringes of human society, someone who could show them a good (if not illegal) time.
Other posts came from eccentric androids who craved company but had likely been rejected by their own kind. Gavin felt a strange twisting sensation, almost like pity, when he came across a post written entirely in third person by someone called Ralph.
He had almost given up hope when he came across a simple little listing for a two bedroom apartment in Cyberscalia.
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87: Seeking a neat, self-sufficient co-renter. Human or android, no preference. I spend most of my time working and will be out of your way for the better part of the day. I only ask for silence during my nighttime stasis cycles, timely payment of dues and upkeep of cleanliness.
Gavin sighed in relief.
“Your room is the first door on the left, mine is the second. The bathroom, laundry and kitchenette are shared, as is the living room. I scarcely find use for the latter, so you need not worry about my intruding on any of your social gatherings, or vice versa. As long as you adhere to the terms of the agreement, our paths will not cross much.”
The tall, stiff-necked android dropped a set of keys, both mechanical and digital, into Gavin’s open palm.
“Er thanks.. RK… sorry I forgot your full model number…”
“You may call me Nines. Although, I’d rather you didn’t call me much of anything. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
In a swish of black fabric, the android turned on his heel and disappeared into his room. Two rapid clicks indicated the shutting and locking of his door.
Gavin sighed and looked around the open-plan living room. It was nothing fancy, but it was far beyond any of the other properties he’d viewed in weeks of unsuccessful house-hunting.
He sat down on the simple black couch with a huff and contemplated his situation. He’d ended up where he’d truly never expected to go, but objectively speaking, things were good… barring the high-handed manner of his robot flatmate, but who gave a shit about that.
He pulled out his phone to text Tina his thanks.
“I can’t! I refuse to! It is a violation of my personal ethics and I will simply not take this assignment any further. Good day to you sir!”
Gavin nearly dropped his bowl of cereal one morning when his roommate burst out of his door and rushed into the open balcony.
He hadn’t seen Nines in days, which was perfectly normal. The android came and went at odd hours and made hardly any noise. It was almost like living alone. The only reminder of Nines’ presence was the sight of several dark shirts and trousers regularly hung out to dry on the rack above the washing machine.
Gavin set his bowl down and watched the android tightly grip the bars of the railing and take several unnecessary breaths to calm down. He’d seen deviant colleagues express emotion many times before, but this was the first time he witnessed such a potent mixture of rage and sorrow from a synthetic being.
Out of empathy, but mostly curiosity, Gavin approached cautiously.
“Hey Nines… is everything alright…?”
There was no response for several moments. Then Nines turned around with a grimace and hands held upwards in a placating gesture.
“I apologise for the disturbance. It was hypocritical of me to disrupt the very peace and quiet I demand of you.”
“Uh… no worries…? Are you okay?”
There was a flash of steel blue eyes.
Gavin kicked himself mentally as he realised too late that he’d broached uncharted territory. Their interactions didn’t extend beyond curt nods on the rare occasion they found each other in the same space. It was almost as if Nines engineered the lack of contact, which wouldn’t surprise Gavin at all if it were the case.
“I’m fine. I merely experienced some frustration with my work.”
Perhaps it was boredom, perhaps it was his usual lack of self-preservative instinct… Gavin threw caution to the winds.
“What do you actually do?”
Nines’ expression remained stoic but his LED went through a spectacular series of colours and flashes. His next words were reluctant.
“I’m a private investigator.”
“Oh shit! I’m actually a cop.”
Gavin pointed dumbly at himself and then let his hand drop when he saw absolutely no surprise cross the android’s face.
“I know. That’s why I let you stay with me.”
“For safety?”
“Certainly not for your fashion sense.”
“Wow okay, I didn’t think I’d be much protection for a big scary droid like you.”
Nines hummed dismissively and started to move out of the balcony, body language fully indicating the end of the conversation.
Unable to help himself for some strange reason, Gavin blurted out another ill-advised question.
“What pissed you off so much?”
Nines paused halfway through side-stepping the human. A thrill went through Gavin at the shards of ice he observed for the first time up close in Nines’ irises.
“If I tell you, will you promise to stop asking pointless questions?”
Gavin nodded earnestly, and frankly… rather foolishly.
“I helped a client gather evidence to initiate divorce proceedings on the grounds of infidelity. I provided ample photo and video evidence for his lawyers to work with. Now they want me to keep following the spouse to capture more details that could gear any future settlement in his favour.”
“So what’s your problem?”
“They’re offering me an incredible amount of cash to follow her 24/7. To stake out her workplace, her gym, her parent’s home. They want me to crouch under the window of the bedroom where her children sleep. I can do a lot of things, but not that. It’s deeply insulting that they even asked. That’s why I was so… pissed.”
Nines slipped past and was nearly back to his bedroom when Gavin spoke.
“I respect that.”
“I didn’t ask.”
“I know, but for real though, I think ethics are important in our line of work. Not just because of we need morals or a sense of right or wrong blablabla, but because we need… clarity.”
Silence floated through the hallway as Nines paused with a hand on his doorframe.
“Yeah, like a sense of direction. We don’t just take cases right-left-centre because they make us money. I mean, we could, and people do… but they never become specialists or experts of any kind. You gotta strategise if you want a career. Ethics helps with that. I think…”
Gavin wasn’t sure what made him say any of that. He was neither one for small talk, nor a man of many words… but something about Nines prompted that unusual level of introspective discourse.
“Sorry that was weird. Never mind.”
“That was actually… very astute.”
Their eyes met and Gavin could’ve sworn he saw the hint of a smile.
“It’s good to see that not all humans are as one-dimensional as I thought.”
The door clicked shut, but there was no locking sound.
Since the morning of Nines’ uncharacteristic outburst, the frequency of their encounters in the common areas of the apartment increased. Wordless nods became hellos, and hellos eventually became full sentences.
Not that he’d admit it, Gavin actually looked forward to enquiring about the android’s day and the cases he was working on. It was utterly fascinating to hear about legal investigations without the constraints of police procedure.
For his part, Nines would share as much as he had the patience to, before disappearing into the confines of his room. Though the time he spent outside steadily increased every day.
Another morning, while Gavin was making his coffee, Nines emerged from his room, still in his pyjamas and looking as livid as he had the time before. Gavin had never seen him in anything but crisply ironed businesswear. Before he could voice any concern, Nines stiffly asked Gavin to keep a lookout for a homicide suspect.
He nodded and immediately reached for his phone to text the sergeant on duty at his station. By midday, there was an arrest.
That evening, when Gavin settled in front of the TV with his usual glass of wine, he heard the familiar sound of Nines’ door opening. The couch dipped beside him.
“Thank you.”
“Just did my job. I should thank you for the tip.”
Gavin chanced a glance at his roommate, and found him looking right back.
“Nothing… I just had the realisation that much of my work is impotent without the authority and means to take any kind of action.”
The sitcom began to play and Gavin thumbed the remote to reduce the volume.
“Takes all kinds to keep the streets clean. PIs can do things cops can’t. We rely on guys like you for intel all the time, you know.”
“I know.”
No words were exchanged for a while thereafter. Gavin found himself unable to focus on the TV show with all the brooding energy emanating from his right.
“If you feel like being a private eye doesn’t make enough of a difference, then why didn’t you… um… you know…”
“Join law enforcement?”
“Plenty of my fellow androids have done so. I know for a fact that my predecessor model chose to remain there. You might know him.”
“Connor? Yes. Very annoying.”
“He is, isn’t he?”
“Totally. But why didn’t you join too? You’d be brilliant on the Force.”
“My skillset is certainly well-suited, but I didn’t want to become another puppet of the state.”
Gavin really didn’t know what to say to that. He nodded uncertainly and looked back at the television. He wasn’t sure why Nines was suddenly this social.
“What are you… watching?”
Androids could scan and detect just about anything in the world, so there had to be something else to the question. Gavin, strangely, was happy to oblige.
Nines made an appearance every evening, without fail. He would sit through the TV shows if they were of interest, or he would bring his case material and notes to the coffee table to work in silence beside Gavin.
Sometimes Gavin liked to work on jigsaw puzzles on the dining table. Nines would sit beside him, pretending to read a paperback novel, but actually scanning the puzzle and passing the right pieces over from time to time.
Against all odds, an evening ritual and a tentative friendship developed. It was simple, but it was warm. Comfortable. Like nothing Gavin had ever had before, even with humans.
He awoke one morning with a slight crick in his neck but the feeling of being very well-rested.
His eyes flickered open and fell upon the window. Familiar greenery came into view… but wait… had everything slightly shifted to the left? And was that the New Jericho Capitol building? He couldn’t see that from his room! There was a tree in the way! A tree that was now a few feet away from where it used to be.
Gavin sat up in alarm as he realised that he was not in his own bed. His heart flew into his throat as Nines walked through the open doorway. Shirtless and carrying a mug of blue liquid.
“Oh good, you’re up.”
“Wha-what happened!?”
Nines frowned and sat down on the edge of the bed. He set the mug on the floor and pulled on a plain black t-shirt.
“You passed out on the couch last night. I think you finished a whole bottle waiting up for me? Sorry, I was out working later than expected.”
Gavin looked down and sighed in relief as he found all his clothes still on him.
“I didn’t want you to injure yourself sleeping at an odd angle so I brought you here. Your door was locked.”
“You could’ve easily opened it.”
“Yes, but that would’ve been an invasion of privacy. I reserve that for working hours alone.”
Gavin looked deep into the sparkling blue eyes and as usual found no trace of humour.
“Don’t mention it. Now get out. You’re ruining my silk sheets.”
Against his best efforts, Gavin could not keep the thought of being carried to bed and tucked in safely out of his mind. How many years had it been? Since something like that had been even remotely possible for him?
He knew that Nines was just being kind in his own pragmatic little way… but Gavin found that he wouldn’t mind the prospect of waking up in the android’s bed in a wildly different context.
He realised he had it bad when Tina caught him smiling to himself at work one day.
“Why so happy?”
“Oh… nothing. Just remembered something my roommate did… He’s a… funny guy.”
“Huh. Well, look at you getting along so well with androids.”
“Android. Singular. Just him.”
“Wowwww… he sounds special.”
“Who did this?”
“Gavin, the damage is merely superficial-”
“Who phcking did this??!”
He reached forward and gingerly touched Nines’ split cheek. His synth skin was smeared with blue blood and glitching in and out. Nines winced at the contact.
“Shit, sorry. That must hurt like a bitch.”
“Androids do not feel pain.”
“I’m merely experiencing a surge in sensory input wherever my chassis is exposed. I’m fine.”
“Shut up and give me your first aid kit or whatever toolbox equivalent you tincans have.”
A shade of embarrassment appeared over the android’s features.
“I… actually don’t have one. I didn’t think I’d ever need it.”
“Didn’t think anyone could kick your ass, huh?”
“No… I didn’t think anyone would ever spot my hiding place.”
“Huh. How’d that happen?”
Nines’ eyes dipped, but as always, he answered the question.
“I was… distracted.”
Something in the air solidified and both of them felt it. Gavin cleared his throat and slapped his knees like an old man about to stand up.
“Right. Let me go check if the neighbours have anything that might help with your face.”
“So who’s this dapper young gent you’ve brought to the party, Gavin?”
“Er… he’s my uh… roommate.”
Captain Fowler nodded and winked.
“That’s what they called it in my day too.”
Nines shifted beside Gavin and cleared his throat.
“He’s a PI. But I think he’s wasting his talent taking pictures of cheating spouses. He’s quite interested in police work. Maybe we could get him to assist on a couple cases now and then?”
Fowler put down his drink and extended a warm hand to Nines.
“Oh thank RA9!”
Nines came running to the cluster of police cars and enveloped him in a giant hug. Gavin laughed as he patted him weakly on the back.
“Watch the ribs, big guy.”
“I was so worried.”
“Why? Your info was good. No chance of error.”
“I meant about you.”
Gavin pulled back and regarded Nines with confusion. The flashing red and blue lights of the cars made it hard to read his LED.
“I can’t believe you have to ask.”
The android pulled him into a bruising kiss. The officers standing nearby broke into wolf-whistles and applause.
“What the-”
“Oh I take full credit for that, sir.”
Fowler glanced at Tina.
“The case, Chen?”
“Oh of course. I solved the whole thing. But I mean that specifically.”
She waved a hand in Gavin and Nines’ direction. The two held each other tightly and seemed unlikely to come up for air anytime soon.
“Like I helped Gav find an affordable place in New Jericho and then he met this handsome investigator droid and they were roommates.”
“Oh my god, they were roommates…”
“Yeah legit.”
Thanks so much for the request @jude-shotto
This ended up being a lot longer than expected, but I couldn’t help it. Your prompt just took me on a whole journeyyyy <3
115 notes · View notes
cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Gavin’s Divination Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 占卜之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
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[ Released on 16 September 2021 ]
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MC: Gavin, I’ve been way too unlucky recently! I fell down while riding a bicycle, the water supply was cut halfway during a shower, and last week, three flights were delayed by more than two hours within the span of three days... Sob sob, life is so difficult...
It’s a Saturday, and Gavin has come over to my house to kill time as usual. The moment we meet, I can’t help but wail about how I painstakingly got through the week. 
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As though he’s comforting a small animal, his palm gently covers the top my head.
Gavin: You’ve already told me these things.
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He pulls me over to sit on the sofa, then leans over to look at my knee. Knowing his intentions and feeling afraid that he’s genuinely worried, I hurriedly wave my hands.
MC: Actually, it wasn’t a serious fall, and my skin didn’t tear. There were a few red cuts, but they're gone now.
Even after confirming the veracity of what I said, Gavin doesn’t straighten up. His fingers rub my knee, conveying his belated consolation.
After a while, he rests an arm on the sofa while turning his head towards me.
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Gavin: Want to drink milk tea or eat cake? Didn’t you say that with these two things, even the worst of moods can be turned into the clearest of skies?
With this reminder, a location instantly flashes past my mind.
MC: Let’s drink coffee!
I reach for my phone on the coffee table. Tapping on my saved searches, I show Gavin a shop.
MC: This one - Witch Café. The name’s a little outdated, but it’s really popular recently. I’ve seen many people checking in on Moments. 
MC: The manager of this shop knows divination, and the reviews mentioned that she’s really accurate... 
MC: Also, if the results from the divination aren’t that great, she could help turn my fortune around. 
MC: The shop sells lots of objects used for changing one’s fortune, such as crystal rings and bracelets. 
MC: I think what I need most right now, aside from you... would be a change of fortune!
Gavin bursts into a laugh, then lifts his head to look at me.
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Gavin: It’s my fault for not learning divination to change your fortune for the better. Otherwise, you’d only need me.
Gavin’s quick wit causes me to do a thumbs-up.
MC: Wow. Your logic... makes a little bit of sense.
He scrolls down my phone screen, taking a casual look at the café’s introduction.
Gavin: Mm, it looks really interesting and isn’t very far.
MC: It’s really nearby. It’s only a few kilometres away, and there definitely won’t be a traffic jam at his hour. But it’s the weekend, so I’m not sure if we’d need to queue.
Gavin takes my phone from my hand, then pushes me on the back gently.
Gavin: Get changed. I’ll give them a call to make a reservation.
I immediately get up, giving him a deliberately formal bow.
MC: Understood.
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The internet-famous café is even more popular than I imagined. Although it isn’t time for afternoon tea yet, the shop is already fully packed.
Fortunately, we’re seated in a relatively quiet corner next to the window. However, we can still hear a few ladies from the neighbouring table fervently discussing the results of their divination.
I tug on Gavin’s sleeve from across the table.
MC: Gavin, you’ve never believed in such things, have you?
Gavin: Divination?
Gavin nods frankly, then suddenly chuckles.
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Gavin: I initially wanted to say that I didn’t believe it. But I suddenly remembered that an Evolver who can predict the future is sitting right in front of me.
MC: ...that’s true?!
Realising this, I sink into a deep contemplation. Gavin reaches out to scratch the tip of my nose.
Gavin: I meant that as a joke. It’s impossible to meet a second Evolver with a precognition ability.
I glare at Gavin angrily. He shifts his gaze, looking at the manager who is currently talking to patrons.
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Gavin: But she is an Evolver.
MC: Really? 
I turn my head to look. The manager is wearing a black apron, and she’s bending down as she patiently explains the divination symbol to a patron, her smile warm and amiable.
She exudes an aura which makes whatever she says very believable.
Just as my anticipation is hooked, Gavin stifles it with his words.
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Gavin: But it definitely isn’t related to precognition.
MC: I see...
When Gavin sees that my anticipation has dampened, he pushes a blueberry cake in front of me.
Gavin: Don’t feel disappointed yet. Divination has never needed to rely on Evol. You’ll know if it’s accurate after giving it a try.
He digs a small piece of cake with a spoon, then brings it over to me. Munching on it, my eyes widen as I look at him.
MC: Incredibly! Delicious!
The cake exceeded my expectations. Thinking that the coffee might be pretty good too, I quickly lift the cup of coffee from the table.
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In the meantime, Gavin picks up the explanatory card the manager had just brought over, and starts reading from it.
Gavin: It says that once you’ve finished drinking the coffee, you have to press the bell to call for the manager. The manager will obtain the divination results after observing the shape of the coffee sediments. 
Gavin: Before the divination, you could think of the contents of the divination first.
Gavin: If you have a ring or another token, you could prepare it beforehand. Place it at the bottom of the cup afterwards to increase the effectiveness.
After reading this, he rests his chin against his hand while chuckling softly.
Gavin: It’s almost the same as the tarot cards we tried the last time.
I take the explanatory card from him. Opening it up, I give it a sweeping glance.
MC: ...so it’s tasseography. I did research on it when we were playing with tarot cards the last time. Afterwards, I realised how complicated it is to interpret the divination results, so I gave up on learning it.
Finishing the rest of the coffee in one gulp, I press the copper bell at the corner of the table.
Upon hearing the bell, the manager looks up and shoots me a smile while washing a coffee cup. After wiping her hands, she walks over to us.
Manager: Are the both of you done with your coffee?
Seeing me nod in anticipation, she picks up the serving tray on the table, placing it next to the coffee cup.
Manager: May I know how I should address you?
Manager: MC, lift the coffee cup and sway it gently while contemplating on your divination question. Once you’re done, place the cup upside down onto the tray.
I follow her instructions.
After a short while, she uncovers the cup, displaying the shape of the coffee sediments inside it.
Manager: Based on the results, you seem to have been going through a rough time lately, and your mood hasn’t been great. Is this correct?
MC: !!!
I immediately look at Gavin, thinking that this is far too accurate.
The manager seems to detect an affirmation from my expression. She sets down the coffee cup, then retrieves two wrapped chocolate cookies from her apron.
Manager: I made them this afternoon, and they’re for you. Based on the shape of the coffee sediments, although you might have experienced some rough moments recently, all the unhappy moments have already passed. Over the next few days, you’ll receive good news in succession, and you’ll be happier.
While saying this, she leans over, her slightly curled hair exuding a floral fragrance which refreshes the soul, causing me to be left in a mild daze.
Gavin suddenly speaks up.
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Gavin: You’re using Evol.
The manager pauses in fright. For a moment, she’s at a loss, and has no choice but to bow slightly with her hands by her side.
Manager: I’m sorry, have I offended the both of you?
Seeing her frantic expression, I hurriedly shake my head.
MC: I-it’s fine... we don’t discriminate against Evolvers. And I’m sure you didn’t have malicious intentions.
The manager’s shoulders slump in resignation, admitting her “little magic” to us candidly.
Manager: ...I just wanted to send a flower into your memories.
MC: Send a flower?
Seeing that I didn’t understand what she meant, she explains patently.
Manager: Sorry, that’s a phrase I use in the shop.
Manager: Through tasseography, I can truly tell that you haven’t been in a good mood recently. But it’s very difficult to change your future fortune. 
Manager: In order to lift the spirits of patrons who do divinations, I use my Evol to alter their memories slightly.
Manager: However, my Evol has its limits. The only thing I can do is add something small that’s worthwhile of happiness into their unhappy memories, such as a flower. 
Manager: Are you willing to give it a try?
Considering how frank she is, I can’t find a reason to refuse. Furthermore, no incidents will occur with Gavin around.
MC: Mm...
The manager’s hand gently glides across me. Although I feel as though nothing happened, she signals that she’s done. Gavin stares at me curiously.
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Gavin: Are there any changes to your memories?
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I inexplicably recall the time when I fell off the bicycle, and images beginning from the moment I fell surface in my mind -
The path in front of me is tilted, and I can’t control my plummet towards my left side. 
These images are exactly the same as what actually happened, but in the very last snippet -
In an unremarkable corner of the crosswalk, a blue wild flower sways along with the breeze.
MC: A flower? There’s really a flower!
For some reason, seeing this flower enveloped in sunlight causes my emotions to become much more composed, reducing the annoyance I felt about the fall.
The manager releases a joyful sigh, then continues her soft explanation on why she does such things.
Manager: People often have a deep impression of negative things, while happy moments are fleeting. Unhappy memories linger much longer in memories.
Manager: So I thought - if I could add an element of happiness into the unhappy memories of patrons, such as a flower, or a ray of sunlight...
Manager: Their unhappy memories may become a little brighter. On a subconscious level, their mood would naturally become better.
Manager: With a good mood to lift them up, they’d focus on the positive aspect of things the next time they face something else. That’s why they’d find that their fortunes have truly turned for the better.
After saying this, the manager looks at the both of us before apologising again softly.
Manager: Even though I use Evol on patrons, I don’t have malicious intentions. Could you be magnanimous and not report me?
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I toss a glance at Gavin, hoping that the Captain would close an eye this time.
After pondering for a moment, Gavin nods calmly at the manager.
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Gavin: I won’t report you, but don’t use Evol on patrons in the future.
He looks at me from the side, then reaches out to grab a tissue before wiping it gently against the corner of my lips. Lowering my head, I spot blueberry coloured cream on the white tissue.
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Gavin: I believe that your coffee and snacks are enough to bring patrons happiness.
The manager grabs my hand in relief, thanking me repeatedly.
Manager: Thank you both for liking my coffee and cakes. I’ll give another present to the both of you.
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By the time we leave the café, it’s still early. Gavin and I aren’t in a hurry to go back. Holding hands, we take a stroll beneath the shade of trees.
We can’t help but bring up what happened in the café earlier.
MC: It turns out that it’s so simple to change one’s mood. Adding an element of happiness into unhappy memories is enough.
Surrounded by the chirping of cicadas, even Gavin’s voice reveals a refreshing and carefree touch of summer.
Seeing his slightly sweat-damped fringe sticking to his temples, I retrieve a tissue from my bag and wipe it for him.
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Gavin: I remember that you once mentioned that the secret to maintaining a happy life is to focus on the positive side of things.
While saying this, Gavin takes the tissue in my hand and stores it into his own pocket.  
MC: Mm, that’s right! Actually, such forms of self comfort are pretty effective. 
MC: Even though I fell while riding a bike, I told myself that it was fortunate that it wasn’t anything more than a fall. 
MC: When the water supply was cut while I was showering, it only happened because I didn’t pay attention to the announcement by the property management... 
MC: I’d just learn from this experience and check the announcement board more often. 
MC: Also, the flights were delayed due to torrential rain. It was an objective reason, and nobody could have expected it.
MC: A lady from the airline company even gave me orange juice and a small gift.
Gavin chuckles leisurely, meeting my gaze from the corner of his eyes.
Gavin: Many things may not have happened according to how you wished over the short span of a week. Immersing yourself in the state of mind that everything wouldn’t go smoothly made you forget to look at the positive side of everything.
MC: Mm, but I can’t help it... Maintaining an optimistic outlook is really difficult. It’s inevitable to feel discouraged.
While saying this, I tighten my grip on his hand.
MC: But now, I know that if I face any unhappy moments in the future, I just have to search for a flower.
Gavin stops in his footsteps, lowering his eyes and giving me a smile.
Gavin: Have you thought of a new method to cheer yourself up?
I release a matter-of-fact “mm”. Pulling his collar, I give him a gentle peck on the chin.
MC: Whenever I face an unlucky incident, all I have to do is tell you immediately, and I’d immediately be comforted by you... 
MC: That way, I’d no longer be unhappy.
Gavin is taken aback momentarily. Then, he smiles faintly while looking at me.
MC: Whether it’s a fall or a delayed flight... The moment I share these things with you, the moodiness in my heart vanishes like smoke. The reason why I specially complained to you today was just to play coy.
I draw closer to him, swinging our interlaced hands.
MC: In the café earlier, I didn’t take the crystal bracelet she offered to change my fortune for the better... 
MC: I already have a bracelet which can bring me the greatest luck in the world.
I lower my head. Fragments of sunlight fall onto the ginkgo bracelet, refracting resplendent and exquisite faint light.
MC: This ginkgo leaf makes me happier than any other flower. No matter when, simply looking at it lifts my mood instantly.
Gavin doesn't release my hand. Instead, he pulls my hand to his back, bringing me into his arms gently.
The verdant trees and chirping of cicadas intertwine. The clean fragrance of shower gel from the side of his neck causes me to wrap my arms around him tightly.
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Gavin: I knew that you were playing coy. Trivial matters have never influenced your mood. You’re always very good at comforting yourself and seeing the positive side of everything. But the bracelet alone isn’t enough. The next time you come looking for me, I’ll definitely do something that’d make you even happier.
After saying this, he can’t help but release a resigned chuckle.
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Gavin: ...even though I haven’t thought of what I’d do.
I burst into a chuckle, then bury my head into his embrace completely.
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Gavin: But there will definitely be things that I can do to add an element of happiness into your unhappy memories.
Dense green hues and shadows fall on his shoulders. Lifting my head, I see faint light riding the wind through crevices of large clouds in the faraway sky.
Leisurely and carefree ants pass by the slabstone road, winding around a fallen green leaf, and I can’t tell if they’re taking a stroll or scavenging for food.
Summer is flourishing, and this moment is incomparably tranquil.
My heart is filled to the brim with contentedness and happiness. Even my tone is relaxed and at ease.
MC: Gavin, you have to promise me one thing. If you’re unhappy about something in the future, you have to tell me about it immediately, okay? I can add many, many elements of happiness into your memories so that you wouldn’t even have half a second of unhappiness. I can guarantee that.
I lift my head to look at Gavin. With our close proximity, I can see his amber eyes reflecting large swathes of lush branches and leaves belonging exclusively to midsummer.
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The gentleness flowing from these eyes aren’t stingy at all as they land on my face.
MC: We have to be the ever-fresh and blooming flowers in each of our memories, forever swaying in the wind.
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Gavin releases a soft “okay”. He rests his chin on my shoulder, tightening his grip around my waist.
He murmurs at my ear.
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Gavin: There’s no need for a guarantee. Your existence has always been the most brightly-coloured flower in my memories.
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Gavin’s Post: Different flavours of sodas seem to be really popular this summer.
MC: In order to clear the existing stock in the fridge, it’s time to have supper!
Gavin: Pick between mala crayfish and barbecue?
Gavin’s Post: Different flavours of sodas seem to be really popular this summer.
MC: Soda is always the best!
Gavin: Although that’s true, it’s best to drink fewer cold beverages.
Gavin’s Post: Different flavours of sodas seem to be really popular this summer.
MC: Pick between white peach and tangerine!
Gavin: I’ll pick the one you like less.
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☕ Call: here
☕ Support the café (not the one mentioned in the date) by dropping by the tip jar!
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vexillumalbum · 3 years
MLQC boys being interrupted while having sex w/Reader
I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. 
All I want to say is that I wrote it long ago so there might be some mistakes. Also please bear in mind that English is not my native language. Thank you! I hope you'll enjoy!
NSFW below!
The orange rays of the setting sun warmed the naked skin of your back pleasantly from behind the windows. Your boyfriend's white button-up casually framed your waist, barely clinging to your forearms, previously sliding off your shoulders. You had to hold it with your hands to keep it from sliding completely off. 
In fact, in that position, Gavin had a perfect view of your bare curves, with the shirt or without it. 
He was lying on his back facing you, propped up on pillows with his arms behind his head. His watchful gaze never left your body, even for a moment. His amber eyes scanned your figure, gliding over your perky breasts, smooth skin glazed in orange and silky strands of hair dancing near your neck and collarbones with your every move. 
He licked his lips.
“Come here.” It wasn’t an order, but also not a plea. It sounded more like a request of a man so in love with his girl that he couldn’t bear not touching her anymore. 
You giggled - and Gavin could’ve sworn it was the prettiest sound in the whole universe - before wrapping your fingers around his outstretched hand, letting yourself be guided to his solid body. 
Minutes later you were a moaning mess, your hips pinned to the mattress by two calloused hands, the devilish sounds coming from between your legs mixing with heavenly whimpers of your boyfriend’s name that were leaving your bruised lips. 
The grip you had on Gavin’s hair tightened when he sucked on your clit in time with his fingers working magic inside your heat. In response you heard a growl as his hips started assaulting the mattress even faster. The beast has been awoken
Tingling on your skin came as a warning for the pleasure that was supposed to arrive next. Your muscles were squeezing Gavin’s fingers hard and he couldn’t wait for his cock to be enveloped by your wet warmth next. Heels dug into the mattress, fingers gripping white sheets, head thrown back with parted lips and ragged breath and—
Thump thump thump
“Are you guys okay in there?!” Minor’s concerned voice sounded from outside of the bedroom right after knocking. It startled you to the point where you jumped up, covering your bare figure with anything you could reach for, even though you were sure the doors were closed and the intruder wasn’t able to come inside the room. “I’ve heard some weird noises and I thought I’d check on you! You know, better safe than sorry!”
Gavin immediately looked over you, checking if you were alright, before turning his head to the door with a look that could kill. He palmed himself through his boxers, his erection still evident and painful. 
“We’re alright! Thanks, Minor.” After a brief moment of silence you managed to say, not knowing if you should laugh or cry or maybe both. You heard a quiet “okay” and some shuffling - the intruder left the area.
In a moment of passion both you and Gavin had forgotten that Minor was temporarily living in your apartment due to AC disfunction at his place. He wasn’t a perfect roommate but at the same his presence wasn’t overbearing and you didn’t have any complaints… up until now.
“I’ll beat him up.” Through clenched teeth Gavin’s voice was low as he was putting on some shorts he took out of the drawers, and he now resembled the Super-Scary-Officer-Gavin more  than Your-Loving-And-Doting-Boyfriend-Gavin. 
“Don’t be so harsh on him. He was concerned.” You giggled only to be met with a doubting look from your boyfriend. “As he said, better safe than sorry.”
“I’ll give him something to be sorry about.” Poor Minor
The last few weeks have been pure torture. You were very open about how much you hated these business trips that both you and Victor had to take all the time to different places in the world. Your boyfriend was less outspoken, however the days of longing were taking its toll on him as much as on you. Sleepless nights, lonely dinners, unfulfilled lust…
Therefore, when there were no meetings, reports and proposals to write or filming sites to visit on the horizon, you jumped almost literally at the opportunity and took Victor to the wellness center. 
It was a pleasant evening, the sun had recently set, but the heat was still there, aligned from time to time by the cool breeze. The white bathrobe your only cover as you and Victor relaxed on the private terrace of the apartment, with the sound of the bubbling jacuzzi in the background.
Sitting in his lap, your boyfriend was caressing your bare thigh with one of his hands, while the other was stroking your hair. It was an intimate moment shared between two lovers finally reunited and ready to spend some much needed relaxing time together. 
It started as an innocent kiss between sips of fine dry wine selected by Victor himself.
He had you almost fully naked on his lap, with your robe slipping down your back, threading fingers in your silky strands and tasting your lips - which he had to admit - were even tastier than his favorite crimson beverage.  
You were determined to get him naked, to free these gorgeous muscles from beneath the soft robe. With your nails scraping his skin lightly you were revealing more and more of his toned body earning sweet sighs from Victor as a reward. 
His skilled fingers moved from your hair to kneading your butt, making your already wet pussy to rub on his clothed hard length. The added friction was like a cherry on top of the whole make out session but you didn’t want to stop there. Why would you settle for just a cake when you can have a full four course meal, right?
“Victor, I need it, please.” You begged when he didn’t want to give you what you wanted well knowing what was it that you desired. 
“What is it, babygirl?” His question was whispered into the damp skin of your neck where Victor was leaving love bites. “Tell me what you need. You know I’ll give you everything.” He sounded so seductive, his low voice was making you shiver and you were sure your pussy was getting wetter and wetter with every word he said. “Just say it.”
“You.” You crumbled. “I want your cock. Please.”
He fulfilled his promise a few seconds later when you felt his girth stretching you out in the best way possible. Victor gripped your hips and with a look that was telling you to prepare for a ride, he started thrusting up while roughly bringing you down on his cock over and over. 
You gripped his shoulders with one hand while the other was clamped over your mouth to make sure no-one could hear the moans your boyfriend was bringing out of you.
So close, you were co close, and when his thumb pressed on your clit, you could swear you saw stars and—
Bzzt bzzt bzzt
You jumped at the sudden sound, fear taking place of lust and passion. With a quick look to the side you saw that Victor’s phone was ringing and the caller’s ID was “Financial Director”. Thinking it was important you exited his lap, sliding to the next chair. 
A low growl escaped him when you pulled away, his member still as hard as ever. His furrowed brows were the indicator of how much he didn’t like what you did, but you only smiled to him sheepishly and gestured to his phone. 
A part of him was impressed of how much you valued his work and that you knew how important it was. Yet, the other part was furious that your love making fucking got interrupted. 
He took a second or two or more who knows if he stopped time to admire your rosy cheeks and bruised lips and how you were panting after minutes of passion, before picking up his phone from the table and answering the call.
“Be quick.” The tone of his voice so much different than when he was talking to you, eyes narrowed and teeth clenched - he was mad. But that didn’t stop him from giving you a look that you could only describe one way: I’m not done with you yet.
At times like this, you were immensely grateful for the almost deafening music that could be heard in the Live House all the time. 
Usually, it annoyed you that the rumble from the speakers drowned out any other noises - like when you were talking to others, but now you liked that you had the freedom to moan as Shaw's hips were pounding into you to the rhythm of the club song. 
Hands clutching his muscular arms, head tilted back repeatedly hitting the wall behind you, you were braced for a wild ride. Your boyfriend's hands tightly squeezing your ass supporting your weight, his hot lips nibbling at your neck marking you in every place he had access to, his cock driving into you with a reckless abandon.
And all of this caused by your short dress that showed a little too much skin in Shaw’s opinion (and he would never have thought that something like “too much skin showing” would be a problem for him but seeing every guy in the club eyeing you had his blood boiling) and your teasing ways.
During the break between songs, when Shaw had a chance to rehydrate himself for another hour on stage, your boyfriend decided to satisfy a different type of thirst. For your pussy
Sex with Shaw was always fun and wild and everything you ever wanted. But it was the best when he was hot and bothered and when envy was seeping through his body like a venom making him see red.
To be honest, you weren’t surprised when he grabbed your wrist right after exiting the stage and pulled you into the back room. You weren’t surprised when he pinned you to the wall, his lips already marking your collarbone as his hands were skillfully pushing your panties aside. You weren’t surprised when he unzipped his pants and pushed them down, freeing his hard cock.
And you sure as hell weren’t surprised when he slid into you with one sharp thrust while sucking on the sensitive skin below your ear.
“Tell me,” he panted in between the thrusts while his tongue was exploring your neck. “Do you enjoy making me jealous? Do you think it’s funny or something?”
As you were able to only whimper and moan, you didn’t respond. Of course you were enjoying making him jealous once in a while, especially when you were rewarded with his hips snapping into your in the back room of Live House.
“Answer. Me.” You swore he wanted to kill you with how intensely he was impaling you on his cock.
“Yes! Yes oh god yes!” You managed to choke out right before his fingers pinched your clit. Loud scream elected from your throat and you didn’t fail to notice the smirk Shaw was having plastered to his handsome face.
“Let me make this clear, baby.” He slowed a little as he leaned into you to have his mouth right next to your ear. “You are mine. Only mine.”
You wanted to respond. Say something, anything, but then—
“Shaw! We’re going back on the stage!” 
Adam’s voice broke through the music and your pants along with a few pound knocks. You jumped at the sudden intruder, your eyes wide and lips parted. 
Shaw on the other hand was totally unfazed when he started thrusting into you with a full speed again. And again. And again. And again. 
He didn’t even say anything back, he just went straight back into fucking your brains out.
“I told you, you’re mine.” He murmured into your sweaty skin when he saw how startled you were. “So focus on me and only me.”
You liked surprising your boyfriend. For example when you visited him at the university with some tasty lunch and a big smile plastered to your face, or when you learned how to brew tea so you could make him the best beverages when he was particularly stressed with work, or when you memorized all scientific names of his favorite butterflies to feel closer to him through joined hobby…
Or when he came back to his office at the Research Center after a tiring laboratory work only to find you wearing very skimpy purple lingerie and his lab coat, sitting in his chair with a smug grin and a twinkle of mischief in your eyes.
Part of him wanted to chide you for being reckless like that. After all, he would as much as kill, without even batting an eye, anyone who stumbled into his office with you being inside looking like that. 
But other part of him the freaky part already imagined taking you in various positions, against different surfaces during his whole lunch break. 
And so he started with face-fucking you on his desk, while pinning you to the mahogany wood with one hand as the other was palming himself through his trousers. Your panties torn and long forgotten on the floor, the lab coat loosely hugging your form with your legs wrapped around Lucien’s shoulders and hands grabbing his hair tightly. 
This man’s mouth could not only recite poetry and name every flower in the garden, but also it was able to make you cum in a record time. You had to bit your lip very very hard to control the volume of your moans.
Your second orgasm was delivered to you by the scientist’s long nibble fingers exploring your warm sensitive flesh like his life depended on it. And in a way it did, because you were the sole purpose of his existence and making you feel good was his mission, so…
Lucien was preparing you for the third one, when you decided that enough is enough. After all, you came there to make him feel good, not the other way around. 
So before your boyfriend could react you pushed him onto his chair and dropped to your knees with a grin, and when he stubbornly wanted to got up again, you batted your eyelashes a few times as you stroked his member through the fabric. He got the message and relaxed into the seat. But don’t be fooled, he was still in control.
“Such a good girl.” He praised you when you were undoing his belt. He gripped your hair guiding your face closer to his crotch.
You’ve given Lucien a blowjob so many times already, you knew exactly what to do. You licked, sucked, bobbed your head and massaged with your hands what you couldn’t fit into your mouth. 
Every sigh from the professor was making you shiver so you worked even harder to hear more of them until—
Knock knock knock
“Professor, excuse me…” From behind the door the head of one of Lucien’s assistants peeked out and before you could do anything he saw the position you and your boyfriend were in and immediately panicked. “Oh my— I’m—I’m so sorry!” 
He was long gone before you could even pull away from Lucien, but you didn’t miss the murderous stare professor had while looking at now - fortunately - closed door. You didn’t know if you should laugh or collapse into the ground from embarrassment. 
You were sure your face was redder than a tomato. Luckily, knowing Lucien’s reputation no-one would be so stupid to tell anyone about this situation. Or so you hoped so.
Before you decided on your final reaction to the intruder, Lucien’s palm grabbed a handful of your hair and he brought your head closer again so that your nose was brushing his hard moist cock. 
“I believe we have some unfinished business here, butterfly.”
Weirdly, you never saw this assistant in the Research Center ever again…
Kiro loved music almost as much as he loved you and his snacks.
So he was taking every opportunity he could to show you around his studio, write music with you and compose. 
And do other, less appropriate deeds.
For the longest time Sunshine Boy couldn’t find inspiration for his newest song. He tossed and turned in his bed every night and skipped meals because of it. He didn’t want to disappoint his fans and you, his greatest biggest fan!
But only if he knew that bringing you with him to the studio would be the cure for his lack of inspiration, he would’ve done it already days ago. Why didn’t he think of it sooner? You were his muse after all! Your moans were the greatest music to his ears!
So that’s how you ended up with Kiro pounding into you from behind tightly gripping your hair to guide your head nearer to the microphone so that every one of your whimpers could be recorded properly. 
The speed of his thrust was setting a rhythm that he wanted his new song to be in which gave him a plethora of sounds escaping your mouth. Oh how much he loved those sounds.
Gripping your hips he angled you a little more so that he could go even deeper, take you even better. He was sure he was leaving bruises on your skin with the force of his grip, but he didn’t care. He would smother them with kisses later. 
“More, Miss Chips. I wanna hear you more.” He murmured as his hand circled your waist and his fingertips pressed onto your swollen clit. If you didn’t know better, you would think that he wanted to kill you from the sheer amount of pleasure he was causing you. 
Your moans were getting higher and higher and Kiro knew it was because you were getting closer to your release. He loved that moment, right before your orgasm when your muscles were clasping around his cock trying to milk him from everything that he had, and your eyes were rolling onto the back of your head and you legs were shaking like leaves on a windy day and—
Bam bam bam
“Kiro, what are you doing in there?! Our recording session starts soon!” Savin’s voice sounded from the other side of the door and Kiro cursed under his breath that he was interrupting his own recording session.
You on the other hand squealed and tried to move away from your boyfriend but he didn’t let you.
He slowed down his thrusts and clamped a hand over your mouth.
“We’ll be there in a minute!” Kiro answered but his agent didn’t seem to be convinced because he insisted on waiting for you two at the door.
When you wanted to move away again, disappointed that you wouldn’t be getting the realest that you wanted, Kiro brought you closer to himself again and started snapping his hips into your once again. His hand still clamped tightly over your mouth. 
“Well, maybe our recording is over but we can at least finish this.”
thank you so much for reading!
if you want to read more of my works they are here
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r3almellow · 3 years
Pregnancy Headcanons/Scenario: Gavin
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I hope you don’t mind, but I just decided to make this into a pregnancy headcanon post! I figured it would be easier to explain what our Bird Cop would do and how he’d handle things overall. 
Warning: Pregnancy 
How you tell him
You became suspicious after not being able to keep certain foods down  the sudden fatigue and a week into you missing your period.
It was only a matter of time before you got pregnant. There were a lot of times when both of you were so caught up in the heat of the moment and neglected to use protection.
The minute you find out, you’re coming up with different ways to tell him. 
You’ve gone from thinking about buying matching leather biker jackets one with “Biker Dad” and the other “Biker Baby” embroidered on the back to telling him over dinner at a nice restaurant. 
So many ideas, but you settled for something simple. Buying two house plants to add to your homes collection. Both were succulents that matched with the one he currently owned, Greenie, but had their own unique traits. 
You excitedly show him the new plants when he gets home from work. 
 “I even came up with names!” You point to one that was predominantly green with a pink outline. “This one is Cutie because I thought it looked cute.” Then you point to the smallest one and suddenly the anxiety within you starts to bubble. 
“And this one is Baby.” He looks at you confused. “Baby?”
“B-baby...” You say again this time shifting awkwardly, not as confident as you had been before. “Because its so small...” 
He repeats the word once more as if trying to understand its meaning and as the seconds go by the anxiety builds further. Maybe you weren’t straightforward enough in your efforts to surprise him. 
As if a lightbulb dings in his mind, his face lights up and suddenly you’re in his arms, enveloped in the tightest of hugs. 
If there was any doubt in your mind that Gavin wasn’t going to accept you or the baby, that gets thrown out the window. He’s beyond happy because this is all he’s ever wanted. 
Having a family with you was only something he believed could only be achieved in a dream. 
“I’m going to be a... We’re going to be... You have no idea how happy I am. I promise I’ll..” He trails off as if to catch himself and pulls out of the hug. His elated expression turning serious. 
“I-I mean...if you want to. Whatever you want to do I’ll stand by you.” No surprise that Gavin puts your needs and happiness before his own. 
You can only smile up at him with misty eyes. “I want to have this baby with you.” 
During the pregnancy
Spoils the hell out of you! Whatever you want, he’ll get it. No matter how far or what time it is, your man will go through hell and back to make sure you’re satisfied. 
Want chocolate covered gummy bears with cinnamon sprinkled all over them, but the only store that’s open at 3AM is halfway across town? Say no more. 
Even when you don’t want to bother him, Gavin will take it upon himself to get even the smallest of things for you.
Will go to all of your appointments and parenting classes even if it means taking on less missions. Don’t even try to convince him to do otherwise. If he has to choose between you and work, it’ll be you every time. 
If, for whatever reason, he can’t be with you for a doctor appointment, he sends Minor in his place.
You do have an electric guardian angel watching over you as well, so even when Gavin’s away you’re not entirely alone.
As the months go on, Gavin will become very protective of you and refuses to let you lift a finger. 
He cooks all the dinners when he’s home and does all the housework. Won’t even let you pick up a broom. 
Massages! Tons of massages! The minute you start complaining about your feet or back, his hands are ready.
Work? While he won’t stop you from working until way later into your pregnancy, he will try to convince you to take on a lesser workload. 
He maaaaaay take a quick trip over to LFG to talk to your investor, just so the man knows not to stress you out. Don’t worry he’s just gonna talk to him. 
Handles your mood swings surprisingly well. Half of the time its because he does whatever you want and the other half is because he hates seeing you cry or upset. 
Only a handful of times has he been strict about certain things that could potentially harm you. Not even your cutest of pouts can change his mind when he wants to protect you and the baby. 
Has a few parenting books lying around and will be a bit embarrassed if you gush about how hard he’s trying to prepare. 
Once your stomach starts growing and you start to feel insecure about your appearance, Gavin will do all he can do reassure you that you are the most beautiful woman on the planet and that he’s lucky to be in the presence of someone so perfect. 
For every part of you that you highlight as being unattractive he’ll kiss it. 
You don’t like how big your breasts have gotten? You hate the sight of your stretchmarks or how your shirts can no longer cover your protruding stomach? Expect a barrage of kisses your way. 
Gavin will fight every doubt you have so he can make his girl feel beautiful. 
Speaking of your body, Gavin would be a liar if he said he didn’t love the changes happening to your body for his own selfish reasons. 
You going up two bra sizes has been nothing but a blessing in Gavin’s eyes. Of course you’ve always been perfect to him, but you know...
Has offered to massage your breasts whenever you talk about them being too sensitive. Most of the time you take him up on that offer knowing full well that he wants more than just to ease you of your discomfort.
Not that you’re complaining because the way your sexual appetite has opened since being pregnant and having a man who wants to do nothing but please you like the service top he is?! You’re in heaven! 
By the time you’re in your 3rd trimester its hard for you to do the simplest of things, so expect Gavin to offer his services. 
Even showering has become difficult so he’s more than happy to help while you’re riddled with embarrassment.
“This is so embarrassing...”
“What’s there to be embarrassed about. It’s not like I haven’t see any of this before.”
There will be times when Gavin will feel nervous about parenting. He won’t bring such feelings to your attention, but if you pick up on it make sure to shower him with words of encouragement. 
 “You’re a good man, Gavin, and I know you’ll be a great father.” “Starting a family with someone who is as loving and caring as you, I can honestly say I’m lucky.” “Our baby is going to have parents who will love them unconditionally.” “They’ll love you just as much as I do.” “Just think, all the other parents will be so jealous over how amazing our kid will be. They’ll have your looks and sense of duty and my...well....everything else!”
If you’re not already married, at some point he’ll ask you to marry him, but will assure you that you being pregnant isn’t the reason he’s asking. This has been something he’s been thinking about for a while now. Your pregnancy just pushes him to actually take the step. 
He probably already had a ring picked out way before all of this. 
And don’t worry, he’s not just going to ask all casual-like. He’ll put a lot of thought into how and when to ask you. Who knows, maybe your little bundle of joy will be present by the time the wedding actually happens. 
The weeks leading up to your due date his job has been very accommodating, giving him work that doesn’t require him to be too far from you and is mostly him directing his subordinates from a safe distance (as per your request). 
When your water breaks you’re in the car with your prepacked hospital bag and make it to the hospital in record time.
Gavin is a nervous wreck, but he doesn’t let it show. This isn’t about him. This is about you and this new life you were about to bring into the world.
Of course he’ll be with you the whole time. The whole twelve to thirteen hours you spend in labor he doesn’t move an inch unless its to give the doctor space. 
Gavin wants to see it all and be of help to you in anyway possible. If the doctor asked him to deliver the baby he’d do it in a heartbeat.
When its time, Gavin is all in and does his best to provide you comfort in anyway he can. 
Seeing you cry and breathing heavily as the doctor instructs you to push and not being able to take the pain away is hard for him. 
All he can do is hold your hand, every so often kissing the back of it and giving you words of encouragement. 
“You’re doing great, beautiful.” “Breathe. Just like that.” “I know...just keep breathing and push, okay?” 
You can curse him out if you want or squeeze his hand reducing it to nothing but a compressed remnant of what use to be; he doesn’t care. Use him to relieve you of the pain. 
By the end of it all, Gavin is in complete awe. 
From the way you look up at him with tears streaming down your face completely drenched in sweat to the sounds of the crying child as the nurses remove the excess fluids to you holding them in your arms, Gavin’s heart is full. 
He can feel his eyes burn with tears threatening to fall at the sight of the love of his life and baby. The mother and child. His family. 
And when he gets to hold the baby, Gavin is shaking with nerves, but not enough to disturb the child laying peacefully in his arms.
The baby will look up at Gavin with eyes that mimic their father’s golden ones before they slowly drift to sleep.
“They feel safe with you.” You’ll say tiredly as the nurses tend to you. “How can you tell?” 
“Because being in your arms is the safest place in the world.”
Been sitting on this bad boy for a while now! Hope you all enjoyed the read and if you want more MLQC stuff make sure to check out my masterpost! 
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46inpm · 3 years
MLQC Housemates ((NSFW))
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Ratings: Mature/18+
Victor - Red, Lucien - Purple, Gavin - Blue, Kiro - Orange, Shaw - Green, MC (You) - Pink
Hopefully your body has enough holes to stuff 5 eggplants in all at once
How it Started
It started that you would individual have sex with one boy at a time when you wouldn’t be distrurbed
I think it did cross their minds that the others were having sex with you but didn’t think about it much
Shaw one day wanted you on the couch while the others were out, this man doesn’t care what location and if he has the whole house to himself then he’s going to fill it up with your moans for him
You two were so busy that you didn’t hear the door opening and footsteps stopping just next to the couch
“Shaw, what the hell is this!”
“It seems we’ve walked into something private.”
“Miss Chips!”
“I sure hope you have a good explanation for this.”
“It seems we’ve been walked in on. I was so caught up in hearing her beg for me, I just didn’t hear the door.”
NSFW down below!!
Shaw you’re not helping yourself from four other men who’s seeing you sit up naked on the couch with cum dripping from the corner of your mouth to embarrass to speak
Kiro took the opportunity to slip his dick in your mouth when the others were screaming lecturing Shaw
The boys returned to see your mouth full with your body wide open, Shaw decides to take up your hand for a handjob
Gavin couldn’t hold back and just kisses your neck with love and jealousy as he slides his dick in
Lucien joins with a smile but it takes awhile of seeing you orgasm a few times to get Victor to join
After it became a normal thing with some rules set in place
Now for the Actual Headcanons
There will be cocks not only in your vagina but anal, oral and both your hands all at the same time
At times it’s slow and sensual while others it’s rough and steamy
There’s a secret photo album and videos saved only for housemates to see
If you’re having sex with one boy and one or the others come in then they can join, watch, or get out
Before Victor goes on trips, Kiro on tours and shooting, Gavin on missions they have you all to themselves
When Victor was facetiming you on the laptop, Lucien behind you began to give your neck and shoulders hickeys as he slowly feels up your body all infront of Victor watching
It was the anger that he was watching Lucien of all people making you moan in front of him
Lucien really does love pissing Victor off doesn’t he
“That’s going to leave a mark. When Victor comes back, show him all the marks I gave you and tell him how much you love them.”
After the boy’s birthday dinner well almost the entire day you two fuck all you want while the rest of the boys can sit and watch if they want
They love it when you wear the lingerie they’re fond of
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Kiro’s birthday was interesting because the boys got to see Helios come out mid-fucking
Shaw was glad he got that historical moment on camera
Seeing Kiro calling you Miss Chips and princess while hugging turning into you being called a bitch and cockloving whore as Helios pulls your hair in doggy
Either way is hot🥵
“I love you, Miss Chips! I’m so glad you dressed up just for me. Let’s spend all my birthdays like this!”
“Look at you being watched by four other men while letting me pound you. You really like that don’t you, slut.”
Your birthdays you can have them all
They’re taking turns on who’s position where
They love you so much that they have to show it to your gorgeous body
“Thank you everyone! I really love you all! I’m so happy! M-my mind is going...”
If you’re stuck in a sandwich between Victor and Lucien or Gavin and Shaw then...good luck
They want to make you moan louder for them while thrusting to prove who can pleasure you more
Your body will feel orgasms after orgasms for hours as the competition doesn’t stop till they’re exhausted
If you buy yourself anything sexy or the boys buy it for you then put it on and put on a little show for them
Hey give one of them a lap dance to a song in your new lingerie
Oh and 6p will leave your mind numb with semen drenching your body inside and out
There’s a very important rule that you can’t forget: You’ll be punished if you moan one guy’s name while orgasming while a bunch of them are pleasuring you
One time you moaned Kiro’s name amd let me tell you the guys were not happy...well Kiro definitely was
After that the guys pounded your insides for hours until you full heartedly moaned their names out like you did for Kiro’s
When one of the boys want you to pleasure them or the other way around, they like to record or take a pic to send to the group chat with a really spicy caption mostly to make the other guys jealous
Lucien: Someone’s belly is getting plump with my seed🦋
A video of his hand slowly rubbing your bump with cum staining the sheets
Kiro: Miss Chips keeps begging me for more☀️
A few pics and videos of you moaning his name
Shaw: Her body’s covered in cum that she’s going to need a long shower⚡️
Selfie with you two as you’re covered in Shaw’s semen
Gavin: She really wants me to pleasure her💨
Video of you grinding against Gavin’s bulge, wanting to take his pants off
Victor: This dummy really wants my dick in the middle of my office🕰
Him filming you sucking him off in his office while massaging his balls with his pants still on
The boys sexual preferences are different but one thing they can agree on is your pleasure
Lucky girl getting five hot housemates with looks and abs fucking you at the same time
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