#Charlie donlea
like-a-skyscraperrun · 5 months
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suspirocotidiano · 1 year
- Dizem que não é o crime que abala as pessoas. Você sabe disso? - Sim – Brad respondeu, sorrindo. – É esconder a verdade.
A Garota do Lago – Charlie Donlea
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bangbangwhoa · 2 years
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books I’ve read in 2022 📖 no. 134
Twenty Years Later by Charlie Donlea
“You know, when a loved one dies young your perception of them is placed in a time capsule. You’re only able to remember them as they were then, not as they would be today.”
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ombwarrior47 · 17 days
Those Empty Eyes by Charlie Donlea
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Title: Those Empty Eyes Author: Charlie Donlea Series: N/A Number of Pages:  358 Genre:  Murder Mystery Publisher: Kensington Date of Original Publication: March 28, 2023 ISBN:   978-1496727176
Those Empty Eyes by Charlie Donlea was the final book of the season for my local mystery book club. It has really great reviews on Amazon but for me I felt it was pretty mediocre.
The beginning was really eventful and kept my interest. I liked the main character and thought she was credible. Most of the characters in the novel are realistic to a point and keep the novel flowing. The events are entertaining and not hard to follow. There was one character that could’ve been completely cut from the entire book and the story would’ve still made sense. But I understand why they kept her, she was the reporter that gave the book its title so she had to keep coming back around.
I did not like the odd back and forth in this book. There were a few time jumps in the main story and then a back story from multiple points of view. Unfortunately that back story gave away who the killer was in the first and second flash backs which is what made me lose interest in the middle. I just wanted to see how she’d figure it out and wrap up the storyline. The ending isn’t really a shock if you paid attention to the flashbacks. I was surprised how many good reviews this book got, a lot of people didn’t see it coming.
I’d recommend it for a read once, probably wouldn’t read it again.
Up Next:  
-Dark World by Zak Bagans
-Wrongful Deaths by Tom Combs (Drake Cody #3)
-A Touch of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair (Hades x Persophone #1)
Yearly Goal Markers:
Book Goal: 30/75  = 40%
Page Goal:  10/15k = 67.3 %
Follow me on LibraryThing, Goodreads, and Amazon. Same handle: OMBWarrior47
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Engaño perfecto - Charlie Donlea (2024)
Avery Mason es la presentadora de Eventos Nacionales y acaba de recibir una noticia que será historia: por primera vez en veinte años y, gracias a una nueva tecnología, han identificado los huesos de una víctima del atentado a las Torres Gemelas del 11 de septiembre. La víctima es Victoria Ford, quien había sido acusada del espantoso asesinato de su amante casado, al que encontraron colgado del…
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maryreviewsbooks · 6 months
Charlie Donlea, Don't Believe It
5/5 | fun murder mystery, taught me that St. Lucia is a real place
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Don't Believe It by Charlie Donlea is a great murder mystery that follows the case of a wrongly accused American woman and her deceased fiancé-to-be. After a wedding on the idyllic coast of St. Lucia, a man is struck upside the head and tumbles down a rocky cliff. Did Grace Sebold kill Julian in cold blood? 
Sidney Ryan is a documentary writer who has previously worked on cases that lead to exonerations long after trial. By digging into these cold cases, she often uncovers evidence that calls into question the original conviction. Due to pressure from the public, the case rulings are overturned, and the innocent are set free. She receives letters regularly asking for help exonerating people around the country, but one catches her eye: Grace Sebold has been writing for the last decade, insisting she is innocent. When Sidney takes a trip to St. Lucia, she finds that the case was handled with remarkable speed, likely to reopen the resort beaches and calm the PR nightmare that would have been an unsolved murder in the tourist-reliant community.
I found this book to be a good read - I enjoyed putting together the pieces of the mystery as the story unfolds. The back-and-forth office banter between Grace and her uber-successful network coworker, Luke Barrington, is a nice break from the cadaver-smashing, blood-spattering, gut-wrenching details that come from the investigation. With the tie-in to the real world by mentioning a recent hit series about murder mysteries (and their culprits), this book gets a solid 5 out of 5 from me.
If you like straightforward endings, don't pick this one up. I was genuinely surprised as the pieces fell into place and the real murderer was uncovered.
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danielleurbansblog · 8 months
Review: Some Choose Darkness
Synopsis: A modern master of suspense, critically acclaimed author Charlie Donlea delivers a taut, gripping novel about the deadly secrets hiding in plain sight . . . Forensic reconstructionist Rory Moore sheds light on cold-case homicides by piecing together crime scene details others fail to see. Cleaning out her late father’s law office after his burial, she receives a call that plunges her…
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gostosaleitura · 1 year
Uma Mulher no Escuro
1- Um cara matando alguém estrangulado de forma suspensa e depois foi pra casa da crush fazer amor.1979
2- Uma menininha e uma senhora colhendo rosas e pondo a mesa para comer(Avó dela?). ----
3-  Alguém com falta de ar e que recebeu uma carta de livramento condicional(Cliente de adv ou acusado?).2019
4- A pedido do detetive Davison, a Rory encontrou o Sr. Byrd, que lhe pediu que consertasse uma boneca e encontrasse quem estrangulou sua filha Camille até a morte.2019
5- Lane Phillips é seu peguete a pouco mais de um ano, as vezes trabalha com ele auxiliando em casos(De crimes?).
6- Ela tem diploma de direito e as vezes auxilia seu pai Frank no escritório, ele faleceu, Célia a adm. do escritório avisou e ela foi no escritório arrumar os casos dele.2019
7- Forsicks o detento que cuida da biblioteca, viu manchete sobre O Ladrão. Ele mesmo pretendia ser solto e amarrar algumas pontas soltas com Ela. 2019
8- Ao lado de Catherine a amiga Ângela assistia a noticia de que outra garota desapareceu Samantha, seria a 5ª vitima, a 1ª foi Clarissa há três meses, chamavam o suspeito e O Ladrão. 1979
9- Jantaram  Ângela e seu marido Thomas e Catherine e o marido Bill Blackell. Eles eram sócios em empresa que implanta fundações para novas residências pavimenta estacionamentos e garagens. 1979
10- Quando as visitas foram embora, eu acho que percebi certa antipatia da Ângela para com o Bill.
11- Ângela tinha vários recortes de manchetes sobre O Ladrão, ela tem toc e parece muito aflita e cabreira com tudo.
12- Rory recebeu os detalhes do caso de Camille para começar a investigar, caso esse que estava sem solução a mais de um ano.
13- Visitou a tia-avó Greta na casa de repouso. A tia balbuciou coisas como "Você estava sangrando" e "Tenteite salvar".
14- A Ângela continuou obcecada com o desaparecimento das garotas que achou similaridades em casos desde a década de 60, com diminuição de frequência quando alguém grande era preso ou capturado. 1979
15- Ângela foi mostrar tudo a Catherine e ela concordou que havia sim similaridades, mas uma pessoa como ela não tria credibilidade. Ela esta com seu toc e ansiedade no auge então esta perdendo cabelos, sobrancelhas e cheias de marcas de automutilação, toda vez que pensa no que essas garotas podem ter passado ela vomita.
16- Ainda antes de ir embora viu o marido de Catherine e um funcionário seu, funcionário esse que parecia muito com um homem estranho que ela havia visto em um beco, desde esse dia ela ficou mais obcecada com o caso.
17- 2019 Rory viu que o escritório de seu pai e seus casos estão quase todos dissolvidos e distribuídos para outros advogados, mas havia um caso que ainda estava pendente, no caso a soltura de um caso que ela não tinha conhecimento. 2019
18- 2019 Rory teve conhecimento que esse caso estava em conhecimento a soltura de um homem, estava em discussão os detalhes. Ao que parece vai acontecer e seu pai estava tentando impedir, diversos termos da soltura foram negociados.
19- 2019Lane Phillips é seu peguete, ele já trabalhou por 10 anos para o FBI, traçando perfis e padrões de serial killers, e hoje dá aula de psicologia forense em faculdade sobre isso, tem um app que acha padrões e traça perfis é um projeto que criou com Rory, pois suas habilidades se complementavam.
20- 2019 Vendo sobre o caso descobriu que se tratava de um cara de 1979 que matava mulheres, e soube que ele foi preso graças a ajuda de Ângela uma mulher com autismo, ela começou a pesquisar além das informações que já tinha sobre o caso.
21- 1979 O marido de Ângela notou que ela esta no auge de uma crise, então a levou até um psiquiatra, ela foi medicada, ao ir embora começou a tomar um remédio que era de seu agrado e não o receitado. Começou a pesquisar mais sobre o funcionário do marido que ela tinha suspeitas de que fosso o raptor das mulheres.
22- 1979 Ângela juntou todas as peças inquietantes e mostrou a Catherine suas suspeitas de que ele era o funcionário de seus maridos, mas Catherine não acreditou disse que ele tinha mulher e filhos e não poderia ser um serial killer.
23- 1979 Ângela foi ao canteiro de obras onde seu marido era sócio e o seu suspeito trabalhava, lá viu algumas polias e nylon, o que lhe veio a mente a suposição de que o funcionário assassinava ali suas vitimas, talvez até de forma dupla com duas vitimas penduradas.
24- Era aniversário de Ângela, e o marido lhe deu joias, ela ficou surpresa, mas não por ganhar as joias e sim pq havia visto joias guardadas na garagem de seu marido, mas as que ele lhe deu, não eram essas, então de quem eram aquelas, na garagem ela lembrou então que ele poderia estar tendo um caso com a nova secretária, já que ela as vezes recebia ligações silenciosas.
25 - 1979. No dia seguinte ela foi fuçar mais a garagem, para ver o que mais encontrava e encontrou mais pertences das mulheres desaparecidas, nas coisas de seu marido.
26- 2019 Rory teve que ir visitar mesmo o cliente de seu pai, Sr. Thomas, e explicou a eles as regras para sua soltura.
27-  2019 Ainda intrigada pela pessoa que ajudou na captura de Thomas ela foi se encontrar com Catherine, para obter mais informações.
28- 1979 Thomas esvaziou toda sua garagem com as evidencias e não sabia ao certo o que sua esposa descobriu, mas ainda não sabia o que fazer com ela, por hora ia incendiar seu deposito para destruir evidencias.
29- 1979 Foi deixado um pacote na delegacia com algumas evidencias de vitimas e pistas, os policiais foram até a casa de Thomas procurar por Ângela.
30-2019 Roy conversando com Catherine descobriu que seu pai estava atrás de Ângela, mas Catherine supôs que seria para que a condenação de Thomas pelo sumiço de Ângela fosse anulada.
31- 1981. Franck descobriu uma antiga amiga de Ângela com um bb, e ia adotar com sua esposa esse bb. Aos 6 anos Rory demonstrou traços de toc.
32- 2019. Célia quando encontrou Rory no escritório do pai entregou a ela uma chave que contava a Rory a verdade que a pessoa que ela chamava de Greta como Tia Avó, era na verdade sua mãe, mas acho que não biológica.
33- 2019.Mesmo Greta não sendo muito lucida, Rory a indagou na casa de repouso, enquanto reformavam a boneca de Camile.
34- A verdade é que Greta é alguém que Ângela era amiga, Mas não sei ainda como Greta estava com uma criança de Ângela, mas pelo que pareceu na hora da adoção da Rory bb, é que Ângela estava morta e Greta cuidava da bb.
35- Greta contou a Frank e sua esposa como Ângela a procurou quando fugiu de Thomas, estava grávida de dois meses, procurou uma antiga amiga para fazer o parto e ficar lá, mas morreu durante o parte de Rory.
36- 2019. Rory começou a entender pq seu pai tratava aquele caso de apelações, para que Thomas não conseguisse ter a liberdade, pois era um serial killer e seu pai.
37-  2019 Algo que foi inevitável, o juiz o soltou e ela o levou até o local que ele ficaria. Foi bem produtivo, chegou e já cavou uma cova, pegou Catherine em frente sua casa e Greta na casa de repouso.
38- 2019Rory suspeitou de Thomas e foi até o chalé onde deixou Thomas, lá encontrou uma mapa de onde estava cada uma das mulheres desaparecidas em 1979, encontrou Catherine enforcada.
39- 2019Thomas começou a se enforcar na polia dupla ao lado de Catherine, mas com um banco a baixo de si, para poder sair, Rory tirou o banco e ele morreu enforcado.
40- Rory viu a mídia descobrir a morte de Thomas e o cadáver das mulheres que ele matou, ela foi até a casa que ficava com a Greta e e colocou flores onde sua mãe Ângela estava enterrada.
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teenageread · 1 year
Review: Twenty Years Later
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Hiding her own dark past in plain sight, a TV reporter is determined to uncover the truth behind a gruesome murder decades after the investigation was abandoned. But TWENTY YEARS LATER, to understand the present, you need to listen to the past…
Avery Mason, host of American Events, knows the subjects that grab a TV audience’s attention. Her latest story—a murder mystery laced with kinky sex, tragedy, and betrayal—is guaranteed to be ratings gold. New DNA technology has allowed the New York medical examiner’s office to make its first successful identification of a 9/11 victim in years. The twist: the victim, Victoria Ford, had been accused of the gruesome murder of her married lover. In a chilling last phone call to her sister, Victoria begged her to prove her innocence.
Emma Kind has waited twenty years to put her sister to rest, but closure won’t be complete until she can clear Victoria’s name. Alone she’s had no luck, but she’s convinced that Avery’s connections and fame will help. Avery, hoping to negotiate a more lucrative network contract, goes into investigative overdrive. Victoria had been having an affair with a successful novelist, found hanging from the balcony of his Catskills mansion. The rope, the bedroom, and the entire crime scene was covered in Victoria’s DNA.
But the twisted puzzle of Victoria’s private life just the beginning. And what Avery doesn't realize is that there are other players in the game who are interested in Avery’s own secret past—one she has kept hidden from both the network executives and her television audience. A secret she thought was dead and buried . . .
Avery Mason knows she is the hottest TV host on air. With the death of her predecessor, Avery took over American Events, and ratings have skyrocketed. Sure it was because she was doing unusual stunts, but still, she was doing great and the network was trying to lowball her into a terrible contract. Telling her lawyer to fix it, Avery set off to New York, her childhood home to scope out a story about a person recently identified from bone fragments from the Twin Towers, almost twenty years after the fall. Talking to the sister, the only living kin of the victim, Avery finds herself more than just a story for American Events, but a mystery. The victim, Victoria Ford, was at the Twin Towers on the day of 9/11 because she was meeting with her attorney for her murder trial that was coming up. Victoria was charged with the murder of famous author Cameron Young, whom she had a kinky affair with that ended with a sloppy murder and charges against Victoria. Yet when 9/11 happened, the world was in terror, and cases like Victoria’s where both the defendant and accused are dead just fell away. Promising to bring some sort of justice for Victoria, Avery sets off to show the world who Victoria Ford was, and to bring up the question: did Victoria really kill Cameron? To do that, Avery contacts the lead detective on the case, ex-FBI agent Walt Jenkins. Walt who was so far away from NYC and her troubles, as he was enjoying his time in Jamaica. After surviving what should have been a deadly shot, he took an early retirement and moved to Jamaica, and has spent the past three years drinking rum and wondering how he got to this point in life. When the FBI calls up and tells him about Avery’s investigation into the Victoria Ford case, they have a secondary motive to make Walt come back to New York. As Avery was not who she claimed to be, the FBI wanted Walt to get close to her and discover her secret past. With Avery looking into Victoria, and Walt looking into Avery, secrets, and lies from the past twenty years come to the surface, and as the world begins to commemorate the horrific event of 9/11 and mourn all those who died.
Charlie Donlea takes us on a mystery thriller of a ride, as Avery and Walt work together to figure out what happened twenty years ago, and if Victoria really did kill Cameron, or if she was framed. Switching between the third person point of view of Avery and Walt, you got to see both sides of the investigation for Victoria, Walt’s investigation of Avery, and Avery's looking into her own past. Now this book is hard to get into at first, as Donlea does a long lead-up with Victoria entering the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 and the meeting she had, before skipping twenty years into the future with Avery in LA hosting American Events. Dividing the book into several parts, Donlea also includes the dates of each chapter and their locations as the story bumps around from California, New York, Jamaica, and more. This does not add anything to the story, but it also does not take anything away, besides Donlea wanting to show off their timeline for the story. Individually Walt and Avery were good characters, both dedicated to the mystery, and willing to do what it takes, and each had secrets that Donlea slowly revealed throughout the story. As a couple? The romance element I could not get, as Donlea made them have zero connection outside the case besides sharing dark secrets and how Avery notices the little things about Walt. Thankfully this novel was classed as a mystery and not a romance, as where Walt and Avery did not make sense as a couple, Donlea did not make that a focus point, instead, this novel is the majority of the Victoria Ford case. Now that was well done, with kink-shaming, media coverage, to the little bits that do not make sense that Avery and Walt picked up along the way. Truly made me keep reading to see if Victoria was actually the killer, as the romance, Avery’s past, and Walt’s past were not cutting it. It just felt like Donlea was trying to do too much, and with the final chapters explaining the truth of what has been happening, it just made the story more of a letdown than needed to be. Sure finding out what was happening with Avery was nice, and the truth about what Victoria did or did not do was explained in the epilogue, just felt like it ruined what the story was building. Overall, the story was very mild, with a wild thriller with a bad ending, a lot of side drama, and an unneeded romance. This novel does not really commemorate 9/11 but does use the event as a backbone for this thrilling tale.
Read more reviews: Goodreads
Buy the book: Amazon
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freshbatchofbooks · 1 year
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Finished my first book of 2023! Like any mystery novel, I thought I since the mystery halfway thru, then I was humbled when I was 100% wrong on my guess/theories
Giving it a 5/5
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kittcattastrophe · 2 years
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I really really enjoyed this book. It's fast paced, well written, and the twists keep coming.
My only issue, which I find a lot with men writing women characters, is that the women tend to feel a little tropey.
I read this book in five hours last night (I stayed up until 1 am), I just could NOT put it down.
If you like murder, mystery, and shocking twists this is the book for you.
4.5/5 stars
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suspirocotidiano · 1 year
- (...) mas descobrir um segredo jamais é a chave. Descobrir por que um segredo é um segredo é o que leva a algum lugar.
A Garota do Lago – Charlie Donlea
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alvaronobrejunior01 · 2 years
Uma Mulher na Escuridão de Charlie Donlea é o melhor livro que eu li de Charlie Donlea. Confira a resenha no YouTube e no instagram 😉
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xumoonhao · 11 months
what i read in may 2023 💖
(entries marked with an * indicate favourites; entries marked with a ! indicate things i didnt like)
The Millennial Vernacular of Fatphobia by Anne Helen Petersen | Culture Study
The Medical Medium and the True Believer by Dan Adler | Vanity Fair
How Many Well Intentioned People Dehumanise Children by Racheous | Racheous
How Horror Reflects Societal Fears by Frankie Wallace | The Review Geek
* What If You Actually Cared About Tea? by Jordan Michelman | TASTE
Here’s How to Actually Be Kinder to Yourself by Jenna Ryu | SELF
Inside the Delirious Rise of ‘Superfake’ Handbags by Amy X. Wang | The New York Times
* Fish Are Not Insentient Dullards by Ben Goldfarb | Nautilus
Listening To The Creatures Of The World by Karen Bakker | Noema Magazine
The plastic road to Everest Base Camp by Madigan Cotterill| Canadian Geographic
! The 10 most iconic jewels through history by Daisy Woodward | BBC
The Titanic of the Pacific by Tyler Hooper | Atavist
TIMELINE: Deinstitutionalization And Its Consequences by Deanna Pan | Mother Jones [may 17]
World's Best--And Worst--Places To Be Mentally Ill by Allen Frances, MD | Psychiatric Times
! Son of a Trickster, Trickster #1 by Eden Robinson (2017)
! Blind Tiger, The Pride #01 by Jordan L. Hawk (2021)
* Tastes Like War by Grace M. Cho (2021)
! Don't Believe It by Charlie Donlea (2018)
! Untamed by Glennon Doyle (2020)
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fubukii1 · 2 months
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Olhos Vazios - Charlie Donlea
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Libby Spotlight: Popular Mysteries
Don’t Believe It by Charlie Donlea
The Girl of Sugar Beach is the most watched documentary in television history—a riveting, true-life mystery that unfolds over twelve weeks and centers on a fascinating question: Did Grace Sebold murder her boyfriend, Julian, while on a Spring Break vacation, or is she a victim of circumstance and poor police work? Grace has spent the last ten years in a St. Lucian prison, and reaches out to filmmaker Sidney Ryan in a last, desperate attempt to prove her innocence.
As Sidney begins researching, she uncovers startling evidence overlooked during the original investigation. Before the series even finishes filming, public outcry leads officials to reopen the case.
Delving into Grace's past, Sidney peels away layer after layer of deception. But as she edges closer to the real heart of the story, Sidney must decide if finding the truth is worth risking her newfound fame, her career... even her life.
The Night Shift by Alex Finlay
It's New Year's Eve 1999. Y2K is expected to end in chaos: planes falling from the sky, elevators plunging to earth, world markets collapsing. A digital apocalypse. None of that happens. But at a Blockbuster Video in New Jersey, four teenagers working late at the store are attacked. Only one inexplicably survives. Police quickly identify a suspect, the boyfriend of one of the victims, who flees and is never seen again.
Fifteen years later, more teenage employees are attacked at an ice cream store in the same town, and again only one makes it out alive.
In the aftermath of the latest crime, three lives intersect: the lone survivor of the Blockbuster massacre who's forced to relive the horrors of her tragedy; the brother of the fugitive accused, who's convinced the police have the wrong suspect; and FBI agent Sarah Keller who must delve into the secrets of both nights—stirring up memories of teen love and lies—to uncover the truth about murders on the night shift.
The Widows of Malabar Hill by Sujata Massey 
Bombay, 1921: Perveen Mistry, the daughter of a respected Zoroastrian family, has just joined her father's law firm, becoming one of the first female lawyers in India. Armed with a legal education from Oxford, Perveen also has a tragic personal history that makes her especially devoted to championing and protecting women's rights.
Mistry Law is handling the will of Mr. Omar Farid, a wealthy Muslim mill owner who has left three widows behind. But as Perveen goes through the papers, she notices something strange: all three have signed over their inheritance to a charity. What will they live on if they forefeit what their husband left them? Perveen is suspicious.
The Farid widows live in purdah: strict seclusion, never leaving the women's quarters or speaking to any men. Are they being taken advantage of by an unscrupulous guardian? Perveen tries to investigate and realizes her instincts about the will were correct when tensions escalate to murder. It's her responsibility to figure out what really happened on Malabar Hill, and to ensure that nobody is in further danger.
This is the first volume in the “Perveen Mistry” series.
The Lady in the Silver Cloud by David Handler
A 1955 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud is a fantastically expensive car, especially in the pristine condition of the one owned by Muriel Cantrell. Living in a luxury apartment building on Central Park West, the delicate, sweet 75-year-old woman is a neighbor of Merilee Nash, the beautiful movie star, and Stuart Hoag, whose first book was a sensation but whose career crashed when he became involved with drugs and alcohol. Divorced ten years earlier, Hoagy has been welcomed back into Merilee's life and apartment.
Apparently universally beloved in her building, residents are shocked when Muriel is murdered after a Halloween party. No one takes it harder than her long-time chauffeur, Bullets Durmond, whose previous job was as an enforcer for the mob. Who in the world would want to harm the silver-haired lady whose major vices were buying shoes and Chanel suits (always in cash), and watching day-time soap operas?
Lieutenant Romaine Very of the NYPD is called to investigate and again seeks help from his friend Hoagy who, along with his basset hound Lulu, has been an invaluable aide in the past. The investigation leads to the unexpected source of Muriel's wealth, the history of her early years as a hatcheck girl at the Copacabana, how her chauffeur came to be called Bullets, her desperate meth-head nephew, and her wealthy neighbors, who have secrets of their own.
This is the 13th volume in the “Stewart Hoag” series.
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