#Corporate art workshops
dyaaustralia · 1 year
Online exercises for team building
Virtual team building exercises are excellent for creating a cohesive, powerful team. They can help break up the monotony of a standard meeting, promote communication, and foster teamwork. Typically, these hobbies are low-stress and enjoyable. Additionally, many individuals love engaging in online team-building activities.
Consider holding a Jeopardy-style tournament for groups that wish to improve their problem-solving abilities. This can boost morale, motivation, and output. It is also a terrific method to become acquainted with a distant team.
Virtual Team Building Bingo is another activity that helps enhance collaboration. Teams compete for rewards and must complete the assignment within a certain time limit. These games are playable in both breakout rooms and online meetings.
The Longest Word is another game to play with a group of pals. In this exercise, a facilitator narrates a brief fact, and each team must estimate the length of the term. When a team correctly guesses a shorter word, they earn a point.
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A virtual show-and-tell is an additional excellent activity for a group of remote employees. A facilitator offers arbitrary content and requests that team members share startling information about themselves.
If a team member enjoys playing video games, for instance, they might discuss their favourite games and describe how they used them to tackle an issue. Similarly, if a team member like Shakespeare's Macbeth, they might convey their appreciation for the play.
Conducting a virtual house tour is an effective method for fostering rapport amongst team members. The residence of an employee may provide an insight into their daily lives and inspire team members to open up.
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thetopswordman · 2 months
Penkraft | Handwriting | Calligraphy | Abacus | Art & Craft | Thane
Courses, Workshops, Teachers' Trainings, Subject Franchise Training- Handwriting, Calligraphy, Vedic, Abacus, Phonics, & Art Form, Master Franchise, Diploma in FIne Arts and Art Exams
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abhi-views · 4 months
Neon Wonderland at Nagole: Dive into a Fluorescent Fiesta of Fun!
Calling all Hyderabadis with a creative itch and a love for all things splattery! Neon Wonderland has landed in Nagole, bringing with it the city’s first-ever neon paint splatter room experience. Unleash your inner artist and prepare to immerse yourself in a world of electrifying colors and uninhibited expression. Step into a Fluorescent Fantasy: Imagine this: you enter a 1,200 square feet…
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kamaldollah · 1 year
Corporate Team Bonding Art Activity
Corporate Team Bonding Art Activity
Art jamming workshop in batik painting completed in 2-hours with frame and included a friendly competition element. Fun for any level no pre-requisite qualification. Anybody can produce a batik painting safely by using cold wax method. Hot wax included for demonstration and instructor guided hands on experience. Conducted by teaching artist who master the art of batik painting.
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kuwdora · 7 months
Anytime I see people talking about canon and fan fiction and all the discourse that happens therein, my brain always goes back to this line from Slings and Arrows. It’s been living in my head rent free for nearly 20 years.
Geoffrey Tennant is standing in front of a workshop class full of corporate middle management people who tell him they’re at the workshop to learn communication skills and management styles by learning about the works of Shakespeare. And they’re all just very cut and dry business folk who are there and are gonna Learn a Thing. Geoffrey basically waves the class’s notions aside and says: “Let’s fuck around with some text.”
I love that line. I think about that line a lot when I think about fandom. Taking canon and finding our own way to play and fuck around with it. Search for profound truths about a character. And the horny. The silliness and fun. Explore the new and process trauma or share joy with fic or art or vids. Going in completely different direction from canon because we’re in so deep and are possessed and that’s where the stories and the fanon has carried us.
Let’s fuck around with some text. It’s so good.
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m-12-7-jo · 1 year
"Anytime you seek help from the police, you're inviting them into your community and putting people who are already vulnerable into dangerous situations.
But we can build trusted networks of mutual aid that allow us to better handle conflicts ourselves and move towards forms of transformative justice [...]."
"Don't feel obligated to defend property – especially corporate "private" property. [...] ask yourself if anyone is being hurt or endangered by property "theft" or damage. If the answer is no, then let it be."
"If something of yours is stolen and you need to file a report for insurance or othe purposes, consider going to the police station instead of bringing cops into your community."
"If you observe someone exhibiting behavior that seems "odd" to you, don't assume that they are publicly intoxicated. Ask if they are OK, if they have a medical condition, and if they need assistance."
"If you see someone pulled over with car trouble, stop and ask if they need help or if you can call a tow truck for them."
"Keep a contact list of community resources like suicide hotlines. [...] people with mental illness are sixteen times more likely to be killed by cops than those without mental health challenges."
"Check your impulse to call the police on someone you believe looks or is acting 'suspicious'. Is their race, gender, ethnicity, class, or housing situation influencing your choice?"
"[...] create a culture of taking care of each other and not unwittingly putting people in harm's way." As in, encourage others to avoid inviting police into community and public spaces, including rallies and demonstrations.
"If your neighbor is having a party and the noise is bothering you, go over and talk to them. Getting to know your neighbors [...] is a good way to make asking them to quiet down a little less uncomfortable."
"If you see someone peeing in public, just look away!"
"Hold and attend de-escalation, conflict resolution, first aid, volunteer medic, and self-defense workshops in you neighborhood, school, workplace, or community organization."
"Don't report graffiti and other street art[tists]. If you see work that includes fascist or hate speech, paint over it yourself or with friends."
"Remember, you can support friends and neighbors who are being victimized by abusers by offering them a place to stay, a ride to a safe location, or to watch their children. Utilize community resources like safe houses and hotlines." (You could also offer to store money for them in a safe location if they need that)
Source: 12 Things to Do Intead of Calling The Cops.
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deepseametro · 5 days
Hey, I'm here from the AI hysteria post. I want to preface this by saying that I am an artist, and I'm coming here with the intention of understanding, not trolling. I had a really strong reaction to AI when it initially started to boom, and I've been trying to get to a more nuanced place.
I'm not sure if I misunderstood your post, but it seems like to me that an artist being afraid of/angry at a giant corporation for using AI is understandable? I don't care about individual people all that much, and I am under no illusion that some random Twitter guy posting AI art is going to steal my job, but I do care about my employment. It just... feels weird, for us to be sidelined like this and replaced by something that's often a downgrade in quality- not by virtue of being "fake art" or whatever, but simply because image generation still is a tool being workshopped, so to speak.
appreciate you approaching in good faith!
the post in question wasn't about what you're describing - in fact, i'm just as angry and critical of corporations displacing workers through any form of tech - it was about people's personals reactions to encountering AI art. specifically, it was about this recent drama over on twitter:
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these are not people concerned abt labor rights of working class artists; they are personally offended and upset they encountered a single AI artist making art they enjoyed - i mean this person says it hurt them on a deep level (how????????)
this is the attitude im usually primarily criticizing. i despise corporate use of AI, im a communist! but this attitude of pure vitrolic hate and disgust towards a budding art medium is ridiculous and cruel. i care about your employment too! we share a common enemy and thats the ruling class; not fellow hobbyists or freelance artists.
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oozedninjas · 9 months
Because they have a life outside of crimefighting, you know?
He got into college, got a degree in systems engineering and works from home as a programmer for an important corporation.
Uses an IA to generate a human-Like appearance for work meetings.
He’s the one with the highest income and the most uninterested in money. Donnie supports his family a lot in that sense.
After Leo, Donnie is the one who takes good care of Master Splinter, who fortunately never falls sick, but they worry nonetheless.
Donnie spends almost all he makes on his lab, and what he’s left he invests it on their home, which means: new, much more comfortable furniture, a new security system to protect the lair, escape routes in case of needing to, he made sure each of them had a comfortable space to sleep.
When learnt how to take care of his bike when working as the night watcher, so I picture him making money as a mechanic.
When he’s not fighting crime at night, Raph tends a mechanical workshop he build in association with Casey. It’s located in an abandoned garage near the lair.
Generally, Casey makes the deals, brings the clients, and delivers the vehicles back to them once they’re done, while Raph does the mechanics and fixes everything.
The place is a nice distraction and thanks to the marvelous work they make, it’s a nice business.
I think he would most likely be a TikTok celebrity.
It all started with couple of videos that he published by mistake and went viral.  
He constructed his personal brand around body painting, animal-care, and skateboarding.
Mikey’s a hit, seriously like he would get nice brand colabs and receive a bunch of free stuff for him to test and provide online opinions.
Master splinter wasn’t happy about it, but given that everyone thought it was a costume, he allowed it.
Donnie was commanded with the task of making an IA human-like appearance for Mikey, tho, just to be sure.
The turtle team still exists, fewer times now than before, cause life changes and they don’t have as much time on their hands now as they did when they were younger. Yet, Leo can’t help but feel lonely at times.
Training at the dojo and glimpsing back to see the Lab’s lights on and meet the silence of the house without Mikey and Raph.
Master Splinter’s no. 1 caretaker.
I think that as all his brothers progressively grew older, Leo started to note his only purpose until now had been his brothers: standing as a leader for them, protecting them, taking care of them, and being responsible for them.
What does he truly enjoy? Leo starts to wonder.
And this is Leo's best age to discover what he's into and show a wilder side of himself. He feels complete.
He loves exploring new things!
Leo became a teacher after settling down. He teaches Japanese history and martial arts online.
Donnie helped him develop an app, and everything's going alright.
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pwlanier · 11 months
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Ivanov V.B. "Mirror of Time" Oil on canvas. Size 60x45 cm.
Ivanov Vsevolod Borisovich was born on August 14, 1950 in the city of Belomorsk. He started as an amateur painter. In 1978 he graduated from the Tver Art School named after A.G. Venetsianova, having received the specialty of artist-designer. Later he worked by profession and was engaged in graphics. Participant of domestic and foreign exhibitions. In his work, he turns to the topic of original Russia.
In his modest workshop, converted from a simple apartment in the center of Tver, famous series of paintings have been created: "Atlantis", "Baltic Russia", "Great TARTARIA", "Hyperborea", "Wooden Russia", "Ancient Russia", "Thoughts about Russia", "Slovenian Keys", "Tripoli Many works are in private and corporate meetings in Russia, France, Germany, Finland.
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rosanna-writer · 5 months
Love at First Sight's for Suckers (2/5)
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Summary: [A Feysand Newsies AU] Rhysand had a reputation. A big reputation. But fortunately for Feyre, a newsie selling papers on the streets of Velaris, tabloid gossip about the handsome, charismatic, hard-partying war-hero of a High Lord's heir means business is booming. That is, until the city's newspaper magnates get greedy, Feyre finds herself an unwitting labor leader at the center of a strike, and Rhys becomes an unexpected ally... Warnings: None
We're back with Feyre continuing to unwittingly make Rhys lose his mind in second part of my gift for @the-lonelybarricade for @acotargiftexchange! Thank you to @itsthedoodle for beta reading <3
Ch. 1 - Got a Feelin' 'bout the Headline | Ch. 2 - Beautiful. Smart. Independent.
You can read the second chapter Here on AO3 or under the readmore.
Feyre really didn't like the way that cop was looking at her. He'd already passed her corner once, and she'd forced herself to ignore him and just keep hawking papers. There were hundreds of lesser fae newsies just like her on the streets of Velaris—even though she was shouting headlines, she might as well have been invisible.
And when you were technically a fugitive, nothing less than invisible would do.
But something had made him turn around and come back. Lucien, at least, was long gone, back to his spot by the docks to finish work for the day. Feyre hoped he wouldn't come looking for her again; if she needed to bolt, Lucien couldn't travel through shadows, and Feyre would never, ever leave her best friend behind.
Recognition flickered in the policeman's eyes. He broke into a run, straight towards her. "Feyre Archeron!" he shouted.
Heads turned. Feyre's heart pounded. The faeries in the square turned their attention to her, putting it together that they had a criminal in their midst.
So Feyre became a shadow again.
To everyone else, it looked like she'd disappeared entirely. But Feyre had merely made herself impossible to grab, nothing more than a wisp of darkness, and she slid into the shadow that the nearby streetlight cast in the late afternoon sun.
She couldn't stay like this forever, so like a ghost, she passed through the solid walls and doors of the Rainbow. Feyre tried to ignore the pang of longing at the workshops and art galleries—there was no time to linger. The Rainbow had always been a safe haven, but there was one place in particular she knew she wouldn't be found.
Once she was backstage at Ressina's theater, Feyre let herself become corporeal again…only to be greeted by an ear-piercing shriek.
"High Lady! " Ressina cried. "Do you really have to do that right in the middle of my dressing room?"
"Sorry. Had a bit of an emergency, Mind if I hide out here for a while?" Feyre said.
Ressina smiled. "My favorite scenic designer can stay here as long as she likes."
Feyre leaned in and kissed the air just above both of Ressina's cheeks, careful not to touch the actress's heavy stage makeup. If Ressina hadn't been wearing an elaborate sequined costume, complete with feathered hat perched precariously on her head, Feyre would have given the female a hug.
"Painting a few trees hardly makes me a scenic designer."
"I made sure you're credited as one in the playbill. And we've been getting such good reviews, I can finally pay instead of owing you a favor. Rhysand and Morrigan are even in the audience tonight."
"Rhysand is…here?" Feyre almost didn't believe she'd heard correctly. As far as she knew, the prince spent his free time at parties and pleasure halls—not in small, lesser fae-run playhouses in out-of-the-way corners of the city.
Cauldron, did he even like musicals?
"Probably some arts patronage thing. Morrigan is on the board of damn near every charity in Velaris."
That made a bit more sense, Feyre supposed. It was common knowledge that Rhys and his cousin were close; perhaps she'd dragged him here. And regardless of why, the buzz from the prince's attendance would do wonders for ticket sales, and Ressina deserved that. In addition to performing, she owned the place, having built the business from the ground up herself. "That's fantastic news."
Ressina shrugged. "We'll see if anything actually comes of it. I don't count my dragons before they hatch. Intermission is almost over, but feel free to stay and watch the rest."
And with that, Ressina left. From previous experience, Feyre knew that backstage in the middle of a show was a busy place, so she crept up to the front of the house and hoped she could find an empty seat.
As she passed one of the private boxes, a familiar voice drifted through the open door. Feyre did her best to ignore the way her heart gave a traitorous little flip at the sound.
"Mor, are you positive that your contacts at the food bank will be prepared for the increased demand?" Rhys was saying.
That was…odd. Whatever this was about, he sounded deadly serious, not at all like a person who was out to enjoy a night at the theater. Feyre froze and strained to listen for Mor's reply, telling herself that obviously the matter was something of political importance if more people in Velaris were suddenly going to need assistance.
Yes, definitely that and not just her own inherent nosiness.
But Mor's reply never came. And neither did the chance to fade back into the shadows. When Rhys's voice drifted out from the open door again, his purr was unmistakably aimed at her. "Hello Feyre darling.
If he wasn't accusing her of anything, Feyre certainly wasn't about to apologize. "Twice in one day. Think it's fate?" she said evenly, letting her voice carry to him.
He materialized in front of her, leaning against the doorframe. At some point since that morning, he'd changed into a formal black tunic embroidered with silver swirls. Feyre found herself wondering idly if the design matched the Illyrian tattoos she'd never seen for herself—the Herald ran plenty of headlines about Rhys in compromising positions, but tragically, a picture of him completely shirtless had never made the front page.
But of course, Feyre was only thinking about that because the plunging neckline he'd worn last Starfall had sold out papers in record time.
"If it is, then I'm the luckiest male in the world." Something in Rhys's smile was just a bit too knowing. Feyre didn't like it.
But still, there was something comfortingly familiar about hearing more of his teasing. "It's nice to see you, too."
His voice floated into her head, which nearly made her jump out of her skin. Rhys had never used his daemati abilities on her before. You shouldn't be out here, not with the police still after you. The box is secluded enough to hide, and there's an extra seat. Join me.
For a long moment, Feyre just stared at him, blinking in surprise. She'd merely stolen a loaf of bread for Lucien in a moment of desperation when he'd spent several days too sick to work and her own earnings hadn't been enough to support them both. Avoiding arrest by fading into darkness hardly made her a notorious criminal, not when any other shadow-wraith could call upon the same abilities.
But Rhys knew. And Feyre couldn't fathom who might have told him or why he'd care. She didn't trust it. "You'll want something in return, won't you?"
"I might." He gave her another one of those annoying feline smiles. She scowled back.
"Fine. What do you want?"
"Draw something for me on the blank newsprint in your bag, and we'll call it even."
Feyre had never heard him sound so earnest, and his violet eyes had gone soft in a way she'd never seen from him before, either. She couldn't shake the feeling she was missing something. "I— What? Why would you want that?"
"My walls are looking a bit bare. What better way to fix that than with something you made?"
More teasing, then. They were back on familiar ground, and Feyre would have thrown a punch—mocking her art was a low blow—if Rhys hadn't praised her work before. When they'd met, she'd been sketching the skyline over the Sidra on a spare bit of newsprint leftover at the end of the day. He'd asked if she was selling newspapers to pay for art school, and she'd laughed in his face.
But after that, he'd returned to buy the paper from her every morning without fail.
"Alright. It's a bargain."
Magic crackled in the air as the bargain tattoo appeared on Feyre's arm, a swirling design that covered everything from the elbow to the fingertips of her left hand. She'd spent her whole life in the Night Court; she knew what bargain tattoos were. But by the Cauldron was this one elaborate. And beautiful.
Rhys was looking at her as if he could hear her thoughts. Feyre frantically double-checked that her shields were up—it was so easy to forget she was in the company of a daemati. "You have an artist's eye. I hope it's up to your standards."
"Bargains go both ways. Where's yours?"
"If you're that curious, undress me and find out."
It must be exhausting, Feyre supposed, to go through life unable to stop flirting for more than a few minutes at a time. But then again, Rhysand never looked tired. "Will you manage to keep quiet during the show? Or am I going to hear you blathering on about how my eyes are like stars the entire time?"
"That's something else you'll have to find out for yourself."
Before Feyre could get another word in, he took her hand and tugged her into the box. The door snicked shut behind her on a night-kissed wind.
A blonde female Feyre only recognized from newspaper photos turned and smiled at them. Morrigan, Feyre realized. She'd heard Rhys use his cousin's name, but after shouting so many headlines about her, Feyre was still caught off-guard by the sight of the Morrigan in the flesh.
"You must be Feyre Archeron. I'm Morrigan, but call me Mor. It's so nice to finally meet you," she was saying, holding out a hand for Feyre to shake.
"Oh. Um. Hello," Feyre said. There was an awkward beat of silence as she tugged her hand—which was still in Rhys's—back so she could shake Morrigan's. "Nice to meet you, too."
There was more uncomfortable silence as Rhys and Mor just stared at each other, and several different expressions cycled across their faces in quick succession. At first, Feyre didn't know what to make of it. But then she realized they must have been speaking about something mind-to-mind. Whatever the topic was, it seemed…contentious.
And that had almost distracted her enough not to notice that Mor had said nice to finally meet her. Feyre couldn't imagine who could possibly have been speaking about her to Mor so frequently.
Rhys indicated for her to sit, and Feyre did. He was right about the box being secluded; the seats were set far enough back that she'd be difficult to spot if someone came looking for her. It put her at ease.
"Do you need something to write with?" he asked, dropping into the seat next to her and stretching his long legs out in front of him.
Feyre always carried a pencil. She reached up under her cap and pulled it out of the messy bun it had been keeping in place all day. Her hair—light brown now that she was fully corporeal—tumbled down her shoulders. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Rhys staring at her, mouth slightly parted.
Before he had an opportunity to say something cutting, Feyre said, "You left a loophole, you know. I could just draw a line on the paper, and I'd keep my half of the bargain."
He shrugged. "Maybe I just wanted to see what you'd do."
Feyre had no idea what to say to that. But at that moment, the lights dimmed, and Mor took a seat on Rhys's other side. Musicians began to play the opening notes of the entr'acte. Feyre tuned it out; she'd heard it enough times when she'd been painting sets during rehearsals.
The bigger question was what she was going to draw for Rhys. As a shadow-wraith, she could see perfectly in the dark theater, so there was nothing stopping her from spending the next hour perfecting a sketch. And uninterrupted time to work on her art was vanishingly rare.
But still, it was Rhys, so the temptation to draw the outline of a cock just to spite him was strong.
Even stronger, though, was the urge to sketch his face. Rhysand was without a doubt the most beautiful male Feyre had ever seen, and since the day they'd met, she'd been eager to try her hand at capturing his strangely sensual-yet-swaggering demeanor on canvas. But a prince could have his portrait done by any artist he liked, and Feyre doubted that he'd agree if he asked him to model for her.
So even though it was against her better instincts to do something that might inflate his ego, Feyre wanted to sketch a portrait of Rhys. To her surprise, he kept quiet and still, actually paying attention to the show.
It was the longest Feyre had ever seen him go without smirking. His features were soft, and she did her best to capture that instead of the smug mask he presented to the world. Something told her moments where he looked this unguarded were rare.
She finished just as the show ended and the lights brightened again. Before Rhys could see what she'd drawn, Feyre rolled up the portrait and held it out for him with a pointed look, daring him to unroll it and examine it in front of her. The bargain tattoo on her hand faded.
Wisely, he merely thanked her and tucked it into a pocket dimension.
"Feyre, the sets you painted look like dreamscapes," Mor said, brown eyes bright. If Feyre wasn't mistaken, that was admiration.
Feyre shrugged. "The actors just needed something pretty to stand in front of while they sing."
Mor locked eyes with Rhysand again, probably having another wordless conversation. Feyre took it as her cue to leave—she could easily slip into the crowd headed for the exit, then find Ressina backstage. But Mor let out a decidedly unladylike snort, squeezed Rhys's shoulder, and winnowed away.
Rhys looked at her, and something in his eyes pinned Feyre to the spot. "Will you allow me to walk you home?" he said.
Rhys wasn't entirely sure he was breathing as he waited for Feyre to answer. Not that it was the point, but he wasn't sure his already-bruised ego would survive slinking back to the House of Wind alone after he'd just urged Mor to leave him alone with his mate.
"Why?" Feyre said. At least it wasn't a no.
He slid his hands into his pockets, hoping he looked nonchalant. "Because I'd like to see you get home safely, and no one will bother you if you're with me."
She nodded once. "Alright."
"I can meet you at the stage door once you've gotten your coat."
"I— I don't have one."
He was pulling his own off the back of his chair and wrapping it around her shoulders before he knew what he was doing. This late in the year, Velaris was cold after dark. And perhaps it was reckless, but the risk of a few headlines about Feyre taking him home was worth making sure she didn't freeze.
At least she'd put her arms through the sleeves while she'd scowled at him, though.
Rhys looped his arm through hers and winnowed them outside to the street. Without thinking about it, he started walking towards the tenement she shared with far too many newsies crammed into the small space. Hopefully she wouldn't ask why he knew exactly where it was.
For a while, they said nothing, but to Rhys's immense pleasure, Feyre didn't pull away from him. The silence was comfortable, and for a moment, Rhys just let himself imagine that they were walking home at the end of a proper night out.
But he'd gone to Ressina's in hopes of finding Feyre there for a reason, so Rhys broke the silence. "In a turn of events, I have news for you this evening."
"Do you?" Feyre raised her brows expectantly.
"Starting tomorrow, the owners of Velaris's newspapers will increase the price they charge the newsies. Sixty cents per hundred."
Her hand tightened on his arm as Feyre's entire body went stuff. Their mating bond was still unaccepted—and therefore, faint—but Feyre's anger surged down it anyway. The force of it was nearly enough to knock him off his feet.
When Feyre spoke again, her voice was low and deadly. "Who told you?"
"I was there when they petitioned my father for assistance today. He said no, so they moved on to another strategy."
"And why are you telling me?"
"Because if this develops the way I anticipate it will, then I want to make sure you're the first to know that I won't be buying the paper from a scab. I'd publicly support a strike."
Feyre went quiet, and to keep himself from succumbing to the temptation to read her thoughts, Rhys forced himself to focus on the lights reflected on the river in the distance. Her fingers on his arm never relaxed.
"We don't have a union," she said eventually.
"Then consider this a head start to remedy that." If anyone could form one in a matter of hours, it was Velaris's High Lady. Rhys was sure of it.
"Thank you."
They lapsed back into silence again. Even if Rhys weren't a daemati, he'd be able to see the wheels turning in her head, just from the determined set of her chin and the way a muscle ticked in her jaw. He wasn't sure he'd ever seen a more beautiful sight.
All too soon, they arrived at Feyre's stoop. Before Rhys had a chance to insist she keep the coat, she shrugged it off and handed it to him. "I'm not a charity case," she said, as if she could hear his thoughts.
Rhys took the coat but didn't slip it back on. "I know better than to suggest you are."
"Good." Despite the cold, Feyre made no move to step inside. Rhys was torn between urging her to go warm up and wishing that she'd stay out here with him forever. Something in her face softened, and Rhys could almost fool himself into believing she'd let him kiss her goodnight after a night at the theater as he courted her properly.
But Feyre, he reminded himself, didn't want him like that.
Rhys started to say goodbye, but Feyre added, a bit more softly, "For what it's worth, you're going to be one hell of a High Lord one day, Rhys."
Maybe Rhys didn't have Feyre Archeron's heart, but he did have her respect. And maybe that mattered more.
"My father's not a dreamer, and the Night Court suffers for it. Good luck tomorrow."
Rhys refused to waste any more of her time; unable to resist preening for her just a bit, he stretched his wings out wide, then launched himself into the air to return to the House of Wind.
When Feyre had shown up outside the box, he hadn't been able to avoid telling Mor exactly who she was to him. And now, Rhys could practically feel his cousin's mind vibrating with curiosity as he reached for it. She reassured him—not for the first time that day—that Velaris's charities were prepared to handle an influx of newsies in need, and Rhys pointedly ignored his cousin's request for updates on what she'd termed the moonlit stroll with his mate.
Alone in his bedroom with the door firmly locked behind him, Rhys finally pulled the newsprint out of the pocket dimension. And if Feyre's art hadn't been so precious, he would have dropped it in shock.
She'd sketched him. There was something soft about Feyre's portrait that had been missing from the stiff, official ones he'd sat through with his family. It gave Rhys the strangest feeling that Feyre had seen something soul-deep within him and recreated it with a pencil on a spare bit of newsprint.
If the next day weren't likely to be long and uncertain, he would have spent half the night staring at it.
When he woke early the next morning, Rhys could still feel Feyre's anger simmering in the back of his mind. He resisted the urge to tug on the bond for reassurance she was alright—the last thing he needed was for her to feel the pull just behind her ribs and realize what it meant. So all he did was keep alert as he dressed, ate, and made his way to his father's study.
And as if on cue, when the High Lord's daily briefing was barely through, Pulitzer himself burst into the study. Darkness swirled around Rhys's father, dimming the room, a clear warning that the interruption was unwelcome.
"My apologies, High Lord, but it's urgent," Pulitzer said, bowing politely.
"What, exactly, is urgent?" Rhys's father snapped.
"The newsies of Velaris are forming a union. They intend to strike, and I'm here on behalf of the city's newspaper owners to ask for your support with breaking the strike."
Rhys stilled. For a long moment, the study went silent. The slight deepening of his father's frown—and the fact that a tendril of darkness hadn't already thrown Pulitzer from the room—made it clear enough that the High Lord was weighing his options.
"Who's their leader?" Rhys said, though he suspected he already knew the answer.
"An upstart shadow-wraith named Feyre Archeron. They call her the High Lady," Pulitzer said with a sneer.
Rhys felt a warm glow of pride—despite the darkness that rolled off his father in waves. The High Lord jealously guarded his power, and it seemed that even a poor lesser-fae female couldn't get away with a nickname he took as a threat or a jibe.
"You can't possibly—" Rhys said.
The High Lord cut him off. "What sort of support?"
"Police, if you can spare them," Pulitzer said.
Rhys stood so quickly, he nearly knocked over his chair. "There is no reason at all this needs to escalate to violence."
"As my heir," the High Lord said coldly, "you need to learn that in situations like this, it's necessary. If we make an example of the newsies, the rest of Velaris will hesitate to disturb the peace going forward. Pulitzer, you have all the crown's resources you need."
Pulitzer was bowing again and thanking the High Lord for his support, but Rhys hardly noticed. He was already storming off towards the Rainbow.
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dyaaustralia · 1 year
Entertaining Virtual Teambuilding exercises
Whether you're new to the virtual workplace or have been working there for a while, you and your employees can do a lot of fun things to build teamwork. These activities are meant to help team members learn how to talk to each other and work together. These virtual team building activities will help you build stronger bonds with your coworkers and improve teamwork by getting people to talk more.
You can use these fun virtual team building games in a one-time virtual meeting or a regular Friday happy hour. Some of the games on this list are great for getting your staff to know each other better, while others are meant to challenge your team's creativity.
"Who da baby?" is a fun team-building game that can be played easily over email or Slack. It can help teams connect with workers who are in different places. During the activity, members of the team send in pictures of babies and then try to figure out who the babies are.
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Shark Tank is a popular TV show that can be changed to help your business or a charity in your area. The team will have to think about their presentation and work together to come up with a new product or way of doing something. This is a good way to build a virtual team and get new employees up to speed or work on improving a process.
Final Verdict is a virtual team-building game that tests your ability to think logically and solve problems. For this game to work, you'll need a strong Internet connection.
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thetopswordman · 2 months
Penkraft | Handwriting | Calligraphy | Abacus | Art & Craft | Thane
Courses, Workshops, Teachers' Trainings, Subject Franchise Training- Handwriting, Calligraphy, Vedic, Abacus, Phonics, & Art Form, Master Franchise, Diploma in FIne Arts and Art Exams
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dreamlifebunny · 8 months
What is your dream profession? Honestly, would you like to work more than one profession?
oh wow, thank you so much for this lovely question!! c': ✨
my dream profession probably has the technical term of being an "influencer," but it's a little more nuanced than that hehe. basically, i want to be a multidisciplinary artist who shares writing, music, and visual art on the themes of self-love and healing!
right now i am a professional musician for my career who plays live shows/records albums/tours/etc., and i want to expand my music career to be able to share all of my creations, because the music industry where i live is sooo focused on corporate nonsense that literally no one cares about 💀 they always say to stick to your specific brand and never deviate, post new content three times a day every single day, and THEN you'll be successful, which is just so silly and not true. i'd love to be able to share my creative non-fiction writing, my writings about law of assumption and trauma work, my writings on self-love and growth, and my visual artwork and photography, on top of being a musician who records and tours. i'd love to work with many different creatives like yumi sakugawa and hope carpenter, building workshops and collaborating on healing creations for those who need it. i want to help others out in the most creative and aesthetically pleasing ways possible!!! hehehe
on top of my personal multidisciplinary artist/influencery career, i also want to play guitar in my favourite professional musicians' bands (fujii kaze here i COME)!! i have played in a lot of bands in my music scene and it would be so lovely to play with those outside of my scene, too.
finally, i would want to focus a lot of my time coaching others on the law of assumption, writing posts like i do on this blog, and collaborating with my favourite bloggers to make fun and creative loa related posts!
ultimately i would love to not have to worry about making money from my career and simply do it for fun and creative expression and connection. i want to have enough money to ensure i don't ever have to work a regular job in my life, and instead get to relax and share my creativity and healing with the world on my own time! 🥰
thanks so much for asking, this was so fun to think about! 💗✨
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coworkingspaceinpune · 3 months
From Startup Hubs to Creative Enclaves: A Guide to Coworking Spaces in Pune
Pune, known as the "Oxford of the East" and a budding hub for startups and creative professionals, boasts a vibrant ecosystem of co working spaces. These spaces offer more than just shared desks; they foster collaboration, innovation, and community-building. Whether you're an entrepreneur, freelancer, or part of a small team, here's a curated guide to some of the top Coworking spaces in Pune:
The Mesh: Located in the heart of Pune's business district, The Mesh offers a contemporary workspace designed to inspire creativity and productivity. With state-of-the-art facilities, flexible membership plans, and a focus on networking events and workshops, The Mesh is ideal for startups and small businesses looking to thrive in a dynamic environment.
E-Square Coworks: Situated in the bustling business district of Baner, E-Square Coworks is a tech-centric co working space in Pune catering to startups and IT professionals. Boasting high-speed internet, ergonomic seating, and modern amenities, E-Square Coworks provides a conducive environment for innovation and growth. Additionally, regular networking events and mentorship programs add value to its vibrant community.
Workbay: Nestled in the vibrant neighborhood of Kothrud, Workbay offers a laid-back yet professional workspace for freelancers and small teams. With its minimalist decor, ample natural light, and cozy ambience, Workbay promotes focus and creativity. From hot desks to dedicated cabins, Workbay provides flexible membership options tailored to individual needs.
91springboard: With multiple locations across Pune, including Kalyani Nagar and Yerwada, 91springboard is a leading co working chain catering to startups, freelancers, and corporate teams. Boasting spacious work areas, high-tech conference rooms, and a vibrant community of entrepreneurs, 91springboard fosters collaboration and growth. Regular events, workshops, and mentoring sessions further enhance the co working experience.
The Daftar: Tucked away in the quaint lanes of Koregaon Park, The Daftar exudes a cozy yet professional vibe. This boutique co working space caters to freelancers and creative professionals, offering a tranquil setting amidst lush greenery. With a mix of private cabins, open desks, and meeting rooms, The Daftar provides the perfect balance between focus and collaboration.
Locus Cowork: Situated in the up-and-coming neighborhood of Hinjewadi, Locus Cowork offers a modern workspace tailored to the needs of IT professionals and startups. With its contemporary design, high-speed internet, and 24/7 access, Locus Cowork provides a conducive environment for productivity and innovation. Additionally, amenities such as gaming zones, nap pods, and wellness programs promote work-life balance.
S.PACE Coworking: Located in the bustling commercial district of Shivajinagar, S.PACE Coworking is a vibrant workspace catering to freelancers, startups, and corporate teams. With its flexible seating options, modern amenities, and community-driven approach, S.PACE Coworking fosters collaboration and creativity. Regular events, networking sessions, and skill-building workshops add value to its diverse community.
Whether you're seeking a collaborative environment for your startup or a tranquil space for focused work, Pune's co working scene offers a diverse range of options to suit every need. From tech-centric hubs to cozy enclaves, these co working space in pune embody the city's spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship. So, whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, Pune's co working spaces are ready to fuel your creativity and drive your success.
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ripplestitchskein · 8 days
The replies were off on the Stolitz post but I HAD to tell you that you are a mega genius with an incredible talent for writing, analyzing and explaining things. I don’t know if that’s a thing you do but I’m a professional journalist so that’s what I do. That doesn’t really mean anything here but oh my god it was so well written I wish all my reviews sounded like that. You are truly big brain. Please never stop analyzing shows like that. Sorry if this was a lot lol. I just haven’t read something so beautifully written in a while 😁 also totally agree, they are so perfect for each other ❤️
This made me cry. Like I screen grabbed and sent this to several people like “LOOKIT WHAT THIS BEAUTIFUL HUMAN SAID”. It kind of prompted a whole reflection spiral, but in a good way. In the BEST way.
By profession I am a software engineer, I build middleware business applications for a largish regional corporation, but because of my writing background I also handle a lot of the documentation: trainings, system requirements, scope etc. Technical writing isn’t as fun as fiction or media analysis but I do think it helped me hone skills in structure, word economy and expository essay style writing. It is a lot of explaining highly technical things to non-technical leadership like VPs and Directors who come with a lot of uninformed opinions which I think translates well to media analysis, lol.
I also can’t stop myself from writing a million words. I think it’s an autism thing? It’s a long running joke with my co-workers that if Stephanie sends you an email it will have everything you need to know and be so well organized and structured it looks like it came from a textbook but you have to set aside 30 minutes to read it. Long post should be a default tag for me 😅.
I’ve written professionally in the past, like received laughable pay for it, but it was freelance copywriting and blogging and I kinda hated it. Writing about vacuums and solar panels and having to squeeze search engine optimized keywords into a certain word count is the kind of soulless drudgery that kills any creative spark you have.
Writing fiction, be it fan fiction or my own personal novels (which tend to be queer romances), is something I do for fun, but because of killer imposter syndrome and that sweet AuADHD brain combo I have a hard time finishing things. I have, no joke, FIVE unfinished novels with more than 40k words each.
Fan fiction is easier because of the dopamine hits from comments and kudos, but personal fiction is hard because it’s just me and the void of my intrusive thoughts.
Media analysis though, I can just sit down and brain dump my thoughts about a thing I love and send it out to the world within an hour and see the lovely or interesting things people say. There is no pressure, if someone doesn’t agree with me they are usually nice about it, sometimes you make good friends or they reply with their amazing perspectives and it’s great. And then you get messages like this.
Messages that kind of blow up your brain and light that fire of “I SHOULD focus on writing more, it’s what I love to do, I’ve done it since I could write, and people who don’t know me or have any investment in my feelings tell me I’m good at it”.
You didn’t know when sending this message but I’ve been restructuring my life a bit lately. I tend to bounce from activity to activity, I’ve done game development, digital and traditional art, violin, comic books, roller derby, 3d modeling, and so many crafts I bought a house specifically because it has a detached workshop to put all my craft shit. But I don’t finish most things, or I get stuck and it’s so frustrating I give up. So I’ve been thinking, that rather than bounce between all these things that I should focus on three areas: fiber arts (which encompass enough things I wouldn’t get bored and could still bounce), roller derby for fitness and my friends, and writing.
This message just hit at the right time, it affirmed some plans I was making, some dreams I have, and hopefully will lead to good things in the future. I know you didn’t ask for all this, no one does with me, but I wanted to give a little background on how simple messages like this can be part of a larger personal introspection and come at just the right time to encourage people to do things they want to do but were too scared to do.
So thank you. It really means so so much.
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hollowtones · 2 years
have you played any good indie games lately?
I feel like most of the games I end up playing lately are under the purview of "indie games" but I know that's a term that can mean different things to different people. Also most of these are things I am streaming and/or have streamed recently, because most of my game time nowadays is when I stream, so if you keep up with those you've probably already heard me talk about these.
"APICO" is a really neat crafting / industry / management game about caring for bees & helping to conserve + restore the local bee population. Very charming so far. Most of the little devices you use to make things have little levers you need to fiddle with in the UI so it all feels very tactile, like I'm playing with toys.
"Citizen Sleeper" is a really compelling cyberpunk narrative adventure that explores what it means to be human & what it means to reach out to others in the looming shadow of corporate oppression. Less "post-capitalist" and more "in the actively rotting ruins of capitalism". Very moody and introspective and dark, but also feels like it's coming from a hopeful perspective. Mechanically things happen based on dice rolls & independent clocks, so it feels very reminiscent of a tabletop game in that regard.
"Cloud Gardens" is a cool puzzle-ish game about using a set amount of objects to decorate little ruined urban diorama scenes and grow enough plant life in 'em. You have to put some thought into what you place & how you do it but it's not super intensive in that regard, so you have enough wiggle room to play around with it. I guess "freeform terrarium puzzle" is apt enough a description.
"Dicey Dungeons" isn't new but it's real good. It got a real good update recently with six new chapters that sort of flip the rules of the game on its head in really interesting and fun ways. Maybe my favourite out of all those run-based-deck-builder type games. Killer soundtrack and art, too.
"Pictopix" is picross but it has Steam Workshop support & that's enough to be a recommendation from me.
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