#Dont ask about the minion happy chaos
ruckeysquad · 2 years
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Was experimenting with a more Chibi style inspired by bravely default
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essentiallychaotic · 1 year
Being a substitute in middle school is WILD I had
a kiddo detail the grimness of Alls Quiet on the Western Front
another made me an origami rose
several kids argue that the date of birth and death ARE the most important facts to know about JULIUS CAESAR and NERO (“Iiiii think his full name is important” “Julias Caesar is literally one of the most famous roman emperors in history, do you really think his full name is the most important thing about him?” “Like i know he got stabbed or whatever” “do you think maybe WHY HE GOT STABBED is possibly more important than his name?” “His name matters Ms ____”)
One kid said “my good thing today is we have a SUB and it isnt MR SPAGHETTI” followed by a chorus of agreements (my mom: who is mr spaghetti? me: no fucking idea, i’m assuming its a name they made up for someone, honestly just happy they’d rather I be there)
girl who was in a class I’d subbed for the previous day walked in, saw me and went “YEAH GIRLBOSS” and punched the air twice (still unsure if she was excited bc it was me, or just thrilled to have a female substitute ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Rap lyrics generator song about minions
Time of death generator (no no Ms. ____ i’m done with classwork and im finding out how im gonna DIE)
Kid to another kid: “DID YOU SAY IM GONNA PROBABLY DIE AT 49????” “no I said you’ll probably get A COLONOSCOPY AT 49” (me: ?????? Kiddo-who-said-colonoscopy’s friend: dont ask, she’s obsessed with colonoscopys. Kid-who-said-colonoscopy: NO THATS [another friend] I JUST LIKE MEDICINE)
“Ms,,,, I forgot your name” “____” “yeah it’s ms ____, obvs” “IM BAD WITH NAMES OKAY,,,,, anyway Ms ____ can we order doordash?”
“MS ____!!!! I WROTE DOWN THE TYPES OF GLADIATORS aren’t you proud of me :DDDD” “I’m very proud! Now maybe work on the rest of the sheet!”
“*showing drawing of a cat* this cat only has a head and paws”
“Can I go wash the water and saliva off my hands please” (kiddos and gatorade spray water bottles are a dangerous combo)
I’m a lot happier working with middle school than elementary but also the sheer volume of chaos I deal with daily has definitely increased exponentially XD
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strsburn · 3 years
destiny led me to you | loki
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pairing - loki laufeyson x female reader
synopsis - driven by the heartbreak of losing your entire world by the hands of thanos, you set out to find him, leaving destruction in your path in multiple universes; thus creating a horde of branches in the timeline and catching the attention of the TVA.
but you would do it all again if it meant you could see him once more.
notes - this is hopefully going to be a series, depending on the feedback i receive, i plan to follow the episodes only slightly because i dont want it to be an exact copy of the show.
idea credit ( @horrorisunknowntoyou ) thank you for the inspo and allowing me to run with it!
warnings - death, violence, angst, and possible smut (in later chapters?)
wc - 2.4k
"Dread it, run from it. Destiny arrives all the same." A wrinkled hand reaches for your chin, running prune colored fingers along your jawline, doting; mockingly.
Your heartbeat pulses loudly in your ears, eyes glazing over with exhaustion and pain as you attempt to glare, the notion in vain as the titan merely chuckled amusedly.
"I can see great power in you, little one. An infinity stone pulses beneath your every vein. Tell me, where is the tesseract?"
You remain silent.
"We don't have the tesseract, it was destroyed along with all of Asgard." Thor interjects weakly from where he lies, his body held tightly in the arms of the black order.
Guilt sweeps across your being as you make eye contact with Loki, sharing a single nod as you both know what you must do.
Thanos grows annoyed with your unwillingness to comply as he walks over with loud steps, his footprints visible as he raises his gauntlet up, the power stone shining threateningly close to Thor.
"The tesseract, or your brother's head. I assume you have a preference." It's not a question. Merely a statement, one that Loki knows he must prove unbothered.
"Oh, I do. Kill away." To anyone else it would seem he couldn't care less about his brother's demise, but you know your love better than he does himself and you catch the glance of fear that washes over cerulean eyes.
You can only watch in trepidation as the stone makes contact with the God's head. Agonized cries escaping as his skin is burned by the mere power of the stone.
Loki does his best to look unaffected, but you catch the hitch in his breath as he batters inner turmoil. the universe, or his brother.
"Alright, that's enough!"
Loki turns his palm up, as a familiar blue cube materializes in his hand. The eerie blue glow casting a shadow upon his face.
Thanos steps away, smug. You force yourself to look away from Thor's accusing gaze.
"You truly are the worst, brother." Thor shakes his head, eyes disappointed but not surprised.
As Thanos moves to take the stone from his hand cerulean blue eyes make contact with your own and you feel a wave of fear wash over you as you recognize the look in Loki's eyes.
"I assure you, brother. The sun will shine on us again." He does not move his gaze from your own and you can't help but feel this is an unspoken goodbye.
"Your optimism is misplaced, asgardian."
"Well, for one thing, I'm not asgardian. For another, we have a hulk."
In a blur of color you are shoved from where you lie, a slithe figure covering your own as you breathe in the familiar scent of cinnamon and leather.
"We don't have much time, my love. I just want you to know that I love you dearly, and I am grateful for the time I had with you. May I see you again, in Valhalla." His eyes are teary and you barely process his words, as his hands grab hold of your face and pull you into a kiss.
The kiss is desperate, filled with love and grief and you can only briefly kiss your love back as he steps closer to Thanos, rambling on about undying fidelity.
You catch a glimpse of silver behind his back and you gasp as realization sets in.
You move to reach him just as he leaps for Thanos, the knife poised for his head, frozen in mid air as the stones across his knuckles pulse.
"Undying fidelity, you should choose your words more wisely."
You cry out as Loki struggles in his grip, his skin fading blue. You crawl forward, legs aching as you reach for him, your progress hinged by your inability to walk.
"You will never be a god." The rasped words are followed by a snap as his neck gives out beneath Thanos' hands.
A tortured scream rings out and it takes you a second to realize it's your own. A broken sob leaves you as you crawl forward to reach where Thanos has carelessly thrown the body of your love.
You heave as your shaky fingers caress his face, his lifeless eyes staring ahead as you clutch him to your chest.
You rock back and forth knotting your fingers in his hair as you plead for the nightmare to end.
"No resurrections this time."
A portal opens and closes behind you, yet you make no motion to move.
You simply close your eyes and welcome the sweet release of death as the universe explodes around you.
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N E W Y O R K 2 0 1 2
"'Coordinates for search and rescue, on my way now.' I mean honestly, how-" Loki is promptly shut up by the mouth guard that decorates his face, courtesy of his brother.
Displeasure makes an appearance as Loki is led to the elevator followed by the avengers that quickly file in. The only source of entertainment being the temper tantrum the green beast throws as he is denied entry. Loki can hardly contain his glee as he waves mockingly as the doors close.
As he is led to the ground floor his cuffed hands clinking annoyingly with every step he glances wearily around himself, dreading the lecture that is sure to come once he reaches asgard. He has no doubt in his mind that Odin will find perfect reason to throw him to the wolves, lest his mother get involved.
As he contemplates, his attention is caught by the sound of his brother calling for help, the guards holding him, attending to what he perceives to be a heart attack, to none other than the man of metal.
He watches, confused as a small stature kicks the case holding the tesseract away from view as the others tend to Stark.
Looking around bemused he watches to see what will conspire next. Before any other move can be made a shout is heard as the doors to the staircase along with the wall is torn apart, the hulk making his distaste for the tedious activity known.
For once since meeting the beast he feels thankful, as the case holding the tesseract is knocked open, the familiar cube sliding towards his foot.
A beat passes and grabbing a hold of the familiar cube he glances around, vanishing in a thin cloud of blue.
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Hurried footsteps echo down the corridor as the man moves with barely contained excitement. Tie swinging to and fro, a slightly wrinkled hand pulls at the collar of his neck nervously.
Mobius had seen many variants in his time at the TVA. Yet, none had ever come close to interesting as the file he currently held in one hand. Variant L1130 or Loki, as he was called, was perhaps one of the most complicated cases he had come across.
Born as a legend of mythology it was quite unbelievable to know that not only was he real, but he happened to be in their custody for creating a new branch in the timeline. Mobius could only hope Renslayer would agree to allowing him to be the God's superior.
Entering the courtroom, Mobius sits down and watches with rapt attention as Loki attempts to bargain with Ravonna. His plans are foiled as he tries to call upon his magic in a last effort to escape.
Mobius feels it's time to intervene when Renslayer makes it clear he is to be executed.
"You have no idea what I am capable of!"
"Actually I might have an idea of what he is capable of." He offers as he makes his way up to the stand.
His plea must be written across his face as Ravonna leans over to look at him directly.
"Whatever you're planning, it's a bad idea." She warns.
Nonetheless she reluctantly lets him go and Mobius has to fight off the urge to fist pump the air as he escorts Loki down the hallway.
"Oh, I'm Agent Mobius by the way." He offers a hand that is quickly ignored.
He can practically see the distrust written on Loki's face, his eyes calculating every move he makes.
Mobius is hardly surprised that as soon as he enters the room, his back turned to the God as he adjusts his projector, Loki is surging forward to attack. He doesn't even bat an eyelash as he clicks a button on his remote, resetting the God as if the action never even happened.
"C'mon, let's take a look at some of your greatest hits." Mobius waves a hand, as Loki curiously sits down, eyes trained on the projector.
He finds himself staring back at a hologram of his attack on New York. His blue eyes darting back and forth with glee as chaos erupts around him.
A feeling of something akin to shame runs down his spine as he recalls his reign of terror on the city, an illusion of preying on the weak to hide his own fear, lest he fail and succumb to Thanos and his minions.
Loki clenches his jaw, arms crossing over his form in an attempt to hide himself as he turns to avoid the screen.
"I see no point in this-"
"No, no wait, this is just getting good." Mobius grins as he points to the screen and Loki finds himself once again face to face with another variation of himself.
He briefly recalls the time he had lost a bet to Thor and had to change his form into that of a ginger haired man wearing a clean three piece suit, claiming he had a bomb and required over two hundred thousand in midgardian money just to see if he could pull it off. He did, in fact, pull it off, but his mother was not happy as well as the midgardians who failed to solve the case, naming him D.B. Cooper as they had no clue as to his real identity.
His attention is pulled to the screen as a familiar voice of silk enters the scene and he watches as his mother speaks to his future self, his eyes drawn into her face.
"Then am I not your mother?" He hears her ask. Yes, you are.
"No. You are not." Loki's eyes start to mist as he watches the look of hurt pass over his mother's features before she schools her expression into one of contempt.
"Always so perceptive, about everyone but yourself." She decides.
The screen flickers and he sees himself talking to an intruder, his voice amused as he suggests the monster to take the stairs to the left.
Then, his mother, Frigga, lying on the cold ground, a puddle of red growing rapidly beneath her body as her eyes remained closed.
His breath hitches, anger now licking up his spine. He turns sharply to Mobius who smartly remains silent.
"What is this! Some cruel joke? Where is she?! Where do you have her?"
Mobius steps forward, expression neutral as he speaks.
"She's dead Loki. This is the future, it's destined to happen, again and again because that's how it should be."
Loki falters his eyes narrowing as he spits "You're lying! I'll kill you!"
"What? Like you killed your mother."
There's a split second of silence before an angered shout is heard, a chair splitting the air as it crashes into pieces along the floor.
Before anything else can be said Mobius is summoned by Hunter B-15, his eyes falling to Loki who remains silent and he leaves with a slight tinge of guilt burrowing in his chest at the haunted look in the God's eyes.
"You think yourself so sly don't you." Loki looks up at the unfamiliar voice as the projector suddenly comes to life, a new image flicking gently on screen. His eyes catch upon your form and he watches in awe and wonder as you sit beside his future self.
"I don't think, love. I know." He grins leaning in to steal a kiss from you that leaves you both breathless.
He watches as your eyes are filled with nothing but love and adoration for him as you lean into his side.
"Yes, darling?"
"Do you believe in soulmates?"
Loki tilts his head in contemplation as he looks to you, before a soft grin pulls at his lips.
"I didn't until I met you. I know that no matter who or what tries to tear us apart, we will always find a way back to each other."
A smile breaks out onto your face and Loki watches in stunned silence as the clip ends with the two of your voices fading into laughter.
"You two are meant to be together."
Loki turns as Mobius slowly comes to a stop behind him, his expression thoughtful.
"I don't enjoy hurting people you know." He responds, motioning towards the screen in reference to his attack on New York and the death of his mother.
Mobius doesn't respond, and he takes that as a sign to continue.
"I do it because I have to. Because I've had to." He looks down as he fiddles with his fingers.
Mobius hums as he replies.
"Why? Why do you think that is?"
"It's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear."
Realization lights up in Mobius' eyes as he answers back.
"A desperate play for control. You do know yourself."
"A villain." Loki sums up.
"Not the way I see it."
There's a mutual silence between them before Mobius sighs.
"Look I can't offer you salvation but I can offer you something better. A fugitive variant has been killing our minutemen."
"And let me guess, you need the God of Mischief to help you stop him."
"That's right."
"How could I possibly be of use to you?"
"That's the thing. The variant we are hunting, we believe is y/n." Mobius looks towards the projector where your image is still.
"I beg your pardon?"
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Mutilated bodies line the floor as a hooded figure steps over them, eyes glowing an unnatural hue.
"Is it finished?"
A wicked laugh fills the empty space as a portal opens in the deserted land, a set of footsteps following through.
"I'm coming for you, my love."
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clementineesotsm · 3 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 15, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
PM Koo teams up with LR. At least that is what PM was thinking. But for LR, slight different. He thinks PM will somehow give advantage for him but ended up disappointed, because PM cannot become a queen, and suspended as a PM. She cant even near a high position now. She cannot get Gon or Kingdom of Corea and that pisses LR off. PM become greedy and put her guard down. He thinks LR wanted a cooperation and inform him that she will take Gon’s flute for her. Which makes LR mad and choke her 🤣🤣 LR asking her to bring him into Gon’s mom mass memorial day and leave her
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Gon is back to kingdom now. He hugs Lady Noh so tight 🥺 he is thankful to her for everything that she have done for him. Apparently Gon indebted to her much. I loved her punchline “i know pyeha / 압니다 폐하” means she understand things that Gon cant even / doesn’t have to explain. I love their relationship
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Gon exiled Prince Buyeong’s son so that he cannot go back to Corea, because he found out that he is LR accomplice on the treason night. Gosh i hate that man!
Apparently Gon took KSJ to Corea to let him see his real mom. This scene was well made! Acting wise, amazing. KSJ lines, amazing. Music, amazing! Poor KSJ. He is also growing up becoming a stoic character 🥺🥺
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Conversation between KSJ and Gon feels a bit heavy. Gon told KSJ about his plan, apparently he dont plan to save himself this time. The target is to get or kill LR. So Gon is planning to go and sacrifice himself for the good 🥺🥺 i loooove Gon’s facial expression here. And his eyes speaks his fear but also trying to accept his fate. Something like “sigh-ing”
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LR was back to Korea to prepare his big plan. But unfortunately he let his guard down, SJH put poison in the food to kill herself basically. And LR minion couldn’t save her because Gon was set to cross the portal at that time so times stops. SJH was finally relief to be able to die, but here i am crying 🥺🥺 and her using LR punchline before while dying was cool thought by the writer! “Did you pray?” !!!
And did you realize? LR face most of the time was always stain with blood. Poor him 😅
Another appreciation was to the editing team, they did a great job in this scene. Especially for the scoring 💯💯💯
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LR took his gun and run outside, then he met Gon!
LR “i even transcends death, but how is it that im unable to avoid you? How did you find me here?”
Gon “it would be good if it was me alone, but im not.”
“Some one sets the time (SJH)
Someone chases after you (i assume this was KSJ/the detectives)
Someone prays for you to get caught (this could be Lady Noh and JTE)
And someone is going to fight you (Gon, JY, KSJ) “
Then LR said that Gon should have wait him at the memorial not confront him here. This kind of storyline was fresh for me too. Because usually story like this always go with “make the doomed happen first then resolve it after” but with TKEM, the main character manage to prevent the doomed before it happened. Which im fine with it because its possible. But i kind agree with LR. Can we get that chaos in the mass memorial first then solve it? That would be epic. But then maybe they dont have enough time to explore that. Maybe in another timeline, reality or universe. But this is also satisfying and well done. If you can prevent it, why not? That is more work in a smart way.
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Gon then took LR to bamboo forest to check on how to use the flute to travel back to 1994. What Gon knew, the flute need to be whole inside to do so. But then how to do it was a bit tricky. It needs both LR and Gon to be inside the space between 0 and 1. Because each of their blood soak into each of the flute. Gon was a bit in dilemma because he need someone to go inside the gate with LR in order for it to happen. What scary was nobody knew whats going to happen with that person if he succeeded or fail. All assuming that person will go inside and dead. Then KSJ volunteered to do so. OMFG! P.S then we also got a glimpse of the portal when the flute was whole. Kind of cool. If fills with so many universe and possible of eternity life !
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SO THE LR INTERROGATION THAT WE SAW IN EP 1 WAS ACTUALLY FROM EPS 15! Wahh im impressed. I did not see that coming! Gon also doing his final honor for SJH and buried / burned her body properly (brb cry 😭) and to prepare if something bad happen he ask secretary Mo to announce that Se Jin (Prince Buyeong granddaughter) will be the first in line to replace Gon if something happen to him 🥺🥺 Secretary Mo and JY looks worried
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Then something weird happened. Suddenly the flower that Gon gave to JTE on eps 10 disappeared. JTE worried that Gon already preparing for the reset and he will be gone forever from her memories 🥺 she comes to see LR and ask where is the flute? LR was pissed here, because he don’t understand why people are not scared and tend to give their lives away to make things right. He doesn’t understand love 🥺🥺 and LR was stays evil to the end because he kills Se Jin and swap PM Koo mother. Which is very scary! KGE, LJJ, LMH, JEC acting in this sequence was out of this world. The director and all team was making this sequence very well too. All the thrilled was there even though it was just a short scene each. I loved them more now but we are left with only 1 episode for the finale 🥺🥺🥺
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In Korea, JTE released Luna. JTE have a planned to go with LR into the space between 1 and 0 because she is afraid if Gon will alone doing his duty 🥺 She basically ready to leave Korea forever because she asked Luna to take her place while she was gone. JTE asking Luna to steal LR to bring him to JTE and JTE come to KSJ to ask for the flute and let her replace him to do the duty. And it was the most heartbreaking conversation between this two friends and one of the most heartbreaking confession i have ever watched. I loved how they shot this scene, the camera seems to be shaking, i think its cool and also the way KSJ holds JTE hand 🥺🥺
Kudos to KGE and KKN here! Damn! Where is your daesang again?!
Finally here we saw that jacket of doomed which we saw on eps 1 and eps 10 worn by Gon. Its his ceremonial outfit that he supposed to wear during his most glorious moments. And him following his destiny to die for the sake of doing right things, teared me up. Before he go back to the past, he visit Lady Noh for a final goodbye, seriously i cried. He told Lady Noh about kim sowol poems, Gon knew that she was coming from Korea. Gon was also conveying his feelings to her “thanks to you, i can read such a beautiful poems”. Gon asked Lady Noh to let him go again and the way she said “if i let you go this time, will you ever comeback?” And cried, teared me up too. Meanwhile JTE also prepared to go with LR inside the portal, she is using the necklace from Gon, the one that has the symbol of Corea 🥺 its for her also her glorious moments. Surprisingly Gon going inside the portal not alone, JY was there to company him. As what he promised, he will be there in any battlefield Gon is about to go through 🥺🥺🥺
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How it made me feel:
What a solid episode! This eps making my eyes swelled. It was full with bittersweet moments, thrilling moments, a lot of goodbyes, a lot of revelation, and it left me anxious for the finale. How can they solved this all? Can we still get a happy ending? Also this episode was so cool because the ending is the beginning. What we saw on eps 1 was actually a flashback! No wonder the screen size was different. Like what they usually used for past events! Cool!
What i also wants to appreciate is Kim Eun Sook writing skill. I have to admit im not a big fan of her, sometimes her script was a bit cheesy, overly dramatic and predictable. But since mr sunshine and especially TKEM she changed that all and turns out to be more mature. And darker? For me TKEM is focusing more on doing the right things, it has values more than just a rich boys/cool boys meets a cool ordinary girls and falls in love premise and finish. But this time its about true value of love, true value of relationship, about responsibility, vulnerability. At some point it reminds me of harry potter. TKEM gave me the same feelings/premise to while i was reading/watching HP. I loved how it turned out so far, its up to the finale. Will it be one of the best series i have ever watched? Or no?
Also, i really loved how KES writes KSJ character, he has so many reason to be bad. But he did not. I loved how she portrays a very good example of stoicism in his characters. Very good 💯
Another appreciation is for the directing and cinematography, guys, you blown me away!
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epitheterasedgen · 4 years
Ayyo if you dont mind me asking i know if an earlier post you mentioned some epithet ocs you have, is there a place we can read about them or are they not public? Im just curious cause i like reading about other peoples ocs/self inserts asdfghdsfg
I do have several EE OCs! Right now they’re just sketch dumps on toyhouse; I have been tempted to make RP blogs for them, but I start work today and school again very soon, so I realistically won’t have time X’D
That being said, I’m more than happy to ramble about them for anyone interested! Long post, with four OCs under the cut. The first one is the closest to a “selfsona,” although she’s chaotic evil while I am definitely lawful good X”D
My first OC is Anna Marie, a villain who wants the Arsene Amulet for reasons unknowwwwwwn~
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She’s really OP, with unknown stats and the ability to summon all sorts of eldritch monsters, despite her cutesy pink and angelic appearance. She keeps her Epithet a secret for strategy reasons, although most people think it must be something like Angel.
It’s not. And she’s not actually OP at all. Her Epithet is Candy, and she discovered her Epitome while still a Class One— “Eye Candy,” which lets her create vivid, realistic illusions of whatever she wants, but that will dissolve into powdered sugar if touched. This is the reality of her monsters, and her own appearance (including the wings).
Basically, she’s a one-trick pony who can be defeated the minute someone is brave enough to actually fight her monsters head-on— hence why she employs two minions to do all her dirty work!
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Leah and Leo are Anna’s minions, twins who share the Epithet Cleave. They can cleave objects— or people— together or apart! There are multiple ways to use their powers, all of which sound like M!As you might send to a RP blog— stick people together at a point of contact, fuse them into one body, or split people into two versions of themselves by any number of assets.
Their powerful Epithet and high Creativity stat makes up for their low stamina, but their biggest weakness is their young age! With the personality of playful children who love to spread chaos, these two normally-silent ninjas can’t help laughing when they get close to a target (giving them a potential warning to get away)!
(I may or may not have alluded to the existence of these two during an M!A on my Percy blog!)
My last OC (who I’ve only drawn in an AU scenario, so I don’t wanna put that here) is Terrence Toronto, a bartender with the Epithet Tap. As you can imagine, there are a LOT of uses for such a versatile Epithet… which is exactly this poor man’s problem. He started advertising his business using his Epithet, even asking people to refer to him by it rather than his name, and at first things went well— he’s a floor show and master whiskey brewer all in one!— but then…
Well, some villains heard about this guy through word of mouth and realized that there was a LOT Tap could do. He can instantly listen in on any electronic communication, give people phantom sensations on their body, and even drain people’s bodily fluids: all incredibly powerful tools for a villain to have.
But Tap doesn’t want to be a villain. Nor does he want to be a hero. He just wants to live a normal life running his bar and entertaining guests, please leave him alone and stop kidnapping him, he’s gonna be late for work—!
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bigbrothermonopoly · 4 years
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My first Diary Room, I'm really loving the cast right now. Haven't talked to Dem, Chris, Andrew, Rheder, Silence, Madison or Kristine yet since they have yet to be on. Hoping this was more of a some people were kindof busy or just couldn't stay up for Cast Reveal and NOT a Oh we're all gonna be a bunch of inactive bitches. Emma talked about being UTR with our relationship and actually work together this ORG for the first time after 2 times failing to do so. Dunno if that's gonna work out, but hey third time's the charm maybe. Eve and Jess are icons as per usual I'm excited to finally be playing a game with them. Eve is suggesting a possible Jackbox Alliance, we'll see if that's like an actual thing I feel like that's the easy thing though and I don't know if that's what I actually want. I definitely plan to ride with that for a little while though. Gwen is sweetheart, she seems like a Discord noob, hoping that's not like a face personality to make her seem more endearing. I'm hoping to get good with Tawni and Mackenzie, meanwhile Brien, Austin, and Nicky I'm pretty medium with so far. I'm HOPING I can like develop good relationships with all of them. But like the female side of this cast is stacked, and the men kindof leave a lot to be desired so far. Hopefully when the other half wakes up I'll get a feel for them some more.
So, it's been not even 5 hours, I'm now in 2 alliances, one which is like not even remotely serious because Nicky just put everyone in the VC in an alliance... which is wild. Chris and Kristine came on, Chris is... interesting, for some reason I don't get good vibes from him. Something about his tone or the way he talks. He isn't really saying anything wrong, but at least on VC I don't get good vibes at all. Kristine seems like a sweetie, she's from MI too so I feel like we COULD have tons to talk about. Who knows though. Maybe she's a fake betch, only time will tell. (But hopefully she's a real one.) Still waiting on those others to get online at some point though, I need to feel EVERYONE out and so far there's still too many people that I have like no fucking clue on.
i honestly don’t know anyone and i’m paranoid to not be on call cuz they probably talking shit about me
Question of the day: Why are there so many straight white males here?!
I’m super excited to be in this season of board game big brother! I’m trying to have conversations with every houseguest and make a good first impression but it’s hard to keep 17 conversations going at the same time. Also the first head of household competition has begun! I don’t want to win the first HOH because I don’t want a target on my back this early.
**DIARY ROOM THINGAMAJIG**: I feel that I could definitely make my move. My experience with survivor definitely suits good here. Kori, Eve, and Andrew were quick to contact me and negotiate. I feel like I could definitely use my age as an advantage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Only one I’m not liking rn is eve she just comes on too hard but nothing really too bad yet.
So... hmmm.. this game is.. interesting? so far? I've already been attacked by the hosts and the majority of this cast. Don't @ me but... pineapple does NOT belong on pizza! In all seriousness... this is a WEIRD group of people. Some new faces, old faces, and a bunch of unknowns. My game plan in all honesty as of right now is to let Eve think she can control me. She is one of the few people I know in this game so I kind of have no choice but to work with her while I put in the ground work with others. I want her to think I'm one of her "minions" so she thinks I'm useful and I'll do whatever she wants for now... Big personalities are sinking ships in Big Brother so gotta come up with that plan B for when Eve (probably) falls. BUT i'm kind of just trying to take this a bit slow and trying to talk to everyone right now so no brain power required. PS: I refuse to touch that HOH with a 10 foot poll. Let's do a mini little trust list? 1. Jess 100. Everyone else I don't trust any of these hoes.
So happy that Chris got HOH we came into this game together hoping one of us would win HOH and that’s exactly what happened. I’m 100% confident that I’m not going to be nominated!!! We worked together and I gave him as much information as I could. We both did. It worked perfectly. And he made himself the bigger target anyways.
I’m a LIIIIITLE mad i came close to winning and didn’t but it’s okay bc i Kinda didn’t want too idk hxjsjzjz does chris exist though? i swear i haven’t seen him online HHHH
How did I win the HOH. Not only do I have power but I also have no idea what I am doing. I am a dog trying to mix chemicals or trying to use a computer while being blindfolded and having one arm tied to my leg. I am more than happy and excited to be the first HOH but I know that brings a gigantic target on my back when I have to nominate two people. I want to make a huge move and take out any big bodies there are earlyBut I have learned that that isn’t a good scenario to start with. Hopefully I’ll have a better idea of who I want to vote for tomorrow when I talk to my closest allies which is just me and myself so looks like I’m talking to myself everyone. Well I want to go figure this out now hope y’all have a good time
Chris is apparently VERY lucky somehow snagging the first HoH despite seeming to not really talk with anyone. So I'm honestly kindof annoyed would've preferred a Mackenzie or Eve win but not much I can really do but shut my trap and suck up in a way that doesn't seem blatantly fake. He's currently talking to me about wanting to target big and talkative people. "Fuck the VL as it were." So RIP Eve probably. I won $20 in that little task which is fun. I'm HOPING telling the Jackbox Crew wasn't a mistake, I hope the $20 isn't going to be a major reason for anyone to want me to go, especially since it's like, such a minor amount of money I feel like especially when you look towards the long term. I want to trust that group for right now though. Overall this HoH situation kinda sucks since we're probably going to lose a personality, and even more likely it'll turn out to be someone I like. Guuuhhh.
omg it’s joshua bassett birthday!!! periodt!! me remaining unbothered in jail because my mentions are off heheheheh
So.... nominations are tonight. I’m feeling pretty good because I’ve been chatting with Chris and we seem to be getting along. We are going to try to get a group of seven people together so we have numbers for the following weeks, but anything can happen, after all this is big brother!
So obviously I'm pissed that I am nominated.... Like wtf did I ever do you, but in a way it is my fault... I have been sick the last few days and have just been laying in bed. Also I love how out of everyone in the game Chris was the one person I did not talk to before the HoH. 
literally these people are so fucking annoying- i’ll just hop online for like 5 seconds and say nothing and all of sudden half of the cast is my dms like hey hi good morning
Fuck Cheatham This is my first official DR. I am at my mom’s house and I left my computer at home, so this will probably be shorter than usual. Yay for phones. Looks like Rehder will be the evictee tonight. Unfortunately, he did not reach out to me until like a day after the veto comp. Can I put emojis here? If I could it would be rolling eyes emoji. The uuuuuuhhliance is...it exists. Will stay loyal until I can’t I guess. The Mandela Monocles is where it is at. I feel bad that Silence got roped in my Rehder and Will for another alliance...he didn’t ask for it. I hope it doesn’t come back and bite him. Me and Kori are Left Phalanges. We will win. K thanks byyyeee
I’m sick. I have no energy. I probably should have done this earlier but I wasn’t planning on being sick. I honestly don’t even know who is nominated. Neither one has messaged me soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. 
I’m doing not too good. William and Silence are confirmed and they are branching out, everyone else I’ve talked too is going with the house and I’m currently trying to convince them that the house is with me but idk. Probably exiting after tonight. It was a good run but I guess I’m only good at survivors. Anyways, I hope I get to stay in
i’m concerned about a couple things 1. everyone telling me i’m safe 2. everyone acting like they are in an alliance with everyone and everyone knows the plan so even if i’m safe- it feels like everyone in some big alliance and that doesn’t work well with me
I've got 2 things to say!!! IM SO PUMPED THAT I HAVE WON VETO!!! WOOOOOO. I do trust alot of people in the house but I feel much better being able to save myself and be here another week.... Also I dont know what Rehder's strategy is but it ain't working 😂😂 Hes texting me all these people who's votes he has and doesnt and another list of those who I have to text for him! What!!!!! Also I dont know if he knows but half of his list he gave plan on voting him out tonight ☠
Well as it currently stands Rehder SHOULD be going home. Which is a shame in some ways he seemed like a nice kid... messy, but still nice. I've tried pulling back a bit since Kristine mentioned that someone views me as a social threat. Not sure that's totally accurate, but if someone is viewing me that way I need to carefully and meticulously figure out who that person is, and kick their ass to the curb. As it currently stands I think the 2 3 people I'm struggling with the most as far as conversation is Dem, Tawni, and Chris. Eve seems to think Chris is under their mist, which I mean go off, like its gonna be funny when Chris wins HoH 6 weeks from now and is ready for that #Chaos he wanted for this week. My #2 right now is probably Gwen. While I do love Eve and value their partnership, I can't help but feel like I'm replaceable for the whole Jackbox Crew. I'm still not looking to make a move any of the next couple of weeks, we'll have to see how the game progresses to know where exactly I'll go. It's also still just the first week, so my opinion on everything may very well change, the game is just starting and I'm raring to pop anyone who crosses me.
watching the cast videos now im going to give you my thoughts 1. i wanted to barf watching nickys 2. gwen is a bad bitch i hope she wins 3. omg i feel so dumb cuz i was talking to austin like we was 13 cuz i thought he was honestly .... and hes not.. hopefully i can recover. but idc. hes a little boring but sweet. 4. i hope mackenzie is nice to me. 5. fuck yeah jess lets chug a beer together 6. WILLIAM....Bowling With Buddies....Im going to nominate him if I win. 7. Kristine is the second prettiest here, next to me. Hope she wins too :heart: Shes adorbs :heart: 8. silence is cool i want to work with him 9. SHUT THE FUCK UP BRIEN actually nvm i kinda like him i wanna work with him I've talked to Chris a decent amount prior to him winning hoh so im feeling kind of good that i wont be nominated but i dont want to get comfortable because bitches are wild around here. My HoH performance.....FUcking embarrasing. Especially since people were asking me if i wanted to win and i was like yeah why not Austin proposed an alliance with me yesterday and i was just kinda like yeah i mean i’m open to anything that has safety involved and then today he told me he also talked to chris prior to hoh about creating an alliance with me and him called the gents, which is a fuckin hideous name i had no idea that he was going to ask ppl to join in on shit i thought it was kinda just gonna be a low-key u got my back i got urs but i mean chris is in a position of power so it’s definitely not the worst thing for my game, i just hope austin isn’t making himself look like a fool in the process of trying to make these connections because he is also saying my name to chris and i just don’t want to be openly associated with anybody yet if chris isn’t on the same page yknow But right now i’m just going to ride the waves i don’t really want to challenge anyone or anything just yet
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"Pacify her" one shot yonderland fanfic
Once again Debbie was in yonderland and it was in chaos due to her twin sister Imperatrixs evilness. But Debbie knew all to well that Imperatrix didnt act alone, she had a companion named Negatus who did her dirty work for her while she watched over him. Just then there was a loud bang and Debbie and Elf made themself scarce behind a tree. "Whats happening Elf?" Debbie whispered and Elf pointed at a dark portal and out walked Negatus followed by Imperatrix. "Negatus, You will bring the elders to my domain. Its about time they recognised the powers i possess and dont fail me this time otherwise, you know what will happen" Imperatrix said menacingly before retreating back into the portal. Negatus looked worn out and for some reason, Debbies heart went out to him, she wondered what it would be like if Negatus broke away from Imperatrixs control. Tired, blue boy walks my way Holding a girls hand That basic bitch leaves finally Now I can take her man Someone told me stay away from things that arent yours but was he yours if he wanted me so bad? "Debbie what are you thinking?" Elf asked, wondering why Debbie was looking at Negatus. "I think thats a sweet man inside Negatus. He needs to get away from Imperatrix." Debbie said and she started walking towards him. Pacify her Shes getting on my nerves You dont love her Stop lying with those words Pacify her Shes getting on my nerves You dont love her Stop lying with those words "Negatus!" Debbie called out and Negatus turned around triumphantly as his minions yelled, "Its the chosen one master!" "Yes i can see that! Debbie of Maddox, you are mine at last. Finally Imperatrix wil be pleased!" He cried out. Debbie held out her arms, "Wait Negatus. I just wanna talk to you. I have to ask you something. Are you happy working for Imperatrix?" Debbie asked sympathetically. Negatus was stunned. Normally he never dared say how he truly felt in fear of execution but Imperatrix wasnt around. "Course Im not! She drives me mad! All these demands she gives me!" Negatus cried as he sat on the ground. I cant stand her whining Wheres her binky now? And loving her seems tiring So boy just love me down down down Someone told me stay away from things that arent yours but was he yours if he wanted me so bad? "Imperatrix is dangerous, shes doing all she can to try and take over the realm and yet she will not share it with me. I feel she is using me." Negatus said and Debbie was shocked by his honesty. It was almost as if the real Negatus was emerging. "You cant let her bully you. Pacify her if you have too." Debbie said soothingly and she patted him on the shoulder. Pacify her Shes getting on my nerves You dont love her stop lying with those words Pacify her shes getting on my nerves you dont love her stop lying with those words Meanwhile back at Imperatrixs lair, Igor was keen to speak to Imperatrix who was reading the second scroll that Negatus had gotten for her and she smiled, this prophecy would make her the supreme ruler of yonderland. "Oh mighty imperatrix, i have news regarding Negatus and this is something to get your teeth into. I mean inform you." Igor said. "Do tell." She said continuing to read the scroll. "It appears hes making friends with the chosen one and hes planning to desert you." Imperatrix stood up. "This cannot be! He cant join sides with my sister I wont allow it!" She shouted and she summoned the portal once more. Pacify her Shes getting on my nerves You dont love her Stop lying with those words Negatus felt much better for talking to Ddbbie as did his minons now he had to tell Imperatrix he was joining forces with Debbie and abandoning evil for good. Debbie and elf smiled as Negatus went to throw of his helmet but then..... Pacify her Shes getting on my nerves You dont love her stop lying with those words Pacify her shes getting on my nerves you dont love her Stop lying with those words Imperatrix stood in front of Negatus and she was holding the secind scroll in her hand and Negatus grinned, forgeting about his earlier promise and he followed her back into the portal. "Well it worth a try i suppose." Elf mumbled and he and Debbie headed off to see the elders. The end
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ecotone99 · 4 years
i made friends with a Reaper and im not sure it was a good idea
let me start from the beginning.
I've always a certain amount of luck all my life. i don't know if you would consider myself extremely lucky or extremely unlucky. ever since i was born I've had countless near-death experiences. my first was when i was born. i was born blue and not breathing with no heartbeat. the doctors proclaimed it a stillbirth. but after a few minutes, i was breathing normally.
the doctors couldn't explain it. they called it a miracle. but I'm not so sure it was. to tell the truth, i think i was supposed to die that day.
ever since then, I've almost died countless times. I've slipped out of my high chair, choked, high week lasting fevers, you name it. every parent's worst nightmare and they all happened to me. but never died. at least not for long.
I've been declared legally dead more times then i could count. eventually, my mom couldn't take the stress anymore and gave me up for adoption. i never knew my dad and he wasn't on my birth certificate.
dying wasn't new to me. but something weird happened this time
the other 17-year-old boys who would use pick on me said they wanted to start over. i was foolish and ii believed them
i went to where they wanted to meet me. it was an old playset next to a river and well. I started walking there and i met with the other boys.
now i would like to say I'm a nice kid. i never wanted to hurt anyone. at least i never wanted to kill them. i like birds and puppies. i cried when i stepped on a beetle. and this made me weak to the other boys my age. i was always the but of the joke. they would always hit me and beat me up when other ones looking. they would do it even when someone was looking to. because the teachers hated me.
everyone hated me.
so i was happy to finally make some friends.
Shadley, the leader of the group came up to me first with his minion's kade and Jace in tow.
"hey, chase. good to see you buddy" he said placing a meaty hand on my shoulder
"h-hey" i stuttered
"look, i just wanted to say how sorry i am for what we've done to you and i would like for us to be friends," he said giving me a wide ear to ear grin.
this seemed too good to be true
"o-ok?" i said hesitantly
"great!" he said " and friends play games dont they? do you want to play a game with us?" he asked
the air suddenly felt colder. and i felt uneasy
"I'm sorry but i have to get back or ill miss lunch" i muttered eyes looking at his white Nikes
i suddenly felt two hands grab each of my arms
"come on, it's just a little game" Shadley smirked as kade and Jace hauled me up by my arms
i screamed and kicked but i was a stick compared to them. i cried as they brought me over to the old well. the hung me over the darkness by my ankles.
i screamed and cried for them to pull me back up and i promised i wouldn' tell anyone. not that it would have mattered if i did.
i looked back up at them my tears trailing and falling into the darkness below
"its just a game, don't be a baby. hey guys, i think he wants to go down father" he smirked
the grip on my ankles slipped and i fell another few inches into the well
i screamed again.ut not because of the boys dangling me. but because i saw two blood-red orbs looking at me through the darkness. they seemed to stare into my soul.
i screamed again this time the creature screamed along with me. a loud screech burst from where its lips should be.
the sound of the screams together in a tight space must have been too loud because the grip on my ankles slipped and suddenly i was falling.
down then i hit the water.
and i died.
then i was back. i was now sitting in front of the well. where it was summer it was now snowing. i stood up confused. this has never happened before. i walked over to the playground and sat on the swings.i almost didn't notice the person who took a seat next to me on the other swing.
i looked over and there was a girl. about 14 with long dark black hair and pale skin. she was wearing a white dress.
"hi?" i said
she turned her eyes to me. they were dark. like so dark they looked like they were sucking in all the light and none would escape.
"hello chase," she said giving a soft smile
"how do you know my name? i asked uncomfortably
"i know a lot of things. like how your mother gave up on you. how older people hate you. how much you have those bullies" she said
"how-who-what are you?" i asked stepping off the swings and taking a step back
"my name is Riley. and I'm a Reaper" she said like it explained everything
"what? you're the grim reaper?" i asked skeptically.
she shook her head
"I'm a reaper. there are more than one"
"Why are you here? what do you want from me?" i asked. is it my time to finally die?
"I'm here to help you," she said smiling softly again
"why would you want to do that? I'm a nobody. go help Shadley." i said looking down
"no. your more important then you can ever know," she said while placing a hand on my face gently.
she continued" I'm your friend now. you always wanted a friend right? a real one? i can be that for you. i can help you get rid of your enemy. and i can rule by your side. Shadley,Jace, and Kane. we can stop them"
"i don't want to hurt anyone" i shook my head
"but it's not only you who they are hurting. other kids are being hurt as well. if you won't stop them for yourself cant you stop them from hurting others?" she said softly
it's not fair. they get everything want. they hurt whoever they want. a feeling that i never felt before flooded into me. rage. pure unbridled rage
"take my hand" she smiled. and i did. her skin felt like ice. we walked to the orphanage. i looked down and noticed she wasn't wearing any shoes. but her feet crunched on snow without showing any sign of hyperthermia.
as we walked past people sitting outside i noticed none of them looked at us.
"don't worry.long as you with me, they can't see you," she explained
we walked until we were inside the room that belonged to the bullies.
i was about to ask what was going on when the three but into the room bringing a scrying screening girl with them
i wanted they tried to hold her as she screamed and tried to get out of the room.
i looked at the reaper
"do something!" i yelled.
"you have to give me permission," she said narrowing her eyes
"fine whatever!i give you permission" i yelled. god, i wish i had stopped to think but the screams had reached and gotten into head.
suddenly the girl was standing above Kane holding what looked like a scythe made out of bone. she swung it down.
blood splatter everywhere and got all over me. then it was Jace's turn. the girl waved her hand and his neck snapped so hard the bones came out and sprayed blood everywhere, on me included.
then Shadley. having seen what happened to his friends he tried to make a run for it. his ankles were grabbed by the reaper and she sat on his backstabbing with the scythe. he cried out and the blade was drawn across his throat
i thought it was over.
but then they scythe was buried into the girl's throat.
tears ran down my face
"why?" i cried
the reaper didn't answer but picked up a dish that had fallen in the chaos. she filled it with the blood of the 3 boys and girl then walked up to me
before i could move the blood was shoved down my throat and i collapsed choking
"the blood of those who hurt you along with the blood of a virgin" she said raising her arms
then she started a chant. it wasn't any language i knew but i could still somehow understand it.
"a child of death and darkness shall be brought into the light
he shall be the end of heavens might
a demon father and a mother gone
have left his mind fractured and done
to remember who he was before
to help the blood stain the floor
though the angels try to bend and break
the Reapers will help him serve his fate
the blood of tormenters and pure combined
shall raise the new king to all demonkind"
i couldn't breathe. my eyes rolled back into my head and i felt blood pouring out through my nose. my tail bone hurt and so did my head and mouth. i screamed until the pain vanished. i ran my hand over the spots only to discover horns had sprouted from my head and a large spiked tail from the end of my spine.
my teeth sharp and to bite. i stood up my head now clear
i remember now. the angels. they wanted to kill me. they knew i was too strong.
i looked at the girl who was now smiling with approval her eyes growing red.
i let out a guttural screech and she joined into my battle call the sound shattering all nearby glass and causing other people in the building to clutch their ears and fall to the floor bleeding out.
i have to go now.
hell was waiting for me.
no matter what even did, they could never stepped fate.
i used to be weak
but now i am strong
i am not human
not anymore
i am the antichrist.
and all of heaven and hell shall kneel to me, or be destroyed.
submitted by /u/REPAER_MMIRG [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/shortscarystories/comments/ian8i3/i_made_friends_with_a_reaper_and_im_not_sure_it/ via Blogger https://ift.tt/310rlZG
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