#Dungeon Dive: Aim for the Deepest Level
ljaesch · 2 years
J-Novel Club's Announcements at Anime Expo 2022
J-Novel Club’s Announcements at Anime Expo 2022
J-Novel Club announced during its panel at Anime Expo 2022 that it has licensed the following light novels: Re:RE — Reincarnator Executioner Formerly, the Fallen Daughter of the Duke Yuri Tama: From Third Wheel to Trifecta Yashiro-kun’s Guide to Going Solo The Conqueror from a Dying Kingdom Backstabbed in a Backwater Dungeon: My Trusted Companions Tried to Kill Me, But Thanks to the Gift of an…
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tam-ezrac · 8 months
[The City is located on the Moon: An Addendum]
Hello! It's your resident neighborhood Idiot, Did you ever want to possess some extra knowledge that won’t be relevant for atleast another decade?? No?
Damn, too bad You never had a choice, get [DATA EXPUNGED]
This post is an Unofficial follow up to Reddit(ew) user u/Evening_Giraffe_2744: "The City is located on the Moon" theory. Which posits the aforementioned title being true(no duh)
This post will work under the presumption that said theory is true and will provide additional information related to it(I sound so repetitive).
If you HAVEN'T read the post yet or need a refresher, go do that, else you'll be lost, and for everyone else, let's hop into this pit!
Alright so this post will (try) to answer 2 questions:
1-Where is the City (specifically) located?
2-What is the Great Lake(and any other detail I can fit in)
Alright, starting with the first one, please {LOOK AT THESE 3 PHOTOGRAPHES}:
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Alrighty, the first two are pretty self explanatory, the one in red(left) is found within [LIMBUS COMPANY], both within the files and the downloading screen. And the second image(right) comes from Distortion Detective's very own Ezra!(it is very crudely drawn)
As for big old number 3? Well she's named Mare Imbrium and it's where the City located obviously! Don't believe me? Well watch this!:
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As we can see in these 2 pictures, which I super imposed upon n'3, they fit decently well(and when I mean they, I mean the left one(sorry not sorry Ezra)) the only caveat being that both of them had to be flipped, tho I can definitely see it as a intentional choice on PM's part.(Plus it makes a bit more sense in the second question of this essay)
As a fun little bonus I'll even add the size of of Imbrium and by extension the City here(just don't expect this to be correct):
With a Diameter of 1145km(and assuming a circle)
We get a Circumference of ~3597.12km
Or an Area of ~1,029,677km2
If we want to find Volume(km3) we would need height(5km deep and 7km high cause of mountains) which gives us 12km of height
Add these into a calculator for a cylinder and we get a Volume of ~12,356,119.53km3
(The Diameter, Depth and Mountain Heights were take straight from Wikipedia.)
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember, somewhere, where it was mentioned by PM that the City should be either as big as Colombia or Bolivia, both of which fall very close to the Area(km2) that I have calculated, so unless this is confirmation bias, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Now onto question numero Zwei! What is the Great Lake??
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It's Oceanus Procellarum, like, it's not even a contest, PM would have to actively blind themselves not to make it O.P. Like, do you see the size that lad?? Do ya know how big it is? If you combined all the Mares on this image you would arrive at around ~4,4 million km2 which is 2.3 million short of how big O.P is, with a whopping 6.6 million km2 it is twice as big as India, needless to say, it is chunky.
Tl,dr; [The City on the Moon] theory as alot more ground(or sea) to stand on then you can even begin to fathom.
Fun facts:
1-Mare can be directly translated from Latin to English as [Sea].
2-Imbrium translates into [Rain] making it's full name [Sea of Showers].
3-there is a Mare called [Mare Cognitum] that is located above Mares Humorum and Nubium.
4-the reason why I didn't show my math for the rest of the Mares and O.P is because I simply repeated the same thing as when I calculated Mare Imbrium.
Afterword: Hello, hello, it's your lovable idiot here, sorry I haven't been uploading my art recently, I've been trying to figure out how to use Spine(the program and my normal one)+binged the first 3 novels of [Dungeon Dive: Aim for the Deepest Level] needless to say its fuking goooood, highly rec. My next NON-art related thing will probs be smt along the lines of [Re:conceptualizing LoR and LCB Systems] so, uh, stay turned for that? Apart from that, have a wonderful day!
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fymbmangaboys · 1 year
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TEAMING UP WITH THE ENEMY?! While wandering around town, Kanami bumps into Alty, one of the Dungeon’s bosses! Alty corners Kanami, but instead of fighting, she offers to team-up with him! She’ll help Kanami explore the Dungeon, but there is something she wants from him in return. Can Kanami keep up his end of the bargain? Will Alty?
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lightnoveldemand · 2 years
Dungeon Dive {Review}
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Dungeon Dive : Aim For The Deepest Level is an isekai adventure which focuses on Sieg, the main character of the novel. Like typical isekai fanfare, he finds himself in a world unknown and must learn to survive. But that is where the similarities end. Dungeon Dive was a pleasant surprise on many fronts. The story is refreshing, the characters are layered and have motivations for their actions, and the world seems ripe for exploration. The novel is also exceptionally well written when compared to its peers. All of these elements combine to create a highly enjoyable read - one that I won't soon forget. I anticipate the next book, and I recommend you check it out as well. My Rating : 4.5 (Outstanding) Story : 4/5 Characters : 4/5 Engagement : 5/5 Peer Comparison: 5/5 Link: https://www.amazon.com/Dungeon-Dive-Deepest-Level-light-ebook/dp/B0B611HVMC
(This is not a paid review.)
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b100x-rpg · 3 years
今後のランキングシステム方針 - Future ranking system policy
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English version is below.
This article will affect the ranking of this game, and thus the top rankers. If you are not interested in such competitive features, you do not need to read this article.
B100Xは、Path of exile(以後、PoE)やDiablo3(以後、D3)といった、いわゆる「ハックアンドスラッシュRPG」を、誰でも手軽にスキマ時間に楽しめる、を目指して開発されました。
D3 では、シーズンリーダーボードは「ほぼ無限のダンジョンを一番深く潜��た人」になっています。
(PoEはこの問題を、レースというシーズン全体とは別の細かい単位のラダーを頻繁に開催する事で解決しているようです… 私の所見では、ですが)
一応、現状でランキングは「10000Fにまだ到達できていない層」「10000Fに到達できた層」「10000F到達の効率化を進める層」の3層が確認できていますが、これが長期間に渡るシーズンになった場合、おそらくはほとんどのダンジョンで「10000F 100Try」という成績で埋まってしまう事が予想されます。
【解決策1】 スコアランキングも倉庫不可にする
【解決策2】 ダンジョン最深層をより深くする(100,000Fなど)
【解決策3】 スコアランキングの最上位は、到達順(早い順)にする
「誰よりも早く10000Fを目指す」ランキングと、「1000 or 10000Fまでの到達に必要な挑戦回数の少なさを競う」ランキングの2つが用意される形です。
「シーズン開始直後の競争」は前者が、「シーズン期間の途中からでも参加可能な競争」は後者が担う形となります。事実上、解決したかった課題はスピードランキングによって既に解決できる状態にあったと言えます。(そしてリリース前の十分な検討が不足していたとも言えます… 申し訳ありません)
こうなった場合、「誰よりも早く10000Fを目指す」ランキングが「スピードランキング」で、「1000 or 10000Fまでの到達に必要な挑戦回数の少なさを競う」ランキングが「スコアランキング」と呼ぶべきでしょう。
Season system of B100X
B100X was developed with the aim of making so-called "hack-and-slash RPGs" such as Path of exile (PoE) and Diablo 3 (D3) easy for anyone to enjoy in their spare time.
The system of creating new play data for each season and the rankings were also strongly influenced by these titles.
Seasons, rankings, and server resets themselves are common in competitive games like FPS and MOBA, but not many RPGs use these systems.
With the season system, you can enjoy the game with a fresh feeling due to the new content added each season, and at the same time, the experience and knowledge accumulated through repeated play will make your next play more refined, and you can enjoy it over and over again, challenging the rankings, trying different builds etc... 
B100X has been developed on the premise of long-term operation, and I hope to make it a title that can be enjoyed for 5-10 years or more with fresh gameplay each season through various environmental reorganizations.
In order to achieve this goal, I am focusing on making the rankings more accessible and fair.
Existing ranking system
In PoE, season ladders are ranked by experience gained.
And for users who reach Lv100 (Max), "the person who reaches it first is ranked first".
In D3, the season leaderboard is "the person who can dive the deepest in the almost-infinite dungeon". (And among the users who reach the deepest level, the leaderboard is "the person who cleared the dungeon in the shortest amount of time".)
B100 series was originally a solo RPG, and one of its selling points was that it could be made infinitely stronger through free mixture.
In D3, you can't get infinitely stronger, so this leaderboard is feasible, but in B100X, if you adopt this kind of rule (infinite dungeon tier competition), it will just be a competition of time spent.
Therefore, I decided not to adopt the D3 system, but to follow the PoE system.
In both games, there is no problem with moving item using warehouses within the same league because it doesn't have any significant meaning in the rankings to earn items with other characters.
(Since the 1st character is the easiest to earn with, you can earn with that, and if you raise the 2nd character, you risk falling behind in the ladder to other players who are ahead of you with the 1st character.)
Target of B100X
There was one problem I wanted to solve with B100X.
In PoE's format of the ladder, the top rankers are concentrated in the "just after the season starts", that is, only in the first few days of a 3-4 month period, and players who fail to join them are left out of the rankings.
(PoE seems to have solved this problem by holding frequent ladders that are separate from the overall season, called Races... in my opinion.)
In the B100X, I wanted to have a system that would allow people to participate in the rankings even if they joined in the middle of the season, which is how I came up with the current "score ranking" system.
In other words, it's not about the fastest player, but about the player who can reach the deepest level in the shortest number of moves by better playing.
I thought it would be possible for players to participate in the game even in the middle of the season, and that only those players who had the player skills to step into the higher difficulty levels could challenge the deeper levels, so that the players who reached the deepest level could compete with each other in the rankings.
However, as it turns out, there is a problem with the current system itself, as it can be used as a way to "improve your ranking" by "using the warehouse to move items to new characters".
As of now, there are 3 tiers of ranking: those who have yet to reach 10000F, those who have reached 10000F, and those who are working on improving the efficiency of reaching 10000F. 
If this becomes a long season, most dungeons will probably be filled with "10000F 100Try" results.
If this happens, the rankings will become meaningless.
In addition, this ranking structure will turn the game into a "1st play data is just for preparation, give items to the 2nd and later players, and let them clear the dungeon with the minimum number of challenges" game, and this gameplay will not be very healthy.
Solution plans
Because of these problems, I believe that the ranking needs to be improved in some way.
Solution 1: Make the score ranking not warehouseable.
At least in v1.1.0, I plan to do this first and see how it goes, but there are some problems with this method.
Since it will be a "speed ranking with 10000F target", there will be no point in having separate rankings.
The value of the warehouse will be reduced.
Because of these problems, this method will be a temporary solution in v1.1.0, or it may not be used.
Solution 2: Make the deepest level of the dungeon deeper (e.g. 100,000F)
This method will only increase the time it takes for the final score to be uniformly the same, and is not a fundamental solution.
Solution 3: The top of the score ranking should be in order of arrival (earliest to latest).
In other words, change the current score ranking to the exact same format as PoE.
There will be 2 rankings, one for "aiming to reach 10000F before anyone else" and one for "competing for the fewest number of challenges needed to reach 1000 or 10000F".
The former will take care of the competition right at the beginning of the season, while the latter will take care of the competition that can be joined in the middle of the season. 
In effect, the problem I wanted to solve was already solved by speed ranking. (And it can also be said that I didn't give it enough thought before the release... sorry about that).
In addition, the use of the warehouse will be unlocked for the former ranking, so it will be possible to separate "play data aiming for the top ranking" and "play data that is responsible for earning junk/items" and use the warehouse to give each other the items necessary for their build while efficiently aiming for the top ranking.
(There are some parts where it takes extra time to raise 2 play data than 1 play data, and I don't know at this point which one can reach 10000F faster.)
However, if we choose this solution, we may want to change the name of the ranking.
In this case, the ranking that "aims to reach 10000F faster than anyone else" should be called "Speed Ranking", and the ranking that "competes for the fewest number of challenges needed to reach 1000 or 10000F" should be called "Score Ranking".
Future Policy
At this point, I am tentatively working on solution 1 for v1.1.0, and are considering switching the ranking structure to solution 3 for v1.2.0. (Or if possible, I will use solution 3 for v1.1.0 immeditately.)
However, I would like to continue to search for a better solution, so if you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them.
Also, if there are any errors in my understanding, I would like to hear them as well.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
I will continue to work on making the game more comfortable and fun to play.
Thank you for your support of Nussygame and B100X.
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Manga the Week of 3/2/22
SEAN: Our long nightmare, aka February, is over. What does March bring us?
Yes Press is mostly off this week, but we get two titles: I’m the Villainess, So I’m Taming the Final Boss 3 and To Save the World, Can You Wake Up the Morning After with a Demi-Human? 4.
Two debuts from Viz Media, one for each of their main imprints. Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai (Dragon Quest – Dai no Daibouken) is the classic 1989 manga from the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump! It’ll be coming out here in omnibus form, 2-in-1. It’s one of the biggest manga ever. Its authors later did Beet the Vandel Buster. The plot? Boy has adventures.
ASH: Always glad to see more classic manga being released!
ANNA: Nice!
SEAN: The Shojo Beat title is Ima Koi: Now I’m in Love (Ima, Koi Wo Shite Imasu), a Betsuma series that features yet another guy who seems to be scary but is actually really nice. The author is best known for Wolf Girl and Black Prince, which has not been licensed, alas.
MICHELLE: I tend to like those sorts of stories, so I’m down for this.
ASH: Same!
ANNA: Surprising no one, me too.
SEAN: Also from Viz: Mashle: Magic and Muscles 5, My Hero Academia 30, the 14th and final volume (thank God) of Platinum End, Rosen Blood 2, Undead Unluck 6, World Trigger 23, and Yakuza Lover 4.
ASH: I didn’t get very far with Platinum End.
ANNA: I think I lasted for a couple volumes.
SEAN: Seven Seas debuts Classroom of the Elite (Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e), based on the light novel, which runs in my nemesis, Comic Alive. Kiyotaka is entering a prestigious high school known for educating the children of the future. Unfortunately, he ends up in Class D, which is where the rejects go to get ridiculed and vanish from society forever. Unfortunately for the school, there’s a lot more to Kiyotaka than it seems.
Also from Seven Seas: DUNGEON DIVE: Aim for the Deepest Level 3, I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons, but the Other World was at Peace! 3, The Invincible Shovel 3, My Lovey-Dovey Wife is a Stone Cold Killer 2, The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent 5, Sorry for My Familiar 9, and A White Rose in Bloom 2.
MICHELLE: I’m looking forward to A White Rose in Bloom.
ASH: As am I. I really love Asumiko Nakamura’s manga.
SEAN: One Peace Books has a 14th volume of Hinamatsuri.
ASH: I’ve fallen behind, but I’ve gotten a kick out of what I’ve read so far.
SEAN: Kodansha, in print, has Beyond the Clouds 4, Chasing After Aoi Koshiba 3, Love and Lies 11, Saint Young Men 8, and Yuri Is My Job! 8.
ASH: I’m still here for Saint Young Men, as usual.
SEAN: Digitally, the debut is… not announced yet, so will have to wait.
Also digitally: A Couple of Cuckoos 6, Girlfriend, Girlfriend 8, Kounodori: Dr. Stork 21, My Master Has No Tail 4, the 22nd and final volume of Smile Down the Runway, and We’re New at This 10.
J-Novel Club debuts Magic Knight of the Old Ways (Furuki Okite no Mahou Kishi), a story of knights and kings that also has to deal with the fact that its leads are named Sid and Alvin, which makes me worry this will become Carry On Magic Knights.
J-Novel Club also has some digital manga releases as we see Bibliophile Princess 5, The Emperor’s Lady-in-Waiting Is Wanted as a Bride 3, Infinite Dendrogram 9, and Marginal Operation 12.
Ghost Ship has new volumes. We get Does a Hot Elf Live Next Door to You? 3 and Might as Well Cheat: I Got Transported to Another World Where I Can Live My Wildest Dreams! 2.
Cross Infinite World debuts So You Want to Live the Slow Life? A Guide to Life in the Beastly Wilds (Shishi Kamori de Slow Life), a bit of a reverse isekai. Our hero stays in Japan, and inherits his grandfather’s estate. Unfortunately, his estate is in the Beastly Wilds, a section of forest off-limits to humans… as it’s filled with beastmen! That said, it’s a slow life book, so don’t expect battles.
ASH: Could possibly be an interesting isekai inversion.
SEAN: In print, Airship has Berserk of Gluttony 5 and The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter 6.
And in early digital, they have a debut: The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior (Higeki no Genkyou tonaru Saikyou Gedou Rasubosu Joou wa Tami no Tame ni Tsukushimasu). You know the drill. Reincarnated in an otome game as the villainess. Tries to be a good person instead. Does it a little TOO well.
Anything catch your fancy?
By: Sean Gaffney
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ljaesch · 3 years
Seven Seas Entertainment Announces Two More Manga Licenses
Seven Seas Entertainment Announces Two More Manga Licenses
Seven Seas Entertainment has announced that it has licensed Renji Kuriyama’s manga adaptation of Aki Hagiu and TEDDY’s Call to Adventure! Defeating Dungeons with a Skill Board light novel series, and Keisuke Satō’s manga adaptation of Tarisa Warinai and Saki Ukai’s Dungeon Dive: Aim for the Deepest Level light novel series. Seven Seas will release the Call to Adventure! Defeating Dungeons with a…
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Manga the Week of 12/8/21
SEAN: Busy busy busy! Almost forgot to type this up this week! What do we see?
ASH: Oh, do I know the feeling!
SEAN: Yen On has the 3rd volume of The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten as well as Reign of the Seven Spellblades 4.
Yen Press debuts an artbook: AidaIro Illustrations: Toilet-bound Hanako-kun. This does exactly what it says on the tin.
ASH: I quite like the art in Toilet-bound Hanako-kun, so I’m looking forward to this collection.
Also out from Yen’s manga imprint: Bofuri: I Don’t Want to Get Hurt, so I’ll Max Out My Defense 2, The Eminence in Shadow 2, Final Fantasy: Lost Stranger 6, For the Kid I Saw in My Dreams 7, and The Saga of Tanya the Evil 15.
MICHELLE: As with much else, I do mean to get around to reading For the Kid I Saw in My Dreams someday.
ASH: I read the first few volumes and have the next few on hand, though I haven’t actually gotten around to reading them yet.
SEAN: Three debuts from Viz. Akira Toriyama’s Manga Theater is a massive, 625-page hardcover featuring a ton of short stories from the legendary Dr. Slump and Dragon Ball creator.
ANNA: That sounds like a great holiday present!
MICHELLE: I didn’t love Dr. Slump but really adored Toriyama’s COWA! oneshot, so might check this out.
ASH: Wow, that’s a lot of manga packed into one volume! Should hopefully be pretty good.
MELINDA: This is pretty cool!
SEAN: Kaiju No. 8 is a Shonen Jump + release that already is getting simulpubbed, and has HUGE buzz. A man who works on cleaning up after Japanese Godzilla monsters suddenly finds himself with new powers. Can he now achieve his dream of fighting them?
ANNA: Also intriguing.
ASH: Indeed! I’ve heard good things.
MELINDA: Okay, I’m ready.
SEAN: Rosen Blood is from Akita Shoten’s Princess, and if I said reverse harem vampire story would that get your attention?
ANNA: This fully has my attention, surprising no one.
We also get the final volume of Takane & Hana, the 18th, which is out in both a regular edition and a special edition which has a variant cover and an extra chapter. I’ll miss these goofballs.
ANNA: I’m behind on this series, but I am fond of it!
MICHELLE: I will miss them too!
SEAN: There’s also Chainsaw Man 8, Fullmetal Alchemist: Fullmetal Edition 15, Jujutsu Kaisen 13, Kaguya-sama: Love Is War 21, One Piece 98, Queen’s Quality 13, We Never Learn 19, Yakuza Lover 3, and Yona of the Dawn 33.
ANNA: Stoked for the excellence of Yona of the Dawn and the insanity of Yakuza Lover.
ASH: Always glad to see Yona on the list. I’ve been enjoying Queen’s Quality, too.
SEAN: Tokyopop has a 5th volume of Laughing Under the Clouds.
Square Enix has the 8th Hi Score Girl.
Seven Seas debuts Robo Sapiens: Tales of Tomorrow (Robo Sapiens Zenshi), a done-in-one omnibus from Kodansha’s Morning Two. This is a multi-award winning manga about robots and humans, and how far apart and close to each other they are.
MICHELLE: Sounds intriguing.
ASH: I’m here for it!
SEAN: Also from Seven Seas: CALL TO ADVENTURE! Defeating Dungeons with a Skill Board 3, DUNGEON DIVE: Aim for the Deepest Level 2, Hitomi-chan is Shy With Strangers 2, and Young Ladies Don’t Play Fighting Games 2.
Kodansha’s first print debut screams “this is actually Vertical”: Emma Dreams of Stars (Emma wa Hoshi no Yume wo Miru). A one-shot from Kodansha’s Morning, but it was originally published in France, and is about the first woman Michelin Guide Inspector.
ANNA: Ooh!
MICHELLE: I second that “Ooh!”
ASH: And thirded!
MELINDA: And I’ll just repeat, “Ooh!”
SEAN: Also debuting is Hitorijime Boyfriend, a one-shot from Ichijinsha’s Gateau and prequel to Hitorijime My Hero.
Kodansha also has a lot of print titles whose ebooks came out a week or two (or more) ago. We see Bakemonogatari 11, Blood on the Tracks 7, Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 9, Orient 6, Shaman King Omnibus 6, Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie 7, UQ Holder 24, and When Will Ayumu Make His Move? 2.
Digitally our debut is My Master Has No Tail (Uchi no Shishou wa Shippo ga nai), a good! Afternoon series that has the unlikely teamup of a tanuki and a rakugo master.
ASH: Sounds like my kind of team!
SEAN: And there’s Chihayafuru 29, Kounodori: Dr. Stork 18, Love After World Domination 3, My Dearest Self With Malice Aforethought 11 (the final volume), Saint Young Men 14, Smile Down the Runway 21, With the Sheikh in His Harem 8 (also a final volume), and Ya Boy Kongming! 6.
MICHELLE: Insert obligatory Chihayafuru rejoicing.
SEAN: J-Novel Club has a few series in print which, well, are mostly already out, but Amazon lists them as next week, so… anyway, it’s Ascendance of a Bookworm 10, I Shall Survive Using Potions! (manga) 5, Infinite Dendrogram 14, A Lily Blooms in Another World, My Friend’s Little Sister Has It in for Me! 1, Tearmoon Empire 2, and The Unwanted Undead Adventurer (manga) 2.
ASH: I am so far behind on my light novel reading, but there are some good ones here.
SEAN: Digitally we have two light novels debuting. Goodbye Otherworld, See You Tomorrow (Sayonara Isekai, Mata Kite Ashita), a post-apocalyptic journey series that looks a bit more serious than most recent isekai titles.
There’s also Private Tutor to the Duke’s Daughter (Koujo Denka no Kateikyoushi), the story of a commoner who was trying to become a court magician… but failed. Now his only recourse to avoid debt is a suspicious tutoring job.
We also see Lazy Dungeon Master 15 and the 7th Unwanted Undead Adventurer (manga version).
Ghost Ship has Call Girl in Another World 3 and Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs 16.
Denpa Books gives us The Girl with the Sanpaku Eyes 3.
And Dark Horse has the 3rd volume of Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!.
Cross Infinite World gives us Reset! The Imprisoned Princess Dreams of Another Chance! 2 digitally.
Lastly, Airship has two digital-early titles: The Most Notorious “Talker” Runs the World’s Greatest Clan 2 and Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship! 3.
Too much, too marvelous, too marvelous for words. What titles make you dance?
By: Sean Gaffney
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Manga the Week of 10/6/21
SEAN: October! Time for scary manga!
ASH: Ooooooo!
MICHELLE: Scary manga and super creeps?
SEAN: Airship has, in print, Monster Musume The Novel – Monster Girls on the Job!, a spinoff of the popular monster girl manga series.
We also get an early digital release for Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter 3.
Dark Horse has the 7th Gantz omnibus.
Denpa gives us a 4th volume of Pleasure & Corruption.
Ghost Ship debuts Do You Like Big Girls? (Ookii Onnanoko wa Daisuki Desu ka?), a series that runs in Takeshobo’s Kissca, and combines ‘volleyball manga’ and ‘borderline porn’… well, OK, the porn is like 5/6 of it, the volleyball 1/6. But at least it’s all consensual, that’s a plus.
ASH: That is a plus!
SEAN: Also from Ghost Ship is SUPER HXEROS 4. This actually jumped from Seven Seas’ main label to Ghost Ship before the last volume, so presumably the sexual content also bumped up.
ASH: Sometimes you don’t know where a series is going to go until it goes there.
SEAN: J-Novel Club has lots of stuff, including 3 titles that should have been on last week’s list, apologies, the month change confused me. J-Novel Pulp’s John Sinclair: Demon Hunter 4, The Magician Who Rose From Failure 3, and Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to Extraordinary Squire 2.
As for actual next week stuff, for manga there’s Der Werwolf 3 and Marginal Operation 9.
For light novels, we get Are You Okay With a Slightly Older Girlfriend? 5, Cooking with Wild Game 14, Holmes of Kyoto 6, In Another World with My Smartphone 23, Infinite Dendrogram 15, Monster Tamer 6, and She’s the Cutest… But We’re Just Friends! 2.
Kodansha has print manga for us. There’s Boys Run the Riot 3, Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card 10, Orient 5, Rent-a-Girlfriend 9, That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime 17, and Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku 5.
ASH: Boys Run the Riot has been great so far. I’m really looking forward to reading more of Wotakoi, too; it seems like it’s been awhile.
MICHELLE: Hooray for more Wotakoi!
ANNA: Already so behind on Boys Run the Riot.
SEAN: Kodansha’s digital debut is Love After World Domination (Koi wa Sekai Seifuku no Ato de), a Weekly Shonen Magazine series about a hero who falls in love with a villainess. I think this is getting an anime.
Also out digitally: Chihayafuru 28, GTO: Paradise Lost 15, I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability 3, My Dearest Self With Malice Aforethought 9, My Sweet Girl 13 (the final volume), My Unique Skill Makes Me OP even at Level 1 6, ONIMAI: I’m Now Your Sister! 2, Saint Young Men 13, Sweet Sweet Revenge 2 (also a final volume), With the Sheikh in His Harem 6, and Ya Boy Kongming! 5.
MICHELLE: I’m most excited for Chihayafuru, of course, but I did start My Sweet Girl and liked it well enough. Probably I should attempt to finish it.
ANNA: Waves with intention to read one day at Chihayafuru.
SEAN: Seven Seas continues to push out titles after the early September lull. Lots of debuts again.
ASH: Woo! Here we go!
SEAN: DUNGEON DIVE: Aim for the Deepest Level (Isekai Meikyuu no Saishinbu o Mezasou) is an isekai manga from Overlap’s Comic Gardo. Based on an (unlicensed) light novel, its premise is the same as any other manga with ‘isekai’ and ‘dungeon’ in the title.
Headhunted to Another World: From Salaryman to Big Four! (Salaryman ga Isekai ni Ittara Shitennou ni Natta Hanashi) is an isekai manga from Overlap’s Comic Gardo. Not based on a light novel, it has a salaryman summoned by the demon lord to keep her minions in line. This seems like a comedy.
Hitomi-chan is Shy With Strangers (Hitomi-chan wa Hito Mishiri) is NOT an isekai manga from Comic Gardo. This runs in Akita Shoten’s Manga Cross, and seems to be their attempt to do Komi Can’t Communicate with the serial numbers filed off.
Time Stop Hero (Jikan Teishi Yuusha – Yomei 3-ka no Settei ja Sekai o Sukuu ni wa Mijika Sugiru) is an isekai manga from Kodansha’s Shonen Sirius, which seems to combine the subtleties of isekai series with the sensitive and caring aspects of the 1982 sex comedy “Zapped!” starring Scott Baio.
MELINDA: I also lol’d.
SEAN: And we have ongoing series. The Ancient Magus’ Bride 15, The Demon Girl Next Door 4, How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord 12, Kageki Shojo!! 2, Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero 2, the third and final volume of Rainbow and Black, and Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs 2.
ASH: Oh, there’s a few ongoing series here that i’m reading; I better get ready!
MICHELLE: I could go for some The Ancient Magus’ Bride.
SEAN: Tokyopop gives us Laughing Under the Clouds 4.
Viz gives us one debut, a Shojo Beat title from Betsuma. My Love Mix-Up! (Kieta Hatsukoi) features a new author but the artist is the one who did My Love Story!!. Guy likes girl, but she seems to like another guy. What’s more, the other guy now thinks that HE likes him. Bisexuality ahoy!
ASH: My Love Story!! is a favorite of mine, in part because of the artwork, so I’m definitely planning on giving this one a try.
ANNA: Unsurprisingly, me too!
SEAN: Viz has a new My Hero Academia: School Briefs light novel, the 5th in the series. It seems to take place right after the My Villain Academia arc (though is about the heroes, of course).
We also get Blue Exorcist 26, Chainsaw Man 7, Jujutsu Kaisen 12, Moriarty the Patriot 5, One-Punch Man 23, Seraph of the End 22, Spy x Family 6, We Never Learn 18, and Yona of the Dawn 32.
ASH: Solid showing from Viz this coming week.
MICHELLE: No kidding!
ANNA: Yay for more Yona especially.
SEAN: Lastly, there’s Yen Press, who moved a lot of September stuff to October. Yen On’s debut is The Undead King’s Reign of Peace (Fusetsu no Fushiou no Saiseiki), the story of a girl saved by the undead king, a powerful skeleton. (See, more skeletons in light novels.) Sadly, while he wants peace for all, most everyone wants him dead.
ASH: I don’t mind the skeleton trend, honestly.
SEAN: Also from Yen On: Bofuri: I Don’t Want to Get Hurt, so I’ll Max Out My Defense 3, Date a Live 3, Hazure Skill: The Guild Member with a Worthless Skill Is Actually a Legendary Assassin 2, The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious 7, High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even in Another World! 5, My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong As I Expected 12, No Game No Life Practical War Game, Strike the Blood 19, Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town 7, Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina 6, and Woof Woof Story: I Told You to Turn Me Into a Pampered Pooch, Not Fenrir! 7.
No debuts from Yen Press, but we do get Adachi and Shimamura 2, Bungo Stray Dogs 20, Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody 11, I’m the Hero, but the Demon Lord’s Also Me 2, Im: Great Priest Imhotep 11 (the final volume), Love of Kill 4, Plunderer 8, Sunshine Sketch 10 (which, like Yotsuba&!, also had its last volume come out in 2018), The Vampire and His Pleasant Companions 4, and Yowamushi Pedal 18.
ASH: I’ve actually been binging Yowamushi Pedal lately to catch up to this volume.
MICHELLE: I really need to catch up, too! Maybe singing “hime, hime” will help me to do so.
ANNA: My kids are into Yowamushi Pedal so I gotta order that.
SEAN: I think the scariest thing is how big this list is.
ASH: It is pretty big.
By: Sean Gaffney
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Seven Seas Licenses Call to Adventure! and Dungeon Dive Manga
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  The two most recent announcements from Seven Seas are getting ready to take us down into the dungeons later this year. Next up from the publisher's month of announcements are Aki Hagiu and Renji Kuriyama's Call to Adventure! Defeating Dungeons with a Skill Board and Tarisa Warinai and Keisuke Sato's Dungeon Dive: Aim for the Deepest Level.
  Call to Adventure! is based on the award-winning web novels, and the first volume is due out in print and digital this August. 
It’s been five years since strange dungeons opened up around the Earth, spilling monsters into our world. Average citizens everywhere have risen to the challenge to become adventurers, fighting these fantasy creatures and clearing out dungeons as best they can. Among them is Karaboshi Haruki, a 27-year-old rookie overlooked by everyone and...less than successful at beating monsters and finding treasure. Unsure how he can compete with much more powerful adventurers, an opportunity is dropped into his lap--a dungeon suddenly appears right beneath his home! Could this be a place for him to train? Even better, he discovers a Skill Board that allows him to level up faster! The dungeon-diving adventures Haruki has always dreamed of are just getting started.
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    Isekai fantasy adventure Dungeon Dive has its first print and digital volume set for this September.
One moment Kanami is visiting his sick little sister in the hospital, and the next thing he knows, he wakes up in a dark corridor full of cutthroat warriors and bloodthirsty monsters. Kanami quickly learns that he is in the “labyrinth,” a deadly 100-floor dungeon in a fantasy world--and for those able to reach the deepest level, a wish will be granted. Kanami seems to have received magic powers and a special unnamed skill that kicks in whenever he is overwhelmed, which helps him stabilize but has a disturbing effect on his emotions and mind. After attracting the attention of a mysterious girl, Kanami may have the power he needs to return home to his ailing sister...but at what price?
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    Source: Press release (2)
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his brand new comic, MONSTER FLIGHT, at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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