tulsagosanoszintee · 2 years
Igazából, amikor a pap az oltár előtt elismételteti a párral az esküt, kurvára felesleges az a rengeteg ígéret és mondat. Az eskü egyetlen egy mondatát kellene csak kiemelni.
“…. Szeretetből megyek hozzá. … “
Ennyiről van szó, ennyi kell. Ebben a világban már nem túl aktuális a többi rizsa és ezer más olyan dolog jöhet az életben, amire az eskü szövege ki sem tér. Na azokon kell együtt egymást segítve átesni, együtt megoldani. Ennél többre nincs is szüksége az embernek a társától. Nem kell és nem is lehet többet elvárni senkitől.
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fishyfos · 8 months
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Pirinioetako bidea - The Pyrenean Way
Independentist associations from Euskal Herria and Catalunya - Gure Esku Dago and Assemblea Nacional Catalana among others - have announced they have started an incredible project to draw attention to their cry for freedom: they will connect Euskal Herria and Catalunya by lighting up more than 300 Pyrenean summits at the same time. Let’s remember that the Pyrenees are 430km long and connect the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.
They’re currently asking for hikers and volunteers to help in this huge project, so if you’re interested you can visit their websites for more info. The event will take place on July 2nd.
Of course some people are already getting nervous, like the President of Aragón - and @minglana ‘s favorite person 😉 - Javier Lambán, that has said he “won’t consent any organic or inorganic rubbish in the Pyrenees, as I won’t consent that some ideological or political stravaganzza damages them”.
Why so scared?
We’ll keep you updated on this.
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macskabuzi · 2 years
It's over Petike, I have the high ground
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crepuscularray · 4 months
I can’t tell if it’s
the increase in dose
of your pain medication—
it doubles as a sedative—
or if you really are starting to
You remind me of the sunset.
I've known you more than half my life,
held your golden form in my hands since
I was but a child.
I took most years for granted,
made many mistakes.
I'd take them back,
if I could.
I don't think you hold them against me,
even as they changed your body,
left you less able,
left you scarred from having done nothing wrong,
just from having been mine.
Somehow, I don't think you hold it against me.
I hold your frail form and remind myself
not to cry. Not in here,
not with you.
It doesn't always work.
In case you can tell the difference, I just
don't want you to worry.
You have more than enough to deal with already.
Between the medication
and syringe feeding, you
take these short, clicking gasps.
I've asked about them but
maybe you didn't make them there.
I was told not to worry too much.
(That's a funny thing to say to me.)
While letting you rest,
I look over to your empty home,
(Don't think about it.)
and I can almost see you
four months ago,
head darting from your favourite hide
full of hope for food,
radiant like noon light.
Your neighbour of the last sixteen years,
one year your senior,
does the same, begging at the glass.
Endearing, but as I turn back to you
curled weakly in my hands,
it is a contrast sometimes too stark to accept.
Your eyes are still lively, but you
keep them closed more often, now.
I run my fingers over your back,
a gesture meant to comfort you but really
more for myself.
Like always,
you don't seem to mind.
I cannot find words for how I feel
looking at your sunken frame,
your thin limbs,
the way the skin of your tail rests
wrinkled and deflated
as your body betrays you
and diverts all of your energy into
something that will kill you.
We try more syringe food and you hate it,
and you hate the medicine,
and you hate being restrained and not understanding
and not being left alone to rest.
You look so tired.
Your eyes, still bright, open and close
between disturbances.
I tell myself I'm helping,
but I don't really know.
You developed a pink-orange spot on your side
after your last shed; the doctor
thinks it's just your natural pigment
changing. Even at the end
you're more radiant than ever,
beautiful, and heavenly,
strong and patient,
and every other virtue
despite being so small
and not knowing why this is happening.
You cannot handle
any more tonight.
"All done," I promise,
holding you in my hands
for just a bit longer
before letting you go home.
How am I to appreciate
a sunset, knowing
there will be no sunrise?
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ionmarkelargazkiak · 6 years
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Probalom elhinni esku..❤️
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willcodehtmlforfood · 6 months
gousto, hat nektek bizony a kurv@ anyatok
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ha egy helyen szeretnem latni h mit fizettem, rakjam fel a appot
ha azt is szeretnem latni h a creditet rendesen beszamoltak-e, nezzem meg a bank tranzakcios listat
esku ez direkt van igy, h ne lasd mi mennyi ( a fenti szoveg is a faq-bol van, amihez 56 csillioszor kell kattintgatni)
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So it’s been about 2 or 3 years since i’ve been on this site…
Some shit has gone down with my goblinoids. And i have recently found out that my cousin might just be the worst player in existence. Her main character now is a firbolg bard named Primrose.
A collective list of shit Primrose has done in the 2 campaigns she’s in:
-snorted bone dust from a skeleton she powdered with shatter
-put the halfling bard’s discarded teeth in Esku’s hood. Esku is a traumatized Yuan-ti pureblood wild magic sorcerer. He has really bad anxiety. Needless to say, Albion the party mom friend gave her a strict talking-to.
-She and the halfling bard (Calfira, played by my sister) got into an argument with a bunch of grung about Esku. I had to have Ria explain to them that the FROG PEOPLE were scared of the SNAKE MAN.
-in my sister’s campaign, where I play Albion the lawful good teifling fighter, she found a cursed book. Every time you open it, a wild magic surge happens. Albion, naturally, did not like the book.
-Primrose fucking loved it though. She opens it wayyyyy to much. In doing so, she ACCIDENTALLY GASSED A BLACKSMITH SHOP TWICE. Naturally, it was up to me to save the smith.
-She ran into the shop to save the smith’s flower crown. In doing so, she got lost in the poison fog. First instinct? Fucking steal a knife.
-after being lost in the fog for a few minutes, she decided that the only option was death. Not calling for help. Just fucking stabbing herself with a sword.
-eventually, i rescued her. She immediately ran back in and tried to kermit sewer slide AGAIN. SHE SUCCEEDED ON 8 DEATH SAVING THROWS BEFORE SHE FINALLY DIED AFTER ALBION ACCIDENTALLY DROPPED HER.
-needless to say, her new character was a dragonborn wizard named Drexac. We ‘lovingly’ nicknamed her nutsack. Yeah everyone in the party hated her new character. Albion especially.
-we explored a magic items shop. Drexac found invisibility boots. Her first instinct? Tickle Albion. My sister made her roll for it. She rolled low. It was more like she was groping him.
-she decided it would be funny to pull Albion’s tail. That did not go over well.
-Accidentally cast Compelled Duel on Albion with an enchanted glove. She then refused to duel him. She made a ur mom joke at him.  -we ended up at this cute little elf village. Albion accidentally got engaged within the first minute of being there, but that’s a different story for a different time.
-by this time, my sister and i were so sick and tired of Drexac. My sister’s solution as the dm? Kill off nutsack and resurrect prim. That’s exactly what she did.
-now that prim is back, what do we do? Go get some funky animals.  -after that, it’s time to torture Albion. She opens that fucking book again.
-Prim and Albion swap bodies. This is where it gets wild.
-after realizing she’s been body swapped with a good, pure-hearted boi who has never done anything wrong in his life, she decides to flirt with girls. Remember, Albion is engaged at this point. 
-thankfully, we catch up to her and the magic effect ends.
-wanna know what she fucking does next? Sulks because Albion said he didn’t like her. After the stunt she just pulled.
-there was a whole debacle where Albion and his wife-to-be Juniper had to bake a cake. She tried to help and got powdered sugar FUCKING EVERYWHERE. SHE ALMOST KILLED EVERYONE WITH POWDERED SUGAR.
Thats all i can think of at the moment, but rest assured i will post more dnd shenanigans because there is A LOT.
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Herri Urrats - or popular march - is an annual celebration done in Iparralde by the association of ikastolak or Basque schools. It includes concerts, activities, and a march to collect money for the schools and promotion of our language in the French state where it recieves no money neither protection.
Basque group Neomak has been chosen to create the song for this year's Herri Urrats edition. It's called "Hor gaude" [We are there] and its music video speak volumes: no Basque-speaker in the northern regions are alone, even if it might seem so. There's a lot of popular and institutional support in the soutehrn side of the Pyrenees.
Here are the lyrics:
Putzu batean islatutako lainoak bezala Like clouds reflected on a well
lokatz artean ta halere hegan, hor gaude. amidst the mud but, however, flying, we are there.
Argi ikusten duzun bezala zure betazalak ireki gabe. Just like you can see clearly without opening your eyelids.
Hitzen uholde etengabe bat, bere urak hazi ta hazi. An infinite flood of words whose waters grow and grow
Haize ufada, ezin duzuna besoekin geldiarazi. A gust of wind that you can't stop with your arms.
Nork mugatzen du lurra? Nork ukatzen du lurra? Who puts limits to earth? Who denies earth?
Geu baldin bagara geure lurra. We ourselves may be our own earth.
Zubiak sortzen, jaikitzen ta erortzen ikasi dugu urratsak elkar lotzen. Creating bridges, getting up and falling, that's how we learned to unite our steps together.
Ortzadarra darizu esku-ahurretik A rainbow is coming from your palm
Zerbait esan nahi dizu desagertu aurretik. It wants to tell you something before it disappears.
Paper batean marraztutako txoriak bezala, Like birds drawn on a paper,
gela barnean ta halere hegan, hor gaude. inside a classroom but, however, flying, there we are.
Jaioberrien lehen irria oraindik mundua ikusi gabe. The first laughter of a newborn without having seen the world yet.
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northmidnightsun · 25 days
Kemarahan dan kesedihanku ini kayak gunung es kak. Sudah ku tumpuk sedikit demi sedikit dari sejak lama. Dari sejak kalian keluar dari rumah dan fokus dengan pendidikan dan pekerjaan kalian masing2. Aku tidak sadar perasaan2 itu yg selalu berusaha ku tahan diam2 ternyata sudah sebesar ini hingga sekarang berubah menjadi bom waktu yang bisa meledak kapan saja tanpa bisa ku kontrol.
Bagi kalian kak, mungkin aku hanya seperti anak bungsu yang labil emosinya dan tidak dewasa pemikirannya. Percayalah kak, aku selalu berusaha untuk tetap waras di tengah kegilaanku. Percayalah kak, aku berusaha setengah mati untuk bisa pujya kontrol atas diriku sendiri lagi.
Aku kecewa kak, aku harus melewati peperangan ini sendirian. Aku berharap kalian kuatkan, aku berharap kalian bantu arahkan, aku harap aku tidak terseok-seok sendirian hingga ketika badai ini sedikit mereda yg ada hanya aku yg babak belur... sendirian.
Ku kira setelah menerjang badai sendirian diam-diam, luka-luka ini akan kalian sadari dan cepat kalian obati. Ternyata aku hanyalah sosok yg sedang menggila bagi kalian. Aku iri, setelah semua ini, setelah aku sehancur ini, kalian bisa terus melanjutkan hidup masing2 sedangkan aku hanya menjadi pecundang atas badai yang harusnya kita lewati bersama. Kenapa aku sesial ini kak? Kenapa aku harus menghadapinya selalu sendirian kak.
Setelah bertahun2, luka2 yg tak sembuh ini, membuatku sadar satu hal. Ternyata peperangan dan badai itu tidak pernah mereda sekalipun kak. Hanya saja aku yang terbiasa. Luka-luka itu tak pernah benar2 sembuh kak. Hanya aku yang sudah mati rasa.
Jangan kecewa ya kak jika pada akhirnya aku memilih untuk menyerah lebih dulu, pergi lebih dulu. Aku telah ahli merutuki diriku selama ini, dan pergi lebih dulu mungkin adalah berkah yang harus disyukuri. Jangan kecewa kak, berbahagialah karena kalian tak harus sehancur aku. Perasaan marah dan sedih ini semoga hanya milikku. Semoga bahagia hidup kalian jauh lebih besar dari gunung esku.
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rosszulorzott · 2 months
re: tuzszunet (3, es esku ez lesz az utolso anon a temaban, bocsi) - szoval, gyakorlatkent, kepzeld el, hogy tokre ugyanez tortenik a kozelkeleten, csak a szerepek fel vannak cserelodve. Nem lenne jo, ugye? nem lenne fair ezt muvelni civilekkel, ugye? Legitim lenne panaszkodni rola, ugye? Na, ha sikerult aterezni, akkor kepzeld el helyette azt, ami most a valosagban tortenik. Vagy az van, hogy a valosag miatt is fair panaszkodni, vagy az, hogy szerinted nem egyenletesen jarnak az emberi jogok.
posztoltam válaszként, nézd lejjebb :)
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444namesplus · 4 months
Abav Abhu Abuk Abum Adiv Afag Afah Agim Agku Agot Agse Ahdi Ahud Aket Aksa Akux Alfa Alin Alla Amok Ampo Amro Amxo Anar Apag Apke Apnu Apol Argi Arol Arva Aspo Asxe Atis Avat Avil Axho Axid Axos Axse Axza Axze Azoh Baan Bafa Baka Baol Bate Beki Beru Bier Biin Bixi Boat Bozo Daah Daim Daip Daku Data Deap Deur Dexu Diex Doal Doox Dora Dudu Dufa Duhe Duox Ebab Ebax Edde Eden Efmu Efub Egit Egsa Ehab Ehat Ehot Ekho Ekox Elfi Elsu Elxe Embe Emid Emsa Enam Enob Enop Enug Epgi Erba Erde Erku Erxe Eset Esex Esku Esod Eson Esur Etdi Etme Etpa Evas Evhe Exar Exla Expu Exsi Exun Ezxu Faag Faam Fago Fale Fase Fele Feom Fibi Fiel Figu Fihi Fiip Fiti Foop Fooz Fuve Gase Gati Gauk Gaup Gaze Gefo Getu Gibi Giep Gilo Giri Gite Give Goap Godi Goir Good Guax Guef Guif Gula Habu Hale Heog Hezu Hius Hoah Hoas Hoir Holi Hopa Huma Hunu Hutu Ibaf Ibim Idbo Idfa Idus Idvi Ifro Ifxa Igah Iged Igeg Igep Iggu Igmo Iham Ihax Ihho Ihiz Ihxa Iknu Ikvi Ilin Ilud Iluz Ilvu Imbu Immu Imob Inut Inuz Ipho Ipne Ippe Irri Iruk Itke Itmi Itox Itur Ivgo Ivog Ixha Ixki Ixte Izpo Izxu Kamu Kaog Kaon Kasa Kaub Kele Kiod Kiom Kipe Kiuv Kizu Kobu Kood Koos Koux Kuag Kual Kugu Kuoh Kuur Laaf Lato Laun Laut Leev Leog Liap Liev Liis Lona Luoh Luur Main Maka Meav Meen Meul Mevu Mimi Miri Moex Moha Mufu Muum Muur Naup Neah Nias Niil Noav Novu Nuid Nulu Obbe Obze Odda Odib Ofaz Ofis Ofox Ofun Ogda Ohel Okex Okgi Okig Okuh Okun Oler Olgi Oluv Olva Olzi Omlu Onez Opip Opme Orba Oref Oren Orub Osfe Osig Osto Osuf Osxe Osxo Otak Otek Otiz Otpu Otut Otxu Ovde Ovge Ovub Oxan Oxar Oxed Oxpi Ozib Ozki Oznu Ozup Ozzu Paga Paos Poox Pupi Puro Puzo Rafe Rain Reno Reoz Riaf Riev Rubi Rulu Ruob Ruop Rure Saaf Safi Sair Sauv Seef Seix Sema Seru Sexo Sieb Sifo Soad Soek Somu Soot Soru Soun Soxe Soxu Suex Suig Taon Taxu Tilu Tiuk Toan Toet Tule Ubfi Ubhe Ubko Ubug Ubvi Uddo Udez Udpu Udve Ufah Ufek Ufoz Uhah Uhox Ukdu Ulaf Ulde Ulib Ulku Ulox Ulte Ulub Umde Umgu Umna Umuv Unfu Unin Unum Upuh Urug Usag Usap Usbu Usep Usik Usom Uspe Utga Utol Utze Uvad Uvbo Uveh Uvor Uxas Uxne Uzox Uzuk Vaob Vaze Veef Vehi Veis Veox Veux Viut Vook Vuak Vueb Vuke Vuox Xale Xaov Xeem Xemo Xini Xipa Xoam Xope Xula Xuog Zatu Zavu Zaxu Zeku Zelu Zevu Zida Zifu Zoov Zosa
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wpdariacutnes · 6 months
Me: well knows a scp someone use a fatazy a code hide real names or knows normal make nice story a monster staws
Someone knows a green a code black colors enifing a going frendly a lest one been deadly eke: can kill you
The lamper or glower
Generally speaking, it's something like a light bulb but enifing knows a gender more coll hem or guy enifing side been a 554 a glow make is so worm a canda aqua out sistem code like lava one's but more eskue a pauze dys gif a salty and no here a dys a gif dyfrent make a med or enifing sniki not fund dys a can sowing more bit a fantom canda but not fund a dead body a more head forget memory parts only knows a humans parts and glow someone fund a more white or yellow but dyfrent not relly one a icident a radom persen a slap hem a head but get a fire on arm and been mix a candle or been candle a too real but not kill dys a full a lost body
The angel of oblivion town
Well okey enifing sowing finks okey make slime yeah? True not lie a been sowing look a shut like doll a long tale a no legs but here one void and one rule angel is a void and like past siren make do canda singing a napuleshion and knows kill off so relly not wery ploblem because room not open but gif food and full a wona someone time stoll a radom staws a wona
Back and white mirror / the chess mirror
Normal look a chess a someone time a big classic mirror like big one and gold a dress up like yeah one rule a canda bit not chase you yes can buding a circus persen why ask shader and dys a one ploblem not a make dys exit like dys a more a can kill it a too much (like apple been a evil a normal persen make pills) and how been fund a normal dress shop dys a someone buy a dress but cofuze a black hole a after a someone make one out a persen but yeah not Back and someone knows dys a canda woring because a canda element a drinks staws understand is a defecult i icident a been canda 122 someone time dys a make out a sowing humality but tale a smole mirror but guy is so suking a canda bit not toking well but chraing enifing expleing a understand canda a enifing look a wery not like a fun staws but more music box staws and canda not make enifing move how knows make a stering it
The pepper devil
Someone finks oh is circus well ploblem is hunting one after a someone icident a lost a been a actor or enifing been a popet and lost a enifing a heav like organs no rezan how but is flet
Like make introsting a pray a humands been enifing here like never heppend after ering a actor or been like dys one a das rope a dys and move dys so nomality look a someone can't fund dys is woring but here one look a cororls and same a dys note a someone been a frendly or deadly and been fine age or look bit cofuze someone say a smole look a pet a someone say is a human or sowing
Cave mood / code a the Cave
Is normal like code wideo game bit more weare staws eke: 3D a use glass technologii is simulator a Real Cave more a look a more normally one a been Real and one a been a dream not normally side/high/look/plases someone been a little none understand a work a someone self a slap a no Real element a bit dys teshus a make same element like back/rope/hamer/ water but one teshus a food woring a make food a canda dys a make trap a been glitch and kill dys a pixel poizen a one dys full so enifing do make self real after not puding a dys one or chraing take dys after get hushelesion a Stell been here or jezzy brain frezisi and here why normally cave a been not pigments a prowoking a spid a blood line a dys a make prowoking enifing more 6 houer a make total full a not sleep not analizion going on a canda sleep is not working a coffee one is make hem a sucking attaking a been dead so better not use been for hem a enifing cave code use hem
The mashroom panik room
Normal is a canda look a kidcore play grown but enifing teching is lot a mashroom a lot same a chair/stole/door/bed a sleep element normal note a door "sorry is bruken after a bathroom" or "pliss wedding a doctor is nader been here a toking" normally did nofing a make dys code pray been total cofuze or med a wedding a enifing bruken after make a dys room rage teching like move staws or same make a skiming animals sund a after pray is panik and enifing pray a enifing sorry canda been normally back like never heppend but here a food normal miss dys rule a eat staws but after a out room is been a little dizzi eke: drungs a canda 5 day off same a brake rule or difrent a expleing note a back like enifing ask can expleing a look sowing like fake steps a back same door a been note here a new a say it someome puding a pary a so super a panik or strest a past staws but yeah is working but ploblem a teroting
Offical epic note: 15.10.2023.r
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Probalok nem remenykedni.. esku
De azert jo lenne ha ez most mukodne, tul sokat jarsz a fejemben..
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macronwill · 8 months
EKSU 2023/2024 Post UTME & DE Screening Form Guildlines
The Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti (EKSU) has released the guidelines for obtaining the 2023/2024 post UTME and Direct Entry screening Form for the academic session of 2023/2024. ESKU Post-UTME screening exercise will commence from Monday, 4th September, 2023 (please, note that, there will be no examination). The University will also consider UTME candidates who did not choose EKSU initially…
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