#Everyone go commission my beastie
rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from "Chapter Two: The Kithain" in Changeling: The Dreaming (20th anniversary edition) Part One of Two
"Humans define themselves by more than just species. They identify with certain races and cultures, separate themselves by generation or ideology, and express individuality while simultaneously looking for ways to connect with others like them. How they look, who they love, where they live, what they believe — these are all building blocks of identity."
"This desperate aversion to moving on does have its own consequences."
"Though the wisdom to temper the idea is sometimes there, the sheer excitement can sweep anyone off their feet quickly enough to disregard it."
"While these impulses aren’t usually much of a problem, it’s easy to forget that not every dream is a sweet one — nightmares can come to life, too."
"Every teddy bear protector is there to fight something,
after all."
"These things can be distracting at any age, especially for someone working in a dreary office or in a highly repetitive job."
"With little care for consequences or thinking through the details, they don’t consider the harm that will come to others, intentionally or unintentionally, in their pursuits."
"While they don’t have an inherently negative outlook, they are more likely to put their personal interests over those of others."
"Becoming jaded and unwilling to take risks is the death of childhood."
"Something may captivate them for a time, but once all the mystery is gone from it, they’ll just as easily drop one pursuit for another that still has questions to answer."
"Wonder lies in the discovery of a new species or an unexplored biome, and beauty in chemical bonds or lines of code."
"Repetition can quickly become a rut, and make even the most wondrous work commonplace and mundane."
"Whether they fight to preserve or subvert the ruling class as it stands, they all long to make their mark in one way or another."
"Even when caught, they are unlikely apologize for their actions, and instead have a dozen ways to justify them."
"Some enjoy collecting art and creating galleries to inspire others, or amass vast libraries of literature or music to the same purpose."
"They have an innate knack of deciphering relationships and picking up “overheard” tidbits of information."
"They explore the world with wonder in their eyes and will talk to anyone who will sit still long enough to listen and put up with the incessant questions."
"Their reputation for being consummate craftspeople is well learned."
"This does not apply to a sworn enemy."
"Rowdy fools, the lot of them."
"Rowdy fools, the lot of them. Still, they can be quite entertaining. . .so long as you keep them from breaking the china."
"They make wonderful guests and tell the most delightful tales, but they never stay for long."
"Pay heed to their stories and you may learn something."
"Their obsessions tend to make them boring conversationalists."
"Never leave them alone in a room if you want to be able to find anything afterward."
"They are quite entertaining at parties, but never stick around to help clean up."
"Foul mouthed and rude beasties, they are."
"Be careful how much wine you offer them. They can become quite. . . err. . .enthusiastic."
"No place on land, no friendship, and not even love can hold them."
"A selkie’s heart belongs to the sea and to the sea they will always return."
"They still understand the old ways but they do not always understand our ways."
"Things have changed and they are going to need to learn to adapt."
"It seems that they value little other than honor and duty."
"They are strong, yes, but they are more than simple brutes."
"They don’t lie outright, but they do love to tell a tall tale, often embellishing the story for the sake of humor or to build excitement."
"A good donnybrook clears the air, breaks the tension, and reveals hidden passions and personality traits."
"Nothing wrong with cutting loose a bit now and then!"
"Don’t leave them alone with your prize possessions; you’ll never know what’ll come up missing."
"They don’t understand limits — their own or anyone else’s."
"What a bunch of bullies!"
"Don’t underestimate them."
"Graceful, beautiful, mysterious, and always just beyond reach."
"They stayed by us and fought. That’s worth something."
"What we do today will live long after us, carried in the stories told by our children and our children’s children."
"Nothing new to learn here."
"Anger and foul language doesn’t make for a very good tale."
"There’s joy to be found in their revels, but take care!"
"They think themselves the kings and queens of this world, but they’ve never walked its many paths."
"How can they rule what they don’t understand and have never really valued?"
" I’ve heard it said that the real hero is the one who stays."
"I know I know. . .I’ve worked on the damned thing all week and it’s still not right."
"Maybe if you stop breathing down my neck, or better yet, just leave me the fuck alone and I’ll get it done."
"When they are forced to have social contact they are eminently sarcastic with everyone around them, and blazingly critical of anyone in charge."
"Artists, builders, crafters, and even writers all know the torment of “knowing” that their work is not good enough, that it will never be understood."
"People are mercurial, have feelings that can be easily hurt, and once broken they cannot be repaired in the same way as a tool or device."
"They are willing to take chances in order to come up with the newest and most fantastic design, often resulting in catastrophic (and sometimes humorous) failures."
"Rather than seeking the newest and most innovative designs, they have a deep desire for perfection — which, much to their chagrin, they can never attain."
"Sometimes all it takes is a kick and a few harsh words to scare a machine into working again."
"They’re fast, so they’re either cheap or good, too. You don’t get all three."
"Drunks and power tools don’t mix."
"Sorry, was that insensitive? Bite me."
"They just don’t know when to shut up."
"Sometimes they have something important to say, but you have to sift through the meandering drivel to find anything useful."
"Unruly and reckless children."
"Useless furballs!"
"Dangerous folk, but sometimes useful, especially if you want to dispose of some unwanted evid. . .err. . .garbage."
"Hedonistic freaks, the lot of ‘em."
"Don’t fall in love with one."
"Damn dusty in here."
"They think they’re hot stuff, but they don’t understand this world and its workings as we do."
"They want to rule, and who are we to say no."
"They pay well and I’ll happily take their commissions."
"Buncha creepy a-holes, if you ask me."
"Skulking around, up to no good, I’m sure of it."
"They are the strongest and toughest of us all, but their hearts can be surprisingly tender."
"I don’t know how it found its way into my pocket. Of course you can have it back. . .unless you don’t need it right now. I’d be happy to hang onto it for you until you do."
"I can’t imagine being tied down like that."
"We’ll wander many paths together, but in the end, they are who they are, and we never really are anything quite that specific."
"What is truth, but something we all agree upon? So, if we all agree upon a lie, isn’t it then truth?"
"Anything they say is likely to be peppered with lies, half-truths, and misinformation."
"Humans have always dreamed of a better, more carefree life."
"Lazy and reckless. And they keep all of the cake to themselves!"
"Drunken reprobates, every last one of them."
"Not exactly the most even tempered folks. Playing pranks on them can be a lot of fun though."
"It must be wonderful to always be at the center of every political intrigue."
"They start the shit that we have to finish."
"Just don’t get them started on how they’re royalty or some crap."
"You want to pound back a drink or wild out on the town, they’re the place to be."
"Mmm, seafood."
"You’d think such pretty folks would be easy to intimidate, but make that mistake and you’ll bite off more than even you can chew."
"Those nearby may experience a brief frisson of pure lust."
"How can such a simple life be a truly satisfying one?"
"A fight’s only as good as the kissing and making up after."
"So sweet and innocent. Cover their eyes before they see something naughty."
"Their passions are too dark and frightening."
"Someone so beautiful should never want for passion."
"I will return. . .one day. . .I promise."
"The sea gives and the sea takes away."
"A person’s secrets should be their own."
"Sharks that walk on two legs. Trust them at your own peril."
"They too are gifted with great beauty, but they wield their allure like a weapon."
"You think nobility a privilege, and you envy and resent us for it, but you cannot see that it is also a burden few would truly wish to bear."
"They must learn that respect must first be given in order to be received."
"Tremendously useful and occasionally even trustworthy, but beware what you allow them to slip into their pockets. You may never see it again."
"Who are these strange creatures?"
"What they know is invaluable, but can you really be certain they are sharing their knowledge with you alone?"
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mk-wizard · 3 years
Optimus Primal: Analysis of a bot who achieved “Nirvana”
Hello. It’s been a while since I’ve done a Transformers article, so to make up for lost time, I am going to do one on a character who was not only famous for their various bodily transformations, but also their spiritual transformation. I am talking about Optimus Primal.
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So to get started, what exactly is Optimus Primal besides a Maximal who shares a name and helmet style with Optimus Prime? If you’re thinking that he is the Maximal equivalent of Optimus Prime, you would be dead wrong. Despite his name and looks, Primal is a great hero by his own merit who achieved greatness through grit, hard work, self sacrifice and inner growth on his own and without standing even for a moment on the shoulders of any giant. If anything, he is the reason Optimus Prime lived to make his own legacy. To understand and appreciate all of this, one must delve deep into the life story of Optimus Primal.
In the beginning, Primal was an average ranking leader of an exploration ship called the Axalon and his mission was to observe and collect data on other planets and their life forms. He was intelligent, honourable and not above having a sense of humour. However, he can turn and be very stern. The fact that he was young and inexperienced also showed in how he would have slip ups like making bad decisions, making one too many speeches and even losing his temper. All the same, he was the type who would learn quickly from his mistakes and constantly grow. He is also a skilled fighter with guns, swords and he is shown to be a martial arts master of some kind. He also seems to be part of the air force hence having the ability to fly in robot mode.
One fateful day, he was tasked with following and apprehending Predacon Megatron who stole the golden disks. The pursuit led them to getting stranded on prehistoric Earth though at the time, neither faction was aware that this was Earth yet because it was so different from the Earth they were informed of in the history books. At first, Primal chose a gorilla as his alt mode which proved to be one of the most useful beast alt modes in the series. As the Beast Wars (though here in Canada, the series was called “Beasties” for some reason) progressed and after several encounters with some mysterious aliens who intended to destroy prehistoric Earth, Optimus Primal unintentionally sacrificed himself to save the planet, Maximals and most of the Predacons. In the aftermath, the planet was changed and everyone could now see that they were on prehistoric Earth and with time, Primal was restored to life by having his spark transferred to an transmetal body. He could still transform into a gorilla though now he could fly even in his beast mode as he now had a hoverboard similar to the Silver Surfer’s.
During the second half of the war, the series became progressively darker and Megatron’s deeds became more sinister if not homicidal as he was now not above killing his own and even going as far as attempting to kill a comatose Optimus Prime in the Ark after he discovered it. Primal also clearly lost a lot of his innocence as he became less optimistic, more tense and while his honour remained intact, his hesitance to fight with full force with gone. In order to save Optimus Prime, he temporarily held his spark into his own body though holding the spark of a Prime had side effects on his own spark and body. Primal underwent a powerful change of which he became a giant quadruple changer, his firepower was at its peak and it can be theorized that a part of Optimus Prime’s divine connection to Vector Sigma was transferred to him.
In this new powerful form and now gaining clarity on the severity of the situation, Primal was more motivated than ever to defeat Megatron and return to Cybertron so history could no longer be tampered with. And while he did succeed at defeating Megatron who also underwent his own upgrade after exposing his own spark to the spark of the Decepticon Megatron, this victory was not without a price. When the Maximals returned to Cybertron, Predacon Megatron managed to take over the planet forming a new faction of mindless drones known as Vehicons which he controlled through a cybernetic psychic link, and in the process, wiped out the memories of the Maximal team and reduced them back to their beast forms’ lowest level.
Luckily, Primal managed to gather his team and find Vector Sigma and the entity/program known as the Oracle which purified them and gave them new upgraded techorganic forms which they all retained for the entire run of the Beast Machines series. At this point, Primal was no longer a naive mech of science and had become very hardened as well as fanatical without how he believed the Oracle was guiding him towards wiping out all technological life on Cybertron which also put him at odds with Cheetour who used to look up to him. After the devastating loss of Rhinox who was reprogrammed into the evil Tankor, Primal fell into a depression which affected him on both a physical and spiritual level, but he was brought to his senses after speaking to the spirit of a now purified Rhinox and with the support of his team. He now also realised the Oracle wasn’t guiding him towards eliminating technology. It was guiding him towards finding a balance between technological and organic life. With this new mindset, Primal stayed on this spiritual path though he now handled it with a cool head and a more enlightened tone until the final face off with Megatron. In the final face off, Primal sacrificed himself by plunging himself and Megatron into Cybertron’s core allowing the entire planet itself to transform for the better into a technorganic state and also reawaken the entire population. While the heroic deed did cost Primal his life, his spark was at peace as it joined the Allspark and it is hinted that he became something even more in this state.
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Since his time in the Beast Wars and Beast Machines CGI cartoons, Primal has made some appearances in the comics, several Japanese mangas and animes, and may make a debut in the final season of War for Cybertron.
Out of all of the character in the Transformers lore, I find Primal is the one who had the most growing up to do and he not only did grow up, he stepped out of a large shadow he didn’t even know he was in and became something amazing. He is also one of the few heroes who I initially didn’t like. And even now, I didn’t like the naive, long winded immature person Primal was initially as he did feel like someone who was copying Optimus Prime, but as he grew up and dropped the naivety, my feelings towards him changed (pardon the pun). By the time Beast Machines rolled around, I outright loved him and I loved his newfound spiritual Buddha like approach. He found his own identity and it was inspiring. It was also this version of Primal that convinced me to look at the Transformers as being more than just machines. Showing that they had a religion, a culture and more made me see the Transformers in a new light that stayed with me for life.
I admit he is not like Optimus Prime, but in his defense, you simply cannot compare the two to each other because they are so different and their journeys were different. Prime’s war was more political and social, and he was much older and wiser. Primal was really just a young scientist who was asked to do a job though circumstances dragged him into a battle. With time, that battle became a rebellion. And also, Prime and Primal’s personalities are just vastly different. The very point of each of them is that they are not like each other and that is something to be celebrated not scorned. Optimus Prime was the leader for the team, era and war of his time and Optimus Primal was the leader for the time, era and war of his.
My overall analysis is that I can see why people are not initially endeared by Primal as I myself was one of these fans who wasn’t, but as his life experiences mature him, you fall deeply in love with the person he becomes and I think that was the point of him. I think that the writers purposely made him to rub you the wrong way because he was so immature and I think that makes him a cleverly written character. And also relatable. I’m sure by many people’s standards, we weren’t as likeable when we were immature and had a tendency to talk too much and not listen enough. Perhaps Primal could be seen as a Transformers character who embodies a metaphor for how growing up and gaining wisdom can change a person.
With all that said, Beast Wars and Beast Machine is worth watching thanks to Primal if not for the story, to at least see the journey of Optimus Primal, but that is all my opinion. What is yours?
If you have a Transformers theory or character analysis you want explored, please let me know in my ask box. And please, support me through Patreon or Ko-fi if you want me to make Transformers merch and videos. Or if you want a commission of your favourite bot, let me know in my shop. All links are on my profile page.
Thanks for reading and as always, stay safe.
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Multipart commission - Harry Hook x reader - A Prince Behind the Pirate - part 7 - its going down
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In the night and most of the day you had been locked in the brig, you were surprisingly….not treated like dirt? You honestly had expected mals little stories of Uma to be true, treating her prisoners as if the weren’t even worth the bottom of her shoe, letting her crew torture them.
But the entire time you had been there, nothing really happened, they gave you back your bag and all its stuff inside (with one or two granola bars missing, courtesy of Gil) and had tossed you a pillow and blanket.
All in all, it wasn’t a horrible experience that Mal had foretold, actually, Uma was being….accommodating? and you had to say, Gil was a very entertaining guard.
You laid on your back as you watch Gil deal the Uno cards, his tongue sticking out of his mouth slightly. “okay there, now, 7 each right?”
You nodded and watched as he tossed cards through the bars to you. “what are yeh gilly weeds doin’?” a confused Harry said from the top of the brig stairs, he….looked like a normal teen, his large red jacket was missing from his shoulders, he was now wearing a plain white t-shirt and black-grey sweatpants with some old repaired converse.
“uno! It’s a card game from Auradon, wanna play?” Harry sighed and looked to the ceiling, before shrugging. “sure im bored and can’t sleep”
He slid down on the wall next to Gil, holding out his hands for cards. Gil dealt him out the 7 and then turned to you. “what were the rules again?”
“match the color or number, 7s you can switch cards with whoever you want and 0’s are everyone switches hands, you can stack plus twos and fours, and you can jump in if you have the exact same card”
You flipped the first card down, Gil going next and Harry following.
It was a while before the chaos started.
But booooy Harry was funny when he was mad.
“HOW FEKIN DARE YEH GIL!! I ONLY HAD ONE CARD LEFT AND YEH BETRAY MEH LIKE THA’?” you were laughing your ass off as gil just smiled smugly as Harry screamed at him.
“it's just part of the game Harry!” Gil laughed, leaning back and grinning like the Cheshire cat. Harry pouted and crossed his arms, glaring at him, eyes drifting to you, who was still giggling.
“i-I cant breathheheh!” you cackled, feeling tears run down your cheeks, you cracked open your eyes, seeing Gil beaming down at you while Harry had his….look on his face “s-sorry” you breathed deep, trying to calm down before bursting into another fit of giggles.
“you-you good lass?” Harry had opened the door to your cell awhile ago, so he leaned over and rubbed your shoulder, you nodded and stopped laughing for a moment, staring into Harry's blue eyes….before bursting into ANOTHER fit of laughter. “yer very giggly aren’t yeh” he chuckled
“i-im so-sorry” you cried, your stomach was starting to hurt “Its-its always hard for me to stop laughing” Gil let his own set of laughter lose, sitting up from his spot on the floor and helping you sit up.
“I've learned laying down doesn’t help stop the laughter” he offered, holding you in place as you finally gained control of your breathing.
“t-thanks” you sighed, waving your hands in your face to cool yourself down.
“you’re welcome” Gil chirped, picking his cards back up and nodding to you “your turn right?”
“y-yeah” you picked your cards up and tossed down a +4, jumping in on your own card. “plus-four Gil” Harry cackled
“haha! Revenge yeh gakit!” Gil rolled his eyes and took his cards. Harry smirked at you, slamming down a + 4 and cackling. You just mock laughed and smacked down your OWN +4.
“hahahaha ha~” Gil laughed, putting down ANOTHER + 4 “take 12 Harry!” Harry just stared down at the card, he dropped his cards and stood, giving you and Gil the middle finger and stomping back upstairs and to his cabin.
You and Gil glanced at each other and burst out into laughter.
Uma and you just kinda….stared at each other as noon rolled around “what the hell happened last night?” uma cocked her hip and raised her brow.
“We played Uno and Gil plus twelved harry” you shrugged, Uma just looked more confused.
“uh…okay whatever” Uma muttered, scratching her neck “Let's hope your little friends come for you huh?” you nodded, pursing your lips and looking around.
“so what do really want with the wand?” Uma sighed, deciding to just lay it all out.
“be free? That’s it mostly, it sucks here, rotten food, I have to sew all my clothes an-“
“hold the fu*k up” you stopped her, staring at her with wide eyes “ROTTEN FOOD!??!?!”
Uma just stared at you confused “uh yeah? The barge just sends all your leftovers? You didn’t-“
“w-what scandal?” Uma muttered. You blew your hair out of your face more dramatically than you usually would have.
“a lot of people found out that the isle wasn’t getting ANY good food so they got mad and made him start sending fresh food and assuming you're not lying, he just dropped it as soon as everyone stopped paying attention!!!”
Uma groaned and face planted “I think I remember the small time of fresh food….i think it was like half a year and that was it.” Uma was genuinely surprised at your anger “so you really didn’t know about the whole rotten food thing?”
“i-I don’t think even Ben knows! King asshole is still in charge of the isle…stuff so hes been hiding it from Ben! Im sure if Ben knew, you all would have been eating actual food as soon as he became king”
Uma sighed and rubbed her forehead “This is just one big ol’ mess” she looked over your shoulder and yelled out to Harry “get her to the plank, im sure they’re almost here” she looked back at you for a moment.
“….you won't be going over don’t worry about it” she muttered, sighing loudly as she walked to the gangplank.
Harry walked over and untied you, looking from Uma to you “what did yeh tell ‘er?”
You didn’t answer, looking down at Harry's arms, realizing that he was much…smaller that you thought he would be.
As if he never got enough to eat, you knew if you grabbed his wrist your fingers would touch. Harry frowned as you looked at his arms, forcing you to turn around and push you towards the plank.
“jus’ walk lass” you obeyed and simply walked to the plank.
As the vks arrived, including Ben and Lonnie, Uma got excited, bouncing around and jeering at Mal.
“Finally~! Let's get this started shall we?”
A few minutes of negotiations went by, most of which you stood on the plank, Harry's hand gripping your shoulder to keep you from losing your balance.
“now why would you give me a phony wand?” huh? How did Uma-
Mals jaw dropped and she looked over to you with betrayal in her eyes “you-you told her!?!” Uma let out a cackled, grinning like the cat who caught the canary.
“nope~ you just did~” she nodded her head at Harry, who stared to guide you backward and back to the brig.
“hey- what!?”
“you didn’t go through with your half Malsy, why would I go through with mine?” Uma laughed, gesturing for her crew to advance on Mals, driving them back to the garage.
“we’ll be sending our demands later beasty boy~” Uma cooed, giving him a sharp grin as he looked to you desperately, you sighed and started to head back to your cell. Harry was just behind you, making it seem like he was forcing you back down to the brig.
Something bugged at the back of your mind….maybe you being stuck here would shed light on the isle and in the end, Uma would get what she wanted in a way without the wand or destroying Auradon in the process.
--end of part 7--
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zooophagous · 5 years
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A miscellaneous photo collage? That must mean it's time for another... ko fi plug!
I enjoy working on art and comics and stories and sharing pics of all my cute beasties with everyone. If you cannot purchase a commission, consider leaving a small tip on ko-fi. This will go mostly towards art supplies and pet food. This month I also have some medical bills of the human kind. I recently developed a very loud, very incessant ringing in my right ear and I've had to drop around 70$ on walk in clinic fees and medicines looking for a root cause before I go insane (more insane anyway)
So far no end is in sight and I may need to visit a specialist, which won't be cheap. If you followed me for a long time you'll notice this ironically echo's a bit what I went through with Aster and his chronic ear infections.
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The past few days confirmed to be fruitful in terms of, how mum called it, independent training!
She had to leave again with some of her company to investigate "beasties on the road", but for some reason Garan the Greyhorned, one of the best swordsmen around, got left behind. And started stopping by, much to dad's annoyance.
Because what Greyhorn is known most for around this places is not just being one of the best with swords, but also being able to drive my dearest dad to primal growls and hisses with banter. And to get the utmost enjoyment out of it.
I don't have anything against Greyhorn, he even attempted to teach me fencing when I was very young (but gave up on it when everyone realised my instinct was to throw the heavy metal stick and cast some sparks towards the opponent). Dad, on the other hand, can't stand the man, especially once he starts talking, and then Pa is out of commission for hours as he's diving into the basement. And what does it mean for me?
As long as I find what to do for the Biteys, I've got a whole lot of time to myself and the entire forest to go and experiment with magic in.
Of which I'm not gonna talk for the fear of getting deemed insane, because I'm not sure I can formulate anything in a way it doesn't sound like babbling nonsense
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Multipart Commission - Harry Hook x reader - Prince Behind the Pirate - part 15 - revenge
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*mild cursing*
….a secret marriage huh? You glared down at the written document defining the arranged marriage between you and Jordan.
Leah wanted the main wedding to be secret as to not attract the attention of your parents or anyone who knew about you and Harry.
Then she had sent you a detailed letter about how you and Jordan would start dating and within the next two years, do the grand wedding in front of everyone.
And the secret wedding was in two.days.
You were still in a depression over breaking the news to Harry, which was only last night.
You groaned and face planted in your arms, mentally cursing Leah to hell. You replayed Harry's screams in your head, begging for you to come back.
God, this was going to be hard, and you had to keep up the act of “happy perfect princess” when the secret wedding came along to not arise suspicion about it.
You jumped as your phone buzzed, picking it up and glaring down at the screen. -we will go dress shopping tomorrow, be ready by 3:30- you let out a small huff of frustration and turned off your phone, chucking it on your bed, causing it to bounce off the mattress and clatter on the floor.
“go-fu-AHH!” you screamed, standing from your desk and throwing your chair to the ground, kicking your standing mirror down, punching and shattering a photo of you and your grandmother. “I HATE YOU” you let out a guttural scream, grabbing the photo and chucking it out the window.
You sighed through your teeth, rubbing your face as you calmed down, “fuuuuuuuu” you groaned, turning and sitting on your bed “how am I going to do this” you whispered to yourself.
Audrey stomped through her parent's castle, death grip on her phone, if her parents admitted to knowing Leah's plan she would hesitate to rip them a new one. She slammed open their office door, causing the two adults to jump from their desks.
“Audrey whats?” her mother started, her eyes widening as Audrey shoved her phone in her face.
“did you know?! That grammie is forcing (y/n) to marry Jordan?!” Aorua stood and grabbed Audreys phone, looking over the texts.
“WHAT?” Phillip yelled, standing from his desk and walking over to the two girls, glaring at the phone “how dare she, she-what the- Aurora she- what about Harry?!” Phillip looked to Audrey, a horrified look on his face.
“grammie blackmailed her! She said if (y/n) didn’t marry Jordan she would never sign the document allowing more vks!” Aurora turned red, almost breaking Audreys phone in her grip.
“the bitch” she muttered, pressing Audreys phone into the teen's chest and pushing past her.
“Mom what are you-?” Audrey stuttered, running after her mom.
“im going to have a talk with King Ben, I want my mother taken off the council right now, her time has long been over” the usually sunny princess growled, her mother had held a grip on her kingdom of Auroia for long enough, now she would remove her grip on Auradon.
Luis brows rose as he stepped out of his limo to see Aurora, Phillip, and Audrey stomping up the steps of King Bens castle.
“my what is going on?” he asked aloud, Phillip turned to him, raising his brow.
“what are you doing here Luis?” he asked, waiting for the older man to catch up.
“Im here to tell the king about your mother in laws horrid plan, I should have told him as soon as I heard it but it is difficult to get an audience with him during such a busy time” Luis hummed, smiling as Phillip nodded along.
“same here, Audrey just showed us the texts (y/n) has received from Leah” Luis and Phillip quickly followed the pissed off Aurora who was swiftly making her way to Ben's office.
Aurora slammed his door open, the teen king jumped in fright, scrambling to catch the empty coffee he had tossed in the air in reaction. “A-Aurora?! What-“
“my mother has decided to go behind my back, AND YOURS, blackmailing my daughter to marry Ariels son in exchange for signing the new vks document, or else she would force my daughter to leave Harry and his friends on the isle to rot, and I demand you remove her from the council” Ben’s jaw dropped and he slammed the coffee cup on his desk.
“WHAT?! How long has this been going on?!” Ben gasped, walking around his desk and digging into a cabinet.
“almost two weeks” Luis sighed, rubbing his chin “there was a secret council meeting and almost all of them agreed with her plan, I tried to tell you sooner but you’ve been booked” Ben winced and bowed his head to Luis.
“im sorry about that, I wish I could have spoken to you sooner, thank you for telling me now though, I’ll be removing her from her seat. Oh, and Aurora?” the blonde princess rose her brow “will you take her place?” her jaw dropped slightly before she shook her head.
“(y/n) shou-“ Ben smiled and shrugged.
“as the ambassador of the isle, she already has a position on the council” he turned to Luis “If you could, please give me all the names of those who agreed to her plan, I want them removed immediately”
Luis smiled and nodded, going over to the cabinet and digging into the files, taking out the other rotten apples of the council.
Aurora hummed for a moment, thinking, before she smiled “Ben, if Im going to be one of the new council members, may I have the new vks document?” Ben grinned and nodded, running to his desk and quickly grabbing the document and a pen.
“here you go” Ben chirped, going back to removing the council members with a scribble of his own pen and a red-stained stamp.
Aurora motioned for Phillip to turn around, and he did, letting Aurora use his back as a writing table. She wrote her name with a flourish and smiled, setting the document and pen on Bens's desk.
Audrey stared at her grammies council document and the other rotten council members, her eyes narrowed and she looked up at Ben, who shivered and looked up at her, his eyes curious. “Aud-“
“We need to make them pay, they need to know what the kids on the isle go through” she snarled, making her parents look at her in shock.
Ben tilted his head at her, raising his brow “….only a few months ago you were saying Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay didn’t deserve to be here, what changed?” Aurora gasped at that, going to reprimand her when Phillip stopped her.
“my sister and her stories of the isle, I still don’t like Mal but she, nor any of the kids on the isle deserved what they went and are going through, my sister has been so sad without Harry because of my grandmother and the other idiots of the council, I want revenge for my sister” Audrey and Ben stared at each other, the fire in her eyes surprising him.
He smiled and nodded, “I think I know a way to do that, would you mind going to get fairy godmother? And tell her to get her wand, we have some council members to spell” Audrey gave a nasty grin and nodded, bolting out of Ben's office with her parents following close behind.
Aurora stopped, looking back at Ben, a smile on her face “thank you, Ben”
“thank you Aurora, (y/n) is my best friend, I can't have her happiness ripped from her” he smiled back, nodding at Luis and calling Lumiere to his office.
Ben stopped, humming to himself before taking his phone out and texting Audrey
-tell FG to spell my father as well, he needs to learn his own lesson about the isle-
-copy that >:)-
Leah hummed to herself as she ran her fingers through (y/n)s wedding gown, the modest dress was fit for a princess.
“soon I will have my hands on my own kingdom again” she muttered, a grin spreading on her face.
She stopped, a huge wave of dizziness overtaking her “oh my” she muttered, stumbling back to her bed and falling back into it, “wha?”
Her eyes drifted close and she fell into a nightmare.
Leah stumbled around the rotten smelling streets of the isle, eyes watering at the putrid stench of rotten food and…something else, she couldn't tell though.
She looked to her left, gasping in fear as she locked eyes with eh sunken ones of a tiny three-year-old, the child's cheeks thin and gaunt, her eyes drained of life, her body covered in blood and bruises, her ankles and hands dark and bloody.
“oh my-ah!” a large man bumped into her, clicking his tongue at her and whistling. Leah ran, tripping over loose stones and rusty nails. She tripped over a large fallen pillar, screaming as someone grabbed her.
= (yall can imagine the rest of the council and beasts tourture~…can be as graphic as you want~)=
Harry sighed, unable to move from his bed, his eyes hurt, unable to shed another but trying to. “Harry?” Umas muffled voice sounded from the other side of the door “Harry are you okay? You’ve been in your room for almost two days”
Harry sniffed, his throat was too sore to talk “Harry I’m coming in” Uma opened the door and gasped at Harry's curled up form on his messy bed “harry” she cooed, walking over and kneeling next to him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder “what-“
“(y/n)s bitch of a gra’ma is forcin’ her ta marry someon’ else ta get ‘er ta sign the document for us” he croaked, wincing as Uma shrieked in anger.
“WHAT! HOW CAN-AH!!?” she stood from beside his bed, walking around while ranting, waving her hands about wildly. “she can't fucking do that?! Its actually illegal she-WHAT!?!” Gil softly knocked on Harry's open door, a bright yet confused look on his face.
“um, there's some of Bens guard messenger dudes outside….along with Ben and Mal?” Uma looked to Harry confused and pushed past Gil, going to meet with the king and Lady of the court.
Harry sniffed and rubbed his cheek, groggily sitting up and looked at gil blankly “did they yell yeh what they wanted” he croaked, sighing as Gil shrugged.
“no, they just wanted to talk to uma-“ Gil jumped as uma leaped into the room, a huge grin on her face.
“pack your bags boys! We’re going to Auradon!” Harry's jaw dropped and he stood quickly, walking over to Uma and gripping her shoulders.
“did-“ Uma’s bright grin turned nasty and she chuckled.
“nope~ beasty boy fired most of the council, including (y/n)s grandma, and the new vk document has been signed! You! Are gonna go get your princess back!” Harry's heart sprung to life and he let out a bout of laughter, picking Uma up in a hug, spinning her around for a moment before setting her down and grabbing his duffle bag, starting to pack.
Uma giggled and pushed Gil's shoulder “come one, we need to go pack, the sooner Harry gets his girl the better” the two teen pirates ran out of Harry's room and to their own to pack.
You glared at the long-sleeved white dress hanging from your temporary rooms closet door.
….you were getting married in 10 hours.
You also hadn’t heard from Leah in a day, after she had texted you yesterday about the dress, and all the other crap.
Your phone buzzed and you groaned “speak of the devil” you muttered, hesitantly picking up your phone to look at the text.
-from Leah >:C-
-im sorry-
That…surprised you? Your furrowed your brows in confusion, what? She was sorry all of a sudden, well it didn’t matter, she was fucking ruining your life at the moment, and you couldn’t forgive her.
Your phone buzzed again.
You gasped and stood from your seat, squealing as you jumped around in joy
-from Jordan-
-YEEES- you texted back -what happened!!! How??!-
- i don’t even know,…i…did come out to them? They were completely supportive btw, so maybe that’s why?…. hey btw, whose the new blonde dude, hes cute-
-that’s amazing im so proud of you! And happy for you!!....what new blonde dude?-
Your phone buzzed again, but this time with a text from your sister.
-hey, ur at the Atlantic hotel right?-
You furrowed your brows and texted her back
-yeah? Why OH DID YOU HEAR?!-
-I KNOW!! :D but you need to come outside, im here to pick you up-
You nodded and messaged her back -okay- and rushed to grab your bags, sliding on your jacket and running out of the room. you didn’t bother to take the elevator, it would take to long.
You slammed open the stairwell doors and ran out the building, giggling as you spotted your sister. “Audrey!!” you screeched, dropping your bags and leaping into her arms “hi!”
“hi!” she screeched back, catching you and swaying you in her arms “ohhhh you have no idea what a crazy two days its been!”
“Are you kidding!?! I was supposed to get married in 10 hours!” you cackled, picking your bags up and tossing them into the back of her Cadillac and hopping in her passenger seat.
Audrey giggled and leaped into the driver's seat, putting her seat belt back on and driving towards the school “ooh I know, there's a surprise for you back at the dorms by the way”
You grinned and poked her shoulder “ohhh what is it~?”
“you gotta find out for yourself~” Audrey teased, pushing off your hand.
“Okay okay,” you sighed happily, letting your head fall back against the seat and looking up at the clear blue sky.
The day that was going to be your doom was saved.
What would make it even better was Harry.
But, that probably wouldn’t be for another couple months at best with your grandmother still on the council.
“oh by the way grammie was kicked off the council” you popped back up, staring wide-eyed at Audrey.
“what?!?! Wait does that-holy shit” you muttered, laughter bubbling beneath your words.
Audrey laughed with you, telling you about how mom and dad found out about Leah's plan and foiling it, telling Ariel and Eric that she had gone behind their backs and didn’t know about the arranged marriage.
They were pissed, immediately calling off the wedding and apologizing to your parents and Jordan.
About an hour later you arrived back at the dorms, you raised your brow at the limo out front, multiple bags being emptied from the trunk “Aud whats- HOLY FUCK” you screamed, unbuckling your seat belt and leaping out of the car, running towards the tall Scottish pirate “HARRY!” he looked up, a huge grin spreading across his face.
“(Y/N)!” he yelled, running towards you and catching you mid-air, spinning you around in his arms “my love holy shit I missed yeh” he sobbed in your ear, happy tears running down his face and soaking your top.
“Harry Harry Harry” you muttered over and over again, pulling back and peppering kissing all over his face, making him giggle.
“dawww” Audrey and Uma cooed, Audrey snapping a photo of the reunion. Harry shook off your kisses and grinned at you, yelping adorably as you pouted and grabbed his face, forcing more kisses on his nose and cheeks. “let.me.love.you” you kissed between each word, ignoring your parents and sister in the background, cooing and snapping photos of the two of you.
“lass, lass, love, (y/n)-ah~!” he squealed, setting you down and grabbing your hands and peeling them from his neck “love I’m ticklish please”
“you must be Harry” Harry perked up, straightening as he locked eyes with your dad.
“uh-aye, yes! Yes, sir tha’s me” he said nervously, blinking surprised as Phillip held out his hand.
“thank you for making my daughter happy and keeping her safe when she was on the isle with you” Harry smiled and took his hand, yelping as Phillip pulled him in for a hug and Aurora joined in, greeting Harry with a chirp.
“hello~ (y/n) has told us all about you!” she squealed, ruffling Harry's hair.
“uh really?” Harry murmured, peeking at you through the gap between Aurora's head and Phillip’s arm
You gave him a bright smile and walked over, pulling him from your parent's arms “lass-mmf!?” you pulled him down and pressed your lips to his, humming into it.
Harry's eyes fluttered closed, shoulders dropping and arms wrapping around your waist.
“Okay okay” Phillip chuckled, patting your shoulder “that’s enough, now why don’t we help these four move in”
You turned, gasping as you spotted Uma, Gil, and Dizzy standing at the entrance, Dizzy squealing, and bouncing around.
“Yeah!” you grinned, grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him into the dorm building, harry intertwining his fingers with yours.
You finally had your pirate prince back.
 -the end, thank you for reading! Also, told you it was a happy end~-
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