#Flavoured Honey
daisy1728 · 11 months
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Flavoured Honey by Icemunmun- Polish Translation only
Tłumaczenie w języku polskim moda do  TS4 od Icemunmun. Mod to dodatek do stanowiska z przetworami, można przygotować swój smakowy miód, jest wiele wariantów i smaków.
Custom Food Interactions by FoodGroup - jeśli chcecie kupić miodek z lodówki
Canning Station by Icemunmun do przygotowania miodku samodzielnie
Link do modyfikacji: https://www.patreon.com/posts/81510199
Link do tłumaczenia: https://simfileshare.net/filedetails/3979833/
Pamiętajcie proszę, że tłumaczenie musi się znajdować w tym samym folderze co mod oryginalny. Tłumaczenie w Winrarze, trzeba wypakować do Mods, zawiera 2 pliki.
Zapraszam również na Discorda z różnymi tłumaczeniami: https://discord.gg/dxdK3NzJQy
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bombaynaturals · 26 days
Why is Bombay Naturals' Raw Himalayan Honey a Delicious and Nutritious Addition to Your Diet?
Bombay Naturals' Raw Himalayan Honey isn't just any honey; it's a delightful and nutritious addition to your daily diet. Sourced from the pristine Himalayan region, this honey boasts a unique flavor profile and a myriad of health benefits. In this article, we delve into why Raw Himalayan Honey should find a place in your pantry and on your plate.
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beereal123 · 1 year
Healthy Honey
From a health perspective, you need healthy honey products. Our honey is raw and unprocessed, meaning it retains all its natural enzymes and health benefits. Trust BeeReal to provide delicious and healthy honey you can feel good about consuming.
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gu6chan · 2 months
So What Was Yaha's Deal? Drakengard Things You Might Not Know
GOD okay so im finally rambling about him okay so
I've been thinking about Yaha lately and it's really dawning on me how a lot of people just do NOT know about Yaha's past and it makes sense!! Literally NONE of this is available in English and it's so :( but also it makes me sad both because it's SO good and also because when people shrug him off as just "Reason Drakengard 2 sucks: it has a gay stereotype" like oh you do NOT even know omg
anyways, just so we're on the same page: this is NOT a theory discussing what happened to Yaha, just the best collage of what's ACTUALLY considered "canon" that I've picked up from different side materials and interviews (Most notably, Memory of Blood and World Inside). If I ever find anything else I'll be sure to update it :3
I WILL dive into a bit of personal interpretation/rambling over his battle lines (i have them save lmao) a bit later, maybe even in a separate post, but BOY
So TW: Mentions of noncon, dubcon and CSA up ahead
So i think the first thing that's to be established about Yaha's character is that the Empire DID wipe out most the elf population in DOD1, and while he did survive this, he was more or less still a victim in the respect that his parents WERE killed in likely less-than-painless ways as the Empire sought to use the elves both to use their blood for magic-repellent armour (While it looks like it was only introduced the the third game, it's actually been plot point for a while!) and the children to open the seal.
Given he's 25 by the events of Drakengard 2, he'd have to be around 7 at oldest before he arrived at the orphanage where met Urick. (He's not even 10 and he's already been through it...... baby...........)
Fortunately or unfortunately enough, Yaha DID manage to find a way to "survive" in this world from a very young age, and that was due to the fact that even as a child, he wasn't just commonly mistaken for a girl, but an absolutely "captivating" one. As it reads in his glossary section in Memory of Blood:
"He grew up an orphan, and even though he was a male, he boasted such beauty that he was frequently mistaken for a woman from an early age [...] For this, he uses his beauty as a systemic tool for survival. He captivates everyone, both male and female, and gains both status and protection in exchange for his body, which he used to escape life in the orphanage." (Glossary section from Memory of Blood)
It should be noted before I go on that the director, Akira Yasui, DID hint in his world inside interview that he thinks there was "something" between Yaha and Urick during their days in the orphanage, but whether that means feelings or an actual relationship isn't really clear (Though judging by his tone, it seems to lean more towards the short-lived, childlike-fling interpretation than anything imo i could just be biased though lmao):
"...As for his relationship with Urick, Yaha had liked him since they were in the orphanage together. I think there was definitely “Something” between them before Yaha left the orphanage. The powers of his pact didn’t reach Urick because he already knew how to deal with it; Urick was also once mesmerised by Yaha’s charm." (Yasui interview from World Inside)
(That last line is included for those tragedy points from when we get to the ~Split~ and BOY)
As for the orphanage, Yaha was...... "Adopted" by a well-to-do man when he was 14 years old. As for why and how he got adopted, it's unfortunately stated right at the end of his glossary entry which isn't even the worst part when you take into consideration that he's already been doing this for a while.
At any rate, Yaha DOES decide "You know what? Fuck it, we splurge" and uses all adoptee's fuckass money to buy useless shit until he turned 16 and joined the Knights in search of a better standard of living (How can he get that if he's already pretty much rich? given what he's going through at that point, you do the math)
and you know what? he deserves nice things <3
(And to note, Urick was also taken in by Oror from the orphanage as an apprentice when he was 16 as well.)
Anyways, Yaha was back to survival mode after joining the Knights, and just as he did when he was in the orphanage, used his body to climb the ranks of the KotS in search of a better standing in life. It's just repeating what his glossary says, but Yaha WAS slandered for this and got a lot of shit and rumours spoken about him behind his back for it. And the list...... wondering why gismor isn't on that list.... is there something he's not telling us???
"He joined the Knights of the Seal in search of a better standard of life; his successful climbing of its ranks being more due to his "body" than his skill in battle. The only people of notable standing who had not had a relationship with him are Oror and the Hierarch Seere (It is rumoured that he may have also had a relationship with Verdelet). Behind his back, Yaha was labelled a nymphomaniac." (Glossary section from Memory of Blood)
While working on an excavation site during the creation of the different countries of Midgard into districts (It's own can of worms), Yaha comes across a beautiful jewel unlike anything he had seen before. SO beautiful as a matter of fact, that Yaha, who by merit made beauty his everything on the basis that it was all he had (aside from Urick), took personal offense to this and pointed his sword at it. However, from the jewel came a gnome who would go on to offer Yaha a pact, offering him irresistible charm so that he could get whoever he wanted. Yaha, seeing the opportunity to move up even further in the ranks of the Knights of the Seal (both due to his charm and his status as a Pact-Partner, as Gismor was looking for Pact-Partners specifically SO they could guard the Seal Keys and manage the districts) and also claim Urick's heart by doing it, accepted the pact in an instant. But as you all know, that came at a VERY high price. Of course, Yaha lost his ability to feel pleasure, resulting in whatever "barrier" from his mental scars he had whenever he tried to do the deed being removed. The act of sex, for Yaha, was filled with not just mental pain made lighter by the aspect of pleasure, but now was just sheer psychical pain as well. What a lot of people may not know, however, is how literally Urick meant it when he said "Don't look into his eyes, he'll trick you with his lies" and followed up with "It's the power given to him by his pact-beast. Or maybe it's the price he had to pay." Urick was not joking.
For those familiar with Junji Ito's Tomie, it was essentially just that: Yaha wasn't just in possession of extreme charm, but enough to bring people to lose all rational thought and reason when they were around him. And the way the glossary talks about this...
"[...]As a result, his beauty became even more ebullient, to the point it lead to people easily losing all sense of reason. However, his body was no longer able to feel the sensation of pleasure. This was the price of his pact. Although Yaha had come to immensely regret it, it was already too late. He now lives every day being swarmed by those who have lost all reason and is forced to engage in sexual acts filled with nothing but fear and pain."
Yaha............ :( SO this is what leads to the real final kicker: Yaha has gotten his position, has more beauty than anyone could ever imagine, but what he really wants is Urick, right? Of all the pain of sex both psychically and mentally, if he could at least be with Urick, the one person he saw differently, the one person that at least wouldn't be mentally scarring to sleep with, maybe it could all make sense. So Yaha confesses to Urick. But Urick turns him down - not because of any sound argument, but because all he sees is a self-absorbed narcissist in his friend's place, manipulating others and sleeping around carelessly just to up his own ranks in society. For two seconds, it would make sense - That's technically what it is. A honest flaw in Yaha's character is that he's genuinely greedy and materialistic. He uses goddamned slave labour, for Christ's sake. On the other hand, is he really looking for a higher place in society? Or is he looking for stability? A place to get away from his past and be the one in control for once? Of course, being perfectly aligned with Urick's own version of "self-absorption" (All the Lieutenants have it!), he completely failed to realise where all that stemmed from. He saw Yaha as just being greedy and narcissistic from the lens of him being inherently bad, didn't for a second take into account Yaha's origins which led to that behaviour. His own best friend. So, long story short: Urick thinks Yaha is a bastardisation of his best friend and, following in his cowardly character, takes that as personally as you can (as you see in all his scenes and lines relating to Yaha together, im going to slap that little cunt) - despite the fact Yaha SHOULD have had the upper hand via his Tomie-like powers, as I mentioned towards the start of the post, Urick was already charmed by Yaha - he had just grown used to it because of how close they already were.
Brief Personal Analysis:
Personally reading into it, Yaha doesn't really care so much about his position as, beyond just being about as high as you can get, and it wasn't what he really wanted. The underlying source that got him that position to START with was his beauty, which Yaha cherishes like a narcissist would. He's used to people changing their tune whenever they lay eyes upon them, which Urick specifically instructs not to do towards the beginning of the battle, and is the source of such lines as "If I die, my beautiful body and the holy crystal shall perish. You would let that happen?" At the same time, a player death results in a VERY different tune from Yaha, where he dejectedly says the line "My beauty... It is my sin." Possibly hinting towards his own conflicted feelings and sorrow towards it as again, he goes from "My body is perfect, is it not?" to "My beauty is my sin" as soon as Nowe or his crew is too dead to question it. The difference is VERY jarring between the two, and I also bring into question the tone he uses to speak about his gnomes on whether he intentionally sounds exhausted of them (It would make sense, given the hinted resentment he has towards his pact-beasts for doing him dirty like that) or if he... Just sounds like that. Granted, a LOT of Yaha's lines sound similar in their sultry, somewhat sorrowful and tired tone all around. Of course, there are also his lines directed towards Urick, which should be self-explanatory given the context, but a few other notes and trivia and whatnot before i wrap up:
Just to note and say the obvious a final time since I know how this fanbase can be: Yaha IS genuinely a narcissist, that being his leading character flaw, though of course it should go without saying that while his actions as a result of that (re: slave labour) are definitely not to be swept under the rug, it's just as important to note the context that led to that and the tragedy of his character because of it. As Urick says, "He was very different then."
Yaha is confirmed bisexual! It surprised me too, but...
"Similarly, when I designed Yaha, I designed him to be a typical narcissist — a character who would probably go and describe their own self as "Beautiful". But even though his character is supposed to be one who is attracted to both men and women in the story, people who are attracted to both genders in real life are usually not of this type. Like Gismor, he also largely captures the image of "Bewitching"." (Character Artist Fujisaka commenting on Yaha's design in Memory of Blood)
Just a fun little detail: During Yaha's battle against the Rock Gnome, when it lifts the jewel above it's head in order to throw it at you, you can throw out a magic attack at just the right time and it will drop the jewel on its head for massive damage! And of course, similarly you mainly attack the Rock Gnome by using jump attacks to bring your weapon down on its head. And if you look at Yaha's portrait during his death scene...
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Similarly, Urick is strong against monsters, which encourages you to use him to bring the final death blow to Yaha. And given their lore together I'd be damned if this cruel little snippet wasn't done intentionally.
The drawing of Yaha's death with the gnomes is titled "End of Agony", and hopefully after reading this post, you now know why.
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A bit more interpretation than theory, but I have an ongoing hunch that each of the layouts and/or "gimmicks" of the Lieutenant's fortresses are based off the personality and story of the Lieutenant itself. Hanch is based around walls, closed doors and of course, water, Urick's is a twisting maze based off of sacrifice with the themes of life and death, Gismor's is based in fighting your way up a tall tower to reflect his ego and overlying reach as an antagonist, and Yaha's, primarily, is based off of illusions. The more you get past them and through the fortress, the less "ebullient" and fancy it looks until you reach its end - a single, shabby room filled with sand and dirt with nothing but a few musty crates and a bunch of jail cells meant for holding sacrificed prisoners to the Seal Keys. If that doesn't reflect Yaha's whole character, I don't know what does.
Either way, that's about all I think I have for him! Hopefully you learned something new, and if you have any questions, do let me know~
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boyjoan · 2 months
i need to Talk to you about my Sandwich
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moonchild-in-blue · 2 months
The relationship between a girl and her new fruity-flavored lip balm 😌🍓
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chemtrailactivist · 9 months
If by some miracle Cain was able to eat a piece of actual spicy food he would just peel over and die. guy has spent the last 10,000 years with salt as his only spice, he has a lower spice tolerance then that of a middle class wasp mum
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cuntstable · 5 months
just had cinnamonroll flavoured tea and it was so good its got me sucking on the teabag perhaps like someones testiclé. uyum…
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jorvikzelda · 7 months
getting myself all hyped up to bake a cake. i’m like. on the bus thinking about flavours. it’s the little joys in life i guess
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newtafterdark · 9 months
In reference to my last post - know that I've been going through some gender™ things, rattling at the mental bars of the cell I put up myself over the years, not allowing things to change as I get older, learn new words and get to know myself better.
I am a gay trans man, with a heavy side of camp on some days. To the point that being called queer means more to me than being called a man. Both though? Oh, delightful!
As for my pronouns, He/Him always goes, but also from time to time you should sprinkle in They/Them.
My name will always be Newton. Or Newt. I have been collecting a few other names over the years that I consider additions, but not requirements. Genuinely, especially if you're trans, treat yourself and have a "middlename salad" of several names simply for fun!
It's so nice to just be unapologetically queer and be happy about it.
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cuntvonkrolock · 4 months
just once i would like to eat an entire tube of chapstick
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k1d1c4rus · 6 months
idk if you’re able to tell us anything but will there be any hurley focused parts,,? him being a professional dom n taking care of patrick in the gabe chapter had me giggling n kicking my feet
i recieved this ask and audibly giggled bc I'm so glad I made a blog to talk abt shit like this LMAOOO
short answer: Yes
long answer: as the scenes patrick does w the other boyz get more..... Intense..... there will be more andy in the aftercare capacity, also we'll get to see a lot more of his friendship w pete as he tries to cultivate some kind of emotional intelligence in him.
there will also be an andy chapter. OFFICIALLY he is retired, but who can resist mr baby blues...........
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oculusxcaro · 10 months
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While Khare's sense of taste has been heavily altered, she can still taste one sweet product - honey. This is due to it still being an animal product what with being made by bees and while it doesn't taste quite like how she remembers, she can still perceive the flavour to some level.
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viaetor · 7 months
picks him up. plops him on his lap. proceeds to hug him by the waist. he will not elaborate
ㅤㅤㅤ @spoopysinㅤㅤ/ㅤㅤUNPROMPTEDㅤㅤ/ㅤㅤalways accepting!
ㅤㅤthere is urgency here, in the city of tears—for there’s never enough time to spare. life starts before dawn’s sunrays; at 3 a.m. hydro buses cut through the first dew’s silence, hasting others to work in their fancy suits and elegant dresses. stores’ doors open so loudly one can hear them from their high-up hotel room, and people are already chattering as if just a few hours of sleep are enough for them to be completely recharged. clacking and clicking, wall engines are turned on, chimneys burn wood and iron, and machinery starts pumping oil and worries into the heart’s city. hurry, hurry, the clock is ticking, we cannot stop! work, work, work! for justice, for advancement, for modernity; fontaine is where people fight against the unstoppable force of clocks and their ticking.
ㅤㅤthere is a lot of noise here, in the city of waves. aether grumbled from their shared bed—they had laid down two hours ago. just two hours ago, mind you. this was way too much. getting up, he decided to close the windows, as if that ought to block out all the buzzing from outside. if there was one important lesson he had learned in all his years in teyvat it was that, whatever commotion was happening in the world, it could wait for some more. as if to protest the traveller’s decision, he heard a prolonged low-pitched roar from the engines, howling almost abysmal in nature. they shook the bedroom in a quake.
ㅤㅤthere also lies despair here, in the city of promises. sometimes, in the form of dreams, others, in the form of promises, but either way, they’d call those future anxieties ‘prophecies’. fears of tomorrow and its stars-written fates. but today, that despair is in the shape of an embrace. 
ㅤㅤtrembling arms found his waist in the mid-lit dark of spring, and they snaked around his body as if he were a life jacket. cold yet sweaty palms are burrowed on his chest, yearning, looking for something the caeling couldn’t quite understand at first. it was almost as if was being pulled down with childe… or rather, as if he was desperately asking to be pulled up. aether looked back from his shoulder to his companion, surprise and confusion finding the answer to the silent puzzle in a pained expression. dark circles under his eyes, sickening pale skin, sweat dripping from his exposed torso. ah… he’d recognise those symptoms anywhere. night terrors.
ㅤㅤ“childe…” he calls, but he knows the other can’t listen, even if there’s no distance between their bodies. the embrace tightens, yet it does nothing to calm the harbinger’s frenetic breaths. aether caresses the hands around him, drawing circles and other figures against little freckles. he breathes in, then out, hoping that the motion would signal for tartaglia to do the same. it worked. good. “ajax.”
ㅤㅤhis response is but a throat-dried hum, but at least there was one. there’s a little relief in aether’s sigh—perhaps that’s why he cares not if he’s carried back to bed as if he was but a mere teddy bear. he’ll let childe have his way—just for today, though. sitting comfortably on his lap, the caeling lets the core of his chest emanate a comforting warmth to ease unquiet hands. breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. yes, there we go. blue eyes were finally opening up, focusing through the adrenaline-driven haze. a smile finally waltzes through aether’s tanned face like a golden comet. he leans back, just enough to plant a kiss on his cheek so his shoulders would relax.
ㅤㅤ“i’m here… let’s enjoy together.”
ㅤㅤthere’s urgency, there’s noise, there’s despair, out there, in fontaine. it looms over their heads, waiting to fall in a soul-crushing weight. everything that separated them from divine catastrophe was a thin, man-made glass. they both knew that. but just for today, there was no reason to dwell on prophetic nightmares—the only thing aether wanted to drown in was his kiss. so kiss they would. kissing they were. in urgency, in noise, in despair.
ㅤㅤuntil there were no more hours left.
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mossyinkynebulous · 5 months
Don't be what the government wants you to be. Go out there and be gay!
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Gosh your hospital AU is crazy sweet! Would you do another one? Just loved the idea and their dynamic!
Thena looks up from her charts, finding a protein bar wiggling its way into her view.
"Delivery for a Miss--no, Doctor Thena?"
Thena smiles, no matter how much she doesn't feel like it. Because Gil can always get her to smile, even after she's pulled an 18 hour shift to cover for absentee residents, handled some truly uncooperative patients and just wants to sleep face down on the floor.
"How you holdin' up?" he whispers, sitting himself next to her on the on-call bunk bed. He slips his hands back into his hoodie pockets as she accepts and unwraps the snack (white chocolate and cranberry: her favourite).
"Better now," she promises, sighing as she chews. She flaps around the paper copies of her charts that need signing off on, "I miss Ajak."
The nurse who did indeed keep things running smoothly had only gotten off shift an hour and a half ago.
"These are all done, though, right?" he guessed, peeking at them in her tight little fist. "You're just signing off on discharges?"
"Yeah," she sighed, sagging on the bed even heavier. "I'm just about done. Just this last little stretch always kills me."
"Yeah, last run is always the hardest," Gil sympathises, and she knows he knows exactly what they mean by it. He pulls the papers from her hand before she can abuse them further.
"How was your day?" Thena asks, although she pauses in her chewing just to yawn.
"Pretty quiet, actually," he smiles, although really he's making sure she finishes the whole protein bar. "Kingo spent most the run making tiktoks, so..."
Thena gulps down her bite and laughs. Gil feels at least a little bit better at hearing the magical sound.
"I know you're dying to get home, but maybe a little power nap wouldn't hurt before you get behind the wheel of any sort of vehicle."
"I know, I know," she groans, taking another bite of power bar as he takes her stethoscope from around her neck and even pulls out her ponytail for her. She moans even louder as he massages her head, relieving the tension that has become subconsciously ingrained into her at this point.
Gil pulls her to lean against him, wrapping his arm around her and trying to, as subtly as possible, get his other arm out of the sleeve so he can secure it entirely over her shoulders as a blanket. "They need to assign more interns to this place."
Thena shrugs, already leaning quite heavily on him as the warmth of him permeates her tired bones and the smell of him on his hoodie lulls her into relaxation. "They don't come down here to learn trauma care, they come here when they need extra cash."
Gil just rolls his eyes. Thena works herself to the bone, seeing everyone from people who have very normal reasons to come in and just can't make it to clinics because of their work schedules, to very real and urgent traumatic emergencies. And she and Ajak get so little thanks for it.
Thena is actively and visibly drifting off, turning her face into his bicep as she makes her self more comfortable against him. "What about you? When are you off?"
Gil is technically off duty now, also supposed to be heading home. But he's here because he asked Ajak if Thena was heading out too, only to learn that she was fulfilling the last of her 18 hours. And he would be damned if he trusted her to take proper care of herself when she was exhausted.
And he certainly wasn't going to let anyone else take care of her in his place, either.
"Gil?" Thena asks again, although she wraps both of her arms around his one, as if he's her own personal teddy bear.
"I'm off too," he whispers, leaning his head against hers as she dozes off against him, sitting up and wrapped in his work hoodie over her scrubs.
But she's sleeping, and it's all he wanted when he came in here.
The door opens and one of the interns - either very early or extremely late - pokes their head in. "Um, is Doctor Thena-"
"Get out," Gil glares at them, utterly remorseless for the harsh treatment. His eyes burn a hole in them, "quietly."
They do so, pulling the door closed for him as quietly as humanly possible.
The trauma surgeon from upstairs will be coming down any minute to take over for her anyway. And Gil is ready to sit up with Thena for as long as she stays asleep. He'll carry her to her car and drive her home if he has to.
Although part of him wants to stay here and let her hold onto his arm like this forever.
Thena mumbles in her sleep, and Gil smiles. She denies it every time he brings it up to her, but she's a sleep talker--mumbles out anything from patient charts to what she wants to eat when she wakes up. It's an oddly cute habit for the Goddess of War to have, which is why she denies it so vehemently.
Gil kisses her forehead, "go home?"
"Home," she sighs in agreement, still holding onto him. She's very deserving of her next 24 hours off, he thinks.
She won't like it--she'll be mortified if she thinks about the interns seeing it. But Gil knows what has to be done. He tries to pull his arm out of her grasp, only for her to whine at him faintly. He laughs under his breath. "I'm gonna take you home, honey."
Gil manages to extract his arm so he can pick her up bridal style, bundling her up in his arms so he can grab her backpack on the way. He does take a route that's not out the main entrance to the ER, for the sake of Thena's pride.
He carries her out the ambulance bay doors, heading for his car to drive her home. The paramedics getting ready for their first run of the day wave to him. He nods his head, and they seem to understand that he has cargo far too precious to risk waking.
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