#Graphic by memorizingthedigitsofpi
the-nerdy-stjarna · 6 years
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I wish there was an easy explanation for this, but let’s just say that I watched a Frozen sing-a-long with my kid and these lyrics came up and I thought “Oh, that’s what Fitz needs: some distance and to rid himself of his fears and doubts.” And then I had that mental image stuck in my head and @agl03, @memorizingthedigitsofpi, and @lilsciencequeen did a lousy job of talking me out of it and so… this happened. I’m so sorry…. sort of.
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bunnykaye · 5 years
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Disclaimer: this list would be HELLA LONGER but @aosrecweek made such a comprehensive division of fics per day for the whole week that this list is mostly canon-divergent/canon fix-it/AUs 😝😝😝
Palmer's Kiss by @sunalsolove (E, 18k words) - Academy AU featuring one of my most favorite tropes -- SOULMATES! And the way two people finding out who is their soulmate is SO INTERESTING in this fic ;) P.S. There is a FANTASTIC fanart by @agentofship​ and graphic by @antoine-triplett​! ❤️
F.I.T.S. by TomatoBookworm (T, 25k words) - S1/post 1x02 AU where Jemma cooks up a plan to convince Fitz to explore a romantic relationship! OH! And also: F.I.T.S. means Fall In Twenty Steps. Haha!
Undercover by @ritalara​ (E, 39k words) - 2x22/S3 AU where Jemma DOES NOT get swallowed up by the monolith and instead goes through with her date with Fitz. The story jumps from before and after their date but don’t let that confuse you! This is a must-read!
All Through the Night by @blancasplayground/@libbyweasley​ (E, 31k words) - S2 AU where undercover Hydra!Jemma talks to Fitz through dreams. Alternating POVs between Fitz and Jemma (it gets hot *fans self*)
Model Agent by @robotgort​ (E, 13k words) - S1 AU where Fitz goes undercover as a model and Jemma is veeeery affected 😜
The Sleeping Beauty Curse by @libbyweasley​ (E, 26k words) - EEEEEEEE!!!!! S1 AU where Jemma pricks herself with an 0-8-4 and wakes up in the future. Alternate POVs between Fitz (present) and Jemma (future). GOSH you should see future husband!Fitz. *swoon*
Impossible by @sunalsolove​ (T, 22k words) - QUITE POSSIBLY MY MOST FAVORITE S1 AU FIC EVER!!! I re-read this a lot 😍 a S1 AU where Fitz and Simmons gets handed a mysterious baby and how that baby connects to them.. you’ll see! AAAAHHHHH!!!!! THIS IS ADORABLE YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!!!!
I'll See You on the Other Side by @jemmafitzsimmons​ (T, 36k words) - WHAT I WOULDN’T GIVE FOR THIS TO BE CANON, TBH. Framework AU where there is no SHIELD, Fitz isn’t head of HYDRA (he has his own corporation) BUT Jemma and Daisy is. Their lives inevitably intertwine in the FW world though, and this is an amazing take on it!
Burn Down the Disco by Rozjozbrod (E, 28k words) - this is a Black Mirror AU (and techically should be in Day 7 of AoS rec week) but the PLOT TWIST at the last chapter will make sense *wink wink* THIS IS AMAZING.
It Sucks to Be You by @memorizingthedigitsofpi (M, 48k words) - another post 2x22/S3 AU where Jemma gets sucked by the monolith... AND SO DOES FITZ. 😱 And the monolith doesn’t transport a body to another galaxy but instead swaps two bodies! A hilarious fic BUT WITH LOTS OF FEELS!
I See My Future in You by forestfantail (G, 19k words) - Academy AU where Fitz gets a glimpse (or more like a play-through) of the future... BUT WITH THE WHOLE ACADEMY (AND JEMMA) TO SEE. Feels-inducing coz there is MISUNDERSTANDING involved, but oh when both of them find out what happens in the future though! 😜
While You Waited in Darkness by @the-nerdy-stjarna (G, 67k words) - S3A AU where Jemma gets transported to Maveth, meets Will but the relationship is PURELY PLATONIC. Also, something happened between Fitz and Jemma before she got transported to another galaxy 😱 YOOOO this fic made me BAWL MY EYES OUT 😭😭😭
Fake It 'Til You Make It by @kienova66 (E, 21k words) - S1 AU where FitzSimmons tricks Skye into pretending they’re doing the frickle-frackle by making sex sounds so Skye could hear 🤣 Man I love pretend relationship tropes 😍😝
Can't Take the Heat by @memorizingthedigitsofpi​ (E, 70k words) - FIRST OF ALL... *fans self* SciOps/pre-S1 AU where Fitz bunks in with Jemma’s apartment for a bit because of a busted air conditioner.. and gets their relationship sorted out waaayyyy earlier. Smutty McSmutsterson!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥 Misunderstandings by AmandaRex (E, 25k words) - post-S3A AU where Jemma leaves SHIELD but gets pulled back to SHIELD (and Fitz) coz her life is in danger. Douchecanoe Ward is involved.. but in the process Fitz and Jemma work out their misunderstanding (hence the title!)
No Time for Words by @blancasplayground​ (T, 12k words) - 2x04-2x05 AU where a still-strugglng-with-hypoxia Fitz (and without Jemma who’s undercover in Hydra) meets Deke Shaw. It’s like the relationship reset we wished for in S6 (and we had, TO A POINT! lol) but it happens in S2! The Fitz x Deke relationship in this is soooo endearing! ❤️
The Storm Inside by @agentverbivore​ (E, 116k words) - a post 2x10 AU wherein someone from the team undergoes terrigenesis..... AND IT ISN’T SKYE. (SPOILER ALERT: IT’S FITZ and he gets the quake powers 😱😜) Fitz and Simmons work out in mending their cracked friendship and also pursuing a romantic one. Features The Afterlife, Gordon and Lincoln as a magnificent wingman! (PS: this is the longest fic in this rec list!)
Ten Thousand Mile by @sunalsolove​ (E, 64k words) - a WHAT IF? scenario post 5x22 where S5 Fitz/Marauder Fitz doesn’t DIE in the battle of Chicago... BUT LIVES? And then proceeds to help rescue the other Fitz under cryostasis in space??? A two-Fitz paradox fic where Jemma gets HER TWO FITZES so *cough*LOTS OF SMUT*cough* but also LOTS OF FEELS because DOUBLE THE FITZ is DOUBLE THE ANGST lol
Detour by @agentofship (E, 8k words as of this post’s writing) - the ONLY WIP in this list, and I know it’s only 8k atm but this is 10 chapters total and it’s only on Chapter 2 BUT IT’S SO GOOD! A post 1x22/S2 AU where Fitz still gets hypoxia because of what Ward did to him. He crosses paths with Jemma, which PLOT TWIST: isn’t with SHIELD, but instead owns a coffee shop and a guest house in... YOU GUESS IT: PERTHSHIRE! 
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agl03 · 5 years
Hello, I currently am writing an AoS fic, but I’m somewhat unsure about the rating. Like I know it’s definitely not E (there’s no sm*t), but I feel that people expect that stuff even with an M rating, even though it’s the only rating that makes sense. (If it helps, there is some graphic violence throughout.) I’m completely new to posting stuff that has a rating system, as you can tell. Thanks!
Hi Anon,
Ohh, I’m gonna tag a few people that might be able to help advise better @sunalsolove @memorizingthedigitsofpi and @aosficnet2
Yes, at the very least M is a good rating for a lot of graphic violence and fics with very mature or intense subject matter.  If its really extreme and really detailed that could bump it up to E as well.  
I would also say a huge thing is to make sure you tag appropriately with what could trigger some of your readers.   Personally in that kind of fic I would look more at the tags vs the rating when deciding to read.  I’ve had G rated Fics trigger me because specific content wasn’t tagged.
You can also be very clear in the tags if they are looking for sexy times, this isn’t the place.  
I hope this helps and I shall also open this up to other authors for their input.
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Hello all! 
Thank you for your patience! We’ve sent out another batch of cards, as well as the badge for those who did their first fill!
The badges are based on feedback from the last round,  thank you so much to @memorizingthedigitsofpi who lent her talents to creating the graphics!
Reminder about our discord: https://discord.gg/zjV7jJG 
- mod wwt
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agentcalliope · 6 years
Tag Meme of SHIELD
huge HUGE thank you to @leopoldjamesfitz for tagging me!
1). Favorite Season(s)?
Season 2. I love the whole season so much. but besides that, I really love season 4.
2). What’s you favorite aos related memory?
now i laugh about it, but the moment in season 4 when may dies on the table and jemma is begging her to come back and crying i was literally lying on the floor, a blanket over my head, crying. my best friend got it on snap chat. Also, when the sneak peek came out for 4x04, and jemma is looking at apartments, and daisy was there, i actually SCREAMED and started crying. my roommates were so worried they thought that someone had died but nope, had to explain to them why i was shaking and sobbing. jeez.
also, here’s another one. When it was revealed that May was Robin’s mom, I was home on break. my boyfriend texted me something like, “I thought it was really sweet that they had May be her mom”, and i was literally like. crying while my mom was hugging me and laughing at me. like, i was actually sobbing i couldn’t even tell my mom why i was so emotional. i SLEPT IN MY MOMS BED THAT NIGHT. (all my boyfriend got then was “lol same” . i told him later what really happened back at school, and he was like, “that sounds more like you” haha)
3). Favorite ship? Favorite brotp?
FitzSimmons is my favorite ship, although i do also like mackelena.  I have so many favorite brotps, but my favorite is the bus kids. And yall know that you are gonna have to pry the Fitz and Daisy BROTP from my cold, dead fingers.
4). What your favorite creation you’ve made for the show (fic, graphic, gifset, video, ect.)?
That’s hard. I have to say my top favorites are the worst (best) thing and my latest one, what i’m looking for is not out there; it is in me.  is it a coincidence that they both center around Fitz and dive into his relationships with every member of the team, as well as diving into traumas that still remain untouched by the show?  NO IT ISN’T.
5). What do you love most about the show?
the friendships. god. i love them so much. also the characters. just almost everything. this show was (and still is) there for me in a time in my life i really needed something to hold on to. i literally wrote an essay for my film class on this show all about this.
6). Favorite character(s) and why?
Fitz, Jemma and Daisy. I can’t choose. I just, relate to them in so many ways, and I love them. To explain why would take so much time. Also May. I love May.
7). What’s been your favorite storyline?
The inhuman storyline. DAISYYYYY.
8). Tell me your favorite scenes!
ugh, so many. when Daisy becomes an inhuman. THE POD. that Fitz Daisy moment in 2x11. When Jemma and Daisy figure out they’re not LMDS. There’s probably some that I’m gonna be real mad I’m forgetting about right now.
9). Favorite quote/one liner?
My top 2 are “You’re just different now, and there’s nothing wrong with that” and “Being different can mean making a difference”
10). And, finally, favorite cast moment?
Every single time Liz brings up the Lycra suits.
I tag @hemnalini @theclaravoyant @agl03 @memorizingthedigitsofpi @clearascountryair @buckysbears @welldonefitz and @eclecticmuses!
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welldonefitz · 6 years
~1k appreciation post~
Soooo I’ve hit a big follower milestone so I wanted to make an appreciation post!
Without doubt I first gotta thank my ride or die @agentcalliope - we’ve been messaging ever since I first got into the aos fandom and she’s become a really close friend, she’s great at helping me with gifset ideas and I don’t think I’ve ever posted something without running it by Casey first (with the exception of this post)
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I’m gonna list the next people I want to thank and even though I haven’t talked to some of them much, their gifsets/edits/graphics/fics/blogs in general are amazing and they’re the level I try to have my own live up to so…
(in no particular order) @whatlighttasteslike @jewishfitz @antoine-triplett @leopoldjamesfitz @jemmasimmonsy @agent-084 @jemmablossom @jemmasimmons @reymanova @iainsdecaesteckers @electricmuses @agentsphilinda @elivent @clearascountryair @yourfitzsimmons @catchylove @daisyfitz @0hcicero @etoilesdeglace @recoveringrabbit @somethingmarvelous @buckysbears @the-bloody-cosmos @leggypeggys @grapehyasynth @hemnalini @leopoldjamesfitzs @hpmad @plentyofmalk @youarealmosthere @unbreakablejemmasimmons @mayorsamwise @jemmannesimmns @autisticdaisyjohnson @chinesebakery @theclaravoyant @shieldsil @sciencebabies @i-have-zero-chill @agl03 @werecursed @agent-85 @jemmasimmouns @spider-boy-parker @fitzsimmonsshield @daisysjohnson @memorizingthedigitsofpi @leopoldfitzsimmons @maoshield @ifwehadamonkey @nerdlove4thewin @fitzcamebacktome @littlesciencebabies  @fzztsimmons @agentverbivore @fitzscurls - thank you for having such amazing blogs (I’m so so sorry if I forgot anyone)
Also special shout out to @ughfitz because it was her tutorial that taught me how to make gifs so a big thank you to you!
Lastly thanks to all the peeps who follow me! Stay golden
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Because we all have that one fic that just fell flat. 
It’s okay that not everything you write gets a ton of love, but this is a chance for you to show off what you are proud of and give yourself some love too. Take pride in your work and show it off!
idea by @agl03, graphic by @memorizingthedigitsofpi
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theclaravoyant · 7 years
AN ~ @memorizingthedigitsofpi graphic for a platonic DaisyKara fic reminded me that I hadn’t actually ended up posting this romantic DaisyKara yet! The original prompter was Anon so if you’re out there, I hope you find and enjoy this. Also tagging @buckysbears bc... idk, traumatised sapphics going hiking feels like your aesthetic. KINDA wish I’d given them a husky to take with them ngl. and that I’d had wayyyy more time to write. but ANYWAY
Read on AO3.
Daisy shut the boot of the car with a satisfying slam, and drew a deep breath of the fresh forest air. Somehow, she’d come to believe that pine trees didn’t really have a smell; that it had been invented to sell cleaning products and air freshener, and those little things that dangled off people’s steering wheels. Now as she took her first breath of truly fresh air in – days, months, perhaps even years? – she knew why people had spent so long trying to capture its essence.
“Are you sure about this?”
Kara was frowning up at the mountains, her backpack slumped in the gravel at her feet. Daisy frowned back.
“What’s there not to be sure about?”
“Well, have you ever hiked? What if we get eaten by a bear? What if one of us falls down a ravine? I’m just being practical, that’s all.”
“This is a popular National Park, babe, not the Amazon. We have a phone and a satellite phone and a first aid kit, I’m sure we’ll be fine.”
Daisy rolled her eyes as good-naturedly as she could in the face of Kara’s fretting. While it was frustrating, especially after such a long trip, Daisy had to remind herself that Kara had good reason to worry. The same reason that woke Kara in the middle of the night or set her screaming when she trapped herself in the shower. Daisy had to remind herself that she knew some of the darkness behind Kara’s hesitation and that she sometimes let it run wild with her. In times like those, she needed Kara to hold her back. In times like these, she hoped, it was Kara who needed her to nudge her forward. Baby steps.
“Look,” Daisy offered. “We don’t have to go on the trails if you really don’t want to. There’s a picnic area and a little café just down the entrance path here. Let’s just have lunch. K?”
Kara nodded, and swung the bag onto her back. Her fingers dug into the straps at first as if holding it in place would somehow make her feel steadier, but what really worked was when Daisy held out her hand and the new place didn’t feel so foreign anymore. Holding tightly, she followed Daisy down the path and every now and then, looked back to the car until her heart slowed down and she acclimatised. She remembered how it had felt to sing into the sunshine with Daisy on the winding paths that led up here. She’d come this far. She breathed in deep and started to notice the smell of the air and the calls of the birds, and why Daisy had brought her out here.
“It feels…” she whispered, not sure quite what she was feeling, or how to put it into words.
“I know,” Daisy agreed, smiling back as if the freedom of the forest was a secret only they knew.
She dropped Kara’s hand as a Ranger approached, smiling warmly.
“Can I help you ladies?” he asked.
“Oh, it’s no problem,” Daisy insisted, brushing him off instinctively. “We’re just looking for the café?”
“Not yet!” Kara interrupted. “The walk first. I want to do it. Let’s go.”
The Ranger glanced between them. “Well, the café’s just on your twelve there, and the trails start over by that courtyard. If you’re not experienced hikers I’d recommend a squirrel. Stay away from the bear grade.”
He gestured to a sign nearby, detailing squirrel, moose and bear as the levels of difficulty of the trails on this particular walk. Daisy felt the thrill of a challenge between her toes.
“Sure thing,” she promised.
Fortunately, Daisy was well trained in the art of not grinning as deviously as she felt she should in moments like those. Besides, she was not foolish enough to throw away the advice of an expert, especially not when Kara was at risk too, and already out of her comfort zone. Her wild - reckless? – heart pleaded with her to race straight up the bear trail. What would she find? More animals up there, since it was less used? Rock-climbing? Waterfalls?
But she was not here today to skin her knees, so she gestured for Kara to lead the way down the more trodden squirrel path. It was warm, and a little muggier than she’d been expecting as they headed deeper into the tree cover. The occasional bug darted past her face.
“Oh, hey, look!” Kara cried, and pointed after one of them: a dragonfly, that landed for a moment on a nearby tree. Daisy screwed up her nose a little; curious, and a little disgusted. Still, Kara stared at the dragonfly in awe and Daisy couldn’t bring herself to make a joke and break the moment.
Of course, the dragonfly soon darted off again and both of them jumped, but Kara soon recovered a small smile. Daisy smiled back.
“See?” she prodded. “It’s not so bad out here.”
“Not bad at all,” Kara agreed.
They continued on their trek with a lighter step now; looking around, eyes and hearts back to taking in the forest and the wildlife around them. They posed for photos against tree-trunks, found a hedgehog, jumped a stream, and the outside world slipped away and the past slipped away and the chains and the nightmares slipped away until they were two women and freedom.
Laughing, Kara pulled Daisy to a stop on a rocky shore and drew her in for a kiss. A long one, as sparkling and warm as the sun on the river. The water babbled around them and a cormorant jumped a few feet away to continue its fishing in peace but they paid it no mind. Kara was breathless, and Daisy was as struck by the smile on her face and the ease in her fingers as she was by the sun on her luminous copper-brown skin.
“Damn, we must look so good right now,” Daisy murmured, imagining a sweeping camera shot around them, or at the very least a killer Instagram filter; such was the warmth, the richness, the movie-magic perfection of this moment. Kara laughed, Daisy’s humour warming her heart. Always so patient, that one, although she didn’t think she was.
“Thank you for bringing me here,” Kara said, linking her fingers with Daisy’s as they walked on. They strolled along the riverbank hand in hand.
“Any time,” Daisy promised. “Any time.”
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 7 years
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The Sweater
For @memorizingthedigitsofpi. Thank you for organizing the Ficathon!
Bit thank you to @dilkirani for the beta.
Graphic by me.
Prompt: Simmons wearing Fitz's clothes (I picked up this "loser" prompt from Pi's 2017 Ficathon but took it a slightly different direction than Pi's initial draft. But I kept it as "The post-Maveth Sweater/Hoodie")
Sneak Peek: 
It’s quiet. The hallways of the base are deserted, except for a handful of guards still on night shift and a few early birds training in the gym. But the exercise room is too far away for its sounds to reach her, and the guards had already made the rounds in this part of the corridors.
Jemma stands in front of the window, gazing outside. The horizon is still dark, although the slightest shimmer of light seems to be creeping up the horizon.
She wraps her arms around herself, inhaling slowly. Her fingers glide over the fabric of the hoodie, his hoodie, which had become almost like a second skin to her, a security blanket.
She closes her eyes for a moment, taking another deep breath, as her fingers try to commit the feel of the familiar piece of clothing to memory, the texture, each tiny bump where the fabric is pilling.
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antoine-triplett · 7 years
hello,, do you know any tumblr accounts that make manips of friends and not celebrities? my best friend has a girlfriend but their relationship is long distance & online, so they have never met, but they are madly in love with each other and i want to pay good money to have a manip of them created. do you know any accounts like that?
Hi there! Sorry for taking so long to respond! That is incredibly sweet of you. What a good friend! Unfortunately I’ve never really seen a tumblr account like that, although I mostly follow fandom-related blogs so that could be part of the reason why. I’d suggest perhaps looking through the “manip” or “photoshop” tags to find people who do that kind of photo editing work on commission? It may also be worth your while to search for graphic designers in your area with photo manipulation skills that you could ask. Facebook would probably be a better place to look for that than Tumblr. :) Hopefully that helps at least a bit!
@memorizingthedigitsofpi is also a boss at manips! Maybe she has some suggestions (I said, looking hopefully in her direction)?
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aosficnet2 · 7 years
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Welcome to the AOS FicNet 2.0
Thanks so much @whatlighttasteslike for the banners, @daisyskyewalker for the icon, @memorizingthedigitsofpi​ for the page’s graphics, and to all the members who have been participating and offering assistance so far! With the major kinks of a new network being rapidly smoothed out, and our first activities underway, I thought it was time to make a fresh new welcome post.
For those who aren’t familiar with the original @aosficnet​, which has recently closed, this blog takes up the mantle of a network for the positive promotion and enjoyment of fanfiction related to Marvel’s Agents of Shield.
We are a multiship friendly blog so come on in, but we do expect our members to play nicely.
How to Apply
1. You must be
interested in AOS fanfic, especially but not necessarily as an author
prepared to ship & let ship - you’re welcome to manage your own blacklists and notps but this is a positive & inclusive environment
a decent person - personal hatred & bullying of authors outside of a ship-war context eg. homophobia and racism will also not be tolerated
2. Check out our FAQ/Rules and feel free to ask questions.
3. Fill out this form.
4. You will receive an email with an invite to join the group aosficnet2chat. Click “join” on that and then you’re good to go!
Questions? Ask.
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bunnykaye · 5 years
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This fandom has a lot of content creators in different fields -- fic writing, giffing, art, manips/graphics/icons, moodboards/aesthetics/AUs, fanvids, etc. You name it, this small but active fandom probably has it! ❤️ 
If I list ALL my favorite fics in this post it’ll take me ALL FREAKIN’ DAY, but hey, I have a fic rec page you can visit! Also I apologize in advance because that page hasn’t been updated since December of last year, so A LOT of fics have already been posted (and I’ve loved!) but aren’t on that page. Soooo, if you want some more fic just search my FS fic rec tag.
For gifs -- I’ve mentioned this yesterday in my Fandom Celebration Day post but maybe I gotta give a special mention to @fitzsimmonssource -- I’ve legit gotten emotional at A LOT of their gifsets, plus they’re doing the Best of FitzSimmons gifset series! I get ridiculously excited whenever they post their top somethings! ❤️ But if we’re talking about a particular gifset that made me gush (and emotional... and I might have cried a little 😭), it’s gotta be this gifset by @jemmafitzsimmons. *passes you the tissues*
And the rest of the giffers I mentioned yesterday too! You know I stalk your edits pages like a creepy serial reblogger lmao
For art -- I’ve mentioned this yesterday as well, but anything done by @eclecticmuses (art tag), @agentofship (art tag), @kdi-franco (art tag) and @captainironnerd (art tag) makes me squeal. LOUDLY. Also I might have used their art as my phone wallpapers heeheeheeeeeee 😝
For manips, @memorizingthedigitsofpi is a definite go-to! 
@antoine-triplett for manips as well, and gorgeous graphics and icons! (my current FS icon is made by her!)
For moodboards and aesthetics-slash-AUs, @agentpolarbear and @jemcaulfields are your gals! 😍
For fanvids, I stand my ground with @ohifonlyx33 (who just posted another AoS fanvid AAAHHHH!!!!) and @mynameiseco. THEY ARE MASTERS. They’ll make you cry (and laugh!) with their fanvids ❤️
I’m so sorry if these people mentioned are a repeat of yesterday’s post, but I can’t help it! And if you’re not mentioned, but I have liked/reblogged your post, just know that I appreciate your work and the rest of the fandom probably does too. ❤️❤️❤️
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 7 years
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aka The Most Beautiful Man In The World meets the Most Gorgeous Woman Alive, and somehow she manages to always be a complete disaster whenever she sees him.
Prompt: Apparently this was the original prompt. I kept most of the dialogue and some of the prose from the part of the fic that @memorizingthedigitsofpi had already drafted (approximately the first two and a half scenes), but expanded both scenes and switched some characters around, and obviously added some additional scenes.
Rating: For General Audiences. Last scene maybe a mild T-rating.
For @memorizingthedigitsofpi. Thank you for organizing the Ficathon!
Bit thank you to @dilkirani for the beta.
Graphic by me.
Sneak Peek:
Daisy sat up on the edge of the sofa cushion when she heard her roommate’s key in the lock. Next to her, Trip groaned in mild protest as the warmth of his girlfriend’s body left his embrace.
As soon as the door opened, Daisy asked, “Did you see him?”
Jemma sighed as she walked into her living room, dropping her briefcase right on the floor without really caring where it landed.
“Look at my face,” she said, brushing her hair aside to reveal a black eye. “Of course I saw him.”
“Geez, woman, you need me to look at that?” Trip asked, getting halfway out of his seat before Jemma waved him off.
“’S fine, Trip. Don’t worry.”
The “Him” Daisy had referred to was The Most Beautiful Man In The World, and he’d been living in their building for two months now, two stories down.
And every single time he saw Jemma, she looked ridiculous. The first time, a rather unfortunate lab accident had left one of her eyebrows partially singed and her arm bandaged from wrist to elbow. The second time, she’d been drenched from head to toe when her brand new umbrella had shown a clear lack of wind-resistance during a particularly heavy downpour. The third time, a rather rude bus driver had approached the bus stop so fast and with such proximity to the curb that he’d hit the dirty puddle where she’d been standing with such force that she looked like she’d come fresh from a mud wrestling competition. The next time… Ugh, Jemma’d rather not think about it.
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teamengineering · 7 years
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Team Engineering*WORKS MASTERPOST*Week 1*
ifwehadamonkey’s top 10: s1 - #10: 0-8-4 - @ifwehadamonkey
ifwehadamonkey’s top 10: s1 - #9: the asset - @ifwehadamonkey
ifwehadamonkey’s top 10: s1 - #8: the hub - @ifwehadamonkey
101 reasons to love fitzsimmons: #1 - @mrsdecaestecker
101 reasons to love fitzsimmons: #2 - @mrsdecaestecker
101 reasons to love fitzsimmons: #3 - @mrsdecaestecker
101 reasons to love fitzsimmons: #4 - @mrsdecaestecker
#AOSRewatch: Favorite Quotes 1/? - @accio-the-force
“Can a man still be brave...” - @accio-the-force
Be with someone who is proud to have you. - @english-fitz
AOS Rewatch: Fitz Rewatch: Fitz’s hands 4/? - @florchis
Requested and completely planned by the great @the-nerdy-stjarna! - @florchis
Jemma Simmons + weapons (¼): S1-S2 edition - @florchis
Fitz/Simmons playlist pt.1 - @for-within-the-hollow-crown
Fitz/simmons playlist pt.2 - @for-within-the-hollow-crown
In Perfect Harmony - @for-within-the-hollow-crown
Every Leo Fitz Outfits-Pilot - @idecaesteckers
I never noticed this before but... - @idecaesteckers
Every Leo Fitz Outfits-Pilot (2) - @idecaesteckers
season 1 vs season 4 - @jemmablossom
#no matter what#they will stay by each other’s sides - @jemmablossom
the endless story of fitzsimmons (1/?) first introductions - @jemmablossom
(x) - @jemmablossom
*talks* - @jemmablossom
colour meme fitzskye + winter colours - @leggypeggys
Fitz in 4x08 - @plentyofmalk
to make you feel my love - @plentyofmalk
who you truly are - @theboyfallsfromthesky
primavera by santana - @theresalwaysaway
48/365 days of fitzsimmons - @leopoldjamesfitzs
49/365 days of fitzsimmons - @leopoldjamesfitzs
50/365 days of fitzsimmons - @leopoldjamesfitzs
51/365 days of fitzsimmons - @leopoldjamesfitzs
52/365 days of fitzsimmons - @leopoldjamesfitzs
53/365 days of fitzsimmons - @leopoldjamesfitzs
54/365 days of fitzsimmons - @leopoldjamesfitzs
leopold james fitz in every episode - 3x10 - @leopoldjamesfitzs
leopold james fitz in every episode - 3x11 - @leopoldjamesfitzs
leopold james fitz in every episode - 3x12 - @leopoldjamesfitzs
leopold james fitz in every episode - 3x13 - @leopoldjamesfitzs
leopold james fitz in every episode - 3x14 - @leopoldjamesfitzs
leopold james fitz in every episode - 3x15 - @leopoldjamesfitzs
but most importantly she loves you too - @leopoldjamesfitzs
And now you understand why... - @leopoldjamesfitzs
FS soundtrack series 1x01 - @whatlighttasteslike
FS soundtrack series 1x02 - @whatlighttasteslike
FS soundtrack series 1x03 - @whatlighttasteslike
FS soundtrack series 1x04 - @whatlighttasteslike
FS soundtrack series 1x05 - @whatlighttasteslike
Your light , it follows me in the darkness - @whatlighttasteslike
Games of Thrones AU - @whatlighttasteslike
fitzsimmons as daisy and donald - @mrsdecaestecker
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D: The Comic Book Version (1/?) | Volume 4, Issue 8 ↳  Fitzsimmons Tandem Shooting - @accio-the-force
cause you shine bright like a diamond - @accio-the-force
FitzSimmons Aesthetics: (4/?) FitzSimmons Hogwarts AU - @inevitablefan-ne-girl
Fitzsimmons + Text Posts (1/?) - @inevitablefan-ne-girl
I’ve got to say goodbye... - @jemannesimms
FS Lockscreens - @jemannesimms
Fitzsimmons + Containment AU - @jemannesimms
you create the rarity of my genuine smile - @jemannesimms
what i’m saying is... - @jemannesimms
Fitzsimmons in La La Land - @jemannesimms
Look at me - @jemannesimms
in every universe/across the stars - @jemannesimms
Fitzsimmons in Gone With the Wind - @jemannesimms
Radcliffe as Fitz’s dad - @memorizingthedigitsofpi​
​Mine and mine alone - @memorizingthedigitsofpi
second star to the right - peter pan au - @memorizingthedigitsofpi
50s au - @memorizingthedigitsofpi
1940 au - @memorizingthedigitsofpi
pregnant jemma in the lab au - @memorizingthedigitsofpi
spagbol date au - @memorizingthedigitsofpi
dream lover - @memorizingthedigitsofpi
anne au - @memorizingthedigitsofpi
academy fitzsimmons - @thedaisyjohnsons
to the moon and back - @accio-the-force
#AOSRewatch: Repairs - @accio-the-force
#AOSRewatch: The Bridge - @accio-the-force
#AOSRewatch: The Magical Place - @accio-the-force
#AOSRewatch: T.R.A.C.K.S. - @accio-the-force
Radcliffe as Fitz’s Dad - @agl03
season 5 meta - @agl03
Love, Jemma - @dilkirani
In Perfect Harmony - @fitzsimmonsforlife
Desire - @fitzsimmonsforlife
Love is a Symphony - @fitzsimmonsforlife
AoS Rewatch - 1x09 Repairs (Fitzsimmons edition) - @florchis
AoS Rewatch - 1x10 The Bridge (Fitzsimmons edition) - @florchis
Two ways to live your life - @florchis
AoS Rewatch - 1x13: T.R.A.C.K.S. - @florchis
in the dark you will make me strong (like you’ve always done) - @for-within-the-hollow-crown
AOS Rewatch: 1x09 Repairs - @inevitablefan-ne-girl
AOS Rewatch: 1x10 The Bridge - @inevitablefan-ne-girl
Faking it - @memorizingthedigitsofpi
confused - @memorizingthedigitsofpi
affection - @memorizingthedigitsofpi
remember when you promise we’d... - @superirishbreakfasttea
don’t you think you can fall back in love with me? - @superirishbreakfasttea
tongue tied - @tashonix
adventure in space - @tashonix
while you waited in darkness ch.16 - @the-nerdy-stjarna
while you waited in darkness ch.17 - @the-nerdy-stjarna
AoS Rewatch - 1x07 The Hub - @the-nerdy-stjarna
AoS Rewatch - 1x10 The Bridge - @the-nerdy-stjarna
AoS Rewatch - 1x12 Seeds - @the-nerdy-stjarna
A hundred billion stars - @the-nerdy-stjarna
Forbidden fruit - @the-nerdy-stjarna
Most incompetent burglar ever - @the-nerdy-stjarna
A gentlemen and a scholar - @theclaravoyant
The sum of our parts - @theclaravoyant
Follow up of expectations for season 4 - @theresalwaysaway
Things you said under your breath - @unbreakablejemmasimmons
AoS Rewatch - 1x09 Rapairs - @unlessimwrongwhichyouknowimnot
AoS Rewatch - 1x10 The Bridge - @unlessimwrongwhichyouknowimnot
autistic Fitz headcanon - @unlessimwrongwhichyouknowimnot
Put your hands where I can see them - @unlessimwrongwhichyouknowimnot
What happens in Vegas stay in Vegas - @unlessimwrongwhichyouknowimnot
How to make a friend - @unlessimwrongwhichyouknowimnot
AoS Rewatch 1x03/1x06 - @whatlighttasteslike
AoS Rewatch 1x07 - @whatlighttasteslike
A joyful addiction - @whatlighttasteslike
One more chapter - @whatlighttasteslike
A Thousand Fingerprints - @itsavolcano
For my first engineering vs biochem post... - @english-fitz
Cosmos - A Fitzsimmons Fanmix - @jemannesimms
You’re My Number One - @jewishfitz
All will be well - @unbreakablejemmasimmons
here we are! our first weekly masterpost, albeit a bit late. this is your source for all team posts for any given week. with so much content being created, it can be hard to keep up, so here’s your chance to check out everything you might’ve missed. there’s always the chance i may have missed a post, or a link isn’t working, so please message me if this is the case and i’ll get it fixed. congratulations to everyone for such an outstanding first week! also, special thanks to my partner in crime @mrsdecaestecker for helping me get this post together :)
Updated: 7/26
37 notes · View notes
teamengineering · 7 years
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Team Engineering*WORKS MASTERPOST*Week 3
101 reasons to love fitzsimmons: #13 - @mrsdecaestecker
#Team Engineering, Biatch - @mrsdecaestecker
101 reasons to love fitzsimmons: #14 - @mrsdecaestecker
101 reasons to love fitzsimmons: #15 - @mrsdecaestecker
101 reasons to love fitzsimmons: #16 - @mrsdecaestecker
101 reasons to love fitzsimmons: #17 - @mrsdecaestecker
Fitzsimmons Soundtrack Series: 1x11 The Magical Place - @whatlighttasteslike
Fitzsimmons Soundtrack Series: 1x12 Seeds - @whatlighttasteslike
Fitzsimmons Soundtrack Series: 1x13 T.R.A.C.K.S. - @whatlighttasteslike
Fitzsimmons Soundtrack Series: 1x14 T.A.H.I.T.I. - @whatlighttasteslike
Fitzsimmons Soundtrack Series: 1x15 Yes Men - @whatlighttasteslike
Mine and Mine Alone: A Fitzsimmons Season 4 Finale AU - @whatlighttasteslike
My love for Leopold James Fitz is endless (1/?) - @whatlighttasteslike
leopold james fitz in every episode: 4x01 the ghost - @leopoldjamesfitzs
62/365 days of fitzsimmons - @leopoldjamesfitzs
leopold james fitz in every episode: 4x02 meet the new boss - @leopoldjamesfitzs
63/365 days of fitzsimmons - @leopoldjamesfitzs
TFSN’s Spacetime Challenge: Fitzsimmons AU - @leopoldjamesfitzs
leopold james fitz in every episode: 4x03 uprising - @leopoldjamesfitzs
64/365 days of fitzsimmons - @leopoldjamesfitzs
leopold james fitz in every episode: 4x04 let me stand next to your fire - @leopoldjamesfitzs
65/365 days of fitzsimmons - @leopoldjamesfitzs
leopold james fitz in every episode: 4x05 lockup - @leopoldjamesfitzs
66/365 days of fitzsimmons - @leopoldjamesfitzs
67/365 days of fitzsimmons - @leopoldjamesfitzs
leopold james fitz in every episode: 4x06 The Good Samaritan - @leopoldjamesfitzs
leopold james fitz in every episode: 4x07 deals with our devils @leopoldjamesfitzs
Fitzsimmons + Gone Now 2/7 - @jewishfitz
the endless story of fitzsimmons (2/?) - @jemmablossom
the endless story of fitzsimmons (3/?) - @jemmablossom
Fitz kissing Simmons by surprise - @jemmablossom
the endless story of fitzsimmons (4/?) - @jemmablossom
You make me happy... - @english-fitz
here have some s3 angst - @leopoldfitzsimmons
you can’t remove my scars... - @for-within-the-hollow-crown
...i think i’m a bad person - @theboyfallsfromthesky
ifwehadamonkey’s top 10: #6 turn, turn, turn - @ifwehadamonkey
s4 fitzsimmons teamwork (part one!) - @leggypeggys
favorite character meme: (2/5) quotes-ragtag - @idecaesteckers
every leo fitz outfits-0-8-4 - @idecaesteckers
Fitzsimmons as Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann - @jemannesimms
Fitzsimmons + Ever After AU - @jemannesimms
Bride Jemma - @jemannesimms
Jemma Simmons as Star Wars characters (1/4) - @jemannesimms​
Jemma Simmons as Star Wars characters (2/4) - @jemannesimms
Jemma Simmons as Star Wars characters (3/4) - @jemannesimms
Jemma Simmons as Star Wars characters (4/4) + bonus Fitz as Han Solo - @jemannesimms
she’s there and all i ever wanted is nearer, clearer... - @jemannesimms
Fitzsimmons as flynn&rapunzel - @mrsdecaestecker
Fitzsimmons as beauty&thebeast - @mrsdecaestecker
Fitzsimmons as anna&kristoff - @mrsdecaestecker
from the air i breathe to the love i need - @mrsdecaestecker
Jemma Simmons as The Doctor - @mrsdecaestecker
Fitzsimmons Engagement AU - @memorizingthedigitsofpi
consider this image a prompt and write me a story - @memorizingthedigitsofpi
1920′s Fitzsimmons AU - @memorizingthedigitsofpi
the astonishing light of your own being - @the-nerdy-stjarna
Fitz + “Talking About...” Meme - @accio-the-force
Agents of INSTAGRAM: (1/?) FitzSimmons in the Seychelles (Part 1) - @inevitablefan-ne-girl
Friends of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1/?) - @inevitablefan-ne-girl
all those broken hearts - @for-within-the-hollow-crown
we’ve gotta let go of all of our ghosts - @for-within-the-hollow-crown
Awww the good ole days... - @agl03
“I like your laugh.” - @unlessimwrongwhichyouknowimnot
“Take a deep breath.” - @unlessimwrongwhichyouknowimnot
Payback’s a Frog - @unlessimwrongwhichyouknowimnot
AoS Rewatch - 1x19 The Only Light in the Darkness - @unlessimwrongwhichyouknowimnot
AoS Rewatch - 1x20 Nothing Personal - @unlessimwrongwhichyouknowimnot
AoS Rewatch - 1x21 Ragtag - @unlessimwrongwhichyouknowimnot
Meet Cute AU - @memorizingthedigitsofpi
“I have magic.” - @stillnotapepper
Someday, Maybe, I’m Forever Only Yours - @inevitablefan-ne-girl
AOS Rewatch: 1x20 “Nothing Personal” - @inevitablefan-ne-girl
TFSN’s Spacetime Challenge; What happened to Jemma? - @accio-the-force
#AOSRewatch: Providence - @accio-the-force
#AOSRewatch: The Only Light in the Darkness - @accio-the-force
#AOSRewatch: Nothing Personal - @accio-the-force
Lovin’ it up ‘til I hit the ground - @florchis
Kiss me under the light of a thousand sunrises - @florchis
I’ll Give You The Sun - @whatlighttasteslike
AOS Rewatch Positivity Chain - @whatlighttasteslike
The Space Between Us and Home - @whatlighttasteslike
AoS Rewatch Positivity Chain - @whatlighttasteslike
AoS Rewatch Positivity Chain (2) - @whatlighttasteslike
AoS Rewatch Positivity Chain (3) - @whatlighttasteslike
While You Waited in Darkness: Ch. 18 - @the-nerdy-stjarna
the astonishing light of your own being - @the-nerdy-stjarna
The Merchant’s Daughter and the Silent Scotsman - @the-nerdy-stjarna​
Sounds Like A Song: Ch. 9 - @theclaravoyant
FS + first kiss post framework - @theclaravoyant
TSFN Space Time Challenge: Rebuilding the Academy - @theclaravoyant
Fitzsimmons + “killing me softly (with his song)” - @theclaravoyant
If You’re Going Through Hell: part i-a planet called Death - @theclaravoyant
Operation: Knock His Socks Off - @itsavolcano
The First Law of Thermodynamics...- @leopoldjamesfitzs
Mixed Signals - @theresalwaysaway
Come back to me - @tashonix
Fitzsimmons Fanmix 3/4: Somehow - @jewishfitz
Hold My Heart - @whatlighttasteslike
another brilliantly successful week! please take the opportunity to check out any posts that you’ve missed and support all of your ridiculously talented teammates. as every week, if there’s a post i’ve missed or any links not working properly, please let me know and i’ll get it fixed.
updated: 8/3
23 notes · View notes