#Hiei likes ramen
crypt1dcorv1dae · 5 months
Yusuke as an adult definitely becomes the "you look too skinny!!! Eat this!!!" Friend. He's like hey what are they feeding you???? Not enough!!!! Have some fuckin ramen on the house buddy. (He becomes kinda dad-like in many ways without ever realizing it (bc he really doesn't know what having a dad is like) until someone is like "UGH okay DAD 🙄🙄🙄" @ him and he has an identity crisis about it)
Hiei gets the worst of it tho, cus he's so private and independent and doesn't come around as often as everyone else, so yusuke is left pretty much entirely in the dark on if the guy is eating enough when he's not around... So he always makes sure to feed him when he has the chance, and usually sends him off with leftovers too just to be safe
And hey, Hiei will never pass up on free food, so it doubles as a great way to subconsciously get him to visit more often lol (it's not at all just a convenient excuse to be able to see his friends, no, NEVER ....)
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yyh4ever · 5 months
Hello, Does yu yu hakusho also have Drama CDs?
Yu Yu Hakusho DRAMA CDS
There are two "Yu Yu Hakusho Shueisha Drama CD" released in 2004 and 2005. The voice actors are all the same as the anime version.
CD 01: December 2004
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Spirit Detective Saga: the encounter between Yusuke, Kurama, and Hiei
01. Sanbiki no Youkai (Three Youkai)
02. Kizuna (Bonds)
03. Jagan no Otoko (The man with the evil eye)
TWO Shots Gaiden
04. Sesshoku (Contact)
05. Kyoutou (Joint Struggle)
Yusuke Urameshi: Nozomi Sasaki
Kazuma Kuwabara: Shigeru Chiba
Kurama: Megumi Ogata
Hiei: Nobuyuki Hiyama
Keiko Yukimura: Yuri Amano
Botan: Sanae Miyuki
Gouki: Norio Wakamoto
Shiori Minamino: Kumiko Takizawa
Mirror of Darkness: Tomonichi Nishimura
Maya Kitajima: Yuki Matsuoka
Yatsude: Osamu Kato
Hedoki: Ikuo Nishikawa
CD 2: March 2005
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Inter-dimensional Cannon Arc (events from the epilogue of the manga)
Yusuke is spending his peaceful days running a ramen stand when he receives news that Genkai has collapsed. Furthermore, the Gate of Judgment in the Spirit World is occupied by those who seek the elimination of youkai from the Human World and the re-establishment of the barrier between the Demon World and Human World. If their demands are not accepted, they say they will fire the inter-dimensional cannon into the Human World. Yusuke and his friends gather together again and head to the Spirit World, but...
01. day by day
02. Reikai e (To the Spirit World)
03. Gekitotsu (Clash)
04. Noru ka Soru ka (All or Nothing)
05. Sore kara (And then...)
06. Messages from the VA: Nozomu Sasaki, Shigeru Chiba, Megumi Ogata and Nobuyuki Hiyama
Yusuke Urameshi: Nozomi Sasaki
Kazuma Kuwabara: Shigeru Chiba
Kurama: Megumi Ogata
Hiei: Nobuyuki Hiyama
Genkai: Hisako Kyouda
Botan: Sanae Miyuki
Keiko Yukimura: Yuri Amano
Atsuko Urameshi: Yoko Soumi
Shizuru Kuwabara: Ai Orikasa
Yukina: Yuri Shiratori
Otake: Hidetoshi Nakamura
It's great that after more than 10 years, "Two Shots" and "All or nothing" were finally made into OVAs in 2018.
There's also an original mini drama story written and directed by Shigeru Chiba (Kazuma Kuwabara VA). Part 1 was released in the Music Battle Edition 2 (1994), and Part 2 in the Yu Yu Hakusho Memorial CD BOX (1995). The cast is Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei, Kurama and Botan.
"Yu Yu Hakusho Special Mini Drama ~ The Hungry Warriors" (Part 1 & 2)
This is a drama that makes fun of the lack of eating scenes in anime, where Yusuke and his friends argue over what to eat. Among them, Hiei wants to eat monjayaki. In the manga, when Hiei melted Bui's axe, Kuwabara says "It melted like chocolate''. In the anime, his line was changed to "It melted like monjayaki''. So, it was probably an in-joke between the voice actors, using the mini drama as reference.
I don't know if there's any translations. I remember someone told me they were translating the mini drama, but I haven't heard anything since then. Does anyone know if there's any translations?
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honoviadakai · 6 months
Foods I think Team Urameshi enjoys 🍜 😋
This post is kinda inspired by/a continuation of this post I made about Hiei so please enjoy my thoughts on the rest of the team’s taste in food!
If the live action did nothing else, it definitely established that Yusuke’s a ramen guy 😂
He likes both the instant stuff and the traditional kind but the latter is his go to if he can afford it
The instant ones are good but they doo remind him of his childhood when either his mom didn’t have enough money to feed him properly or she was too intoxicated to feed him properly
He also really likes American food
If you get him a good burger, some fries and some soda, he’s your friend for life
He LOVES a good cheesy pizza! The greasier and cheesier the better
Honestly he just LOVES heavy, greasy, heart food
It makes him feel full and weirdly energized
He could eat an entire family bucket of fried chicken by himself, sides and all, and feel pumped up for a good workout 🏋️‍♂️
He also loves spicy food
His spice tolerance is average but he genuinely likes the burn 🔥
If he sees a spicy challenge, he’s gonna do it just to see how far he can go
He’s currently at a level 7 out of 10 on the 🌶️ meter
He’s also very open to exploring weird food combinations and food from other cultures
This includes food from the demon world
He actually kinda likes food from demon world, he just feels like it could use some more spices
Catch him trying Nutella and bologna because Chu swears that the last time he went to the human world he tried it and it was delicious
…he actually tried it…and he liked it…
9 times out of 10 he’s gonna try and actually like the cursed foods you recommend to him
He’s a big sandwich connoisseur 🥪 🧐
He just likes how customizable and portable they are
Honestly he likes meals that are not only balanced, but a comfort to the soul
So things like stews, ramen, soba, curry and pasta dishes
One of his personal favorites things to both eat and make are bento boxes 🍱
He loves making them for his friends and family for a number of reasons
For one, it’s his way of making sure his loved ones are eating enough
Some of his friends come from low income households that don’t always have enough money for food
He made sure that whenever they hung out, they were always well fed
He also learned how to make bentos from his mom and sister
He really enjoyed the cooking lessons and he enjoys the warm fuzzy feelings he gets when he feeds his loved ones
The one food he won’t make or consume is anything spicy
He can’t handle spicy food and doesn’t feel confident enough to properly make a spicy dish
Honestly he can’t eat anything spicier than a jalapeño
But he will try to beat Yusuke and Hiei in spice challenges
…my boy never wins and I don’t know why he thinks he will at this point 😂
Like seemingly everything else about this guy, his palate is very refined
He likes expensive things like lobster, caviar, and liver tartare
Part of why he likes it is Yoko has expensive taste and old habits die hard 😂
In Yoko’s correct opinion, if you’re gonna feed him, you might as well break out the good stuff
The other reason is that a lot of these foods have very strong flavors and he enjoys that every now and then
That by no means mean he hates “Lowe quality” foods
He use to eat McDonald’s as a kid
He liked it
Still eats it from time to time
Not as often as Yusuke does, but like…if friends invite him out for a burger, he’ll eat it
Big enjoyer of fruit, grows it himself actually!
The fresher the better 😌👌
He loves ice cream! 🍨 specially strawberry, vanilla and most fruity sorbets
He actually has a bit of a sweet tooth tbh
Thank his mom for that cuz she’d give her baby boy sweets if he looked at her with his big puppy eyes
Mf didn’t even have to say a word
She’d either buy them or make them for him
Even into his adulthood, he can demolish a tray of cookies and macaroons on his own
The difference is that as a child he didn’t care about his weight or how much sugar he’s eating
As an adult, he absolutely cares because he wants to stay in shape and also his body is technically human so he doesn’t wanna deal with diabetes if he can avoid it
Now he also technically grew up with demon world food when he was Yoko
Demon world food is whatever you can find that’s edible
So usually it’s other demons and edible plants/produce
Some of which does that pretty good
But a lot of it is more for survival than taste
He’s absolutely had to eat a bug demon before and not only did it look gross, it tasted gross!
But it was either that or starve…
And believe me…he did debate it…but food doesn’t always just die for you so…🐛🐛🐛
Boy was he grateful that humans in Japan eat some of the best food he’s ever seen
Human food has also made Kurama appreciate the artistry that can go into food
When he sees the chef went out of their way to make the food look like a literal work of art, he’s always so amazed!
He actually has a hard time eating something if it looks super pretty
Expect him to take a few pictures before he eats btw 🤣
He also has an shockingly high spice tolerance
He can eat authentic Thai food without sweating
But certain peppers will automatically have him on his knees
He can and has grown his own peppers to see if he can make spicier peppers than what’s available
He has, but internet trends make people competitive enough to dethrone him by next week 🤣
Oh this guy ain’t picky
Honestly he’ll eat burnt food if he’s hungry enough
He can also eat 10xs his own body weight
Want proof?
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Togashi himself knows this little gremlin is a bottomless pit of angst and hangry
He could easily eat you and 12 of your friends out of house and home and still have the audacity to wonder why ya’ll stressed 🙄
Hello grew up in an environment where food was not guaranteed every day so any food he got, he wasn’t wasting a crumb
Even if he’d been given a giant demon bug leg, best believe he’s eating it
Waste not want not as they say
The only food he’s very sus about is mushrooms 🍄
Especially when talking about demon world mushrooms, a lot of them are very hard to identify wether they’re poisonous or so he tends to avoid them
Unless Kurama is there to tell him it’s poisonous or not
He’ll never admit it out loud but he LOVES human food so much!
It’s so flavorful!
His favorite dishes are meaty rice and noodle dishes
Honestly any dishes with meat are an instant hit with him 🍖
But his all time favorite dishes are the spicy ones
The spicier the better 🌶️🌶️🌶️
His spice tolerance is otherworldly
I’m 99.99% sure he could eat lava and not react
To this day, Yusuke and Kurama are trying to find a dish or pepper spicy enough to make Hiei sweat
They so far have not been successful 😔
Honestly not sure they will succeed any time soon
Mf pops Carolina reapers into his mouth like popcorn 🍿 🌶️
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thuganomxcs · 4 months
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NAME: Urameshi Yusuke AGE: (Verse dependant) 17-22 SPECIES: Half Yokai GENDER: Male ORIENTATION: Heterosexual PROFESSION: Food vendor
—————————————————————————- { PHYSICAL ASPECTS } BODY TYPE: Medium height, lean and muscular. EYES: Brown. SKIN: Fair skinned (tanned when transformed) HEIGHT: 5'7"
—————————————————————————- { FAMILY } FAMILY: Urameshi Atsuko (mother) , Yoshiba Kazuya (father) SIBLINGS: Kuwabara Kazuma , Minamino Shuichi , Hiei (brother-figures) ANY PETS?: (VERY verse dependent)
—————————————————————————- { SKILLS } Super-human conditioning Cooking Decorative food designs Catching and holding things with his toes Pickpocketing
—————————————————————————- { LIKES } COLORS: Green, black, red SMELLS: Cooking oil, fried meats, spices, cologne, hair gel, blood (sometimes) FOOD: rice, ramen, meats, pizza, burgers and fries. DRINKS: water, soft drinks, juices. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?: yes [ x ] || rarely [ ] || no [  ] FAVORITES: A good fight, wrestling, cooking, gardening, a little farm work, jogging, basketball, shooting, drinking, smoking, gambling
—————————————————————————- { OTHER DETAILS } SMOKES?: yes  [  ] || no [  ] || occasionally [ x ] DRUGS?: yes [  ] || no [ x ] || occasionally [ ] DRIVER LICENSE?: yes [ x ] || no [ ] (has one in the future) EVER BEEN ARRESTED?: no [  ] || yes [ x ] || almost/detained  [ x ]
DONE. now tag other 15 people to do it.
tagged: @phantomuheist (thanks for tagging yo boy)
tagging: @acoldsovereign , @adversitybloomed , @infintasmal (botan), @theothervonkarmagirl (maria), @kiealer , @dragvnsovl (tater), @bonescribes (kurama), @immolatiism , @juwul , @chibitantei , @thedetectiveofinaba , @eternalbxtterfly , @strywoven (kaen), @bravesung , @swordsxandxsakuras , @hopefromadoomedtimeline , steal it homies
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Cooking with the Spirit Detectives
Yusuke does not like sharing his space when cooking.  He has a set way he learned to do things and while he likes to experiment and change things up to see what makes his ramen or other food better, he doesn’t want someone else in the kitchen while he does so.  Baking was another thing entirely, because he had to follow the directions of the other person with him. Whether it is Keiko or someone else, he doesn’t really bake much. 
He likes cooking, which is why he enjoys the quiet life that comes with owning a ramen stand, but he likes it more that there are people around he gets to cook for. Its something he learned from the Yukimuras when he was younger. His mom didn’t exactly do family dinners, and he didn’t want anything to do with her parties when she had them at home. But the Yukimuras talked to people, brought people together, and seemed to really enjoy it when it happened. 
It's why he likes his little ramen stand. He gets to bring in people to talk to, including friends and acquaintances from his adventure.  And when he decides to open up his own independent spirit detective agency, offering work for humans and apparitions in between Koenma calling him in, it brings in the clientele too.  He realized that for those in distress and needing help, the casual and comforting atmosphere of his stand helped them. It was a weird idea to be able to help others in such a different manner than he was used to.  
Kurama didn’t mind cooking and could find the joy in cooking with someone else. It was thanks to growing up with his mother, helping her cook that made him accustomed to working with and around another person in the kitchen. He wasn’t as passionate about it as others, he saw it as a necessary thing that everyone should know how to do. A basic life skill, if you will. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to cook up some delicious food.
It's homestyle cooking, made to fill you up and make you feel good throughout the day. While most of the recipes he had on rotation weren’t anything special, there was one dessert his mother used to make that Yusuke had bugged and bugged and bugged him to teach him for his ramen stand.  Eventually Kurama caved, realizing he liked the idea of his mother’s dessert making others as warm as it had when he was a child.
He's overall a bit above average in baking and cooking but doesn’t strive to be much better. He sees his attentions and skills needed elsewhere and is happy to leave the more difficult or intricate recipes to others.
Kuwabara knows how to cook, it was something Shizuru insisted he know how to do at a young age. And with her working to support the both of them, it became a necessity to feed himself while she was gone.  While he doesn’t mind the cooking and prefers when someone else does it instead, he loves baking.  During high school he had to take an elective and ended up in a home eco class where one of the sections was baking.  It had been a fun challenge with a sweet payoff and got him hooked. From there it became a stress relief thing when he got into college. (btw this is directly a headcanon I got from a fic on AO3 called “preheat to 360 ^degree sign^ F” by hobakshiik and fell in love with. I totally recommend it!)
He doesn’t necessarily do it more than for his own enjoyment and, again, stress relief, but it’s something his friends get the benefit of on a somewhat constant basis. During particularly tough weeks with work, him and Yusuke would trade goods.  Yusuke would pack up some good meals for Kuwabara and in exchange he’d get some rocking desserts to last him through the week (if he could practice some self-control rather than eating it in one or two sittings.)
Hiei can…cook? He knows how to hunt and to skin beasts to get to the edible meat below. It’d be wild if he didn’t know considering his history and loner nature.  But to call it cooking would be generous when often he’d roast it over a fire and be done with the whole thing.  No seasoning, salt, or anything else to enhance or change the flavor, as dragging around supplies like that seems a waste of space to deal with and other than knowing what’s poisonous and should not be eaten, he isn’t too concerned with foraging for herbs or the like. He leaves that to Kurama.
More often than not these days he mooched off of the other fools he associates with or from Mukuro’s halls. He still works with her in the demon world often enough he has a room in her moving palace, and lower demons to see to the more mundane chores like cooking.
So while he can survive on his own food, he does benefit from the skills of those around him, not that he’d ever admit that.
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yu-yu-hakusho-memes · 6 months
Forgot to mention in the review but *SPOILERS*
the makai insects (the one that Suzaku controls with the bagpipe looking thing in the anime) appear in ep 1. It was super interesting to see it play out and I enjoyed it. The insect is also way bigger than I thought it would be. I thought it would be the size of a mosquito but nah
Yusuke’s death is way more aggressive and bloodier compared to both the anime and manga it shocked me so much I had to do a double take 😆
I also like how the truck driver is listening to Hohoemi no Bakudan 🥰 it’s only a small part but I literally got chills when I heard it (in a good way) this is also from the first episode.
Koenma and Botan are PERFECT
Yusuke eating ramen at the Yukimura restaurant (run by Keiko’s family and she works there)
Elder Toguro shapeshifting into Hiei to kidnap Keiko… wasn’t expecting that but it was terrifying
Shizuru (Kuwabara’s sister) unfortunately doesn’t make an appearance in the series but Atsuko (Yusuke’s mother) does
Keiko is way more involved in the series
Hiei and Kuwabara still banter at times which I love
* super tired when I did the review it was midnight *
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motheta · 6 months
after much thought i think i give the Yu Yu Hakusho live action either a 5.5/10 or a 6/10...maybe a score higher depending on my mood.
I went into it thinking it was just going to be the spirit detective plus the Yukina rescue arc, but when I saw the trailer I noticed they were fighting Toguro so i was like...are we going straight to the dark tournament arc?
turns out that wasn't the case, and the live action adaptation was actually a mix of spirit detective, Yukina arc, AND a few important fights from dark tournament all blended together, and the producers did their own thing to tie it all in and basically made their own story with it, so basically there was added filler and many alterations. and while there WAS disappointing aspects to this (ex: what they did with genkai's character) I actually found myself quite impressed with how they pulled this off and tied everything together.
starting off with scenes I liked:
- kuwabara's introduction and his fight with yusuke. this scene was so funny and was adapted very well. the music in it was perfect and that drop kick yusuke gave him at the end made me laugh my ass off. totally how I would picture it playing out in live action
- the Smile Bomb needle drop that they threw in there coming from the truck driver's radio, loved that little easter egg
- kuwabara trying to stop yusuke from saving kurama because he doesn't want to lose yusuke again. and the exchange they had after with yusuke being like "earlier I was eating ramen, will you get another one for me?" and kuwabara laughs and says "alright fine" and runs up to him to throw his arm around him while some touching music was playing in the background, i thought that was so sweet and represented their dynamic well
- yusuke fighting the yokai in episode 2!!! some of the best fight choreography I've seen in a while. everything was incredibly dynamic and satisfying to watch. the cgi was also pretty good in this scene
- that one addition of keiko getting mad at yusuke and telling him he should go die in the scene right before he gets hit by the truck. and then her immediately feeling guilty for his death after the fact because she feels like it was her fault and those were her last words to him. I dont know why I really liked this part. it displayed a sort of survivors guilt that a lot of people feel while mourning the death of someone
- keiko in general in this adaptation was an absolute badass and I loved how they portrayed her! I would go as far as saying this adaptation of her is better than the manga and the anime...lol
- loved botan and koenma. I know a lot of people are saying they wish they kept him as a baby, which would be hilarious but how would they even go about doing that? not like they can get an infant on set to start reading lines.
now for things I didn't like...
- showing genkai's death so early on was such a mistake, I get that it was necessary for incorporating toguro vs yusuke but there was absolutely no emotional factor if she was just on for, what, 10 minutes?
- they shouldn't have tried to adapt dark tournament fights AT ALL if they were just going to put them in the same arc as the yukina rescue arc, it didn't really make sense. they basically got rid of the entire dark tournament arc as a whole
- the cgi was amazing in some scenes...and then questionable in other scenes...
- wasn't really impressed with hiei's character portrayal in this and im not sure why, the actor was great, but i didn't like his live action design and we didn't see much of his character
- no shizuru </3
- it was only 5 episodes and it could've been adapted as a movie especially if they intend on keeping it a stand alone show with one season
thats basically all of my thoughts towards it, If you're a fan of yu yu hakusho and you're hesitant to watch it, I still recommend it!! I found it to be very entertaining and I feel like it had more impressive moments over cringe/disappointing moments. Just go into it knowing its a slightly loose adaptation :)
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britcision · 5 months
So, the YuYu Hakusho live adaptation
We got a real good anime adaptation, which is rare enough
And they did a good job with the costumes, aesthetics, and they did hit a lot of the fight scenes as close to the original as they could
They just… very obviously understood absolutely none of the actual messaging or what made those scenes impactful
Spoilers below for the original anime/manga and the live action
I understand they only had 5 episodes to get through the first season but I just finished episode 3 and I literally do not understand how they plan to get from here to the Dark Tournament
Genkai was introduced, trained Yusuke for 20 fucking days, trained Kuwabara as well and blatantly favoured him for 19 of those days including telling Botan to tell Koenma Yusuke’s a write off
(Do not fucking ask about Koenma he’s a cool teenager with a pacifier the entire time it is literally not even commented on)
Then oh Yusuke does his finger handstand for one entire night, pops off a spirit gun that Toguro notices
(Elder Toguro promptly shits himself in glee)
Genkai can magically tell they’ve noticed, nearly cries, and hands over the fucking spirit orb. Immediately. It just pops straight in, no big deal, no question, Yusuke wanders off for ramen and Toguro kills her
Not one Genkai fight scene. A lil moment of her fucking around and throwing walnuts at Yusuke, but not even breaking a sweat
Tarukane and Yukina were introduced right off the bat and Hiei’s stolen spirit treasure is a piddly little knife he used to make a teeny weeny cut and give himself a jagan eye so he can look for her, no evil machinations or transformation for this bitch
Yusuke and Hiei don’t even fight before Kurama calls them both bitches and they’ve already picked up Kuwabara to get on the boat for The Fucking Tournament Island which is apparently just Sakyo’s house
Oh yeah, because Sakyo told Tarukane episode ONE that he’s digging a hole to the demon world, sold him Yukina (so who should Hiei really be stabbing?), and has now invited Tarukane back to his place to be protected by Sakyo’s demons, the Toguros
The Black Black Club are fucking all there. In person. Just chilling. At Sakyo’s house on the tournament island and the Demon Triad are there but none of the tournament folks are but they’re on Sakyo’s boat? Minus Genkai? Who died about 30 minutes tops after her first appearance?
Oh, and we saw the demon triad and Toguro popping a giant beastie and Hiei running around with his knife and then immediately after the cut Yusuke just fucked off to Genkai’s to be instantly accepted as her pupil for a 20+ day training montage so who knows what the fuck Hiei and Tarukane were up to in the meantime, Tarukane fully left the mainland and apparently Hiei spent 3 weeks sitting on his thumb about it
I just. The saddest part is that I really, truly think the people making the adaptation thought they were being faithful to the original
The characters look so good, the costumes are incredible, the special effects are fucking fantastic
But every single moment of build up, of dramatic tension, of getting to know the characters and seeing them care about something is gone
Yusuke’s dramatic revelation that it’s time to get serious with his training isn’t Toguro levelling a parking block; it’s watching Kuwabara hit a rock with a wooden sword until his spirit sword happens
His whole motivation to get stronger is “well I can’t let Kuwabara beat me”, which even Genkai calls piss weak one day and then the next it’s fine, he’s ready to finish his training
(One thing I do like is the characters themselves occasionally dropping a “well what the fuck did that mean” about particularly egregious logic leaps, like Elder Toguro shapeshifting to impersonate Hiei and kidnap Keiko
Do they not understand Hiei was a fan favourite just for being an evil little shithead in his first appearances who didn’t care about anybody except maybe Kurama?
Instead we have pre-reformed Hiei who only wants to save his sister uwu won’t even take a stab at properly fighting Yusuke before they’ve teamed up
Just let Hiei be a little shit
Just let him have a stupid grandiose plan that even je can later admit made no fucking sense
Let Yusuke shoot him in the ass and show some ingenuity under pressure)
Don’t get me wrong, I’m finishing out the season just to see where the fuck they’re going, but I thought I had a general idea for the first two episodes and now I just. I don’t know.
I think they’re gonna pansy out of giving me Jin
They’re not gonna do my goddamn flying demon uni-leprechaun
However if they do punch Sakyo and toss him into a pit at the end of this season I will not be mad, he’s gonna be Right There in punching range apparently because they’re not going to a tournament, they’re going to HIS FUCKING HOUSE
Oh and no Shizuru
No badass moments for Keiko (well I guess she did slap the face off Elder Toguro once that was great)
No Atsuko past the first episode
Botan is basically a semi-sadistic cheerleader
Genkai is dead
Because it’s not like anyone liked this show for actually having interesting and semi-independent female characters
Honestly I even had a couple moments of “maybe I’d like this better if they did a worse job”, because it’s so clearly made by people who really cared about the show, and worked to fit as much as they could into five episodes (fuck you Netflix)
But what they cared about was fight scenes
Not any of what actually made YYH interesting and compelling; no character growth, no relationships between rivals, between enemies to allies, between teacher and student
Not 30 seconds on the relationship between Toguro and Genkai, for all they lifted lines directly from the anime
He walks in and pops her, no big deal
Not even on screen
Puu does not exist
For a character who starts the show by fuckin dying, Yusuke really has not been pushed to his limits since
And to be fair, the things the show does well, it’s fucking nailing
Toguro’s muscle transformation? PERFECT. Understated, clear potential to become fucking ridiculous around 80%, classy as hell
Kurama’s rose whip? Incredible, 10/10, so fucking glad we’ve seen so much of it, super well done
Spirit gun and spirit sword? Fabulous, gorgeous, I am in love, only thing that would make it better would be shooting that asshole teacher in the head (not that Yusuke has been to school since the day he died except to sit on the roof)
It’s just… the edgelord version of the story. As truncated as possible, just event event event, without any patience or respect for character relationships or growth or that, y’know, you need to give your audience a reason to care
The good news is, at this point it’s pretty much no reason for them to do the fourth season just in general which would make Yoshihiro Tagashi very happy
Just in general, it’s… fine. It’s a little short action show with great special effects and some fantastic costuming and aesthetic
There’s something that sorta almost resembles a story
And as far as live adaptations go? We definitely for sure know it could be worse, especially with Netflix *stares in Death Note*
I just won’t be all that disappointed if they don’t get the second season they really really really needed
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kazimakuwabara · 9 months
I Care About You
Summary: Prompt taken from: https://hellsdemonictrinity.tumblr.com/page/5
Hiei hates Kuwabara. He doesn't care. Kuwabara is a fool. So is Hiei. (platonic or romantic) tw: for blood and violence
“Kuwabara! Kuwabara!” Hiei snapped, the bars of the cage keeping him pressed low. They were sharp, and without his cloak or shirt, they bit into his skin. Pricks of his own blood dripped down his body, but it meant nothing in the wake of Kuwabara’s blood that wafted in the air. The scent heavy and thick.
The dragon prickled beneath his arm, unsettled and hot, aching. It did not normally stir beneath his flesh and demand release. But it was fighting Hiei today.
Kuwabara was flat on his back. His hands were stretched out from his body, and Hiei could just touch the palm of the human’s hand if he reached out enough. 
“Wake up you oaf!” Hiei snarled.
He could not see Kuwabara’s face. It was turned away from him. Kuwabara was bruised and bloodied, Hiei had seen that much. They had hurt him, but Kuwabara had stood on his feet. He’d fought like a starving beast in Hiei’s defense. But Kuwabara was an untrained animal against devils.
He’d not been easy to overtake, but they had overtaken him in the end.
“Kuwabara!” Hiei snarled again.
What was it he had said to Kuwabara? At Yusuke’s ramen stand, three nights ago?
Three nights ago, Kuwabara had been dressed in blue, and had laughed at Hiei’s indifference. His outrage. His denial.
“You do care about me, you lil' shrimp!” Kuwabara laughed. He was honest, cocky, and incredibly sure.
Hiei had picked up the chopstick dispenser from Yusuke’s bar and chunked the whole thing at Kuwabara, knocking him from his stool. Yusuke had exploded into laughter, while Kurama set to scolding Hiei, and helping Kuwabara up. Kuwabara whined, snapped, and then had the audacity to laugh when Kurama got him back on his feet.
“I don’t give a shit about you!” Hiei snarled.
Kuwabara rolled his eyes, and sniffed, “Likely story!”
Hiei threw the napkin dispenser after that, but Kurama caught it giving Hiei a clear look of warning. Hiei had left. He was not to be scolded like a child. They should scold Kuwabara.
He was the idiot who thought they were friends.
He was the idiot who was on his back now, because he wouldn’t leave Hiei alone to deal with the surprise attackers. If Hiei hadn’t been able to handle them, Kuwabara was a fool to try. Still he tried. He had tried.
“Fuck,” A demon snarled, wiping his chin, “What a strong bastard. No, no, leave him! We ain’t got time for this shit! Get the left side, I’ll get the right.
They make for the cage, its bars humming audibly in Hiei’s ears. Whatever these bars are, they make Hiei weak, weak, weak! He hates it! Hiei snarls and snaps, and the dragon presses against the confinement it is trapped in.
“Fool, fool, you are acting the fool,” it mocks.
One demon steps towards Hiei's cage, and Kuwabara is back up. His palm is gone from Hiei’s fingertips. White teeth emerge from dripping blood and sink into the flesh of one of Hiei’s captors' ankles. Kuwabara bites until he makes the demon bleed, and a rich purple color adds to the bloody spray on Kuwabara's face. Kuwabara bites harder.
Kuwabara’s eyes are open, and the whites of his eyes are pink, and his irises are pinpricks, and unseeing. His hands are like claws in the demon's calf, and his teeth are fangs, and Kuwabara is a beast. He growls as the demon howls with pain.
‘They’re on their way,’ Kuwabara’s voice wafts through Hiei’s head. A visitor passing by.
Hiei watches as a heavy boot slams into Kuwabara’s head. Kuwabara’s bloodied face surely can’t handle the heavy blow, but he takes three of them before his teeth quit sinking into the flesh of the assailant.
In the back of his head, Hiei senses Kurama and Yusuke. The cavalry.
“You care about me,” Kuwabara had teased three nights ago.
“Fool, fool,” says the dragon under Hiei’s skin, “Wait any longer and it’ll be too late. Give me the reigns. Let go.”
They go for the killing blow, and Hiei lets go. The dragon of the darkness flame rips out of his body, and Hiei does not know how he can do it now when he has been trying to use the Dragon this whole time. The cage shatters, the ground breaks, and the assailants become something less than dust. Less than a stain.
Kuwabara lies untouched by the dragon on the ground, and when the dragon fades, Hiei drops next to him. He puts a hand on the back of Kuwabara’s neck, and searches for a pulse. Searches for proof of life.
“Hiei! Hiei!” Kurama calls, his voice drawing near.
Yusuke is screaming too, though Hiei can’t make them out.
‘I don’t, I don’t, I don’t!’ Hiei thinks shaking as he searches for signs of life against Kuwabara’s red, red, soaked skin.
“You do,” Kuwabara says from his memories as Hiei detects, at last, a very weak pulse.
Hiei falls, collapsing with his arm around Kuwabara’s shoulders. He stares into the red mess of Kuwabara’s face and hair, unable to see the human’s features clearly under the massive beatings. He doesn't care.
He doesn’t, but he does.
He stays awake long enough to be sure they’ve reached Kuwabara in time before he passes out.
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finitevoid · 1 year
in yyh’s last arc, it takes an abrupt and intense heel-turn in tone. the manga has never been, like, happy-go-lucky or anything. it’s sort of... edgy. it can be dour. it’s opening moments are of it’s teenaged protagonist getting vehicular manslaughtered and then deciding that he wants to be dead, because it’s easier than being alive. which all sounds really dark, but it’s not, really. one of yusuke’s first scenes is making a little kid laugh by making funny faces. there’s all kinds of crass jokes, jaunty musical cues and explosions of emotion from characters that wouldn’t be out of place with a laugh track behind it.
by the time yusuke dies the second time something is different. but it’s not really all that different from yusuke’s fight with toguro at the end of the dark tournament, so you don’t really notice. itsuki is proclaiming his love for sensui and yusuke is getting possessed and making jokes about how his heart isn’t beating, anymore. so you don’t really notice. and yusuke’s meets the first spirit detective and gets kicked out for being a demon, and you don’t really notice. and yusuke leaves keiko behind and hiei is called off on the promise of his own death and kurama’s family is getting threatened by a shadowy man and you don’t really notice.
i think, at least personally, the moment it sunk in that the final chapters of yyh are different was when yomi explained to us, the audience, how youko kurama, his boss, friend, and closest confidant, brutally mutilated him and left him for dead. i remember being 14 and not really knowing what to do with that, because yeah, kurama’s past life had always been implied to be an antagonistic figure, but here was the reality. in this character with all the cool confidence and control in the world, blinded by his best friend. and how kurama becomes embroiled in this tense, political fever-pitch of yomi’s iron grip on him because of kurama’s sudden gaining of the concept of compassion.
like, hiei’s (adult woman?) girlfriend who is also his boss explains how she was born into sex slavery by her lecherous father, and how her escape involved mutilating her own body to the point it was non-recognizable so that she could not be a prize any longer. yusuke’s ancestor slash father-figure tells him about how the only thing that sustains him is the flesh of living, breathing, fully alive humans, and how he fell in love with one such human he intended to eat. and how he then swears off the act of sustaining himself in her honor and memory. and all of this is just. there. for you to chew on.
the saddest about the three kings arc was that it was clearly meant to be something more than it was. it touches upon these grim topics as the status quo of the series shifts very rapidly from being about being a kid to about Being A Young Adult, and how that is complicated and messy and how there are no good answers. I want to see more of it. part of me wishes for a world in which that could’ve been realized. but, then, isn’t this a reflection of togashi’s mental state at the time, too? characters mutilated, scarred, begot with chronic illness and disability. is this not a reflection of the ways he was making himself ill just to write yyh?
it’s impossible, at least personally, not to notice this. and the series goes back to having levity once the tournament gets into full swing, but it never really recovers from that blip of just, pure despair, in my opinion. koenma controls spirit world and yusuke opens a little ramen stand and keiko goes to university, but everytime I finish yyh, i’m always left thinking about those 20 chapters or so in which all there was was pain. just pure, physical pain, pain of the body, of the physical form. as if the author’s pain was leaking into the pages, staining it. mukuro is scarred. yomi is blind. raizen is starving. i cannot help but think about it, even long after the characters have all gotten their happy endings.
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oldassweeb · 6 months
!!Spoilers under cut!!
I have not decided if I like Koenma's new office yet or not. But it is very interesting to say the least.
Just noticing Botan's heals. Love her outfit.
The kid actors are super charming too.
Yusuke is such a fucking dumb ass. Hoe do you fall for that trap?
Okay but when we first saw Goki in his human suit I thought he had kind eyes and looked like someone I'd totally date. And then his yokai form totally hits a lot of my monster fantasies. So glad my.monster fucker ass got to see the LA version of him. Way cuter than the anime. Less talking during this fight than in the anime too. I definitely like how willingly this Yusuke shows his fear too.
Lol Kurma just watching the fight is so silly to me.
I feel the same way about Yusuke's hair in the LA as I did in the manga and anime. He needs to wear it down more.
Tarukane is EXSACTLY like his original material counterpart.
And poor Yukina. I know how bad those kinds of burns hurt.
Love Kazuma stalking twedle dee and twelve dumb to get the info he needs to progress in this story
Yusuke is just as sneaky as he should be. Absolutely 0% good at that
Oh no, that wig looks so sad pulled back. Love the change in uniform on Kurama though.
Shiori is just as sweet and beautiful as I hoped.
Kurama loves his Mommy 🩷🩷🩷🩷
Kurama is being far more forthright that he was in the manga and I like it.
The nature vs nurture theme in this episode is good.
The dude can't eat in this episode and that's so sad. Ramen time should never be interrupted.
I like that Yusuke offered the loophole as half of both of their lives instead of the mirror talking to them about it's decision.
One thing this LA did better than the sorse material is Kurma having tender moments with his mother. There is 0 room left for other interpretations. He very clearly LOVES her.
I hate Hiei's third eye. It needs to be bigger. Looks very plastic halloween esk.
His cold blue gaze is definitely a change I can get behind though. Not better than the red eyes, but still very captivating.
Eww. Wtf are those skinny ass cigarettes?
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yyhimagines · 9 months
mochiii <3 please please please write about yusuke and hiei kissing the context literally does not matter I'm just starved for content
Yusuke and Hiei butt heads regularly, but it's become something of a reliable rhythm between them, something familiar to the point where these arguments have become comforting in representing the norm. It's always playful, of course, and there's a silent understanding between them that after these play arguments that the two of them will fall together like magnets—sharply with a loud "CLACK!!!"
The expression on Yusuke's face was none too pleased, a feigned attitude that looked like it would crack from the edges at any moment. Hands shoved deep in his pockets, Yusuke gives a loud, sarcastic laugh.
"Yeah right, like you could ever make a good ramen." Hiei's expression was surprisingly neutral, though there was also an undeniable air of sass and hot air underneath. "Hn." Piercing red eyes glare through Yusuke as he sits awkwardly on his high stool at the counter, a steaming fresh bowl of noodles in front of him that looked pristine and untouched. "I could do better than this. You call this ramen?" "Tch, fat talk for someone I've caught stealing food before. Can you even cook?" "Of course I can cook. I'm not an infant." "Oh yeah? Then tell me, smart guy, what would you do to make my ramen better?" "More meat." "The fuck you mean, 'more meat?' I already gave you extra meat." "If that's the case, then you must be mocking my appetite. For a detective you're not very intuitive." Yusuke glares at Hiei. Hiei glares back. A few moments pass where the two just stare at each other in silence, causing people passing by the ramen stand to uncomfortably shuffle along a little faster. Finally, Yusuke breaks, sighing as a smile takes the place of his scowl. "You really hate to say 'please' don't you? Typical Hiei." He turns around and grabs more meat, throwing it on the heat as an almost mocking chuckle fills his lungs. "Demons don't say 'please.' " "Kurama does." "You don't." Yusuke starts laughing a little louder, pulling the meat off the heat and turning to slip it gently into Hiei's bowl. Then, without another word, he walks around the stand until he's next to Hiei, grabbing the shorter demon's chin and tilting it upwards before their mouths crash together like pair of bucks fighting for dominance. Y'know, if the deer were gay. "You're such a little shit."
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tackyink · 1 year
I'm here >:3
I will begin saying I was the 'gigglin', kickin' my feet into the air' image all the time I was reading, I felt really nostalgic reading it, like when I was reading Anomaly for the first time🤭
This ask may be messy, I will try my best (your writing makes my brain melt, nothing i can do about it-- not that i want to do anything about it...)
First, I know we don't have a title yet, but your character naming skills?? Always top tier, Wakaba is one of the prettiest names I have ever come across. Absolutely lovely you used it.
The characterization?? You always write everyone so well, but Yusuke? Yusuke is always on point, always hilarious AND loving everything about the ramen stand conversation, specially this:
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He's so silly 🥰🤭.
Kurama, Kuwabara and Koenma were greatly written too, I could find myself using tones in my head while reading 🤭🤭 I feel like Kurama always regrets his life choices whenever he's with the two of them alone (there are three neurons in that group, Kurama has every one of them). I missed Hiei, but considering he's canonically patrolling on the borders-- (I'm always missing him 😔)
I also really like all your characters, because they tend to be very down to earth (I mean like...costumbrismo? I enjoy slice-of-life immensely, even more mixed with sci-fi/fantasy themes) with normal, everyday life worries. But for both Makoto and Wakaba, there's something mysterious to them? Not quite like the whole ordeal poor Wakaba has because of the marketing, rather, both of them have a very mysterious-y feeling the few first lines that have me hooked right away. I really feel for Wakaba too, it's not nice to have your life fucked up because of other people :((
(ALSO, loving the world 'clusterfuck', adding it permanently to my vocabulary)
To be honest I had to look up what kitsunetsuki meant because I couldn't remember, but I find it hilarious that Kurama was right in the middle of it. The granny reminded me of village's grannies, always wanting to find gossip and gossiping partners--.
(I'm not defending them, but for now I am team antagonist, do not damage old buildings, they are precious remains of times bygones >:( /hj)
This is me doing speculations, but my first thoughts were if the main antagonist (?) would have connections of any kind to Wakaba 🤭 since she's taking care of the shrine and was there when she was little, but that's me wistfully thinking lolol also wondering if we will know more of Wakaba's grand-uncle and aunt-- there seems to be a very deep family connexion.
I guess the part that spoke more to me was when she was retelling how she dived a bit deeper into the woods but nothing happened (? Lots of interrogations SORRY AJSVKASB I don't like to presume things), of course she dived back up, still... And the part when the granny said everyone was an outsider?? That was great. Idk how to explain it, but made sense to me in my head. (no need to answer this! I just want to write the things I think about while reading)
Also also. Does Wakaba have an Osaka accent 🥰? I looove accents. It's ok if she doesn't (it's not like I can shake you for that /jjjj) but I guess accents stick when you are a lot of time in one place... It's a silly question lolol no need to answer very seriously 🤭
I am going to read it again? Absolutely yes. Lisias can wait /j
(I proof-read this, but there might be typos and weird sentences, in my defense, I was very excited)
You are such a joy to have around 😭😭😭
I think YYH is just nostalgia town no matter how you spin it (or is it a me thing? Am I old yet??)
Wakaba's a name I've wanted to use for a long time because I love how it sounds and the imagery it evokes I'm a sucker for names that use the kanji for "leaves", and I finally found the right person to stick it onto. Coming up with names for fics set in Japan is one of my favorite things, and this time around a few are plot relevant. The name of the village is written 渡口, by the way, with the kanji for "cross over" and "mouth," and I've been agonizing over it since last weekend. (ಥ _ ಥ)
Yusuke likes to say first he has a ramen stand, but we know how the money is actually made.
Hiei is scheduled for arrival later! It's a shame I couldn't shove him in from the first chapter, but right now he has no reason to be there. I'll give him a funny one, don't worry, this isn't Anomaly, no one's allowed dignity here.
The slice of life/costumbrismo I think it's my way of making characters more relatable? I think? When it comes to OC centric fic, you need to sell your OCs hard from the beginning or it doesn't work and readers like when they're a little pathetic, it triggers empathy and we enjoy feeling like we're not the only disaster in the room. It also helps to make them more real for me and know them better.
I meant to include a link and a little explanation for the kitsunetsuki term if I uploaded to AO3, but I completely forgot to mention in here. (ˉ▽ˉ;) That woman's just slandering Wakaba, her head is perfectly fine and no one's possessing her, least of all a relative of Kurama.
Wakaba's sort of connected to the forest, if only in the sense that she's the only person left on the village willing to walk into it without a really good reason. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Maybe Mrs. Maekawa is right and the Yatos have become weird for spending so much time near the stinky zone. Her saying that everybody's an outsider is one of my favorite parts of the chapter, tbh.
Ohoho, dialects were taken into consideration! Osaka-ben has rubbed off on Wakaba from living there for most of her adult life, but her family is from Shimane and her natural dialect is Izumo-ben. I have also considered making Mrs. Maekawa a little hard to understand, because Tokyo area boys can't have it so easy. Then again that scene is from Kurama's POV and I'm sure he's heard the funkiest accents in his life, so it might not matter.
I can't thank you enough for this ask, really. 💕💕💕 I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter!
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rouge-the-bat · 2 years
tagged by @thatoneweirdhumanisback owo! the other post is CRAZY fucking long with the reblog chain so im just separating my own lol
(and im glad u think im cool hehe :3 n i get being afraid to reach out to Cool Online People but if u ever wanna chat with me or somethin im down owo! i swear as a cool as hell person im also Just Some Guy. i contain multitudes JGKBZJF)
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Relationship status: im dating my wonderful girlfriend @ megalo-station :3 shes the best i love her so much ♡♡♡ (also shadow the hedgehog and hiei are both my husbands-)
Favourite colour: pink!!!!!!!!!! hot pink, light pink, dark pink, reddish pink, purplish pink, magenta, bubblegum, fuchsia, i love every kind of pink!!!! pink like this specifically is my fave (this exact color is what i use as my name color on discord owo!):
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Favourite food: my fave food of EVERYTHING would be hard to pin down so im gonna go for Categories-
if im going savory, then 1000% pasta. like any kind of pasta is fucking amazing. whether its more like spaghetti, alfredo, ramen, simply buttered, or anything else, im gonna eat the FUCK out of that.
with sweet stuff... ough man i love so many sweets. strawberries are probably my fave fruit, and i love having them added to or dipped in various stuff (like put on cake or in brownies, dipped in chocolate, sugar, or cream cheese, etc).
and i fucking LOVE desserts man. i cant even decide what my fave kind of dessert would be bc whatever id prefer just depends on the moment. cookies, cake, brownies, fudge, cheesecake, its all DELICIOUS. i just recently made some rasbperry brownies and ohhh my goddddd they were so good. mixing fruits with dessert is the gd best. adding coconut to them is Top Tier
Song stuck in my head: its only vaguely in my head atm but animals by architects! i just discovered the song yesterday and i fuckin LOVE it. actually i think im gonna listen to it again now lol. addendum: listened to a couple more songs afterward and now i also have god complex by vira and nightmare by megumi ogata going thru my head
Last thing I googled: well, lol. i was looking up a site i could get a quick pic of the color i put up there ^ and apparently #FE0071 is also some sorta technical number for an electric fuel pump?
Time: it is 1 minute after 2am as i get to this part. i just woke up like an hour or so ago. my sleeps fucked up rn lol (i really dont like waking up this early, i much prefer waking up at like, anywhere between 10am and 2pm)
Dream trip: id love to go to japan someday with my girlfriend- once i actually like. learn some of the language lol. theres so many cool things over there related to series i love n i wanna experience them soooo bad. i HAVE to go inside a pokemon center some day!!!! miku concerts!!! series themed cafes!!! and id LOVE to go to the cat island and fox village, i love those animals sooo much.
Something I want: since im a huuge rouge and kurama kinny and have gotten ear, wings, and tail phantom limbs, i sooo badly want to get these:
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tho id be ordering the ears without the lil slices on the ear. but OUGH i want these. so gd fucking badly. once i have these ill be unstoppable. ultimate kinny mode
as for people to tag, uhmmm... perhaps @pinkcatminht @yoko-kurama-the-sex-god @hiei-doesnt-like-waffles if yall wanna? :'3
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I'm not sure if people have already written this, and I don't really even attend either fandom, but a my hero academia x Yu Yu Hakusho crossover just has the opportunity to be so funny and ridiculous if it's Team Urameshi accidentally ending up in the MHA verse.
Like I've seen so many MHA crossovers with other fandoms and they have the trope of the other fandom's characters attending UA and joining class 1A on their adventure and those kinds of fics offer so much potential.
But let's be real, can you see our hooligans at UA high school just playing along and being normal students?
Kuwabara: He is really the only one one I can see there attending voluntarily. He's kind, has a strong sense of justice and desires formal education, also the potential character dynamics between him and class one sound delightful
But like youd have to make a pretty good argument why he would attend class in the first place compared to his goals of being with Yukina and attending a good college, I don't think his preferred college would accept crosss-dimensional transcripts from a hero school.
On a counter point it's be hilarious if he plans on going to UA but a villain attacks before that happens, he fights and shenanigans ensue(tm). Somehow he ends up on as an A rank villain in 2 days. Yusuke would be insufferable and would not let that one go.
Kurama: he is a mixed bag, like if he thought going to UA would be beneficial, yeah maybe, but he's not going to sit around and play along, like he could attend, but they need someone to be the braincell and there's a limit on what he could accomplish under so many eyes.
Kurama could be a terrifying villain and you could never change my mind.
Yusuke: lol
I was trying to think of something funny to put here but the idea of Yusuke voluntarily going to school, voluntarily training to be hero who has to deal with bureaucracy, and all the regulations is enough of a joke on it's own. There's nothing I can add.
Maybe he's working at the local ramen shop temporarily and ends up in all the hero and villain shit anyway and is pissed off about it. He is an agent of chaos and I love him for it.
Hiei: my dude Speedruns A rank villain status.
Seriously tho, I could not see him going to school, could you imagine mean little man being able to be around 20 teenagers without wanting to commit a crime. If he went looking for info, it'd be in the criminal world.
(crack but guys if he was in UA, looking at how Aizawa looks using his quirk, his gravity defiant hair, his red eyes, his somewhat misanthrope personality, they both having abilities triggered by their eyes, you cannot tell me that there wouldn't be a crack theory that Hiei is Aizawa's secret love child )
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So I still like the idea of an AU around this so I made a separate post
Hello Internet Stranger looking up YYH on Tumblr dot com!
This is an idea for a College Alternate Universe involving Queer Non-Canon Relationships between the characters of the series.
It is based on the idea in the post that is linked above.
If you are not looking for this content please scroll on.
If you ARE looking for this content - and you're ok with reading my Headcanon for this Alternate Universe I've haphazardly spun up -
Then go ahead and feel free to:
Check The Tags Of This Post For The Pairings
and click the Read More below!
The quality of what lies under the cut is likely mediocre and may or may not actually be shorter in length than this warning.
--- Original Post Blurb had a summary of whats below the cut so: ---
I want a College AU where a character with similar proclivities for bugs and pain becomes friends with Kazuma in their Entomology program and then he eventually tries to shoot his shot and date Kazuma because he can just tell.
He can subconsciously smell the Kindred Spirit.
They become fast friends during field studies and when doing field work with wasps.
The friend decides to try to hang out with Kazuma on campus as much as possible. Eating lunch together, studying in the library, studying at cafes of campus in the evenings. As his feelings build he starts giving little gifts.
Some of the gifts in the lead up to the confession and asking Kazuma out on a date include Difficult to capture local specimens, snacks and drinks that he's picked up on being Kazuma's favorites, OmoChoco (that's secretly not so obligatory) that's actually homemade with spicy pepper in it for a kick (and boy does Kazuma get a kick out of that! He thinks he's been pranked and that it's pretty funny but loves the chocolate and eats all of it anyway - friend deflates at Kazuma thinking it's a prank but doesn't say anything), and eventually possibly a flower that has a little bee resting on it one cold wet April morning the morning he asks him out.
Meanwhile, right in the middle of all of this building up between Kazuma and The Friend: Kurama, Yusuke, and Hiei are Silently Seething.
Yusuke is plying Kazuma with extra toppings in his ramen and Tapes/CDs
Kurama is casually crashing study sessions and only ever bringing something for Kazuma, often coffee and cake or pastries. He makes it quite clear that he and Kazuma study together one-on-one on the weekends too.
Hiei is stalking the would-be suitor and scaring the local insect population away by disturbing bushes and grasses and trees that specimens are on whenever this dude is trying to take notes or pictures or capture something for study - conversely hes bringing Kazuma some harmless specimens from Makai to study along with some of Ningenkai's specimens that he scared away from the insignificant worm that keeps trailing after Kuwabara.
The first and only time Kazuma ever takes The Friend to Yusuke's ramen cart: Hiei and Kurama are both there, which is odd because normally Shorty only shows up for Mission Briefings and Kurama usually eats at home on Wednesdays.
Was there an Emergency Mission? He introduces his friend to The Guys. Kurama politely nods and greets him but looks stiff and sounds irritated, Yusuke makes some Crack about dragging customers across the city to his stall which is weird because he's always happy for more business, and Hiei is the only one acting predictably by flashing a look of disdain and then disinterest as he goes back to his food.
Yusuke acts like someone pissed in his cheerios for about 2 minutes before perking up and focusing on regaling The Friend with middle school and "high school" tales of street fights and competitions he's been in with/alongside Kuwabara and by himself.
When the ramen is ready Yusuke gives Kazuma extra toppings as usual. Kazuma adds some to his friend's bowl since Urameshi seemed less generous than usual with his portion. Probably a mistake. Urameshi usually adds extra to his anyway so it's no big to share. Yusuke's smile looks Very Strained for a moment.
Kurama chimes in every now and again with stories of past trips and hangouts whiIe leaning into Kazuma from his other side.
Hiei is mostly just being icy in the corner and makes a few inflammatory jokes at Kazuma's expense but he's also handing Kazuma a small cage with a rare beetle that Kazuma is impressed with, thanks him for, and is excitedly showing The Friend nearly instantly.
It's like whiplash as Kazuma's friend watches Hiei's expression cycle from the smug smirk as he handed over the cage turn to mild surprise at the praise and then resentment in his direction so quickly as Kazuma turned towards The Friend to show him the specimen.
Yusuke poorly hides a guffaw and Kurama hides a chuckle as a cough. Hiei looks half a step from murdering them, finishing his ramen and demanding another bowl. Yusuke obliges and heaps toppings onto his bowl in a peace offering.
The Friend takes it all like a champ after being primed via Kurama's small slights during crashed study sessions. He's starting to suspect that he's inadvertently walked into some kind of competition for Kazuma's attention and he may be the least qualified here with his lack of history.
He isn't going to let that stop him though because as far as he can tell Kazuma seems to prefer women but mostly likes people with soft and feminine features. He's never been more grateful to have been bullied for looking like a girl in Middle and High School.
It might be a Long Shot, but as far as he's concerned, he still has a shot!
Kazuma picks up on the rancid vibes of course, but can't quite figure out why all the guys seem to hate this guy. Kazuma has the best grasp on whether or not people are bad news and this guy is such a great guy! Everyone else is just massively annoyed by him for some reason and Kazuma just doesn't get it. It's not like he's ever been rude to anyone. Maybe it's because they need to discuss whatever mission it is as quick as possible? Yeah maybe that's it. 🤔
After they finish Kazuma and him leave and head towards the station. The friends apartment is a few stops away in a cheaper part of town. Kazuma apologizes for the weird atmosphere and explains that Hiei's just sort of grumpy all the time and Yusukes girlfriend may have nagged him a bunch before they got there since Yusuke usually closes and she's pretty particular about closing work. Kazuma asks him not to take it personally.
The Friend after seeing how open Kazuma is to physical touch puts his had on Kazuma's back and tells him not to worry about it with a wink.
The Friend flashes a salute to Kazuma as he walks backward toward the entrance, a pep in his step.
The Friend is grinning. Yusuke Has A Girlfriend! Kazuma thinks Hiei is Grumpy and Kazuma usually doesn't get along with grumpy people even if he is nice to them! His competition has just drastically narrowed down! (So he thinks anyway lmao)
The Friend stops and confidently hinges forward to look up and ask Kazuma if they can meet up for Bug Catching in the fields and forests outside of the city.
Kazuma looks surprised and blushes a bit as he sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. Kazuma says he's not sure how busy he is the next few days because he'smost likely helping his sister.
The Friend knows that Kazuma helps his sister - a tall, beautiful, and intimidating woman - with a family business that he doesn't talk about much.
At first The Friend wondered if Kazuma was somehow affiliated with the Yakuza after seeing him jump in to stop someone getting harassed by thugs on the street one day; but back in June during a field study Kazuma had taken off his over shirt and the racer back undershirt he wore showed a magnificently built back and absolutely zero tattoos - a major relief, although he'd probably be a little into it if Kazuma was secretly Yakuza if he was honest with himself. It'd definitely open up some exotic and interesting options for pain play if things worked out between them....
The Friend's grin shrinks a bit but he recovers and says "We'll Rain Check it! Text me when you're free!" Kazuma brightens up and says "Definitely!" with a thumbs up.
The Friend spins around with a wave saying "I'm off! Have a great night Kuwabara!" And Kazuma says "You too man!" Waving him off and heading back towards Yusuke's ramen cart to see if they have a Mission Briefing after all.
While The Friend walks off he considers the small sting of rejection from a near miss at a date and his mind starts to wander to school assignments.
They have an upcoming group research assignment.....
A Brilliant Idea Strikes Him. Or should he say Stings him? 🐝Bites him?🐜
He doesn't think it'll be difficult at all to convince Kazuma on his idea... especially if he starts with a spicy food challenge at lunch next week! He makes a note in his pocket notebook to look up spicy brownie recipes when he gets home.
The Friend giving Kazuma the flower with the cold sleeping bee is when he confesses and gets turned down. 😭
I imagine it taking place in the rain and they're sharing an umbrella because someone stole The Friend's from the outdoor umbrella hutch and Kazuma is such a nice guy that he gives The Friend his umbrella and he was about to just use his bag as cover but The Friend insists that they can share since it's Kazuma's umbrella anyway.
The Friend is bummed at the rejection, but he's happy to stay friends with Kazuma and thanks Kazuma for hearing him out and not being an asshole about a guy confessing to him. Kazuma says something along the lines of "No problem! A real man would never trample a friend's feelings that way." or something to that effect.
(We all knew this was coming. I'm a sucker for childhood friends to lovers y'all. I'm loving this little sort-of-OC but like the power of the Yu Yu Polycule cannot be denied!)
As always- I'm not a writer or an artist! If you are a writer and you like this idea: Feel Free to take it and run with it!
I'd be happy for someone to use this for art or a fic!
Just shoot me a message or tag me when you do because I want to see it!
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