#Home rides to or from RDU
skylinkshuttle · 15 days
If you are a Durham or Raleigh resident and looking for home rides to or from RDU then your search ends at Skylink Shuttle. This outstanding shuttle service provider has luxurious vehicles that are driven by trained and experienced drivers. Visit the website to book the taxi service. Make a call at (855)759-8267 for more information!
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A new Family
Ch.1  Ch.2  Ch.3  Ch.4  Ch.5  Ch.6  Ch.7
Chapter 8
Summary: The flight to Gotham is long; luckily, Mr. Wayne sent some of his kids to meet up with Daniel; Jason gets an odd vibe from Danny at first.
Bruce wakes before everyone else; he bids Alfred good morning before entering the Batcave.  He checks the time; Daniel should be awake by now; he dials the number.  Two rings later, "Hello, Jasmine Romanova speaking."  Bruce blinks, then replies, "Hello Jasmine, my name is Bruce Wayne.  Is Daniel around?"
A groan is heard, earning a chuckle, "He's bust getting my younger siblings out of bed. Can I take a message?"  Bruce chuckles at the 'Eat my shorts, Jazz,' from a male voice.  "Just tell your father that Dick, Jason, and my youngest, Damien, are going to meet up with you."  Bruce ends the call; Jazz is undoubtedly the oldest of the kids.  "Father, Grayson said I'm joining him and Todd to North Carolina to meet your husband-to-be."
RDU Airport
The Airport is bustling on a weekday, the twins groan, tired from the car ride.  "Dad, how much till our flight," Ellie groans, Daniel smiles, "Not much longer."  He looks toward the terminal, "Richard, Jason," Danny looks up, seeing two guys, both no older than Daniel.  "Richard!  Jason!"
Damien is looking at his phone, as is Jason; Dick is holding a sign with 'Romanova' on it.  "Richard!  Jason!"  Both men look to see Daniel, his carry-on in one hand, suitcase in the other.  "Daniel," both men say; Daniel pulls them into a hug.
"Oh, it's been so long.  How have you both been?”  Three kids follow behind the man; Jason shifts a little; Danny stops short behind his dad.  “Boys, this is Jazz, Danny, and Ellie; kids, this is Dick, Jason, and,” Daniel pauses.  Jazz perks up, “You must be Damien, the youngest son, right?”
The youngest of the Wayne boys nods, holding out his hand, “It’s nice to meet you, Soon-to-be-second-father.”  The two black-haired teens snort, holding back giggles; Dick rubs his neck, “It took him a while to get used to it, but now he won’t stop.”  Daniel smiles, holding out his hand, “Same to you.”  The eldest Romanova child, Jazz, if they remember, grabs the bags, “Now, which flight did you take?”  All three boys point outside; Daniel groans, “Just once, can he not show me off, even if he isn’t here personally.”
The flight was long, mainly because there wasn’t much to do; Danny and Ellie got more sleep while Jazz finished a crossword.  Damien is sitting up front with the older men, Daniel poking fun at Dick regarding Barbara.  “Daniel, it’s nothing; she and I are just good friends.”  Jason huffs, “Like how Daniel and Bruce are friends?”  Dick blushes, Daniel hides his face; Damien stands up, walking toward Jazz.
“Jasmine, right?”  Jazz looks up; Damien looks just like Danny if her brother were ten years old.  “Yes, how can I help you,” Damien sits down, “Bruce mentioned you were aiming for a criminal psychology degree; is that true?”  The girl smiles, “Of course, is there something you want to know?”  Damien looks down, “Is growing up with a Lazaris Pit under your house considered normal?”
“Describe this Lazaris Pit to me, please,” Damien explains what it is and how it’s used.  “Do you know anyone who’s come in contact with the Pit,” Damien points to Jason, Jazz hums.  “Well, it sounds to me that you live above a natural portal to the Ghost Zone,” what?  Damien blinks; Jazz chuckles, pointing to Daniel, “We have a similar living situation, but nothing terrible happens.
Mainly because most of the ghosts back in Amity Park don't know we’ve left.”  Damien nods, looking toward Jason, who is in a conversation with Daniel.  “Is it containable?”  Jazz shakes her head, “Only artificial portals are containable; natural portals come and go, but having lived with Daniel for some time now, the electromagnetic energy from tech gives off enough charge to keep a natural portal open.”  Damien frowns, ‘That isn’t like back with Ra al Ghul’s home.’
The jet lands, everyone grabs their bags, Jason and Danny bump against each other.  “Guys,” Daniel frowns; both sets of eyes are ectoplasm green.  “Jason, Danny?”  Jazz looks over, as does Damien, “That happens often, but Todd shouldn’t be stressed.”  Jazz taps Daniel on the shoulder, whispering to him the info about the Pit, “Danny, Jason may’ve gone through the same experience you did when you got your powers.”
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part of me wants 2 change my url from offensetogeneralorder to cisnormcoreboysona . ive had offense 2 general order since middle school when i made my tumblr while also leading less of a protest on dress code & more of a carefully planned attack on the school administration disguised as a protest on dress code . girls with names like gracie lockheart with hobbies like , i don ' t know , golfing or horse back riding or skiing or something were more than happy to wear the spaghetti straps & short shorts . meanwhile i read the entire student handbook , annotating it , highlighting even . every inaccuracy streaked over in flourescent yellow . my argument was why do we get to pick & choose rules from a book where some of the rules were verbatim copied from the school's handbook at the time of the school's creation in , like , the 60s . something something why did you pick dresscode something something feminism . . " offense to general order " was lifted from the handbook as a descriptor of what i was doing . i thought it was a charming term & i wanted to feel charming . the principal refused to meet with me . & now ? i am not a middle schooler . i turn 20 this year ( 5 years past the year i was supposed to die during ) . i am high most of the time because i like watching my pupils change sizes . everyone falls in love with me & i am lonelier than ever . my tiktok algorithm that watches me & changes for me , the closest thing i have 2 a caring presence , closes its eye one day & i am stuck watching an 11.7M liked tiktok that ' s a skit about a kid falling off the monkey bars & dying . the teacher wants to call 911 but the school nurse revives the kid using literal ice (at this point , the music in the background also begins saying ice , presumably metaphorical ) to the point that the kid gets up via a self launch , a kip up as my father tried to teach me how to do on the living room carpet of my childhood home when i was still in a period of growth literally refered to as childhood . a kip up . the video ends with the nurse —a man with a blanket over his shoulders & a filter on his face — dancing . im too high to think about anything other than the bright lights & plinking sounds . my cis normcore boysona would love this , i think without question . my cis normcore boysona is like . maybe gracie lockheart ' s fifth grade boyfriend turned life time sweetheart named something like dennis o'shea . he ' s a dry texter & still uses the laugh crying emoji . he is the essence of nuclear family & suburbia . he is kind of like the vineyard vines in the rdu international airport . & despite being middle age & married to gracie lockheart & having a daughter with glazed over bug eyes named something like avery , yes he has a tiktok account & yes he is one of that video ' s 11.7M likers . he remembers school nurses & monkey bars . he remembers being teenage & always having a disposable vape & a bitch on hand . always driving a new car because he kept crashing the one before . . you know , his rebellious phase . he ' s settled down now & the pills certainly help though he fantasies about letting them sit in the bookshelf collecting dust like fur . the snow makes his hand hurt from when he broke it punching a wall back in high school . you know , my cis normcore boysona .
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11/28/2017; 9:57am
Just 15 days until we “tie the knot.” What does that even mean? Was there some tradition in which people getting married tied a knot at their wedding? I’ll have to look it up.
Today I want to talk about our first visits. 
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Okay, so this is the very first time we visited together, December 2013. I probably fell asleep around midnight the night before and woke up at 3 in the morning the day you were due to arrive. I was nervous and excited at the same time. Tons of thoughts were running through my mind: What if he somehow tricked me and isn’t who he says he is? What if he doesn’t like me? What if he thinks I’m ugly in person? What if we can’t make conversation? What if I just freeze? What. Do. I. Wear? Of course all those thoughts turned out to be menial, but hey!  I guess you hadn’t slept very well the night before either because we both fell asleep holding hands during the car ride home. Gotta thank Erica for snapping this cute picture of us! I remember, during this trip, a lot happened. You came and hugged me AFTER you left the restroom, and I awkwardly hugged you back because I was so dang nervous. You tried to hold my hand as we walked back to the car, and I wouldn’t let you, again, because I was so dang nervous. We stopped for food, and you poked me in the side several times. I told Erica and Robert I wasn’t hungry, but that was a lie. I just couldn‘t bring myself to order food because I was so dang nervous. After stopping for food, my nerves had eased just enough to allow me to hold your hand, and this is how things ended up. The first time we held hands. It seems so small, but, to us, it wasn’t because it was the first time in the 10 months of knowing each other that we could ever hold hands. Another first we had was our first kiss. You and I were alone, watching The Little Mermaid, and somehow, it just happened. Sure, our first kiss was special, but my nerves kept me from remembering much about it.  We had our first real date. We went to the battleship, and I somehow convinced you to wear jeans (the only time I've ever seen you wear jeans). It was a bad choice because you sweat so much while we were there.  While you were here that time, you complained about everything being so green; you missed the snow and death that you knew as winter. It’s funny how you ended up here and actually consider some days cold. 
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This was our second visit, but the first time I visited you. I visited you during the summer in, I wanna say, August. It was 2014. I waited 8 long months to see you, but the wait was well worth it.  Erica and Robert drove me to RDU for my flight. Both Erica and I had to use the bathroom when we got to the airport. She asked me if I had to poop, and I said “yes because I’m nervous.” Which is a thing for me; I poop when I get nervous. I was so scared, not of seeing you, of course, but meeting your family. I think Erica thought I was nervous because of you. I wasn’t nervous for you to meet my family because, well, my family is a kind of “made family.” No one is really blood related to me, and while they all mean a lot to me, I didn’t care what they thought of you. (I still wanted them to like you.) However, meeting your family was a big deal to me. You’d told me not to worry, but there I was worrying that they weren’t going to like me.  Anyway, I arrived, and it was hot. I thought it wouldn’t be as hot as home, and temperature wise, it wasn’t, but it was a dry heat, and back home, we have lots of humidity. I finally got to ride in Ranger Danger, which made me excited! I got to live in your daily life, instead of having to do it vicariously through you sending pictures and telling me about it. I loved Ranger Danger, even though she had a hole in the passenger side floorboard that allowed water to seep through it. I got soaked that day it poured.  We took our first road trip to Georgia with everyone to go to your grandparents’ house there. I was just as nervous to meet them, but I felt more at ease because you were by my side.  Anyway, I loved your family; they were and still are the type of family I’ve always wanted. There was just so much love between you all, and I felt accepted, even though I didn't have to be.  I remembered leaving you, and it was even harder than the first time. What I didn’t realize then was that it would get harder each time we had to leave the other behind, even now as we live together, it’s just as hard for me when you leave for more than a day, except now, we have more opportunities to travel together. I look forward to our first flight together after so many lonely flights to and from you.
Your sweet,
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gartdavis-blog · 6 years
Cologne, December 2017
I hit all my connections and get to a Starbucks across from the cathedral at Cologne.  This was a regional jet to Orlando, a 747 redeye to Frankfurt, and then an ICE intercity from the Frankfurt airport to Cologne.  Note: I had an assigned seat on a full train... I didn't wait at the right spot on the platform and had to commute to my seat -inside- the train for the first 10 minutes of the journey.  Not my first misadventure on a European train.
I connect with a colleague, cab to the hotel, go to a meet and walk around after.
Impressions of Cologne: 
Joni Mitchell in the Starbucks - why do I have to fly all the way to Germany to hear Joni in a starbucks?  I'm reminded that the most popular song by German musicians is 'Wind of change' by the 80's hair metal band Scorpions.  Not that Dylan wrote anything like that.  Woodstock sentiments are way more popular here than in Woodstock's home country.
The Cathedral is every bit as dark and brooding as I remember.  It is covered with industrial sooty blackness.  Not obsidian... more like if rust were black, kinda like a cold, eyeless version of Barad-dûr to be honest.  The sameness of skyscrapers pretty much makes their enormity impersonal.  Not so the Dom.  If it was designed to make humans feel small and temporary, the design works.
On Saturday I experience two things that later made the news.  First is an enormous street demonstration by the ethnic Kurds of Germany protesting NATO member Turkey's attack on their home country.  Its big, loud, and traverses the street under my hotel room window.  Riot police everywhere, though no rioting that I saw.  As it turns out, the protest was later broken up by these same police, thankfully without reports of violence.
My walk to the train station takes me down to the Rhine.  It is very very high.  The river is above the normal esplanade and is swirling down the riverside park.  The anchored river tour boats and their floating docks ride above the now underwater ticketing booths.  The weather is warm and lots of town-folk are out staring at the spectacle of the swirling waters in the grey December light.
I cross to the train through thousands of protesters wearing the distinctive flag of Kurdistan, and train back to Frankfurt on my way to the next stop in Lancaster UK.
En route to Lancaster I spent a night in Frankfurt at the Rocco Forte Villa Kennedy.  This place is a miracle of cultural appropriation.  For starters, it is a German hotel named for an American President owned by a British hotel company that itself has an Italian name.  
Then the building: Villa Kennedy started life as Villa Speyer.  It was designed, as was common at the time, an appropriation of Gothic and Renaissance architectures, as a statement of wealth and status for a Jewish banking family in late 19th century German Society.  It was stolen by the Nazis in the 1930s and was owned by the city thereafter until it was bought & converted to hotel in 2000 by the Brits.  The original Villa has been restored to its 19th century statement, with a bolt-on addition of 163 hotel rooms 'meticulously designed with original façade material that presents itself as a closed ensemble' of historyishness.  
Reception is in the Villa, which I'd say is the most authentic appropriation... it actually has a bit of the feel of the Medici.  You pass through it quickly into a hallway where things progress... the nod to the Villa namesake takes three forms: 1) big canvases, first of presidential Jack, then Jack and Bobby, then Jackie, and as we approach the JFK bar Marilyn Monroe and Jack, and finally over the entrance to the bar, a radically photoshopped Jack Kennedy driving a 50s James Dean Porsche Sportster wearing David Lee Roth mirrored aviators.  2) A bar menu with page after page of themed cocktails.  A whole page for Jackie (glamorous!), Marilyn (sexy!) and so on.  I passed on the art and the cocktails, but I lingered for the music of 3) a heroic African-American pianist (from Detroit!) singing 'On Broadway' and 'Mrs. Jones'.
So to sum up: A jewish banker borrowed from Renaissance and Gothic architects, the nazis then stole it.  The Italianish Brits bought it, stretched it, and then further borrowed some sizzle from the Kennedys (with a little MM, James Dean, Van Halen, and Porsche) while throwing in some Interwar Ellington & Armstrong channeled through 70s George Benson.  
Kennedy himself actually gave a speech in Frankfurt, overshadowed by 'Eich bin ein Berliner' a day later in Berlin but still quite well received and remembered.  In it he dwelt on the exodus from Frankfurt to the USA in 1848, and quoted Goethe, the most famous son of the city... Authentic touches that this hotel does nothing to resonate with.  People certainly have no control over how they will be known, but I wonder how Kennedy would reflect on his villa.
On Sunday I hopped from Frankfurt to Manchester.  Manchester airport is like RDU with a train station, short walks, short lines, ideal transport hub.  Went from plane through passport and customs to the train in 10 minutes.  
I made my connection at the airport and we caught the Transpennine express from Manchester to Lancaster.  It was completely full and we hadn't figured that reserved seats were extra, so we ended up standing for the 1.5 hour journey.  Not my first misadventure on a European train.
I'm going to have a meeting at a company that has been producing textiles since the 1920s.  They have a facility which is a noteworthy scale from the satellite view on google maps.  The factory actually dates from the 19th century and has a clock tower.
My second meeting is about a 20 minute drive into the country outside a lovely village Kirkby-Lonsdale.  This is a small village on the edge of the lakes district that looks to be the perfect place to stay for a walking holiday.
The next stop is Tel Aviv, and then a wintry Berlin with short days, wind, snow, bare trees, lots of candles.  And then home.
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aureliasaid · 7 years
Creeping in Va
Va Creeper Trail August 18-20, 2017 
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Dropped our soon-to-be 20something at RDU bound for Copenhagen and we headed to....Abingdon, Va. Bikes on rack, helmets in tow, we headed to southwestern tip of Va. An historic town with roots back to revolutionary times, Abingdon is known these days for its famed Barter Theater (and Barter Theater II) that brings in visitors for its year round live theater. The Virginia Creeper Trail has brought it more recent fame for the 34 miles rail to trail hiking and biking path along most of the Holston River. And this weekend, the Bristol NASCAR race series brought plenty of visitors as well from the 100000 fans attending each of the nighttime races at nearby Bristol, TN. Which all means, if you don't plan ahead, be prepared to pay jacked up prices if you can get a room at all. Accommodations are varied from cabins to B&B's and basic indy motel sorts. We paid up and landed a suite at the Martha Washington Inn and Spa which is by far the nicest accommodations around and long known for its hospitality and historic angle. The Martha, as they refer to it, is right on Main St and is a gentle but majestic building with large, comfy front porch. Its a lovable hodge-lodge that shows the efforts at keeping up with the Jones and times through the decades, but its small town mentality keeps it on this side of quaint. The common spaces are quite varied with the library and front porch a highlight. The spa, fitness, indoor/outdoorish pool and outdoor hot tub are new and a nice addition. Two well kept hard tennis courts and mini golf are a bit of an oddity, but bonus for those interested. The dining room and bar is in keeping with the historic feel full of dark wood and high ceilings. The breakfast was included and very generous. Dinner is supposedly very good though uncreative and note, was booked solid pre-theater. Our bedroom was quite the red velvet tribute to the Civil War and the suite that we had to resort to was more of a parlor. But updated TVs and new bathroom was a plus. The town is totally charming both in its red brick historic buildings on the very walkable Main Street and just the overall small size of it. We walked out the hotel, right across from the theater and down two blocks to 128 Pecan restaurant which is a casual atmosphere and good enough food. 
Saturday morning and the weather was a bit foggy but promised to be clear blue skies and 85 degrees. We booked the Martha Creeper Shuttle to take us to White Top Mtn about 45 mins ride to the top of the Creeper Trailhead. There are many bike shops and outfitters that will do this with or without renting you bikes. And off we went. It is an 18 mile ride downhill on a wide, dirt and crushed rock trail mostly through the woods to Demascus. You are riding over a total of 47 purpose built bridges and beside the Holston River which makes for a really delightful ride. Since this is in the Mt. Rodgers National Forest, the are bathroom stops along the way, plus some enterprising restaurants. 
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But Damascus was our stop with a yummy lunch at the Inn the Country, a sandwich and ice cream cafe as you first arrive into the town. The second half ride from Demascus to Abingdon is more level with a slight gradual elevation into town with more open meadows. 
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The trail eases into town and lands you back on Pecan St, a perfect location to take a right and go 4 blocks to the Wolf Hill Brewery. An old wooden large shed that is basically open air with garage door closing and overhead heaters for the winter, it has a large variety of their brews, perfect to wash down after 34 miles. We headed back to hot tub and then back to the brewery for the live band, The Floor Boards, playing a bluesy rock set before heading to The Tavern, the oldest building in Abingdon, for dinner. A mossy roof and low ceilings are the perfect atmosphere for a delicious but not cheap dinner. A nightcap on the Martha porch made for a perfect day/birthday weekend for William and our buddies, the Lesemanns. 
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Sunday was a hike in the Wytheville area which was on the way home off I-81/I-77. We did the High Rocks trail which was a 2.7 mile hike round trip up the mountain through the woods for a fantastic 300 degree view of the whole area. Perfect to get your heart rate up but could be done in 1.5 hours total with time for a sit, view and snack at the top. Other hikes that were considered in the Abingdon area was The Channels, which was too long for our timing at 7 miles RT and the Devil's Bathtub, but was further west by an hr. Of course, Mt Rogers and the AT is all around the Creeper trail, but we didn't want to head back up the mtn. Also Seven Sisters in Wytheville, but also too long for our timing. All in all, pretty fantastic.
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rdubaton · 7 years
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E kaaro, RDU!! In other words, Good Morning, RDU!! *in my language, Yoruba* 😊 My name is Dare (pronounced DaRay) Kumolu-Johnson! I am originally from Nigeria. I have been in RDU for almost 15 years. I have come to love this area & it has become home to me!! I remember that I couldn't wait to get out of here when I can for my job interview. I thought there were too many trees (I had only lived in big cities like Lagos, Baltimore & NYC) it was too country for me. 😊 Now, I can only live in a place like RDU & can no longer see myself live in big cities. I was a Software Engineer for almost 9 years writing code & testing software but ended up stumbling into Photography in 2010 & became a full-time Wedding Photographer (@kumolustudios) in 2013. I am starting my day in my favorite city, Durham, at Durham Central Park under a tree. 😊Technically, I live in Raleigh (but Durham County) but I love Durham & I'm always here when I'm not at a shoot/Wedding or editing at home. In recent months, this bench has been my spot for some introspection. I love the fresh air. I'm hoping all the development in Durham doesn't swallow this park. *fingers crossed* Ok, enough talking. Let's ride!! 😊 #NigerianInDurham / on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BZOZUshB5L8/
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sipstirgo · 7 years
Harry Potter World. My inner teenager was dying to stroll Hogsmeade and sip butter beer but the thought of going to Orlando left me cold. What is there to do in the land of amusement parks other than tour the parks, eat overpriced food and dodge worn out crying children? Well I can admit when I’m wrong and I was wrong about Orlando. There’s plenty to do. I was able to enjoy great food, creative cocktails and interact with super friendly folks. Add in the nonstop, cheap flight from RDU and Orlando made for a really great option for a long weekend away. Below are a few things I loved. I can’t wait to get back to discover more about this great diverse city.
The Reason for the Trip: Harry Potter World & Universal Studios
 There are 2 parts to this park – Hogsmeade & Daigon Alley. It’s worth it to do both. They are connected by the Hogwarts Express and the ride is different each way so make the roundtrip. We visited on a Monday and found the park full of adults in wizarding capes drinking beer – both butter and craft. Lunch at The Three Broomsticks (fish and chips, $15) was surprisingly good. There were 3 huge pieces of lightly breaded, flaky fish and a pile of thick cut steak fries. The meal was big enough to share between 2 hungry adults. After Harry Potter World we moseyed over  to Universal Studios. There you can take a stroll through Springfield and ride the Simpsons ride (awesome), check out Marilyn Monroe wooing the crowds and visit Cannery Row. There’s a ton to do and going on a weekday served us well as we waited on average 20 minutes to board rides as compared to the hours folks wait on weekends.
  Eat & Drink: A few of my favorites
 Hawkers Asian Street Fare, Pan-Asian small plates and a great assortment of beer. The dishes are actually sized for 2 people to share. None of this 3 items on a plate garbage that makes me so angry with tapas/small plates. Monday – Friday from 3-6 is Happy Hour with $3 craft beer and $3 small plates. Wednesdays you can bring your own bottle of wine with no corkage fee.
Linda’s La Cantina which confusingly is a steakhouse. 4721 E. Colonial Drive, around $30 for a massive ribeye, salad and baked potato. I had 4 meals from this steak. When I travel I want to visit the spots that have become institutions. Open since 1947 and consistently ranked as one of the best steakhouses in Orlando, Linda’s didn’t disappoint. It’s the sort of place I love – diner friendly service and perfectly prepared food with no frills. This spot isn’t fancy. I had planned to dress up for dinner since it was my birthday but looking around the room I’d have been the only person not in jeans. Spend the day touring Universal and then stroll in for a great steak dinner. Look at that char!
Il Pescatore, 651 N. Primrose Drive, around $15.00 for entrees that are shareable. This is the spot for no frills, homestyle Italian food. My eggplant parmesan was quite good and my boyfriend’s lasagna was also delicious. The eggplant wasn’t too heavily breaded, was cooked through but not mushy and wasn’t greasy. The ratio of eggplant to cheese and sauce was perfect and the sauce was really delicious. The meat in the lasagna was actually well seasoned which I attribute to the use of meatballs in the dish rather than plain ground beef.  There was a range of options for wine and I chose the house wine which paired perfectly with my meal. What made the meal however was our server. He was fantastic. He clearly took pride in the food, made great recommendations and I admit it, his heavy NY Italian accent was endearing. I was reminded of the Italian restaurants we went to in Little Italy when I was a kid.
Il Pescatore – eggplant parmesan
Il Pescatore – the lasagna was well seasoned and delicious.
Pho Vinh, 657 N. Primrose Drive, $10 or less for giant steaming bowls of pho. I had no idea Orlando had a large Vietnamese population. The result of this concentration of Vietnamese residents is that there is an area, Little Vietnam, full of stores and restaurants. We passed about 5 banh mi shops in a row interrupted by Asian markets and then there were noodle shops left and right. Heaven I tell ya. I can’t wait to return to Orlando to spend time eating my way through Little Vietnam. Pho Vinh offered steaming hot pho with the usual accompaniments. With so many places to choose from I imagine there are other spots for delicious pho as well but this place hit the spot. For more about Little Vietnam check out this blog post from Orlando Magazine. Sorry there’s no picture. Sometimes I am so focused on eating I forget the camera. That is a good thing.
The Courtesy Bar, 114 N. Orange Ave, Orlando
The Courtesy Bar 114 N. Orange Avenue. A fantastic whisky bar. This spot looks swanky but the bartenders are more dive bar than diva. This is not to say the service is any way lacking. It isn’t. Service was impeccable and blissfully came with no attitude. These folks were concerned with making sure I got the proper drink for my palate and that I had a good time. The cocktails were creative and delicious. They served a Sunday punch as well. It was citrusy, refreshing and had a well-balanced boozy bite. I could have spent hours hanging around the punch bowl and it made me realize I’ve really underestimated the beauty of a well made punch. Next party = punch bowl. An added bonus was that we were there on a Sunday afternoon when they have a regular barbecue buffet. To call it barbecue is not quite correct though. It was a free buffet of delicious barbacoa from Pig Floyd’s. The buffet had buns and tortillas, delicious well seasoned Cuban black beans, rice, cole slaw, various hot sauces and traditional barbecue sauces. This bar was fantastic!
Winter Park – skip over to this scenic manicured town for the day.
I love Tiffany glass and was surprised to learn the Morse Museum in Winter Park houses the world’s largest collection of Tiffany glass including Tiffany’s chapel interior.
When it’s time for lunch head to 4 Rivers Smokehouse, 1600 W. Fairbanks Boulevard. Two words – BURNT ENDS. Smoked, charred, chewy chunks of brisket with bits of fat nestled in a soft bun and drizzled with sauce. HOLY COW! My boyfriend got the Burnt Ends and I got the pork BBQ thinking we could share. My pork BBQ was good but hands down the burnt ends were the way to go. If I could I would pay money for them to ship me burnt ends. The sides were also delicious.
    After lunch head back to Park Avenue and pop in and out of boutiques making sure to walk down Welborne Avenue to visit the independent bookstore, Writer’s Block. Wrap up your afternoon at The Wine Room on Park Avenue. Buy yourself a tasting card and sample from the 156 available wines.
Stay: Homewood Suites, 8745 International Drive, Orlando
Conveniently situated near Universal Studios and a stones throw from wonderful restaurants, this hotel was a great home base. Rates were reasonable and included breakfast and afternoon receptions. What made our stay even better though was the staff. My boyfriend gave me a birthday card which I had displayed on a table in the room. Housekeeping saw the card and we returned that night to find the room decorated for my birthday, a card from the hotel and a basket of goodies. A customer service win!
GO: Orlando – Sunny Skies & Adult Fun Harry Potter World. My inner teenager was dying to stroll Hogsmeade and sip butter beer but the thought of going to Orlando left me cold.
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skylinkshuttle · 28 days
Travel Safely and Smoothly With Hotel Rides to RDU Airport
Convenience is a crucial factor in traveling. Whether you are stepping up for a business trip or planning an enjoyable vacation, the journey must be completely hassle-free because no one would like to deal with the discomfort on their way to the destination. In such conditions, hotel rides to RDU Airport come as the best services to opt for. It offers a seamless and completely comfortable ride to start the journey. Here is all about these services, how they are becoming trendy, and how they can enhance the travel experience to your preferred destination. 
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Convenience is Key 
Just imagine you have just finished packing your bags, double-checked the itinerary, and now heading to the airport. Instead of worrying about navigating traffic or finding the parking place, you just step into a vehicle that was waiting for you for a few times. It will be truly a great experience that everyone wants to have during their trip to this area. Hotel rides to RDU airport slash any requirement for rental cars or rely on the rideshare services while streamlining the process from initiation to completion. 
A Completely Hassle-Free Transfer 
Hotel rides to RDU airport are popular for their completely hassle-free transfer. Travelers can book this service in advance, and then they have to do nothing but step inside their preferred vehicle and arrive on time at the doorstep of their hotel. With the prearranged transfer, you can rest assured that you will reach the airport at the right time. The team of professional drivers is acquainted with the route so that they avoid congested routes while reaching the destination. They have insights about the traffic patterns, allowing the passengers to relax and enjoy the journey without any worry or missing the flight. 
Time Saving 
Time is precious specifically when you have to follow a certain travel itinerary. When it comes to hotel rides to RDU airport, they are planned to maximize time efficiency while allowing you to stick with your travel plan without even detaching a minute apart because the professional drivers know the value of time, specifically when you are on a business trip and trying to board the flight. Forget about waiting for rideshare drivers to arrive or navigate the unfamiliar streets on the own. With appropriate transfer service, it is quite easy to optimize the travel time and make the most of every passing moment. 
Comfort and Luxury 
Although traveling doesn't have to be difficult, it may be very draining sometimes. There's no comparing the degree of comfort and elegance hotel transfers to RDU Airport offers. Enjoy comfortable, roomy cars with amenities for a smooth and enjoyable ride, whether you're traveling alone or in a group. As you journey to the airport in comfort, take a seat back, unwind, and let the worry of travel melt away.
Safe and Reliable Mode of Transportation 
Safety is paramount when it comes transportation. Hotel rides to RDU airport mainly prioritize the well-being of the passengers as the vehicles are being driven by well-trained, experienced, and professional drivers. Vehicles also undergo regular maintenance processes to ensure optimal performance while giving the passengers peace of mind, knowing that you are in good hands every step of the way. 
Meeting The Unique Needs 
Every traveler is unique, and hotel rides to RDU Airport service providers know this thing very well. Whether you want to travel solo or with a group, various options, and different vehicles are available to meet these needs. The passenger can opt for sedans and SUVs or minibusses to accommodate a group of passengers. These vehicles have adequate space to sit and travel along with the luggage. 
In this high-speed mobility era, when convenience is king, hotel rides to RDU Airport offer a perfect experience blending with enjoyment, safety, and reliability. So, if you are planning to travel to this area, it is recommended that you hire the best hotel ride to RDU airport service that would rightly match your needs. 
Resource: https://skylinkshuttle.wordpress.com/2024/04/24/travel-safely-and-smoothly-with-hotel-rides-to-rdu-airport/
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skylinkshuttle · 2 months
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Skyline Shuttle offers a 24/7 RDU shuttle service that will let you reach your destination in the triangle area with comfort and on time. Whether you are on a private tour or a business tour, we offer the best shuttle service that can meet your travel needs. Dial (855)759-8267 for more information!
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skylinkshuttle · 10 months
If you are a Durham or Raleigh resident and looking for home rides to or from RDU then your search ends at Skylink Shuttle. This outstanding shuttle service provider has luxurious vehicles that are driven by trained and experienced drivers. Visit the website to book the taxi service. Make a call at (855)759-8267 for more information! 
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skylinkshuttle · 11 months
Home Rides to or from RDU: Your Convenient and Reliable Transportation Solution
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Travelling to and from Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU) can be a stressful experience, especially when it comes to finding reliable transportation. Whether you're a frequent flyer or an occasional traveller, having a seamless and convenient ride to or from the airport is essential. Go through this blog to explore the benefits of home rides to or from RDU and why they are becoming increasingly popular among passengers seeking comfort, reliability, and peace of mind. Discover how these services can transform your travel experience and make your journey hassle-free.
Convenience and Time-Saving : Home rides to or from RDU offer unparalleled convenience, allowing you to start or end your journey from the comfort of your home. With just a few taps on your smartphone, you can book a ride anytime, eliminating the need to navigate through traffic or rely on public transportation. These services offer prompt pick-ups and drop-offs, ensuring you arrive at the airport with ample time to check in, pass security, and relax before your flight. Avoid the stress of finding parking spaces or dealing with cumbersome luggage by opting for a professional transportation service.
Reliable and Professional Service : When it comes to airport transportation, reliability is critical. Home ride services to or from RDU employ professional drivers who are well-versed in navigating the city and its surroundings. They deeply understand the airport's layout, traffic patterns, and potential delays, ensuring that you always reach your destination on time. These drivers are committed to providing a comfortable and safe journey, giving you peace of mind during your travels. With a focus on customer satisfaction, these services maintain high standards, providing you with a reliable and hassle-free experience.
Comfort and Luxury : Home rides to or from RDU offer a level of comfort and Luxury that is unmatched by other modes of transportation. Whether you choose a sedan, SUV, or luxury vehicle, you can enjoy a spacious and well-maintained interior, plush seating, and amenities to make your journey enjoyable. These services prioritize passenger comfort, allowing you to relax and unwind before or after a long flight. Sit back, connect to the onboard Wi-Fi, and take advantage of the in-car amenities to make the most of your travel time.
Cost-Effective Option: Contrary to popular belief, home rides to or from RDU can be cost-effective. Compared to parking fees or the expenses associated with renting a car, utilizing these services can save you money. Additionally, the convenience and time-saving benefits mentioned earlier can outweigh the extra cost, especially considering the stress and hassle you can avoid. Many home ride services offer transparent pricing, allowing you to know the exact cost upfront without any surprises or hidden fees.
Home rides to or from RDU has revolutionized airport transportation, providing passengers with convenience, reliability, comfort, and cost-effectiveness. By opting for these services, you can eliminate travel stress and enjoy a seamless journey to or from the airport. Make the intelligent choice and experience the difference these professional transportation solutions offer.
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skylinkshuttle · 1 year
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While planning for a family trip, it is important to note that, you have chosen a perfect residence shuttle at RDU to comfortably travel to the destination with your family members, and choosing Skylink Shuttle for this purpose is the best way to go for. It has a fleet of luxury vehicles that can meet your comfort needs. Over thousands of families has already used us. Visit the website or dial (855)759-8267 to know more about this shuttle service! 
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skylinkshuttle · 1 year
Are you scheduled to arrive at Raleigh-Durham International Airport? If yes, then choose the reliable and reputed hotel rides to or from RDU offered by Skylink Shuttle! Having decades of operating experience in this area, it can pick you up from the airport at right time and drop you at your hotel. Dial (855)759-8267 to know more! 
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skylinkshuttle · 2 years
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It is quite important to hire a reputable hotel shuttle at RDU that can pick you up and drop you at your hotel at right time. Skylink Shuttle is the most reputable hotel shuttle service in Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill areas that will make your trip successful. Visit the website or dial (855)759-8267 to book a taxi!
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skylinkshuttle · 12 days
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If you are a Durham or Raleigh resident and looking for home rides to or from RDU then your search ends at Skylink Shuttle. This outstanding shuttle service provider has luxurious vehicles that are driven by trained and experienced drivers. Visit the website to book the taxi service. Make a call at (855)759-8267 for more information! 
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