#I eventually lost consciousness from severe dehydration- he thought I was sleeping and continued to argue with my mom that I was fine đŸ« 
raeathnos · 3 months
#apparently I’m not done being mad about this I’m sorry guys I gotta vent#my dad is like an ox and never sick and like not very understanding with health issues/general illness#which you’d think he would have been after having me the super sickly child with a ton of health issues but no#we have a positive Covid case in the house and I have the same fucking symptoms I just started later#I have taken two tests- one yesterday and one today#and he yelled at me saying I’m wasting tests and also that I’m apparently fine which like#even if I somehow don’t catch covid I’m still sick but okay dad đŸ« #if it helps put things into a better perspective
 did yall know that back in November after I had my 3rd fucking endometriosis surgery#he asked why I was off work for two weeks and why I didn’t go back the day after surgery?#like I had had this surgery twice before and at home recovery was also two weeks both those times#but moreover like sir I have 3 incisions in my abdomen and my job requires me to left 50lbs???#at which point he still insisted I was fine and was just being ‘dramatic’ 🙃#I wanna fucking scream#I’m lissed the fuck off#did yall know he nearly got me killed once because I had neurovirus and he refused to take me to the er?#I eventually lost consciousness from severe dehydration- he thought I was sleeping and continued to argue with my mom that I was fine đŸ« #they eventually took me but I was unconscious for several hours and it took five bags of iv fluid for me to regain consciousness#and the doctor estimated I was about two hours away from death so like#yeah#if that gives yall a better idea of the shit I’m putting up with#I have like zero tolerance for dealing with his bullshit when I’m sick#it’s the trauma from not fucking being believed for years of my life about any of my illnesses#and like also the fucking almost dying part#fun times đŸ« #I’m sorry I’m ranting so much today I’m just really fucking done and have no other outlet 🙃
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The Stowaway’s Heart - Chapter 1
AO3 | Next | Masterpost
Description: Virgil is rescued by selkies after being abandoned at sea and brought back to their pod to recover. Virgil's poor, gay heart may just explode from how attractive they all are.
Pairings: Analogical, Platonic Logince (There may be more as I go along!)
Word Count: 1813
Chapter Warnings: Dehydration, Imprisonment, Mentions of human trafficking, Mild Suicidal Ideation
Author’s Note: This is something I’ve been writing when I need to take a break on You Belong With Me.  This will eventually probably end up being a lot of extremely gay fluff with a little hurt/comfort to start.
    Three days.
    Three days since they’d thrown Virgil in the brig.
    Three days since he'd heard the voice of another person.
    Three days since he’d last drank water.
    Three days.
    He couldn't even open his eyes as he lay motionless on the stiff cot in his cell. If it weren’t for the chill of the night air, he wouldn’t even have known how long they’d left him here. Not that it mattered. No one was coming for him. He was going to die of thirst, locked in the brig of this godforsaken ship drifting through the ocean. They could have at least had the decency to kill him outright, instead of forcing him to wait as he slowly wasted away.
    The haze in his brain seemed to break for just a moment as the sound of footsteps echoed above him. He held his breath, straining to hear as the gentle tap of steps moved across the deck. He waited for the footsteps to disappear. It wasn't real. It couldn't be. His mind had to be playing tricks on him.
    But the sounds continued. For several minutes, he could hear the deliberate movement of footsteps clicking above him. The sound wasn't just objects rolling about the deck. There were actual people on the ship somewhere above him.
    Maybe someone came back to finish the job they started.
    Virgil exhaled bitterly.
      No. It can’t be.
    He moaned, confused. They wouldn’t have come back for him. He was worthless to them at this point. In his condition, he wasn’t even worth keeping as a captive for trade. Nursing him back to health would cost them more than the price he'd fetch at the market. Distraught, a groan escaped him as he willed whatever strength he had left into trying to push himself off the ground, only barely managing to roll onto his side. Virgil nearly bit his tongue, forcing back a wave of nausea as he fought the urge to gag.
    Moving is bad. Got it.
    He groaned, remaining still as he listened to the soft tapping above him. He forced his eyes open to stare at the hatch in the ceiling in the space outside of his cell. Time passed slowly as he waited, yet the hatch to the brig remained closed. Virgil couldn't help it. His eyes started to droop with exhaustion as his focus faltered. His vision blurred as he nearly answered sleep's enticing call.
    It doesn't matter anyway.
    Virgil groaned. Even if they were coming back for him, he stood no chance of fending them off. Whoever was coming would find him, regardless of whether he was awake. He couldn't stop whatever they were going to do to him. He was at their mercy. His head drooped.
    Maybe it would be better to be unconscious.
    The sound of metal moving against metal above him tore him from his thoughts. He listened, waiting, until a metal clink from above confirmed to him that they had found the hatch. Even as his heart raced in his chest, he couldn’t even find the strength to tense his muscles in anticipation of whoever was coming his way.
    Bright light assaulted his eyes as the hatch opened. He groaned loudly as he clenched his eyes shut and cringed as the footsteps at the hatch came to an abrupt halt.
    Great job, Virgil. Now they know you’re here.
    He listened as the footsteps started to descend the steps once more. Slowly, this time. Virgil ached to open his eyes and see who was approaching him. He wanted to see their face. At least then, he could brace himself for whatever they had planned for him, but he couldn’t. So, he waited, lying prone on the bed, vulnerable to whoever approached.
    The footsteps paused at the cell doors. Virgil grunted. He forced his eyes open, ignoring the pain. He was only able to make out a tall, dark silhouette standing at the cell door, hands on the bars before the pain became unbearable and his eyes closed once more.
    “You’re alive!”
    The deep voice was loud and jarring and Virgil couldn't help flinching at the sudden sound.
    “I am sorry. I did not intend to startle you, small one.” The voice dropped to a whisper. “Give me a moment. I will get you out of here.”
    Virgil relaxed. The voice was mesmerizingly smooth and deliciously deep. Virgil couldn’t help wishing the man would speak more. At least if he was going to die, he could listen to something pleasant as he drifted away.
    The source of the voice, however, seemed to have other ideas. As fast as the pretty voice had come, it was gone once more, and Virgil had nearly drifted off to sleep again by the time the voice returned. The man was further away this time,. He was somewhere close to the top of the stairs and he wasn’t alone anymore. Another booming voice echoed down through the hatch above. Virgil cringed. The second man’s voice was deeper and he sounded angry.
    “—he’s injured!” The pretty voice spoke again.
    “He’s dangerous!”
    “He’s barely conscious. Look at him. He's hardly a threat to anyone in his current state.” The pretty voice was flat now, starting to sound annoyed.
    “Look at the state of this ship.” The angry voice paused. “What if he’s responsible for this?”
    “You think he did this and then just locked himself up in a cell to die?” The pretty voice sounded bitter now. “I find that highly unlikely.”
    Silence hung between them for a moment before the other voice spoke again. “He’s still dangerous, Logan. They all are.”
    “Undoubtedly, they would say the same about us.” The man, Logan, said bitterly.
    “I hate it when you’re like this.”
    “Forgive me if lowering my standards of who is worthy of basic compassion is a topic on which I refuse to compromise, Roman.”
    “I’m not asking you to lower your standards.” Roman muttered bitterly. “I’m asking you to consider the consequences.”
    “I have considered the consequences.” Logan sighed. “I’m not willing to leave him to die over complications that may never arise.”
    “I shouldn’t have let you come with me.”
    “That is of little consequence at this point. I’m here now.”
    Roman sighed, considering the situation. “Fine, but he’s your responsibility and yours alone. No one else will be allowed near him.”
    “I would expect nothing less.” Virgil could have laughed at the barely concealed smirk in Logan’s tone. He could guess that this man with a pretty voice was used to getting his way.
    “He will remain confined the entire time. He's not going to be moving about the island unchecked.”
    “This is not a negotiation.” Roman stated. “These are my rules if you choose to do this. Otherwise, I’m not allowing it.”
    Virgil heard a dissatisfied grunt before Logan spoke again. “Fine, I will concede to your terms.”
    “Good, because I have one more.” Roman hesitated. “You will leave your pelt with me while you care for him.”
    “That’s not fair—” Virgil could almost feel Logan bristle at Roman’s suggestion.
    “I don’t care if it's fair or not. I’m not taking the risk of a human controlling you. That would endanger everyone at home.” Roman interrupted, quiet for a moment before he spoke again. This time his voice was soft and pleading. “Not to mention, I don’t know what we’d do if we lost you again, Lo. He'd never forgive me.”
    “Very well, Roman.” Logan’s voice was tired, but he seemed resigned. “That will make the process uncomfortable, but if it will put your mind at ease, I will do whatever you require of me.”
    “Thanks, Lo.” Roman’s voice was softer. His angry tone had faded. Virgil’s heart warmed pleasantly at the sweet tone that drifted through the brig. “Now, go do whatever you need to do. We're leaving soon.”
    “Thank you.” Hurried steps dropped down from the stairs above. A loud thud resonated in the floor below Virgil as the man jumped past few steps to land on the ground. A moment later, he could hear the jangling of metal as someone fiddled with his cell door. Virgil’s head started to spin and he resisted another wave of nausea. His vision darkened as his consciousness faded for a brief moment.
    He woke to the feeling of hands on his neck. Panic coursed through his body as he weakly tried to struggle away from his attacker, but he barely moved, too exhausted and weak to truly fight back.
    “Do not move, human. I have no intent to harm you. I only wished to confirm you were still alive.”
    Virgil settled as the hands moved off his throat, too weak to do much else.
    “Good. You are going to be okay. My name is Logan and I am here to help you.”
    Virgil’s skin tingled at the pleasant melody of the stranger’s voice.
     “You appear to be severely dehydrated.” Logan spoke softly. A blissful sigh nearly escaped Virgil as the stranger’s soft hands pushed his hair away from his face. “I am going to give you some water, but I will need to prop you up to prevent you from choking. Will you allow me to lift you?”
    Virgil groaned and Logan seemed to accept that as consent. Warm hands gently curled him upright, cradling him around his shoulder. He felt a cup at his lips and he opened his mouth, sipping eagerly at the sweet, cool water. Instant relief washed over him as the aching dryness in his throat eased. He nearly moaned with satisfaction, but his relief was cut short as the cup was pulled back away from him too soon. He grumbled unhappily.
    A heavenly laugh sounded near his ear. “I'm sorry, dear one. Too much at once will make you sick. You will have more soon. I promise.”
     Virgil melted into the man's arms, relaxing at the soft tone of his voice. He wavered at the edge of consciousness, nearly giving into sleep at the comfort of the man's touch.
     “You are going to be okay, human. I give you my word.” Logan whispered. A sad tone crept into the beautiful sound of his voice. Virgil felt a hand on the neck, and he leaned into its warmth. “But I don’t think you need to see what is waiting for us up on the deck. Please forgive me, dear one.”
    Vague confusion swelled in Virgil’s mind for only a moment before he felt a small prick in his neck. He winced but the pain quickly faded.
    “Don't—" Virgil rasped the first word he'd spoken in days. He tried to pull away but his resistance was short lived as his racing mind succumbed to oblivion.
     “Sleep now, human.” Logan whispered sadly. “You’re safe now. You'll be in a better place when you wake.”
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 5 years
A Year Without - Part Four
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Warning: Blood and slight smut 
With no windows or clock on the wall you had no idea how much time had passed since you were left alone crying and broken. Your wrists and ankles were sore and tingling from the restricted blood flow. You hoped there wouldn’t be lasting damage to your nerve endings. The foul smear Karai had left of your cheek had dried long ago making your skin itch. Then the thought of the other turtles came to mind, how long before Raph, Mikey and Don realized you were missing? You usually came down to the lair almost every day but there had been times you didn’t show up for a few days being busy with work.
Did you even want them to find you? If they came looking for you, they could be captured and end up just like Leo and then SHE would have the complete set of mutant turtles. She would have them and their unique set of skills at her disposal and that would spell disaster for the city.  A croaking sob broke free at the sobering thought.  You wouldn’t let that happen not if you had breath in your body.
You had searched the room thoroughly looking for any way to escape, but besides the chair and metal table there no other useful items. You had been trying to work the rope hoping it would start to fray but as of right now there was no such luck. You had to wait until an opportunity presented itself. You were far from helpless but nowhere near the skill of the guys either. They had been training you and that’s how you fell in love with Leo.
As the time slowly ticked by, fatigue started to creep up on your weary body. You were emotional drained, and the stress of today’s events started to take hold. Your eyes started to droop, and your body began to give way to the darkness of exhausted slumber. The room blurred and blackened the edges of your vision and slowly you finally gave in falling deep into sleeps clutches.
The rustling of fabric alerted you to a presence in your room. Blinking yourself awake your eyes tried focusing in on your unwanted guest. As the dark blur in the corner started to come clear you felt your chest tighten and your heart hammer into your chest. There sprawled out on the large chair in the corner was Leonardo, tight dense legs spread wide stroking his cock over the material of his pants. His feet were bare and was unarmed, dressed in what seemed to be soft black cotton sleeping pants. Leo’s dull eyes were hooded and his mouth agape vocalizing his self-indulgent pleasure, the sight alone made your treasonous body ache with need.
“Leo?” the words flew from your mouth on instinct and you scolded yourself on being so eager to see him here alone with you. Without Karai and her alluring whims.  
Now aware of your consciousness Leo rose from his perch and crossed the room in only a few strides of his long legs. Leonardo stopped a few inches from you his eyes dragging over your restrained form his intentions still unknown. Leaned into your personal space he took a long pull of your scent as his hand still working his apparent erection through his pants. You heard the moister pop on his lips when they parted and shivered unintentionally when the hot breath of his mouth cascaded down the exposed column of your throat. “Why do you smell so good to me and why can’t I get you out of my head?” his voice was raspy and decadent erecting goose bumps along your skin. “I’ll let you in on a little secret.” He continued his lips brushing up against your ear. “I couldn’t cum inside Karai until I looked up and imagined it was you beneath me. I’ve never had that problem before.”  
You tried not to let his presence affect you, this wasn’t your Leo, this was someone dangerous and calculating, a new enemy to fear. “That’s because you were mine and I was yours before you were captured, and your brain rewired a new ago. We looked for you, mourned for you and never gave up. When I was taken, I was on the roof you disappeared on, something told me to go there.” You growled your displeasure snapping your binds again.
His tongue clicked in the back of his throat and the large terrapin griped your wrist examining your overly tight restraints. Green fingertips dug under the taut ropes loosening them just enough to relieve the crippling pressure. Deliberately slow the terrapin moved to each of your limbs to repeat the gesture allowing the blood to flow properly to your extremities. Kneeing down his hands took extra care with your ankles and paused just between your legs. You watched his tongue dart out to moisten his lips and gasped as his expansive hands glided leisurely up your calves to the back of your knees. There, the tips of his fingers pressed into the back of your thighs groping and massaging the toned muscles before continuing up your legs.  
“W-what are you doing?”
His hands ceased their ascent at your words and hummed rising back to his full height towering over you.
“I wouldn’t recommend doing that again with your restraints. That will be the only time I assist you.”
“Why did you do it in the first place? You could have let me suffer?”
A rumbling laugher left his chest as Leo stepped forward pressing his hard body into yours. You could feel the still ridged outline of his cock digging into your inner thigh. He rocked his hips forward gaining a bit of friction and slid his arm around your waist. “I don’t want you to lose those fingers; I might require their assistance later.” And with that Leo stepped back out of your personal space and exited the room leaving you alone and burning from his touch.  
The next several hours were long and arduous, they had sent in three guards to assist you to use the rest room, well pissing in a bucket was more accurate. At least they didn’t make you soil yourself in shame. But that was the existent of their generosity, by the loud rumbling of your stomach and the dessert that lay within your mouth it had been a substantial amount of time since you had consumed any nourishment. The food you could technically live without for a few days but water, your body needed hydration. The back of your skull was beginning to throb and nausea had set it making you a miserable mess.
You tried to sleep to pass the time, you were going stir crazy, and no one came or went for hours accept when you hollered to use the bucket. But even that was becoming far and few between with your dehydration. Eventually your body relented and you nodded off into blissful dreamless sleep, but it was short lived when the door to your room slammed open and Karai stomped in pulling a smirking Leonardo in after her.
“What did you do to him?” she growled menacingly at you as her fingers hooked into his waist band shaking his hips with vigor.
Confused and slightly amused by her current state of frustration you tilted your head in question looking at your arms and legs. “Um
 I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about? If you have forgotten already I’ve been lock up in this makeshift cell for god knows how long. How could I have done anything to your new mindless plaything?”
Shoving him away forcefully Karai stomped over to you. “He won’t get hard for me anymore! I want him to fuck me and he can’t get that fucking hammer to perform! Just, just watch!” She curled her finger beckoning him over and the muscle bound terrapin obliged without hesitation.
Immediately Karai sunk to her knees and swiftly undid his belt and pants and true to her word his shaft lay limp at a wet noodle. Her fingers sought out the base of his manhood and started to stimulate it but it refused to cooperate. Frustrated air shot forth from her nose and her lips enclosed around the bulbous head and sucked him into the warm cavern of her mouth. Sloppy suction sounds and slurps made the desperate spectacle more amusing. Even her shitty blowjob couldn’t get him aroused. Now it was your turn to laugh, a deep gut wrenching laughter that echoed throughout the room. “Serves you right you manipulative bitch!” another cackle flew from your lips but was quickly silenced by a brutal punch from the angered kunoichi. Every ounce of oxygen was expelled from your lungs and you started gasping to replenish what you lost.
For being as small as she was, Karai could land a hit with the best of them. Fury raged in her beautiful green eyes as she rose to address you. Her hand found your hair and yanked snapping your head back in a painful angle. Without you knowing she had pulled her blade free and slid the razor sharp metal along your throat slicing your tender flesh open.
You let out a startled yep as the pain lanced through your body and felt the hot flood of your own blood ooze down your neck. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Leo twitch and take a tentative step towards you, eyes concentrating on the oozing fresh wound on your neck. You couldn’t tell how deep she had cut only that it hurt like hell and the whole right side of your neck was now warm and sticky.
“You’re lucky you’re still useful to me you stupid cunt!” she hissed in your ear. “The other turtles will come looking for you eventually. Yes I know about the tracker in your arm, very clever of Donatello but his genius will lead them all into a trap and when they do I’ll have them all. I can’t wait to see if the rest of them are just as good in the sack as their leader? I can only imagine the size of the cock on Raphael, I’m sure it will be gloriously painful.” Then without warning Karai surged forward and look a long board lick of your pooling blood. Her eyes closed and savored the taste licking the unconsumed droplets of the crimson liquid from the sides of her mouth.
When her legs ground together and moaned it was a sign she was getting off on the taste of your blood, it made you sick to your stomach but when she turned to Leonardo and pulled him down for a searing kiss you couldn’t help the whimper that made its way from your lungs.  
His mouth worked feverously over hers the crimson color smearing over their lips while allowing her hand to dip once again down his plastron to gather his cock in her hands. A growl erupted from his chest when Karai began to yank on the appendage that still refused to thicken with arousal.
“God damnit!” her mouth ripped from his and stormed from the room leaving him alone with you still exposed and swinging heavily to the cool air.  
You were beginning to feel woozy from blood loss and the throb in the back of your skull intensified ten fold.  Leo waivered a bit adjusting his weight between his two feet before reaching into his pocket and pulled a rag from the depths. Pressing down on your open wound Leo started to wipe the thick blood from your skin.
“I need to kill you.” He whispered darkly into your ear as his warm tongue swirling against your earlobe. “If I don’t I’ll never please my mistress again and I won’t be able to if I can only get hard for you.”
When something brushed against your leg your lungs quit working. Slowly your eyes cast down to Leonardo’s erect cock seeping pearlescent droplets of precum from the pulsating helm.  
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
@imthegreenfairy88 @southernblossoms @blossom-skies @moonlightflower21
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