#I say this as someone who likes football
I guarantee that many of the people moaning about schools not showing the football will also be talking about covid and lost learning and "catch up" if teachers go on strike.
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pineappical · 9 months
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would calling this something like "the sun to his earth" be a little bit too cliche? maybe...
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sylvies-kablooie · 5 months
once again laughing at the thought of sylvie in oklahoma. like why there. what is there for you queen!!!
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blueberryblogger · 2 months
just saw someone recycling ye olde "X character doesn't read as Y identity to me, someone who doesn't & has never held that identity & thus am not as intimately familiar with mannerisms, tropes & characterizations that are typically associated with Y identity. There is no evidence for X being Y and you guys are acting insane."
like. do you understand that you are using the EXACT SAME excuse that other people are using to shit on YOUR headcanon that you're so attatched too because it has so much evidence?
did it ever cross your mind that it would probably be harder for you, person who isn't X, to pick up on subtler tropes & identifiers of X that you've never experienced because you aren't X?
like you get how it sounds like you're shitting on other wueer people?
#blocking another god damn fantasy high account that i really liked#because when people say 'theres no evidence for your headcanon' and theyre wrong its bad and tbeyre erasing underrepresented identities#but when YOU say 'theres no evidence for this' you are good and correct and the rest of us are just stupid weirdos#like oh my fucking god bro#if i see one more person who isnt fucking gay say 'erm actually fabian cant be gay he liked girls' im gonna lose it#gay men also experience comphet!#and it's not because he's 'effeminate'#because he really isn't THAT effeminate or flamboyant#he dances and he talks like a rich boy and those are the only two things i can think lf#that make him seem 'effeminate'#but like. dude rides a motorcycle from hell. he fights with a sword and plays football#he punched someone on the first day of school & routinely punches and gets punched by his friends#like. fabian is wildly more stereotypically masculine than he is feminine#most of us think Fabian is gay because up until he took interest in Mazey#he had exclusively expressed interest in girls that were unavailable or unobtainable#his 'type' was literally toxic and/or unavailable women#which SCREAMS comphet to anyone who has fucking experienced it before#'yeah i love women but only the ones i cant have amirite lads'#'classic completely heterosexual man behavior'#anyway#i think its incredibly rude to take people seeing their lived experiences in a character and say 'youre insane bc i dont see it'#especially when YOU YOURSELF have a headcanon that a huge chunk of people cannot understand fully but accept anyway because they get it#because they understand seeing yourself in a character and how important that can be#unlike you#vagueposting#me when i vague for the first time in like 3 years
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yudgefudge · 11 months
What Saudi Arabia is currently doing is sportswashing, and it is NOT okay.
Sportswashing is a term used to describe the practice of individuals, groups, corporations, or governments using sports to improve reputations tarnished by wrongdoing. [wikipedia]
By signing multiple [washed] players for their league and not producing any young "talent" all they're doing is drawing attention away from their own nationals and trying to fit in already popular footballers. They want you to watch the Saudi league without thinking of Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia, along with basically the rest of the middle east has committed multiple human rights violations in terms of migrant workers, sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, the list goes on. And they get away with a lot of it because they are viewed as "unflinching" religious states - the same unflinching state that bent their own Islamic law just so Ronaldo could play for them, reportedly - and get conservative backing. But when the left (or to be honest, decent human beings) try and criticize them and bring these things to light, they disguise them through participating in sports events. I'm only familiar with the [recent] football examples of this:
Manchester City & Newcastle being [majorly] owned by Emirati and Saudi GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS. Newcastle is literally DIRECTLY OWNED by the Saudi government through their treasury jesus
PSG literally being fucking owned by Qatar???
The 2022 World Cup being held in Qatar (Saudi also bid on the 2023 Women's WC as well but lost)
And obviously, Saudi Arabia beginning to push its own football league by signing (poaching) multiple players and not fostering any of their own talent.
Human right violations are not Muslim doctrine.
By playing for, and promoting, the Saudi league, you are either saying you don't care about the human right violations going on in the region, or you agree with them.
Every player is part of the problem. Including that one you like.
In these trying times, let's not lose the plot. I've seen people on Twitter, Instagram and even on here try and spin Saudi league criticism into some sort of islamophobia thing when that's as far from the point as you could get. It is anti-Muslim to commit the violations that are currently going on in the middle East.
Just had to remind you all.
Read more abt sportswashing on the wikipedia article and its attached sources
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elytrafemme · 4 months
so i got reported fo💀r my mental healthHey did anyone see. the skull
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southstand · 1 year
the kmj situation is wack for so many reasons … while i can understand minjae being exhausted both physically and mentally after playing 90 minutes of pretty much every napoli game this season and every game being important what with them gunning for the serie a title and being strong contenders for the cl, the man either needs better pr training or just needs to rue on his feelings for a while before saying them out loud.
it’s fine to want to focus on your club for the moment, but to explicitly say that you ‘don’t want to focus on the national team’ comparing it to your club in one breath is 1) implying that you want to retire from the nt, 2) just generally not reading the room right especially when your nt has just gotten a new coach that needs to work out the kinks and figure out the system, and 3) a slap in the face to the fans of your country supporting your career. south koreans especially take great pride in their nation and their nation’s outputs—just look at the (very well deserved) support that korean ppl always have for players like son heungmin or park jisung. while he is playing for a big club in italy now and is very talented and successful, minjae came up through the k league and, before transferring to napoli, mostly had korean fans/fans who are also avid fans of korean football. to indirectly undermine that is a no-go.
absolutely he is allowed to feel the way he feels and this opens up a lot of necessary conversations about player wellness, but being professional is also part of the game. he could have gracefully bowed out of at least one friendly citing physical exhaustion (especially since klinsmann so far seems to be the kind of guy to prioritise player comfort) instead of making comments like this to the press afterwards. most likely he had no malicious intentions, but this is just unfortunately shooting his own self in the foot.
also regarding the whole blocking sonny thing—i won’t get into speculation or whatever there because they’re grown men but it’s wild that ppl are blaming this on sonny being shady with his post about it being an honour to play for korea. sonny’s always been the kind of guy to openly love playing for his nt and it’s a big responsibility he takes both physically and mentally to try and play in every game the nt organises despite being a constant starter for a premier league club (just look at the way he fought to play in the wc despite his injury). whether this is right or wrong isn’t important—it’s his choice as is any other player’s choice to not play, and we shouldn’t demonise them for that. the simple fact of the matter is that sonny always makes these kinds of posts after every international game; in my eyes, it has nothing to do with minjae’s comments at all.
all in all, just a weird situation that’ll most likely taint the way a lot of kr minjae fans see him … just quite unfortunate really.
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buglaur · 1 year
rules: tag 9 people you would like to get to know/catch up with
thanks @bbdoll, @weindenburg and @deehya for tagging me!! 💞
last song: lent - autoheart
last show: richard osman's house of games 😭
currently watching: glow up: britain's next make-up star
currently reading: i don't read 💔 so i'm changing the question, current video game: noita
current obsession: uhhh procrastinating studying 😭 and papa's freezeria deluxe
tagging some people that i think are cool 👉👈 feel free to ignore me
@whiimms @rainymoodlet @futurelabs @plumdale @aniraklova @fizzytoo @elmleif
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kyogos · 1 year
disrespectfully, are v*rstappen fans okay?
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rachelchinouriris · 2 years
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imwritesometimes · 11 months
gotta love that the local news is like 'residents are saying illegal fireworks activity is especially bad this year and the fireworks sound more like actual bombs and people are very concerned' and the police are like 🤷‍♀️ we have no idea what these ppl are talking abt
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getting-messi · 1 year
Just saw some of your previous ask answers and as someone also on FT, can confirm it's a nightmare 👍. There's this obsession, even among people who aren't really his fans, with always defending him because of race? I'm a POC myself but there are limits to the race card lol. Being a POC doesn't mean you can't be arrogant or behave badly sometimes or (apparently) have a bit of a European superiority complex. People keep getting attacked on there for criticizing him for questionable behavior or comments because you apparently you can't criticize a POC and not be racist... it's hilarious but also very exhausting 😭😭. This need to force this image of someone as a saint just because you know what they're doing/saying or how they're behaving isn't okay so you have to resort to ignoring it, trying to excuse it or joke about it, and then pulling the race card"if i scored 4 goals in a final, I'd be arrogant too" for reference. But if it's someone they don't stan, then it's the crime of the century, be serious actually.
Completely agree with you. A LOT of Black people who aren't football fans have just defaulted into supporting him like he's Lebron James but i guess its because its been awhile since there's been an "it boy" that is a Black in football.
But beyond that, he definitely is very European and has developed a big ego. You're absolutely right that there's limits to the race card. Kanye West is quite possibly the biggest idiot on this planet and I will criticize him rightly for the stupid shit that comes out of his mouth.
I love that tweet that's like "I do not support all women some of you bitches are very dumb". Like that is a PERFECT way to frame things. Like sometimes people deserve the hate and their identity can't be used as protection!
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forourtimetoo · 1 year
Oooohh you’re sooo special you don’t like astrology you don’t like Taylor Swift you don’t like romance novels you don’t like cats you don’t like reality tv you don’t like fake nails what do you want a medal? you’re not getting a date. you don’t like anything that’s stereotyped as girly in our society. tell me why I should expect you to care about issues that disproportionately impact girls and women. tell me why I should expect you to care about the work I do, which focuses on those issues. tell me why I should expect you to care about me.
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zouisalmightie · 2 years
this hospital has the most uncomfortable chairs oh my god my poor hips will never recover from this do they just not want people to visit their loved ones here????
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charlyritter · 2 years
was jealous of my friend so I listened to the entire Pet Shop Boys Radio playlist on spotify, went for a walk, worked out and uncluttered my closet, can a mental health article please use me as an example for healthy coping mechnisms
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roseshirtlouis · 2 months
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