#and really enjoys international tournaments
I guarantee that many of the people moaning about schools not showing the football will also be talking about covid and lost learning and "catch up" if teachers go on strike.
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pers1st · 3 months
when every door closes
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pairing: leah williamson x reader
notes: mentions of ed, mentions of j*rge vilda (also the title will make sense with the second part)
Traveling to whichever tournament it may be with the Spanish national team had so far, for you, been a pleasant experience. You were still young, and despite the fact that you weren't granted many opportunities to prove yourself on the field, you took every camp as a chance to learn from players such as María Leon, or Alexia Putellas, or Irene Paredes.
Of course, it was a difficult environment to enjoy. The brutal coaching methods had not yet reached you, but you felt it in the atmosphere in which the team operated- the fact that most, if not all players, were negatively affected by every training session, every match, every team talk.
You had simply been lucky enough not to experience the worst of it. Not yet, anyways.
But all of this was due to change when you arrived in England in preparation for the Euros. This tournament, you had been particularly excited about. Playing an international competition in your girlfriend's home country, with both her and your parents vowing to support you, had had you buzzing from the second Spain had qualified. You had no idea things would take a turn for the worst the second you arrived for the first training session, but you were granted a first thought about it when Jorge pulled you aside just as you were about to warm up.
"Y/N, I know you haven't played much for Spain yet, but I want this tournament to be your opportunity. You've grown a lot at Arsenal, and I'm sure we can profit off of your talents, no? Don't let me down", he smiled as he raised his eyebrows expectantly. You, of course, nodded. You weren't going to let him down, you were going to do everything you could to prove yourself, to prove the world, that you were a good center back.
Only you couldn't have known that Jorge would do everything he could to keep you from doing exactly that. Or so, at least, it seemed.
The next day, you and Ona were sitting in the hotel's cafeteria for breakfast ahead of training when he slipped you a note, patting your shoulder as he breezed past you. Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you turned the paper to inspect it, and found glaringly red letters written across it.
Meal Plan, Y/N Y/L/N, updated
You swallowed thickly, scanning across the rest of the note, your stomach turning at the sight. He had decreased your caloric intake. He had added a goal weight for you to reach by the beginning of the tournament.
"What is it?", Ona asked as she chewed her food, glancing at you worriedly. You didn't notice the way the table across from you had turned towards you as well.
"Oh, just my meal plan", you smiled briefly as you folded the note and stuffed it into your back pocket, continuing to poke your food around the plate as you listened to Ona's debrief of her season with Manchester United.
You weren't really listening, though. Instead, your mind had gone into overdrive, whirring with thoughts as you failed to understand any of the reasons behind your manager's action.
Were you too heavy?
Surely not. You hadn't noticed any weight gain, and despite the fact that you were unable to put an exact number to your weight, you knew that Arsenal monitored both your eating habits and your measurements closely, ever since you'd come forward about your eating disorder. Jorge knew of it as well.
Were you too heavy?
It was those thoughts that kept you from showing off your talents in training, and that kept you from sleeping at night. Everything you did was calculated- almost forced, and to any of your older teammates, it was clear as day that you were trying so hard to be perfect, you failed to even be average.
The meal plan was soon followed by extra cardio sessions, nasty whispers in passing and an intense amount of pressure as you neared the beginning of the tournament.
You missed Leah more than ever, then. Although she wasn't far away, you felt as though worlds divided you, you felt as though you couldn't get enough of her. Every night, you spoke to her on the phone, although you never mentioned the weight of what was happening. She could sense that something was wrong, could sense that you were pressuring yourself far more than what was healthy, but she decided to keep quiet about it, instead distracting you, and having Beth yap your ear off multiple teams when the girl noticed the two of you were speaking on the phone. Every time you saw Leah appear on your screen, a smile appeared on your face. It was as if she could lift every weight off your shoulders with just a single word, even if just for the time being.
By the time your last training session started, you were close to either throwing up from nerves or collapsing due to exhaustion, but you didn't allow for either of those options, instead pushing yourself through every minute of it, until Alexia went down with an injury and the training was stopped. You watched somberly as your captain was guided off the pitch with both Mapi and Vilda by her side, and as cruel as it sounded, it finally gave you a moment to breathe. Clutching your water bottle tightly, you swayed from right to left as you walked over to a bench by the side of the pitch, dropping yourself down slightly imbalanced.
"Come on, chica. You need a break", Marta whispered as she put her hand on your shoulder, rubbing back and forth slightly.
"Is it too hot?", she asked, to which you shook your head. The heat wasn't as big of a problem as was the lack of food in your system.
"No, just need to catch my breath", you reassured her with a forced smile as you finished what was left of your electrolyte drink.
"Go back to the hotel with Ona and sleep, okay? You need some rest, sí?"
The aftermath of Alexia leaving the camp only hit you when you read the news of her ACL tear, cradled underneath the protection of your blanket, your phone tightly in your hands.
Alexia, along with María, had been the ones to slightly reassure you, without allowing for questions, with every chance they got. A soft comment here, a smile there, it was never much, but it was enough to keep you grounded, if only in the moment. Now, though, you were panicking, only grasping the magnitude of your captain's departure now that it was announced she'd be flying back to Spain to have surgery.
As if your situation couldn't worsen, the door flew open as Ona entered your shared room, her eyes immediately fixating on your slightly shaky frame in a bed that seemed far too big for you. You could tell by her face that she wasn't just confused or worried- she was hiding something.
"What is it?", you asked, your voice heavy with the events of today as Ona quietly shuffled closer.
"It's nothing, chica. Just, Jorge..."
"What? What did he say?"
You sat up straight in your bed, shifting the blanket back as your hands tightened into fists.
"He said that because training ended early, you should do another cardio session."
The room was quiet for a second, neither of you daring to move. Then, you nodded.
"Okay, I'll-"
"You really don't need to, chica. It's bullshit- what he's forcing you to do, I don't get what he-"
"No, no. It's fine. Thanks for letting me know", you forced yourself to smile, gripping your phone even tighter before slipping on your shoes and exiting the hotel room, still in your pajamas, tears dwelling in your eyes.
Were you really that bad?
Before you could think more about where your mind was leading you, you dialed the only number that made sense, pressing the phone to your ear as you opened the door to the gym, sliding down against one of the walls.
"Hey, love. How are you?", Leah asked. "I wanna see you." You could hear the smile on her face as you reluctantly accepted her FaceTime request, grateful that the lights were off as Leah wasn't able to make out your tearstained cheeks.
"Chicaaa", you could hear Beth in the background, laughing softly.
"Is that the girlfriend?!", another person asked as you realized Leah was most likely surrounded by her teammates, having a good time. How could the same tournament be so different for the two of you?
"Sorry, Lee, I can call back", you mumbled, your breath hitching as your girlfriend's eyebrows furrowed, and the other end of the line suddenly fell silent.
"No, let me just go somewhere more private", she mumbled before exiting whatever room she had occupied before.
"What's going on?"
Leah had, so far, been updated regularly about your own camp, and although you had mentioned your meal plan to her, you had kept silent about all of the brutal comments, the pressure, all of it. Now, however, you didn't know how to hide it anymore.
"He's so horrible, Lee. Everything he does, it's just- I can't ever do it right", you cried, your words a mumbled mess under the tears that were washing down your face. There was a pain spreading throughout your body that was glooming from more than just the extremely difficult training session today, it was more than just the exhaustion of the preparation for the Euros, it was indescribable. You choked on a sob as your girlfriend's worry-filled eyes narrowed in anger.
"Hey, baby, it's okay. I mean, it's not okay, and I wish I could kill him, but you're okay, love."
You could tell she didn't really believe herself and was merely attempting to calm you down, but she succeeded, anyways. Usually, you craved her presence, craved her arms around you, pressing your body tightly, whenever you felt even the slightest dip in your mood. Now, after spending multiple weeks apart from her, under such impossible conditions, her soft voice was enough to lower your heart rate, to silence the thoughts in your head, to make everything even the slightest bit better.
"He's just- This is the only chance to prove myself, you know? He's finally given me a chance, but it's like he doesn't want me to be good, you know? He's doing everything to tear me down", you mumbled, wiping the remaining tears out of your eyes.
"So, do it out of spite. He wants you to fail, wants you to crumble under the pressure. Don't prove him right. Show him what you can do in spite of everything he's doing, prove him that you're better than he could ever understand. Love, you are such an incredible player, and this is your chance to prove it to the world. You're gonna be insane on that pitch, I know it. Honestly, I'm scared we'll have to play against you, there's no coming through your backline", she chuckled softly, smiling at you reassuringly. You nodded, ever so slightly.
"Yeah, don't speak it into existence", you mumbled back.
But your girlfriend had, of course, spoke it into existence. Not just the fact that you finally seemed to find your footing, with the support of all of the senior players stepping in to protect you in the best way they could, but also the fact that after breezing through the group stage, you were coming up against England for the quarter finals.
Despite the fact that Esther managed to put your team ahead relatively early on, England put up an exceptional front, and you and Mapi were working relentlessly to keep a clean sheet. For quite some time, it worked well, and your team seemed to progress onto the semi-final. When Ella Toone scored in the eighty-fourth minute, a bitter taste washed through your mouth as you bit your tongue hard enough to draw blood.
Every single one of Jorge's comments rang right through you, even through the loud crowd that had formed to cheer on the English. Mapi noticed as well, and patted your shoulder comfortingly after you first conceded, but it was no use.
During the added time, you conceded again, and the dream of winning the Euros slipped away with every failed attempt of your offense.
When the whistle finally rang, you were unable to hold your body up anymore, and although tears glistened on your cheeks as you sat on the grass, watching as your girlfriend's team celebrated, you couldn't help but feel another emotion with that of disappointment- relief. It was over. The team would leave, likely tomorrow or the day after, and you would watch Jorge Vilda fly back to Spain and finally be free of his judgement.
Still, your shoulders shook with sobs. You had failed. Not only to prove yourself, but to prove him wrong. Leah had told you to play your best football out of spite, but you hadn't. You had allowed for England to score twice. You had not only let yourself, but the whole team down.
Before you could dwell on your thoughts any longer, you felt two hands land on your shoulders, softly rubbing the fabric as you hid your face behind your own hands.
"Love, look at me", Leah asked of you, and you slowly complied, pulling your shirt up instead to wipe over your wet cheeks.
"You did so well, Y/N. I'm so proud of you", she smiled softly, but when another sob shook your body, she gently pressed your face into the crook of her neck, allowing for you to let your emotions out for the time being.
"I'm proud of you. You did so, so well. You made everyone proud, today", she kept reminding you as you sobbed into her skin, finally feeling her arms around your body, finally breathing in her scent, finally feeling her presence again.
This time, it took a while for you to calm down. Pain ran through you deeply, but you allowed yourself to move on slowly, knowing that crying now wasn't going to help your case, not at all. The Euros were over for you, and all that was left to do was support your girlfriend and Arsenal teammates as they progressed through the semifinals. The thoughts of wearing your girlfriend's jersey, while being seated between her and your own parents, cheering her on from the sidelines as she captained her team through the rest of the tournament filled you with pride.
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hotvintagepoll · 1 month
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Sophia Loren (Marriage Italian Style, Houseboat)—Major Italian star, first actress to win an Oscar for a performance not in English (for Two Women (1960)) and later when Roberto Benigni won an Oscar in 1999 he jumped over the chairs towards the stage going "Sophia Sophia!!" because he was running towards Sophia Loren and said he cared more about her than the Oscar, that's the effect she had on people. She was big in the 60s already even though she gained a lot more notoriety after that. And I mean. Can we take a moment and just.
Mbissine Thérèse Diop (Black Girl)—She’s a Senegalese actress known for starring in Black Girl, one of the first African films to receive international attention/acclaim. So much of the movie relies on her ability to convey her character’s sense of isolation/loneliness, she’s so amazing, I really wish she had acted more. However, she just recently appeared in the film Cuties!
This is round 5 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Sophia Loren:
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She has maxed out all her stats: beauty, elegance, sensuality, she's got it all. her mesmerizing eyes, her sensual mouth, her sharp face shape, her everything is so striking and unlike any other beauty in films. she was also voted the world most beautiful woman when she was freaking 65
im submitting her in honor of my dad bc she was the first celebrity crush of his he ever admitted to me and my sister :) and he was right. shes so pretty
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OSCAR WINNER. Worked with some of the hottest leading men in Hollywood but remained faithful to her husband whom she had a loving marriage with till he died (even though Cary Grant almost tempted her once, it's complicated)
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One of the most well-known sex symbols of the Golden Age of Hollywood, and unlike some unfortunate others, she seems to have been pretty well at peace with occupying that status. She made assertiveness and a tempestuous temper seem glamorous, and although she's famous for side-eying Jayne Manisfield's cleavage, honestly? She's one to talk.
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Absolutely, drop-dead sexy, also a hard working, extraordinarily talented actress who didn't shy away from the less glamorous roles to gift us some gritty, memorable performances
Submitting this on behalf of my dad, who knows nothing of tumblr or this blog, but I remember being a kid watching Houseboat while my mom thirsted after Cary Grant, dad thirsted after Sophia Loren, and I was excited that they lived on a boat. Anyway, she's extremely beautiful and was an international star, doing a ton of movies in Italy before being recognized in the US.
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Very smart and beautiful, the characters that she played (I mean those in the movies that I put in the previous question) are as strong and determined as her which I think adds to her hotness.
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Global superstar and my late grandfather's long time movie star crush and for a man as quiet as he was, and as hopelessly devoted to his wife as he was, the fact that I know that means she was EXCEPTIONAL.
Big in the chest, snatched in the waist, pretty in the face 😳
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Sexy, beautiful, deep. A real star.
Her performance in "Man of La Mancha" is just so very captivating. Dubbed as "the Italian Marilyn Monroe", she looks beautiful in any movie and at any age.
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Forget the exotic sexpot of her Hollywood films and go back to her Italian career: sparking with Marcello Mastroianni as the woman who drives him mad and outwits all his fumbling attempts at macho posturing in their early films, and showing a tender side in their 1970s films. Sophia isn’t self-conscious about who she is or her beautiful body: she enjoys being herself and she wants us all to enjoy ourselves too.
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She starred in films as a sexually emancipated persona and was one of the best known sex symbols of the time. She is a great cook and her filmography is immense.
On the misattributed quote that Sophia owed everything to spaghetti: 'Did you actually say the quote frequently attributed to you, "Everything you see I owe to spaghetti"?' "Non è vero! It's not true! It's such a silly thing. I owe it to spaghetti, no, no. Completely made up."
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Mbissine Thérèse Diop:
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is2katiemccard · 5 months
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ᅟᅟᅟ tolerate it | alessia russo x brazilian!reader, duda sampaio x brazilian!reader
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Summary: Everyone goes through bad times in life, but some attitudes can end in mistakes and sometimes there is no way back.
[AN: I'm working on some requests but I couldn't stop thinking about this plot, so here it is! This will be a mini series with two other chapters, hope you like it <3]
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ᅟ The last few months have been hell for Alessia. The first blow was the crisis that their secret relationship was facing.
ᅟ During the World Cup you, the English striker's girlfriend, were feeling very overwhelmed, after all, that would be the first time that you would play in that tournament for your national team. As if that wasn't already a huge weight on her shoulders, every day her coach made a point of repeating the same words to the team.
ᅟ “Are you really going to allow the queen of football to retire without a world title with the national team? I don't care if you're young, old or what, you need to give everything for her. Marta deserves this and I will not allow you to ruin this experience for her.”
ᅟ Pia Sundhage was an admirable and successful woman, but she definitely crossed some limits and the most serious thing was almost completely taking away the identity of the Brazilian team. It wasn't news to anyone that Brazil was known for its beautiful, passionate style of play, full of tricks and skills, but since the woman arrived as coach shortly after being eliminated in the 2019 World Cup, things have changed drastically.
ᅟ Despite being a young player, you already had your fair share of experiences at an international level as you left the club that formed you very young and followed Geyse, your colleague and best friend, out of Brazil. A few years passed and while the other girl shone in Spanish lands playing for Barcelona, you enjoyed the contrasting experience of living in London and playing for the red team in the north of the city.
ᅟ It was during one of Arsenal's games against United that you met Alessia and it's safe to say that from the first moment you found yourself in love with the girl with blue eyes and blonde hair. To your surprise, she also ended up really liking you and at the end of that match you exchanged t-shirts and a small note came with hers and contained your phone number and an invitation to dinner.
ᅟ The rest was history, and a story worthy of romance books, by the way, but little by little the whole situation began to fall apart and you seemed to be the only one interested in putting together and pasting all the pieces of your love. While you fought for her, Alessia didn't even recognize any gesture and just worried about her own life and career. She kept it a secret and made a point of hiding it in a trunk under lock and key. Not even your family and closest friends knew that you were a couple and that hurt, a lot.
ᅟ You begged the blonde for help not once, much less twice or three times but she just ignored your messages and calls with the excuse of being too busy preparing for the competition, which wasn't completely a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. While all this was happening and your condition was only getting worse, your teammates noticed how miserable you looked, but they couldn't understand why. It was only when Luana ran after you after a training session that they began to understand what you were going through and despite the help that the midfielder and all the other girls provided you, you never managed to fully recover as a huge part of your problems was your secret relationship.
ᅟ The trigger came at the final whistle in the game against Jamaica, making his biggest fear come true. Brazil was out of the World Cup in the group stage and your heart, which already had some cracks in it, broke in half once and for all. Your eyes roamed the stands hoping to find Alessia somewhere since she had promised she would be there for you, but your search for her was in vain. Without even realizing how it happened, you found yourself kneeling on the field with your face in the grass in front of Marta's boots, who was trying to comfort you while you cried profusely. All the cameras were on you and the Queen of football, knowing how sad and meaningful that image was.
ᅟ Tears were still flowing from your eyes like a waterfall when you felt a weight on your back and two strong arms pressed against your fragile body. All the other players, both Brazilian and Jamaican, gathered around you forming a large circle and sympathizing with the difficult time you were going through. It took some time, but you finally recovered enough to lift your head off the ground and face the older woman in front of you who was looking at you with teary eyes and you were about to break down again when Duda's low voice reached your ears and you body turned to face the girl who held you in her arms so carefully.
ᅟ Just like you, Duda was also part of the new generation of players, she currently played for the best team in the country, the same one that had revealed you to the world a few years ago. You had many things in common, but for some reason she seemed to avoid your presence, always choosing not to stay by your side for long and looking away from your direction. At first you thought she didn't like you, but Luana and some other colleagues assured you that it was just her shyness speaking louder, however, despite all that, she was the one by your side at that moment, looking at you with so much affection that your breath caught for a few moments. The brunette offered you a welcoming smile before extending her hand for you to hold and get up, but noticed how your legs shook when trying to do so and decided to take the action of picking you up and carrying you to the changing room.
ᅟ The more time passed, the harder it was to face reality. Little by little, the devastating sadness gave way to anger, and from anger, to revolt. The local atmosphere was hostile and heavy, each player was dealing with it in a different way, but they all had some thoughts in common, you could have done more, you should have done more. Even in the midst of that chaos, all the players' phones were exploding with messages and calls from family, friends and even players from other national teams who showed solidarity in that difficult time. Despite that, it took almost an entire day for Alessia to contact you and when she did, God, it was disastrous.
ᅟ It took some time, but you managed to convince the blonde to meet you in person in the hotel room where your team was staying.
ᅟ "What do you want from me? I have more important things to do than talk to you.” She said as soon as she reached her room, taking off the hood and glasses she wore as a disguise. Her words affected you more than you wanted to admit and after closing the door and making sure no one had seen the blonde enter your room, you walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. At that moment it became clear that you should get straight to the point with her, knowing that trying to stall would only make things worse.
ᅟ “Good night to you too, Alessia.” Your voice carried a certain irony and the coldness with which you treated her was unusual. “Since you are a very busy woman, I will get straight to the point. I can no longer stand the way you are treating me and I can't maintain our relationship if you continue like this. I know you're avoiding me and I can't understand why. We’ve always been open with each other and you’ve just signed for Arsenal, which I think should only improve our relationship, but you’re more distant than ever.”
ᅟ The striker seemed surprised by your words since you never liked conflicts or more serious conversations like this, and, despite knowing that you were right, she couldn't help but mock you, maintaining an air of superiority while crossing her arms over the chest.
ᅟ “How many times do I have to tell you that I need to focus on my career and the World Cup, hmm? I thought that by this point in the championship this would have become very clear.” You even tried to interrupt her to better explain your point of view, but she didn't even give a chance. “No, you already had your turn to speak, now it’s mine. And, what do you know, you're right, I really am avoiding you because I can't deal with your neediness anymore. Lately you've been so unbearable that I don't even feel like having a conversation with you. I’m a world-class striker, I don’t have time to deal with your bullshit and your problems.” God, how her words hurt. It was hard to believe that the girl in front of you who was putting on such a narcissistic show was the same one you had fallen in love with and loved madly.
ᅟ “Oh, now I understand. So what you want to tell me is that I have to be emotionally available to you in your worst moments just like I was when the United fans turned on you but you can't return the favor because you are a world class striker?” The temperature of that conversation was increasing quickly, as was your voice, which certainly caught the attention of your friends in the next rooms. “How selfish you are, Alessia. I can't believe you mean all this, what happened to you? When did you become so stupid and snobbish? Did winning the Euros get to your head that much? Because a fucking title doesn’t give you the right to treat me like I’m nothing or nobody.”
ᅟ “If by being a snob you mean I'm a realist, then yes, I'm a complete snob. Don't you notice the difference between us? I was instrumental in winning the Euros while you weren't even able to help your team get past the group stage of the World Cup. And don’t be fooled into thinking that I signed for Arsenal because of you and our relationship, I did it because it was best for my career and because your team needs a real player like me.” The tone of voice Alessia used was completely humiliating and the cruelty of her words was so much that it left you speechless. Your girlfriend knew how insecure you were feeling about this tournament and in addition to not helping you with that, she made sure to destroy you once and for all. The woman you loved did this to you, and you couldn't believe it.
ᅟ The expression on your face was one of pure pain and betrayal, your throat was dry and you didn't even know what to say while the blonde was still in front of you watching you with that air of superiority, but when you got up from the bed she was scared. Your body language screamed wrath and your eyes shone from the tears you refused to let go. It was at that moment that Alessia realized everything she had done to you and how much her attitude affected you. She felt like she had been punched in the stomach and the worst person in the world, but now it was too late.
ᅟ "We are over." Your sentence was said indifferently, as if you and the striker didn't have a history. “Get out of here. I don't want to see you ever again” It was obvious that you were containing your emotions, and, in order not to have to deal with them, you walked to the door of your room, coming face to face with Lelê, Geyse, Duda and Luana in the hallway. They had heard everything and were about to invade the room. You looked at them with panic, not knowing how much they had heard, but Alessia was still standing in the middle of the room, shocked by her own actions. “I TOLD YOU TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.” Your scream was powerful and disturbing like a thunderclap and broke the British woman out of the trance she was in.
ᅟ She had never seen you like that. At the same time that you looked so fragile her body was filled with anger and she knew it was better to do what you said. She left the room slowly, startled by the presence of her teammates who were already there and noticing the arrival of others. Despite this, she had the audacity to try to approach you and say something, but Letícia, Luana and Geyse took a step forward while Duda pulled you away from it. The attacker seemed to want to insist on that, but the goalkeeper blocked her path. Letícia and Alessia were the same height, but the brunette's physical condition made her more threatening and firm like a brick wall. Fortunately her presence was enough for the lioness to give up on her plan and leave in a hurry, like a coward.
ᅟ Only when her silhouette disappeared behind the elevator doors did you allow yourself to give in, running back to the bedroom and, later, to the bathroom, where you barely had time to lift the toilet lid before throwing up. A few seconds later you smelled Duda's perfume around you and her hand on your back, trying to comfort you just like she had done a few days ago. You had no idea what her level of English was and how much she had heard and understood of the conversation, but regardless, she was there, by your side, again.
ᅟ You could hear Luana's voice, imagining that she must be explaining the whole situation to the other girls who arrived after the commotion in the hallway and as you thought about how horrible that situation was, you realized that in a short time you and your ex-girlfriend would play together on the same team. Suddenly the nausea was back and you felt everything spinning around you. Little by little you got better and finally came out of the bathroom, seeing all your teammates crammed into the room and ready to welcome you into their arms.
ᅟ It took a few hours and a lot of explanation on your part, but eventually everyone understood the situation and shared the same anger as you. They were all worried about what would happen in the future since you two are Arsenal players and would see each other every day in a matter of a few weeks, and that worried you too, but it was after a few minutes in silence that Tamires made a suggestion that made your eyes shine.
ᅟ Soon you, the blonde and Duda were in front of the door of Cris Gambaré's room, the director of women's football at Corinthians who was helping the Brazilian coaching staff. When she finally answered, the three of you smiled slightly and the woman took a deep breath, knowing that she had a problem to solve.
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BREAKING NEWS: Arsenal midfield star Y/F/N will go on loan to Corinthians, the club that revealed her to the world. The team was surprised by the request, but accepted after some insistence from the player. She must leave for Brazil immediately and will return to Arsenal as soon as the South American season comes to an end in December.
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silverhairsimp · 7 months
I Can't Sleep Without You
Pairing: Bokuto x fem!Reader
Warnings: MINORS DO NOT ENTER. PWP. Oral (f!receiving), fingering, penetrative sex, consensual recording. Bokuto is the consent king. Doesn't matter how long you've been together.
a/n: I had this idea in the middle of the night and woke up to draft half of it. finally finished it so here you goooo :) enjoy! not proof read. also. two posts in one day? who tf am I?
reblogs are always appreciated <3
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Trying to balance dating a professional volleyball player with a full career of your own has always been a challenge. No matter how badly you wanted to be there at every single game, every international trip, it just wasn’t realistic. 
You and Koutarou had been together since your third year of high school. You survived college together (despite the long distance), and after living together since he went pro, it was nearly impossible to get a good night's sleep whenever he was away for games. 
And this time was no different. He had been gone for a 10 day trip overseas for one of the biggest tournaments of the year. Between your work schedule, his practice schedule, and the time difference… phone calls were scarce, texts were short lived and it was really starting to get to you. Sleeping in your giant bed without him was hard enough! The last thing you needed was for your schedules to be the farthest thing from compatible.
As the days went on, it got harder and harder. The side of his bed was so cold without his warm body next to you and it was beginning to be too much. Logically there was only one solution: get all the pillows in the house, your favorite sweatshirt of his, his cologne and cuddle up in bed to make due. And until he got back, this is how you slept. 
You had practically built a barricade in the bed, pillows surrounding you in every direction and corner. He wasn’t supposed to be back for another two days, but by some miracle he had gotten home early. Unbeknownst to you though… it was the middle of the night by the time he got back and what a surprise it was to see upon his arrival. Or at least it would have if you were awake to greet him.
You were snuggled up under the covers, leg hiked up over one pillow with your arms clinging to another for dear life. You’ve got his sweatshirt on and he can smell the fresh scent of his cologne from the door to your bedroom. It wasn’t enough for you to just spray it on the sweatshirt though, you had to put a few drops of it into the diffuser so the whole room would smell like him. 
You must be so tired because you hadn’t even moved a muscle since he walked in. Quickly and quietly, he sets his bags down and changes into his comfy clothes to get some sleep with you finally in his arms again. Only when he goes to crawl into bed, there’s almost no room! “Baby girl… you trying to replace me or something?” He asks as he brushes your hair out of your eyes and smoothes it behind your ear, followed by a tender kiss to your forehead. “There she is,” he smiles warmly at you when you finally start to open your eyes. “Kou? You’re home already?” You sit up and rub the sleep out of your eyes with the heel of your hand. He sits on the edge of the bed and nods his head, “One of the teams dropped out last minute so our games got cut back, we had already played each team twice… no sense in playing them a third, or at least that what coach thought–” he’s babbling and you smile at him, reaching out your arms finally happy and complete now that you’ve got your boyfriend back with you. “Sooo,” he draws out, “wanna tell me what’s going on with all the pillows? And why I can smell my cologne in the diffuser?” He asks with a soft chuckle and a bright smile. He’s not mad at all, not in the slightest. “Just missed you is all… had a hard time sleeping without you.” It’s actually really endearing you’d gone to such lengths to keep yourself comfortable while he was gone. And to be fair, he was no better. He slept with that polaroid of the two of you under his pillow, the one from after his first win as part of the MSBY Black Jackals. He had scored the winning spike and was so excited that he ran straight to you before the refs had even called the game. It’s such a fond memory of his and it's honestly what keeps him going. You are what keeps him going. “Well, I’m here now, so… can I have my spot back, or am I still being substituted by a bunch of pillows?” He laughs as you throw the pillows off the bed, not caring if they fall to the ground or land against the wall. The only thing that matters is that you have him back. And that’s very clear once you throw your arms around his neck and climb into his lap. His hands settle on your hips as he finally gets to hold you and kiss you again after far too long. 
“Missed you too– by the way–” He mumbles against your lips, in between kisses. All of a sudden, you aren’t so tired anymore, he can tell by the way you start to rock your hips in his lap and tug on the hairs at his nape. When he wore his hair down, it made grabbing and tugging at it so much easier, and if he’s being honest, it’s one of the reasons why he started doing it more often. 
He moves the two of you back against the headboard, sitting upright with you still in his lap. “You don’t still need this do you?” He tugs on the strings of his hoodie, “now that I’m back?” You shake your head and smile before telling him: “take it off”, and who is he to deny anything you could ever want. 
His lips find yours while his large, calloused hands travel up your hips to your waist, just wanting to feel you again before gathering the fabric and pushing it up and over your head. “There she is… my beautiful girl…” He places open mouthed kisses up your bare chest, between the valley of your breasts before giving some much needed attention to your tits. He rolls his tumb over one nippple while his mouth swirls around the other, sucking on it before popping off and moving to the other side. 
“Missed your body– missed kissing you goodnight every night… missed fucking you to sleep on others…” He keeps mumbling between kisses while you grind against his lap. “Missed you too baby… tried to take care of myself, but it never feels as good as when you do it.” He snickers at that, “Poor baby, your fingers not long enough? Need me to take care’a you?” When you nod your head yes, he flips you on to your back, positioning himself right between your thighs. 
Your fingers claw at his shirt, wanting him to match, it was only fair that way. He lets you pull it off, lowering his head to get it out of the hole and pulling one arm out before tossing the shirt on the ground, left to be forgotten about until morning. “Bet you taste so good… can I, baby? Can I taste you?” When you nod your head yes and push his head down further he stops, “Uh uh, gotta hear you say it… you know that.” He places a few kisses right above your collarbone, sucking a mark into the skin there while he waits for your consent. “Please Kou, want you to. I need it– need you so bad– please touch me…” It was more than enough to satisfy him. Hearing your cute little plea’s just to get him to touch you after your time apart. 
“That’s a good girl– my good girl. Now, hips up for me–” He instructs as he hooks his fingers into the waistband of your panties and slides them down your legs. Grinning at the silvery strands that connect to the fabric as he pulls them away. “So wet already… were you thinking about me before I got back?” He asks as he tugs his boxers down his thighs, not wanting to worry about them later. “Always think about you when you’re gone–” you whisper as you arch off the bed, longing for his touch. “Yeah? Me too…” He lowers himself down onto the bed and kicks even more of the pillows off as he presses kisses to your inner thighs while he gets closer and closer to what he really wants– what he needs. “Spend so much time getting myself off to those naughty pictures you send… all the videos we’ve taken… Gettin’ me all worked up just thinking about them.” He licks a fat stripe through your folds and suckles on your clit, that smirk on his face growing wider as you twitch under his touch. “Why don’t we add to the collection, hm baby? Wanna take a video of how good I eat you out? Have something to remember me for the next time I’m away?” You nod your head and quickly scramble to find your phone. If it weren’t for the face id, you’d certainly be struggling to enter or even remember your password right now. That chime of the camera sounds and the flash turns on, reflecting in his honeyed eyes as he devours you. It's obscene. The way his chin and corners of his mouth are already covered in your slick. Or the way his eyes have never left the camera. Gods what did you do to deserve a man that takes such good care of you? 
That question lingers even longer when he kisses your thighs and spits right onto your pussy, only to bring two fingers to your cunt. “C’mon sweetheart, wanna hear you… don’t keep those cute noises all to yourself… wanna have this video too and watch it in the showers, or in my hotel room all alone and remember how good I made you feel.” When you start to get louder, he works even harder. Giving you his tongue and his fingers at the same time. He’s curling them inside of you so perfectly and hits that spot over and over again until you’re coming undone within minutes. “That’s it baby girl– ride it out– use me, please…” He begs you and hums against your cunt when you start to rock your hips against his face. You’re trying your best to hold the camera steady while your other hand reaches to fist his hair, tugging him even closer while another orgasm builds. “Kou– fuck… want your cock– please, need you after so long–” You beg and gods he can’t wait to replay this video over and over again, hearing you plead for him. “Anything for you– gimme the phone, sweetheart.” He removes his fingers, popping them in his mouth to wipe off the rest of your essence while he sits back on his haunches and takes the phone from you. 
“Be a good girl and get on all fours for me…” When you do what he asks, he gives your ass a little love smack and uses your phone to get a good view of your pussy. It's so slick with his saliva and he’s sure it’ll make it even easier to slip right in. 
Still, your boyfriend isn’t a small guy, so he spits right on the tip of his cock and pumps himself a few times. Of course making sure to record it for you later. 
He's got the phone pointed straight down as he watches his cock push past that tight ring of muscle through the screen. “F-fuck…” he mutters breathlessly, and you’re not far behind with curses of your own. “Hnngh, baby… go slow… been a while…” “I know love, you’re doing so good for me, aren’t you?” When all you do is nod your head he stills his hips, “Aren’t you?” He asks again in a more firm tone, “Yes– doing good for you, only for you, Kou… please.” 
Gods you really are such a good girl, his perfect baby. A few moments pass as he allows you to adjust, once you give him the okay, he draws back his hips and thrusts forward again. The sound of skin slapping skin echoes against the quiet walls of your shared bedroom and it’s music to his ears. Hearing that and hearing your cries of pleasure is all he could ever wish for. 
“Can already feel you clenching around me… gonna cum?” he asks as he continues to piston his cock into you, when you babble on a string of ‘yes’s and ‘please let me cum’ he tosses the phone on the bed and reaches around to rub tight circles around your clit. Working you up until that second release hits and you’re gushing round his cock, making a mess on the sheets below. 
“Fuck– squirting like that without a proper warning? Naughty girl…” He snickers as he picks up the pace even more, chasing that blissful high of his own. “Gonna cum, baby– gonna fill ya up nice and deep, yeah? Bet you missed this the most… missed my cum inside you, hm?” 
“Yes– fuck– yes, missed your cum– please, kou– need t’feel it, please!” You beg so pretty for him and he wouldn’t dream of not giving you what you wanted so with one final warning, he lets you know he’s cumming and shortly after he’s painting your walls white. 
He keeps thrusting, getting it as deep as he can until he’s given you everything he could hold before he collapses on top of you. Even with the video long forgotten about, the phone is still recording all the audio. He holds you close in his arms, pulling your leg over his hip with his cock still buried inside of you. “I love you, so much… you know that right?” 
You rest your hand on his chest and nod, “Yes, Kou. I know, and I love you too. Just as much.” 
He rubs soothing strokes along your backside and peppers your forehead with kisses until you’re closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep. He finds your phone as quietly as he can and flips the camera to face him, telling the camera one last time, ‘i love you’, before turning it off. 
Being away from you while he’s away for tournaments may suck, but getting to come home to you like this makes it all worthwhile.
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lou-struck · 7 months
A Peaceful Project
Hajime Iwaizumi  x reader
Flufftober Day 11
WC: 1.4k
~You bought a few beginner crochet kits from the airport's gift shop to wait out your long layover, while traveling with your Fiancé and the Pro- Volleyball team he works for. 
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What a sight your group must be amidst the usual airport crowd. The Japan National Volleyball Team mostly stands tall in their all-red warm-up uniforms they have elected to travel in for their flight home from an International Volleyball tournament. You would never tell them this, but the group looks a bit like a cult. 
Due to hazardous weather, the flight home has been delayed for at least another twelve hours, and it is quite amusing to see how these top athletes deal with the stale stench of boredom that wafts throughout the gate.
Between the rows of leather-backed seats, you spy the muscled form of your Fiance, who busies himself with adjusting the athletic tape of Tobio Kagyama’s fingers, but you can tell by Hajime’s tight smile he is thankful to be wearing his normal clothes.
“How much longer do we have to sit hereeee?” Shoyo Hinata whines, squirming in his seat. The redhead has never been good at staying in one place, so this must be agonizing for him.
“A while,” you reply, feeling pity for the man. “Maybe you could go check out the airport and get yourself some food.”
At the mention of a meal, he brightens up exponentially and looks at you with wide eyes. “There’s food here?”
“Yeah, idiot,” Kageyama says, walking over to the two of you, flexing his freshly taped fingers. “Why would we be stuck in a place like this without something to eat?”
“I wasn’t talking to you, Crappyama,” the smaller man responds, childishly sticking out his tongue at the setter. He turns his attention to you nicely. “Wanna go with me since Iwaizumi is busy?”
You smile warmly at him and shake your head. “Thank you for asking, but I’ll wait for him to get done.”
“Oh, okay,” he says before turning to the setter. “Let’s go get something to eat.”
“Why me?” Kageyama asks, looking surprised. 
“Because you’re always grumpy when you’re hungry.” the redhead says before zipping away down the terminal. 
“I’m not grumpy!” The dark-haired man calls, sprinting after him. 
You laugh as they disappear out of sight, and you hear a deep chuckling behind you. Turning your head, you see Hajime walking over to you. 
“There goes our entertainment.” he laughs, leaning over you in your seat. His large hand slips under your chin and tilts it upwards so that he can give you a proper kiss. “How you doing, baby?”
“Better now,” you hum, enjoying his attention. While you are glad that you were able to join him on this trip, you definitely haven’t gotten to spend as much time with him as you would’ve liked. Between tending to the player’s injuries and providing nutritional advice for the team’s meals, he has made a lot of overtime pay these last few days. “How many players do you have to do treatments on?”
His face falls, and he glances back at the queue of men standing behind him. There are at least a dozen players in need of treatment. The last few days were tough on them, and there was no shortage of injuries. “I’ll be at least another hour,” he sighs. “I’m sorry.”
Your comforting touch finds his bicep, and you give it a reassuring little squeeze. “Hey, it’s alright. I can just get a book or something from that little shop over there, and then we can go and get something together.”
He looks between you and the ‘Go Mart’ a few yards away before giving you a tired yet heartfelt smile. “You would really do that for me?”
“You know I’d do just about anything for you,” you laugh, reaching into your backpack and pulling out your wallet to pay for whatever kind of overpriced airport entertainment you are about to get for yourself.
“Thanks, baby,” he says, helping you to your feet. “I’ll go as fast as I can, I promise.” With quick steps, he walks back over to his empty row of seats that he has cleared out for his athletic training purposes and starts barking directions at the men waiting in line. “You’re next, Miya, sit down and let me see that damn wrist of yours.”
Leaving your suitcase in the safety of your party, you step into the little shop. Walking past the rack of keychains and shot glasses with various city names and other last-minute travel gifts, people get when they forget to buy them on their travels to the back of the store. The wall of mass-market paperbacks looks down on you. 
You are just about to reach for a cheesy-sounding romance novel until something catches your eye. Your head turns to give yourself a better look, and you see a little rack of arts and crafts kits, including some paint-by-numbers coloring books and ‘Beginner-Friendly’ crochet kits. 
The little pouches have adorable little crochet animal pictures on the front, including a little green lizard guy and a purple penguin. It may not be a book, but these little kits look like just the thing you need to make it through this layover. 
You scoop the light packages off their hooks and bring them to the counter, not bothering to look at the obscenely high price they have. 
It will hurt less to just ignore the charge on your credit card completely…
The gift shop bag sways to and fro as you walk back to where your group is supposed to be. Your gate has become practically empty save for your Fiance, who diligently watches the luggage with his arms crossed. 
“Where’s the rest of your line?” you ask, noting the absence of the volleyball players. 
“They got hungry and left.” he sighs, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “We should’ve just gotten food when we had the chance.”
“So now you’re on suitcase duty?” you ask, plopping down in the seat next to him.
“Until they come back, I guess we are stuck here.” He spots the bag in your hand and peaks into it. “That doesn’t look like a book.” 
“Nope,” you say brightly, taking the kits out of the plastic and showing them to him. “I got us a project.”
“Crocheting?” he asks, reading the label. 
“The package says it’s for beginners, so I think the two of us can figure it out together,” you say, tossing him the lizard. “Go make a mini Godzilla.”
“That’s just a Lizard,” he chuckles. 
You roll your eyes and open the package of your purple penguin. “It could be a Mini Godzilla.” you hum. 
He smiles just for you and opens the package, taking out the yarn, the crochet hook, and, most importantly, the instructions. “Let’s see what this is all about then.”
Within minutes, you guys are hooked…
As much as you love talking to each other, you are dead silent as your eyes scan the instructions and your project. And despite the hustle and bustle of the airport around you, you feel remarkably peaceful. 
Thirty minutes go by before you say anything. “How is it going?” you ask, not taking your eyes off the little penguin bottom you have crafted. 
“Good,” he says, short and sweet. No doubt thriving in the comfortable silence the two of you have created for yourselves.
“Good.” you parrot, looking at the yard strand between your fingers and admiring the long chain you have formed. You may not know what you have to do after this step, but you’ll find out when you get there.
“Hey, we’re back,” Hinata calls, rushing back over to you two with Kageyama on his heels. “This airport is so cool. There’s a whole plane inside this garden thing and like a gazillion places to eat; when you go down there, make sure to,” he is cut off by an icy glare from your Fiance. 
“Shut up, I’m trying to concentrate.” Hajime hisses at the dynamic duo. “Unless you are injured or dying, leave us be.”
They look a bit taken aback at the Athletic Trainer’s outburst and look to you for any kind of comfort, but you are too engrossed in your project to give it to them.
“Sorry guys, I have a penguin to make.” you hum, looping another strand of violet yarn around your crochet hook. 
Neither of you has acknowledged it yet, but whoever finishes their project first won’t have to pay for their meal.
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Tagging: @enchantedforest-network @eussstasss
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sitp-recs · 1 month
Thank you so much for your recs—they are fantastic! I wondered if you had any for Draco and Harry becoming friends at (and eventual lovers) at Hogwarts (doesn’t have to start with 1st year, but can!). Thank you!!
Hi there! Happy you’re enjoying the recs 😊 I got a couple recs, the majority is 8th year since I don’t really read canon rewrite AUs. I hope you enjoy these!
Thermodynamic Equilibrium by DorthyAnn (T, 5k)
Harry's far too hot. Draco's always cold. And somehow against all odds, together they create a perfect equilibrium.
Good Company by Greenflares (T, 8k)
With Hermione and Ron always together, Harry's return to Hogwarts to complete his education isn't exactly fun. Somehow, it's his unlikely friendship with Malfoy that keeps him sane.
Stand Back: I'm About to Perform Archaeology by Blowfish_Diaries (E, 10k)
A new Muggle Studies professor takes the Eighth Year students to work on an archaeological excavation. In which Draco is lazy, Harry is sweaty, Hermione is drunk, and Ron turns red.
Nice Things by aideomai (M, 22k)
The first thing that happened was Theodore Nott came back from France.
Makes Me Stronger by Lomonaaeren (E, 29k)
Rita Skeeter’s Harry James Potter: An Unnatural History is a best-seller, mostly due to the fact that Skeeter’s collaborated with a photographer who’s infused the pictures in the book with Harry’s actual memories. As Harry struggles to survive the storm consuming his eighth year at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy becomes an unexpected ally.
On Our Way by evils (E, 30k)
Draco is trying to spend the summer keeping his head down, but a repair project and a certain snowy owl have other plans for him.
Eager for the Sky by @oknowkiss (E, 35k)
It was announced, just as the Triwizard Tournament had been, at the start of term feast. A year-long, international Quidditch varsity match — the inaugural Wizarding Academy Cup. In which Harry is Hogwarts' star Seeker, Draco is on the bench, and they both have a thing or two to learn about playing for the same team.
Like Lightning at Your Fingertips by potterwatch (T, 43k)
The problem with living with another insomniac is, eventually, they find out you’re one, too. When Harry and Draco return for their eighth year, they think they’ll see very little of each other. Then McGonagall assigns them to room together. And the castle starts breaking. And there’s that thing with Potter’s magic.
The July Tree by @oknowkiss (E, 51k)
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail… nor well-meaning friends, nor questionable communication skills, nor seven years of hating each other’s guts can keep Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy from falling in love.
The Promise of Summer by Omi_Ohmy (M, 67k)
How was Harry supposed to know that coming back for eighth year would be so confusing? Everything is the same, and yet not the same. And nowhere is this more obvious than with Draco Malfoy. Harry finds himself once more watching and following Malfoy, trying to work him out. When they are drawn together to heal the castle, Harry doesn’t just find Malfoy - he also finds himself.
Azoth by @lol-zeitgeistic (E, 88k)
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care.
Helix by Saras_Girl (E, 93k)
Seven months after the end of the war, Harry is feeling lost. Fortunately, he is about to be offered an unexpected and sparkling chance to find himself again.
Changing Tides by carpemermaid (E, 109k)
Draco has spent half of his life spouting the things his father has taught him without much thought about how he feels about what he says. When he unexpectedly comes face to face with the Dark Lord, he grapples with the harsh realities of the world and struggles with his changing views on life.
Written on the Heart by who_la_hoop (E, 114k)
Unnerved by the attention he’s attracting from everyone – the Slytherins are the least of it, to be fair – and struggling with a raft of changes to Hogwarts itself, Harry wishes he could be happy that one constant remains: Draco Malfoy really fucking hates him.
Twist of Fate by Oakstone730 (T, 300k)
Draco asks Harry to help him beat the Imperius curse during 4th year. The lessons turn into more than either expected. A story of redemption and forgiveness.
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pokemonshelterstories · 3 months
I will forever be graceful that my mom talked me out of doing the gym run. Like, dude, you were 15, had your starter (who was still a weak rowlet) for 10 months and you really thought you could travel the region and get all the badges? I was a really delusional kid. My friends didn't enjoyed their summer vacation at all and the only one who got all the badges and became champion class was the one friend who had been preparing a team since middle school (3 years before getting our starters) and who's dad was a gym leader so she could stay at nice hotels instead of camping. When they told me all about it at the start of 11th grade I made sure to thank my mom for helping me dodge that bullet.
yeah, seeing kids go on actual journeys at this point is a pretty rare thing nowadays, and honestly i think it's for the best. the truth is, the vast majority of gym challengers don't win more than two badges; i think the most recent survey by the international pokemon league said that dropout rate is between 68-83% by the third gym depending on the region, and 89-92% by the fourth?
battling on a competitive level is such a rare occurrence, and most gym challengers will never get to that point. so the idea of disrupting such a formative time in your life for it really perplexes me. i think in some ways the concept of the pokemon league has gotten away from the original purpose of pokemon battling, which was to further the bond between trainer and pokemon. a lot of it's about winning competitions these days, so people start early to have the best shot. if less focus was put on beating gyms and entering tournaments, i think more people would wait, and it'd ultimately be better for them and their pokemon.
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kitkatcarkeys · 1 year
Endeavour Suggests A Quirk Marriage due to y/n’s Indestructibility Quirk
You knew Todoroki’s parents had been a quirk marriage. It wasn’t really talked about, but you knew all the same.
You hadn’t really talked to Todoroki that much, but you would see him at the academy a lot being in the same class together. He had seemed cold, but not ill-natured. Blunt, in an oblivious kind of way. He was obviously skilled in combat, but his social skills were just starting to blossom. You had noticed him starting to make friends with Midoriya and Bakugou, Iida, and others in the class. He seemed to be warming up. Making an effort. You had seen him in the sports festival and tournaments, and he had seen you.
As it turned out, his father Endeavour had seen you as well.
Your own parents were downstairs, cuddling on the couch together and watching the TV. You could hear them as you hung up your laundry on the landing. Your mother was a doctor who was immune to disease and internal injury or illness, and your father a hero with indestructible skin and immunity to external injury. Though they would have been perfect candidates for a quirk marriage, your parents had simply fallen in love in the natural way people do.
Your mother had recognised the pro-hero Adamantine the first time she met him, and vaguely knew of his quirk. Your father had fallen for her almost immediately, smitten with her gentle manner, sharp wit and beautiful face. Your mother had enjoyed his jokes and intelligent conversation so much, she couldn’t help visiting him more often than she strictly needed to. Even though she was treating him for slight poisoning sustained in a villain fight, his good humour and kind nature couldn’t be dimmed. After he was discharged, they ended up dating and finding out more about each other as time went on. Quirks eventually came up as naturally as anything else.
You had been questioned about your parents’ marriage before, with people making their own unfounded assumptions, and it was a sore spot for all of you. You had inherited both of their quirks, making you effectively indestructible inside and out. You were immune to heat, cold, disease, poisons, pressure, radiation, and sheer blunt force, among other things. You were in training to become a hero like your father. Your younger brother had your mother’s quirk and was planning to go into medicine to work with highly contagious diseases others would be afraid of. Even that moment he was studying at a cram school nearby.
Though each of them were serious in their own lines of work, your parents were still like schoolkids in their affection for each other. Even as they were watching TV, you could hear your mother giggling as your father kissed her face and arms, singing her praises, showering her with affection and loving the delighted laughs and kisses he got back.
You knew very well what it was like to be on the receiving end of your father’s affection, with big hugs, many compliments and playful chokeholds and noogies that you both knew could never hurt. Your father adored his family, and thanked god, the universe, his in-laws and anyone else who would listen for them every chance he could. Needless to say, your father had set your standards for love very high, and made sure you always knew your worth - priceless.
A knock at the door made your parents pause briefly on the couch, your father turning his head to look at it over his shoulder, then surprising your mom with a quick kiss on the lips before jumping up to get the door, grinning mischievously back at her as she laughed again.
When your father opened the door, the imposing form of Endeavour stood looking at him, stern-faced as ever. Your father was by no means small, he was heavy-built and strong, but the sheer tension that Endeavour brought with him in the air made the entire house turn silent. He was in a black suit and tie, not wearing his hero costume as you usually saw him. He looked ready for a funeral.
Your mother saw her husband’s face change, and switched off the TV, waiting for more information. She couldn’t see who was at the door. You could see him from the upstairs window, and instantly knew you didn’t want to come downstairs.
“Endeavour, what a surprise.” your father said with polite confusion, “Come in, I usually only see you at work.”
The flame hero stepped inside, greeted your mother and waited for your father to close the door before he spoke.
“I have a proposal.” he said, deep voice clear even upstairs.
You were sitting still, out of sight and listening carefully, wondering what this was all about. You decided to shift your position to be able to see as well as hear.
Peeking through the banister, you had a clear view of your parents and the back of Endeavour’s head, but knew that they wouldn’t see you from where you were crouching.
Your father nodded in understanding and gestured to a guest chair, and Endeavour took it. Your father sat beside your mother.
“...You have a very impressive daughter.” their guest said slowly.
Your father smiled, and thanked him quietly. “Your son is amazing, too. Shoto, right? I believe he and y/n are in the same class.”
Endeavour smiled slightly, nodding. “Yes, they are. Her quirk is very interesting. You and your wife certainly made an interesting child.”
A sudden chill ran down your spine.
Your parents stiffened slightly at this. You could see your mother squeezing her husband’s hand.
Your father’s voice was polite, but firm as he stared into Endeavour’s cold eyes. “Quirk or no quirk, y/n would still be amazing. She’s brilliant, beautiful and kind, with a resolve most grown men could only aspire to.”
You heard this kind of thing every day. You knew it wasn’t just for show.
“We are very proud of her, and of her brother.” your mother added. “He’s planning to go into healthcare. He knows he could do anything he wanted, but it happens to be that. Good people like to use their skills and talents to help others. He’s a gentle, considerate person and exceptionally clever. We’re supportive of his career choices, no matter what he decides. And if he ends up deciding to do something else, we’ll support that too. We just want our children to be happy.”
“...I’ll cut to the chase.” Endeavour said, all but ignoring what your mother had said.
He didn’t notice your father squeezing her hand reassuringly, and wouldn’t have cared if he had.
“My son has fire and ice powers. Your daughter has indestructibility from both of you. If their abilities were to combine, it would be a whole new level of power. The flames and ice could both be pushed further, plus the overall advantage in combat ability would be-”
A cold dread was filling your stomach. You felt sick.
Your father stood up sharply, visibly angry now. “What exactly are you suggesting?”
You silently thanked the gods that you had a better father than poor Shoto.
Endeavour rose slowly, menacingly. “I’m suggesting our children do exactly what we did, an arranged marriage based on their abilities-”
Your mother jumped up at that, outraged, fists clenched. “We did not have a quirk marriage! We fell in love, not that the likes of you would understand that! Do you even know whether our kids are friends? Would it ever cross your mind to care?”
Your father put an arm out in front of your mother to keep her from approaching the huge man. If anyone was going to kick Endeavour’s ass it would be him.
“I’m not here to judge you.” the flame hero said quietly, trying and failing not to be irritated, “But marriages with compatible quirks are well-known to produce excellent heroes, which is beneficial to all of humanity. It would be a matter of the greater good. Obviously I can pay whatever amount of money you want-”
Your father’s voice was deathly calm. “I respect you as a hero, but right now, I want you to leave this house. My children will marry whoever they want, and I sincerely hope yours can do the same.”
Endeavour was still, apart from the quivering fists clenched at his sides. Your mother was shaking with apparent fury.
“Marrying my son would be a privilege many would kill for. It’s a lot better than she would likely do choosing a man by herself.”
“Get out!” your mother snarled. A vein in your father’s temple was throbbing with restraint.
“...Think it over.” Endeavour grunted.
He turned and stomped out the door. Your father followed briskly behind, shutting and locking it as soon as the flame hero was outside.
You stood up, processed what had just happened a moment, then ran down the stairs to your father, wrapping your arms around him. Surprising yourself, you burst into tears.
Your father hugged you back, stroking your hair and speaking softly. Your mother’s arms were around you both, her angry tears wetting your hair and shirt.
The next day at school, you wanted answers.
“Oi, you peppermint-headed fuck-!” Bakugou was shouting as usual, following Todoroki who was talking to Midoriya.
“Todoroki-kun, I need to talk to you for a minute.” you said, running over to the boy and passing a still-yelling Bakugou.
Todoroki was visibly surprised, and stopped walking. “Okay.”
“Oi! I was-!” Bakugou started, then jumped back when you snarled at him with ferocity that shut even him up.
You gestured to Todoroki to follow you, which he did without question. You went down a quiet hallway together, hidden under the stairs by some lockers.
Todoroki was looking at you, silent but curious.
“Do you know who came to visit my parents yesterday?” you asked.
He blinked. “How would I know l/n? I wasn’t there.” There was no sign of deceit in his face. Just the usual obliviousness. You had guessed he had nothing to do with it, but it was nice to have confirmation.
“Your father.” you said simply, waiting to see his reaction.
Todoroki’s eyes widened a moment, then he relaxed. “Oh, your father’s a hero too, isn’t he? Was it work related?” he asked innocently.
You almost laughed. “Yes, he is, but that’s not why your father came over.”
“Oh...” Todoroki seemed to be thinking, and looked confused.
“Apparently your father thinks you and I would make excellent babies. He suggested a quirk marriage between us.”
Todoroki’s mouth fell open. If anything, he looked more horrified than you. It actually hurt a little that he was so appalled at the idea of marrying you, but you pushed that aside.
“Relax, my parents told him to get out, because I’m going to marry whoever I want. And I will never accept a quirk marriage.”
Todoroki looked relieved and ashamed. “...I’m sorry he did that. I didn’t know he was going to.”
“I figured as much.” you admitted, “I just wanted to check. Especially since we see each other so often. I wasn’t sure whether he had said anything to you.”
Todoroki was looking down at the ground, teeth gritted and brow furrowed.
“...I hate him.” he admitted quietly, “My mother suffered being married to him. He never saw her as a person, just a means to an end.”
You paused, listening. Todoroki raised his eyes to look at yours. What he said next surprised you.
“If you and I ever get married and have kids l/n, it will be because we’re in love and we want to have children. I wouldn’t accept a quirk marriage either.”
You could feel your face turning red.
Todoroki didn’t seem even slightly embarrassed at what he had just said, which actually made it even more embarrassing for you.
“Oh, well-” you mumbled, “If your father ever comes to my place again with a suggestion of quirk marriage, I’ll stick my foot so far up his ass that I’ll wear him like a goddamn slipper.”
“That would be funny.” He smiled, thought a moment, then scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to you. “Here’s my number. I hope my father leaves you alone, but if there’s anything you want to talk about, please tell me.”
You took it, looking up at him in surprise.
He smiled gently, and you suddenly found yourself wondering what you parents might say if you were to end up dating him after all.
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mavrintarou · 1 year
Christmas Morning - Suna Rintarou
Merry Christmas! I hope you all are safe and warm. Here's a mini Christmas story with Rintarou
Warning: 18+ smut; dreamy Rin
Second part
Suna Rintarou usually never wakes up before you.
Unless it’s volleyball season but otherwise, you’re the one waking him up.
But if he did wake up first, it was because of one thing.
His morning wood.  
It always starts with him being an extra clingy big spoon. Pulling you close and sliding his hands underneath your clothing so he can cup your breasts.
His morning husky voice would groan your name, telling you he needed you.
If you aren’t awake and shifting around so he can slide home, he gives you a courteous 30-second before he makes the move himself.
It is useless to wear undergarments to bed, it’s going to come off anyways. He would lift your leg and slide his cock home.
“Okay, I’m up,” you would moan but it was too late, Rin was already a starved beast. Even if he had his way a few hours ago.
And it wouldn't have stopped him, not that you want him to.
You enjoy... maybe live for the mornings that Rin wakes you up.
But today was Christmas morning, one of his favorite holidays with you.
It was also the holiday that brought you two together.
You reach behind and ruff his hair, “Merry Chr – ristmas love.”
Rin wasn’t much of a talker in the morning, but at night, his mouth is nothing but filth.
He is thrusting inside your pussy in a sync rhythm in no time, his cock is sliding easily in an out. If you’re not mistaken, you can hear the lewd gushing noise each time he plunges his cock back inside of you.
The two load he shot inside of you hours ago probably never fully made its exit even after hours later.
“I love you,” he never fails to tell you.
You hum, agreeing. “I love you too.”
Never in your simple world would you have imagined to be loved so whole heartly by someone like him.
You, a twenty-five-year-old librarian, loved whole heartly by one of Japan’s well known and popular professional volleyball players.
It took you a long time to accept your blessing that this hot hunk hot blooded man wanted you.
Ms. Plain Jane.
He is everything you imagined and everything you wanted when you would read your erotic novels and imagine the main male lead.
All Suna Rintarou wants from you are endless cuddles where he can rest his head in the soft cushiony of your breasts, that amazing thing you do with your tongue when you give him head and for you to ride him as a reward or a relief for all the games and tournaments he either won or lost. All occasions in general. He does like for you to feed him too.
He also wants you to accept his love, affection and allow him to spoil you to death without whining for him to stop.
A shower was needed after your steamy Christmas-morning steamy sex session.
You banned Rin from taking shower with you since he already used his morning pass. He needed limitations or else...
His birthday is the only day that the limitation card is thrown out the window.
You brought your morning coffee to your lips and was about to take a sip and return back to his room when something caught your eyes in the living room.
There were a ton of gifts under his 6-ft Christmas tree that you clearly do not recall seeing them yesterday when you had placed his two gifts underneath. In fact, you found only one gift addressed to you under his tree and internally you were relieved.
Because everyday was practically Christmas for you. Rin loved and enjoyed giving you random gifts.
He would get you a gift practically for every reason.
You didn't mind it, but it could be overwhelming.
You pinch the bridge of your nose, unsure if you're really seeing what's before you.
It was a tradition that you two would open gifts after breakfast.
The two gifts you got him was nowhere to be found but replaced with all these other gifts.
Maybe they're for his family?
Strong and long arms wrap around your ribcage. “Like all your presents? I wrapped them myself.”
“What?” you look up at him with shock written all over your face. “You’re kidding?” Looking at the presents under the tree, there has got to be at least twenty gifts or more.
“Nope,” it sound like he was joking, but knowing him, he probably wasn’t.
“Rin,” you groan, spinning around to face him. “You’re kidding right?”
The look on his face, he was not kidding.
“Rin, I only got you two gifts…” It was difficult gift shopping for someone who made way more money than you and could afford literally whatever he wanted at the snap of his fingers.
He cups your cheeks and presses his forehead against yours, “you are my present and that’s all I want and need.” He kisses you. “And no, I’m not kidding, those are all yours because everything I saw, it screamed your name, so I had to get it.”
“Rin –“ he shushed you before you could even protest.
“You deserve it,” he whispered, “when are you going to allow me to spoil you to my heart’s content?”
“Your heart’s content? What about mine? You already spoil me every day without it being the holidays already.” You sigh, “I appreciate everything you give me; I cherish it dearly. I’m just…”
“Not used to it?” He completed your sentence. The tip of his nose rub yours, “well, you’re mine and you’ll need to get used to it because I’m going to spoil you because you deserve it.”
You swallow the lump in your throat. Rintarou has been a blessing in your life since the day you met him two years ago by accident.
. . .
E/N: I'll do one or two more parts to just explain how they met.
>>> @hellatrashdontask @queenelleee @wrongimagine @eadyladlegard @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @satoritendoucultsacrifice @yourgonvermnethooker @littlemochi @cloud-lyy @pana-dolle @basmamme @haitanifxn @itsroseally @warrior-of-justice @jmnfilter @captainchrisstan @omissanitizerlol
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droptoeholdyourhorses · 8 months
The Best Friends Deserve Bester
Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta have been teaming together as The Best Friends since August 2013. In January 2014, they won PWG's Dynamite Duumvirate Tag Team Title Tournament, becoming number one contenders to the PWG World Tag Team Championship. They lost their subsequent challenge against The Young Bucks at Mystery Vortex II. The only other time Chuck and Trent have competed for those titles was at 2019's Hand of Doom where they lost to The Rascalz. What that means is that out of seven teams who won the PWG DDT4 between 2007 and 2015, The Best Friends are the only ones to have never held the PWG World Tag Team Championship.
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Alright, well maybe they had better luck in NJPW. Trent's a four-time IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion with Rocky Romero. If Roppongi Vice can succeed, then I'm sure The Best Friends can... come fourth in the B Block in the 2017 World Tag League and finish eighth overall in the 2018 League.
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No, that make sense. Best Friends as a team have always been predominantly American based. What about their ROH run in 2017? I know they had a few title matches there.
Loss vs. The Young Bucks in ROH World Tag Team Championship tornado three way match at Best in the World 2017 (also featured War Machine)
Loss vs. Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks in ROH Six Man Tag Team Championship match at Global Wars 2017 Day 3 (teamed with Flip Gordon)
Loss vs. Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks in ROH Six Man Tag Team Championship match on ROH Wrestling Episode #326 (teamed with Rocky Romero)
Loss vs. Motor City Machine Guns in ROH World Tag Team Championship match at Final Battle 2017
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Ok, enough messing around. Let's get into the AEW run. Orange Cassidy has done a great job as International Champion. Kris Statlander is enjoying a good reign as TBS Champion. How have Chuck and Trent done?
Win vs. SCU and Private Party at Fyter Fest 2019 to advance to All Out for an opportunity at a first round bye in the AEW World Tag Team Championship tournament (good start)
Loss vs. Dark Order at All Out 2019 (who needs a first round bye anyway?)
Loss vs. SCU in first round of AEW World Tag Team Championship tournament (ah, that bye would have been handy)
Loss vs. Kenny Omega & Adam Page in a Number One Contender's Fatal Four Way (also featured The Young Bucks and Proud & Powerful) (got four-and-a-half stars from Dave Meltzer)
Loss to The Young Bucks in a Number One Contender's Battle Royal (not gonna list all the other teams)
Win vs. Private Party in a Number One Contender's match at Double Or Nothing 2020 (that's more like it)
Win vs. Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara to remain number one contenders (yes, go on lads!)
Loss vs. Kenny Omega & Adam Page in AEW World Tag Team Championship match on Dynamite: Fyter Fest 2020 Day 1 (ah, damn it)
Loss to FTR in Number One Contender's Gauntlet match (again, not gonna list all the other teams)
Win vs. Proud & Powerful in a Parking Lot Fight (FIVE STARS BAYBEE!)
Loss to reDRagon in a Number One Contender's Battle Royal (AEW love them some battle royals)
Loss to The Young Bucks in a Number One Contender's Casino Tag Team Royale (this was literally the week after the previous battle royal)
Win w/Orange Cassidy vs. The Trustbusters in first round of AEW Trios Championship tournament (ooo, promising)
Loss w/Orange Cassidy vs. Adam Page & Dark Order in semi-final of AEW Trios Championship tournament (never mind, I guess)
Loss w/Orange Cassidy vs. Death Triangle for vacant AEW Trios Championship (can't tell me they shouldn't have won this one given PAC was already All-Atlantic Champion at the time)
Loss w/Orange Cassidy vs. Death Triangle in AEW Trios Championship match (one day lads, one day)
Loss w/Orange Cassidy to AR Fox & Top Flight in $300,000 Three Kings Christmas Casino Trios Battle Royal (we're really taking the piss now with these battle royals)
Loss to Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett in Revolution Tag Team Battle Royal (they were literally the runners up in this one, come on)
Loss w/Orange Cassidy vs. House of Black in AEW Trios Championship match (stop teasing me)
Loss vs. Aussie Open in IWGP Tag Team Championship match (they could have had a Japan run after all)
Loss w/Bandido vs. House of Black in AEW Trios Championship match (Bandido's cool but surely it's gotta be Orange for the eventual trios run)
Loss vs. Aussie Open in ROH World Tag Team Championship Fatal Four Way at ROH Death Before Dishonor 2023 (also featured Lucha Bros and The Kingdom) (another big win coming any day now)
Loss vs. Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli in Parking Lot Brawl (four-and-a-half stars for the Parking Lot sequel)
Win w/Orange Cassidy, Eddie Kingston & Penta vs. Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, and Proud & Powerful in Stadium Stampede at All In 2023 (the biggest of big wins, another four-and-a-half stars)
Loss to Dark Order in ROH Number One Contender's Battle Royal (great way to follow up that momentum after All In)
Loss to The Righteous in ROH Number One Contender's Fatal Four Way (also featured The Hardys and The Kingdom) (again, great follow up)
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Obviously there's been more matches in between the ones I highlighted. The Best Friends have had some good moments here and there but overall, it feels like there's been missed opportunities. No follow up after the initial Parking Lot Brawl. No Trios Championship run. Lost in the shuffle again following All In.
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The Best Friends deserve bester.
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unhelpfulfemme · 8 months
...because in this, as with everything he did, there were layers of intent, moments when expected patterns would suddenly dissolve into something else.
This line is about a swordfight, but I feel like this sums up this entire book series, and Laurent's role in it, quite well. There is an internal logic, patterns and symmetries, to everything that's happening, but the moment you think you've grasped them they shift into something different (and as someone really fascinated with dynamic systems I love it). It's like that with the plot, it's like that with the romance, it's like that with the characterization, it's even like that with the worldbuilding through the power of Damen's very biased narration.
And what I particularly like is that it doesn't only get patterns, but it also gets dynamics, because things must be done in the right order, in the right moment, with the right intensity, to have an effect, and interpersonal relationships shift and change as a response to this constant back and forth. And this principle is everywhere: the battles, the politics, the swordfights, the sex, the chivalric tournaments.
He thought of Laurent's delicate, needling talk that that froze into icy rebuff if Damen pushed at it, but if he didn't - if he matched himself to its subtle pulses and undercurrents - continued, sweetly deepening, until he could only wonder if he knew, if they both knew, what they were doing.
^ Like that, for example. Or the way some things have to happen as a precondition to Laurent feeling safe, at first: on a micro level, there must be some token show of dominance on Laurent's part, to which Damen should respond sweetly and unintrisively, before he lets himself go, and on a macro level, the show of dominance before he lets himself go is the entire first half of book 1. You must always do something, which will then change the thing that you're acting upon, put it in the right position for you to do what you wanted to do all along. I love this.
Finally, I'm not a person who's very partial to symbolism. It tends to ruin my sense of immersion when the weather is dreary because the character is sad and the curtains are blue because they symbolize the sadness of the scene, because it always makes me feel like the world is small and unreal and like the writer perceives the world in a deeply egocentric way (I hate antropomorphising; if you have to project yourself onto something to appreciate it, you're not appreciating it. real appreciation requires accomodation, not assimilation). But man the symbolism in this, and the way it intertwines the cultural and the personal, makes me go feral.
The intricate crisscrossing laces of Veretian clothing paralleling the tangled threads of Laurent's mind, both of which require skill and patience to unravel, both of which have both a protective and a stymying purpose, and how they contrast with Damen's straightforward nature, because he is a man who sees beauty in simplicity and seeks to achieve it. The intricate lacing of Veretian clothing also reflecting the intricate, overly complicated way they do everything, which is also reflected in their intricate, overly complicated architecture, and Damen's immediate reaction to all of it. The Akielon philosophy of appreciating things for what they are - striving for measured simplicity in order to appreciate the quality of the fabric, the stone, the body, and how it makes Damen receptive to how artless Laurent gets when he's vulnerable. The man who is an unbeaten champion of the okton, a sport where you have to have the strength and precision and self-control necessary to ace a spear throw while dodging other people's spears flying by you while riding a horse, being the one who knows the right move to make at the right time regarding the saw trap that is Laurent's personality. The man who enjoys having spears thrown at him for fun taking on Laurent's prickliness in a spirit of sportsmanlike challenge.
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Kokichi Ouma from Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony vs Peter Pan from Once Upon A Time
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. i will block you if you harass others in the notes, please consider sending your unhinged harassment to my inbox instead)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
Kokichi Ouma:
LOVE: - "hes a bitch and that makes a lot of people hate him and a lot of other people love him. no one can decide on his motives and i think thats kind of the point. i like him personally but hes a raging asshole <3" - "Not a single DR fan I've ever met is neutral about Kokichi, he's perfect for this poll. I think he's a clever character with consistent internal logic, and his interactions with the other characters are as compelling as they are hilarious. He looks like a dog squeaky toy, and he plots like Artemis Fowl. He's one of my favorite characters in the series and I love him dearly." - "NOBODY CARES ABOUT THIS BOY'S PSYCHOLOGY AT ALL. HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF AND HIS IMAGE AND MADE EVERYONE HATE HIM AND CONSIDER HIM A MONSTER ON THE SLIGHT CHANCE HE COULD USE HIS LIFE TO HELP EVERYONE ELSE ESCAPE AND SURVIVE AND NOBODY CARES. THEY SHOW HIS BREAKDOWN AND NOBODY BELIEVES HIM. I'M SO TIRED" - "not only is he a danganronpa character (inherently controversial) he is also the antagonist and constantly lying because That's His Whole Deal. people either love him or hate his guts. he's a little piece of shit. i would submit komaeda but i feel like views on him are more positive, generally. sorry i have bad taste in video games" - "he's a horrible little guy trying his best in not very good ways what more could you want" - "I don't know, people say he's badly written because they don't pay attention to his arc beyond the cartoonish facade he very obviously forces, and they don't like him because he caused someone's death which like..fair (he did feel super bad about it though so its fine.) Some people also don't enjoy his wonderful personality and think he's a mean piece of shit, which he is, but it's fine. They're just sensitive." - "I know people don't like him because he's like. a shittier version of Komaeda. But that's what's so GOOD about him. He's a shitty asshole of a person, playing pretend at being a villain because he's desperate!!! I think that's really fun. He's dooming himself and I want him to be okay after everything ends, but he dies so he can't even have that much :(" - "so i saw you got submissions for him. but not enough i need to submit him myself he is my favorite character from anything ever. he is the silly man he is so funny one time (actually, two times if you count one optional interaction) he asked a robot if he had a dick and it's absolutely iconic i love him"
HATE: - "(dangan spoilers ahead if that matters) look ok i didn’t originally feel too strongly about kokichi. i think his character is interestingly written (can’t say well-written bc danganronpa but yaknow) and he adds a lot of charm to v3. i understand why he’s popular- he’s one of the few characters in v3 to have both a personality and plot relevance. but oh my GODDDDD he is not a good person!!!! and i am so SICK of seeing him woobified into ‘ooh little baby he did his best he wasn’t doing anything wrong’ JUST BECAUSE you find out he was trying to end the killing game after he dies doesn’t mean he wasn’t incredibly fucked up throughout the game!!! like he was incredibly manipulative, a bully, encouraged infighting, Literally Orchestrated A Murder And Protected Himself From Danger By Getting The Big Stupid Sweetheart To Do It which caused TWO unnecessary deaths and- oh yeah- tricked everyone into believing he was the mastermind and the world had ended to make them so depressed that they just wouldn’t do anything anymore bc can’t kill someone if you’re rotting away in your room!!! AUGH like he’s a good character but it’s BECAUSE he sucks that he’s interesting. maybe this is just the komaeda fan in me but sometimes!!! the character is cooler when you understand that they’re a bad person. at least komaeda gets an actual redemption arc. kokichi’s just an asshole that the game tries to make you sympathetic for at the very end but he spends the entire game being an asshole so why the hell would i like him??? and then i go in a fandom tag and it’s constant unending ‘kokichi did nothing wrong’ the whole point of his character is that he does EVERYTHING wrong. i truly feel like the dr team was trying to replicate komaeda’s popularity but it was messy and poorly handled bc he’s not even a bad person in an interesting way like komaeda he’s just got trust issues that lead him to be stupid and An Asshole. then again people eat it up so what do i know lmao. i love to hate that little shit i wanna punt him into the goddamn stratosphere. score a field goal with that asshat. this is all lighthearted btw i love to die on small hills" - "WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE HIM OH MY GOOOOOOD HES SUCH A FLAT CHARACTER HES A SODA I LEFT OUT FOR 3 DAYS kokichi oma is easily the WORST written danganronpa character. it has been a while since i was into danganronpa so the details are a bit fuzzy but my rage has NOT subsided. following the success of Easily One Of The At Least Top Three Best Written Danganronpa Characters known as nagito komaeda, kokichi had some shoes to fill. he instead showed up in clown shoes. kokichis whole premise is that you dont know if hes lying or not, him being a huge clown and causing shit for like a good third of the cast. kokichi was a simple character. hes a bitch, he sturs shit up, he eat hot chip and lie, it was FINE. not GREAT, but FINE. and then he died. suddenly— kokichi was from modest beginnings. he was actually a genius who was actually doing all of this to save everyone. he was a martyr. they TRIED to follow up on the success of nagito komaeda, and failed miserably. the guy literally has nazi imagery he didnt need to be complex he just needed to be an asshole and force the plot. for assholes that force the plot with actual good depth, may i interest you in byakuya togami? for guys who lie all the time with actual good depth, may i interest you in sou hiyori the beanie man himself from your turn to die [similar genre]? seriously. you guys could do SO much better. just... get better taste oh my GOD JUST BECAUSE HES A TWINK DOESNT MEAN HES WELL WRITTEN" - "Omg I hate this guy,,, people either baby him & make him a uwu soft boy or a funky clown dude, & both those types of people forget all the things he has done??? even if he "redeemed" himself in the end (which i don't think he did--) that still doesn't negate all of the things he did before??? actions speak louder than words but he could never rely on that bc all the does is lie anyway-- i have some strong opinions about him."
Peter Pan:
LOVE: - "My propaganda is that like. Half of the OUaT fandom is OBSESSED with this guy and the other half write fanfiction about their self-inserts beating the shit out of him. The tumblr sphere might be a bit too biased in favor of love and I doubt he'll make it far but from what I've seen people either adore this guy or want him dead in the streets"
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groenendaze · 2 months
Do you have any tips for getting into dog sports? I've got an 8-month-old dalmatian/gsd/pit mix (my absolute best friend and also the bane of my existence, teenagers are a menace lol) who's crazy smart and athletic. The stuff you do with your pups looks awesome and I think we'd both really enjoy it! I'm just not sure where to start to look for clubs/events/etc. Any advice is appreciated!
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Dog sports are one of those things where you either just happen to accidentally fall into it or you fight tooth and nail to find a place.
Some of the best ways to find places are to reach out to trainers/competitors in your area or close to you (FB and instagram are the easiest for this imo - if you have found any!). The rest depends on the sports you want to do and where you're located. A good way to try and find more sports would be to see if there are any in your area: google your city + "dog training club" or the sport you're looking for. See if any places offer classes (classes are a GREAT way to get started and test the waters!). Or look for events in your area and go watch! I wouldn't recommend trying to volunteer my first time watching an event, but it's a great place to get started and look for people who might know more people in your area that could help you. Most people are nice and like helping newbies out, but there are always some bad eggs in the pot!
Unfortuently, I'm not super great at finding non-American events, so I apologize if you aren't in the US! But if you are, there are a couple websites that you can check out. For AKC sanctioned events (FastCAT/AKC agility/Rally-O/Confo/etc), AKC has an event calendar.
For things like disc, you can check out UpDog's event page, Skyhoundz event page, USDDN (international), UFO (international), Quadruped, or AWI.
Agility has a couple besides AKC: UKI, CPE, NADAC, and USDAA.
Dock has a few with the main one being NADD and Ultimate Air Dogs.
For flyball, UFLI has a tournament list page. NAFA also does tournaments but I only do UFLI and NAFA's website looks like hasn't been updated since, like, the 90s.
There are other sports, like bitesports (PSA/IGP/Mondio/French Ring) or racing (AOK9, etc) but I know nothing about the racing world and bitesports are one of those sports (much like Flyball tbh) where you'd need to reach out to a club first because a club will make or break a dog.
I got into agility back in like, 2019 or something because I took classes from a local facility and went to some AKC events and asked around. I got into PSA because I googled "bitesports [city]" and found the closest club was an hour a half, so I emailed them. And then made that drive every weekend for 10 or so months haha (I put so many miles on my car). Moved to Wisconsin and reached out to a disc club local to me asking for a private lesson in disc on Facebook, ended up accidentally getting invited to play Toss & Fetch and my disc obsession spiraled from there. Ended up getting into flyball because I made friends with a lot of flyball people at disc. Everything else I've tried (like barn hunt/herding/etc) was a combination of looking on the AKC event page and going "I can do that", a friend going "you can do this, come to X event", or me frantically googling locations or sports or classes or private lessons.
When I first started out, I struggled a LOT. In Texas, there were quite a few places and clubs around me, but I only had about three months of that before I moved to Arkansas, which was a dog sport dead zone. I didn't have the connections or knowledge to even know where to look to get access to those places. It took me months to find the one single place where I could rent an agility field. I spent most of my time throwing a frisbee in a park not even knowing that disc was a dog sport I could compete in. Luckily, where I am now is pretty dominated by the sports I love and I've made a lot of really amazing connections which helps with knowing the who's/what's/how's of everything!
Good luck and I hope this helps!
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itsoka-y · 10 hours
Back on my bullshit with new (but not improved) headcanons about the ina11 kids because the hyperfixation do be hyperfixating. This time is about what kind of students they are, what subjects are they good or bad at or if they've ever gotten a write up (I think that's how you say it in English? But anyways a paper recording some misconduct within school grounds and all that)
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Contrary to (what I think is) popular belief, he can be somewhat decent at math once he gets the formulas through his head (he's terrible at showing the process tho, so he'll get the right answer but the teacher has to deduct points because he didn't provide how he reached said answer). His worst subject is English, and if the people at Level-5 weren't cowards and I could get things my way we would've seen him struggling to communicate with other teams during the FFI tournament (poor thing is a social butterfly and the fact he cannot properly befriend that one Italian kid or gossip with Domon and Ichinose's friends from Unicorn is torture for him). Speaking of him being a social butterfly, he's a chatterbox of a human, he'll talk to anyone who has ears to listen, therefore teachers don't know where the fuck to sit him in class because he'll yap his way into everyone's hearts (is not like he's misbehaving per se but it can be annoying from the teacher's perspective)
He got a write up just one (1) time and it was an accident. He overslept and by the time he got to school classes had already started and he freaked out a little, disrupting everyone inside the classroom before he got to enter. He then got a second write up because he didn't bring the first one signed by his mother on time.
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He's not too fond of things like literature, languages, art and such, which is a 100% influenced by his father, who I see as someone who completely dismisses anything related to humanities and says they are "easy" subjects and "what people who are not that smart like" (Shuuya wouldn't be that extremist, especially since he kinda sympathizes with the idea of liking/enjoying something society deems "useless" because of his father viewing his passion for football as such, but yeah he still kind of internalized his father's views on humanities, even if he's not as vitriolic as his old man). Because of that, both father and son got this agreement that it's okay for him not to excel in those subjects as long as he keeps his grades above a B ("You mustn't disregard those classes just because you don't particularly like them" is what his father tells him) and has straight As in everything else (aka the science subjects). So yeah, he's kinda cruising through school like that.
Personality wise, none of his teachers can gauge him, since he tends to keep to himself and just talks when talked to. He mostly socializes with the other players from the football team, so at the very least you know he's not a total outcast and has friends like a kid his age should, but yeah other than that you just can't get that much of a reaction out of him. So whenever his father goes to a parent-teacher conference he's just told Shuuya is "a pleasure to have in class" to make up for the fact that none of his teachers actually know this kid outside of his academic performance.
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Little shit has definitely corrected teachers the SECOND he caught an inaccurate fact leave their mouths. After being transferred to Raimon, most of his peers feared that he'd be one of those teachers pets that reminds them to assign homework for the weekend, but in reality he's very chill and doesn't really care about that.
In fact, most people expected him to join the student council alongside Natsumi and run that shit with an iron fist. The thing is, after leaving Teikoku, he doesn't want that kind of reputation for himself anymore. He's content with being the absolute commander on the field. Nothing more. Nothing else. But make no mistake, if he wanted to, he absolutely could.
He's really fucking good at everything. Kid is a full on renaissance man at age 14. Maths, literature, history, physical education, arts, you name it, his grades have never gone below a 90/100 (it happened one time and he was kinda sick that day ok?). You want to hate him out of jealousy but tbh you just can't help but be impressed (some teachers do be praying to catch him lacking tho, but they can't say nor do shit about it bc 1) he's not necessarily rude or impolite when talking back to the teachers, just sassy and 2) most importantly, they're scared shitless of his father. Perks of being adopted into wealth).
His biggest flaw is that he's a little stinker when it comes to people asking for his notes. He'll lend them (eventually) but he keeps track and will expect you to give them back in exactly one week time from the moment you get them (and it's not like he really needs them himself, let's be honest)
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Queenie got sent on her own to do some investigation on the other side of the world at age 14-15 for a whole season I think she should've come back with a full recognized degree in international relationships or something.
Anyways, the actual head of the student council anywhere she goes. She runs a tight ship. Takes no one's crap. Baby got business to tend to and has no time for yours or anyone's bullshit. Because of that she's got herself a completely misguided reputation of being a mean girl with a god complex, which couldn't be further from the truth. She likes things organized and under control, damn. They really hate to see a girlboss winning.
Any time they did a debate in class people felt the fear of God bc everyone knew whichever team she was in was going to be the immidiate winner. No one dares to utter a word against her in a group project. She just assumes the leader role (as she should) and starts leading them straight into the best fucking grade in the class.
She's got a good head on her shoulders as well. Like she's good at anything science related but she fucking sweeps within the humanities field. Especially once she's a bit older and can take elective courses in political science?? Or economy?? Her essays are college-dissertation level at age 16. She cites her sources as if she invented APA herself.
Everyone and their mother fears her as much as they admire her and I love that for her. She is THAT bitch.
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We love a woman in STEM 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Handwriting so neat you'll think she prints her notes. Absolute unit when it comes to chemistry and biology. Her lab reports are actually a work of art and there's not one decimal out of place (idk how a lab report works) I see her as having a calculator for brain and being really fucking fast with mental math.
She'd struggle a bit with subjects where she has to memorise things and then express her knowledge through words (basically, write essays) but she manages!! Thankfully short and direct sentences are her best friend and if she wants to spice things up she can always ask Natsumi to revise her work before turning it in (I also see her having insane time management skills, so she'll write the assignment weeks in advance and then the week before the deadline she'll have Natsumi revise it so she has time to touch up the things Natsumi tells her or rewrite parts if she needs to. Call that time management skills or call that anxiety. Your call)
Her main flaws are that she can easily turn into a doormat when working in group projects even if she sometimes feel like her classmates are not doing enough when it comes to work. On the same vein, she wants to participate more in class but in the end the sole idea of raising her hand to answer a question when the class is dead silent and have everyone's attention on her freezes her on the spot :( Elite member of the "pleasure to have in class" gang because she's so much of an introvert everyone mistakes it as her being super polite and well-behaved (teachers have sit down all of the class clowns next to her so they can "learn some manners" from her and it was hell. my poor baby)
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Atrocious handwriting. Not as bad as Endou's, but still, it's pretty damn hard to decipher her notes. Mostly due to the fact that, as a wannabe journalist, she has to take notes at the speed of a person's speech and cram as much information as possible. On the other hand though, she's an absolute champion when it comes to summarizing. In an exam, she starts writing very neat and tidy but as time goes by it starts deteriorating into a doctor's prescription (at some point she realizes she wastes too much time like that so fuck them teachers if they cannot understand her writing from the get go. She knows her shit).
She's a really good writer but when it comes to essays she has a tendency to overdecorate her sentences and the point she's trying to make can get lost in a sea of literary devices, so teachers had called her out on it.
She recognizes how interesting subjects like physics and biology are, but you make her do any kind of math calculation for them and she's done for. Thankfully she can always go to Fuyuka for help in that regard. Don't get it twisted, she loves her brother, and she knows when push comes to shove she can always rely on him to help her, but Kidou is not one to really explain things but rather repeat what the teacher said at a much slower pace thinking that's enough for anyone to understand (it isn't), hence why she mostly seeks Fuyuka. She stills passes her classes tho, once she gets the hang of a formula she becomes an ace at it, she just struggles a bit to get there. Other than that a really good student.
Also, everyone's business is her business. Knows the gossip on everyone and anyone within a 20 mile radius of the school, including teachers and staff. But you already knew that.
I'm going to leave this here for now bc I have a lot of things to say about a lot of characters and this is already long as it is (I think)
Soooo, like for a part two?
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sourbinnie · 11 months
♕ cicuta.mp3 ♕
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-> genre : non!idol au | angst | smut | fluff | all of it one bowl
-> pair : ot8!skz x fem!reader
-> warnings : this teaser contains mentions of smoking, swearing and cheating (mentioned).
-> plot : so how did you end up surrounded by the biggest rappers from the underground seoul scene? your brother was making it big (even if your parents didn't believe that was a real job) and you decided to join him at one of the finals to see him. let's say that's where it all went downhill…
-> appeareances from other idols, stay tuned!
a/n -> dude first fanfic ever in kpop world. i'm gonna try to update it whenever i can but i feel like i'm gonna be writing often since i'm putting my heart and soul on this one, might be a bit weird, a lil too explicit at times and a lil messed up but it's my baby.
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✘ intros ✘
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♕ bangchan ♕
chan got into freestyle and battles when he was 14. he always found it his safe space to go to the park with friends and engage in it. now many years later he still is fond of competitions and likes to participate whenever a global event takes place, he easily became a pro and one of the most known rappers in the scene. he knows he changed, knows that his face tats and his sleeves aren't really who he was when he started. but he likes the new him, likes how it makes him feel and what it shows. 
✘ 1997
✘ sydney
✘ 7 wins (2 international)
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♕ k-now ♕
minho didn't know how he fell in love with the scene, he just did. he wasn't that much into rap but after seeing so many battles, he started composing his lyrics and his need to be in competitions grew. at first he stumbled, he got made fun of but that only made him want to participate more. with time he got better and eventually as the man he stood today, he had 4 official wins in korea. his next goal was to make it through the international wave and he was so ready.
✘ 1998
✘ gimpo
✘ 4 wins
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♕ changbin ♕
changbin is probably the biggest name you could hear. he grew from the underground scene all the way to the top, being the korean artist with the most international wins. he didn't think much of it though, he was a down to earth man who just enjoyed rapping and if he happened to win, he just accepted it. the public would be surprised if he didn't win but he would just accept it. he didn't crave the tournaments, it was the other way around. everyone just wanted to have a piece of him but he ain't offering. 
✘ 1999
✘ yongin
✘ 9 wins (4 international)
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♕ hyun ♕
hyunjin just started his career. he used to be a watcher, a little kid watching his favorites fight it out and he knew he wanted to become a part of the scene and not stay in the crowd. now full of piercings, a bunch of tats and addiction to nicotine later, he was ready. he showed skill, he was promising was what the crowd thought and what he knew himself. he didn't have an ego problem (yes he did) but he knew he was good and would continue to smash it if they gave him a chance.
✘ 2000
✘ seoul
✘ 2 wins
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♕ han ♕
jisung knew he was born with the gift of freestyle. not only was he a fan of rap and hip-hop but he would compose so many bars at such a young age, even his friends from school would ask him to rap for them. so it was obvious that when such a young boy joined the scene, only to kill it in every verse that it would cause such a huge impact. he didn't think that when he flew to new york, he would win his first international competition against bangchan. yet that was the best moment of his life and he did not regret a single bit.
✘ 2000
✘ incheon
✘ 6 wins (1 international)
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♕ b.o.k ♕
felix was just starting to grow, his deep voice and calm aura were key to it. when he first arrived and saw what was happening on the parks, the way the crowd would act up with whoever was rapping, yeah needed to do that as well. he concentrated when the time would arrive and then would kill it slowly on the mic but it still wasn't enough to earn him wins. he needed to be more brutal, more threatening, have more courage, he had it in him at the end of the day. he needed to stop being afraid of fucking it up first though.
✘ 2000
✘ sydney
✘ 2 wins
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♕ min ♕
seungmin wasn't caught up in the rap scene at first. he was always the one who would put the vocals in their tracks, doing the chorus now and again but he got tired of it. he knew he had the lyrics to make it work so why not give it a try? needless to say that his fans absolutely loved the change. he was really well known already but as soon as he started the competitions, there was a shift to how he would act. let's stay he wasn't that friendly anymore but the fans ate up that image so? who cares what anyone else thinks?
✘ 2000
✘ seoul
✘ 3 wins
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♕ i.n ♕
jeongin learned what he knew from changbin. he looked up to him in a way he couldn't explain and his hyung taught him everything he needed to know. of course this brought a lot of bars against him in competitions but he would respond in such an effective way that no one dared to fight back. he wasn't covered in tattoos like changbin or had an intimidating voice like felix, but boy did he rap fast. he's got the flow, he's got the skills, he just needs the wins now and as the scene gets tighter, he knew he had to make it out.
✘ 2001
✘ busan
✘ 2 wins
✘ teaser ✘
"so you're mingi's sister?" bangchan asked or at least that's what i thought his name was. can you blame me? i'm not familiar and this is my first time here. i couldn't say though that i wasn't intrigued and a bit intimidated because he had a weird aura about him (or it's probably the face tattoos).
"yeah, it's the first time i'm seeing him compete." i said as i looked around because i thought he was right behind me but i lost track of him. i sighed as he probably got distracted with the first thing he saw or the first person he came across. "i don't know much about rap competitions though but i heard my brother and he's pretty good."
"oh yeah he's incredible. he was in the same group as wooyoung and hongjoong, they killed it in the scene back in the day. wow i'm sounding old as fuck." he said as he crossed his arms and i got a peek at the different designs that were covering him. "oh i'm chan by the way, kind obvious since that's almost my stage name but yeah whatever."
"i'm (y/n), nice to meet you." i said with a smile and he smiled back, damn dimples okay. not like i had a thing for dimples and tats at all, nope. it was easy to lie to myself but i needed to pull myself together, this was my brother's friend at the end of the day. 
"already flirting with someone? you've got a girlfriend christopher." another guy said as he approached us, oh my god more tattoos kill me now. but now i knew that chan was off limits and i would stick to being good, not gonna get involved in a cheating scandal, that's not me!
"shut the fuck up! this is mingi's sister dumbass." chan said and the other dude made the most shocked expression. okay so mingi did not talk about me at all which was good and bad, good because i did not like to be mentioned around but also if i knew it was full of guys like these, i would've liked them to know my existence. then again it wouldn't have been good because i would constantly be thrown around in verses.
"oh shit, hi i'm changbin. you probably heard of me because i'm wooyoung's best friend and he's very close to mingi." he said and of fucking course, how did i not recognize him? dude is practically one of the best rappers in korea. the fact that i was standing by two people that were masters of not only this scene but of music was huge to me and the fact that they were nice just made it better. 
"hi, yeah wooyoung is at my house a lot. please come pick him up, he practically lives there." i said, rolling my eyes, which caused them to laugh and god what a beautiful sound. no, boundaries (y/n) please, stay true to yourself and don't fall for the man with tats again. 
"(y/n) what are you doing with these old men? oh wait never mind, i'm older than bin by two days." he said as he got close to you and greeted chan and changbin with a smile. "i didn't expect you two here and it seems like you met my sister." 
"well changbin obviously came by to support jeongin since you're competing with him today. i have no idea what i'm doing here man, i practically live here." chan said, lighting up a cigarette which i found kinda odd since we were backstage and not outside but i was guessing no one really cared about that shit here.
"dude is a freestyle ancient, he has to be in all competitions." changbin said which earned him a punch in the shoulder from chan and a laugh from mingi and myself. "but yeah i gotta support my boy but i wish you the best as well."
"thank you man, really appreciate it." mingi said and looked at me, giving me a little smile which i gave him back as i hugged him. "gotta go on stage, don't drift too far away and fucking pray that i win."
"duh dumbass, that's why i came here!" i said smiling and giving him a pat on the back as he went out, all the lights focusing on him and the so-called jeongin or i.n. also there were the judges who were mostly composed from ex freestylers, rappers and previous winners. 
"let's get this show started." changbin said and chan just nodded as he looked at the screen but then he looked back. 
he gave me a wink and of fucking course i blushed. yeah this wasn't going to end well for me wasn't it?
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