#In all fairness tho I can see why people would ask about missing facial features
localguy2 · 1 year
Dude the fucking contrast in reaction to the new teaser between ninjago twitter and tumbler is so halrious
You have so many people on twitter going:
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"WHERE'S KAI'S BANDAG- oh there's Kai's bandage :)"
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And meanwhile ninjago tumblr is literally just:
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21 notes · View notes
istgimamess · 3 years
Reaction: [ S t r a y K i d s ] finding out their s/o is a [ S u p e r n a t u r a l C r e a t u r e ]
"...hi it's the anon from yesterday! so I'm not sure what way you do your reactions but something i haven't seen yet but would like to is a reaction to finding out that either their s/o or friend, whichever you'd prefer, is a supernatural creature (like werewolf, fae, witch, shape shifter, mermaid, demon, angel, anything really) for stray kids!
let me know if I didn't give you info that you need for a reaction or... if there are any problems with my request, I'm kind of shooting blindly since you don't have rules or anything right? so yea, i hope this is fine tho..."
[ C h a n ] finds out you’re an [ A n g e l ]
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His initial reaction:                                                       [ C o n c e r n e d ]
^ he’s logical, fair and patient—he’s known for having a logical minds and a fair judgment. He strives for fairness and justice constantly. This makes him a  wonderful mediator. He’ll analyze every situation with his little legal eagle brain and logical mind; with the help of that he can organize all things well and eliminate the irrelevant. So when you finally admit to being an angel, show him your wings, he’ll most like keep quiet. 
^ also, he’s a great listener—he’ll most definitely listen to your side of the story before making any irrational decisions about your relationship. This goes back to his logical, fair and patient way of thinking; he’ll most likely just sit there quietly and let you do the talking, the explaining. ^ he soaks up all the ideas and information around him like a big brainy sponge. He hates conflicts and confrontations and always watches his words while communicating, talking in a way as to not offend you. When he finally does say something, his words will be well thought out, calculated.
^ he always knows a lot more than he lets on, most likely he already knew you were abnormal—a bit different—from the very start of your relationship. And he was just waiting for you to get comfortable enough to admit it to him, to officially let him in on the secret.
^ he’s very understanding. He’s very thoughtful and interprets things that most people miss out on. This will be beneficial to you when you begin to try and explain to him why you kept this a huge secret for such a long time. He’ll see that it, your unwillingness to tell anybody your origin story, has nothing to do with him not being worthy of knowing. He won’t take it personally.
^ he’ll tell you like it is, straight up, because he’s an honest and upfront person. He’ll wait until you’ve finished explaining and when you question him on his thoughts and feelings in the moment, he won’t sugar coat it—which can be both good and bad.
^ but, also, he can smell bullshit from a mile away. If you omit any significant details, or lie in any way, he will catch on almost instantly. And he won’t be happy.
^ he’s loyal to the bone and fiercely protective of you; finding out you’re an angel won’t change that. If anything, he’ll feel even more protective of both you and your secret. ^ he’ll forgive but never forget. Even though he won’t show it on the surface, he’ll be extremely hurt that it took you so long to tell him. Logically he knows it has nothing to do with him, but emotionally it will feel like you just don’t trust him enough. He’ll forgive you for keeping such a monumental secret, but he’ll never forget that feeling. But once he listens to your story, does his own research, his concern for you will outweigh those hurt feelings.
“So I did some research,” he trailed off, you jerked at the echo of his voice in the otherwise silent room.
“Research? On what?” you gaze over at him, not quite meeting his eyes.
“You. Well, angel’s in general, but mostly you.” his voice is much lower, the silence drags on for a moment too long. It’s suddenly stifling. 
“And?” you breath out, still caught off guard.
“What does Éloa mean?” he questions, taking a step around the bed to face you, get a better look. You narrowed your gaze, heart suddenly in your throat. How did he find that name? Did he know? Was he just testing you? You take a deep breath, eyes dropping down to the carpet beneath his bare feet. You decide to just answer him, literally. “It’s the name of an angel.” He tilts his head, contemplatively. And there is something dangerous in his eyes, something you can’t quite place. “I’ve never heard of him.” “You wouldn’t have.” you pull the blanket closer to you, resisting the sudden urge to spread your wings, stretch them wide and flee.  “Was he a fallen angel?” his eyes are darker now, assessing, he definitely knows. You know he knows. So why wasn’t he saying? “She was, yes.” you hesitate, not wanting to give too much of your past away, but unable to stop yourself. “Lucifer tricked her into falling from heaven.” “Tricked her how?” he was still standing above you, he wouldn’t approach you, hasn’t since the night he caught you in full form.  You meet his gaze. “She fell in love with him.” His eyes narrowed, his face pulled into a grimace. How disgusting must it feel to find out your girlfriend is not only a fallen angel, but also a fallen angel who was once in love with Lucifer. You shrink, your wings drawing in closer to your body. “Did he love her?” Like an addict loves his addiction, you think, bitterly.. “The only way he knew how.”  He must have been able to see the pain in your eyes because, for a moment, pure concern crossed his features. He shook his head, schooling his expression once again. “How could he trick her?” “He never told her his name.” you whisper, your voice breaking. And suddenly he wasn’t across the room, standing above you at a distance—he was right in front of you, knee on the bed, arms around your shoulders. “Shhh, it’s okay, we don’t have to talk about it now.” He reached forward to cup your cheek, the touch surprising you. "Please understand that no matter what you are or what has happened in your past, I am yours. I am devoted to you above all else, including my own life."
You exhaled after holding your breath for what felt like forever, tears spilling over in excess. "That's pretty heavy, Chan." His expression was impassioned, and the backs of his fingers brushed the side of your neck, thumbs wiping away the wetness on your cheeks. "It is a burden I am glad to carry.” ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
[ C h a n g b i n ] finds out you’re a [ W e r e w o l f ]
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His initial reaction:                                                       [ C u r i o u s ] ^ he’s kind and protective. He feels responsible and is always willing to help you out when you’re in need. He will go to great lengths to make sure that you feel loved and you’re happy. He will always stand up for the underdog, (no werewolf pun intended.) This is beneficial to you because his compassionate heart will win out over his logical mindset. 
 ^ he’s extremely loyal. If there’s one trait imbedded in him, it is his loyalty. He physically won’t be able to turn his back on you—werewolf or not.
^ he’s also very honest. He tends to be extremely direct and straightforward with you. He gives honest feedback to you when you ask for it. He would never speak a white lie just to avoid conflict, or be deemed reasonable, so you wouldn’t have to worry about him bottling up his true thoughts, opinions and emotions on the subject. 
 ^ that being said, his honesty often comes off as excessive bluntness. Therefore, at first, you might catch some heat in that department. 
^ he, at times, can be very inflexible. When he has committed to something, in this case a way of thinking, he’ll fight tooth and nail to stick to that way of thinking. Regardless of how much proof he has in front of him, it will be difficult to convince him otherwise—especially when he grew up believing that werewolves were myth, not real.
^ once he has a significant amount of proof, though, he’ll be insanely curious on the matter and his crazy sense of humor will resurface.
“Wait, are you an alpha? An omega? Do you turn when you feel threatened?” his wide eyes, his random questioning—it all catches you off guard.
“I’m considered a dominant amongst my pack. And, yes, I guess I would if I felt threatened.” you nod slowly, holding his gaze. You’re the werewolf here, the freak of nature, but this boy—this human—is the weird one. 
“What’s a dominant? Are they more important than a submissive?” he crawls closer to you, his jeans catching on the carpet beneath you.
“Not necessarily. A submissive wolf is not incapable of protecting themselves: they can fight, they can kill as readily as any other. They are a treasure in a pack, just as important. A source of purpose and of balance.” you catch yourself quoting your great grandmother, the very first female dominant in your pack, a rare, smart, capable wolf.
“Then why does the dominant wolf exist? If a submissive wolf is just as capable, just as important, why make the distinction?” he interjects, your baffled at his level of curiosity.
“Because even through submissives are just as capable and important, they’re very different. It’s a dominants job to protect those beneath them.” you pause momentarily, watch a multitude of expressions cross his face. “Protecting a submissive is far more rewarding because a submissive will never wait until you are wounded or your back is turned to see if you are truly dominant to them. Submissive wolves can be trusted. And they unite the pack with the goal of keeping them safe and cared for.”
There is a long moment where you just stare at each other, his eyes glazed over, a childlike expression on his face. “So you’re a werewolf trapped in a human body?”
You stifle a laugh, unable to control your facial expression. "Well, yeah, that's kind of the definition."
"No, really. You’re trapped?” his eyes widen slightly, he leans forward, anticipating your answer.
"Oh? Are you trying to ask me the last time I shifted?" you voice, confusion written all over your face.
“Yes.” he nods enthusiastically. You briefly debate telling him about the traffic incident, but ultimately decide against lying.
“On your birthday.” you admit, sheepishly. “There was a lot of traffic and I was running late.” you trail off, suddenly awkward. But then he laughs, big and loud, throwing his head back.
“That’s so cool! I want to be a werewolf. How do I get a werewolf to attack me?" he smiles wide. And you roll your eyes, shake your head in pseudo disappointment. “Stand in the middle of a forest under a full moon with a raw steak tied to your face, holding a sign that says, 'Eat me; I'm stupid'?”
[ H y u n j i n ] finds out you’re a [ M e r m a i d ]
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His initial reaction:                                                       [ P r a c t i c e d ]
^ he’s very empathetic with a lively imagination and a friendly disposition. He has a boundless capacity for empathy even with those who he barely sees eye to eye with. This is great for you because, even if he is initially angry that you kept such a secret from him, he’ll still empathize with your situation, your story.
^ he’s more emotional than your average guy. He is intune and prone to the infectious emotion of those around him. If he see tears, he will likely cry. If he can sense hurt in your voice, it will sadden him also. 
^ he will love you unconditionally no matter what or who you are.  ^ he’s selfless and generous. No matter how big the secret, how hurt he is from your omission, he will always be there when you need someone. Because he is so practiced in the idea that he can’t live without you, he will always show up when you need him.
^ that being said, because of his idealistic nature, you can often find him walking alone. He can be overly trusting and it often leaves him feeling betrayed, hurt and vulnerable. He might view your lack of openness, truthfulness, as a betrayal within your relationship. And that might make conversation with him, for a while, very stilted. He’ll seem impassive at first, but he will eventually warm back up to you.
^ he’s not one to give up easily. He puts in the work to get what he wants in life and he won’t let it slide away without a fight. He won’t let you go over something like this, not after he’s just got you.
There, with bare feet and drenched hair, you were crouched like a child. Upon hearing him approach, you looked up, peered into his dark, hesitant eyes. You wore only an enormous men’s sweater, his sweater—with no extravagant pattern or color, the sweater was a dull beige. Your knees were pulled up inside of it, thin pale ankles peeking out from underneath. The wool sweater alone was dry, as the rest of your head, hands, and feet were as wet as if you’d just been pulled from drowning. Tiny rivers flowed off your hair and pooled on the wool sweater, leaving it dark in splotches. Water droplets glistened on your skin, not running off, as though they couldn’t quite bear to leave you. His eyes held yours in a way his hands did not. His empathetic gaze schooled, his expression practiced, controlled.
“So...a mermaid?” you twist your head the other direction, his voice breaking your concentration momentarily. At this he took a sudden step forward, as if compelled. He had caught a glimpse of pink gills under your chin, his busy eyes dancing along your neck with a new found curiosity. You became overwhelmingly self conscious, tucking your chin, keeping your neck hidden from his view. It had always taken your gills longer to disappear than your tail. 
“My mother told me stories of mermaids. She said they sometimes sing to humans to lure them underwater.” his voice trailed off, momentarily. “But you have a horrible voice.” your gaze snaps up, catching the mischievous look in his eye, his grin.
His teasing catches you off guard, you fumble with your words, “Yeah, well...I've been practicing. Want to hear?” you glare at him, halfheartedly.
He lets out a soft laugh, “I'm always happy when I'm surrounded by water, I think I'm a Mermaid too...or at least, I was a mermaid in a past life.” he crouches down, he’s much closer to you now.
“Are you in pain?” you choke out, the idea of him hurting, in any way, unbearable to you. You don’t know why you asked that, he’s obviously just joking—keeping a steady conversation with you, trying to keep you calm.
“Pain? Why would I be in—” he trails off, eyes snapping in your direction. “Wait, are you in pain?” the absolute, genuine concern in his voice has you pulling up short. Your breathing shallow.
“Mermaids hurt when we’re in human form.” you admit, quietly, eyes glued to the rocks on the horizon.
“But...but you never look like you’re in pain, you’re always smiling, always so...graceful—” he cuts himself off abruptly, eyes narrowed. It’s as if he’s angry at himself for not catching on to your discomfort much sooner. “What does it feel like?”
“When your tail divides and shrinks until it becomes legs, it’s very painful. It feels as if a sharp sword is slashing through you. Everyone who sees a mermaid on legs will say that they are the most graceful human being they’ve ever laid eyes on—” you remember, vividly, all the times you were complemented for your gliding movement; not even a seasoned dancer is able to tread as lightly as you. “But every step you take feels as if you are treading upon knife blades so sharp that blood must flow.”
There is silence, the ocean waves brushing against the sand, caressing the shore—it’s the only noise you hear for a moment. 
“Then shall I take you home and put you in the bathtub?” his unsystematic question is enough to pull you out of your thoughts completely, his brand of humor easily calming you in your panicked state. You’re suddenly very thankful.
“How do you always know just what to say?" you ask, a smile on your lips. His laugh rumbles through you as he puts his arm around your damp shoulders. "Practice, I guess."
You pull back and give him a quizzical look.
"I spent three years imagining what I would say to you if you were mine," he says, tugging you closer. “I should hope I know what to say now that I've finally got you.” ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
[ J i s u n g ] finds out you’re a [ D e m o n ]
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His initial reaction:                                                       [ B e w i l d e r e d ]
^ he’s very intelligent and he’s always ready to expand his knowledge reserves. He usually has a systematic approach to life, he always ensures that he doesn’t miss any loophole behind. So when he finds out about you being a demon, he’s both bewildered and inquisitive.
^ he’s usually very calm and collected on the surface. But underneath he has a great intensity that demands he bring order to his world. He struggles with the need to rearrange his frantic interior beneath the calm exterior until everything is perfect. This might make him seem more freaked out, frightened, than he actually is.
^ he is highly patient with you and always tries to find the good in everything around him. So in reality, even though he initially seems frazzled at your confession, he will actually give you enough time to fix up your act—explain yourself—when need be.
^ he can, at times, be very judgmental. He tends to appraise and judge people based on one particular viewpoint in that person’s life—especially if he doesn’t know that person well enough. That being said, your relationship is solid enough to outlast his initial judgment.
^ he can also be very fussy, as sometimes he gets lost in the details. His strong likes and dislikes make him quite finicky at first. And he’ll definitely feel some type of way that you kept him in the dark for so long.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All the demons of Hell formerly reigned as gods in previous cultures. No it's not fair, but one man's god is another man's devil. As each subsequent civilization became a dominant power, among its first acts was to depose and demonize whoever the previous culture had worshipped. The Jews attacked Belial, the god of the Babylonians. The Christians banished Pan and Loki, the respective deities of the ancient Greeks and Celts. The Anglican British banned belief in the Australian aboriginal spirits known as the Mimi. Satan is depicted with cloven hooves because Pan had them, and he carries a pitchfork based on the trident carried by Neptune. As each deity was deposed, it was relegated to Hell. For gods so long accustomed to receiving tribute and loving attention, of course this status shift put them into a foul mood.
And when Hell, itself, was in a foul mood, demons—specifically the ones planted here on earth—got the brunt of it. So to say you were in a bad mood would be an understatement. In hindsight, it might not have been the best decision on your part to agree to speak with Jisung about your origins in that moment.
“It’s not fair.” his voice wavers, the emotional confrontation taking a toll on him.
“What, that I’m a demon or that you managed to date me?” you bit out, tersely. “Don’t.” his voice was abruptly dark. 
“No, you’re right, it’s not fair—but what makes earth feel like Hell is your expectation that it should feel like Heaven. Earth is earth. Dead is dead. Good is rarely good and bad is always bad. You’ll find out for yourself soon enough. It won’t help the situation for you to get all upset.” you snap back at him, voice just as dark.
‘‘What’s that supposed to mean? Are you threatening me now?” his eyes narrow.
“How miserably hypocritical,” you respond with a growl. “You think it’s such a burden for you to be tricked into dating the devils servant? What about the burden of me being me?” your voice is much lower now, your practically spitting venom in his direction. “No sooner am I offered a chance to flee Hell than I yearn to stay.”
“I didn’t want this.” his dark eyes, his bewildered gaze reflecting a huge amount of regret.
“Few families hold their relations as closely as do prisons. Few marriages sustain the high level of passion that exists between criminals and those who seek to bring them to justice. It’s no wonder the Zodiac Killer flirted so relentlessly with the police. Or that Jack the Ripper courted and baited detectives with his—or her—coy letters. We all wish to be pursued. We all long to be desired. That’s what I did, I pursued you, I desired you. Anything beyond that is your fault.” you turn, ready to flee out the door, the overwhelming urge to hurt something, someone, frightening you.
“My fault!? Is it my fault that I want you? That I want that feeling of standing with you against all odds and succeeding? That I want it so bad, I’d risk destroying everything I’ve worked for?” he spits at your back, crossing the room in a long stride to block your path to the door. “Is that my fault? I should walk away. But all I want to do is follow you, out that door, down the street, all the way back to hell.” his fists are clenched, his face red, you’ve never seen him so frustrated—with you or himself. “What the hell am I doing, falling in love with a demon?”  His sudden confession almost knocks you from your feet. Anger and confusion painting his face.
“You love me?” you whisper in a fit of shock.
“Yes.” he whispers right back, voice matching yours, as if his own confession shocked him as well.
“Enough to follow me all the way to hell?” you’re baffled.
“Well, according to Google, 98.3 percent of lawyers end up in Hell. That's in contrast to the 23 percent of farmers who are eternally damned. Some 45 percent of retail business owners are Hellbound, and 85 percent of computer software writers.” he hums to himself, pausing in thought. “Perhaps a trace number of musicians ascend to Heaven, but statistically speaking, 100 percent of them are cast into the fiery pit. As are essentially 100 percent of journalists and redheads.” he finishes with a satisfied nod. “Readheads?” you cock your eyebrow, completely thrown by the turn of conversation.
“What? I told you! I googled it.” he smiles, oddly proud of himself.
[ F e l i x ] finds out you’re a [ V a m p i r e ]
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His initial reaction:                                                       [ P l a y f u l ]
^ like Jisung, he’s appears very calm and collected on the surface; he will struggle with his external facade and his internal need demanding order. This might make him seem very impassive in the moment, as he tends to shut down when confronted with mixed and conflicting emotions.
^ he has an analytical mind that can see things in black and white. He is capable of finding solutions to tough problems, always. He has a keen attention to detail, and likes to absorb everything before making a decision. So he will probably, like Chan, be very quiet and expressionless during your confession.
^ he has a very clever mind. And he will go through all possible elements of thinking before making any decision—so you won’t have to worry about fear, disgust or uncertainty driving him to make an impulsive decision about your relationship.
^ he’s very honest with you, he will always tell you exactly how he feel about you—to your face. He doesn’t like to sugar coat his words. For him, honesty is the best policy, even if the truth hurts. So when he does settle his mind, his inner conflict, enough to respond to you articulately—you might experience some unintentional savagery, but it most definitely will not last for long.
^ he’s pretty old school, a bit conservative and old fashioned. He’s not really into modern changes and prefers things in their old traditional ways. This is beneficial to you, in the given situation, because you are much much older than you seem. Your aura brings that old fashioned feel, and he will still appreciate that—even after realizing why.
^ once he wraps his head around the concept, around the idea of you being a vampire and living off of blood, he’ll be extremely playful. He’ll love to tease you, and honestly, he’s the type to be into a little blood play.
“Yeah, I get it, you're a vampire," he said. "Creepy. And okay, a little hot, I admit." 
"You don't mean that." you gape in his direction.  "Come on. I still like you, you know, even if you... crave plasma." You blink once, twice, and it’s as if you’ve never seen him before. “You what?"
"Like. You." Felix enunciated slowly, as if you might not know the words. "Idiot. I always have. What, you didn't know? We’re literally dating." he sounded cool and grown-up about it, but you saw the hectic color in his cheeks, under the moonlight.
"How clueless are you? Does it come with the fangs?" he sniffs, eyes darting around him, never really settling on you.
"I guess I...I just thought.... I don’t know. I just didn't think...You're kind of intimidating, you know." you finally admit. "I'm intimidating? Me? You’re the vampire here!” he spluttered out. "You're the one who's intimidating. I mean, come on. All that power, and you look... Well, you know how you look." 
"How do I look?" you were fascinated now, you moved a little closer to him on the couch. He laughed nervously. "Oh come on. You're a total model-babe." 
"You're kidding." you deadpan, completely caught off guard.
"You don't think you are?" he shot back at you, side eyeing your expression. You shook you head."Then you're kind of an idiot. Smart, but an idiot." he crossed his arms, momentarily lost in though. “So? What exactly do you think about me, except that I’m intimidating?” he questioned after a moment of silence.
“I think you’re…you’re…ah, interesting?” your the one tripping over your words now. If you were capable of blushing, you’d be beet red. “I think you’re kind of beautiful...for a human. And really, really strange.” You look away, keeping your eyes on the opposite wall.
“Beautiful? But I’m a boy.” he whines.
“Boys can be beautiful too, it’s not subjective to one gender. Besides, beauty is a state of being—it’s inside—not just physical attractiveness.” you reprimand him for his narrow mindedness.
He smiled and looked down, the color in his face deepened. “Thanks for that,” he murmured, “I thought you only considered me to be bratty.”
“Well, to be fair, you are bratty.” you smile, peeking at him out of the corner of your eye.
“Hey!” he gasps, affronted.
“What? You can be bratty and beautiful,” you shot back, repeating yourself once more. “I think it’s interesting.”  There was a beat of silence, “So, your not scared of me? You don’t hate me?” you whispered into the dark room. Before he could even open his mouth to reply, you continue, “I have been stabbed, shot, burned, bitten, beaten unconscious too many times to count, and even staked. None of those would hold a candle to the pain I’d feel if you hated me, if you were scared.”
His dark eyes find you in the light of the moon, his hand reaching out to intertwine with your. He opens his mouth, closes it and opens it once more—as if trying to articulate his feelings properly, as if trying to find the words. “That's pretty hot," his deep voice carries in the otherwise quiet room.
"What? Me being staked?" you admonished, unprepared for the turn of conversation.
"Well, no. Of course not. I meant the idea of getting rough with you is hot. I'm a big fan of full-contact sports." he wiggled his eyebrows in your direction, his voice playful, and you couldn’t help but laugh. Throwing your head back, you squeezed his hand, “I'm sure you are.” ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
[ J e o n g i n ] finds out you’re a [ N y m p h ]
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His initial reaction:                                                       [ D e l i g h t e d ]
^ he’s incredibly open-minded and tends to think and do things differently than others. He thinks for himself and likes to keep an open mind about all things. He’s not the type to judge a book by its cover. So you won’t need to worry about any judgment being thrown your way.
^ he’s a true free spirit, meaning any attempts to keep him from being who he really is will make him turn away. This is great, because he has learned to treat others as he wishes to be treated; he won’t ask you to suppress who you are, or change in any way, for the fear that you might do the same to him.
^ he’ll most likely need some space and freedom to work through his thoughts on your unusual upbringing. However, he will be very vocal about exactly why he needs space, as to avoid any miscommunication. He would never up and leave you for being open and honest with him and he wouldn’t want you to think otherwise.
^ like Jisung, he is also quite the intellectual. He can amaze anyone with his original ideas; this is great because, right off the bat, he will be so overwhelmed with curiosity, overflowing with questions, he won’t have the time to be upset with you.
^ sure, he’s a bit of an intellectual rebel and he will loudly defend his opinions, but he’s also willing and open to learning. Ultimately, telling him you’re a forest nymph will be like telling him you had grapefruit for breakfast. He has a great power to form and understand abstract concepts and conform and adapt to new information like he’s known it his whole life—like it’s no big deal.
^ he’ll be delighted with your honesty, insanely curious and extremely playful.
^ he’s also very stubborn at times. It is often hard to change his mind about something once it is set for. But you’re close enough to actually succeed in this area, an area which others have failed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You wake up sudden—a chill crawling down your spine—in a puddle of cool sunlight. Your hands asleep beside you, your hair draped on the lawn like a mantle of cloth. Frost grows on the window glass, forming whirlpool patterns of lovely translucent geometry, and you stare up, momentarily forgetting where you are. Sitting up slowly, you lean forward and breath on the glass, giving the frost more ammunition. Now the winter nymphs can build castles and cities and whole ice continents with your breath’s vapor. In a few blinks you can almost see them moving in, ready to do their seasonal damage to your lovely forest, to your home.  That’s when you hear it, a shift in the cool grass. And suddenly he’s right there, crouched down beside you. He rocks forward, and hisses in an attempt to scare you out of your thoughts. But you knew he was there the entire time, you could sense his presence. He could never truly sneak up on you in the forest, not with the many trees and plants and animals—the many eyes and ears.
You turn to him, with a bored expression, “Really? That’s all you got?”
You stretch your wings, hear their crackle, as a show of complete content.
“Not fair! How did you know? I was really quiet this time!” he pouts, whining about how unfair it is. “Also, why are you out here? It’s kind of cold.” he finally sits down, pulling his knees up to his chest.
You shrug your shoulders, resisting the urge to smile. There’s a pause, a beat of silence, where you both gaze up at the outer side of the house; the windows covered in frost catching your attention, yet again. And then you feel his gaze on you.
“It’s nice.” he whispers and you turn your head to face him, confused.
“That you exist.” he smiles at you and you feel your heart drop.
“I think humans don’t want merely to see beauty...we want something else which can hardly be put into words—” he cuts himself off, momentarily, watching your face carefully. “We want to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to become part of it. I think that’s why we have peopled air and earth and water with gods and goddesses, and nymphs and elves.” he trails off again, and you’re left speechless. His dark eyes catching on the curves and lines of your face.  And then the moment is broken, he looks away, back up at the frost bitten windowsill. But your heart still thumps in your throat. “And this is nice," he begins with a sigh. "Like...one of those paintings where a nymph or Athena is drawing the gods and goddesses." your eyes follow his gaze back up to the windowsill, you see that he’s referring to the intricate designs hidden within the frost. Winter nymphs have a tendency to hide such patterns, such art, in their work.
You hum in agreement. “And here I was thinking you were an utterly uneducated human," you said teasingly.
"I am a student," he responded with hauteur. "I am classically educated.”
"Plus, nymphs are pretty," he adds, in after thought.
You laugh. "I could stare at them all day," he continued. His tone was carefully neutral, but his eyes never left yours. And you found you couldn’t look back, and not blush. He reached over, delicately pulling you into his side—it was only then that you realized how closely he held you, and how the gentle incline of the hill brought you almost eye to eye with him.
One side of his mouth twitched. "Your cheeks are like cherries." he chortled, delighted.
You tucked your chin into the wool of his coat. "It's cold," you said, defensively. He shook his head. "I am not complaining. I think they're rather charming. They make you look like a winter nymph.”
“I find that really offensive.” you grumble in response, the forest nymph and fairy blood in you disliking the comparison all together. He laughs, warmly, and pulls you even closer. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
[ S e u n g m i n ] finds out you’re a [ W i t c h ]
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His initial reaction:                                                       [ R e l u c t a n t ]
^ he’s highly reliable, it’s in his blood to keep up with commitments. People often completely rely on him to complete complicated tasks with efficiency and perfection as he is naturally very rational. It’s that rational side of his mind that will force him to listen to your explanation to the end.
^ he would never, consciously, let you down; he consistently gives his best to meet your expectations. He’s the first to answer your call and the last to leave a situation when you’re in need. This will be beneficial to you as he will be compelled to stop, listen and hear you out.
^ like Felix, he is extremely analytical. He will think everything through—weighing the options, good and bad—before making a decision about your relationship.
^ at first he’ll be quite reluctant, hesitant and unwilling to budge in his prejudice. It’s something he can��t help, growing up believing witches are evil, dark, dangerous and manipulative. But deep down he knows you, and this will be all he needs to encourage understanding and acceptance.
^ he’s a problem solver. He likes to tackle problems of close ones and the people around him. At first it might seem like he’s trying to control the situation, but you will soon realize that he is only analyzing your situation to find ways of helping you improve your life.
^ he can be critical at times, overly demanding. It’s because he already has a clear picture in his mind about how things should be done. But he’s also open to change, and once he comes to terms with your witchy ways, he will become the most supportive boyfriend you could ask for.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “So tell me about it,” he interjected, pulling you away from your inner dialogue. 
“What?” you look up from your study table, eyes meeting his across the room.
“Are you a good witch or a bad witch? Do you practice Black Magic? Have you ever put me under a spell?” his face is blank, expressionless, but his voice gives away his anger and confusion.
“There is no such thing as White Magic or Black Magic.” you turn you head away from him, unable to accept him being so cold and cruel to you. “If you are participating in magic, you are interfering with the natural order of how life would have developed without your hand in it. You are manipulating reality to suit your own personal needs. Regardless of whether you perceive it as "positive" or "white light", you are manipulating life. And just like life, it’s not black and white, all good or all bad.” you trail off, your stomach in knots. It’s best to be truthful, you know this, but it hurts you to think that something like this could damage you relationship. Or worse, end it. You feel the telltale signs of tears forming in your eyes, the heat almost unbearable.
“And no, I’ve never—I would never use it on you.” there is a brief silence and despite him approaching you, stepping much closer, you resolutely keep your eyes lowered. 
“Can you tell me about them?” his voice was much softer now, much too close. You look up into his eyes and realize he’s referring to the plants on your bed side table. You take a deep breath to steady yourself, slowly stand up from the chair and turn towards your bed.
“These are tropical palms. They bring strong solar energy into your home that break up stale energy, and keep your home safe from nasty spiritual entities.” you trail off, carefully watching his expression. “This right here is African violet, and it’s associated with love and magic. But I use it because it’s vibrant purple flowers pull lunar energy into your home. Lunar energy is most important to those in my coven.” you whisper, the vivid memory of your grandmother and aunt surrounding themselves, filling their homes, with African violets almost brings tears to your eyes. “Aloe is associated with the water element because the gel inside the leaves. They’re cooling and healing.” you continue on, pulling yourself out of your reminiscing. 
Finally you turn to the last plant, your moms personal favorite. “The clusters of star shaped flowers that grow on the long tendrils of the hoya, also called a wax plant, produce truly intoxicating nectar whose aroma fills the whole house. It also bestows blessings on anyone who smells it.”  You wait for him to say something, still avoiding his unnerving stare, unsure you want to even see his reaction.
“This stuff? These plants? They really mean a lot to you, don’t they?” his voice is barely there, a whisper, but his words still have the same affect. You blink, once, twice, and the tears you were so set on holding back, fall.
Suddenly he’s there, pulling you closer to him, guiding your head into the space between his neck and shoulder. His warm embrace is enough to comfort you by itself but he still whispers to you, “It’s okay, it’ll be okay. I’m not mad. I won’t leave you. It’s okay.”  And, for once, you truly believe it.
[ M i n h o ] finds out you’re a [ S h a p e s h i f t e r ]
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His initial reaction:                                                       [ E n t h r a l l e d ]
^ he’s focused and competitive. When he wants something he just goes for it. Also, when he sets his sight on something (you) he allows very few things to get in his way and does anything to achieve his goal (to be with you.) This focus, this competitive nature, will keep him present and attentive during your confession. 
^ he’s also extremely brave and daring. He isn’t afraid of challenges in life, so what appears to be a crazy risk to more conservative people is just a normal day for the brave-hearted Minho. Because of this, he won’t be afraid. When you tell him, show him, what you really are—he’ll be more enthralled than fearful or confused.
^ one of the great things about Minho is his loyalty to you. He values trust and honesty making him a fiercely loyal boyfriend, and he expects you to be the same way. That being said, he most likely will be upset that you felt the need to keep such a secret. But he will quickly get over it, dismiss those feelings, once he realizes just how honest you’re being with him in the present. ^ he respects you and treats you with amazing loyalty, generosity and kindness. Him finding out you’re a shapeshifter definitely will not change that.
^ however, it most likely will take him a hot second to be content within your relationship dynamic again, as a part of him perceived your lack of truthfulness as disloyalty. There's a pretty good chance that your actions will cause some big-time resentment to him, at least for a while.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “It’s okay, I mean if you want to, if you need to—” he trails off, his eyes sympathetic. “I’m okay with it.” 
You look at him ready to cry again. Not out of pain. Not out of need. But because his words rub that part of your soul that suffers, that wants to be explored like a virgin land that has remained intact for centuries and craves to be occupied, appreciated and transformed. So you let yourself go.
You groan as your limbs lessen into shorter proportions and your neck stretches. Auburn-coloured fur emerged upon your fevered skin, and the sounds of your bones cracking, shifting in an echo around the cold mountain side. Your snout elongates and your teeth sharpen.
You were panting and, with one last shudder, your body slides from human to fox in a crack. Minho stood there, face drawn up in a twisted expression full of empathetic pain, watching the frost dissipate on your hot tongue, sending tiny rivulets of steam into the air. In this form, the world was sharp and clear, he was sharp and clear. You never realized how many different colors of shadow there were, how the angles of his face cast such an array of shade. It made you savor the dark beauty of the cold evening even more.
Minutes passed by—him staring at you, and you staring at him—both of you almost caught in a trance. When a little blue butterfly fluttered up to you, and landed on your snout. You blinked at it and it fluttered to your ear; it was winter, cold and lifeless on the mountain side, why were there suddenly butterflies? A big yellow butterfly gently floats over and lands on your paw, and as if reading your mind, Minho cocks his head to the right, “Well, that’s different.” 
Soon a whole swarm of them float up and down around you, like a swirl of multicolored petals. It happened once before, in your backyard, when you shifted on a late afternoon.
Your magic must be strong enough, in that moment, to attract them—despite the weather and location. Butterflies were small and light, and very magic sensitive. For some reason you made them feel safe and they gravitated to you like iron shavings to a magnet. Minho let out a quiet giggle as a bigger butterfly landed on your forehead and you shook it off, affronted. Resisting the urge to fight the assault, you took a step back. They ruined your ferocious badass image, but you’d have to be a complete beast to swat butterflies.
Now if a baby deer frolicked out from between the mountains and tried to cuddle up, you would yip. You wouldn’t bite it, but you would most definitely yip, maybe even growl. You had your limits. Minho slowly approached you and reached out, his fingers hesitant. You tilted your head down, letting him touch your ears. His hand trembled slightly as he caressed the fluffy protrusion. You knew they were warmer than he thought they’d be, a living extension of the human inside. He petted your pelt next, charmed by the coarse fur and the feel of your muscles bunching and moving underneath. Finishing off with your tale, he ran his fingers through it, slowly, thoroughly.
Sitting back, he winked down at you. "You probably get this a lot, but…I like your backside.” he laughed at your annoyed yip. “What? It’s so fluffy.” You stretch back into human form, the change much easier in reverse, and look up at him from the ground. “Always gotta be the smartass, don’t you?” you roll your eyes, with a smile.
To the beautiful anon who requested a supernatural s/o reaction [Stray Kids,] I hope you like it!!! 😅😅 It was superrrr fun to do, so thank you for the request, loveee! 🥰
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comicteaparty · 6 years
September 20th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on September 20th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on The Hunter of Fenaur by CalimonGraal.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing The Hunter of Fenaur by CalimonGraal~! (http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin! NOTE Disclaimer about today’s questions: Questions have been written with the assumption at least some people have only read The Hunter of Fenaur and not Cali’s other comics. Keep that in mind with your spoilers.
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Draco Plato
I really enjoyed the restaurant scene, the facial expressions were adorable and I enjoyed the back and forth between the characters~!
i really enjoyed iris being like whatever to how ever much money he was spending.
This page gave me a good laugh
Draco Plato
hahah I enjoyed that too
take it offfffff
i actually think scene wise ivan getting to the place where thistle is dancing is my favorite. theres a lot of great illustrations and good energy.
Draco Plato
his little cameo in the back
ivan always showing up in the pervy places
I actually really liked chapter 3! http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/comic/28 I relate so much to "holy crap everything here is expensive"
Iris, though... I mean, it's nice that he ordered what Thistle wanted, but... :| I feel like in some ways that's crossing a line
but he's trying to win Thistle over, so... I dunno, it's just something that makes me slightly uneasy.
haha i worried about that
its okay for me i also wondered if thistle even wanted a pansket. cause thistle couldve just been looking for that under the assumption itd be the cheapest
Well, from a comic side, it's fine. It shows their personalities. But if it was me on that date, I'd be like... "wait what"
Draco Plato
i wondered that too rebel, lol
Thankfully it ended up being that's what Thistle wanted.
Draco Plato
yeah i felt like if that had been me i'd have been a bit offended, like iris was coming on way too forcefully(edited)
nah personally im with you. i would be pissed if iris did that and would probably leave XD
http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/comic/46 The bottom of this page
Draco Plato
what about it?
Oh wait, it was the one before it
Silly me
But good to see we got a dance lover in this story
Iris strikes me as wanting to unsettle thistle just a smidge. "Don't get too comfy"
tbf i think that might be true. cause you dont want your persons of interest to be too comfy when youre getting ready for an interrogation
although alternatively, iris might just not get out much
and just thinks its normal
secretly this is iris' first date and he spent 2 hours deciding what to wear
I have to say the restaurant scene. Thistle is so adorable eating those fancy food.
Draco Plato
takes two hours to decide what to wear and shows up in the same outfit XD
@RebelVampire Great, now I'm thinking of all the ways you can make someone comfy during an interrogation.
^That's me on a busy day
clearly iris decided that he should look casual and not come off as overly eager O_O
maybe iris did it this way so many times he thinks this is how a normal date is like
iris is the victim of the gold diggers
which to be fair
fenaur is probably full of them
cause fenaur is a terrible planet /shot
Draco Plato
iris just showing off his rich fancy pants self
Iris and his pants
Draco Plato
Waiter, I'll buy the whole menu
actually surprised he didn't do that XD
"That'll be one million dollars."
Ask the person to go on date. 5mins later... "Hey, are you the dude I'm looking for?"
"This is all business, no pleasure. That'll be in a few days."
wait wait wait
iris you cant wait till then to ask if youre making thistle uncomfy XD
that ship sailed at dinnedr
Draco Plato
"This aint uncomfy at all"
"So you're wasting my time" No, hes getting paid
Draco Plato
I'm sorry is my stalker nature uncomfortable
the questions are less work aren't they xD(edited)
Draco Plato
i did wonder why iris didn't just pay for him and only talk
I thought it was kinda a jerk thing to actually use him as a whore by actually sleeping with him based on what his ambitions are
especially knowing that thistle isn't that into him atm
granted thistle said it was fine
but maybe that was just to shut iris up too
Honestly, it wasn't until chapter 4 page 15 that I actually imagined Thistle having a deeper voice. I'd imagined he was putting on a falsetto to sound demure and then on this page he's all like: "Hmph. I highly doubt it" And Iris is all like "Dropped the bass too soon"
Thistle said his boss would be mad if he didn't do his job
Draco Plato
true but i mean sleeping with someone seems like a big deal, but that may just be me too
especially if you're mainly just trying to use them for something, it seems dishonest
sleeping with someone can be a big deal but might be a better option than getting beaten.
Iris was kind of trying to demand that he do what he paid for or gtfo
Draco Plato
yeah, and I think it works in story, but from a personal level I wouldn't consider it romantic at least
His boss could make a ton more money by treating these as therapy sessions tho
Lol yeah
I mean, there's an entire industry based on cuddling
Draco Plato
and unless the boss is filming it he doesn't really know wtf they're doing in there
Oh yeah, Kabo's right
Gotta milk out all them monies
...I mean, they live in fenaur. ....................Therapy would be useful.
Draco Plato
There might be cctvs. The world may never know
no no the planet has to be fixed first. cause otherwise therell never be enough theapists for the planet.
what about ciropractors
at the risk of being gross -- I would think the boss is happier with clients that talk instead of have sex -- means less to clean up...
Draco Plato
oh that's a good point
You don't have to pay for laundry or cleaner or anything!
Draco Plato
on fenaur i doubt they'd do that anyway
ew, ew ewwwwww
Draco Plato
omg that room is probably so filthy
Sex can be fun sometimes but good god it's messy as hell
never enter a Fenaurian brothel. Or at least don't--- take a black light in there
Draco Plato
rip PG chat
Realistically, the bigger problem is people who fall asleep and drool on the pillows
thistle now owes the boss an extra $10,000 for the pillow
That's why I always sleep on my back
Draco Plato
they didn't even spoon, gosh
http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/comic/50 These pillows are probably just covered in drool.
to iris' credit, he at least commented what he did felt wrong
Draco Plato
drool and sweat
And some other unmentionable stuff
Draco Plato
Iris: I feel so wrong, if i stay longer maybe there'll be a round 2
If I stay longer, maybe I can examine him more.
Draco Plato
gotta look over his body again
for "clues"
jokes on you thistle has all the answers inked on his back
Draco Plato
QUESTION 2. Though Thistle and Iris grow close rather quickly, much is left to mystery. Who exactly do you think Thistle is? Is Iris right in that Thistle is connected to Dezar in some way? Alternatively, do you think the resemblance is a red herring? Whichever the case, do you think Thistle knows more about Dezar than he lets on? If so, why would he keep it secret? What do you think Thistle’s past is, especially in regards to the pain that Iris keeps mentioning he sees? Do you think Iris will be able to help Thistle in regards to his past, or is Thistle going to be forever haunted?
Thistle didn't let him see his back, so
I think Thistle is Dezar. But we'll see!
I like Thistle's reaction when Iris mentioned the name Dezar
Draco Plato
I think Thistle is some kind of plant
Thistle doesn't want his rap as a monster gettin' out, so he's like, ooph, gotta look cute! MAGIC, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Did someone say rap
Thistle is a flower literally iirc
draco no
thistle was a planet monster all along
I have thistles in my yard
should I pull them up
Clearly the solution to heal thistle is to give him fancy food
Draco Plato
maybe Thistle is his missing uncle
in disguise
Draco Plato
and that's why thistle was like no this is bad but then was like well okay, for my cute nephew
It is high likely that Thistle is Dezar tho becos it was mentioned Dezar can shapeshift.
draco no
bad draco
Altho by that logic Dezar can also be one of thistles pillows.
Draco Plato
and then he becomes his wife
and it's beautiful
but i am going to post a theory draco stated yesterday elsewhere
“maybe thistle is a sleeper agent
and was ordered to kill iris, and this is all a trap he set up to entice him”
a pillow that thistle drooled on
Draco Plato
oh thank you cause i couldn't remember the real theories I had XD
So thistle is Dezar XD
but Dezar is the sleeper agent of DESTRUCTION
Draco Plato
thistle cannot be dezar
Draco Plato
Why's that
Draco Plato
because one has black hair
So? XD
Draco Plato
and their face markings are different, gosh
and they have different clothes!
another of draco's darker theories
“they just happen to be the same height
maybe dezar brainwashed iris into loving him
and replaced thistle in his mind”
He's one of the pillows
Draco Plato
ah okay that was the better theory
even tho that tech be psychteria spoilers but w/e
Draco Plato
flails over multiple story confusion
cause atm i think most of us here have read psychteria anyway
Draco Plato
wait @CalimonGraal have you read psychteria? /shot
Draco Plato
Tenor | Shinavar
Gasp Such spoilers how dare
Tenor | Shinavar
Zage had been changed, but. I mean like. ................Why can't Dezar have been changed to Thistle and then back?
Draco Plato
cause OvO;;;
Tenor | Shinavar
Would explain a lot tbh - serious mental damage
Draco Plato
internal screaming
we know almost nothing about Dezar aside from him being a super murderer
I'll never forgive him for what he did to Jamie's mooooooooom
Draco Plato
it's sad the song Stacy's mom started playing in my head(edited)
Kabocha no spillerz
Tenor | Shinavar
-Holds back my own screaming about Jamie's mom-
Hunter takes place AFTER Chronicles, so...
are they spoilers?
are they really
dezar couldnt live with what he did to jamie's mom either so said "plz employers i want to forget." so they made him into thistle. but then thistle regained dezar memories anyway cause employers sucked.
Tenor | Shinavar
THat's fair
hunter does indeed take place a lot of years after chronicles
Tenor | Shinavar
Wait why just Jamie's mom tho
and not like the whole neighborhood he nuked/moved
Draco Plato
cause she baked cookies
and we like cookies
Tenor | Shinavar
Tenor | Shinavar
We need dem cookies
Draco Plato
what's life without cookies
come back mom
fenaur clearly doesnt have cookies
Tenor | Shinavar
...Does Iris make some fine cookies?
its like the most luxury item
Dezar actually just want cookies
Draco Plato
Iris certainly does some fine baking in the bedroom
Pretty sure Iris can do anything
Draco Plato
except be tall
Draco Plato
Iris brings a box to stand on from now on
im so glad i was not drinking anything in that moment.
No workout will save him from that
Sorry Iris
i like the sleep agent theory because it makes iris bumping into thistle less of a coincidence
Draco Plato
I do too
Lol, yes.
Tenor | Shinavar
Draco Plato
cause it puts thistle more in control than it seems like
thistle laying in bed like all according to keikaku
Tenor | Shinavar
Tenor | Shinavar
New level of Voyuerism right there
as long as thistle is still drooling while thinking that
Draco Plato
well he's thinking about jamie's mom's cookies then
Tenor | Shinavar
Or exhibitionist. Or both. \
He's drooling about food and other stuffs
Tenor | Shinavar
LOL omg
BL doesn't stand for boy love it's Bake Love
Pretty sure he wished Iris brought more strawberry cakes
I heard strawberry cakes
ya know iris really should have
strawberry cakes for everyone
cause bribery is another option for getting ppl to talk
Draco Plato
Iris: I know you're not happy to see me, but- BUT- I brought cake, so
"Hey uh I brought you strawberry cakes, tell me, are you Dezar?"
Draco Plato
Thistle: eating the cake MMmmmmph?
Draco Plato
Thistle: Man you're focused on this Dezar guy, just go sleep with him then fume fume
I heard Dezar likes strawberry cakes too
Draco Plato
Thistle: Who told you that???
Thistle: I mean.... cough I don't care, who cares, who's Dezar, who's cake
thistle and dezar are really brothers. and the pain iris is always seeing is thsitle remembering that time dezar stole his cake
Draco Plato
inwardly he's just cursing him in his mind
He stole the entire thing
Draco Plato
maybe dezar is his split personality
Not even a morsel was left
Draco Plato
maybe they're conjoined twins
in their soul
split personalities opens hilarious doors
iris and thistle sleep together
iris wakes up
surprise dezar is in bed with him
"Wake up, sweetie"
Draco Plato
Oh no, I was supposed to capture him but instead I captured his heart
Or rather his heart was captured
iris is a pokemon trainer
catches hearts
hey the king just wanted dezar contained. iris is choosing to contain dezar with love.
Draco Plato
Iris: It's okay, I've contained him in my bedroom sparkles
It still works in a way.
Tenor | Shinavar
(I admit minor disappointment in Iris no having candy crush on his phone)
Draco Plato
hey maybe we just didnt see it
He already finished it
>Candy Crush
thats what he did after buying thistle's time
So he deleted the app
he probably had sailormoon drops if he wanted suffering
Draco Plato
Hi Bone~!
Hi bone(edited)
hello bone~!
eey Bone~
Tenor | Shinavar
“1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?”
THe dinner scene: Because Iris comes off so much like a sugar daddy it's killing me.
“2. Though Thistle and Iris grow close rather quickly, much is left to mystery. Who exactly do you think Thistle is? Is Iris right in that Thistle is connected to Dezar in some way? Alternatively, do you think the resemblance is a red herring? Whichever the case, do you think Thistle knows more about Dezar than he lets on? If so, why would he keep it secret? What do you think Thistle’s past is, especially in regards to the pain that Iris keeps mentioning he sees? Do you think Iris will be able to help Thistle in regards to his past, or is Thistle going to be forever haunted?”
I wasn't under the impression they're close at all. Just because you pay to do the deed don't mean jack and neither have been very forthcoming without having serious strings attached/one hell of a mental game of chess going on. DUE TO SPOILERS I can't answer some of this but yeah I like the secret agent idea going around.
Seems like the dinner scene is a fav
Draco Plato
it was a good scene
full of emotion
sorry thistle, no one cares about your dancing. your performance calling is eating(edited)
Tenor | Shinavar
I'm just hooked on the idea Iris is SO USED to being rich any concept around it is kjust mind boggling to him
Draco Plato
thistle was showing much leg
Tenor | Shinavar
To the point he's forgoing so many social norms apparently hhhh
Iris is secretly a prince
Iris is now our price
iris was the king's son all along!
it's all in the l e g s
Tenor | Shinavar
I'd believe it
Draco Plato
le gasp
the king just wanted an excuse to meet his son
Tenor | Shinavar
Boi gotta earn his lavish lifestyle
Becos he can probably get anything with cash
i imagined iris in a prince outfit now
Tenor | Shinavar
Next time he pays for Thistle - meet him in the room already dressed
prince iris's actual plan; make thistle into one of his concubines
Tenor | Shinavar
Draco Plato
i'd buy it
nope this is the new canon
iris is a prince
its how he got his sassy walk
Tenor | Shinavar
iris also intends to overthrow his father
which explains psychteria
all the pieces fall into place
and then we put them back together?
??? not sure what your meaning is?
Fnaf ref(edited)
Draco Plato
if it wasn't in a song I won't get FnaF refs
QUESTION 3. In recent times, Iris seems to more or less have convinced Thistle to help him. Do you think Thistle will indeed help Iris, or will Thistle throw in the towel for some reason? Similarly, will Iris still want Thistle’s help after they’ve been together for some time? Besides information, how do you foresee Thistle might help Iris? Given Thistle’s fear of his boss, do you think Thistle and Iris will suffer consequences for Thistle trying to leave? Assuming the two manage to find Dezar, what do you think will happen in that case? Lastly, what events in general do you foresee might bring the pair closer together?
Draco Plato
so many questions
Somehow I think Thistle will mislead him
Draco Plato
i think foreshadowing has been set up for the boss being hard to get away from
so it seems like he'll be an obstacle at some point because of that
if Thistle were Dezar why would he be so afraid of the boss
what is the boss's secrets
is he a titan
the boss is scary
Draco Plato
he don't look scary
Tenor | Shinavar
I'm waiting for Thistle to like; milk Iris dry. "Do you like this?" "SLip me a $20 and I'll tell you" /shot
Draco Plato
he totally should, LOL
Tenor | Shinavar
But nah; the way things sounds there's gotta be a conract on Thistle or something that money alone would prevent him from being able to escape - though with Iris' penchance to just kill and ask questions later in case he was heavily mistaken <_< He's gotta be a top grade A badass for that to just not happen either
THe boss I mean being a badass
thistle agreed to help cause hes like "clearly this dude wants to be my sugar daddy. time to leave and get to wear jewels and fine fabric outfits all the time."
Tenor | Shinavar
Draco Plato
buy me a penthouse sugardaddy
i would assume the boss has minions so maybe it doesnt matter if the boss is scary or not if the minions are scary
and secretly titans
Tenor | Shinavar
Draco Plato
i wonder how strong thistle is
Tenor | Shinavar
Either way something has to exist to prevent Iris' murder itch
strong enough to fireman carry Iris when he's being a shit
Draco Plato
cause if he were dezar on that hypothetical than why would an immortal fear anyone
Tenor | Shinavar
THat would fall into the sleeper agent idea, wouldn't it?
If he doesn't know he's immortal-
Draco Plato
or if he's a sleeper agent for an organization and not dezar than it could all be a ruse
Tenor | Shinavar
Tho TBF - if you were immortal would you still want to go through pain and live your life on the run?
if this is the case, thistle is gonna get stabbed, almost die, but then not die and be like "wtf is going on"
Draco Plato
maybe he's trying to have the boss kill iris
Tenor | Shinavar
Draco Plato
Tenor | Shinavar
Iris holding him sobbing hysterically in a pool of blood
Thistle just coughs and sits up like "who died wtf iris"
Draco Plato
stop blubbering like a baby you loser, i'm fine
Tenor | Shinavar
-choke- "tis but a flesh wound"
Draco Plato
omg XDD
Tenor | Shinavar
I was about to cheer I didn't feel old
then I remembered we're the same age
Draco Plato
it's okay, we're old together
kabo and rebel got it too i'm sure
Tenor | Shinavar
I liked the scene where Iris was all "I will buy all of your knives ... also I will take a couple right now because evil is afoot!"
Draco Plato
i wondered why iris didn't bring his own weapons
after he'd been preparing for days
but then didn't bring weapons XD
Left them in the last person he killed. Can always buy more.
Tenor | Shinavar
I want to pretend he did
Draco Plato
pulled a deadpool and left them in the car
Tenor | Shinavar
but left them in the bike
Draco Plato
Tenor | Shinavar
Cause he's kinda 'derp' about social norms - so I like to think he's one of those people who never failed a lot?
Cause he acts like someone who doesn't know much failure in life <_<
Tried spoons on the last mission, they didn't go so hot, needs to buy his knives back.
He never picks the knives once he threw it
what about forks
Had watched 'The Tick' too much.
Draco Plato
when in doubt use cutlery
But get the cake to go.
Tenor | Shinavar
yes i concur with tenor, that iris isnt well adapted to failure
minus whatever might have happened with his uncle
thistle is not helping iris' ego
Tenor | Shinavar
THistle's gonna make it worse I bet
Thistle finds Dezar, Dezar says "I am your father", and Thistle helps him escape from Iris.
Draco Plato
oh that could be
dezar could be his dad
cause there was the orphan comment on thistle's end
Yis. Dezar gave him up for adoption because people were trying to kill him.
Dezar that is, not Thistle.
Tenor | Shinavar
Would Dezar know tho, bc mom and all that?
Don't want to give assassins someone who's a relative to target.
Draco Plato
men give birth a lot on fenaur
Tenor | Shinavar
I forgot that
especially shape shifter men
Tenor | Shinavar
...WHat if the original Dezar is gonna die thanks to Iris but then Thistle changes his identity to Dezar to escape his boss?
I ended up thinking of seahorse
I was thinking the boss know who dezar is
Iris shouldve bribed him first
Tenor | Shinavar
i like it cause its ironic, that this immortal dezar actually wasnt so immortal after all
i mean really
where is the king's info coming from
Draco Plato
Dezar isn't really immortal, it's just he keeps giving the title over to another shapeshifter. Thistle is next Dezar.
Draco Plato
Tenor | Shinavar
This is true. And look at how rumors/legends get around
Draco Plato
that'd be neat tho if it was just an assassin name or something
It's like that pirate king in "Princess Bride".
Dezar is the avatar
Draco Plato
yus, that's who i was thinking of too
Tenor | Shinavar
Or maybe Iris is the next Dezar. Takes on the mantle to protect Thistle from people who think Thistle is Dezar.
Draco Plato
that'd be neat
but iris so short
Draco Plato
they're like storm troopers, gotta be 6ft
guy who knew the last dezar meets iris dezar, is like "hey did you get shorter"
Draco Plato
then iris pulls out his box and stands on it and says call me short now O_O
More like pulls out knives.
Draco Plato
real question is does iris' stature hint at him being the uke
in the future that is
only if we apply the anime ruleset
That means he plays the ukulele in bed?
Draco Plato
now that i know zage is pronounced like mage I feel like anime logic is lost
that's exactly what it means math
Problematic if there's no strings attached.
Draco Plato
Draco Plato
awww wouldn't it be cool if Thistle were a living doll
I always thought it's pronounced like that
I think I ship.... the booth bunnies in Panel 2 here. http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/comic/9
i cant unpicture iris playing a ukulele in bed now. and thistle waking up being like wtf im trying to sleep
Draco Plato
oh no i didn't even notice them before, they're cute
thistle would make a pretty doll
Draco Plato
Iris: It's because I'm the Uke, this is what I do
yeah cali's background characters are actually pretty interesting and cute if you take the time to look
Draco Plato
They are, it's true
Rebel: Thistle can play the seme instrument.
QUESTION 4. Despite the comic’s infancy, there are several mini mysteries that have been hinted at throughout. Who do you think was the mysterious stranger who glared at Thistle and Iris on their “date?” Is it no one, someone from Thistle’s past, someone from Iris’ past, or someone tied to the story in a different way? What do you think the stranger wants from Thistle and/or Iris? Further, Iris has mentioned a missing uncle. What do you think happened to Iris’ uncle? Do you think hunting Dezar will help Iris find him? If so, how? If not, do you think Iris will give up the search or suffer through it for years to come? Lastly, who the heck is Dezar? How do you think he became immortal, and do you think there is an actual way for Iris to defeat someone so dangerous?
Let's hear it for background characters!
aww ukelele duets
Like duelling banjos but with more gay.
rubs hands together cause some of those questions you cant have answers to just from reading cali's other comics
I thought it was the boss
I step away to get dinner and come back to conspiracy theories and avatar talk!
welcome back~
I'm proud of you all. Anyway, who glared at Thistle and Iris? Probably Iris' boss.
The stranger wants to know where to get cool knives and birthmarks like them.
Iris has probably been told not to sleep with his marks.
iris pls
Or possibly the stranger just wants a nice cake, like Thistle got.
Iris is a walking HR complaint.
Thistle was seduced by cake. :3
Seduce the cake back
gonna give some help http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/comic/25 glare-y person http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/comic/43 who we can assume is the boss
The missing uncle is actually the guy who was selling gym equipment at the sales day. Disguised. Been tracking Iris for a while.
While the Glare-y person is Thistle's ex-boyfriend.
Or maybe that's the other way around.
just watched them at the restaurant the whole time thinking "how dare you buy thistle cake you date stealer"
WAIT IS THAT GLARING PERSON............................................ Whatishname
"how dare you go to the one restaurant I cannot afford"
i'm not sure if sen was born yet when HoF happened
no shush cali
its sen
Sen's father! Or grandfather!
Sen is also immortal now.
Sen's memories of his sister are fake.
maybe it is sen's father tho
She was ACTUALLY his handler and the mastermind of the Psyc/ --cue Kabocha being dragged off for spoilers
rip XD my theory is its iris' debt collector. iris isnt rich, he just maxes out his credit cards
Good idea
GASP! He's gonna break Iris' knees
iris trying to impress everyone how rich he is
I like that one. Collects debts by taking Iris' boyfriends.
has trashcans full of dead cards
Or maybe it's a ukulele salesman. ducks runs
What if it's really Dezar with some foundation to cover up his eye marks
Or it's Thistle's makeup specialist/manicurist.
or both O_O dezar quit being a murderer and switched careers but had to hide lest the past follow him
"If he eats cake he's going to ruin his lipstick!!"
r.i.p. lipstick
after thistle ran out he approached thistle and said how dare, now we have to go redo all your makeup
what color lipstick does he wear
Like Iris' heart.
like his soul
or that
On the topic of how do you trap a person who's immortal... maybe pin them to a wall with knives? Or dig a pit and put tasty cake on top as a trap? (Does Dezar like cake too?)(edited)
that sounds brutal
iris has black everything. black heart, black soul, etc.
he likes to paint it all black
Black beard?
i mean tbf being immortal doesnt auto mean youre super invulnerable
Black lipstick
so maybe they just pin dezar to the wall
leave him
he still feels pain
and dezar is just trapped forever
Dezar's the pin-up boy.
ppl stop by every tuesday to throw tomatos at him
Or cake.
His feelings can be hurt.
hes secretly quasimoto
Iris: You have split ends and your skin is dry. Dezar: cries forever
on a diff note, maybe iris' uncle is the king O_O and iris just doesnt realize it cause the king looks like a kid
Oh, right, the King. Hmm, maybe Dezar and the King have a bet going, that's how the whole thing started. It's why Iris had to swear to the consequences and all.
the king and dezar are teaching iris a lesson about failure
since iris doesnt know about failure
That's actually a pretty valid point. They already tried to do it through the debt collector and it didn't work.
Iris does seem to be rethinking things towards the end there though. That's interesting.
yes, iris does have a conscience
maybe during his journey iris is going to find out dezar killed his uncle, thus giving him personal incenetive for his hunt. only to find out that his uncle was a terrible person.
That would be an interesting twist.
Or it was an uncle-Dezar duel, and they both attacked, except for the immortality thing guaranteeing a win.
(Or is Dezar the uncle?)
Anyways I guess since time's almost up, I'd like to say good luck with the rest of the comic, Cali. You have a great story going on here and it's backed up with some cool art (and cute bois).
Draco Plato
I think it's a fun read and the dialogue is well written
Yeah, big universe there, much going on!
but that is an interesting point. dezar can just always win by challenging to duels and then surprise, hes immortal
can never lose
try try again O_O
thank :"3
Maybe that's why the King wants him dead. Accidentally accepted a duel next month.
Cali - I look forward to reading more!
You're welcome
And I second Kabo~
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to CalimonGraal, as well, for making The Hunter of Fenaur. If you liked the comic, make sure to support CalimonGraal’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/
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CalimonGraal’s Discord Server: https://discord.gg/pAjPAfu
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Heart of Keol by keiiii. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, September 27th, from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat in #thursday_bookclub! @keii4ii Comic’s Main Site: http://www.heartofkeol.com/
Comic’s Tapas Mirror: < https://tapas.io/series/keol/%3E
Comic’s ComicFury Mirror: http://keol.webcomic.ws/
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