crisscross-inksauce · 5 months
Attention! This is My Formal Petition to Change the Word "Control" to "Influence" on Cuphead's Talent Description on the IM Wiki!!!
I have made a comic to illustrate the difference.
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The difference is this: Control makes the animal do what you want. Influence makes the animal want to do what you want. A subtle yet ultimately important distinction.
[This post is partly for lols, but I do actually think the term "influence" suits his talent better. In fairness, maybe he really can control animals in every sense of the word and it's not been shown yet. I suppose he could also have both. But this is just based on what I know, so ...¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (I also think influence suits his tender-hearted nature toward animals better, but that's just my opinion.)]
First Mouse: Why did I do that?!?!? How did he make me do that?!?!?😰
Second Mouse: Why did he want me to do that? More importantly, why did I wanna do it? 😑
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neurotypical-sonic · 10 months
If Tom wasn't a cop would you like/not mind him?
oooh good question. it'd depend on what his role in the movie would be, because changing him from a cop would change a lot of other things, and I still think maddie should've been the Main Human, but ultimately yeah!! he could've been a character I really loved
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doberart · 2 years
I was shocked to see the release date! Haha. I can’t believe it’s coming out so soon! I’m ready and not ready all at the same time. The trailer was incredible though!
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gay-trashcan-cat · 1 year
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Some older sketches of a character named Dopey I did for my goofy story, I've really been trying to come up with a story name. BUT OH BOY IS IT HARD. some name ideas I have so far though is, Twisted Tie, Stuck Frames, even the idea of Inksauce. Which are really goofy but you know. 😈
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ocfooddiva · 7 years
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#pulpo en du #tinta is #braised #octopus in #calamari #inksauce in a #handmade #tortilla at #holboxla in #losangeles 🦑🐙🍅🌮 #mercadolapaloma #grandopening #yucatan #taco (at Mercado La Paloma)
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streatpalermo · 4 years
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Antivirus recipe. Black is the new orange #nerodiseppia rules! Stay home and cook 👌#stayhomewithstreaty #pastacolnerodiseppia #cuttlefishink #cuttlefishinksauce #cookitalian #homecooking #mammastreaty #streatytours #inksauce #ilovefish #cookhome #cookfishhome #siciliancuisine #venetiancuisine #cucinaveneziana https://ift.tt/2vsdEWy
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This month I'm a trainee in a star restaurant in Belgium, and some of these dishes still amaze me. All these possibilities, there is much more then only spaghetti,burgers and other fastfood This is a picture of in mirin marinated grilled sepia, marinated green asparagus,inksauce
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crisscross-inksauce · 2 years
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Ca-can’t keep up, too fast
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crisscross-inksauce · 5 months
Hiatus is Over!!!
My hiatus is officially over! Please note that doesn't mean I'm going to start posting as much as I did back then again. It just means I'm not actively avoiding posting here any longer. I'm SO much busier these days, so I have to pick and choose what I spend my limited art time on and Inky Mystery isn't always at the top of that list anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still like IM a bunch. I just can't/don't focus on it as much as I used to. On that note, thanks for sticking around and entertaining my mindless rambling. I'll be sure to do it some more!...just not as much as I used to :) I hope that's okay <:)
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crisscross-inksauce · 2 years
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🎶~true love, true love, looking for true love~🎶
Quick aside: Been thinking about doing (simple) commissions but not sure if anyone would want any. Sound off if you're interested. I’ll put together a commission sheet if anyone is. 👍
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Hey, I haven’t uploaded in a while. Although that’s not unusual for me, I’ve really felt the need to take an “official” break. I’ve felt really disconnected from my art lately. I never put a lot of pressure on myself to upload regularly but everytime I’m making art these days it’s for this blog. There’s been countless times where I’ve prioritized making something for my Tumblr over making something for myself and I think it’s effecting me negatively at this point. 
For one, I’m not progressing as fast as I used to. I feel like the difference in my art progression is markedly slower than it was before I started uploading regularly here. For another, I’m not having as much fun making art. Seeing people’s reactions/the end product is fun, but I’m not enjoying the process anymore. I want to get back to making art that makes me happy. 
So, I’m taking a break to get back to my roots. I may still upload here or on my other blog it just won’t be the same type of content you’ve come to know me for. Meaning, it’ll be traditional because my drawing tablet stylus has been missing for weeks because that is the art I’ve really wanted to get back to. So when I say break, I mean I’m taking a break from intentional content-creating and focusing on making art I want to make first-and-foremost. Then, I’ll decide whether or not to upload it.
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crisscross-inksauce · 2 years
Can we use your art as a pfp with credit?
Yeah, sure, I’m honored that you'd want to :)
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crisscross-inksauce · 2 years
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Get ready, its coming >:)
((2018 flashbacks~ ((kinda miss it 🙃))
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crisscross-inksauce · 2 years
Hey! It’s been a while...kinda, sorta...anywayyy
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We actually reached the milestone months ago but I’ve been so busy I hadn’t had the time to acknowledge it properly. I hope to see more growth in the future as I plan to be more active (no promises though ( ﹁ ﹁ ))
Y’all have probably noticed there’s been some changes around here. Well, big news...I’m rebranding!!!! 
The reason why is because this blog has kinda become exclusively Babitim/Batim. If I want to share regular art or other fanart it would feel weird to post it here since that’s not what most of you followed me for. So a while ago I figured I would make another Tumblr for that stuff. I wanted the name of both blogs to be related to each other and to their individual purposes; the username I had been sporting for *checks notes* nearly 5 years now (I am so old (。_。)) doesn’t fit that criteria, ergo the change. I hope it was not too shocking (I am sure it wasn’t), but I just wanted to let ya’ll know :].
New blog is @crisscross-artsauce​
Besides all that, I really am thankful for your support, I’ve got plans for this blog that I can’t wait to get to :D (if I can keep consistence 😅)
P.S. My asks are open now :o
P.P.S Imma Post some Inky Mystery Art later today :OOOOOOOO
P.P.P.S. In regards to content, ya’ll won’t notice much change I just won’t post non Batim/Babitim content ( although I may reblog some stuff from my regular art account for traction reasons.)
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crisscross-inksauce · 2 years
New Art Blog!!!
As mentioned in my previous post, I wanted to make a new blog for not Batim/Babitim related stuff. New blog is @crisscross-artsauce go follow me there if you want to see more of my art   o( ̄▽ ̄)d I already have a few posts up :D.
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streatpalermo · 4 years
Antivirus recipe. Black is the new orange #nerodiseppia rules! Stay home and cook 👌#stayhomewithstreaty #pastacolnerodiseppia #cuttlefishink #cuttlefishinksauce #cookitalian #homecooking #mammastreaty #streatytours #inksauce #ilovefish #cookhome #coo… https://t.co/3PyGclrvUl https://t.co/xGgll2p0Kh
Antivirus recipe. Black is the new orange #nerodiseppia rules! Stay home and cook 👌#stayhomewithstreaty #pastacolnerodiseppia #cuttlefishink #cuttlefishinksauce #cookitalian #homecooking #mammastreaty #streatytours #inksauce #ilovefish #cookhome #coo… https://t.co/3PyGclrvUl pic.twitter.com/xGgll2p0Kh
— Streaty (@streatytours) March 15, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/streatytours March 15, 2020 at 08:35PM via IFTTT
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