#Islamist is Nazism
secular-jew · 30 days
If you recognise yourself in the heading of this letter, it's time that we had an honest conversation.
You know who you are: students, academics, lawyers, politicians, journalists, 'celebrities' and others who have become increasingly vocal in your strident opposition to Israel since the events of October 7. You differ in your backgrounds but you're united in the anger that you feel - an anger that just seems to build with each passing day.
So, let's start by being honest about the root of that anger.
➡️ It isn't really because you believe that Israel is guilty of 'genocide'. The International Court of Justice rejected that claim - but you're still angry.
➡️ Nor is it because you really believe that the death toll in Gaza is too high. You and I both know that the casualty numbers from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry are heavily inflated and that the real fatality rate in Gaza is tiny by comparison to other recent conflicts in the region - but you don't care. You're still angry.
➡️ It isn't because you honestly think that the attack of 7 October was 'resistance'. You've seen some of the footage of rape, infanticide and murder by Hamas and (although you hate to admit it) it offends your conscience and shakes your resolve - but it doesn't diminish your anger at Israel and the Jews.
➡️ It isn't even because you really believe that Hamas are the 'good guys' in this conflict. You know that they're not - but you're still angry at Israel and the Jews.
➡️ And while we're being honest, let's acknowledge that your anger toward Israel and the Jews isn't really about the Palestinians, or territory, or human rights. In fact, it isn't really even about Israel.
Your anger is about the Jews.
And it isn't anger. It's hate.
And therein lies the reality of what's playing out around the world. You - and millions of others - hate Jews, and the events of October 7 were little more than an excuse to publicly display that hatred. Some are doing so for the first time; others are simply dusting off an old demon.
And that's the thing - none of this is new. Jew hatred (let's dispense with polite terms like 'antisemitism') has been with us for at least two thousand years and - like the self-bargaining of a drug addict - it continues to find new ways to justify itself to those who are infected by it.
The question is, are you still self-aware enough to recognise that you're under the influence of something evil? Are you capable of understanding that Jew-hatred is (let's be blunt) demonic and exists in a realm beyond rationality and reason?
Ashley church can be reached at
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eretzyisrael · 15 days
by Amelie Botbol
Pretoria serves as a “crucial base of operations” for Islamic terror groups, according to a soon-to-be released report by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy.
The report’s publication comes in the wake of the International Court of Justice’s latest ruling against Israel’s military offensive in Rafah, in a case brought before the court by South Africa.
On Friday, the court ruled by 13 to 2 that the Jewish state must “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
“The ICJ’s ruling is a stark reminder that South Africa has become a hub for extremist activities across the African continent,” said ISGAP Executive Director Charles Asher Small. 
“South Africa embraces antisemitic ideologies, supports state-sponsored terror, maintains close ties with and acts on behalf of Iran, Qatar and Hamas,” he added. 
According to ISGAP’s report, Pretoria serves as a “crucial base of operations for Islamic terror groups, facilitating connections with networks throughout Africa.”
The report states that “despite long-standing U.S. sanctions, international Islamist entities with terror links continue to operate freely within South Africa, evading global scrutiny.” 
It argues that the “Financial Action Task Force (FATF) [which leads global action to tackle money laundering, terrorist and proliferation financing] noted South Africa’s failure to effectively identify, investigate, or prosecute terrorist financiers, revealing critical gaps in its anti-terrorism financing measures.”
Addressing Pretoria’s governing party, the report claims that “the African National Congress (ANC) maintains close relationships with Qatar, Iran and terror groups like Hamas.”
The report also highlights “the possibility that Iran funded South Africa’s ANC party in exchange for favorable outcomes in ICJ cases, especially since the ANC’s sudden financial stabilization in early January 2024, after years teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, remains shrouded in mystery and devoid of any detailed explanation.”
According to Small, “South Africa has become a leading voice for terror. By bringing this case against Israel and in favor of Hamas, South Africa further positions itself as a bad actor on the global stage.”
The time has come for the international community “to recognize and address South Africa’s alarming connections with terror-supporting states and entities,” he added.
ISGAP is an international organization that works on mapping, decoding and combatting contemporary antisemitism. 
Earlier this year, Small told JNS that the South African government was acting in complete opposition with South Africa’s freedom charter and  Nelson Mandela’s vision of democracy by embracing the Iranian revolutionary regime, Qatar and Hamas.
“For the ANC and the South African government of 2024, which inherited the work of Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulu among others who sacrificed their lives for social democracy, to be in bed with Hamas, the Iranian revolutionary regime and the Qatari Muslim Brotherhood regime is an affront to the South African people,” he said. 
“For Pretoria’s ruling party, the corrupt party of 2024, to be in bed with the disciples of true apartheid, true Nazism and true racism, to invite Hamas after they committed a racist massacre based on the ideology of Nazism and Fascism of Europe, is an affront to what the ANC is supposed to represent,” he added. 
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Do you have any good readings about fascist anti-imperialism in the US? You've mentioned it a couple times but I have a hard time understanding where it comes from. I get why fascists in Europe or elsewhere would resent US imperial power, but not so much why fascists in the US itself would reject it. Is it because empires are implicitly multicultural (albeit on an unequal basis)? Is it because US empire is so deeply tied to liberalism? Something else?
I’ve heard very good things about Insurgent Supremacists by Matthew Lyons but I have not read it yet. See also Lyons’ essay “Two Ways of Looking at Fascism,” Hamerquist and Sakai’s Confronting Fascism which Lyons draws on heavily, and Lyons’ article “Trump, Iran, and the right-wing anti-interventionists”.
As far as where it comes from, I don’t have a single all-encompassing answer and there are many dimensions to it, some very recent and/or distinctly American, others more generalized and dating back to the interwar era. I won’t be able to cover everything (Sakai has an elaborate Marxist theory of fascist anti-imperialism as a kind of lower-middle class revenge against globalization and deindustrialization, that I couldn’t fit in), but to highlight some key points:
First of all, I should clarify that not all fascists oppose multicultural empires as such: Mosley is a classic example of a fascist imperialist who fully endorsed the multicultural, multiracial composition of the British Empire; that said, this obviously wasn’t true of Nazism, and it especially isn’t relevant to American white nationalism.
In many ways fascist anti-Americanism in the U.S. and Europe works basically the same way; the rejection of everything the existing American state and its global hegemony stands for, or is seen as standing for: globalism, degeneracy, Zionism, the ‘melting pot’, and what Eurofascists have taken to calling ‘McDonaldisation’, the spread of a soulless and homogenizing consumerism that chews up national cultures and spits out Golden Arches. It’s not necessarily the U.S. in particular they have a problem with (though in the European context it’s easier to frame it that way, as an American invasion), but a certain poisonous neoliberal worldview seen as flowing primarily from the contemporary U.S. (and often ultimately out of Israel), whatever side of the Atlantic they’re on.
The other, interlocking, element which I already implied is antisemitism, the conspiracy theory among neo-Nazis everywhere (though in the U.S. it has a particular flavor of resistance to the ‘Zionist Occupation Government’) that global capitalism and the American empire are the work of a Jewish cabal. This leads many American white nationalists, such as Matthew Heimbach, to see Arab nationalists and Islamists as comrades in a common fight against Jewish occupation.
In the past I’ve called this an ‘anti-imperialism of fools’, fascists buying what U.S. propaganda is selling, so to speak. @soul-hammer made a meme that communicates this really succinctly, specifically wrt pinkwashing (who remembers that tumblr tradcath who made reference last year to the “homosexual American military”?):
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American and Israeli propaganda assert that Israel speaks for Jews and that imperialist military interventions are carried out in their name, and antisemitic conspiracy theorists take it at face value.
In this context it’s significant that contemporary white nationalism grew in large part out of a revolutionary revision of paleoconservatism by people like Greg Johnson and Richard Spencer, and that there’s already a paleocon tradition of antisemitic conspiracy theories demonizing their neoconservative rivals as puppets of the ‘Israel Lobby’. This came to define the way that the alt-right positioned itself in relation to mainstream conservatism, so that aggressive, interventionist foreign policy in general is seen as 1) simply the military arm of broader ‘globalist’ world domination, and 2) a distraction from domestic racial issues. It wasn’t uncommon during the Trump years for alt-rightists to attribute Trump’s militarism in Syria or Iran to Jewish influence in the administration. Figures like Tucker Carlson echo the same themes without the overt antisemitism.
Though since I mentioned Spencer it’s worth noting that he’s actually a Zionist who sees Israel as a role model for a white ethnostate, albeit still accusing Jews of having outsized influence on American politics and taking a firmly anti-interventionist stance on foreign policy (which ties into his advocacy of a white empire in Europe as a bulwark against American power; then we get back into Eurofascist anti-Americanism and Spencer’s debt to the Identitarians, which isn’t what you asked about).
What’s really interesting is the recent emergence of an idiosyncratic Trumpian far-right, people like Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Witzke, that synthesizes paleocon anti-interventionism (e.g. on Ukraine) with evangelical Christian Zionism. This is weird and new (though I suppose presaged by Steve Bannon in the 2010s) and it isn’t directly relevant to fascism, so I won’t say too much about it here, but suffice to say it’s a major realignment of forces on the American right.
All of this said, fascist anti-imperialism in the U.S. obviously predates the alt-right; neo-Nazis already thought the Bush administration was controlled by Jews years before Counter-Currents or AlternativeRight popped up, and they thought Clinton was ushering in a globalist ‘New World Order’ years before that and so on. To bring in two last themes that hopefully get to the heart of the issue:
So, I once saw a fascist website, can’t remember which, refer to American neoliberal imperialism as “pseudo-imperialism” and I thought it was really telling. While some fascisms have always been anti-imperialist (e.g. the Romanian Legionaries), there is a clear fascist tendency toward Empire as a sort of righteous spiritual crusade for civilisation and hierarchy. At the same time, they denounce international capitalism as ‘usury’, the abstract pursuit of profit for profit’s sake, corrupting and exploitative whereas a true Imperium is heroic and ennobling. This roughly corresponds to Moishe Postone’s insights about the way antisemitism functions in Nazi ideology.
The confused reaction fash have had to modern imperialism, then, seems logical enough: there’s nothing fairytale-heroic about dying in a forever war for an oil company, or about the endless march of McDonaldisation. Surely this isn’t true imperialism, it’s just nihilistic ‘usury’ at the greatest possible scale (they call the IMF the “International Usury Fund”). For an older example see Pedro Albizu Campos, who distinguished between traditional Hispanic empire (civilized and spiritual) versus the decadent and godless neocolonialism of the United States.
There’s actually a point in Mein Kampf in which Hitler sounds a bit ‘anti-imperialist’: he mocks Wilhelmine German colonialism in Africa, asking why so much money and energy were naïvely spent on civilizing an inferior race in some far-away country while Germans in Europe suffered under the Habsburg and Jewish yoke. It’s a critique of liberal empire that rhymes with right-wing anti-interventionism in the U.S., in which the question runs something like “Why are we off trying to ‘spread democracy’ in Iraq or Afghanistan while whites suffer under multiculturalism and immigration back home?”
Then there’s the history, unique to the U.S., which I know much less about than I should. One of the most innovative U.S. neo-fascist projects of the postwar years was Francis Parker Yockey’s call for a pan-European “Imperium” and a tactical alliance with the Soviet Union and Third World national liberation movements against Jewish-American decadence. His brand of Third Positionism didn’t really catch on at the time but in retrospect it laid the groundwork for decades of fascist anti-imperialism.
Coming from a wholly different place, there was also the Patriot movement that formed from disillusioned Vietnam vets in the 70s/80s/90s and saw Pax Americana as the sinister prelude to a totalitarian world-government that would persecute white Christians, basically fearing the loss of traditional culture, stable jobs, and national sovereignty to neoliberal globalization in a way that’s familiar to us in the era of Brexit and Trump. This is most of what Sakai talks about in The Shock of Recognition.
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ambipolis · 2 years
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Lundi 10 octobre 2022
Sandrine Rousseau m’a tué 
Sandrine Rousseau veut combattre et abattre Julien Bayou dans la perspective du prochain congrès d’EELV. C’est son droit. Ses méthodes totalitaires inspirées de 1793 et surtout des procès de Moscou mêlant vie publique et ingérence dans la vie privée sont pour le moins contestables.
Elle a été huée par des femmes venues manifester leur soutien aux femmes iraniennes avec un cri du cœur : « Dehors la collabo ». C’est certes violent, mais moins que le « Mangez vos morts » de Madame Danièle Obono députée insoumise NUPES.
Comme Yann Moix l’a très justement fait remarquer, le logiciel de madame Rousseau est plus proche de celui des mollahs iraniens que des femmes iraniennes qu’elle prétend vouloir défendre. Allons plus loin : si dans les années sombres du nazisme il avait été avéré qu’Adolf Hitler n’avait eu aucune parole, aucun acte sexiste, n’avait jamais commis d’agression sexuelle entrant dans le champ des féminicides, qu’importe les camps de concentration !
Madame Rousseau considère qu’un homme sur deux est un agresseur. Elle n’a pas encore été nommée directrice de l’INSEE, mais cela ne saurait tarder. Pas besoin de statistiques pour mener la guerre contre les hommes hétéros blancs sur fond d’intersectionnalité unissant les néo-féministes, les gens de couleur et les islamistes.
Madame Elisabeth Badinter a eu le malheur (en fait l’honneur) de relever que les islamistes ne s’en prenaient jamais aux néo-féministes qui, par leurs réactions, ont montré qu’elle avait visé juste.
Dans l’affaire Julien Bayou, Sandrine Rousseau et sa horde sauvage ont voulu privatiser la Justice en mettant en place un mécanisme de surveillance de la vie privée de Julien Bayou qui n’est pas sans rappeler les heures sombres de la Stasi.
Selon Eric Zemmour, la NUPES, si elle ne disparait pas du fait de ses querelles internes, n’aura bientôt plus que des dirigeantes. Faut-il s’en réjouir ? Sans doute pas, même si madame Rousseau aura fortement contribué à renforcer le mouvement conservateur considéré par la bien-pensance comme ultra-conservateur dans la mesure où il se distingue en s’opposant au conservatisme islamiste.
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lonesomemao · 1 month
Relation controversée
Avec l'Azerbaidjan
Un anticommunisme primaire
Ne voit pas la finesse azérie actuelle
Pays à priori dictature islamiste
En réalité se référant à Staline
Raison un nazisme dans le ciel
Avec le soleil de Bakou
Il tient le coup
Le président Ilham Aliyev
Un chiite type
Qui reste mobilisé
Contre un saint-esprit de BERD
Haut-Karabakh il a créé ce conflit par le religieux
Dimanche 1er mai 2024
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batmancomicanalysis · 2 months
Do Europeans in the ruling-class benefit from Jewish supremacy narratives?
I don't know what the ethnic balance of power is in the national and international ruling-classes but it's worth considering the degree to which the Jewish supremacy narrative could be tacitly encouraged by European rulers for their own reasons.
Some potential motives:
It diverts attention, blame and hostility away from powerful Europeans
It enables them to pursue their globalist class interests under the altruistic guise of "protecting the most persecuted minority" and "opposing Islamist/Neo-Nazi (Satanic) evil"
It pushes the opposition towards self-defeating Neo-Nazism
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pointless-letters · 7 years
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Yes, by all means, let's really focus our attention and our energies on making sure that the Nazis, fascists and homophobes don't feel singled out or oppressed, can't have that, can we....🙄
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a-room-of-my-own · 4 years
J’ai vu quelqu’un sur Twitter qui disait que le délit de blasphème allait être réinstaurer. Parce que les téroristes ont attaqué plusieurs fois à cause de ces caricatures et que ça a fait trop de problèmes et de morts. Et également qu’il y a une très forte pression étrangère pour nous faire plier. Je déteste ça mais je crois qu’il a raison. La nouvelle génération n’as pas la liberté d’expression ou le blasphème à cœur et elle est influencée par des personnes charismatiques et populaires qui s’y oppose sur les réseaux sociaux, sans parler de la démographie grandissante de musulmans en France. A ton avis, est-ce que c’est quelque chose que tu penses inéluctable ?
Pas du tout, au contraire. Ce serait une énorme erreur politique, qui ne protégerait absolument personne.
Déjà ça ne réglerait pas le problème parce que contrairement à ce que sont en train de braire tous les idiots utiles, le terrorisme islamiste n'a rien à voir avec les caricatures, ou avec la liberté d'expression, ou avec "l'islamophobie". Si c'était le cas, les pays du Maghreb et du Moyen Orient qui ont l'islam comme religion d'état et pas de liberté de la presse ou d'expression digne de ce nom ne se paieraient pas des attentats depuis des décennies. La Tunisie a fourni le plus gros contingent de combattants étrangers à Daech, je ne crois pas que les tunisiens souffrent de l'islamophobie. Donc ce sont, pardon pour la finesse de l'analyse, des arguments de merde.
L'islamisme est un fascisme. Les fascistes pensent qu'ils sont la part supérieure de l'humanité et que le fait qu'ils ne soient pas en position de domination est un affront. Le fascisme se nourrit du sentiment d'humiliation, voire le crée de toute pièce pour exciter la frustration et inciter à la violence. Le nazisme était exactement pareil. Si on renonce à notre culture, à nos valeurs, à nos principes, comme disait Churchill on pensait choisir le déshonneur pour éviter la guerre et en fait, on aura les deux.
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claudehenrion · 3 years
Réflexions sur un pamphlet
 L'expérience nous enseigne qu'il n'existe pas de ''quinquennat heureux'', et même pas de ''facile''. Quand on compare avec les septennats de Vincent Auriol, René Coty, De Gaulle --et même avec Mitterrand, qui pouvait se payer le luxe de faire absolument n'importe quoi d'idiot, d'amoral, de contre-productif... (c’est-à-dire ''de socialiste'', en un mot), sans que le prix à payer ne soit trop élevé, on se dit que le passage au quinquennat à été une grosse connerie ... ce qui semble couler de source : c'est Jospin qui le voulait, et Chirac a laissé faire... Tout est dit, hélas !
Mais le quinquennat d’Emmanuel Macron tourne au ''cas d'école'', comparé à ceux de ses prédécesseurs. Pourtant ils n'étaient pas mauvais non plus, pour enfiler boulettes, bévues aberrations et sottises. Mais le sien est tellement catastrophique qu'on en arriverait presque à le plaindre ! Enfin... un peu ! Ballotté par les vents et les événements, le pauvret enchaîne les doubles saltos ‘’twist’’ sans parvenir à se réceptionner : confinements, couvre-feu, vaccin(s), bricolages et improvisations sanitaires, économiques, sociales, morales et autres... mais également gel trop tardif, sécheresses intempestives, folies importées des universités américaines, gilets jaunes et bonnets rouges, déchaînement des folies islamistes...  tout y passe, dans une cacophonie de déclarations de ministres qui, n'ayant ni feuille de route, ni but, ni logique dans l'action --autres que quelques généralités toutes perverses et toutes mortifères : le ''ni... ni...'', le ''et en même temps'' et, plus récemment, le ''quel qu'en soit  le prix'' qui fait penser très fort au ''ça ne coûte rien, c'est l'Etat qui paye'' des années noires--  se répandent en affirmations contradictoires et incompatibles, ou bien sont aux abonnés absents (après 4 longues années de macronisme, la France ignore le nom et le ''job'' de 90 % des ministres en place --faites le test !).
Le feu roulant de l’actualité semble si peu vouloir ‘’laisser du temps au temps’’, qu'Emmanuel Macron devait logiquement avoir à faire face, dans un futur très proche, à une exaspération violente de la partie du peuple qui est, d’habitude, silencieuse, celle qui bosse, qui entreprend ou qui profite de retraites amplement méritées, et qui paye ''sans moufeter'' ses impôts scandaleux et surtout mal dépensés en foucades inutiles et mortifères au détriment des vrais besoins prioritaires. Il ne fait de doute pour personne ou presque qu'on est ''En Marche'' vers des péripéties (faillites, impôts à gogo, terrorisme islamique, séparatisme sur le sol national, haine se répandant, dérives judiciaires, et j'en passe) qui devraient logiquement déboucher sur une forme ou une autre de ''combat de tous contre tous'' (le mot est de Gérard Collomb, pas spécialement homme de Droite). Moi, je remercierais ceux qui m'avertiraient d'un vrai danger imminent... Eux, pas du tout !
Car voilà que d’enquiquinants pensionnés, étoilés et galonnés, viennent mettre de l’huile sur le feu, à travers une une ''tribune'' ou ''lettre ouverte'' publiée dans Valeurs Actuelles, qui appelle la classe politique à lutter contre le délitement de la France. Rien de plus : des ex-militaires (ayant accepté le sacrifice suprême pour leur pays, ils sont en théorie un peu plus patriotes que le commun des mortels) sortent de leur mutisme légal pour prévenir solennellement nos dirigeants actuels que la guerre civile menace, et que si, d’aventure, ces tendances délétères se poursuivaient, une mission périlleuse de protection des valeurs de notre civilisation et de sauvegarde de nos compatriotes sur le territoire national pourrait être nécessaire, ce qu’une vaste majorité de citoyens français (dont le nombre croît sans cesse) sait déjà.
Il faut être énarque ou député ''En Marche'' pour refuser de voir que les ''hordes de banlieues'' déferlent à la première occasion, que des territoires entiers obéissent ''à d'autres règles qu'à notre Constitution'', qui est détestée par les ''black-bloks'' et plus encore ''par l'islamisme politique'', et que les absurdités des soi-disant ''décolonirateurs, Woke et cancel culture'' sont de véritables armes de guerre lancées contre la France, notre civilisation, et ce qu'est devenue ''la République''. Serait-ce un crime de le dire ? Qu'ont dit d'autre, aujourd'hui même, le Préfet de la Drôme et le maire de Valence ? Le Préfet ne serait-il pas tenu par un ''devoir de réserve'', lui ? Le tintamarre artificiellement déclenché et le procès en sorcellerie ne sont destinées qu'à camoufler les vrais problèmes sous un épais rideau de fumée médiatisé à outrance et sans vergogne par les ennemis de tout ordre, de toute structure qui marche, de tout ce qui est beau et bon pour l'Homme et l'humanité...
A partir d'un commentaire à peine différent de ce qui se dirait au comptoir de tous les bistrots si on ne les avait pas stupidement fermés, le microcosme des ''excessifs décalés détachés du réel'' pique une crise proche de l'hystérie. Il faudrait raison garder : il ne s'agit que d'une lettre, ouverte en plus, dont certains voudraient faire une bombe atomique, une abomination, une trahison, une félonie, le retour du nazisme --d'autant plus que Marine le Pen a semblé adhérer à cette analyse. Allons zenfants de la Patrie, les zeures les plus sombres de notre histoire sont de retour. C’est un pronunciamento ! Moralité : sans se prononcer sur le fond, il faut de toute urgence soigner ceux qui se croient responsables mais qui sont les coupables !
Dans les rangs du gouvernement, après la consternation, c’est l’habituelle agitation brownienne qui a repris le dessus : ''¡ No pasaràn !''. Pourtant... qui va leur dire que cette odeur de décomposition ne provient pas du pays, mais du compost écolo-conscient et progresso-létal qu'ils distribuent à tout le monde pour tenter de faire passer une analyse sensée pour un appel à l'insurrection '' ? Pas leur chef : il passe son temps à proclamer que ''tout va bien'', et que ''nous avons tenu''(sic !)... Allons ! Ces factieux ont raté une tentative perdue d'avance de retour de la Bééte Immonde (dont le ventre est fécond, etc...)... Circulez, il n’y a rien à voir : on va les radier des cadres où ils ne sont plus depuis longtemps, et on va les faire taire, comme tous les autres ''complotistes'' (interdits sur les télés d'Etat, exclus des réseaux a-sociaux, privés de parutions dans les quotidiens...)... Bref, c’est ''Business as usual''.
Quant à la vérité, à savoir que ces militaires sont, comme l'immense majorité des citoyens, excédés de vivre dans les problèmes non résolus, dans l'abandon de toutes les prérogatives ''régaliennes'', dans une insécurité érigée en obligation de se taire, dans d'inutiles marches blanches, dans un pays où la justice est un antonyme de ce qu'elle devrait être --trafics de drogue impunis, quartiers entiers ayant fait sécession de fait.. Pas important : des criminels sur le retour décrivent ça comme autant de signes qu’il faut lutter vite et fort contre des tendances ultra-sécuritaires, comme l'explique sans mourir de honte Agnès Pannier-Rumacher, sous-ministresse de... personne ne saurait dire quoi (on hésite entre la Pravda et la Propaganda'' !).
Pendant qu'on gaspille l'argent de nos impôts à pourchasser les sonneurs de tocsin, et que les incendiaires courent de liberté conditionnelle en asiles pour drogués non-condamnables, et que des hiérarques défilent sur tous les plateaux subventionnés pour expliquer que tout est sous contrôle et qu’il ne faut pas sombrer dans la nauséabondance facile... les attaques au mortier se multiplient dans les banlieues, les Commissariats sont incendiés, des gentilles policières sont tuées, le terrorisme islamique égorge qui, où et quand ça lui convient, et les ''incivilités'' (sic !) et les tueries entre bandes rivales de charmants adolescents (désœuvrés, dit-on) continuent de plus belle, sous l’œil gauche de nos médias qui trouvent tout ceci sinon normal au moins explicable : les coupables seraient, nous psittacise-t-on, le fascisme omni-présent (dont personne, eux compris, n'a jamais vu une once) et surtout : ''lafautalasociété''. Et l'homme blanc, hétéro et de Droite, bien entendu.
Pour des raisons qui sont de plus en plus difficiles à comprendre, nos guignols au pouvoir choisissent de faire l’impasse sur les raisons de la colère de ces généraux en pantoufles. Ils préfèrent choisir la voie ridicule d’une levée de boucliers contre l’hydre fasciste qui est fantasmée par toute la gauche, par l’extrême-gauche, et par l’extrême-centre, au détriment de la raison, de l’intelligence, de l'objectivité, de l'honnêteté intellectuelle (et autre) et de l'intérêt réel de la Nation, Si nos énarques doctrinaires avaient un peu de présence d’esprit, ils se seraient vite saisis de cette tribune pour enfin régler les problèmes les plus graves qui minent la République. Ne l'espérons pas, il n’en sera rien. Ils préfèrent ameuter les foules en aboyant !
PS - Sur le fond et sur les limites du droit au silence de ''la Grande muette''. plutôt que de donner mon avis (dont tout le monde se moque, avec juste raison !), je renvoie ceux que ce point intéresse à la lettre ouverte que le Général Piquemal vient d'adresser au Général Lecointre : elle expose et pose tout le contenu et les limites de cette question. De Gaulle y avait aussi répondu, en son temps...
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secular-jew · 2 months
Ihr seid verfluchte Hunde!!!!
Said the Germans to the Roman Empire! Sad to see that many in Islam have apparently aped Nazi supremacist ideology.
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eretzyisrael · 1 month
The Palestinians’ forbears formed Hitler’s legion in the Middle East
It has long been a theme of this blog that the Nazi-inspired genocidal motive behind the Farhud massacre of Iraqi Jews in 1941 still underpins the Palestinian cause today. On the day after Israel marked Yom Hashoah, the insightful columnist Melanie Phillips, writing in her Substack blog,  restates an inconvenient truth: there is a direct link between the ideology of the wartime Mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, and the 7 October 2023 Hamas massacre in southern Israel.
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The Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting Adolph Hitler in November 1941
Like the Nazis, Hamas and its Iranian puppeteers intend to destroy Israel and wipe out every Jew. We know that because they tell us this over and over again.
And the Palestinians are not just like the Nazis; they are the direct descendants of Nazis. For in the 1930s, their forebears in Mandate-era Palestine formed Hitler’s legion in the Middle East. Their leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al Husseini, pledged to Hitler that if Germany won the war the Mufti would exterminate every Jew in the Middle East.
Al Husseini is the self-proclaimed role model of Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the Palestinian Authority (PA) whom the west regards as an acceptable moderate — and whose doctoral thesis was a work of Holocaust denial.
So there’s a direct line from the Nazi Holocaust to the October 7pogrom. The difference is that in 1939 the civilised world finally got itself together to fight and defeat Nazism. Today, that world is no longer civilised; many of its most educated members now support the forces of evil instead. Indeed, they are parroting the psychotic and genocidal tropes of Nazism.
That’s why the reaction in the west to Israel’s war against the evil of Hamas is causing such horror among Israelis and most diaspora Jews — most, not all, because tragically some diaspora Jews have themselves joined the camp of evil, an insupportable horror that was passionately denounced by Ammiel Hirsch, a progressive rabbi in New York.
It’s why the Jewish world doesn’t view the campus encampments as just silly students mouthing off in ignorance on the latest cause — as those in the west with their heads stuck firmly in the sand dismiss them — but as hotbeds of open and genocidal Jew-hatred: an army of extermination mobilised by Hamas and the far-left in a Soviet-style hijack of truth and language to demonise Israel in order to delegitimise and destroy it.
It’s why the Jewish world shudders when it hears these students accuse Israel of perpetrating genocide and watches them taunt and defame Jews, hurl false and demonising accusations at them and drive them off campus. For this is the lunatic, Nazi-themed inversion of reality and wholesale denial and cultural appropriation of the Jewish experience that the Palestinian Arabs deploy, year in, year out to incite murderous hatred among their own people in order to wipe out Israel and the Jews.
As Palestinian Media Watch has reported, the Palestinians’ “Nazi” libels against Israel have intensified since the October 7 attacks. In March, the official (“moderate”) PA daily stated that Israel’s war of defence against Hamas has exceeded all the German Nazi and Italian Fascist crimes of annihilation known to history.
Read article in full
Palestinian collaboration with the Nazis extended well beyond the Mufti
Nazism still flourishes in Arab nationalist and Islamist ideologies
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Fundamentalism isn't fascism but it responds to the same long-term structural crisis of modernity.
i.e. Roger Griffin has identified the uprooting of traditional authority by modernization as creating a political and cultural vacuum (a "nomic crisis" or crisis of meaning) that manifests as a diffused sense of disenchantment or anomie, wherever the legitimacy of prevailing modern ideologies like liberalism has started to crack.
"Anti-anomic" movements - that is, attempts to fill the gaps in modernity with a renewed sense of cohesion and transcendence - draw on a variety of (both indigenous and imported) myths/idioms to knit together their alternative vision.
This isn't necessarily fascism: fascism, and ultra-nationalism more generally, is specifically the result of this nomic crisis acting upon societies which, in their path to modernity, have sustained popular secular nation-building projects. Which isn't true of all societies, and in places like West Asia, a history of relatively weak nation-building projects* has left fascism largely absent but created fertile soil for religious fundamentalism, which draws on indigenous cultural and political idioms (in this case, Islamic revivalism dating to the nineteenth century) to respond to modern disenchantment.
When those societies are gripped by deep and abrupt structural crises (like the invasion of Iraq and resultant collapse of Ba'athism) these anti-anomic Islamist currents are catapulted into insurgent forces to transform society (e.g. Islamic State). The equivalent would be the Great Depression launching Nazism into a mass movement and the 2008 crash doing the same to Golden Dawn. So Islamic State and similar formations are not literally fascist, but it makes material sense that they're somewhat comparable (and this is important to distinguish because there is actual fascism in the Middle East, just like there's fundamentalism in the West**: the Guardians of the Cedars in Lebanon, Ataman Kardeşliği in Turkey, possibly the pan-Iranists, and more equivocally*** Kahanism in Israel).
*This, and the failure or eradication of pan-Arabism.
**Referring mainly to Reconstructionists and Catholic Integralists
***I say equivocally because Kahanism is genuinely antisecular in a way most fascisms aren't, but it's also not just a religious fundamentalism
Also, obviously, the revolutionary Left tends to benefit from these structural crises as well (KPD also grew during the Depression), and the proliferation of Islamic fundamentalism has as much to do with the failure/eradication of Leftism as it does with the failure/eradication of Arabism, but including the Left would've made this post even more unwieldy.
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ambipolis · 7 months
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Lundi 6 novembre 2023
Le nouveau négationnisme 
Le nouveau négationnisme est en marche accélérée. Il nie les massacre commis par le Hamas en Israël à partir du 7 octobre et « en même temps » les justifie. Sans voir, admettre l’évocation du souvenir du massacre d’Oradour-sur-Glane pendant l’occupation nazie.
Pour le Hamas, pour tous les islamistes terroristes, pour les Frères musulmans, les Israéliens serait devenus les nouveaux nazis.
C’est une des caractéristiques du négationnisme que de refuser, de nier, de détourner le réel en accusant ceux qu’ils veulent anéantir des maux, des atrocités qui ont été commis par ceux qu’ils veulent protéger et promouvoir.
Comme si le fait de se considérer comme victimes exonérait de toute responsabilité.
Il n’y a pas qu’un antisémitisme d’atmosphère.
Michel Onfray n’a pas oublié, lui, le lien du mufti de Jérusalem avec le nazisme. Les nouveaux négationnistes semblent vouloir « finir le travail ».
François BAUDILLON *
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bantarleton · 5 years
I’ve noticed a few recent followers are of the Actual Nazi variety, so just in case my blocking has missed any - if you support or propagate Nazism, you’re not welcome here. 
Also while we’re at it, there’s zero evidence linking some sort of Islamist conspiracy to the Notre Dame fire. As far as I’m aware the spate of vandal attacks on RC churches in France recently has also been unattributed, with some sources blaming radical feminists (but I may be wrong on that). 
Don’t spread misinformation, people.
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Introduction: The full name of the book is "American Idol after Iraq" which is published by Blackwell - Wiley in 2009. The author of the book Nathan Gardels has been the editor of New Perspectives Quarterly since it began publishing in 1985. He has written widely for the daily papers and journals since mid 1980s and he has been a Media Leader of the World Economic Forum (Davos) as well. Apart, he has given speeches in Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (IESCO). Gardels holds degree on Theory and Comparative Politics from UCLA. His co-author Mike Medavoy has had a very active role in making large number of Hollywood movies. Throughout his career in Hollywood, he has been active in politics as well. In 1992 and 1996 he advocated Bill Clinton and in 2008 he was in favor of Barack H. Obama. He was born in Shanghai, of Russian-Jewish parents; he graduated with honor in History from UCLA.
In this must-read book the authors explain and mainly discuss the public diplomacy and Hollywood role in shaping it, mainly in the new era after 9/11 terrorist attacks. The foreword is by Joe Nye, Harvard Professor which is mostly well-known with his notion of "soft power". Once again, Nye asserts the importance of the soft power- Weapon of Mass Attraction- and recalls that not missiles and bomb but the American soft power was the key in collapse of Berlin Wall and consequently Soviet Union, the Evil Empire as Reagan called it. Nye believes that in wake of the new century American soft power is not as powerful as the past decades. It is because of the mistreatment of the prisoners in Gitmo and Abu Ghoraib prison by American troops. The world does not believe and trust America as before. Professor Nye puts forward that in the Information age success is not merely the result of whose army (hard power) wins but also whose story (soft power) wins. He recalls the US challenge and problem with Islamists hardliners and extremists in which hard power is needed to defeat them but WMA is needed to win the hearts and minds of the moderate Muslim which are the majority in the Muslim world. He accentuates the fact that democracy and human right could much more easily achieved with soft power with a long lasting effect. Obviously, the most important tool as soft power for America are its giant media-industrial complex and Hollywood which broadly discussed by the authors in their script.
Hollywood, as the authors put forward has been the largest machine of dream making and storytelling in human history. Unlike most countries in the world America's image is based not only on who they are and what they do, but on how the Americans present themselves to the world through their global window. The most attractive and glamorous production of this machine has been the image of America as the promise land of infinite possibility and opportunity where individual liberty is in hand and the society is always on the move. In its 100 years it has opened a new window toward the world in which America has been seen through it and Americans has seen the world through it, as well. Some believe it has been truly and largely successful in telling and selling the American (version of) stories in past 100 years. "The dreams of America - individual freedom, middle class, prosperity, social mobility, the rule of law- which were made the dreams of the world, too, were pictured by Hollywood."
Other than that it has been used as a tool by the American Government fighting against "freedom" enemies, Fascism, Communism. Even the author argues that during the tensest day and peak of the Cold War, it was J.F.K who ordered the managers in the Hollywood that the Ian Fleming 007 espionage novels ought to be made into motion pictures. Other than that he mentions that to fight against Fascism and Nazism in the twentieth century Hollywood made the fist celebrity known globally, Charlie Chaplin who diminished and underestimated the power of Hitler in The Great Dictator. It followed the Wilsonian ideal in America's role in bringing democracy and self determination to the other parts of the world. These are samples which shows that Hollywood in its lifetime has used and been used as a tool and actor for America's political purposes. By creating roles known globally, like Rambo and James Bond, Hollywood has beaten its enemies, world foes and made it believable that the US is the ultimate savior of the world. Its values are absolute and universal and needed to save human and humanity. Accordingly, Washington eagerly sought to employ Hollywood's influence and soft power at home to make people in favor of his own foreign policy objectives.
But it could not be generally accepted that America's secret weapon, Hollywood, the biggest soft power tool is playing a positive role all the time. Not only foreigners criticize Hollywood to spreading violence, porn culture through its images in the world but within the US there are who reprimand and knock the film industry as well. To a great extent Fukuyama asserts that "It is perceived as the purveyor of the kind of secular, materialistic, permissive culture that is not very popular in many parts of the world, especially the Muslim world." It is living without any responsibility which is creating the greatest tragedy of our time. It is emptied of a spiritual dimension. Many believe that Hollywood is not doing a great job in elevating spirituality and morality of America in the world to win the hearts and minds of the people, but conversely Hollywood is sowing the seeds of loathing and hatred in the world generally and in the Muslim world particularly. Some, like Bill Bennett, Ronald Reagan's secretary of education openly and famously charged that Hollywood is undermining the America's mainstream values. This is much clearer when we take a look at the PEW foundation Poll in April 2005, which nearly 61% of Americans are concerned what their children see or hear on TV. Accordingly, "Soft power does not necessarily increase the world's love for America. Soft power is still power and still makes enemies". If there is a resistance to military presence and occupation, surely there would be an opposition and resentment to cultural invasion and occupation. For example even in Turkey which is America's NATO Ally, the most popular novel in 2004 which was sold more than 800000 copies envisioned a war between Turkey and the US in which finally Turkey wins. Even American brand of secularism which is pictured in movies has been the source of concern among the religious leaders in the West. Pope Benedict XVI carried forward the worry that aggressive secularism reflected in the media was eroding the religious Foundations of America. He told American bishops that "America's brand of secularism poses a particular problem. It allows for professing belief in God and respects the public role of religion, but at the same time can subtly reduce religious belief to the lowest common denominator. The result is a growing separation of faith from life."
Although the Noble poet Octavio Paz called America "the Republic of Future" which always eyes on future and new horizon in which Hollywood has been successful to create. But now due to democratization of digital media all around the world the future is not a Gospel for American soft power and its culture. For instance, although American soap operas largely viewed and seen from Malaysia to Canada, but in South Korea, for example 92% of TV and video games are domestically produced and are telling and selling their own stories.
In the age of globalization, we may be witnessing the end of "the end of the history"-which Francis Fukuyama stated after the end of the Cold War. Process and era of globalization, accelerated the modernity and post modernity and diversification around the world. The Singaporean diplomat, Kishore Mahbubani, makes this critical point in his book, "The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible shift of Global Power to the East" asserted that the great paradox about the failed Western attempts to export democracy to other societies is that in the broadest sense of the term, the West has actually succeeded in democratizing the world. One key goal of democracy is to empower its citizens to make them believe they are masters of their own destiny. The number of people of in the world who believe this has never been higher. Even in the undemocratic society of China, citizens have seized the opportunities provided by the economic freedom they enjoy to completely change their lives.... In the global term there has been a huge democratization of human spirit." Due to the point that some assert that in a democracy the voting booth and the box office share the same public. So, Hollywood has largely been considered to be the United States of America muscle in public diplomacy to win the hearts and minds of public as well as elites around the world. The trend of globalization and democratization of the media and the increasingly power sharing in many centers - the rise of the rest -as Fareed Zakaria calls it, results in an atmosphere in which Hollywood is not the expected and absolute winner. Apart, by the development of the communication technology mainly Internet and the emergence of Netizen (Network citizen) now everyone is their own story teller and filmmaker which is growing largely in numbers. It leads all people to move to the same neighborhood, more and more people want to see and hear their own stories on the screen, to see that their own ideas and cultures has been projected and reflected on the screen and then to enjoy the latest offerings.
The authors assert that as Harry Warner, one of the founders of Hollywood believed "the movies should educate as well as entertain people". The author puts forward due to the change in challenges that the world and America are facing, the media and Hollywood strategy should be changed to meet the problems of the new era. Some recommendations are given on close cooperation of public diplomacy and mass culture. Some of them include the matter of sensibility which should be considered in media and Hollywood to promote the empathetic understanding of other civilizations and ways of life. It is insane to try to impose the American way of life and the liberal model of "good life" to the world. "To Be able to put oneself in another's shoes without prejudgment is an essential skill" as a Chinese cellist asserts. Among the recommendations is the breaking the American public narrow mindedness by promoting more cultural cooperation with other cultures, promotion of the exposure of the worthy American cultural products, elevating the level of exchange in students and journalists and cultural figures as well and creating a joint committee by Washington and Hollywood on cultural relations. They believe it may work to restore the American dream and stance in the new era again.
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classyfoxdestiny · 2 years
Far-right extremists and jihadists must be punished equally, solicitor general says as neo-Nazis cases rise #ٹاپسٹوریز
New Post has been published on https://mediaboxup.com/far-right-extremists-and-jihadists-must-be-punished-equally-solicitor-general-says-as-neo-nazis-cases-rise/
Far-right extremists and jihadists must be punished equally, solicitor general says as neo-Nazis cases rise
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Far-right extremists and jihadists must be punished equally, the solicitor general has said amid a rise in terror cases involving neo-Nazis.
Government minister Alex Chalk QC made the comments after the Court of Appeal overturned an “unduly lenient” sentence for a neo-Nazi who had been spared prison and ordered to read Jane Austen.
In an exclusive interview with The Independent, he said: “We want to ensure the message goes out that there is no hierarchy of terrorism.
“Those who reach for terrorism to advance their warped worldview, whether that’s extreme right-wing terrorism or Islamist terrorism, or whether it’s anarchic terrorism, need to understand that the authorities will intervene and they should expect a robust penalty.”
Reports of the sentencing caused outrage, sparking numerous letters being sent to the attorney general demanding a review.
Police are currently arresting twice as many white terror suspects as those of Asian ethnicity in Britain, and a record number are children who have been drawn into neo-Nazism online.
Last month, a senior counter-terror officer told The Independent that the profile of terrorists in the UK had “completely changed”.
Dean Haydon, the Senior National Coordinator for Counter Terrorism Policing, said the “rise of the extreme right wing” had had a huge impact, and the far right now accounts for around 13 per cent of live terror cases.
Of the 32 terror plots foiled by security services since March 2017, 18 were jihadist, 12 were far right and two other ideologies.
Counter-terror police say they are increasingly intervening early, before suspects have a fully-fledged attack plan, using lesser offences like the possession and dissemination of terrorist material.
Ben John, the young neo-Nazi originally sentenced to read Jane Austen, had been convicted of possessing a document containing instructions on how to make explosives.
His original trial at Leicester Crown Court heard the student had amassed a wealth of white supremacist, antisemitic and satanic material, including propaganda from the neo-Nazi terrorist groups National Action and Atomwaffen Division.
John had been referred to the Prevent counter-extremism programme twice, but “failed to respond positively”, and allegedly returned to researching and liking far-right material online after being sentenced in August.
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Mr Chalk argued for John to be jailed during a hearing on Wednesday, which resulted in the 22-year-old being given a new two-year prison sentence.
“We thought that given all the circumstances – the nature of the terrorism manual he was in possession of, plus the failure to respond to respond to efforts to deradicalise him through Prevent – meant that a suspended sentence didn’t meet the justice of the case and was insufficient to protect the public,” the solicitor general said.
John was handed a two-year suspended prison sentence for possessing a terrorist document in August, with a one-year extended licence, meaning he would not be jailed unless he broke the conditions of a Serious Crime Prevention Order.
At the time, Judge Timothy Spencer QC urged him to swap far-right propaganda for English literature, asking John: “Have you ever read Dickens? Austen? Well, start now. Start with Pride and Prejudice. Shakespeare? Try Twelfth Night. Dickens, start with A Tale of Two Cities and, if you have time, think about Hardy and think about Trollope.”
The Court of Appeal ruled that under the Sentencing Code which binds judges, sentences of more than two years cannot be suspended, and John’s original term amounted to three years.
Lord Justice Holroyde did not criticise the order to read Austen and other literary classics, explaining: “It was certainly a very lenient sentence but we are not persuaded that in the circumstances in this case, the length of the term of imprisonment was itself unduly lenient.
Reports that John had been ordered to read Jane Austen as part of his sentence sparked outrage last year
(PA Archive)
“It is because the term was unlawful that we conclude it was unduly lenient.”
The counter-extremism group Hope Not Hate was among those calling for a review under the attorney general’s “unduly lenient sentence” scheme.
Chief executive Nick Lowles welcomed the outcome, adding: “While prison often fails to rehabilitate and isn’t always the answer, the judge’s baffling suggestion that Ben John read classic literature reduced the serious offences he committed to a parody. The far right represents the fastest growing threat of violence in Britain today.
“The priority must be a focus on countering radicalisation, especially online, and making it harder for far right activists to organise and recruit. At the same time tracking, detecting and catching activists planning for violence is a vital part of the authorities’ response.”
Mr Chalk said charges for possessing documents that could be useful to a terrorist attacker now makes up a “significant proportion” of court cases.
“Possession of these materials is not a minor offence, it’s a serious offence and rightly so,” he added.
“The point is that if somebody harbours an extremist mindset then those materials, if ready to hand, can be the very tool they need to perpetrate the atrocity. That’s why it’s so serious, it’s that unholy alliance of the terrorist manual and the warped worldview that can lead to really significant and dangerous outcomes. That’s why we make no apology for taking a robust approach.”
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