#JLY 18
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Recording sesh with friends 🎤🎼
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midsummerdolls · 4 months
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Tsukiko and Andrés!
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writingdollworlds · 2 years
I don't know why I clicked on this listing but I'm glad I did. This doll is sold, listed as a TLC Addy. I don't think this is Addy, and I was about to wave it off as a JLY 1, but then I noticed her eyes were light brown. I double checked and I think this is an orginal 18!
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What do you guys think?
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doll-princesse · 8 months
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All my dolls post!! (September ‘23)
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I’ve got various smaller dolls, some Creatable Worlds (Wisteria, Mako, & Berry), mini 35th Anniversary Strawberry Shortcake, a Licca-chan, a trio of Ojamajo Doremi/ Magical DoReMi dolls (Doremi/ Dorie, Hadzuki/Reanne, & Aiko/ Maribel), fabric dolls, AG & off brand minis, a singular thrifted porcelain doll (Heidi), Sofia (affectionately dubbed “Baldfia”) (still needs re- wigging), 3 Wellies, and my 36 18” dolls :)
Brand breakdown:
AG: 22 (10 historical, 7 GOtY, 2 JLY/TMs, 3 WBU/ Contemporary)
OG, Götz, Healthy Roots: 3 each
JG, Salam Sisters, MLA, Maplelea, Disney ILY 4 Ever: 1 each
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salmonandsoup · 8 months
Hello! I've been obsessed with the JLY au. Thank you so much for the food, the AU is something I adore so fucking much. I'd just like to check and see if it's alright to write fic for the au, and what your boundaries are regarding it; what you'd definitely not want to see written for it, that kind of thing. Thanks!
AAAAAA OH MY GOD :””””) I’m so glad to hear you like it!
Honestly, just tag everything and rating-mark it appropriately, and that’s all that matters to me. I don’t want to say there are any topics that are off-limits, because I don’t believe in that. Just tag it appropriately, provide content warnings if needed, and make sure if it’s PG-13, R, or 18+ rated that you say so.
Things I would actively LIKE to see are some Amy/Michael BROTP content (or romantic, honestly; they have a very close friendship that kinda dances over the line), some Gary/John enemies to lovers stories, or maybe some Gary and Amy bonding together. They honestly are each other’s best friends in this, and their bond makes me actively weep into my hands. Gary and Michael also end up getting along post-good and post-golden endings.
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raychleadele · 2 years
If we chat on Discord you’ve already been subjected to my renewed American Girl obsession but I apparently haven’t posted about it here so I’m going to introduce you all to my girls.
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This is my Kirsten. I was about 9 years old when I purchased her - it was around 1998-1999. I knew my parents would never be able to afford an AG doll for me, so I saved up for her myself. My mom initially told me I couldn’t have one until I was able to read one of their books on my own, but that wasn’t a problem for me since I was an avid reader, so the only real barrier was finances. I distinctly remember she cost $89 $82 at the time. (Editing because I found an old catalog page and apparently my “distinct memory” was off by $7 lol.) My allowance was only a dollar a week, so I didn’t spend a penny of it for a full year (along with birthday and Christmas money) in order to afford her. Looking back, my mom must’ve been so impressed that I actually saved enough for a doll that she probably paid taxes and shipping for me, because 9 year old me definitely didn’t know to factor that into my savings. I’m still proud of the fact that I managed to purchase her myself, and Kirsten is my first and true AG love.
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This is Esther, who I purchased about a year after Kirsten. She is a Just Like You 18, but the line was American Girl of Today when I bought her. I had already been considering buying another doll - in fact I had assigned names to all the Girls of Today in the catalog, imagining who they would be if I had each of them - and then this doll was modified to have bangs. I was instantly in love and knew it had to be her. I spent years playing with Kirsten and Esther daily, and they’re practically sisters. I know she came with a blank book to write her story in, which I definitely did. Unfortunately I don’t know where the book is now, and remember nothing of what her story was at the time. Maybe one day her book will turn up in my mom’s basement.
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This is my first doll purchase as an adult. I wasn’t looking to get another doll, but happened to spot her on Facebook Marketplace for a really low price a few weeks ago, and I couldn’t pass her up. She seems to have originally been a Just Like You 23, though she had been given a haircut before I found her. I decided she would be my experiment doll, since I didn’t have the childhood attachment to her and I got her for cheap. So her hair has been recurled, and just tonight I swapped her blue eyes for hazel ones. I’m quite happy with how she’s turned out! I believe I’m naming her Nina.
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And lastly I should share this beautiful girl. She’s an Addy from sometime in the 90s, and she just arrived at my home today. This might be controversial to some collectors, but I don’t intend to keep her as Addy. I purchased her specifically for her hair; my Esther’s hair has gotten quite thin after years of childhood play, and I want to treat her to some fresh locks. Now JLY 18 dolls are hard to find so a one-to-one wig swap isn’t an option; and from what I’ve heard, American Girl has changed their textured hair in recent years; I’ve looked at other wig makers and haven’t found anything that truly matches. Because I fell in love with Esther for her hair, I want to keep it as close to original as possible, so an early Addy is the closest match I could get my hands on. So this Addy was purchased to be a hair donor for Esther. After that? Well, she will probably become somebody new! I’ve been toying with a few ideas for what she might end up looking like, and perhaps I’ll share the process.
And that’s everyone! Now that they’ve been introduced I may share more pictures in the future.
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mydollsaregay · 2 years
Is it cool if I ask a bunch of specific questions about your dollhouse? Like what did you make it out of? How big is it? How many rooms are there? And how many dolls live in it?
I want to make one of my own... potentially. I'm torn between making one from scratch or getting that one WalMart made through a resale shop, painting over all the details, and re-detailing it myself. ANYWAY, I need ideas and inspiration.
Thank you, sorry for coming in out of nowhere like this! 👉👈
- creepydollroom
i love talking about my dollhouse, so ask away!
The dollhouse is the way I display all my dolls, as I like displaying them in little scenes. If they are part of my collection, they live in the dollhouse! that means it’s pretty crowded, with 22 different 18 in dolls (two aren’t in the pic bc they’re getting fixed) and one wellie. there are also 3 dolls im actively planning to get (claudie, Courtney, and Cecile), and there are 4 more on my “if I found them for an excellent price I’d totally snag them” list (Kirsten, ruthie, Emily, and luciana). So it might get even more crowded 😅
here’s an overview pic of the current state of it:
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it’s not fully set up yet (as you can tell by the random room full of naked dolls in the top right lol), and most rooms don’t have a proper scene set up atm, but I thought an honest look at what it usually looks like might be helpful lol.
I made it out of storage shelves I bought secondhand. I saw a lot of people making dollhouses online out of bookshelves, but the dimensions just didn’t work for what I was planning. For my plan, the shelves needed to be at least two feet deep (to accommodate beds facing outward), have adjustable shelves (to accommodate the taller furniture), and be either 3 or 4 feet wide to make the rooms large enough for fun scenes.
I found shelves that worked online from hardware stores, but they’d be super expensive, so I set up an alert on Facebook marketplace instead, and got lucky! They weren’t like. Super duper cheap, but they were much more affordable. Because they’re secondhand, most of the floors have a slight dip in the middle, but its not too bad.
The drawback to using shelves with open sides is that you have to make walls, which is really time-consuming (and the cost of materials can really add up!), but it was worth it for me to get the dimensions I wanted. My only real regret is not painting the shelves white before putting them in place. I hate how the ceilings in all my pictures are grey, but at this point it would be really hard to change, as I don’t want to spray paint in my poorly-ventilated basement 😭 The floors are just made from contact paper I got on Amazon and stuck on the shelves, and I’m really pleased with them.
There are nine rooms. Each room is 2 feet deep, 3 feet wide, and about 2 feet high (the heights vary a bit). Overall, the setup is 2 feet deep, 9 feet long, and about 6 feet high. It’s a big boy! Thankfully, there was a nice clear space in the basement for my doll zone, otherwise I never would have been able to have such a big setup 😅 it was really important to me for it to be big, as it’s not just a dollhouse, but also my doll display.
Having a bunch of rooms was really important to me, because I wanted to make themed rooms for a lot of the historical characters. Going across from left to right, top to bottom the rooms are: the modern bedroom (shared by kanani, Jess, Nicki, Mia, and Jessica who is a jly), the 60s/70s/80s bedroom (shared by Julie, ivy, melody, and eventually Courtney - I’m asking for Courtney for christmas so she’s not here yet), a room I haven’t decided about (it was gonna be Kaya’s but her tipi is too big 😭), the 1900s/1910s bedroom( shared by Sam, Nellie, and Rebecca), the 20s/30s bedroom (currently it’s just kit’s, but claudie will share with her when I get her), the 40s/50s bedroom (it’s entirely based on Molly’s bedroom from her scenes and settings, but she also shares with Maryellen and Nanea), the bathroom/laundry room, and the living room/kitchen (which takes up two room slots).
There are some girls who don’t really have a room that fits. Those are Caroline, Elizabeth, felicity, Marie-grace, addy, and josefina. Cecile and Kirsten would also be missing a spot if they were in my collection. Some of them will likely end up sharing the remaining unassigned room, but I don’t think all of them will work in one room. It will probably just end up being like. a very vague fancy historical girls room lol. I mostly want a reason to own Caroline’s bed haha
As far as ideas for your own dollhouse goes - it all depends on how much time you want to spend on your dollhouse build, and the size and shape you want it to be. I wanted mine to be really big with specific dimensions, so I had to go super custom with it. Re-detailing the one from Walmart is an EXCELLENT option if you like the size and shape of it, and/or don’t want to spend forever making pieces of it (I might die before I finish those walls 😭). If you want to do it custom, but don’t care as much about the rooms being deep as I did, I recommend going with a shelf with walls.
I do want to mention that just because you DIY something, that doesn’t mean it will be cheaper (sorry, every diy YouTube channel). The price of a diy project depends on a lot of things, both which you know going in (like your skill level, which limits what techniques you can use for building, and the cost for the basic materials) and things you don’t (like unexpected issues that may pop up, further customizations you want to make later on). That does not mean you can’t make a custom dollhouse on a budget - it just means you will need to plan carefully, find great deals, and spend a lot of time working on it (which can be fun!). Just because it’s not cheaper doesn’t mean it’s not worth it, but price can be an important consideration.
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kirsteninthesun · 11 months
Random (Semi Serious/Adult? Idk) Truly Me Headcanons GO!
1. JLY 8 (auburn hair green eyes bangs, classic) plays a large brass instrument, maybe French Horn. She’s a little weird and doesn’t have a fashion sense, so she wears those classic weird girl black fabric rubber sole clog shoes. She writes fanfiction. She probably grows up to be an English teacher.
2. JLY 21 (pigtails and pin curls, green eyes) is a horse girl and wants to be a dressage teacher. She’s very businesslike and serious, and she intimidates people. But she’s not mean- though sometimes it feels hard to please her.
3. JLY 45 (straight black hair, bangs, dark tone addy mold) has a sardonic and elevated sense of humor she keeps throughout her life. I’m thinking of a specific kind of “too cool for you” internet character, but in a good way. She listens to Lana and was popular on tumblr, but now she’s extremely self aware.
4. JLY 58 (curls, afro, addy mold) is incredibly shy and quite nervous, she’s unsure of herself. She can also be a little too trusting, yet at the same time a hard shell to crack. She doesn’t like to talk about her emotions, but she has a lot of them.
5. JLY 62 (sonali mold, medium tone, mid length dark brown hair w side part) has been under academic pressure since like, day one, and she did well with it- she’s a lawyer now working like crazy, but she never really had a moment to explore herself, so sometimes she seems almost artificially constructed. You can’t figure out who she is on her own time.
6. JLY 83 (tight blonde curls, light josefina mold, brown eyes) is a perfectionist, and group projects with her stress you out. She delegates responsibility well, but everything has to be done according to her specifications, and you’re not sure you’re up to the task.
7. JLY 56 (Lanie lookalike) does some kind of weird sport like shotput or long jumping, something within the field part of track and field. She’s good at it, too. She’s always cheerful and energetic. She’s very predictable and maybe a little basic- you could guess her Starbucks order from looking at her.
8. JLY 25 (classic mold with dark eyes, dark hair) immigrated from somewhere in the Caucasus and ending up fitting well into American culture, becoming a fashion forward, culture conscious young adult. She kept her accent, though, and you can tell she doesn’t try too hard to Americanize- she likes being a little different and enjoys different perspectives. She always has her nails done.
9. JLY 18 (Addy mold textured hair with bangs) She cut those bangs herself and doesn’t know why, because she’s been growing her hair out since forever.
10. JLY 53 (light josefina mold, blond shoulder length hair, brown eyes) is blind and has been since birth. She’s majoring in some form of art, maybe ceramics, and she’s really into creative design of everyday items- mugs with thumbprint holds, shelves that fold out of walls, custom plates with chip and dip holders.
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Time to do a new intro post as the other one is kinda bothering me so!!
I go by Lorelei, Korie, or Corey so any nickname of those I'm fine with. I use he/him they/them pronouns and am an aroflux pansexual. I'm 29 and have been into AG since I was about 10, Barbie since I was like 3, and I just like aesthetics of other dolls and other toys.
I use to work for AG at the temporary Las Vegas locations from Oct 2015 to Mar 2016. I do love to talk about it so please send me any questions if you have any.
My AG collection currently includes American Girl of Today #4 named Dani, PC Felicity, Kirsten, Samantha, and Nellie. Non PCs I have are Rebecca, Lea (who is now an OC named Hope), Luciana, Nanea, and JLY # 56 named Ali (like alley). I also have Wellie Wisher Willa who is going to be an OC.
My other 18 inchers are the Cinderella inspired Disney ily4ever doll named Orchid and the Tinkerbell inspired Disney ily4ever doll named Tori. I also have the Our Generation Theodore doll (who is mini me) and a Paloma Our Generation from Goodwill.
Barbie collection wise, I have too many fashionistas out of the box, but in boxes, I have the Wedding Party Midge Gift Set (1990), Toy Story 2 Tour Guide Barbie, Teen Talk Barbie (1991), Winter's Eve Barbie (1994), and Happy Family Pregnant Midge and Baby (2002).
I also collect Rainbow High, Bratz, LOL OMG dolls, Disney Creator dolls, and anything that I can get my hands on.
I have a collection of lots of Snow White stuff as well which includes dolls.
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wecantalktomorrow · 1 year
13-18 and 53
13. favorite louis song? angels fly/hoth/defenceless/jly. i refuse to pick
14. least favorite louis song? perfect now i guess
15. favorite niall song? paper houses has my heart
16. least favorite niall song? this town because i heard it at work too many times on the radio lol
17. favorite harry song? satellite and sott, my beloveds <3
18. least favorite harry song? watermelon sugar for the same reason as this town. these were so hard though because i'm such a mood listener.
53. favorite 1d performance? no control live on jimmy kimmel or wdbhg with ronnie wood
1d ask game!!
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I stay in this cursed state for the autumns 🍂🍂
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innerstarcollection · 2 years
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This is my current doll collection, as of September 2022! I have:
1. Marie Grace 2. Ivy 3. Lanie 4. Mia 5. Rebecca 6. Nanea 7. Kit 8. Ruthie 9. Kaya 10. Addy 11. Mary Ellen 12. Samantha 13. Molly 14. Kirsten 15. April (JLY/My AG doll) 16. Julie 17. Emily 18. Felicity 19. Josefina 20. Marisol
The oldest (collecting-wise) being Julie, who I received for my 9th birthday, the newest being Addy, who I bought on eBay earlier this year.
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desertdollranch · 2 years
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Heads up, team! Are we seeing a rare original JLY #18? I want it to be, but I don’t know if I’m totally convinced? Original 18 is a unicorn that doesn’t show up for sale very often, and when she is she’s usually not accurately listed as 18 because not many people know about the first version. Here’s the link to the listing.
Original 18′s look just like JLY #1, except for their light brown eyes that this one seems to have. Their wigs were originally identical, but she was revised in 1999 to have bangs. I don’t think she’s Addy since she doesn’t have the gold hoop earrings; the description mentions that she does have earring holes, just no earrings, but the picture of her ears is too overexposed to see them. And her wig doesn’t appear to have a center part, or any part at all, just like the wig that #15, and #1 also had. Her neck stamp says Pleasant Company.
But she could be a #1, if the lighting and camera flash are making her eyes look lighter in color. She has a body tag, which is not unheard of for Pleasant Company dolls but uncommon before 2000. If she was made after 1999, she can’t be #18, but would be #1 instead. She also might be Addy with a destroyed wig and with her earrings removed, but that’s less likely. 
Here’s original #18 on the left compared with #1 on the right:
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And original #18 compared with revised version of #18 that was in production before her retirement in 2008:
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So what are we thinking? Original 18 or no?
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For those saying 6 weeks… it’s been 7 ½ months and 3 song releases. Back To You, Just Like You, And Miss You. There is a lot of stuff we don’t see.
Credit to thetomlinsondaily gif
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raychleadele · 1 year
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I’d like to introduce everyone to Ana Louisa!
You may remember my previous post about buying an Addy to be a hair donor to my JLY 18, Esther, and how the transplant procedure went. Ana Louisa is that doll! I just finished fixing her up today and I love how she looks now.
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This is what she looked like when she first arrived at my house about a month ago. After she donated her original hair to Esther, I disassembled her, removed her eyes, cleaned all her plastic parts and the cloth of her body, and restrung her.
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Her hair and eyes just arrived yesterday so I was able to finish her makeover. Her hair is so springy and delightful, and her new eyes are so warm and pretty. The glasses add so much personality imo, and I dabbled in face paint a tiny bit for the first time to give her slightly darker lips and rosier cheeks. The necklace was made by me, and I’ve also purchased an everyday outfit for her that’s still on the way.
Ana Louisa is a ten year old living in Texas in 1845, when the territory first becomes a U.S. state. Her father is an escaped slave who got a job on a frontier cattle ranch. He married a Mexican woman and together they had Ana Louisa. The town where they live is primarily populated by Mexican people, so Ana Louisa is also culturally Mexican. Her town will likely see some tension in the coming years as the Mexican American War begins.
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And here are all four of my girls together for the first time! They are seated in order of when I purchased them - Kirsten, Esther, Nina, and Ana Louisa. Ana Louisa is the first of my non Historical Character dolls that I’ve decided doesn’t live in the present day - though for Esther, “present day” was the late 90s, which apparently qualifies as historical now! Wild.
Hopefully I’ll get a chance to do a proper photo shoot with Ana Louisa after her casual clothes arrive. I love her so much already!
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larry-archives · 3 years
Canciones // Songs
en español (ninguno d estos posts/mps son mios creditos a los blogs q di rb)
fool’s gold
something great
steal my girl // steal my girl // steal my girl
perfect // perfect
home // home & belfast
if i could fly
love you goodbye // love you goodbye // love you goodbye // love you goodbye
strong, happily, alive, something great, through the dark, steal my girl, fireproof
no control, medicine
louis tomlinson escribe canciones de amor queer sobre experiencias queer: parte 1
miss you // miss you
just like you
we made it // we made it
too young // too young & we made it
always you
too young, we made it y el posible stunt lyric en always you
perfect now // perfect now
only the brave
habit, always you, we made it, too young, perfect now, defenceless, only the brave
copy of a copy of a copy // coacoac // coacoac // coacoac
louis tomlinson escribe canciones de amor queer sobre experiencias queer: parte 2
sign of the times
carolina // carolina
only angel // only angel // only angel
kiwi // kiwi // kiwi // kiwi // kiwi
ever since new york // ever since new york
women // women
from the dinging table // from the dining table // ftdt y miss you
golden // golden
watermelon sugar // watermelon sugar
adore you // adore you (pez) // adore you (eroda)
cherry // cherry // cherry // cherry
to be so lonely
she // she // she // she // she // she // she
sunflower vol 6
canyon moon // canyon moon // canyon moon /x /xx
treat people with kidness // tpwk // tpwk // tpwk
fine line // fine line // fine line // fine line
girl crush // girl crush // girl crush
medicine // no control, medicine
Paralelos entre fanfics Larry y los MV de Harry
HS1 // the walls: a mess
línea de tiempo de canciones larry y lo que nos dicen sobre la evolución de su relación
canciones de ruptura
narrativa de canciones
canciones para stunts
paralelos en sus canciones
nunca rompieron
in english (took a look in this blog @larrylyrics) (none of these posts/mps are mine, credits to the blogs I gave rb)
stockholm syndrome /x /xx
home // home // home // home // home-iicf
if i could fly /xx // iicf // iicf // iicf
strong //  parallels between strong
ready to run // ready to run-happily-end of the day
love you goodbye // love you goodbye // love you goodbye // love you goodbye
girl almighty
no control, medicine
steal my girl -perfect now // steal my girl // steal my girl
perfect // perfect
strong, happily, alive, something great, through the dark, steal my girl, fireproof
right now
half the world away
louis tomlinson writes queer love songs about the queer experience.
Midnight Memories
just like you // just like you // just like you // jly // jly // jly // jly
miss you // miss you // miss you
walls (album)
kill my mind // kmm
we made it // we made it // we made it // we made it // we made it
too young // too young // too young // too young // too young
walls // walls // walls
habit // habit
always you // too young, we made it, stunt lyric in always you
fearless // history-fearless-just like you
perfect now // perfect now // steal my girl- perfect now // perfect now // perfect now // perfect now
defenceless-iifc // defenceless
only the brave // otb // otb // otb // otb // otb // otb // otb
habit, always you, we made it, too young, perfect now, defenceless, only the brave
only the brave vs copy of a copy of a copy
copy of a copy of a copy // coacoac // coacoac // coacoac // coacoac
Louis Tomlinson writes queer love songs about the queer experience
Louis using pronouns in his lyrics
meet me in the hallway
sing of the times // scott // scott-only angel
carolina // carolina // carolina // carolina /xx
only angel // only angel // only angel // only angel
two ghosts-sc // two ghosts // tg-we made it // tg // tg  
sweet creature // sweet creature // sc-iicf // sc // sc
kiwi // kiwi // kiwi // kiwi
ever since new york // ever since new york // esny // esny // esny // esny
women // women-she-girl crush-tbsl
from the dining table // ftdt // FTDT x Brokeback Mountain /xx
songs in Harry’s ‘het sexual album’  
golden // golden // golden // golden // golden  
watermelon sugar // ws // ws // ws // ws // ws // ws // ws-kiwi
adore you
cherry // cherry // cherry
lights up // ligths up // lights up
falling /xx // falling // falling
to be so lonely // to be so lonely
she // she // she // she // she // she // she // she // she // she // she // she
sunflower // sunflower // sunflower // sunflower // sunflower // sunflower
canyon moon // canyon moon // canyon moon // cm
treat people with kidness // tpwk
fine line // fine line // fine line  
anna // anna // anna
jast a little bit of your heart // jalboyh
medicine // medicine
don’t let me go
(in the “songs” part)
Into the Harry-Verse (Depictions of Fame and Music Videos)
harry, gender, and musical consonance: a soft analysis
fine line mp a breakdown, musically and lyrically
harry’s house
sushi // sushi  // sushi
late night talking
grapejuice // grapejuice // grapejuice // grapejuice // grapejuice
as it was // as it was // as it was // as it was // as it was // as it was // as it was // as it was
daylight // daylight // daylight // daylight  
little freak // little freak // little freak // little freak // little freak // little freak
matilda // matilda // matilda // matilda
cinema // cinema // cinema // cinema // cinema // cinema
daydreaming // daydreaming-she // daydreaming
keep driving // keep driving // keep driving // keep driving // keep driving // keep driving // keep driving // keep driving // keep driving // keep driving
satellite-defenceless /xx // satellite // satellite // satellite
boyfriends // boyfriends // boyfriends // boyfriends // boyfriends
love of my life // loml // loml // loml // loml // loml // loml // loml // loml // loml
larry songs timeline & what it tells us about the evolution of their relationship
quiet. they’re having a conversation
communicating through songs: masterpost
harry’s albums vs louis’ playlists part 1 - part 2
“Louis Tomlinson’s 28 Songs” vs Harry Styles’ “Harry Styles”
Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson’s Complementary Lyrics Masterpost
Larry Song Parallels + analysis
enigmatic symbolism of ocean/ship/star
papillon parallels
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