#Jesus Olivares
bighandsomemenfolk · 6 months
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separarprapensar · 9 months
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Vamos parar pra pensar sobre bondade e a justiça de Deus... Sabemos que entre os não convertidos encontramos pessoas que vivem decentemente, que são honestas e de moral. O problema é que uma pessoa que vive assim, ela não está fazendo mais do que a obrigação dela, mesmo não sendo convertida. O nosso problema com as obras não é realizar obras boas e justas, mas, sim, obras boas e justas cujo padrão de bondade e justiça seja o de Deus. É fácil nos compararmos aos assassinos e dizermos que somos pessoas boas. O difícil (e até mesmo impossível) é compararmos nossa bondade e justiça com a bondade e justiça de Deus! E é por isso que precisamos de Jesus, pois só um Deus bom e justo poderia conferir-nos Sua bondade e justiça para assim sermos aceitos diante de Deus. Rev. Olivar Alves
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rfsnyder · 2 years
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Jesus Olivar
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teestorep · 1 day
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deportefree · 6 days
El sábado 20 de abril se celebro en Luintra uno de los torneos internacionales mas importantes dentro de Kickboxing en Galicia. El torneo Ribeira Sacra de Kickboxing, donde participaron las mejores escuelas oficiales de Galicia así como las mejores escuelas de España con equipos venidos desde Asturias, Baleares, Comunidad de Madrid, Malaga.  Se celebró contando con las dos especialidades de Kickboxing en Tatami y Ring y todas las modalidades, en las que participaron los deportistas de Free Dojo Lugo, que volvió a ser el club de la provincia de Lugo con mas medallas y mas representación con un total de 9 deportistas aportados y un total de 19 medallas obtenidas 1 Oro, 10 platas y 8 Bronces La actuación destacada Gael Liste Abeledo que con su 12 años que consiguió un oro y dos platas en diversas modalidades y David Gonzalez actual campeón gallego 2024 de Point Fighting que se midió en las dos finales a Dayron Enrique otro doble campeón gallego 2024 de Light y Kick, donde no pudo superar a su adversario y consiguió dos platas para nuestro club deportivo MEDALLERO RIBEIRA SACRA KICKBOXING 2024 GAEL LISTE - 1 ORO Y 2 PLATAS DAVID DIAZ - 2 PLATAS CARLOS CASTRO - 1 PLATA ANDRES OLIVARES - 1 PLATA PEDRO JESUS FERNANDEZ - 1 PLATA Y 1 BRONCE GABRIEL FERNANDEZ - 1 PLATA Y 1 BRONCE ALEJANDRO FRA - 1 PLATA Y 2 BRONCES BRANDON ESTEVEN - 1 PLATA Y 2 BRONCES MARTA CALVAN - 2 BRONCES
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moonley18 · 1 month
Jesus Olivares Jacked Factory T-Shirt
Embrace the fitness lifestyle and showcase your dedication to health and wellness with the Jesus Olivares Jacked Factory Shirt. As a testament to hard work and perseverance, this shirt celebrates the achievements of Jesus Olivares and his commitment to fitness.
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Whether you're a fan of Jesus Olivares or simply admire his dedication to achieving his fitness goals, this shirt allows you to show your support with style. With its sleek design and bold graphics, it's sure to turn heads and inspire others to pursue their own fitness journeys. Crafted from high-quality fabric, the Jesus Olivares Jacked Factory Shirt offers both comfort and durability, making it the perfect choice for workouts, gym sessions, or everyday wear. Whether you're hitting the weights or going for a run, this shirt lets you showcase your passion for fitness with pride.
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canalforcaestrutural · 3 months
Todas as Tentativas de Jesus Olivares no Sheffield Powerlifting Champion...
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bigaldevlin · 4 months
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ezj2 · 6 months
He is so Damm sexy..omg
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jdgo51 · 2 years
On the Mend
By Ana María Sierra Olivares (Bogotá, Colombia)
"What I mean is that we can mutually encourage each other while I am with you. We can be encouraged by the faithfulness we find in each other, both your faithfulness and mine."
"I was a happy and friendly child, but my attention deficit disorder caused challenges with my schoolwork and in relationships with my schoolmates and teachers. For many years I was bullied, and I was weighed down with a great sense of frustration and rejection. But expressions of concern from a handful of teachers and friends meant so much to me, and my mother, a person of strong faith, always supported me.
When I started high school, the interactions with my schoolmates seemed to get worse — to the point that I wanted to retaliate for the bad experiences I suffered. But even more, I wanted to heal the broken pieces of my life. I knew a little about God from my early years, but at this stage in my life I began to seek God in earnest. I joined the church youth group. My process of healing began when I met those wonderful people who truly reflected the love of Christ and guided and inspired me to learn more about him and his teachings.
Today, I am a university student and a proud Christian. My wounded heart is on the mend, and I am learning the importance of forgiveness as I continue my faith journey to discern God’s will for my life." Sadly so many young people are bullied at some point in their lives. It makes you wonder how good people can be so very cruel with their words and actions. The turmoil these experiences can bring to a child's life is often debilitating. Be careful what you say and be ashamed when you attack someone and cut them down. It's not what Jesus would do.
"Merciful God, thank you for loving us and for Jesus’ example of forgiveness. Give us courage to stand up for those who suffer abuse and discrimination, knowing that we can do this through Christ who gives us strength. Amen."
Philippians 4:10-14
"10 I was very glad in the Lord because now at last you have shown concern for me again. (Of course you were always concerned but had no way to show it.) 11 I’m not saying this because I need anything, for I have learned how to be content in any circumstance. 12 I know the experience of being in need and of having more than enough; I have learned the secret to being content in any and every circumstance, whether full or hungry or whether having plenty or being poor. 13 I can endure all these things through the power of the one who gives me strength. 14 Still, you have done well to share my distress." Wherever you find yourself on life's journey, God gives you strength and protection. Be focused on that and you will conquer anything. I am blessed to have God close by all the time. He never leaves my side. Joe
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sareideas · 2 years
Powerlifter Jesus Olivares (+120KG) Breaks The 1,000-Pound Squat Barrier for a New PR
Powerlifter Jesus Olivares (+120KG) Breaks The 1,000-Pound Squat Barrier for a New PR
There are impressive lifts that are significant signs of progress, and there are noteworthy lifts that double as exceptional milestones. With a recent personal boundary-breaking accomplishment while training in the gym, young powerlifter Jesus Olivares can count himself amongst the special latter group. On September 13, 2022, Olivares shared an Instagram video of himself completing a 455-kilogram…
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bighandsomemenfolk · 8 months
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elyalovi · 4 years
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“El Ministerio del Tiempo” es la serie más ambiciosa y más importante que España haya ofrecido en los últimos tiempos. Con su tono didáctico, conciliador y crítico ha tenido un impacto que va más allá del simple entretenimiento, siendo su mayor mérito hacer cool la historia. La cuarta temporada de la serie llegó en un momento en el que el mundo se ve afectado por la pandemia. El creador de la serie, Javier Olivares, había dicho que esta temporada era un regalo a los fans y en un contexto de confinamiento y muertes; se ha sentido como un doble regalo porque se trata de una temporada que tardó en emitirse y que llegó en el momento preciso, justo cuando necesitamos algo nos saque del presente, nos enseñe el pasado y nos haga reflexionar sobre el futuro.
#ElMinisteriodelTiempo T4: Un doble regalo y una puta mariposa
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cifrasonlinecomve · 4 years
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“Maduro ha llevado el tamaño de nuestra economía a los niveles de 1953” Alerta el economista  Jesús Casique que si bien se está produciendo una desaceleración de la hiperinflación que ya lleva 24 meses, vamos camino a una depresión económica que ha pulverizado nuestro sistema productivo
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emmatai88 · 5 years
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Amazing artist Jumilla Olivares @jumillaolivares awesome Jesus last supper chest tattoo!
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canalforcaestrutural · 7 months
Quebrando Barreiras: Será que Jesus Olivares SUPERARÁ o Monumental RECOR...
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