#Just got a phone second-hand from my mum bc as I mentioned yesterday on a reblog. The screen on my old one is Falling Off!
galactichelium · 1 month
Why did a 2:30 minute screen recording on my phone take up 824 MB of storage. THIS PHONE ONLY HAS 64 GB ?????
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everythng-is-blue · 5 years
Second Chance
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hey guys, i’m back and i bring you dad!harry bc who doesn’t love him lol, i really hope you guys enjoy it!
   The days Harry came over to pick up or drop off Haleigh were days that definitely didn’t look forward to. I mean, I did look forward to the fact that some of those days he was bringing our daughter back, but seeing him was the part I was always disinclined to. And though Haleigh was old enough to understand her parents weren’t together anymore, I still felt awful that in order to spend time with us she had to leave one for the other. It also didn’t help matters that Harry was engaged to some other woman as of a few months ago. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t care what he did or who he was with, but at one point he was convinced the only person he could see himself with was me. But I guess things had changed.
Today was one of those dreaded days, but sadly Haleigh was getting picked up. We’ve had this arrangement for almost two years now, so we were more than used to the whole thing. I was honestly glad that things weren’t nearly as awkward as they were in the first few months. I always felt sick to my stomach the night before Harry was supposed to show up at my door. Now I still have a bit of anxiety when he comes over, but I try to ignore it for my daughter’s sake.
“You have everything ready?” I asked Haleigh as I entered her room.
She zipped up her bag and grabbed her stuffed bunny off of her bed. “Yep!”
“Alright then, let’s go wait out in the living room for Daddy, okay?” I said and she nodded, following me out of the room and sitting with me on the couch.
We watched a bit of tv, and after a while, we heard a knock on the door. Haleigh jumped to her feet, grabbing her bag and running towards the door.
“You better slow down!” I called after her.
When I caught up to her the door was open, and Harry had Haleigh in his arms as he hugged her and swung her back and forth.
“How have you been, my love?” He cooed.
“Good,” She answered. “Look, I got a loose tooth!”
“Really? Let me see!” He said excitedly, watching as she wiggled her loose tooth.
“Cool, right?” She asked.
“So cool! Let’s get inside and shut the door, yeah?” He said as he put her down. “Don’t want your Mummy getting after us because we let flies in.”
Haleigh giggled. “Yeah, Mummy hates flies. We had two inside yesterday because Mummy’s friend let them in.”
I laughed as well. “That wasn’t yesterday, babe, that was last week.”
“Oh,” Haleigh said, seeming confused, then laughing at herself.
I pat her on the head. “It’s okay, you silly.
“Was this a guy friend or a girl friend?” Harry asked cheekily, throwing me off guard. Why was that any of his business? He’s engaged, and not to me. And I can hang out with whoever I please.
“A boy!” Haleigh said, and I hid my face in embarrassment.
Harry raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
“It was just Khalid,” I crossed my arms. “We’re working on a song together,”
I wasn’t sure why I felt the need to explain myself, but I really didn’t need him questioning me anymore.
“Ah,” He nodded, that smirk he used to always have plastered on his face. “Well, good for you. Can’t wait to hear it,”
He hadn’t smirked at me in years. What was up with him today?
“Well, you guys should be off,” I sighed. I knelt down and opened my arms, Haleigh running up and hugging me tightly. I looked up to see Harry slightly confused by my sudden dismissiveness, but quickly changed his face once he saw that I had noticed, running his hand through his hair as he looked away.
“I’m gonna miss you, ladybug,” I held onto my daughter, not wanting her to leave.
She giggled in my ear. “I’ll miss you too, Mummy.”
I sighed again as I let her go, kissing her head. She walked over to Harry and grabbed his hand, him taking her bag and carrying it for her.
“We’ll see you next weekend,” Harry said.
“That you will,” I grabbed the door behind them as they walked out. “Bye, Hal!”
“Bye!” She said back as she waved at me. I waved at her too, then closed the door.
Later that night Niall and Julia came over to my place, and we talked about anything and everything. It had been a while since I had seen the both of them, with Niall working on his album and touring, and Julia touring as well.
“So, any development in the baby daddy drama?” Julia asked eagerly, adjusting herself on the couch so she was facing me, trying her best not to spill her wine in the process.
“Not really,” I furrowed my brows. “Though, he seemed kind of different when he picked Haleigh up today.”
“Different how?” Julia questioned.
I looked around the room in thought. “Like, when Hal said something about Khalid coming over the other day, she said I had a friend over and he was like, ‘a guy friend or a girl friend?’ Like that was any of his business...”
Julia looked at me in surprise. “Wait, what? He really asked if you basically had a guy over or not? That’s crazy,”
“I know right?” I agreed. “And then, when they left he said, ‘we’ll see you next weekend.’ Which wouldn’t seem weird to anyone else, but any other time he’s picked up our daughter in the past two years he always says he’ll have her back the next weekend, or she’ll see me next weekend, never we.”
Niall, who had been weirdly quiet since Harry was brought up, took a swig of his beer, then said, “You seem like you don’t know so I guess I should tell you... Harry broke off his engagement a few weeks ago.”
My eyes got wide, and Julia almost choked on her wine. “Excuse me? So no one thought to tell me this sooner?”
“Hey, I thought he would tell you himself,” Niall put his hands up in defense. “And I’m his friend too, so I really shouldn’t be saying anything.”
“Wait, so why did they break up?” Julia asked him.
He sighed. “I dunno, he’s been real cagey about the whole thing. I mean, we’ve talked about it but he never says anything directly about the reason behind it. You know how he is, doesn’t like answering questions.”
I blinked slowly. “I guess that makes sense why he’s acting different.”
“Do you think you’d take him back?” Julia wondered. “Like, say he brought Haleigh back and then asked if he could talk to you, and then asked you if you would give him another chance. Would you do it?”
“No,” I said very quickly.
Niall gave me a look. “Come on, (y/n), you guys were together for four years and you have a kid together.”
“You’re telling us you really wouldn’t take him back?” Julia matched Niall’s look.
“Yes! I mean... I don’t know,” I said indecisively. “Yeah, we were together for a long time, but you both know how things ended. We argued so much towards the end, we said so much shit we didn’t mean, and then he walked out on me. I felt like I failed my daughter because I couldn’t get her father to stay with me.”
“But your main problem was that you felt he didn’t have enough time to spend with you, and he has time now.” Niall pointed out.
“But you can’t just expect her to want to jump into things all of a sudden,” Julia sympathized. “It’s been years since they were together and things were okay between them.”
“Not to mention he’s been with someone else,” I added bitterly. “Who he proposed to, he never did that with me,”
“Exactly,” She gestured towards me. “Plus, a lot can change in that amount of time. Hell, I’d be hesitant too,”
Niall exhaled. “You have a point, but I know what hasn’t changed in the past couple years, which is how he feels about you.”
It had been a few days, and I couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation I had with Niall and Julia. Even while I was working on the song with Khalid, and while I was in a very important meeting with my management team, my mind was on Harry. I had come so far since we ended things, or so I thought. For a while, I didn’t even think of him unless it had to do with Haleigh. But now he was constantly stuck in my head and it was almost driving me insane.
After a long day of working in the studio, I got home and went straight to my room. My mind was exhausted and I was determined to get some rest. As soon as I closed my eyes my phone went off. I whined in disappointment, then grabbed it off of my nightstand.
When I glanced at the screen my eyes went wide, and I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them again just to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. But I wasn’t, I had definitely just gotten a text from Harry.       
Sorry if this is a bit forward, but there are some things I’d like to talk to about and my Mum and Gem have Hal for the night. Would you be up for a drink? If not I completely understand.       
I took a minute to collect my thoughts before answering. I knew he was going to tell me what Niall already had, but he said he had things to tell me. As in plural, not singular. What else did we need to discuss? I took a deep breath, then texted back.       
i guess that’s fine, and you’re lucky it’s anne and gemma, or you would be getting an ear full for not asking me first
I’m sorry, I wanted to ask you but I figured you didn’t want to hear from me. I’ll send you my location so you can meet me here. You have to come through the back, though. Paps are outside already but they think I’m across the street.
Harry sent you his location.
alright, i’ll be there in ten
See you then. x
I was extremely anxious as I drove to the place that Harry was at. Mainly because it was the first time in a long time that we would be alone together, but also because it happened to be at the place we had our first date. I had no clue if he did this on purpose or what his intentions were, but my heart was beating out of my chest already. I parked behind the place, then went in the back way when an employee Harry and I had gotten to know let me in. He told me Harry was upstairs, so I quickly made my way up, trying my best not to be noticed by anyone. When I got upstairs I saw Harry sitting alone at a table, his eyes lighting up when he saw me. I sat down in front of him, and he smiled at me.
“Thanks for agreeing to meet with me,” He said nervously, finishing his drink.
“No problem,” I replied.
It was quiet for a moment, and I could feel things getting awkward pretty fast.
“Been a while since we’ve been here,” Harry spoke up, looking around the room. “Lots of memories,”
I sighed. “What are we doing here, Harry?”
His eyes snapped to me, his smile fading. “Um, I need to talk to you...”
“About?” I looked at him expectingly.
He looked down at the table, popping one of the last few remaining fries on his plate into his mouth, chewing and swallowing before he spoke. “I, um, I ended things with my fiance. Well, ex-fiance now,”
I didn’t know what to say, or if I should act surprised or not, so I sat there silently. He looked up at me.
“You don’t seem surprised...”
I laughed sadly. “Because I’m not, Niall told me last night. Something you didn’t decide to do until now. Why are you just telling me this? It wouldn’t be any of my business if we didn’t have a child together but we do. I should be one of the first to know whenever major changes happen in your life that may affect her.”
“I know, (y/n), I’m sorry,” He apologized. “Again, I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t think you wanted to hear about my relationship. I didn’t think you wanted to hear from me at all,”
“Most of the time I don’t, to be honest with you,” I said coldly. “But that affects my daughter, so I need to know. Did this happen while she was with you? Does she know about this?”
He hesitated, not daring to look at me. “Yeah, she does... Told her not to bring it up around you...”
I scoffed, surprised by the amount of nerve this man had. “You asked our daughter to keep things from me? She’s six, Harry!”
“What am I supposed to do, hm?” It was his turn to act coldly. “Let her tell you that we had argued in front of her? That we had decided to break things off while she was in her room playing?”
“Yes!” I raised my voice, then remembered where we were and lowered it. “I expect you to tell me everything. You don’t get to keep shit like that from me, you know I would never do that to you.”
He sighed loudly, trying to calm himself down. “I apologize, okay? I should’ve told you, and I won’t do it again.”
“You expect me to just let it go since you apologized, don’t you?” I laughed, crossing my arms.
“Please, (y/n),” He pleaded frustratedly. “This isn’t how I wanted this to go at all.”
“How did you want this to go?” I asked incredulously. “You wanted me to be okay with what I was just told?”
“Absolutely not,” He shook his head. “But I thought we could handle this without arguing.”
I rolled my eyes. “Clearly you’ve forgotten what the last few months of our relationship were like.”
“I haven’t forgotten anything,” He looked me in the eye. “I haven’t been able to think of anything else but our relationship for the past two years.”
I chuckled at his comment. “You forgot about it long enough to propose to some random woman. Who you had just met very soon after we had broken up, by the way.”
“No, I didn’t,” He countered. “Sure, I made some stupid decisions, but I made them so I could try to forget about my love for you. And I was an idiot for thinking I could, because she broke up with me because she knew I was still very much in love with you.”
I sat there in shock, not sure what to think of the information I was just told.
“I know that we said shit we shouldn’t have, and I know that I left you, but if I could take it all back I would do it in a heartbeat,” He continued. “Nothing makes me happier than being with you, (y/n).”
“Nothing’s going to change, Harry,” I breathed, wiping away the tears that were now falling down my face. “We’ll just argue about the same things and end up in the same place.”
He shook his head again. “No, we won’t. We’ll figure it out, I’m almost done with my second album and I haven’t even started planning the next tour. I have plenty of time right now.”
“And when you end up not having time, then what?” I asked.
“I’ll make time like I should have before.” He answered. “And whenever I need to go out of the country for long periods of time you and Hal will come with me, as long as that’s what you want. And we’ll come with you if you have to do the same. I won’t ever choose work over you, and I’m never leaving you again, (y/n).”
I looked away, trying to fathom what was happening right now. In a perfect world, I would take him back in a second, not worrying about the future or our busy schedules, but this isn’t a perfect world. I was terrified that things would just end up the same, or worse. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss Harry and all of the good times we had. And I wanted Haleigh to have her parents together. I had denied my feelings for him so much that I had convinced myself they didn’t exist anymore. All the while, they were there and hadn’t changed in the slightest. I was terrified, but I wanted Harry to make me feel safe like he used to.
I looked into his begging eyes and couldn’t help but feel my heart break all over again.
“Please give me a second chance,” He tried again.
I thought for a moment, and I could tell that he anxiously awaited my answer. 
“Fine, okay,” I told him.
Shock overtook his face as he heard my answer. “Really?”
“Yeah, really,” I giggled, wiping away my tears again.
He practically jumped up out of his seat and came over to hug me as I stood up. He squeezed me so tightly I could barely breathe, but in that moment I didn’t care. After a moment he pulled away just enough to rest his forehead on mine, the both us laughing as we cried, a surge of different emotions going through us all at once.
“So does this mean you’ll love me again?” He asked me, his thumb rubbing my cheek.
“Who says I ever stopped?” I answered, causing him to beam down at me, then kiss me passionately.
I was the one to pull away after a while, keeping my eyes closed as I enjoyed the feeling of being in his arms again.
“You know, I think I’m gonna need a ride home, I’ve had a few drinks.”
I opened my eyes to give him a questioning look. “You were planning this the whole time, weren’t you?”
“Maybe,” He smirked at me mischievously.
I rolled my eyes at him. “Alright, fine, I’ll do it because it’s the right thing to do. But I know you’re not drunk, so don’t start acting like you are all of a sudden.”
He chuckled, following me out of the pub and getting into my car.
The next morning I was sat in Harry’s living room, watching tv alone while he was in his kitchen making us some food, when someone knocked on his front door.
“Could you get that, love? I’m sort of busy in here,” He yelled.
I got up, walking towards the door nervously. I looked through the peephole in the door to see Gemma holding Haleigh, and took a deep breath before opening it.
Gemma’s smile fell as her jaw almost hit the floor at the sight of me.
“Mummy!” Haleigh exclaimed as her eyes landed on me.
“What is going on? Why are you answering my brother’s door?” Gemma questioned me.
“Glad to see you too, Gem.” I chuckled, grabbing Hal from her and hugging her tightly.
Gemma laughed as well, placing Haleigh’s bag down. “I’m sorry, I am happy to see you, you’re just the last person I expected to be on the other side of that door, is all. Did I miss something, or?”
“Yeah, Mummy, why are you here at Daddy’s?” Haleigh asked me.
“Well, guys, we’ve got some news, we—“
“Would you look at this, three of my favorite girls all in the same room again,” Harry interjected cheerfully, and I turned to glare at him.
“Yeah, about that, (y/n) was about to tell us some news?” Gemma said expectingly, her hands on her hips.
“As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted,” I continued, Harry mouthing ‘sorry’ to me. “We’ve decided to give things another try.”
“So you’re back together?” Haleigh asked excitedly.
“Yes,” I answered her, then turned my attention to Gemma. “But we’re taking it slow, so things won’t be like they were before for a while.”
“Yay!” Haleigh squealed as she hugged me, Harry joining in and hugging us both.
“I give it a week before Harry’s moved back into your place, two tops,” Gemma teased, and I shook my head at her.
Harry pulled away, taking Haleigh from me. “Hey, Daddy’s making some food, would you like to help?”
She nodded quickly, and he rushed off to the kitchen, causing her to laugh loudly. As cute as that was, I realized he was probably rushing because he forgot about the food for a moment and was probably burning something.
Gemma raised an eyebrow at me, crossing her arms over her chest. “So, you spent the night, hm?”
“How do you know that?” I said playfully.
“Why else would you be here before noon? Especially when we had Hal last night.” She questioned.
I chuckled. “Okay, I did, but before you—“
“You guys hooked up, didn’t you?!” She poked, nudging me with her arm.
“No!” I gasped. “We did nothing like that, thank you, I slept on the couch.”
She looked me up and down. “Mhm, whatever you say, missy...”
“Gemma, I swear nothing happened!” I said. “I wouldn’t lie to you,”
She looked at me for a moment, then smiled at me mischievously. “Just wait until Mum hears about this,”
    thanks for reading! i’d really like to start posting more frequently again, so if you have any requests for imagines please send them my way!     
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ninjagoruinedmylife · 6 years
"An Awkward Prom" - a.k.a thing i promised to to and i haven't sleep yesterday to finish it rip me
Aaaaalright folks, so. Today is ninjago oc day which i was really REALLY REALLY hyped for, considering the fact that i have an oc i developed lately. Her name is Ange and she is daughter of Karlof and next elemental master of metal (i think i mentioned her here once or twice tho). And, because we are dorks, me and @clumsinessinperson made Ange and Ali’s oc, Nozomi, meet and ~fall in love~ *dabs* So, to celebrate it, we did a kind of… collab thing for them?? Ali drew a beautiful fanart of this two and i wrote a short fic about a situation that is connected with it. I hope you’ll like it!!
(Also im tagging @evelinaonline bc she threw this event and also she really wanted to see what was this secret thing i was working on with Ali XD)
Ange realised that there is no turning back way too late.
She was pretty chill whole day - hell, she nearly forgot about this whole school prom. Two hours before it, when notification on her phone ringed, she nearly got a heart attack. She had to prepare and, to be honest, she sucked when it came to subject of looks.
She threw nearly most of the things from her closet while looking for a blue dress she bought a few weeks ago. After all, she found it in a washing mashine, all curled up with other clothes. Ange sighed deeply and ironed it as fast as she could, hoping that she won’t burn a hole in it. When she was putting the cloth on, her hands were trembling and she started breathing heavily. Now she regretted every decision she made about this event - signing in being the first one, buying way too high heels being the second, and inviting Nozomi being the third.
At first she thought that this will be great idea. They knew each other for so long, Ange never met someone who would understand her so much and stay with her no matter what… But after they said that they are going there as friends, girl started wondering if she didn’t want to invite him from other reason than “I don’t have anyone else to ask.”
Maybe it wasn’t too late to call him and tell that something happened and she can’t go to the prom. Maybe she could tell that she had an asthma attack and… No, he would still come to see if she’s okay. Maybe she could announce that her father came to visit… Bad idea as well, Karloff lived way too far to randomly come to her. Ange tried to come up with some kind of solution while she was brushing her hair, painting her nails, putting on makeup. She ended up with no ideas and completly awful eyeshades. She accidentally chose the brown ones instead of the silver ones and now she looked like if she played with dirt and didn’t washed her face in few days.
When she did everything in her power to save her image, phone ringed again. She grabbed it with one hand, the other still busy paiting her face, and she didn’t even need to put it up to her ear to hear a loud rock music and even louder voice of a familiar man.
“Ya ready, kid?!” Ronin asked in his usual manner. “We’ll be next to your house in about ten minutes, so I sure hope you are! See ya then!”
And that he hanged off.
Ange sighed and her determination only grew. After she finally finished her makeup, she put on some silver jewelery she kept with her since she had to first move to Ninjago City, and then run away from anacondrai warriors. It was the only thing that reminded her of her mum - a pair of round earrings, long necklace decorated with blue crystals, and three big rings engraved with some strange patterns. She used to have a habit of not going anywhere without them on. Not only from sentiment, though; she knew she could easily change it in deadly weapon in the time of the biggest need.
Luckily, today no one was gonna kill her (besides for her own embarrasment, of course), so she could wear it only for aesthetic reasons.
Ange looked at herself in the mirror and she even smiled. She wasn’t looking half as bad as she thought she would, to be absolutely honest. She still felt way too tall and fragile, but she could even pass as an attractive person! That was an achievement to celebrate, but she had no time to bake a victorious cake and open up the shampain.
She stood in front of the door, holding her phone tight and waiting for a call from either Nozomi or his father, but the first thing she heard was a familiar noise that went through the window.
“Hell no.” Girl mumbled under her breath when she turned around.
Right next to her balcony, floated R.E.X. - huge flying ship that belonged to Ronin. She blushed a bit from both fury and awkwardness, and walked towards it. Her neighbours were gonna look at her strange again.
“We don’t have a whole day!” Ronin yelled when she came close enough to hear his words. “Don’t act like if you are on a walk in a park, come here faster!”
Ange hissed with frustration and moved her hand a bit. Metal bars that surrounded her balcony suddenly changed their place and turned into a bridge for a girl to walk on a ship. She looked around, a little worried that someone saw her - good, no neighbour around. She still felt hella anxious when it came to using her powers around people she didn’t know.
She sat next to Ronin and looked at her right. On his other side was Nozomi, who waved to her awkwardly. His whole face was completly red, like if someone threw tomatoes at him. When Ange smiled and waved back, he started looking a bit more relaxed.
Ronin still hadn’t started flying again - he nodded constantly to the rythm of a very loud, very agressive and very scary (in girl’s opinion) song. This state would last even longer if Nozomi didn’t react.
“Dad”, boy sounded slightly annoyed. “Remember? We have to go.”
“As you said, we don’t have a whole day, sir.” Ange coughed due to how much smoke R.E.X. producted.
“Oh, yeah. Good idea, kiddos.” Ronin cracked a smile and then they started flying so fast that Ange got scared if they won’t end up dying soon. “So. How is this whole art school thing going, girl? I remember a good ol’ times when we didn’t had a time for a stuff like that, I’m telling you. You had to work hard from the day you were born, or you had to start stealing, and you probably know what I chose…”
And it felt like with every word, he got faster and faster.
Ange, who was now not even a little red, but completly pale, looked at her friend over his dad’s shoulder and whispered:
“Can we kill him, please?”
“We don’t know how to fly this thing,” Nozomi shook his head sadly. “We would die sooner than he will kill us.”
It was good that they mastered the art of reading lips movement through all this time. In other case, they wouldnt talk about subject like that near Ronin and, what’s even more important, they couldn’t understand each other. Meanwhile, man was still rambling about how much schools suck when you can become a criminal.
“Oh, didn’t he try to learn you? Maybe you know some basic stuff…”
“You forgot an important part - I don’t want my dad to die!”
“Who are you planning to kill?!” Ronin screamed in their terrified faces after the vehicle stopped in front of a huge building. ‘He turned off the music few seconds ago, so he probably didn’t hear much’, Ange realised and felt a big weight leaving her chest. If she survived this, she will survive tonight’s prom for sure.
“Uuuh…” Nozomi scratched the back of his neck.
“My teacher!” Ange interrupted. “My math teacher, sir.”
“I bet he’s a pain in the ass, huh?” Ronin laughed shortly. “Okay, kiddos, go. Have fun, don’t do drugs, and blablabla. I’ll come and pick you up at 11.”
If a moment ago Ange thought that this was gonna be the easier part of the evening, the fear of what was gonna happen returned when she came out of the ship. She stood in front of her school and Nozomi soon joined her. Everyone from her school, now dressed all elegant, looked at R.E.X. with open mouths. Which meant that they saw her as well. And they saw her with Nozomi.
Even bigger damnit.
“Is everything okay?” Her friend looked at her, seemingly worried. “You look nervous as hell.”
“I always AM nervous as hell, Nozomi.” She answered and then started walking towards the entrace. “It’s not a big deal today, though.”
“I hope so, we came here to… have fun. Or whatever normal teenagers do during proms.” Boy frowned and then blushed. “It’s so strange. I’m not sure if it was a good decision to take me with you, Ange. I’m a terrible dancer and I don’t know anyone here…”
“Hey”, she grabbed his hand. “I asked you to go with me because I know I’ll have fun with you. You are my best friend after all.”
“You forgot to add that I’m your ONLY friend.” Nozomi smiled mischeviously, and then he looked down at their holding hands with a frown. “Hm, won’t they all think that we are dating? You know, holding hands and stuff is usually pretty romantic, as far as I remember from all those movies.”
He laughed, as if he just said a good joke, but girl noticed a growing blush on his face a minute before anxiety hit her.
“Ugh, I-” Ange let go of his hand immediately, feeling a lump in her throat growing and growing. “I’m sorry for that, if I made you feel bad or-”
“I mean, it’s not like I don’t like it or something-” boy grabbed her wrist and looked down. “I just guess that at this point I can stand people looking at me because I’m with a person I’m most comfortable around, and not because I stole something.”
 She wasn’t ready to answer somehow for that and, luckily, she didn’t had to.
They heard a really loud rock music once again, and when they turned around, they saw Ronin running in their direction with a camera.
“I forgot to take a pic of ya two!” He took a few deep breaths and then got camera higher. “Okay so, stand somehow to look nice, and then say "cheese” or some other bullshit… Ready?“
They looked at each other with awkward expressions, but after a minute Ange placed her hand on Nozomi’s back and he wrapped his arm around her waist. Both awfully blushing teenagers tried to put normal smiles on their faces, and without any more word Ronin took a photo.
"Okay, now I’m leaving for real, I promise!” He screamed when he was getting back to his vehicle.
Ange sighed. Maybe this prom won’t be such a tragedy.
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wannawrite · 6 years
sweet crazy love [ pt.2 ]
who?: Wanna One’s Ong Seongwoo genre: 🌸🌺 type: bullet point - bc fic would be too long TW: blood, biting, fights, mention of PTSD, depression and psychiatry, supernatural experimentation - poison
blog navigator.
part two / two
part one
• vamp! AU • experiments don’t always work out…. and when they don’t, they go to the psychiatrist
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO THOSE WHO CELEBRATE!! Wishing you and your families a healthy, prosperous and fruitful year ahead. Also, HAPPY BELATED VALENTINE’S DAY!!! hope all of you spent it well with your loved ones :”)
- Admin L 
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disclaimer: pictures used do not belong to me and credit goes to their original owners everything written here is purely fictional.
• ‘You look awful.’ The words spilt out of Minhyun’s mouth before he could stop them. The Tiffin he brought over began to unpack itself, settling into a nice arrangement in front or Seongwoo • ‘New power gained?’ He gestured to Minhyun aiming his fingers at each plate. • ‘yup. Discovered it while messing with Jaehwan’s shampoo yesterday.’ • for more vampire adventures with Minhyun and Jaehwan click here • Seongwoo felt slightly left out. He couldn’t drink real blood, depended mostly on human food and couldn’t build his powers up • ‘Did you go last night?’ Minhyun asked, handing Seongwoo a pair of chopsticks • shrugging and shoving rice into his mouth, Seongwoo directed Minhyun’s gaze to his veins that were coursing with blue coloured blood • ‘Asshole,’ Minhyun cursed. ‘I knew you shouldn’t have. He’s only testing more dangerous substances on you now.’ • Seongwoo’s recycling bin was overflowing with cartons of plasma juice • Minhyun nearly bumped into it and knocked it all over • ‘You need a new shipment.’ • ‘That I do,’ Seongwoo agreed whole-heartedly. He munched on his lunch while Minhyun dialled the supplier, The Middleman. • ‘I need a favour.’ • Seongwoo broke the silence, looking hopefully at his friend. • ‘Depends....’ • Minhyun looked slightly flustered and panicked, his mind working hard to figure out what Seongwoo could possibly need help with. • It seemed that his friend had a split second of deep thinking and consideration. Minhyun already knew he would agree with Seongwoo’s idea • ‘we need to expose Doc.’ • #Docisoverparty • ‘Dad?’ you called out into the darkness, pushing open your front door. ‘Dad I’m home. Mum?’ • ah, what the hell, Mum won’t be back so early from work. • Dad said he would be in though...but the house is drenched in darkness, not even the night lights are on • you had been meaning to come home for the weekend to tell your parents about your exciting internship, even though your father mentioned that he had the night off, no one seemed to be around • leaving the living room lights turned on, you ventured up the stairs to where your Dad’s study lay • usually, it would be padlocked - for no apparent reason - yet today, the door was ajar, light streaming out from the gap • you supposed your father was inside, probably hidden away in his material to notice your arrival • just as you were about to knock the door, your dad appeared. His eyes widened, startled by you. • ‘oh! hi dear.’ The sound of the heavy wooden door slammed echoed off the walls. ‘Didn’t see you coming in. I was just finishing up for the night.’ • your eyes rolled far back. ‘That’s what you constantly say and Mum will find you still working when she gets back at 11pm.’ • ‘see, this is why you’re such a huge inspiration to me Dad, you always work hard.’ • a look of guilt crossed your dad’s face before it diffused and was replaced by a contented smile • ‘enough about me, I’m anticipating hearing all about your internship over dinner! Follow me.’ • you walked down the staircase after your dad. Somehow, your heart seemed heavy and your feet seemed to want to lead you to whatever lay behind those birchwood doors • never once had any family member stepped foot into your father’s study • of course, when you and your cousins were children, he kept it locked, going on and on about how there were many dangerous types of equipment inside • it was for your safety • yet here you were, on the brink of graduating and becoming a doctor yourself, still kept in the dark of what Dad really did in there • strange • there was a stab in your chest, willing you to find out what kind of medicine he kept in his study • wow don’t we just love thickening plots I can’t believe I’m writing a BULLET POINT on this....it would be a two-part scenario if I was on holiday :”) • ‘When I said get help, I didn’t mean call every single one of our brothers....’ Seongwoo muttered to Minhyun in a hushed tone, looking out at his crowded living room, his blood brothers filling the place • ‘Oh come on.’ Minhyun smiled charmingly. ‘It was due time for a family gathering anyway. I still have yet to call the rest of them..... Besides, we’re going to need all the help we can get.’ • Seongwoo shot his best friend an unamused look, biting down hard on his lower lip. • ‘You really think exposing Doctor’s work to his family is going to be an easy feat? We may have natural-born abilities but they have technology on their side.’ • he let out a won-over sigh, nodding in agreement. ‘Well, everyone’s here already, what are we waiting for?’ • Minhyun’s lips stretched into a cheery smile. ‘Nightfall, my dear brother.’ • *NIGHT FALLS* • Dad: I’ll be at the office late tonight. Eat dinner without me. I’ll make sure your mother gets home sooner to accompany you • at that moment, you wanted nothing more than to throw your phone against the wall. • you were back for the weekend and although your parents claimed to miss you, they weren’t the best at showing it • yes, work was hard but couldn’t they spend more time with their child? • haven’t been to Dad’s work in a while,,,I should surprise him with dinner • perfect! • so you got pizza, called and Uber and rolled down to your dad’s office • an institute called Jowa Medical and Science Research Facility • I’m so uncreative rip • ‘Hi, I’m Dr ____’s family member. May I know which office he’s in right now?’ You asked the front desk cheerily • the man sitting behind wore a mask, but he was clearly grinning behind it. ‘Just a moment please.’ • hmm probably a newbie or intern • his name tag read Lee Daehwi • ‘ahh, he would be working right now in the Biomedical Research block. I’ll get someone to lead you to his office.’ • then, he proceeded to make a phone call, all too happily if you were serious • next, a man came to escort you. He too looked young and bright. • Name tag: Lai Guanlin • ‘hmm that’s as far as I can take you, follow my Professor, he’s better at negotiating with your dad.’ • again, something seemed...off with the teeth of these people • ‘you’ll need this.’ A man whose security pass read Park Jihoon handed you a white coat. ‘There are a lot of hazardous chemicals in the research facilities.’ • bye bye pizza you left in the hands of Lai Guanlin • who would devour the entire box by himself in a few seconds • everything seemed a little out of place today • uh...isn’t security a bit lax? • who are all these new young doctors? • whatever • can’t get killed anyway can I? • walking down a dim and silent corridor with an unfamiliar professor was something you didn’t plan on doing • ‘oh,’ he said, approaching what seemed to be a laboratory. ‘Looks like Dr _____ is in the middle of an important procedure.’ • he pointed to the flashing red light outside the door • ‘you’re welcome to wait in the observation room though.’ • huh? • wordlessly and with your heart HAMMERING against your chest, you followed him into a room next to the lab. It seemed to be separated by only a black screen. You figured it was meant for students to watch without distracting the professionals • WHY AREN’T YOU RUNNING FOR YOUR LIFE • at the same time, it was thrilling to see your Dad working • however, his laboratory seemed a tad bit peculiar as well • there were jars and jars stamped with ‘TOXIC’ labels, everything seemed to be kept in pristine condition and carefully placed • many items seemed unfitting for a science lab. Explain the weird dentist reclining chair and were those torture devices ??? • what the hell? • Jihoon could hear all your thoughts and he was sending messages to all of his friends • vampires in clean white coats boasting stethoscopes were not a sight to be seen everyday • THERE WAS SOMEONE SITTING IN THE RECLINING CHAIR • ‘hey, isn’t that a person?’ you whispered to Jihoon. ‘Professor, is he okay? What is my dad going to do?’ • Professor Park kept silent and gestured for you to keep watching the procedure • every single cell in your body was telling you to leave • get out • but your eyes were trained on your father, hunched over a counter, drawing a strange orange liquid from a bottle reading ‘POSION’ • the syringe was the perfect size for a flu injection • but POISON? • ‘Professor Park! He’s going to poison that man! He’s going to kill him!’ You screeched, unable to believe whatever you were seeing. Your heart reeled, head spun. It felt as if someone had cracked your heart opened, maybe your brain • jihoon didn’t dare to say a word. • ‘STOP! DAD, STOP!’ • hmm, soundproofing was good down here • suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, you caught a digitalised screen with information written on it • it looked like a data document of some sort • Name of experiment: OSW • Supernatural type: Higher Vampire • what? • what the hell? • was this some kind of sick joke your Dad arranged? • what hidden camera show were you on? Candid Camera? • Drug Dose: 37ml of Ricin • ‘DAD, STOP! YOU’LL KILL HIM! HE’LL DIE!’ • by now, tears were flowing and gushing down your face. Your brain throbbed like blood flow had been paused, your chest ached. Ragged breaths began to replace your normal intake of oxygen • ‘HE’S GOING TO DIE!’ • the last thing you remember was the needle being stabbed into the man’s arm and the screen flashing red to read • Victim: ONG SEONGWOO, 122, HV • night night • Results: OSW has survived, heartbeat detected • when you woke up, you were still in your dad’s office, just in the medical side now • in an A class ward to be specific • but you were convinced it wasn’t any of your family members who put you here • Seongwoo was comfortably seated in one of the armchairs, flipping through the newspapers • he had a small bandage over his upper arm; proving that he had in fact gotten Ricin injected into his blood stream • and he survived from it...which next confirms the fact that he was a higher vampire • ‘Wakey wakey,’ Seongwoo chimes like an angel. • he’s far from it • ‘how are you alive? I saw my dad inject Ricin into your blood stream. Am I hallucinating?’ • A chuckle leaves his lips as the door opens and someone else slips into the room • ‘Hyung, Doc’s gone now. We’ve made sure of that,’ the voice announced. • ‘Thanks, Jinyoung.’ • you glared at Seongwoo as Jinyoung slipped out of the room. ‘What do you mean by gone?’ • ‘I mean, back home, safe and sound. He assumes you’re back in your dorm by now.’ • this didn’t seem like a man who just recovered from fatal poisoning • ‘You want to know what you father cooks up in his lab? Follow me.’ • it looked like you didn’t have a choice not to • never did you imagine the first time coming into contact with your dad’s work would be with a vampire and behind foreign doors • and breaking into a medical institutions well-guarded and somewhat hidden experiment laboratory • the lab smelled of burnt Sulfur, maybe hints of silver and wolfsbane. Jars stacked on tall shelves were filled with murky liquids and gooey objects sticking out of them • you shivered at the mere thought of it all • ‘your dad,’ Seongwoo began cautiously. ‘Likes to hunt and experiment on the supernatural.’ • I must be absolutely bonkers by now. • ‘I’m just one of the few living specimens he got his hands on.’ Seongwoo caresses a manila envelope tucked under a black binder • ‘There’s a whole list. Most of the higher vampires are my family.’ • my dad? supernatural? destroying someone else’s life? • doesn’t sound like it • ‘That’s impossible,’ you scoff in disbelief. ‘Supernatural don’t exist. You’re mocking me, Seongwoo.’ • you regret turning around to face him because he changed from a college kid Seongwoo to a bloodsucker within a matter of seconds • his fangs elongated, his eyes a crimson vermillion • ‘ugh, I need another plasma juice box.’ • you fought giggles. It was hard to keep a serious composure after seeing your batch mate glow in his true form and then sipping from a tiny carton of juice that resembled the ones your baby cousins drank from • ‘anyway, my point is that your dad has been testing on me and the side effects are so severe that I have to see Dr Im and down plasma juice by the shipments.’ • ‘uh, real blood would mess up his test results and he would beat me up with one of his torture devices,’ Seongwoo answered your unspoken question • ‘I just can’t believe any of it...’ • who could • my ass would have zayned right away good bye zai jian • ‘give me a week....’ • black water melded to fill your pools of vision • *a week and many messy thoughts later* • shrieking was the first thing Seongwoo’s ultra-sensitive hearing picked up when he entered Dr Im’s clinic for the third session • the voice was distinctly yours so he decided it would be good to tune in • ‘WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNEW AND NEVER TOLD ME! DR IM!’ • ‘I HAVE TO HELP HIM! I’VE KNOWN HIM SINCE HIGH SCHOOL EVEN THOUGH HE HATED ME BECAUSE HE KNEW I WAS PART OF MY DAD’S FAMILY! IT STILL HURTS.’ • ‘I can’t let him just waste away like this.....’ • ‘I just can’t....I’ll never forgive myself if I do.’ • by the way, the screaming and throwing of tissue boxes was enough for Seongwoo’s ears to hurt but he was happy he caught your exclamations • you care about him :D • how cute • WAIT NO I CAN’T BE CATCHING FEELINGS • eveN IF THEY FAINTED IN MY ARMS I CAN’T • Minhyun shoots him a smug smirk • ‘oh shut up.’ • ‘never said anything.’ • ‘IT’S CALLED AN INVASION OF PRIVACY!’ • ‘Dr Im is ready to see yo- SEONGWOO NO YOU CAN’T STRANGLE MINHYUN HERE.’ • *break bc i won’t really touch on the sessions* • from then on, Seongwoo tried as much to avoid your father and you tried to occupy your dad’s time • making excuses for family outings • hiding and throwing away his syringes • calling his work to turf him out of there early so that Seongwoo wouldn’t have to face anymore poison • it was a hard feat to convince him to stay away • because for every session he attended, he was sparing a life of his family member • your dad threatened to harm an Ong if Seongwoo didn’t comply by the rules • there was always a different excuse you had to cook up to get your dad home and out of his study • once, you even went to the extreme of changing the padlock on the door by stealing the key from your dad’s briefcase • you made about a 100 carbon copies before changing the lock back before he noticed • you just NEEDED Seongwoo to be safe and sound • the odd case he did go for an appointment, you would have to attend to a half-dead looking Seongwoo at 2am on the middle of your dining table • ‘sorry for the lack of operation table, I’m a psychology student.’ • sometimes, you had to rip away parts of his shirt to access whatever wound or vein affected • you lost count of the number of times colour suffused into your face • or the number of times you threatened to stab Seongwoo with a scalpel whenever he teased or complimented your blush in his drugged state • you wished you could dose him with anaesthetic so that he would shut up • Seongwoo was too playful for his own good • he just liked to tease and joke a lot, especially under the influence of whatever your dad was dosing him with • ‘you’re so cuteeeee when you blush. I love it.’ • and he would pout sulkily when you don’t respond • ‘are you ignoring meeee? Don’t you have feelings for meeeeeee?’ • annoying vamp • you would tell him to keep quiet unless he wanted a dead vein • catering to his supernatural needs was another thing • hiding a stack of plasma fruit juice under your bed was a different affair altogether • you also had to receive shady shipments in the middle of the morning so that none of your flatmates would get suspicious • they were like family to you but you would get suspicious if something with the label of ‘100% REAL PLASMA JUICE’ appeared at your doorstep • there was also an unholy amount of poison reversals stashed in your locked drawer • hmm your friends in the medical sector were beginning to get suspicious • all you needed to do was call a vampire over, hypnotise them, get your goods and hack into the security system to remove any footage • damn aren’t you glad you have royal and senior vampires like Yoon Jisung on your side to help with that? • ‘shut up Guanlin all you did was carry the bags of medicine and eat my pizza.’ • you often complained about Seongwoo’s younger brothers but they were an added joy in your life • ‘JINYOUNG I SAID PUT THAT SYRINGE DOWN NOW.’ • what a pain • sometimes Seongwoo would murmur incoherently in his dozy state and all you could catch were things along the lines of ‘pretty’, ‘I want to go to The Middleman’, ‘I want to kiss someone’ • uh yeah which made you a tad bit pissed off and receptive • ‘seongwoo, you better shut up before I stab you with this anaesthetic.’ • what are your feelings? • it’s like you hate him but you can’t seem to stop loving him? • it gets really intimate since you see him every single day and most of the time it is when he’s at his most vulnerable ??? • sessions with Dr Im • late night therapy while you’re fixing him up • texting him that you got your dad fixated on something else for that time • texting him to ask if he’s been taking the prescribed pills • you just...suddenly found yourself gaining a close friend and maybe some new feelings • why not? • seongwoo was dangerous, sometimes annoyingly loud and cocky with a devilish glare yet he was funny, playful, open with you and genuine • every night you got your dad’s tools away from him, there was a cup of your regular order from the cafe you first met waiting for you at Dr Im’s office • she wouldn’t say who brought it >:( oh ho ho but you knew all too well • he was TOO KIND for his own good • even if he was a jerk sometimes haha • you just started to like him...more than a friend • so when he started saying stuff like that, you just felt like crying and stabbing him with a needless syringe • like why? aren’t I the one who is always holding you close and protecting you? Isn’t it my apartment you run to? Why? • it’s just super pressing and irritating, heart-wrenching even • who was the one printing out his lecture notes and delivering them to his dorm? who was it tracking his mental health progress? • one night, Seongwoo texted you to open the door,,,even when you knew there wasn’t anything scheduled • he just stumbled into your arms the moment you peeled open the door. • hmm no traces of alcohol • ‘babeee,’ Seongwoo drawled out, completely oblivious to the words that came out of his mouth. ‘Guess what?’ • ‘I don’t want to. I’m calling Minhyun, just hang in there.’ • I DON’T KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH THIS • ‘I got my first taste of real blood. It was from a blood bag of course and it was from an animal, I think I’m allergic to human blood.’ He suddenly frowns. ‘Besides, I won’t want to upset youuu.’ • oh god is he tipsy because all he’s been living on are these fruit juices • ‘why not?’ you challenge, your fingers stop punching in Minhyun’s contact • Seongwoo wraps his arms around your shoulders with a giddy smile on his face. ‘I looove you! I do! Ever since graduation when you found out my secret but never told anyone.’ • your cheeks redden and you send Seongwoo straight to your bed, tucking him in tightly so he can’t escape • he’s worse on blood than on poison...what is this logic? • ‘nooo!’ he whines, grabbing your wrist. ‘Don’t leave me. You’ve never have and you won’t now....will you?’ • oh man look at this baby even his fangs are beginning to show someone help him • you’re helpless against his iron-grip so you settle with him, cuddling until he shuts his eyes • phew, I can leave to call Minhyun now • ‘I also like you...’ • huh ??? • there’s a yearning in your heart, you want to know why • so you grab his hand and stick by his side • like you always have • ‘You’ve always been there for me. No matter what. Even though I’m technically not supposed to exist at all.....’ • your heart melts into a puddle, you can’t handle all your pent-up emotions • ‘I told Minhyun I would marry you when we’re ready....’ • SLEEP TALK IS THE BEST TALK • are you crying or are you crying? • ‘w-when w-we were young....we swore that we would marry the person who was there for us even in the most difficult of situations.....’ • SOB SOB SOB • IDK WHY MY EYES ARE SWEATING RN • SEONGWOO STOP • ‘you helped me so much.....’ • he gets sleepier and sleepier, dozing off into oblivion • a small smile stretches across his face when you kiss his forehead and run a hand through his hair • WHO WOULDN’T • ‘you are here for me even when the night falls.’ • and he’s out • you can’t comprehend it now, perhaps not ever • it’s just his secret love that’s bloody sweet and would drive anyone else but you absolutely crazy • okay this isn’t meant to be dark or anything like that and I spent a whole WEEK on this no joke I’m crying • but basically, we should accept and love each other’s flaws and differences • I don’t believe supernatural exist in real life so please don’t be scammed friends ahaa • see y’all next week! • 💖💕💓
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