ryuvnosuke · 4 months
sending another for the sentence ask thing since you reblogged it again uhhhh how about kunichuu + "are you hurt?"
“Are you hurt?” Kunikida could've died by now if the person in front of him wasn't Nakahara Chuuya, and although he's not one to get impressed by dramatics or stand in awe, he sees Chuuya's whole figure glowing red, auburn hair falling in place, and for a second he forgets to pay attention to anything except him. Fuck. “No,” he says through his teeth. He is hurt, but he's not unconscious, so he might be as good as new. Not enough of a big deal to worry about, considering they're in the middle of something here and he can't really afford to leave. He doesn't see Yosano anywhere, though. Chuuya raises his eyebrows slightly before turning his head to stare at what's in front of him. He puts his hands on his pockets and then doesn't move at all, but he must've done something, because Kunikida hears the enemy scream. Huh. “Stand up, then,” Chuuya says simply. Kunikida puts a hand on the ground to support himself. “Try not to explode, will you? That'd be a third.” Kunikida frowns, but before he can reply, Chuuya leaves him behind.
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dollettecxre · 9 months
oblivious kunikida <33
kunikida being the most oblivious fuck alive and not realizing that chuuya and dazai are pining for him
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littencloud9 · 1 month
thinking abt kunikidazai… kunikida being the clingiest drunk and latching onto the person nearest to him. meanwhile dazai is going into cardiac arrest and regretting ever suggesting they go drinking together
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binkskat · 1 year
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KuniChuu my beloved <33
KunikiDazai and Soukoku walked so they could strut, run, and leap. Can you tell I'm delusional? I can't, regardless, they're in love, your honor.
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jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
i have fallen in to the fyoya rabbit hole and there is no getting out
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zukkaoru · 2 months
Drop some fluffy KuniChuu HCs?
fluff is not my forte so some of these lean more towards hurt/comfort but here you go <3
they enjoy cooking together!! kunikida actually likes cooking most of the time, but to chuuya, it's always been just something they have to do. until they start making meals with kunikida and then cooking becomes something they start looking forward to
chuuya calling kunikida "pretty boy" forever and always my beloved
chuuya stops by the agency office to have lunch with kunikida sometimes. especially on days when he knows kunikida is busy and will likely put off lunch (or skip it entirely) unless someone forces him to take a break from his work
when chuuya has bad pain days, kunikida will run them a warm bath and wash their hair for them and he'll kiss the scars corruption has left on chuuya's arms and while it doesn't fix everything, the warm water helps soothe the pain somewhat and just having kunikida there does make chuuya feel significantly better
chuuya stealing kunikida's clothes!! chuuya's favorite pajamas quickly become just one of kunikida's old t-shirts or sweaters. kunikida can't even complain bc he thinks chuuya looks adorable drowning in his shirts
chuuya wanting ceiling time™️ but also wanting to be with kunikida so they use their ability to bring kunikida to ceiling time with them,, and they just sort of sit on the ceiling in comfortable silence with kunikida holding chuuya
chuuya enjoys sitting on kunikida's lap. kunikida also enjoys chuuya sitting on his lap.
that being said, if chuuya thinks kunikida is doing too much work or he's bored waiting for kunikida to be ready to get lunch with him, they will just go sit themself on kunikida's lap and make it increasingly hard for him to actually get anything done until he just gives up
chuuya likes to call kunikida when they're having a slow day at work or just to talk while they have to do boring paperwork or whatever. also occasionally on the way to missions if the drive is a long one
speaking of driving. between the two of them, kunikida is usually the one to drive. this is because he is very very bad at being a passenger. it's okay though because chuuya very much enjoys just lovingly watching kunikida drive
however, when he's having a bad day with his hands, he will (begrudgingly) allow chuuya to drive instead
when kunikida drives, he very firmly always keeps both hands on the steering wheel. but when chuuya drives, they like holding kunikida's hand. kunikida tells them not to, but he doesn't ever actually pull away bc it eases his not-being-the-driver anxiety
chuuya painting kunikida's fingernails please i need it p lease--
chuuya flusters kunikida by flirting with him and calling him pet names. kunikida flusters chuuya through physical affection.
kunikida likes kissing the top of chuuya's head and also the freckles on their cheeks and shoulders. chuuya likes kissing kunikida's hands.
i just want them to be silly stupid in love they are so important to me!!!
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if i loved you like i'm capable of
Chuuya stared at him, eyes wide before bursting into laughter. “Phah! Dazai was right—you are high-strung!” they cackled, slapping their knee with their hand.
“I am not high-strung!” Kunikida argued. “Unlike you, I actually have a set of ideals and morals that I strive to live by. If that makes me high-strung to the world, then so be it. At least I have those to fall back on.”
“Hm,” Chuuya hummed, all traces of laughter vanishing within seconds. Although their chests were practically touching, they somehow managed to stalk even closer. They hooked a finger around Kunikida’s collar and pulled him down, ignoring his indignant squawk and red skin.
“You seem pretty high-strung to me, even without all your ideals. Looks like you could use a break, pretty boy.”
[or, kenji, chuuya, & kunikida have a sleepover & bad flirting ensues]
🛏 7,045 words | kunichuu & kenji 🛏
a gift for my beloved @zukkaoru because they had to listen to me complain about writer's bock for two months straight, they wanted more kunicuu, their kunichuu spam yesterday inspired this, & bc i'm biased & love them <333
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starrynightarchive · 2 months
HI NEW FRIEND!! https://www.tumblr.com/starrynightarchive/746828393813803008/inbox-me-1-thing-you-want-to-know-about-me
asking you for your top 5 bsd dynamics (either romantic or platonic works 👀)
new mutual!!!!! hi lena!!! (i can call you that right?) you have great timing I was just stalking your ao3 AND I LOVE YOUR WRITING SM WAH
clears throat. so here are a few dynamics i enjoy based on two criterion:
they meet in canon and are absolutely Not normal in any of their interactions
chuuya and dazai- freaks. the homosexuals ever. someone needs to kill them because therapy won't work on them.
dazai and kunikida- guys...... guys it's the work-husbands...... it's the gorgeous blonde man and his disaster brunette girlfail husband..... guys.....
dazai and fyodor- hey what the fuck is wrong with them. @zukkaoru and i are currently investigating that question
the lupin trio- MY BELOVEDS!!!! a minor and an enabler and a man with way too many sus jobs!!!! all of them in a dingy bar!!!! none of them are normal!!! we love to see it
bram and aya- it's like watching dora but dora is funny and cool and there's a fucking sleepy vampire for some reason. amazing
they don't meet/barely interact in canon and that's probably for a good reason but ASAGIRI MAKE IT HAPPEN I'M IN YOUR WALLS:
chuuran- they are a fucking disaster. that's all i can say
nikonathan- local murderous clown tries to romance an equally murderous catholic
nikolai and kenji- listen. I have a very valid reason for this one. grace wrote this fic and you expect me to be normal about that? are you hearing yourself.
kunichuu- guys,,,, they are built from the same dirt..... they are one road diverging into two different paths..... they are so.....
any platonic/familial dynamic involving dazai and the ada members
I have a lot more but this post will never end if i keep talking so like. tldr if im crazy about something I write about it so you can most probably see stuff for it in my ao3
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kunikida, oda, mushitaro, and a fella of ur choosing :3
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi, I'm not sure he knows about the being attracted to men part yet.
Gender Headcanon: Honestly your transmasc headcanon for him is slowly seeping into my own headcanons, so...
A ship I have with said character: I like most Kunikida ships I've seen, but soft spot for the specific flavor of Kunichuu that's popped up in my Agency Chuuya AU. By accident. Did you know they can be so domestic. And they have a dog.
A BROTP I have with said character: Kunikida and Katai's dynamic does indeed warm my heart, and thank god it's canon. But Kunikida and Atsushi are also so iconic...
A NOTP I have with said character: Nothing comes to mind? As I've said I like most Kunikida ships I've seen.
A random headcanon: I think delinquent Kunikida is a fairly popular headcanon, but I do adore it, whether full-on delinquent or just him being a lot more crass/rude in high school. I also think the scheduling is something he did not have when he first met Katai, developing that over the years and being in full force by the time he joined the Agency.
General Opinion over said character: A very solid character all around, and one of the ones I think is the most difficult to morally corrupt. I want to see more of him coming into his role as the Agency's future leader, and just... more of him, honestly.
Sexuality Headcanon: He's never thought about it. Very possibly pan though.
Gender Headcanon: He's a guy and he's pretty chill with that, not all that complicated.
A ship I have with said character: Odango... the inherent tragedy of it compels me so...
A BROTP I have with said character: Buraiha Trio, and all the friendships he has in it, and I will never stop thinking about them until the day I do.
A NOTP I have with said character: Od.azai, onesided or otherwise, isn't my cup of tea.
A random headcanon: Unlike what the old accountant claimed, Oda would have been much happier in the information department than out on his usual missions. Maybe in other timelines, he would transfer to there, and live a much more peaceful life- even if he still wouldn't become a writer.
General Opinion over said character: Excellent narrator of the Dark Era and a very well-executed character.
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay.
Gender Headcanon: Pretty sure he's just a cis guy but check in later
A ship I have with said character: Mushiango would you like to hear about Mushiango-
A BROTP I have with said character: Off the topic of my head his dynamic with Kyouka is really funny. They should continue to have that goofy ass interactions in the future.
A NOTP I have with said character: Nothing I've seen has been a particular yuck.
A random headcanon: Thanks to this fic by @feralshadowdemon my beloved sibling, his highschool fantasy was to have his first kiss under a sakura tree with the petals falling down.
General Opinion over said character: My little meow meow of a man I love him so much.
Fella of my choosing: YOSANO! Because I miss her and want to talk about her!
Sexuality Headcanon: Aro-ace Yosano is a concept that compels me more and more as time goes on.
Gender Headcanon: She's a very big fan of being a woman.
A ship I have with said character: None, really?
A BROTP I have with said character: Ranpo and her are so... they have such a long history...
A NOTP I have with said character: I'm not a huge fan of Ko.usano, but considering the amount of female characters I understand why it's a thing, so you guys stand strong and have fun out there.
A random headcanon: One of the first things Ranpo and her bonded over all those years ago was their mutual love of sweets. Even now they both like nothing more than to have a good chat over sweets- and neither feel the need censor the gritty details of their cases or operations just because they're enjoying a nice treat.
General Opinion over said character: I love her so much and her character is so compelling and hey, have you ever thought about the parallels between her and Kyouka? Have you? Please?
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 6 months
t4t kunichuu grease au my beloved
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dollettecxre · 1 year
Kunizaichuu sillies
Dazai: Chuuyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Chuuya: What? Dazai: Break me out of the hospital pleaseeeeee :) Chuuya: No?? The fuck? Dazai: You're breaking out not only me but that pretty blonde that we both love so much~ Chuuya: Be there in 2 with my helicopter Dazai: That's what I thought~
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dollettecxre · 11 months
Greatest showman but it's kunichuuzai, chuuya is Jenny lind and kunikida is charity barnum.
Because they have the same color hair as the characters/hj
The kids would be either the akutagawa siblings or kyouka and atsushi i haven't decided yet
I swear that I'm not watching movies and making them bsd
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littencloud9 · 2 months
"did you even eat?" + kunichuu :)
“Did you even eat?” Kunikida freezes at the doorway, still halfway through putting on his shoes, when Chuuya walks up to him with their hands on their hips, a petulant frown on their face. They don’t actually look that intimidating, for their hair is tousled and they are drowning in one of Kunikida’s shirts. “You’re supposed to be asleep,” Kunikida replies in lieu of an actual answer. “I’ll have breakfast at the Agency.” “Liar!” Chuuya sing-songs, planting firm hands on Kunikida’s shoulders. “You still have an entire two hours before your shift starts. Give me thirty minutes to get ready.” “For what?” Kunikida sighs as Chuuya skips off into their bedroom, running a hand through their hair. “We’re going on a breakfast date, obviously!” “…Fine. Can’t you make it twenty minutes, though?” Chuuya’s head pokes out from behind the door. “No. Shut up and wait. It takes time to look this good.” He holds his hands up placatingly, laughter bubbling up his throat. “Whatever you say, love.”
send me a sentence + pairing!
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littencloud9 · 2 months
Sexuality Headcanon: i’ve actually never thought about this help. definitely queer but i think they’d go unlabelled
Gender Headcanon: grace has opened my eyes to the wonders of nb chuuya, and i hc he/they pronouns nowadays, but i’m pretty open to all hcs when it comes to chuuya!!
A ship: yeah. kunichuu. the otp ever. nobody’s surprised akdjfkjs
A BROTP: chuuya and kenji!!! they are so silly i hope we get more of them in canon
A NOTP: i don’t hate it but chuu.aku is not for me 😞 it’s cute tho and i’d read a fic about it if a mutual writes it. but i see them as platonic :)
A random headcanon: he paces/sits on the ceiling to think or when people are annoying him
General Opinion: my BELOVED. i am holding them so gently. he deserves that month long vacation <3
send me characters!
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littencloud9 · 2 months
What a fun ask game... https://www.tumblr.com/littencloud9/745747249151311872/hello-can-i-ask-from-this-ask-game?source=share
How about for BSD, SK8, and Skip & Loafer....
hi again! here u gooo
bungo stray dogs 🤎🤍
Favorite Character: ranpo <3
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: DAMN. either yosano’s backstory arc, the sky casino arc, or the guild arc. i also love the episode when the café master was taken and the agency went apeshit lol. and lucy’s introduction ep was fantastic too! WAIT ALSO in untold origins, you are but a child is one of my fav bsd lines EVER and the entire scene was so great 🫶🫶
Character I Think is Underrated: lucy my beloved
Character I Think is Overrated: can i say dazai. and fyodor. but mostly dazai (squishing him tho)
Favorite Ship/Pairing: im ngl it might actually be kunichuu now… but i also love sskk 🫶
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: i love the ADA found family, and the symbolism in bsd is also SO good. especially in the endings! wait yes i also love the op and eds a lot (i have s1 ending on loop genuinely) and the way character dynamics are explored is so captivating. my fav dynamics are definitely ranpo and yosano, sskk, tachihara and the hd/pm, and ranpo and fukuzawa. ignoring bsd’s questionable plot i genuinely do love it a lot hahaa
sk8 the infinity 🛹♾️
Favorite Character: reki and langa (they are a set do not separate)
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: the scene where langa won the match against adam and he leapt into reki’s arms and everyone just piled onto them. yes. but also the beach episode haha
Character I Think is Underrated: miya!
Character I Think is Overrated: nobody lol theyre all my blorbos
Favorite Ship/Pairing: renga <3
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: the found family is truly found family-ing. also the op is a BANGER. and i just love the overall colours and vibes and how creative everyone’s skateboards are. and the outfits! langa’s beach episode outfit stays in my head rent free
skip and loafer 🌸👞
Favorite Character: yuzuki!! 🥹🫶
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: this one is HARD but im gonna say the sleepover episode where the girls were all together and bonding
Character I Think is Underrated: mika! im surprised there isnt more content for her because her character is captivating to me
Character I Think is Overrated: no one tbh i think everyone deserves the love they get
Favorite Ship/Pairing: yuzumako 🫶 but shimamitsu is fantastic too haha
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: i love that this show is so kind to its characters. it understands that they’re all just teens trying to figure things out. with mitsumi’s hesitance over love (esp in comparison to fumi), mika’s jealousy, shima being so guarded etc. ut defines maybe you weren’t unlovable maybe you were just 15. also the FRIENDSHIPS!! they’re all so heartfelt and full of love i feel all fluffy thinking about it 💛💛
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ryuvnosuke · 3 months
SHIP ASK sending you higugin and kunichuu <3
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1. kunichuu makes sense to me like, thematically, but they haven't properly interacted until now so i'm keeping them on that side
2. higugin my beloved but asagiri doesn't give me much to work with. makes sense in the only way sapphic ships can make sense in bsd (barely)
ships ships
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