forcefeminem · 1 month
love you forever powerwashing simulator spongebob dlc
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upgradetiger · 2 years
why’d u tag it super monkey ball
I was with some co-workers at a bar and while I was nerd-ranting about how the 3DS (and even the Switch) needed to bring back old games that used gyroscopic controls (Kirby Tilt 'N Tumble, Wario Ware: Twisted, etc.) one of the girls in the group mentioned how cool it would be to play Super Monkey Ball like that on a handheld and we both agreed that gyro-controls aren't just a shit gimmick like the 3D function was on 3DS. I love Super Monkey Ball, and thought it was sweet that this person I didn't even know played games was not only LISTENING but on the same wavelength.
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venturezzz · 2 months
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I'm about to go on a whole rant on why I love venture as a dps.
Venture is literally a splatoon players dream, as a person who used to play alot of splatoon 3 before I switched to overwatch.
(I use a Nintendo switch and my switch pro controller, I have gyro enabled and it's set to max sensitivity [both x and y axis] and the same goes for my stick movements).
The fact that they can go underground and avoid damage, plus getting a temporary shield when using their abilities!??!?! It reminds me of the swim feature in splatoon, difference is venture can't get hurt and the ability is timed.
They're Abilities are sooooo good when it comes to crowd control especially when they exit the ground, if you charge it, it causes a shockwave!??! Dispersing a crowd while also dealing damage.
Playing them reminds me of playing splatoon with one of my favorite weapons: the explosher. But 10x better!?!? Difference is higher mobility with venture and lower range. In splatoon the explosher has high range and very low mobility making it more of a backline weapon. However the projectiles are very similar, with a direct hit and a splash/explosion. Both weapons are great with crowd control in different ways, with the explosher you can fire projectiles from a distance, the projectiles explode on impact dispersing a crowd, pushing the other team back in order to regain health(it takes about 2 direct hits to kill). Venture's ability, burrow, definitely can help with crowd control by dealing damage, knocking back opponents and disturbing the momentum of the enemy team. In overwatch venture's weapon(smart excavator) takes about 3 hits to kill most characters(not tanks) without using combos. Both weapons are on the slower side, with a delayed hit and slow firing rate however both weapons make up for it when it comes to damage.
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Because venture is so mobile it makes perfect sense for them to be melee/short ranged, again I love the crowd control aspect they have! I think blizzard also did a great job at making them balanced! Even though their abilities seem op, there are multiple ways to counter their attacks, even their ultimate can be countered by either a shield(as long as its on the ground) or by jumping(like you would a jump rope or the special: wave breaker from splatoon[you jump over the waves to avoid damage]). With venture as long as you look for the signs that they're around you have a chance at countering them or getting out of the way. When venture travels underground it shows exactly where they are, and when they charge up an exit you can clearly see how big the impact will be, making it easy to avoid as long as your character is quick enough.
In my opinion venture is a really fun character to play, honestly they have to be my current favorite. I found that their abilities are really easy to learn and even combo, if you like melee characters that are also good with crowd control and are very mobile.
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snapscube · 1 year
(SFM soundtrack anon) Ooh, I'd love to watch you replay it! You got me into the game, and since then it's become a special interest, so I'd love to experience it with you now that it's updated and released on consoles! Out of curiosity, what console did you get a key for? Switch's version has motion controls, but I'm not sure about the other consoles!
I asked for a PS5 key! PlayStation consoles also feature the motion control option and it's super neat! Xbox probably not I'm assuming because stock Xbox controllers do not support gyro at all haha.
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blazehedgehog · 5 months
I Love To Shoot At Trouble
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During the Steam Christmas Sale I ended up buying Need for Speed: Most Wanted 2012 because it was like $6 or $7 and I'm in the mood for a new racing game to chew up. EA already gave the game away for free in like 2015, but that meant installing "The EA App". I figured having it on Steam would be more convenient.
You'd think so.
It's not! As part of the first time launch, it installs "The EA App" anyway, which also means it found and uninstalled whatever version of Origin I still had (I wasn't aware I'd ever reinstalled Origin since my HDD crash). As part of this process, it also asked me for my EA password, I misread Firefox's stored password incorrectly, and went through the trouble of resetting my EA account with a new password before linking it to Steam. To my surprise, EA's been sitting on my seven year old cloud save from the few minutes I played of this on Origin in 2017, and asks if I want to import it. Sure, I guess.
So that's ten minutes down the drain before I can even boot up the game. Okay, fine, the game finally launches. Gotta wait while it boots up The EA App each time before it boots into the game, gotta wait for the title screen logo animation, gotta wait for a 10-15 second load screen because even though this game came out in 2012 it's gotta ping some always-online "Autolog" leaderboard whatever. Once it connects, it has to do a slow cinematic pan across your car, telling you what your online rivals have done since the last time you connected, and what kind of equipment you have on your car.
All told, every time you boot up Most Wanted 2012, you're looking at a 30-45 second wait before the game actually hands over control and lets you start driving.
Pull the accelerator and instantly Most Wanted SCREAMS at me:
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Fair enough. I'm using a Dualshock 4, and the Playstation 4 did not release until over a full year after this game. Click to the menu it's asking of me and see that the control binding menu is awful -- it's one of those super oldschool ones, like binding keys one by one in Doom 2. I have no idea what these buttons are supposed to be in terms of Xbox equivalents, and I realize that Steam has this thing called "Steam Input" that's supposed to be handling all of this anyway. Steam Input generally makes my Dualshock 4 look like an Xbox controller to most games.
I exit out of Most Wanted, force Steam Input to "on" (I was messing with its settings recently, so I thought maybe it was disabled), and relaunch the game again. Wait for the EA App to boot up, gotta wait through the title screen logos, gotta wait 10-15 seconds on a loading screen, gotta wait another 5-10 on the cinematic pan across my car. I have now spent a minute and a half total waiting for this game to boot while I troubleshoot this.
Pull the accelerator. Instead of it complaining about my controller, straight up nothing happens. That's weird. The Start button works, the analog stick seems to work in the pause menu, but the triggers do not. The face buttons also do nothing. Upon checking the settings, that's because Most Wanted has settled on keyboard mode, even though it's clearly accepting some controller input. After poking at it, it does not seem like there's any way to get it to see my controller.
This makes Most Wanted a special game, because a lot of games I play will happily accept that Steam Input is telling it I have an Xbox controller connected even when I absolutely do not. But this is the rare 1% that seems to be incompatible. It's time to bring in the big guns.
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Mayflash makes a terrific little passthrough device called the Magic NS, and the general purpose of this device is that it lets you use any controller on any other platform. An Xbox controller on a Playstation? No sweat. A Playstation controller on the Switch? It'll handle it. If you upgrade to the Magic NS2, you even get full gyro support. Every NS device also doubles as a Bluetooth dongle, so you can stay wireless if that's your thing. I love it so much I bought two, because generally they're only about $20.
A Magic NS2 for my Switch... and Magic NS1 for my PC. Strictly for scenarios like this, where a game expects an Xbox controller and Steam Input fails its camouflage.
Plug the NS1 in, connect my Dualshock 4, and once again boot up Most Wanted and wait the 45 seconds to get through the EA app, logos, loading, and the cinematic pan across my car. More than two full minutes now looking at this junk, and that's not counting the time spent outside of the game troubleshooting this in menus or digging out dongles or whatever.
Pull the accelerator... and my car starts to drive! I can steer! It works! Of course it works. The Magic NS never lets me down. I pull up to the first race event...
Press J and K to start the event.
Those are, uh. Those are keyboard keys. I'm using a controller. The controller is fully functional. You don't need to tell me this in keyboard controls. This isn't going to be one of those games, is it? The kind that still tells you everything in the keyboard shortcuts no matter what?
I drop into the menus again and see Most Wanted is still stuck on Keyboard mode and won't let me switch to anything else, even though I'm clearly using a fully functional controller now. This can't be right. But then I remember: Steam Input is still turned on, and when I forced Steam Input to be on, Most Wanted got stuck in this keyboard mode.
Exit out of the game, tell Steam to turn off Steam Input for this specific game only, and relaunch. Wait through all that crap again. We're up to three minutes just waiting for the game to start, and probably closing in on 20 minutes since I first decided I wanted to try Most Wanted.
Pull the accelerator, it works, drive up to the first event, and...
Pull LT and RT to start the event.
On the plus side: this game controls a lot better than I remember. It's a decent middleground between Criterion's heavier-feeling Hot Pursuit (2011) and the snappier Burnout Paradise. Though I could do with a lot less full screen flashing or the fact that Autolog alerts hide the minimap for some reason.
Not pictured, but the "always online" nature can also be frustrating if you pause, unpause, and find you have to quickly re-pause again a second time. That second pause will actually incur a loading spinner because it hasn't finished syncing with the server from the first pause, apparently. This game is going on 12 years old.
Anyway. This was a nightmare.
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"The EA App" now starts up with Windows and is nagging me to enter the login credentials I already entered last night. I have to go through extra steps to get it to leave me alone and not do this
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songofsunset · 4 months
I started playing Warframe on my switch in April 2020 when I was stuck isolating in my bedroom for days and weeks at a time. Later, when I moved in with my sister, I started playing it on her PS4 for the better graphics, and got way further in the plot on the PS4 than I got on my switch...
Except that the PS4 version doesn't have gyro controller aiming. Idk why!!!! Allegedly the hardware is all there!!!!!! But switch is the only version of Warframe with gyro aiming, and without it my headshot accuracy TANKED.
I do not play Warframe as a multiplayer game. I frequently forget that it IS a multiplayer game. I use exclusively my bow and sneak around the levels headshotting all the enemies from stupidly far away and they can't find me because my bow is mechanically silent and I run the same spy missions over and over and over again because I like doing them and I like hacking consoles and finding all the different ways to sneak around. Warframe is also the ONLY game I have EVER played where I like the dang fishing minigame, but I will also go fish and mine all over the open world sections. It's great. I love it.
But it was killing me to not be able to make good headshots anymore!!! And I didn't want to replay half my progress and jump back to switch!!!!!!!!
Which is why I am extremely extremely fucking excited that they have as of the new year enabled account merging and cross platform save.
I merged my accounts and now i have all my progress and all my stuff on all the different consoles and if I want better graphics I can go play PS4 for a bit but in the meantime I am playing on switch again for the first time in years and I am headshotting all these grineer soldiers from halfway across the map!!!! let's go lets go!!!
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turtlemagnum · 2 months
if my game becomes popular enough that i become obscenely rich i'm gonna pay some of the companies making these handheld pc type systems to have a sku that just has the nintendo layout abxy buttons. i'd love to have a steam deck but i hate the xbox abxy layout. probably doesnt help that i grew up with, in order:
my mom's SNES as the first home console i ever used,
a nintendo DS (and later 3DS) as the handhelds i got in later childhood
a switch in my mid teens
obviously this isn't all of them, it's just that the other systems i spent a lot of time with in my formative years were the GBA (only had 2 buttons) and the N64 (had 6 but instead of being abcxyz like the sega 6 buttons it was just A and B again and four arrow buttons), not even mentioning the wii and gamecube which also had nonstandard layouts
i think my thing with the xbox abxy isn't that it's different from the nintendo one, it's that it's the same basic layout as a lot of the nintendo consoles i grew up with but they swapped the specific buttons to be the opposite of what they were. things with nonstandard layouts (again, think wii and gamecube) are just fine to me because i expect it to be different because my thumbs are inherently going different places. in overall form, the main difference between a standard xbox controller and something like the switch pro controller is negligable, even if there are functional differences like the lack of analogue triggers on switch and the lack of gyro on xbox
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goatandwatch · 2 months
Hey, its me Again.
I’m back here to deliver another actual post, here not Twitter because here it can be longer.
Thinking more on the GameDev thoughts today, I’ve been thinking of making my dream game for years so most of this stuff has already been planned for a while but I figure I’ll give a brief restatement of the general idea of the game.
The Game Concept & Idea's I've Previously Thought Up:
So I love PokéPark so I want to make a game that's like PokéPark but the protagonist is a cute kind friendly character who communicates with the player, akin to OneShot, you meet the protag and become general friends, but you help out the protagonist so much over the span of the game that by the end the protag character cherishes you so much they’d be willing to take a bullet for you. I dunno maybe like a Yandere trope sorta(??) but that's too far, no "romanticness" to it or not as mentally unstable, just that the sweet adorable angel protag gets so dedicated to you that he’d be willing to do anything for you by the end of the game, mainly just that he’s innocent to the extent that the protagonist and player dynamic go beyond just like best friend as to “I would die for you” from the protags perspective of the player.
Its like PokéPark, so its a 3d segmented open world game that progressively unlocks more areas as you continue through the plot, helping more NPC's and doing good deeds, having fun controlling and cooperating with the protagonist.
I previously thought it’d be cool to add some kinda mouse control in a 3d space, like you can press a button and it’ll remove your control over the protagonist, like he’d go into a sitting animation until you retake control, the camera view wouldn’t change though as you’re still in the third person camera behind him. From there if you’re not controlling him, you can press the button again to retoggle control over him again, or (the reason the feature exists) you can hover your mouse over the screen and click and drag items with special indicators or colors on them.
As an example of this:
If February (yes I’m just calling the protagonist February now after my OC) is under a ledge, but you see a several boxes with a sparkle design on them on-top of the ledge above him, you can position him where you can see the boxes but he’s out of the way, so then you can pause control over February, hover your mouse over the boxes, and move it in four cardinal directions, likely off the ledge, in order to build a staircase for February to walk up after you resume control of him, thus allowing him to get on-top of the ledge. And that's the concept, its a tool used for puzzles, and also possibly to interact with the characters or February. Think like the pointer from Wii games with Super Mario Galaxy for pushing and pulling or shooting Starbits, or the on-screen gyro sensor in captain toad treasure tracker on the switch. I guess a glorified Wii U touch-screen but in-game with a pointer, and if the game gets ported to consoles then a button that does the thing and then your control just gets placed in the center of the screen for you to use the sticks in order to move and press a to interact with the mouse, I hope you get the idea.
That's all past ideas that I’ve already thought up.
But today I thought of maybe 2 more aspects I’d like to throw into this hypothetical PokéPark successor dream game:
First off, I really enjoyed playing through “SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE”, a sequel or DLC to Superhot, it did something really interesting where it kept the level format with different maps every level, but the interesting part is that most if not all levels had no invisible walls. That's the idea here. In PokéPark there are many invisible walls that keep you from falling off the beating path, but the idea is I design a normal playground area/level like in PokéPark, with loading zones so you can go to each area if you interact with the loading zones, but otherwise if you try to run out past the bushes or trees in the distance that you’d think would have invisible walls to keep the player on the path, there are no invisible walls.
The protagonist, February (again it’ll probably not be February but a new protag I’ll design, I’m just using him as a reference) will downright acknowledge either at the beginning of the game or through later text that he and the other NPC’s know that they’re in a game, but try to play it off as if they’re sentient creatures, not that they have predetermined text boxes and stuff, so February knows. Anyway back to the invisible wall idea, there will be a invisible wall on the outskirts of every map but it’ll have no collision, and will purely be a check to show if the player is going outside the map, if the player does, it’ll trigger some flavor text from February, where for the first time you realize you can go out of bounds February will talk a little about something along the lines of “Oh yea. The game developers designed the Park to have boundaries so we couldn’t walk out of bounds, but never actually eventually put thous boundaries in place. So you’re fine to roam outside the level as far as you’d like until you eventually hit the Skybox Floor. I know it might seem odd that there's nothing underneath, but it’s okay when the Park is designed to be a paradise. Also, don’t worry about falling and hitting that Skybox Floor, if you do stray too far it’ll just put you right back up on the ground.”
I figure this first explanation can be more of a “Pause the game and February comes up from the bottom of the screen to give you the dialogue looking directly at you.” thing since its more long-winded, but every subsequent time you pass through the no collision invisible wall check (flavor text check) it’ll be a "Hat in Time"-esque dialogue box that’ll just play as you continue to move, Hat in Time has dialogue boxes that as you continue to platform around display dialogue, with flavor text from February like “Going off the beating path again huh?” and “Nice to always explore outside the intended area, its interesting.” and such, just to recognize that the player is doing so. Though it’ll have a cool-down of every 3 minutes or so, so that going in and out of the check doesn’t just spam the screen.
Other than that, with the idea of no invisible walls, maybe the first area will have invisible walls or something just to give the player the illusion that there usually are invisible walls, but eventually in the next areas they might accidentally walk back into the trees where the visual design is trying to tell them they can’t be, and realize “Oh wow I can actually just run out as far as I’d like.” for the rest of the game. That and I don’t want it to be so they accidentally stumble close to the flavor text check, get the info dump cut-scene about it from February (as explained above), and don’t have the player make the realization that “Oh I just walked outside the boundaries, I can really do that?”, that’d be bad, the point is that they have to consciously be trying to do so. That's the point.
Also this should be obvious by this point, but if I’m going to allow them to go out of bounds then (nearly) every surface should have collision. So:
The far off grass behind the trees in the forest.
Likely the low poly or flat trees off in the distance.
Any hills or landscape in general in the background that the player can see on the main path from a distance, it has to be walk-able.
The player will be able to run onto or into them like they’re floors or walls, not fall through the ground, like no-clipping out of a valve game past the chain fence in TF2 on 2Fort, where the ground has collision despite it's out of bounds. Or! you can go to the PokéPark VRChat maps I found previously and go see if there isn’t invisible walls on that, if I recall correctly. That should be a good demonstration.
So, that's one, the invisible walls thing stated above.
Other than that I thought playing on the idea of the game developers and out of bounds stuff knowing the game is self-aware that its a game, my second thought today was: “What if I put a character in the game who was a real person in the real world but loved the game so much they uploaded their consciousness to it, and its not just like a random person or a fan but a developer of the game that was so passionate and caring that they willingly uploaded themselves into the game before release”. So every NPC in the game is a fictional character who pretend they have sentience and enjoy living inside the game, but one NPC is an actual developer, in his model and text name and all, he uploaded himself into the game. This developer NPC I figure could be just a self-insert for myself or something if I wanted to do that, or I could make it an actual character in the game’s lore, regardless they’d have to show up in the list of names in the credits of the game at the end of the game.
Anyway, this developer NPC would maybe first be found directly on the main linear story path where he interacts with the protagonist, and all the other NPC’s and protagonist include him in the dialogue as well. I could do a route where they don’t acknowledge him as he’s not directly written into the code, but the idea is is that the NPC’s in the game are sentient and have feelings as well, like February, the protagonist. After you first interact with this developer NPC (who I’ll just refer to as myself from now on), he’ll show up exclusively on out of bounds areas of the map.
He’s the only NPC to actually walk out of bounds, and that gives more incentive to explore out of bounds to find secrets or just to see the level slowly fade in less detail as you get further out.
But also, there’ll be a check for how many times each you load into an area, so if you load into the area for the first time, first time ever seeing that area, it’ll track that, as that number goes up to 5 or 10, you’ll see changes that specifically myself as the developer NPC will make, as because he’s uploaded his consciousness into the game, he also likes to tinker around and maybe build himself a little hut out of bounds, as that counter I previously mentioned goes up, you’ll see him slowly build stuff each time the level is reloaded. He’ll take apart pieces of the environment, like twigs or plank board’s lying around and use them to build a little shelter, and it’ll look out of place since it’s out of bounds, the ground it sits on will be a low quality texture meanwhile the individual pieces that make up the shelter will have higher quality textures because hypothetically the storytelling is that he took a tarp or board from the main area and carried it out of bounds to build his little shelter, and that's often where you’ll find him out of bounds, making cool stuff for you and himself to enjoy.
He’ll also offer more in-depth game-play tips besides the tutorial stuff you’ll be taught on the linear path, this is where if, for example, I were to implement a racing mini-game, there’s be a controls screen that’d tell you how to drive forward in the race, but my developer character would give you the tip that you can hold a button to activate a boost, and that button prompt doesn’t show up on the controls in the tutorial for the minigame, you only find it out by reading the text of this NPC, or experimenting and finding it out for yourself. Its like if the combo’s in fighting games at the arcade were exclusive moves people had to figure out themselves and pass by word of mouth, instead of those combo’s being listed out on a menu if you paused the game.
The developer NPC would tell you these as flavor text, tips about the game that you’d only know either from learning it from him, or by experimenting and getting lucky. Almost like the developers left in some cheaty button combinations or whatever to give them a way to easily destroy the competition in harder mini-games later in the game for example, Dev routes in a Mario Maker Level or something. It’d be fun for him to tell the player tips like that, stuff only the developer would know.
To wrap up this long post and end my thoughts.
The previous stuff I said regarding the developer I don’t think I emphasized the best, but hopefully you get the picture.
I like the idea of the player being able to just naturally walk out of the intended design path of the level, going past walls to the out of bounds areas, and then also finding the developer NPC back there just hanging around enjoying his time spent in the paradise he helped create, giving some exclusive tips to you if you talk to him.
That sums it up really with those new thoughts that inspired me to write this all down, so hopefully I might be able to develop a game like this someday, but that's a lot of work and free-time I don’t have.
I don’t want people reading this and stealing and using my idea, I hope that doesn’t happen, but I figured these were fun concepts regardless that if I don’t ever get to develop the game I want that at least I got those ideas out there for people to enjoy some way or another. I hope this hasn’t been completely rambling and you can imagine and visualize my vision in your head and think “wow that does sound interesting and fun to interact with!”
If you managed to read this all, I guess even if you skimmed it, then I genuinely thank you a lot, I know it probably could’ve been shortened, but oh well.
Have a great day regardless, I thank you a lot for reading.
And to the person who just scrolled from the top immediately to the bottom without reading, darn it, come on guy, give a chance to hear me out...
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sterlingarcher23 · 11 months
Mad Max is coming. Because...she's "crazy".
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"As the world fell each of us in our own way was broken. (Literally) It was hard to know who was more crazy. Me or everyone else." - Waking up (Robin proxy dialog: I woke up looking like a...a corpse) and find that everyone has gone kinda crazy....
Besides the working title which might be a nod towards a show called "Jericho" that leaves a town in a very similar state, it's kinda obvious that they go into a post-apocalyptic scenario given the state in which Hawkins is, a potential military siege, a time jump (and pointing this out says "years" not months bc between seasons there were always time jumps of several months+ ) etc etc
The Lumax pattern (ElMax has it's own) with a day and night cycle, looking right, looking left (from our POV), then switching sides in 3 to have number 4 definitely look like in Mad Max 2.
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You can see them switching places, doing a day night cycle, to finally going to the correct configuration as in Mad Max 2. Interestingly the Gyro Captain is not capable of using binoculars because he's holding them upside-down. Coincidence that they are heading for the Mad Max 2 shot?
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I wouldn't be surprised if Lucas, accidentally (I don't think he's dumb but we all held some wrong at least once in our lifes), may use the binoculars the wrong way. And it could be a token of their love too, that Lucas gives Max the binoculars as a gift? After all "vision" is their love language for a specific reason e.g. we saw them exchanging notes. No dialog just them, the notes, and seeing each other. (Which is why Max will be able to see due to El compensating that lost ability....in a different post I'll talk about how this works in real life for someone having the same mental condition as Max had/has/will have.)
And in the same scene Max eats dog food, like a reversal of S4 in which Max feeds dog.
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I would pay extra money to it have a scene in which Max has to eat a can of dog food because...a town under siege/cut off from the world like in the show "Jericho" means that food is scarce. Also, Silver cat eats dog food. That would be hilarious.
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Yeah, Max ate dog food.
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There's a reason why they nicknamed the only character with a superhero-alliteration name MadMax and are obsessed with Fury Road, a film with a feminist message in which Max has to co-work with Furiosa. He's been interpreted as one of the four horsemen but also as the fountain of life, the man who eats the serpents head at the beginning of the movie, put on a cross and rises like a phoenix from his metaphorical death.
Max has gone through something similar. Or like Mrs Whatsit from "A wrinkle in time" that was once a star that sacrificed itself to fight evil that became an astral traveler. That clue from the writers was pointing towards Max (and El at the same time).
Anyway, it's about self-mutual giving which Max does, by giving Furiosa part of his life through a blood infusion.
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Kinda what El did. Frankly, I believe El sacrificed her own life when she revived Max.
El undid the dying - now the second part, the second promise must be fulfilled: Max's return. Under the guide of Furiosa/El.
And it has been foreshadowed that Max will fall, her left ankle snapping, and crawl during the shopping scene, so I wouldn't rule out tje use of a leg/foot brace. (The reason be likely similar to why Will's hand wasn't possessed: body control didn't totally work all time.)
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Mad Max is indeed coming, living up to her name in a post-apocalyptic scenario because what she'll have, the foreshadowing in S2 that her personality "changes", probably talking to El as a "spiritual advisor" due to the foreshadowed fusion, a "ghost" that likely only Max herself is able see... that makes her crazy. Mad Max. Literally.
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turtersblade · 11 months
finally got my hands on Pikmin 4 and here are my initial first thoughts. I'll do the negatives first.
First, the game starts absolutely horribly. Awful. For what I believe is the entire first hour, minus the intro fight you do, is almost entirely dialogue. Tutorials are all over the place. You dont even see a Pikmin in this time frame. After you finally get one an hour into the game, slowly the nonstop dialogue and tutorials stop.
Second, the general control and feel of the game. The motion controls are so half baked. I heard it was like this in Pikmin 1+2 on Switch. With this, the pointer only listens to the motion control when you're throwing a Pikmin or whistling. You cannot move the pointer without doing an action, which feels AWFUL. Even when it lets you actually point it while doing an action, it just feels wrong. This using gyro doesnt help, but I think its a bit more flawed than that.
Lastly, the weird changes related to throwing Pikmin and carrying stuff. Lets say theres a 1 Pellet you want to get. In the other games, to make it faster, you just throw two Pikmin and run along. The game just doesnt let you do that? If the pellet is still on the flower, the second Pikmin will NOT help carry it after its knocked down. If its on the ground, and you try to throw two Pikmin at it, you actually cant. When youre hovering over an object, the game stops your throws when youve thrown the exact amount of Pikmin. You just cant throw them anymore. You can still try to add help as its being carried, but even then a good amount of the time it still wont help. This applies to every object in the game and it REALLY bugs me.
These three points were very front and center at the start of the game, so I was not super enjoying myself. However, things got wayyy better not soon after this starting hour or so.
The game stops stopping you, and lets you freely explore. The map design is amazing. Something I love is that now you can move the Onion and ship to specific points in the map. There were already many times where I had to strategize where I should set it at because either the Pikmin can't carry it to its current location, or it would save alot more time to move it elsewhere.
They brought back caves from Pikmin 2!! But made them good!! I love exploring them. There are alot of pretty well designed puzzles in them, and I enjoy them alot. Man I love the caves.
Another positive, the controls. Yeah the motion controls suck, but the normal controls are actually really good as someone who prefer playing the Pikmin games with motion controls and don't like the GameCube controls. There's a bit of aim assist, which makes the lack of having the precision of motion not a worry. It just feels good to use. I was worried about the lack of a Wiimote or Gamepad screen, but they got me.
Dandori and Night missions are REALLY fun. There are 1v1 battles where youre competing with the CPU for points, which so far are easy yet still fun. Theres timed missions where you play a mini dungeon and try to get every item, kill every enemy etc in a set period of time. You really have to strategize here if you want to 100% the challenge. Its several minutes of trying to use your full brain power on how to most effectively clear the map. The night missions now, most definitely overhyped in marketing. This is just a rather short tower defence game. I still love these but its definitely not a big part of the game like marketing lead me to believe. These new game modes really elevate an already fun enough game.
So yeah, so far I'm loving the game. The very first impression is absolutely horrible though in my opinion. I'm fairly sure the time of a Pikmin 1 speedrun is lower than the time it takes an average player to get their first Pikmin in 4. Aside from that, its amazing. I feel like this is a good game even for someone who tried a Pikmin game before and didnt particularly like it.
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noellevanious · 1 year
After spending like. A month trying to get the "best controller evah" I think I'm just gonna end up using a regular dualsense controller.... As much as I love tactile feedback... Mechanical switch buttons just don't have enough travel 4 me and it seems like. Outside of hall effect joysticks the base dualshock 4 and dualsense are da best cause they have like. Gyro. And their buttons feel pretty good even if they're rubber membrane
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minijenn · 1 year
Opinion on skyward sword HD?
Ok so.
I love Skyward Sword to pieces. Its probably my second favorite Zelda game after Breath of the Wild. I just finished SSHD the other week though and there are... some problems that weren't there in the original. Mainly that the switch isn't suited to motion controls like the Wii was, so I feel like all of the issues that people had with the original's motion controls are amplified tenfold on Switch bc the gyro is so shit. Like seriously I had to reset the gyro so many damn times and yeah it only takes a simple press of the button but there were times where it really fucked me over especially when I needed to do something percise like using the sword to draw a symbol or shoot an arrow or something. And yeah I know I could just play with the button controls but I tried that and honestly? its so unintitive you might as well not even bother. Might just be one of the most confusing control schemes in any video game. But other than the control problems, it's still the incredibly beautiful game I love so much! The visuals are upgraded so nicely, to see everything in crisp, clear HD is a treat and I do appreciate the quality of life improvements like Fi cooling her fucking constant tips down and the items not giving you those game halting notifications every time you restart the console. So I would play SSHD over the original if i had to pick between them but... begrudgingly so.
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wedemkktzip · 2 years
181122 hojun kkt trans a thread 🍒
💬 Hello
💬 I don't have any good pictures left
💬 Those of you who took the college entrance exam today, you did a great job🥺
💬 I also did a great job today
💬 Today's TMI is
I bought a Nintendo Switch!
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💬 I love playing games
💬 I like fighting and defeating monsters
💬 Or in a peaceful way
💬 Build a house, expand the land, farm
💬 I like games like this, too
💬 Mine is Minecraft.
💬 I'm a real craftsman
💬 Animal Crossing is more realistic than I thought
💬 I love fps but it's too difficult to control with Nintendo, so I gave up right away.
💬 I play League of Legends often
💬 I also play computer games often
💬 If I were a woman,
I would date Taehyun hyung
💬 First of all, he is tall, handsome, speaks well, and puts crazy persistence and effort into his work.
💬 I'm rolling around at home alone😖
💬 I am scared of heights.
💬 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I can't ride the merry-go-round.
💬 I'm scared even if I ride the Viking
💬 I've been on Gyro Drop
💬 I rode a lot of scary rides but I don't know the name
💬 Anyways, It's less scary when you scream and ride it
💬 I get motion sickness really bad.
💬 but I don't get motion sickness on rides!
💬 Taxi carsick is the worst
💬 I have bad seasickness, too
💬 If I take a taxi right after I eat something,I felt nauseous.
I open the window all day and look far away.
💬 Oh, that I went to the hospital
💬 It didn't hurt! I just got bloated
💬 I'm fine now. I'm almost recover from swelling!
💬 It's not easy to quit drinking
💬 So far, it's a success.
💬 We have a drinking rule,
Don't stop drinking unless you're sick.
💬 But there is another rule that is not a rule
💬 When we drink, we all have to make a toast first
💬 When they're start getting drunk, they will disappear one by one
💬 Actually, if vata hyung drunk, It means other members are already drunk or pass out.
💬 I don't think vata hyung has ever been drunk alone.
💬 I really bad at mathematics.
💬 I wanted to be good at both dancing and studying but I couldn't.
💬 I have good short-term memory but bad long-term memory
💬 I keep forgetting my childhood memories
Q: If you didn't become a dancer, what kind of job do you think you would have?
💬 I'm an architect or an interior designer!
💬 Warmup is important before you dance so stretch out your whole body
💬 Actually, one person said this before
💬 When a hobby becomes a job and becomes a duty, you can't help but feel stressed!
💬 I'm not good at compliments
Q:Normally, people don't put down their phone and go to sleep at 2 o'clock
💬 I agree but I'm going to play a song that makes me sleepy..
💬 If I lie down on my side, I can sleep in 10 seconds.
💬 I only listen to one song when I sleep.
💬 It's not a song *pic (I think it's a subliminal)
💬 I have a song recommendation for sleeping
💬 There's a list that I listen to when I sleep on the plane *pic
💬 Bye, I'm going to go now
💬 Widibizi, I love you 😉💚
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source-timeslip · 8 months
Alternative Control - Secondary
On the 12th of October my class attended a trip to EGX in London. One of the sections in the indie game area called the rock, paper, shotgun, hosted games that were out of the ordinary. A lot of these games used alternative controllers based on the game they had made.
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The one that stood out to me the most was most likely the one in the briefcase. It felt more official than just being a video game which I love. The idea of the alternative control contributing to the immersion of a game is one id like to explore with my game. Walking around this section, two ideas for my game immediately came to mind. The first would focus on emulating a television. I would make my own shows and channels for it and the premise would see the player trying to fix the issues with it like observation duty. The second idea, which I am leaning towards more is an N64 style horror game based on time slips. The reason I want to go with the second one is to make sure I get the game finished on time.
Motion and Full body
Game controllers that utilise more physical inputs which often lead to a higher level of immersion than most games. A good example of these types of controllers would VR, the switches joy-cons or something like the wii/xbox kinnect.
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VR is the single piece of gaming hardware that aims for total immersion into video games. It attaches the screen to your head and tracks your arms, head and sometimes your entire body to generate inputs in game. Because everything reacts almost exactly like it would in real life, its quite easy to get lost in your own world. Beat sabre is extremely popular amongst VR users as it doesn't give people motion sick but it still fully immerses the user in the game.
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Motion controls use a gyro to detect a player movement. The wii,ps4 and 5 all also use this type of control, although it isn't used as much in the PlayStation but it is there. Games that work really well with these controls are usual built by the company that made the controller as they are able to utilise it properly. For the switch, switch sports or Mario kart use the motion controls extremely well.
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Xbox kinnect is an interesting one because not a lot of consoles have used motion tracking. It uses a type of depth detecting camera to find a person in a room. Xbox released quite a few kinnect games along with the kinnect which are probably the best games you could use this with for the same reason as the motion controls. Games like just dance would also work well, and a lot better than motion controls would.
This type of alternative control is seen a lot more now due to people wanting play video games on the go. Arguably the most popular way to achieve portability in consoles right now, would be the way the Nintendo switch and/or the steam deck have done it.
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Consoles like the switch are really good examples of alternative control as they utilise a lot of features that a lot of modern consoles don't, such as motion control. The switch in particular can be used as a handheld or docked console which is what makes it so unique. Any casual or cosy games are going to play the best on these consoles as that is what they were built for. The controls are great for these games but some problems could be encountered in more competitive games. The steam deck also features a trackpad style input on each side which can open up a lot of possibilities for future games.
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Nintendo have dominated the handheld game space for over 20 years now. Nintendo popularized the handheld console with the GameBoy even if it wasn't the first to come out. After the GameBoy, the DS or dual screen was released. These sorts of consoles were built with everyone in mind. It's no secret Nintendo have always aimed to make consoles that anyone can play with any amount of experience, again this means that casual games would work a lot better as the controls were even worse for these console.
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This little handheld device , inspired by the GameBoy, uses a crank to move the player backwards or forwards. This has also made me consider trying to make a handheld console although it would be quite difficult as I have no idea where to start. The only games you can play on this console are sent to it every week of the course of a season which is one year. These games are all built specifically for the playdate so they all work extremely well.
Game specific
These are all controllers that have been made to make a specific game more immersive, such as the drums from taiko no tatsujin. Also goes without saying that there is only one game these controllers work well with.
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This was originally a Japanese rhythm arcade game and got ported to the switch. Although it is possible to play the game with just the joy-cons using the in built motion control, buying the bundle will get you a drum kit which works significantly better. A rhythm game requires a good controller and good tracking for that controller for it to work well, another thing to mention is that a lot of rhythm games work better using alternative controllers such as, DDR, beat sabre and OSU (which is easier when using a graphics tablet). Bad tracking or controllers can make these games less satisfying.
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Continuing from this, guitar hero. A custom controller for each game, very similar to taiko no tatsujin in that it's a rhythm game requiring a custom instrument based controller to work properly. Another game worth mentioning, similar to guitar hero, would be rocksmith, which uses an actual guitar instead of a custom controller.
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The dream cast controllers, specifically the fishing rod which was built for all of the SEGA fishing games though also used for third party fishing games. Like the playdate, this also uses a crank although this one is for a more obvious purpose of reeling the fishes in. The dreamcast controller itself was very unique as it had a screen in the middles of it, but it also connected to a console and to a TV, quite similar to the WII U.
In the early days of video games, a lot of companies explored gimmicky controllers as third party games weren't seen a lot so companies could make games specifically for their controllers. Nintendo used to and still do this regularly.
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Like the early days of VR have been, these old console put a large push on immersion. The power glove used the players hand as a controller, boasting 10 additional programmable buttons for combos or extra inputs. It could be used to control most games on the NES although punch out would probably be the better option. Originally popularised by the cult classic, The wizard, this controller very quickly lost any users it had as people realised how gimmicky it really was. This controller didn't work very well at all.
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This was Nintendo's earliest attempt at a custom controller as it was actually made before the console itself. The light gun was what pulled Nintendo into the video game industry. The game that works best wit this controller would be duck hunt as the game was built around the controller.
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The N64. I did go through a mild obsessive period with this console, in particular Ocarina of time and Majora's mask (Both are masterpieces), and so ended up doing a lot of research on this console. The controller might be one of the strangest layouts I've ever seen although I guarantee there are some weirder ones I'm not aware of. The controller let you either have your right hand on the middle or your right hand on the right side of it, not both. This controller also allowed you to add a rumble pack which would add vibrations to the games which was a first for Nintendo. The games that would work best for this console would be any that don't switch between the middle and right side of the controller too often, like Mario 64 or Ocarina of time which were both built with this in mind.
Professional controls
The world of professional controllers can be exceptionally strange. Most people end up using a keyboard and mouse as they have a lot of inputs that can be mapped to anything the player wants, however some players would rather have a controller in some weird layout or one that lets you change where certain things are.
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Driving simulators are a very popular part of this category for the driving game fanbases. It features a steering wheel which usually also includes all the buttons from a normal controller and peddles, although you can also buy a complete set up which can come with a seat. I think the reason these set ups are so popular is because people want to live out their dream of racing. It goes without saying but driving games are the only games you can enjoy using this setup. Forza games are quite popular as well as snow runner or euro truck sim.
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The elite controller lets you replace certain parts, add paddles on the back for extra inputs, and customise it completely (you can see my incredible controller on the right there). Although I don't entirely see the point of putting in this much effort for a controller built for competitive games when you could just use a keyboard and mouse, it is nice to know it's available. This would be better for competitive games on Xbox and if you don't play competitive games then there really is no point in buying it.
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The next type of controller recommended to professionals are types like this image above. These controllers split each input section into modules than can be reordered. This is ideal for Competitive console gamers and could also make controllers more accessible for others. The games that would work well with these would still be competitive games such as Call of duty or Apex.
Tabletop games
In this project I have been told we have the opportunity to create physical games if we did want to as that would be classed ass alternative controls.
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Board games are any game that takes place using a board although card games are often associated as being part of the board game genre. They are usually played using dice to move or using a turn based system. Monopoly is one of the most popular board games of this generation as it plays on a mechanic that is satisfying and fun for everyone, until someone owns half the board meaning you can't land anywhere without having to remortgage all of your properties. Monopoly's movement is randomised which adds a hint of luck to the game, which works really well with the mechanics, however, turn based games like ticket to ride play on strategy based gameplay mechanics so adding a dice would make it woo unpredictable to be fun with the mechanics it has.
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Card games can be played with a standard pack of 52 chards or with the custom cards that come with the game. Most card games revolve around trying to get rid of all of you cards before someone else does, although its also common for card games to have there own rules entirely. Poker sees the player trying to get the most valuable hand as determined by the games rules, and black jack sees the player trying to get as close to 21 cards as possible so it can vary a lot. One of the most popular of these games would be UNO which comes with it's own cards because the rules revolve around them. The aim is to get rid of all you cards before anyone else. The reason a lot of people like UNO is because the rules aren't set in stone and there are some rules that you can choose to use or not to use which I find makes the game more interesting.
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RPG's, These games are pretty different to board or card games. They rely heavily on the players imagination to work and don't require the players to have more than a character sheet. The most popular physical RPG game is going to be dungeons and dragons. Any models, board or cards you use are completely optional as this game only requires a story, characters and the players imagination. The dungeon master first creates a scenario and then the game is played by reacting to this scenario. If you try to do something that requires strength or charisma, the Dungeon master may ask you to role for Strength or Charisma which will determine how well the interaction went. You're character sheet can add bonuses to certain area depending on who they are and their background.
There's a lot of strange alternative controller methods and researching these genres of them has given me a few pretty good ideas for what I want my game to be by the end of this project.
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senju · 1 year
do you have a switch? while not a mouse and keyboard, the gyro aiming on a switch is pretty good (at least compared to stick aiming from any other console) you might be able to play overwatch on that?
i wishhhhh i'd love to have a switch!! i'm trying to practice playing w a controller so i can use my gf's xbox but god am i ever terrible
mostly i miss playing with my friends :')
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description Introducing "EAGLE i9 PLUS" Action Camera with the World's 2nd Best Chipset Introducing "EAGLE i9 PLUS" Action Camera with DRONE AUTO-CONNECTVITY World's 2nd Best Chipset for Exceptional Videos & ImagesDual FULL FRAME Color Screens : 2" Main LCD Screen + 1.3" Front LCD ScreenImproved Anti-Shake & 6-AXIS GYRO STABILIZATION + EIS for Super Smooth VideosNATIVE 4K 30FPS VIDEO RESOLUTION : The Latest Chipset gives much Brighter Videos with better White balance & True 4K color saturation with Next Gen IMX386 CMOS sensorSuperior Noiseless Audio with TrueAUDIO 2.5mm External Mic SupportWind Noise Reduction & Zoom function for Images (1st in Class)Up to 70% Less Power Consumption SPECIFICATIONS Display: 2" LTPS LCD Screen + 1.3" LCD Front ScreenVideo Resolution: 4K/30fps, 2.7K 60/30fps, FHD 1080P 120/60fps, 720P 120fps - Video Format: MOV (H.264)Image Resolution: 20M, 16M, 12M, 8M - Format: JPGWaterproof Depth: 99ft * "with waterproof case"Lens (7G + IR) Adjustable : Wide 170°, Normal 140°, Narrow 110°Battery: Removable 1350 mAh Li-ion battery (One Battery Included) - Charging Time: 2-4 Hours Clarity To Leave You Spellbound ! DRONE AUTO-CONNECTION : The moment you connect to a Drone the action camera will automatically switch to Drone mode & you won't need to take out the camera from the Drone. IMPROVED ANTI-SHAKE & 6-AXIS GYRO STABILIZATION + EIS : With Latest Chipset & Embedded 6-Axis Gyro Chip + Advanced EIS Image Stabilization, EAGLE i9 PLUS gives "Fluid Super Smooth Movie" comparable to the most advanced professional action cameras. It offers even better video stability than it's predecessor EAGLE i9. It's the First In-Class Action Camera offering Dual Image Stabilization DUAL FULL FRAME COLOR SCREENS : First In-Class Action Camera to offer Dual Screens - An Intuitive 2.0 Rear Screen and a Dazzling New Front Color Screen lets you take Selfies in any Extreme Environment WIND NOISE REDUCTION : A feature on wish list of almost all Vloggers - Reduces unwanted Wind Noise while biking - 1st Action camera to offer this unique feature Shoot Like a Pro ! TRUE 4K PROFESSIONAL CAMERA : EAGLE i9 PLUS offers Native 4K 30FPS crystal clear videos & features you will love to explore & bring out the Advanced Photographer in you ! EV (Exposure Value): -3 ~ +3AE Metering : Center / Multi / SpotAWB : Auto / daylight / cloudy / Incandescent / Fluorescent / Snorkeling / Snow Mode (1st in Class)Effects : Standard / Black & White / Natural / Negative / Retro / Brightness ContrastISO : Auto / 100 / 200 / 400 / 800 / 1600 / 3200 It comes with complete set of Accessories you will ever need for any adventure Smartwatch Remote control, waterproof housing, mount1, mount2, handle bar, mount3, mount6, mount7, clip1,clip2, helmet mounts, mount4, mount5, bandages, lens cloth, adhesives, tethers, metal tether, protective backdoor, USB cable & user manual Burst ! LARGE CAPACITY 1350 MAH LITHIUM BATTERY : The latest chipset consumes much lesser power & gives longer shooting hours.
It has Higher capacity 1350 mAh Removable battery with low power dissipation. [ Buy Original FitSpark Dual Charging Dock for charging 2 batteries together anytime on the move ] Shoot on the Move ! CONNECT WITH WIFI : Built-in double ISP, to realize Native 4K@30fps image effects, less power consumption, more stable performance 99 FT DEEP WATERPROOF : Water resistant to depth of up to 40 meters to meet most of the underwater sports records (with waterproof case) 170° WIDE ANGLE LENS: The vision that goes beyond the human eye can easily capture the present wonderful picture Lens Distortion Correction ! DISTORTION CORRECTION : Reduces the fish eye effect on normal videos TIME LAPSE & SLOW MOTION MODES : Discover the Beauty of Every Shot ! Easy and convenient camera control and playback of video image display technology brings excellent perception SMARTWATCH STYLE REMOTE : First time ever Smartwatch style Remote control Getting the Best Results from your EAGLE i9 PLUS TIPS for getting Best Results from your EAGLE i9 PLUS: Camera screens are NOT 4K - hence always check videos on 4K Laptop/PC/TVAction Camera is for outdoors, so for best results record in outdoors with proper lighting (Do not test clarity indoors as it will not give you true results)Clarity drops in "iSMART DV" mobile applicationViewing/Uploading using mobile application is just for convenience and with reduced qualityThe video quality DROPS if the recorded videos are uploaded or viewed from wireless WiFi using appFor BEST QUALITY, upload/view videos in Laptop/PC/TV by connecting camera and Laptop/PC using micro HDMI Cable & card readerAlways use U3 + Class 10 memory card for recording videos - using low quality SD card will not give clear videosPeel off the transparent protective film on the Lens before usingWhen using underwater or near water, always use the provided waterproof caseFor Better audio experience buy the Original FitSpark TrueAUDIO 2.5mm External MicAlso available Original FitSpark FS Eagle Dual Charging Dock & Spare Batteries 1350 mAH MOST IMPORTANT EAGLE i9 PLUS has many new features which are explained in detail in the User Manual - Pls read it carefully before 1st use In case of any issue feel free to email to our Customer care [ 6-AXIS GYRO EIS STABILIZATION ]: With Latest Chipset & Embedded 6-Axis Gyro Chip + Advanced EIS Image Stabilization, EAGLE i9 PLUS gives "Fluid Super Smooth Movie" comparable to the most advanced professional action cameras. It offer even better video stability than it's predecessor EAGLE i9. It's the First In-Class Action Camera offering Dual Image Stabilisation [ DRONE AUTO-CONNECTION ]: The moment you connect to a Drone the action camera will automatically switch to Drone mode & you won't need to take out the camera from the Drone [ WIND NOISE REDUCTION ] A feature on wish list of almost all Vloggers - Reduces unwanted Wind Noise while biking - 1st Action camera to offer this unique feature [ SUPPORTS 2.5mm TRUE EXTERNAL MIC ] Record your precious moments in your own voice - crystal clear audios with reduced ambient noise ! [ NATIVE 4K@30FPS VIDEO RESOLUTION ]: The Latest Chipset gives much better White balance & True 4K color saturation with Next Gen IMX386 CMOS sensor. [ SMARTWATCH STYLE
REMOTE ] First time ever Smartwatch style Remote control [ DISTORTION CORRECTION ] Reduces the fish eye effect on normal videos [ TIME LAPSE & SLOW MOTION MODES ]: Discover the Beauty of Every Shot ! Easy and convenient camera control and playback of video image display technology brings excellent perception [ LARGE CAPACITY 1350 MAH LITHIUM BATTERY ]: The latest chipset consumes much lesser power & gives longer shooting hours. It has Higher capacity 1350 mAh Removable battery with low power dissipation. [ 99 FT DEEP WATERPROOF ]: Water resistant to depth of up to 30 meters to meet most of the underwater sports records (with waterproof case) [ CONNECT WITH WIFI ]: Built-in double ISP, to realize Native 4K@30fps image effects, less power consumption, more stable performance [ad_2]
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