#Liu Fei long
midorikawawas · 5 months
Viewfinder Chapter 13: Naked truth part 5
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codenameantarctica · 1 year
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An artwork by sensei for Fei Long‘s birthday.
Happy Birthday!!! 🎂🌸🌺
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komakitigerdrop · 2 years
Every time I realize sensei has released a new volume of Viewfinder I flip my shit and become obsessed for a brief but intense period of time.
Now is that time.
So I was wondering: do you have any specific volume that you like more than the others, or find yourself rereading more often than the rest, for better or for worse?
For me it might be ファインダーの熱情 but I’d love to hear about your preference and why, if one exists.
Also: I read some debate on your blog about how exactly Fei greets Mikhaïl on the roof of the building in the latest volume. Japanese is my second language but I would translate it as, “I thought I was following Asami, but it was you.”
Oh, thanks for that insight! Translations are tricky and in my case, almost impossible to verify, given that my Japanese level is... I don't even know, what comes before "basic"?
Huh, a favorite volume... Tough question! For the longest time, I think The Naked Truth was my favorite arc because so much happens, and it is very emotionally intense. Then, as time went by, I found myself going back to Caught in a Cage/Flower on the High Loft for two reasons. First, of course, because as the story went by and we got more Fei Long pining for Asami while also hating him but helping nevertheless and being bitter about it but also generous while moving on without ever moving on, I realized that what transpired in Hong Kong at that time, the kiss, the tears, the passion, the vulnerability, the giant leap of faith he took just to be betrayed, all of that left some deep, deep scars that shape Fei Long up to this day. I dare say that in Finder, in its entire existence, Fei Long's feelings for Asami are the one thing that has been consistent in narrative terms, and also bittersweet and surprisingly coherent in a story that does not always remember its earlier days. With Fei Long, Volume 2 is never denied or forgotten, only reinforced, not artificially, but in ways that feel genuine. Even now that he is with Mikhail, that connection with Asami is still present and I doubt it will ever be severed. Even Yoh, my beloved, is part of this indestructible thread connecting those two. It makes everything very tragic, in my opinion.
The other reason I really like going back to Vol. 2 is because... man... I love Vol. 2 Akihito! I miss seeing my boy doing what he loves, I love his confidence, his skill, his independence. Of course I love seeing him and Asami together in the latest volumes but... at what cost? Earlier in Finder, we would see Akihito interact with these two sides of his world: his mundane affairs as a freelance photographer, his desire to seek the truth, his ability to make connections, to do as he wanted. And then, of course, there was that part of his life that consumed him like fire, and that was when he was with Asami. It gave him complexity and put him in a curious position of doubt and conflict, of feeling his moral compass begin to falter. To me, one of the greatest losses over the years was to see that complexity dissolve as his life became Asami, exclusively. Sure, that meant we had great love scenes, but again... at what cost?
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weeguttersnipe · 3 months
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Zhen Ping stopping Fei Liu from kidnapping the messenger pigeon in Nirvana in Fire (Chinese drama, 2015)
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ray-elgatodormido · 13 days
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Wo Long’s epilogue be like
@exhalcyon @simayeeet y’all might get air out of your nostrils
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utterlyhooked · 2 years
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Hubba Hubba!
Honestly though, it’s very hard to fangirl Wu Lei. The way he looks in this photoshoot is just!!! the fan girl in me absolutely approves!
He seems to be a gentleman. In comparison to other actors, he is not vain. Obviously looks are important but from my “research” , to him, it’s not everything. He coud just wash his face and go without having to necessarily fix his hair. He is not afraid to be photographed or filmed bare faced, hair unruly, even when he just woke up. I like that he is not manufactured. Ask me again later what that means, it makes sense in my head but I can’t explain it properly:D
The acting projects that he chooses are more on the emotional side. I think he could do a romcom. Take a break from the heavy hitting emotional stuff.
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My favourite scene in LLTG, I love the way he looks here, I think it’s the way he stares at her. He also looks fantastic in TLB although I can’t seem to watch it. It’s the audio or dubbing, it seems that there is an echo or something, I don’t know. I’m unsure if it’s his voice, which is off putting, I wonder why they did it like that. I will try again later on, we’ll see.
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but then... he looks like he is 12 here!!! and this was taken only a few weeks ago!
and then I see this...
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which was a few years ago... and well, you know!!! 0.0 fangirl activated!
but then, last week while promoting wildaid.... he looks like this!!!
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FFS.... he looks like he is 10!!!
Come on Fei Liu, grow up already!
This ability to look younger as he gets older I’m sure is very good for the industry he is in.
I should probably defer my fangirling when he is 30, perhaps then he will look like he is 22!
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the-immortal-angel · 6 months
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sulan1809 · 1 year
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Bruce Lee - Personagens que foram inspirados nele
Bruce Lee(1940-1973) foi sem dúvidas um grande ícones das artes marciais. Detentor de um estilo de luta único e trejeitos característicos nos filmes que ele estrelou, Bruce Lee inspirou diversas personalidades do mundo da ficção. Já faz quase 50 anos que nós perdemos um grande mito das artes marciais, e esta é uma singela homenagem ao eterno Bruce Lee, que inspirou muitos jovens a terem orgulho de si mesmos, e a perseverar sempre...
Rock Lee e Might Guy - Naruto
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Might Guy não é o pai biológico de Rock Lee, mas criou o garoto como se fosse o filho dele. Embora Lee não seja um Jinchuuriki como Naruto, nem mesmo um cara naturalmente talentoso como o arrogante Sasuke, ele era pelo menos expert em Taijutsu. Quando Gaara causou fortes lesões em Lee durante o exame Chunin, isso aludiu à forte lesão que Bruce Lee recebeu nas costas em razão de não ter feito aquecimento, enquanto levantava pesos, ficando quase paralítico, isso no ano de 1969, o que impediu o ator sino-chinês de participar de muitos filmes. Lee demonstrou durante o desenrolar de Naruto e Naruto Shippuden, que o esforço duro, através de muito treinamento, é capaz de superar o talento natural. Ironicamente, Naruto, um fracassado, o Jinchuuriki da Kyuubi, foi capaz de vencer Neji, um prodígio natural, advindo da família Hyuuga...
Kenshiro - Hokuto no Ken
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Em Hokuto no Ken(北斗の拳), em uma realidade pós-apocalíptica derivada da guerra nuclear, o protagonista, Kenshiro, utiliza uma poderosa técnica de Ansatsuken(暗殺拳) denominada Hokuto Shinken(北斗伸拳) para destroçar os malvadões. Quando Kenshiro executa o famoso golpe de cem socos chamado Hokuto Hyakuretsuken(北斗百裂拳), ele solta um poderoso e repetitivo grito de guerra agudo (気合, lit. Kiai), prestando homenagem a Bruce Lee... Kenshiro é o 64º sucessor do estilo bimilenar Hokuto Shinken...
Fei Long - Street Fighter 
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Quando Super Street Fighter II foi lançado em 1993, o novato Fei Long foi um dos maiores destaques. Ele é uma cópia fidedigna do ator sino-americano, pois ele faz o famoso kiai de Bruce Lee, além de fazer o chute flamejante, pose de vitória que faz o corpo dele quase explodir, e a profissão dele é similar a de Bruce Lee: ator e lutador de artes marciais. Existem algumas diferenças entre Fei Long e Lee; Bruce Lee viveu nos EUA quando adulto e teve uma esposa americana com quem teve um filho e uma filha, enquanto Fei Long não tem nenhuma conexão aparente com os EUA, não é casado, não está em um relacionamento amoroso, e muito menos tem filhos. Em Super Street Fighter II, Fei Long é natural de Hong Kong.
Hon-Fu - Fatal Fury
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Hon-Fu foi apresentado ao público em Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory. Ele é um detetive de Hong Kong que investiga um comércio ilegal de drogas na Ásia, e curiosamente tem uma forte rivalidade com Ryuji Yamazaki. Você pensaria que, Hon-Fu, sendo um clone de Bruce Lee, ele seria um cara mais sério, certo?! ERRADO!! Embora o personagem seja considerado uma homenagem ao eterno Bruce Lee, na verdade ele pega mais inspiração em Jackie Chan, tanto na aparência, quanto no papel de alívio cômico que Chan desempenha nos filmes dele. Enquanto você é capaz de notar alguns aspectos de Lee em Hon-Fu, no que diz respeito ao manuseio de nunchakus, ele tem o jeitão atrapalhado de Chan. Em outras palavras, Hon-Fu é uma fusão muito hilariante de Bruce Lee com Jackie Chan...
Liu Kang - Mortal Kombat
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No primeiro Mortal Kombat(1992), Liu Kang era um rapaz descamisado de cabelo curto, inspirado em Bruce Lee. Ele é o equivalente do lutador japonês Ryu(Street Fighter), embora ambos sejam lutadores de estilos opostos: Ryu é lutador do estilo Karatê Shotokan, enquanto Liu Kang é um guerreiro do estilo Kung Fu. Mas será que você sabe da verdade?! Liu Kang inicialmente não seria uma homenagem ao Bruce Lee, segundo os desenvolvedores, ele seria originalmente um monge budista japonês, e seria nomeado Minamoto Yoshitsune, no entanto, a ideia foi descartada, pois o nome do personagem era muito longo, mas também porque Ho Sung Pak, um dos atores de captura de movimentos, recusou-se a cortar o cabelo dele. Então Liu Kang foi idealizado como sendo um monge Shaolin, assim como Raiden, o mentor dele. Logo as inspirações sobre Bruce Lee foram evidenciadas em Liu Kang, como por exemplo o manuseio preciso com nunchakus e o kiai descontrolado, marcas registradas de Bruce Lee, tirando o cabelo comprido, que é a marca registrada do lutador dracônico... 
Kim Dragon - World Heroes
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Em World Heroes, um game de lutas muito underrated produzido pela SNK, há um impersonator do Bruce Lee, o sino-coreano Kim Dragon. Ele tem um estilo de luta similar ao do lutador sino-americano, além do kiai descontrolado. No entanto, no final dele, em World Heroes 2, ele opta por ser um cantor em vez de ser uma estrela de Hollywood, protagonizando filmes de ação. Essa é uma estranha escolha, no entanto, se analisarmos bem, Kim Dragon é uma grande homenagem para a família do lutador sino-americano, uma vez que o pai de Bruce Lee, Lee Hoi-Chuen, era uma estrela da ópera chinesa, e o irmão dele, Robert Lee Jun-fai, que era cantor, lançou um álbum dedicado para o irmão dele, Bruce Lee, intitulado The Ballad of Bruce Lee(1974), um ano após à morte dele, foi uma homenagem póstuma.
Marshall Law - Tekken
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Para finalizar, vamos falar sobre Marshall Law, pai de Forest Law. Ele é uma homenagem ao eterno Bruce Lee, no entanto, em vez de ser um ator Hollywoodiano, ele é um cozinheiro. Mesmo não sabendo empunhar nunchakus, Marshall Law reproduz muito bem alguns aspectos de Bruce Lee, como o estilo de luta e o kiai desenfreado. No entanto, o que solidifica Marshall Law como clone de Bruce Lee são os relacionamentos: Bruce Lee e Marshall Law não apenas têm filhos igualmente habilidosos, Brandon Lee e Forest Law, respectivamente, mas também conhecem um americano poderoso que serve como rival e amigo, Chuck Norris e Paul Phoenix. Forest Law, não apenas é um lutador habilidoso, mas também ele é um alívio cômico, especialmente quando ele anda de motocicleta com Paul Phoenix, e geralmente costuma levar sermão por parte do pai dele...
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So what you're saying is that fey fight by vibe checking each other?
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You're all correct and also very wrong.
They fey fight like this (with Gosling Ken and Liu Ken as the Archfey):
With one notable exception: While the fey see this battle as both incredibly serious AND non-lethal, the mortals in the middle would in fact be VERY vulnerable to any weapons wielded, as their perspective is different than the fey fighting. It's why meddling in the conflicts of the fey as a mortal is so inadvisable. The fey around you, at the end of the day, will be fine as long as they're not planning on legitimately killing (permanently) the other side. And in my version of the feywild, they rarely want to, as removing one archfey just gives rise to others.
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waterlilyvioletfog · 5 months
The way Nirvana in Fire handles time is very interesting to me, in a way that stuck out to me on first watch and now sticks out on second viewing. We learn a lot of things about Mei Changsu early on— he’s a former soldier, he’s clearly haunted by his past, he’s gentle and affectionate with Fei Liu, he intimidates people and garners respect for his keen intellect, he’s overall often very mild and serene. But most importantly, to the show’s framing at least, Mei Changsu is chronically ill, and his illness will most certainly kill him, if he doesn’t lean back and accept being an invalid. But Mei Changsu values the work higher than his own life, seeing it as a tool to achieve his plan, so Mei Changsu goes to the capital anyways, hoping to get two years to complete his schemes before his illness kills him.
So, with this established early on, as we watch and see the seasons change, holidays come around, and people make references to the passage of time, we are acutely aware as audiences just how much time Mei Changsu has left. Sometimes we skip through long stretches of time in between back-to-back scenes— hours, days, weeks— and, especially on re-watch, this feels to me like time is slipping away from me and Mei Changsu both. Our protagonist is racing against the clock of his own body, trying to hold out just long enough to set his own soul to rest before he collapses, and that internal clock looms always in the viewer’s minds.
When I was watching with my mother, she turned to me and asked, “But, is Mei Changsu really still going to die at the end of this?” Like, he would do all of that, and wouldn’t get to be happy. And I told her, yes, he really does die at the end. And it’s because he did all that that he dies. He's mortgaged his own life to set the battle dead of Meiling to rest, set his country to rights, set Jingyan on the throne. Mei Changsu is here as a dying man, performing the last rites for 70,00 men, his family, and himself. It's difficult to watch without thinking "you don't need to do this," but ultimately I can't judge him. Who among us wouldn't give the last of ourselves to bring peace to the ghosts of our loved ones?
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kungfuwushuworld · 9 months
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Eagle Claw (Chinese: 鷹爪派; pinyin: yīng zhǎo pài; eagle claw school) is a style of Chinese martial arts known for its gripping techniques, system of joint locks, takedowns, and pressure point strikes, which is representative of Chinese grappling known as Chin Na. The style is normally attributed to the famous patriotic Song dynasty General Yue Fei. Popular legends states that he learned martial arts from a Shaolin Monk named Zhou Tong and later created Eagle Claw to help his armies combat the invading armies of the Jin dynasty. It was passed down until the Ming dynasty. Thus, the style took on long range strikes and aerial jumps. During the Qing dynasty, the military instructor Liu Shi Jun became known as the modern progenitor of Eagle Claw and taught many students. His student Liu Cheng You later taught Chen Zizheng who was invited to teach the style in the prestigious Chin Woo Athletic Association during the Republican era. The style spread as Chin Woo opened sister schools in other provinces. Today, it is practiced around the world.
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midorikawawas · 5 months
Mikhail: Can I try to rizz you up real quick?
Fei Long: Sure.
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codenameantarctica · 2 years
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New artwork by Yamane Ayano-sensei. The item should be one of a group of merchandise open for ordering, soon. 🥺🌸 Soooooo beautiful! 
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heymeowmao · 6 months
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2023.12.17 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324979512155701380
Carnation Music Festival 3.0!!
LYN: Hallo everybody, good evening. We are the Modern Brothers! There are so many people here, right? LYN: Can you hear the laugh track, though? That's the most important thing. Very important. // You can? Ok. LYN: Welcome to our 3rd Carnation Music Festival~ It's been a long time since our last one, so many friends were missing it. The reason why I decided to hold it today was in order to thank you for all of your support/protection.
C: Where are the carnations? LYN: WE are the carnations!
C: Sit down! LYN: No. Let me tell you- I'm going to spend this whole thing standing. Today's proceedings will be like a true music festival. We've done this twice already, so this time we need to upgrade. I'll do this whole stream standing. LYN: All the other ones I was sitting and singing, so this time I have to be standing. So I can show you something new. But somehow it seems like I'm about to hit the ceiling. I'm about to make a slam dunk. /looks up/ Oh? Why are the top lights on? Those make me look ugly... Well, it's okay. I'm ugly enough. It doesn't make a difference.
LYN: Today is nice. It'll be fun. This is Da Fei, our keyboardist. A lot of people ask me why I'm called "Modern Brothers" Liu Yuning. Where are my brothers? Did they run away? No. This is my keyboardist, Da Fei. He is a member of the Modern Brothers. And this is my guitarist, Ah Zuo. We used to be a small band; we were working our butts off every night singing in the bar. Then one day we finally made it- we debuted. LYN: But lately because I've entered the acting industry, their work became less. Now it's hard for us to meet up. But YNGS is about to finish airing, so I figured we could get together again after such a long time away. It's a small reunion. C: Da Fei-ge got rounder. LYN: Yeah, but Ah Zuo is not any better off. He's standing further back so it looks like he's thinner, but he actually gained a lot. LYN: Anyway, today we're just going to be singing. I hope you can spend a relaxing and wonderful night with us. The equipment is a little lacking, because we're just in my house. The camera broke, so we're making do with what we have- the quality might not be as good. But we're just going to have fun, so don't expect too much from me and consider this a concert. I want to say, though- my concert definitely won't look like this. If you're expecting to come to my concert next year, please don't let this lower your expectations.
C: I need to go to class! LYN: Many of you are busy. If you're busy you can do your thing. There's always the playback. You can watch it then.
LYN: Let's start this off with a song! And let me also warm up my voice! Friends- it's like this. I wrapped up at 12a last night and I came back home and we were rehearsing until 5a. You thought we just moved the instruments and were ready to go, but no- we were rehearsing until 5a. We are offering this concert up to you. It was made for you. My voice is so fricking tired; it's hoarse. So please be magnanimous if the results are not too good. Let me sing a small song first and we'll test out the sound. Earlier, before we started the stream, the computer just died. We were all flustered.
LYN: Let's do a small song first, and see how it goes. This is a benefit- a gift for all of you. This- I want to sing while standing, but it makes controlling the computer more complicated... LYN: Look at these- we prepared a lyrics book, too. We're being serious, today. Okay. Let's try it. - /Ah Zuo starts playing the first notes/ LYN: ! Wait! Ah Zuo hasn't been in a stream in so long he's anxious to start. He can't wait to get the song started. LYN: Don't panic. Don't panic. Because I am already panicking. - /tells Ah Zuo to stand more in the front bc he's gonna block him from where he's standing/ C: Ah Zuo's excited! LYN: No, he... he's just got a rushed personality.
LYN: Thank you! Thanks for your support. C: I'm excited! LYN: You are? I am too. When I was singing I also started shaking a little. My hands started shaking, because it's been a really long time since I've properly sung a song in my stream and especially as the whole band. I'm a little flustered but it's okay. We have a long time for tonight. I'll spend a long time with you tonight, okay?
C: There's a glare on the mirror. LYN: The mirror? What mirror? Oh, you mean my glasses? That's the way it's supposed to be. A singer can't let you see their eyes clearly. That way you'll think they are mysterious and you'll desire to see into their inner heart. It's on purpose.
C: Why is Ah Zuo wearing slippers? LYN: They're my slippers, what's wrong with that? Do you want to steal them away?
C: How long do you usually stream for? LYN: I usually start with around two hours. I'm not like a lot of other artists out there who only stream for an hour at most. Here with me, I make sure you're full. That you've had enough. I start with two hours. To this day the longest I've streamed is around four + hours. My livestream is more like a security monitor- I leave it on for hours so you can come once in a while to look at me. I want to make sure you have enough. People in Dongbei have big portion sizes.
LYN: The next song is one of mine- it's called Fall in Love. When you heard I was going to do 3.0, did you buy light sticks home? Did you? No? LYN: I just saw a comment that read, "Ge, I have already put my makeup on and gotten my nails done. Now I'm ready to watch LYN's stream." You don't need to be so polite. You put on makeup at home, in order to watch my stream? That's a big honor. C: I bought snacks. LYN: Oh, you bought duck necks and snacks in preparation to watch my stream? C: I don't have light sticks, I have a small sun. LYN: Wow. That's warm. LYN: Anyway, this song- Fall in Love- if you're watching on your phone, then turn on the flashlight! When you're watching my stream, you can dance along. We want an online-offline experience. Okay? Sway along. C: I have Harbin sausages. (stick-shaped) LYN: Wow, amazing. C: A cat toy. LYN: Okay- I don't really care what type of "棒" (stick) you have, as long as you move along with me. This song is called "Fall in Love."
Fall in Love (remix)
LYN: How is it? C: He gave me a heart! LYN: Yes, I'm just that greasy.
C: Where are the people? LYN: You must be lagging.
LYN: This /gestures at DF/- yes, this is LYN. He's gotten fatter lately.
LYN: Hold on, let me make some adjustments. // We don't have such refined stage design like different angles or anything. I thought if I had the follow-effect it would bring the mood up. Right? It makes the room look much more lively. LYN: Let me introduce myself again. I am Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. If you like us, then please subscribe. Thank you to everyone who has come to watch my stream today. LYN: It's our Carnation Music Festival... ! Oh- we didn't set the logo up. Hold on a second. I need to advertise this. - /making the logo/ LYN: Red looks festive. How about that? Isn't it fashionable? I think this design is worth 200RMB, what do you think? C: Looks tacky. LYN: Let me tell you the origin of the Carnation Music Festival. Why is it called that? One day we were singing and streaming and it just so happened to be Mother's Day; so we named the music festival "carnation", because that's the flower you gift to mothers. LYN: Is it too tacky? When something is tacky to an extreme it becomes fashion. // Let me see if I can change the font. Which font do you want? - /taking audience input and changing the font/ LYN: This isn't any better! C: What about yellow? LYN: Yellow isn't eye-catching. /changes it/ This isn't any better! It doesn't matter. Then, let's make it smaller. I'll put it on DF's face. Isn't it suitable? // Let me find somewhere to put it... C: You don't have an artist on your team? LYN: What team do I have? My "team" is just a small studio- it's only a few people. LYN: Let's just leave it somewhere it won't get in the way. (bottom right) Here is fine. Let's not worry about it anymore. LYN: It may look tacky, but it's what's at the core that counts.
LYN: Is there anyone watching who is studying graphic design? You can come to my company to work. Your job will be to make the Carnation Music Festival logo. C: How much is the salary? LYN: 30k(RMB) a month. But the probation period is five years. In those five years you'll spend it "learning." After five years, your benefits will be one month's worth of salary. C: The probation period is three years? LYN: No. Five years. Even worse. That's a black-hearted boss right there.
LYN: These few days- because everyone knows I was going to hold the festival- so I looked up songs that you all requested. There are some I always sing, but since you keep requesting them I figured we would try to reminisce back on those times. So now I have a bunch of songs I used to sing before. I even made lyrics sheets for today- how professional is that? LYN: These music stands- I bought them yesterday. I tried to buy them and couldn't find a single one in all of Hengdian. In the end we found an instrument store- you'd think a place that sells musical instruments has music stands, right? They didn't. So I asked them if they could sell me any second-hand. But the owner said, "If I sell these stands to you, what about my students??" I told him, "I don't care!" XD In the end we bought each for 50rmb. 150rmb for three. But the owner said, "I'll sell you two, and let you borrow the third. Return one to me and I'll return you 50rmb." Deal. So we bought these at the last minute and they're a little rough.
LYN: Let me introduce myself again, because there could be a lot of new friends here. You might have seen my drama, and I hope that through this stream you can get to know me better. People always ask why I am called "Modern Brothers" Liu Yuning. It's because we used to be a group- a small band, even though we weren't very famous. We were called the Modern Brothers, so I always say I am Modern Brothers' Liu Yuning. This is Modern Brothers' Da Fei. This is Modern Brothers' Ah Zuo. They are my keyboardist and guitarist- very cool. Now because most of the time I'm shooting dramas, so they are out of work. They're at home just idling.
C: Are there any benefits for new fans? LYN: You mean how if you buy an iQIYI membership for the first time you get a bit of a discount? Is that what you mean? Are there any benefits for new fans...? Yes. This next song is just for you. You don't have to think about the meaning behind this song. I am just forcefully saying that this is your gift. This next song is for all the new friends who have just "won" (learned about) LYN. If you haven't subscribed to my weibo yet, please do so.
LYN: Okay. We've sung some faster songs, now let's move on to something more gentle. There were a lot of songs people really liked, but we never could find the accompaniment for them. But now I have my band, so now they can help me play the song. Now I can sing all the songs you want to hear and I want to sing. Don't worry- I have a lot of fun things planned. We were rehearsing until 5a! So I want to thank all of you who come to watch my stream on time. Thank you all.
C: I want to hear 赤. LYN: Ok. If I'm in a good condition, we'll try it. Don't rush.
C: Can you take th logo away? LYN: How much do you hate our Carnation Music Festival logo?? This is! The soul of our music festival. Without this logo, this whole thing would lost its strength/meaning. Don't hate it.
LYN: This next song is something a lot of you requested, and I did sing some of. But I didn't do a good job then, because the accompaniment was for a woman's key.
LYN: I want to remind you again- if you're watching my stream it would be best to do so with headphones. We're all wearing earbuds, so what we hear is pretty much what you hear. If you're just playing through phone speakers it might lack a little.
C: There are no lyrics... LYN: You want to sing along with me? We don't really have the complete equipment. Because the accompaniment is live, so there are no lyrics. I'm sorry. But later there are some songs for which I will play a track and those WILL have lyrics. I can't turn the lyrics on. C: You can't remember the lyrics? LYN: ... LYN: There's nothing we can do, because the track is live.
C: I'm broadcasting it to my tv. LYN: Nice. If you're watching my stream and your equipment allows, watch with headphones. We want surround sound- Dolby sound effects.
C: The volume of the music is a little low. LYN: Are you serious? It's low? Is it because you're not wearing headphones? LYN: It probably is a little low. When we first started, the computer froze a bit. So now it's... It's not low? Ok! Try to wear headphones if you can, though. This stream is a little rougher because we didn't have a lot of time to test the equipment.
C: Ning-ge, do you have a lottery today? I want soybean oil. LYN: /sigh/ It's been so long since I streamed, and you bring that up? But thanks for mentioning it, because it IS a shame. I should have prepared some real benefits- gone to the market to buy ten jugs of soybean oil to raffle off. I'll admit it- that was my lack of oversight. I really should have made this stream full of benefits. The grand prize would be ten bottles of oil. Ten jugs. Bottles are a little small. LYN: Many of you may not know. If you check in to my Super Topic- it's called Modern Brothers- when you check in for 300 days you can win a jug of soybean oil. 1000 days and you can take away a bag of rice. We'll send it to your house. No eggs, though. Those things are too easily breakable. C: Ning-ge, I've checked in for more than 500 days now. LYN: Let us owe you. It's like this- one day if you see me on the street you can say, "Liu Yuning! Give me my soybean oil! You owe me soybean oil!!" How incredible would that be? You've chased stars to the extend that the stars now owe you. That's impressive. LYN: Our main theme is "owing each other".
C: Ning-ge, can you sit closer? I can't see. LYN: Send me your address, I'll go to your house. Send me your address, I'll grab a plane ticket. No matter where you are, I'll go to your house. I'll send the goods straight to your door. If you can't see me clearly, send my studio your address. I'll go to your house. I'll let you see me clearly.
LYN: The next song is another slow one. /to AZ & DF/ Is everything okay? I've been talking for five minutes, waiting for you. Did you forget the sound? It's okay. You can take your time to look for it. Based on my skills, I can hold out another five minutes for you. business abilities have degenerated so quickly. Let's leave him some face and allow this mistake today, alright? I won't dock his pay for this. We'll look for it together. LYN: /sighs/ ... /snores/ - /lets them figure it out while he preps more coffee/
C: Why don't they have chairs? LYN: I'm bullying them. No- they have chairs, look. I'll be standing later when I'm singing, too! I was planning on giving them chairs to sit on while I stood, but then I thought that if I were standing and they sitting, it would look like the didn't have anything to do with me. Look- Ah Zuo has a long seat he could sit on. I'm sitting now but later I'll also stand. It's all to make the mood. You think their legs aren't numb??
C: What are you drinking? LYN: Coffee. So I can maintain my levels of excitement. C: If you drink too much you'll need to use the restroom. LYN: At concerts they even give me five minutes to change outfits! You're really not planning on letting me stop?? It's like you're afraid. "Ning-ge, don't drink water or you'll need to use the restroom." I get five minutes to change my outfit during my concerts. This is just a small livestream.
LYN: Hold on, I'm not ready. YOU are, but I'm not. What key is it? LYN: See? I gave them time and now they're turning it around and rushing me. LYN: It's alright. I'm joking.
LYN: Isn't it amazing? This keyboard can even play the sound of a pipa. Our musicians are so professional~ It makes Da Fei look a lot more handsome. Play it again. I haven't heard enough.
LYN: Ok. Let's move straight into the next song. What did you think of it? It's a song I wanted to sing a long time ago and it's something you really like. So this time I asked them to make an accompaniment so I can sing it. Just listen for entertainment.
C: I don't dare go to the restroom. LYN: You can take your phone in there with you, okay? It doesn't matter. Don't think that if you take me into the restroom it would be an insult to me. I'm not afraid of being insulted, at the moment.
LYN: Anyway- this next song has unexpectedly become hot again. Wait- it's always been hot. Excuse me. But! You've heard my cover of it and thought it sounded nice, so... I'll use the Carnation Music Festival 3.0 to sing it again. It's a song I sang many years ago, but it seems like my audio has been circulating around the short video platforms. It's called 等我先说. - /AZ revs up/ LYN: /who just took a sip of coffee/ !! Wait a minute. Don't rush. Let me recover a bit. These two... once they're familiar with the song they're ready to go with it. 等我先说. It's a song I did a cover of before. - /warms up his voice/ LYN: My throat hurts a little.... /sigh/ Let's do it.
LYN: It's been a long time since I sang this. But I was going through it when we were rehearsing and I found out I still remember how to sing it. So... we can use it to reminisce. I know that you've requested a lot of songs, but I can't sing them all. This one, I felt, was more meaningful. So I decided to sing this one.
LYN: The next one is called 乌兰巴托的夜 (Nights in UlaanBaatar). It'll be a little difficult for me, since my voice condition is not very stable. But I hope- you don't have to use your light sticks. For this song you can close your eyes, and listen quietly.
C: You even rehearsed? LYN: Of course! I wrapped at 12a, we came back to eat a little, and it wasn't until we rehearsed until 5a that I let them go. THEN I was removing my drama makeup and washing up. It was all for presenting to all of you a good condition and relatively more complete performance. It's my first time singing this song, so... you all can just listen for fun.
- /promptly drops his lyrics sheets/ LYN: Look at this- a 50RMB music stand is just basic. It doesn't even have a sheet clip. We need a bottle of water to hold the papers.
C: I'm lagging. LYN: Is it lagging? There's nothing I can do about it, since my stream today is a little more popular than usual. Many of you might be watching me in YNGS, and came to check out my stream. I want to thank everyone who is supporting YNGS and hope you continue to do so. Thank you. If you haven't subscribed to my weibo yet, you can do that too.
LYN: The next song is 茶底世界. It's something you've always been requesting. I don't think I've sung this song since my debut. But it's also a very nice sounding song. I saw you requesting it again, so I decided I would sing this rock n' roll style song for you. - /warming up/ C: That scared me! LYN: Oh, did I scare you? Sorry.
LYN: Thank you. Oh- I suddenly thought of a song. 花房姑娘. We haven't sung it in a while. It's not in our song list, but it's okay. I just remembered that you liked when I sang it, before. LYN: /to DF/ Give me a key. Let's see if I can still sing it. - /tries to sing 恋语1910 instead/ LYN: No, that's not it right? - /gets the right one/ LYN: Ok. I can try it. Let's go. LYN: Hold on... I want to fake-play my guitar. I just want to make myself busy. - /the strap is not on, so he asks DF is he can squeeze it on there/ LYN: ? I think I have another strap there?? You can take it first, see if you can get it on.
C: Ka-ka. LYN: /grabs his kazoobie (kazobo??)/ Kaka will always be here. Kaka will never lose an opportunity to present itself. If I don't show it off, then I bought it for nothing. - /starts playing Offer (奉上) & Don't Dream of Cold (别梦寒) on it; then My Heart Will Go On/ LYN: I can play anything. It's unbeatable.
- /DF comes back/ LYN: Does it work? It's a little unstable? Ok. Even if this hundreds of dollars guitar gets smashed today, this stream would be worth it. LYN: For the sake of this stream- - /tries to put the guitar on but the strap is too short/ LYN: Can we make this longer? I'm too tall. - /makes it longer/ LYN: Now it's too long. Whatever. I'm fake playing anyway. LYN: ! Where's my phone? I need to look up the lyrics. LYN: I'm so busy. I feel like I'm going to die. But it's okay- every good performance comes with some sacrifice. C: You look pretty rock and roll. LYN: Do I? Great- that's the look we're going for. You don't have to think about what sound it's making- it's just for looks. Now, where should I put this (kaka)? /laughs/ As if I weren't busy enough! Should I hang it off my belt/pants? I'll just put it here (on the music stand). I can just grab it and start playing. Okay. LYN: You go first. ! Wait- my lyrics!! How do I make the screen stay on for longer??
LYN: I almost busied myself to death. The main theme of my stream is to be busy and bustling. But it's alright. LYN: Do you like this type of mood, friends? If you do, we can... do another. LYN: How does 一块红布 go? // Hmm. I won't sing this one. Let's sing something gentle. We got a little hyped up, and we'll still be later but I want to be gentle and warm right now.
LYN: This next one is a song I really really like. And- /confirming the key/. Sometimes when I'm emo I'll listen to this song and it will make me happier. Or rather, it will make me even more emo. XD But I really like this song. C: What song? LYN: You'll know when I sing it. I'll have to sooner or later. I don't think we did this one well in rehearsal, so I've forgotten how it goes.
C: I'm sleepy now. LYN: Then go to sleep! If you can't stay up, then go to sleep. Thank you. Friends, if you're sleepy, you can go. I'll never force you to stay. If you're sleepy you can go rest. If you're not, then keep me a little company while I stream. LYN: I was planning to sing this one next- 熬夜 (Stay Up All Night). But now you're telling me you're sleepy?! I was planning to sing this song next, but now I don't really want to. Will it seem like I'm forcing you? LYN: I'll let everyone rest. DF & AZ can go out and play. I'll sing Stay Up All Night for you. Hold on- let me find the track. ~ 我熬了一整 YEAH! (夜)~ LYN: Now it's a happy song. For all the friends who like to stay up at night. C: It's just past 6p and you're sleepy?? LYN: It's good- sleeping early is good for your health. // Young people nowadays... start getting sleepy at 6p? /smh/ Alright then. What are you doing in the morning?? Are you going to climb a mountain? Go jogging? If you really have such good habits, then it's okay.
LYN: This song is called Stay Up All Night- its one of my singles, I guess. If you like it, you can go give it a listen. C: You really can stay up all night... LYN: Right?
LYN: Anyway, this stream is to thank everyone who might have come to know me through a drama. I'm very happy and honored to become your friend. Today is our very amazing Carnation Music Festival, version 3.0. I took a look the other day and the last one was in 2021! We took two years to get this even up and running again. What we're aiming for is... longevity. Since 2021 was so long ago. LYN: Our stream today is to give back to my family, all my good friends and fans, to the people who like LYN- or even if you don't like me, those of you who came to check me out. This stream is for you. I hope this stream lets you have a relaxing, happy, and wonderful night. Okay?
LYN: This next song is a relaxing one- it's called 撞地球 (Earth Collision). There are some lyrics in it that I really like. ~ Sometimes I don't want to live anymore, but then I think that there are others more deserving of death. ~ LYN: I started liking this song just because of one lyric. I think the mentality of this song is really great. LYN: Oh, this song- am I worthy of picking up the guitar for this one? But is it really that rock? If it's not, then I won't hold it. As long as it's a little bit rock, I can hold it. But then, does this (kaka) go to waste? I can't use it, right? - /setting up/ LYN: You know- we make all these adjustments as an excuse to stall for time. Because I feel like we're running out of songs! So I need to rely on these tactics to stall. XD - /starts but then stops, bc he feels like he's singing too low of a key/ LYN: Sorry, friends. You got hyped up a little too early. We made a mistake. You've already started dancing, but then suddenly we stopped.
LYN: Thank you. Oh hey- is my speaker all charged up? That speaker? Friends, let me go use the restroom. And then... do you want to sing DF? He doesn't want to. Then, Zuo-ge...? XD LYN: We'll do a 3 minute intermission and I'll play a video. We have all sorts of tips and tricks, here. How about this- Zuo-ge can solo a little. - /gets distracted by staff/ LYN: Wait a minute, hold on. I need to go to the bathroom. I need to pee, what am I holding on to this (the mic) for?? LYN: Let Zuo-ge, my guitarist, do a solo while I use the restroom. They were going to bring the speaker over to me!! I'll go and come back. Wait for me a sec. It's a straightforward stream today, I'm not going to give excuses.
LYN: Wait, friends- there are a couple customers down here who are fighting. They're throwing water bottles. I need to go take a look. // Oh? The lights reflecting on my glasses is so interesting. I look like a robot. :) // There are customers fighting off stage. Let me go take a look.
AZ Guitar Solo!
- /LYN comes back advertising for collecting old washing machines with his speaker/ LYN: Why is the sound so low?? - /tests it and there's feedback. LYN: 😨!/ LYN: Now the sound is too loud. Then- we'll also just use it as a prop. I won't turn it on. But my computer can imitate the sound. :)
LYN: ~ Walk on, walk by, but don't miss out. Everything here is 10yuan, friends. 10yuan.~ C: Are you 10 yuan, too? LYN: Wait a minute! Wait- let me take a breather. // Don't you all say that I am your "baby"? How can you take me home for just 10 dollars?? You all say that I am the most precious to you, but apparently "most precious" is only worth 10 dollars. /sigh/
LYN: /is tired/ Let me... sit a while.
LYN: Once again I want to thank all of you who have come to watch my stream today. If it's your first time watching, please subscribe to my weibo, okay? Thank you, thank you. It's not shameful to follow me. Thank you. You can follow my small/lowly weibo. I'm just a... a small singer, who is trying out acting. I hope you can support me. LYN: Thank you!
C: Watching your stream makes the rice go down! LYN: Am I a savory dish? Am I shredded pork with garlic sauce (yu xiang rou si)?
LYN: Right now.. YNGS should have already been uploaded. It's 7p now. It should be up. I was planning to stream from 5-7p- a two hour music festival. Self-proclaimed music festival. I thought it would be enough time, but it looks like we've messed up the timing.
C: Watching you stream makes me do my homework faster. LYN: You're not just writing nonsense are you? You're watching my stream while doing your homework, and you end up writing down the lyrics to the songs I'm singing as the answers?? It's asking you- "what's the principle behind the atomic bomb?" and you write "Because... Offer. I'm willing to take a thousand difficulties and dangers on my soul."
LYN: Normally I'll stream at least once month. I used to stream a lot more but lately I haven't had the time so... if you really like to see me then you can subscribe to my weibo. Sincerely. That way when I stream next, it will notify you. LYN: I really want to thank everyone who is in my stream and spent such a long time with me. Really, thank you. I especially want to thank those of you who are watching me in YNGS and have now come to my stream. Thank you for your support. I'm very brave, and I'm also very strong (minded). Thanks for your support and I hope we continue to head the same direction.
LYN: I have one last song. It's one that I absolutely must sing. No matter how tired I am, I have to sing it.
LYN: Thank you! LYN: It's about time. Again, thanks to everyone who has spent the night with us in this stream. Of it's your first time watching the Modern Brothers you can subscribe to our weibo. I hope in the days to come we can meet again. Thanks for watching and participating by leaving me comments. Thank you to the fans who always protect me, and those of you who are watching the drama and protecting me there, too. I don't want to say too much. In any case, I am grateful for your support and protection. LYN: I hope you had a relaxing, happy, and wonderful night. It was great to have you, and I hope you enjoyed yourself. Let's meet again at the next music festival, friends! Good night everyone!
LYN: YNGS has new episodes out, now. Go watch the drama! Check in to iQIYI and search for YNGS. You can check out our drama. Thanks for your support. Bye bye!
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yourmaidsp · 2 months
East Park ideas dump #3
(some sot contents)
–some East Park's SOT characters + weapon list:
Kyle = Liu Bei 刘备 (twin swords)
Stan = Guan Yu 关羽 (glaive)
Tolkien = Zhang Fei 张飞 (spear)
Wendy = Zhuge Liang 诸葛亮 (feathered fan + guzheng)
Cartman = Cao Cao 曹操 (sword)
Butters = Xiahou Dun 夏侯惇(long sword)
Kenny = Sun Quan 孙权 (six swords)
Jimmy = Lv Bu 吕布 (halberd)
Timmy = Zhao Yun 赵云 (spear)
Ike = Liu Shan 刘禅
Craig = Zhang Jiao 张角
Tweek = Meng Huo 孟获
Clyde = Sima Yi 司马懿
the Goths = Nanman crowds
(o boy I'll have hell of a ride designing these)
–The whole vibe of East Park would feel like this edit of early Chinese tiktok
- Butters might be super badass in this bc Xiahou Dun is well known for fighting fierce w only one eye.
- Also Wendy would craft delicate n powerful defense mecha (according to history) that almost scared Clyde to death.
Genuine, hilarious, absurd n absolutely beautiful.
ngl I really like this.
-Craig goes to work( to his temple) on a crappy cranked bicycle, his theme would be this:
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dangermousie · 3 months
Inspired by a post by @toppingjeffsatur https://www.tumblr.com/toppingjeffsatur/743865721146228736/he-just-keeps-playing-characters-like-this-doesnt
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