#Maa Durga
slayerofthevampire · 6 months
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“I shall have the celebrated name of Durgadevi and again, assuming a terrible form on the mountain Himalaya, I shall destroy the raksasas for the protection of the munis. Then all the munis, bowing their bodies reverently, shall praise me, and thereby I shall have the celebrated name of Bhimadevi.”
—Maa Durga 🔱🙏
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shivaom99 · 6 months
🌺🔅Jai Maa Durga🔅🌺
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thatchaoticdesigirl · 7 months
It's that time of the year again...
The city has been cleansed with the after showers of monsoon. Blue sky peeking through fluffy clouds resembling the cotton candy carried by the street vendors. The smell of durga puja coming in through the open windows. Standing outside Kumortuli is a small smiling face in shabby clothes and dirty hair. The departure of idols might be significant for the whole city, but not for the little boy whose father will be coming home after months of crafting the inanimate joy that would fill the city for the next 10 days.
The single mother spent her bonus on the little piece of jwellery she had seen her daughter longingly looking at in Gariahat. The transferred father took a few extra days off. A son remembered his father on the banks of the Ganges, while the recently widowed woman longingly glanced at the idol's red saree. They felt what the poets may describe as peace and happiness but for them it was just plain old durga puja.
She arrived with her children, shaking the whole city from its slumber, a ray of hope within the gloomy times. Every year she arrives with the same smiling face and listens to all our problems. To the lost boy trying to find his place in society, to the queer person trying to figure out why they were wrong, to the girl who never saw her father after that day in court, to the lady who never knew what happened to her daughter the night she went out with her friends. Lives filled with tragedy after tragedy lie at Maa's feet asking for a way ahead. Maa listens. She gives them hope and sometimes tragedies do go away. The boy lands a job while the queer person is invited back to their family. The girl recieves a gift from her father while the lady cries at the station,report in hand. Maybe not happy endings, but closure. That's what Maa gives. Hope is just the surface of the abyss of our mind which actually seeks closure.
The bright lights and bamboos wrapped in colourful clothes stand as a symbol of the hardwork of all those people who worked relentlessly to make this festival a pathway to overcome tragedy. The people live another day to fight, blessed by Maa.
At the break of dawn on Mahalaya, someone replaces the oxygen with adrenaline, and for 10 days, the city does not sleep.
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jayshriram2947 · 19 days
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What is the true mantra of Maa Durga? We often hear 'Jai Mata Di.' Does Devi Durga get attracted to hearing 'Jai Mata Di'?
Clear all your doubts by reading the amazing spiritual book 'Gyan Ganga.
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oyeevarnika · 2 years
मां दुर्गा की तीसरी शक्ति हैं चंद्रघंटा। नवरात्रि में तीसरे दिन इसी देवी की पूजा-आराधना की जाती है। देवी का यह स्वरूप परम शांतिदायक और कल्याणकारी है। इसीलिए कहा जाता है कि हमें निरंतर उनके पवित्र विग्रह को ध्यान में रखकर साधना करना चाहिए।
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माता दुर्गा ने मां चंद्रघंटा का अवतार तब लिया था जब दैत्यों का आतंक बढ़ने लगा था. उस समय महिषासुर का भयंकर युद्ध देवताओं से चल रहा था. महिषासुर देवराज इंद्र का सिंहासन प्राप्त करना चाहता था. वह स्वर्ग लोक पर राज करने की इच्छा पूरी करने के लिए यह युद्ध कर रहा था. जब देवताओं को उसकी इस इच्छा का पता चला तो वे परेशान हो गए और भगवान ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और महेश के सामने पहुंचे. ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और महेश ने देवताओं की बात सुन क्रोध प्रकट किया और क्रोध आने पर उन तीनों के मुख से ऊर्जा निकली. उस ऊर्जा से एक देवी अवतरित हुईं. उस देवी को भगवान शंकर ने अपना त्रिशूल, भगवान व��ष्णु ने अपना चक्र, इंद्र ने अपना घंटा, सूर्य ने अपना तेज और तलवार और सिंह प्रदान किया. इसके बाद मां चंद्रघंटा ने महिषासुर तका वध कर देवताओं की रक्षा की.
ॐ देवी चन्द्रघण्टायै नमः॥
शारदीय नवरात्रि का तीसरा दिन 🪷
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alaezasmystery235 · 2 years
Out of context but ....
1 more day to go for MAHALAYA ~
Can't wait !!!!!!! @○@
@azure-cherie is your radio ready 😉🤭
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wiseballoonking · 16 days
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Gyan Ganga
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dasmoyna · 3 months
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You are my emotion
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shivaom99 · 5 months
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thatchaoticdesigirl · 2 years
I think durga puja is a lot about hope. A hope that everything will be alright. Today's generation does not have it easy. Each and every person fights their own battles, fake smiles on their faces, forced laughter filling the air. But as the voice of Birendra Krishna Bhadra is heard on the eve of Mahalaya, people leave their mechanical lives and breathe in air filled with hope. That belief that Maa is here and she is going to take care of everything. To that child in the dysfunctional family, that single mother, that single financially struggling father...Maa gives them hope. And because of that hope they can be happy, even if it’s just for these 10 days.
Nobody is sad during Durga puja despite all their problems. And the festival does work wonders. There are families that come together, last friendships rekindled last love found again fighting parents trying to keep aside their problems so that their child has a happy time because nobody is sad during Durga puja. Nobody SHOULD be sad during Durga puja. Because for us Bengalis Durga puja is more important than all our problems…big or small.
And you can’t really be sad in this city of joy. The people, the idols, the vibes and atmosphere will automatically bring a smile on the most forlorn of faces. And that’s Durga puja for you...bringing smiles and hopes with chant of “Bolo Dugga Mai Ki Joy”.
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jayshriram2947 · 6 months
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या देवी सर्वभूतेषु कात्यायनी रूपेण संस्थिता
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
I love Mahishasur Mardini stotram.
Don’t get me wrong, I love all the stotrams. Shiv Tandav, Shree Hari, and whichever other ones I’m missing. I love them all. The thing is, Maa Durga has always been taught to us as a mother, which is actually beautiful, it helps us connect to her on a personal level. Her bhakti becomes much easier and pleasant because you have an established relationship with her.
But the thing is, While Devi Shakti (and Devi Sharda and Devi Ramaa to that extent) are our mothers, I feel like this leads us to focus completely on their maternal side and generally their tamer actions, like Matas bringing prosperity, bliss, knowledge, and I think this materialistic approach towards praying to them is why I hadn’t been able to connect to her on the same level as Shree Hari even though my mother is a staunch devotee of hers.
I genuinely thought that this was simply because it was in my destiny to have Shree Narayan as my aradhya. Until I heard the stotram and realised that this isn’t the case. It’s simply because I’m lost to the other side of These goddesses.
The side that is a warrior. The side that slayed Mahishasur, Dhindhinasur, Madhu, Kaitabh, Harshad, Marshad, Sahastra Ravan, Narakasur, Chand, Mund, Raktabeej, Kohlasur, Bhairo Nath, and many others with her valour. The side that haunts the sons of Diti. The side that scares Jalandhar with her fire. The side that is a daughter. A daughter of Himachal, Daksh, Shaila, Bhrigu, Janak. A side that as Parvati is the sister of Vishnu. The side that is a woman with braided hair, the one who is the mistress of most ferocious animals.
A side that is the power. The power of Bramha as Sharda, of Narayan as Padma and of Mahesh as Gaura. The sheer rage that is Kali, the immovability of Parvati as she sets her mind to marry her love. The valour of Meenakshi as she conquers everything from Kanyakumari to Kailash. The yog of Sita who could have destroyed Ravan to atoms if she wished. The Determination of Satyabhama who killed her own son for righteousness.
The side that will appear out of a statue and hurt those who try to harm her children. The side that will take any form just like Narayan and Shiva to end the evils. The side that completes her divinity.
We never focus on these aspect of theirs like we do with Shri Narayan and Bhagwaan Shankar. We are too used to their maternal sides and never discuss this one, when we need to in order to understand them as well as we understand the other two Gods.
Because while we need her maternal side to know that she loves us, we need her other side to shed the perceptions of materialism we have associated with her. To know that she is a Goddess same as the other two and not just a boon granter. (Well, we can ask her for boons and other materialistic stuff ofcourse, but lets not confine her role to just that please :/)
We need her motherly side to establish a connection of love with her, and her other side to connect with her on the divine level.
We need to understand that she’s our Maa Durga who we love, and also Mahishasur Mardini whom we learn for. While we need to look at her as she holds us in difficult times, and say:
“She’s our mother, and we love her.”
We alsi need to look at her with love while she slays demons, and say:
“She’s our mother, we learn from her.”
(Art not mine)
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oyeevarnika · 2 years
नवरात्रि में आठवें दिन महागौरी शक्ति की पूजा की जाती है। नाम से प्रकट है कि इनका रूप पूर्णतः गौर वर्ण है।पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार, मां पार्वती ने भगवान शिव को पाने के लिए कठिन तपस्या की। हजारों वर्षों तक माता के अन्न जल ग्रहण नहीं करने उनका शरीरर काला पड़ गया था। माता की तपस्या से प्रसन्न होकर भोलेनाथ ने उन्हें स्वीकार किया और गंगाजल उन पर डालका उनको अत्यंत कांतिमय बना दिया। इस वजह से माता पार्वती के इस स्वरूप को महागौरी कहा गया है।
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श्वेते वृषे समरूढा श्वेताम्बराधरा शुचिः।
महागौरी शुभं दद्यान्महादेवप्रमोददा।।
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hrutikabadgeri · 7 months
Kalash is a microcosmic portrayal of the cosmos.
The Kalash is made out of mud and it stands for the human body. The neck of the Kalash is standing for the rise of the consciousness that goes up. When we tie a mauli (thread), it stands for the connection between the Sadhak and the deity that is Maha Maya, and it also stands for protection i.e. for the 9 days and throughout your life, devi will protect you. When we add the jal (water), it stands for consciousness which is for purity and awakening. The turmeric, betel nut, coin, cloves, and cardamom stand for the material needs that the devi will take care of. Flowers depict the subtle energies working within us. The five mango leaves stand for the panch Mahabutas i.e. the 5 senses for us to go beyond it. Adding haldi and kumkum i.e. the red and the yellow energy stands for the awakening of Shakti going up toward Shiva. The coconut stands for Ego. We should go beyond the ego. And at last, the chuni stands for a veil that we should go beyond the maha maya. The entire form of this Kalash is a representation of our bodies, possessing the divine life force.
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