punkitt-is-here · 9 months
I assume that despite being younger than the SNES, you've played more 16 bit games than current-gen games (Aka post 2020 releases)
this is genuinely completely on the money, I can think of maybe seven games released post 2020 that i've played that aren't like freeware indie games or something like that
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thepariahcontinuum · 1 year
Getting this in ahead of whenever you next ask for powers to make into capes. This Blaster/Shaker can slowly generate a translucent bubbly pink foam substance in the area around them. They can telekinetically control these bubbles, but on their own these are only a mild nuisance. The more substantial angle of their power comes when they generate their foam inside a sealed vessel. The higher density within the pressurized container allows for much more powerful telekinesis, capable of lifting and moving the container from within. Common objects that make for good containers of their power include soda cans/bottles, propane tanks, and oil drums.
My mind immediately went to "Kawaii Eco-Terrorist"....I hope you're happy.
This is someone who absolutely has a cult following and is regarded as a hero by plenty of people for her direct action against climate change. One of her most notable feats over a relatively short career has been straight up jacking an oil tanker by filling enough of the barrels that were meant to be filled with crude oil with her bubbles....To this day nobody knows where that ship is, although there are rumours she may have sold it off to some international criminals that the Guild were chasing in order to find her organisation's other activities.
She's definitely sabotaged at least one or two billionaires preferred eccentric method of transport.....Fuck it she killed Richard Branson on Earth Bet just because the idea of balloon on balloon combat is amusing to me.
Aesthetically she looks like the most cliche magical girl character it's possible to be (And it is very important to note that she is in no way Japanese or even Asian, she is just an insufferable fucking Weeb). This is someone who could absolutely be a member of 'Super Magic Dream Parade' if it wasn't for the fact that she's met them and absolutely can't stand them, she thinks they're noobs, casuals and posers.
Her costume is a mix of bright green and pastel pink (Like Transformers G2 Mirage) with a mask that has Spider-Man style eyes....Except they're starburst/explosion shaped.....She also has a crowbar that's been painted pink and dipped in glitter.
Her cape name, and I want you to know that I'm not sorry for this: KabUwUm
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st-just · 3 months
eaten something spicy enough to incapacitate you for a 12+ hour period
...are those actually a thing? Is it not just actual poison at that point?
(So, no)
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prof-peach · 1 year
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clearly blursed.
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fipindustries · 4 months
btw, and just so you guys know this.
happy valentines day guys, i truly love all of you, big hugs and kisses specially to @ericvilas, @theothin,@jenlog,@mrcatfishing,@not-terezi-pyrope,@lumsel,@verminfang,@sigmaleph,@magic5ball,@lipstickchainsaw,@obsidianchild,@st-just,@artbyblastweave,@yumantimatter,@intimate-mirror, and many more i just cannot remember off the top of my head.
all my hearts to you guys, you make life worth living <3
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unbeknownsttomen · 3 months
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a couple of comissions i did for my friends @mrcatfishing (the harbinger fan art from WORM) and @jaggaten (their nosferatu character for VtM)
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theothin · 1 month
Tagged by @mrcatfishing to post my playlist. I have a bunch of them, mostly focused on anime music. My current main one is... rather large.
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Some favorites:
Innocent Arrogance (Heavenly Delusion OP)
Moving, Moving (Girls' Last Tour OP)
Place to Place (Acchi Kocchi OP)
Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (Mashle OP 2)
Dead End (Mirai Nikki OP 2)
Future Strike (Vivid Strike OP)
Color Charge (Star Twinkle Precure - Transformation)
Edge Works of Goddess ZABABA (Symphogear - Shirabe vs Kirika)
Los! Los! Los! (Saga of Tanya the Evil ED)
Affection (Yuyushiki ED)
Tagging @lilietsblog, @macrocosmus, @theorigamiphoenix, @renegadeshroom, and @mlembug.
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grocerystorephobic · 1 month
Tagged by @mrcatfishing to talk about 10 random songs from my "playlist". Thank you! I love an excuse to ramble about music. I have my stuff curated by projects and mood, so I picked the first couple from several smaller playlists.
Delirium by case/lang/veirs– my current go-to for fresh blood on the playlist is putting on the Neko Case Pandora station and liking all the most interesting songs on Spotify, in a sort of algorithim soup. This is a supergroup for which I am only familiar with one of the artists. I will fix that eventually. Lovely song.
Howard by Cake Bake Betty– this song in particular is a deep cut, but I love love Cake Bake Betty, peak edgelord anti-folk jangly piano music. It’s a genre. I swear.
Vampire Smile by Kyla la Grange– on account of this iconic Utena AMV
Taxidermist Taxidermist by Lady Lamb– this album has been consuming my mind, I am DESPERATE to edit something with it. Probably not this song, though. It’s a bit long.
Paralytic States by Against Me! – like, the only, non-folk adjacent song that ended up here. It fucks. I don’t think I need to tell anyone that, I feel it’s obvious.
What Can I Say by Brandi Carlile– Bless country music and its best utility, for which I have been making efficient use of: crying real bad, real, real bad.
From Now On by Basia Bulat– Good song. Bwahhhh :,(
Leave the City by Magnolia Electric Co. – Jason Molina, in my heart forever. How can a trumpet sound so sorrowful (and the live version, jesus)? His heart is broken, and now yours will be too. “Broke my heart to leave the city / I mean, it broke what wasn't broken in there already”
Beggar’s Guild by Roadkill Ghost Choir– All-timer, to me. Did an OTGW AMV to this, a million years ago. Weird song to be nostalgic about, but I was a weird teen.
Once I Was by Tim Buckley– It was not until this very moment that I realized this song was not by Tim Hardin. Oops.
Tagging @summer-horror-party @cadmium-free @malignmuffin (no pressure obv) and anyone else who feels so inclined :P
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shacklesburst · 2 years
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作成された投稿: 253件(4%)
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Longest Tag: 140 character
#and the fantasy apocalyptic society in which there's only foragers/looters and no new subsistence farmers seems like a pretty out there mode
seems like I’m experiencing a casual paradox. it’s no biggie tho, just chill
179件のリアクション - 投稿日時: 2022年4月15日
“lingua franca” is a term derived from a different lingua franca way after that lingua franca was supplanted by a new lingua franca that drew heavily on that former lingua franca and nowadays it’s still a loan phrase in the current lingua franca in an academic setting whereas most would just call the current lingua franca by the name of its historic native population even though in practice that current lingua franca is more based on a later variant that’s spoken natively only outside those historic native lands
186件のリアクション - 投稿日時: 2022年6月15日
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stolen from twitter h/t to @shabbytigers
209件のリアクション - 投稿日時: 2022年7月7日
I recently introduced the phrase “cargo culting” at work and now everybody is using the words all the time without any deep understanding of the concept behind it
300件のリアクション - 投稿日時: 2022年8月21日
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10,384件のリアクション - 投稿日時: 2022年5月10日
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@mrcatfishing replied to your post “it is *a little* funny that lucy “ACAB” ellingson is happy to pal around with a bunch of war veterans who are the living...”
I want to see some Dogs born from the War on Drugs
why the fuck is this post getting notes i need to see the dogs they're so cute
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fipain · 4 years
You have a Paper Fan! (Or paperfan)
congratulations! you have solved my second puzzle! you all did very well, and i didn’t even give you all any hints! i will post the solution momentarily and update my collection list!
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booksandchainmail · 5 years
✍️ Skitter from Worm
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thepariahcontinuum · 1 year
It's been a while since I've sent in a power for you to consider, so here's one I've had in my pocket for a while.
A shaker that emits a large field of faint mist around themselves that causes exhaustion, fatigue, and clumsiness in others. They can focus on the mist to make it affect only those fleeing or only those approaching the cape, and the field increases in strength the longer they spend in an area, but the mist will decay once they leave.
Specifics on how large the field is and how long it remains after the cape leaves are undecided.
This is a cop, simple and plain.
Like take everything people say about Vicky and dial it up, this is a straight up Cop Cape who comes from a family of Cops and uses her powers to be the violent arm of the state, she is someone who is absolutely sent to "Monitor" protests like Vicky did at the start of Ward.
Her power is a blinding, disorienting chemical weapon that impacts motor function and saps your stamina and she has the ability to focus that mist on people heading towards or away from her.... I'm getting the vibe that it's a her for some reason.
Set the mist to "Incoming" and suddenly any march, riot, protest of any kind is halted or dispersed.
Set it to "outgoing" and you can immobilise whole areas....Who even needs an arrest warrant at that point, they were just loitering in the street and didn't comply with officers when they were told to move.
Costume wise, black with a thin blue line down each sleeve, you know exactly why. Heavy body armour and a riot shield that may or may not be tinker-tech everything modified with vents, really laying the "Enforcer" look on thick. helmet with a built in mask, thermal goggles so she can see through her mist easier.
Cape name: "Teargas"
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st-just · 3 years
Web Serials, Animated Internet Shows, Radio Drama Podcasts
Nationalize: Web Serials. Because Wildbow and EE should really be drawing a government salary and a pension. They're personally responsible for most of the native Canadian culture I consume, anyway.
Ban: Animated Internet Shows. Hate to lose rwby, but it's an acceptable loss compared to the other options.
Tax: Radio Drama Podcasts. I assume Blue Apron and Squarespace throw enough ad money around to take the hit.
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jelloapocalypse · 5 years
I'm 140 days into my daily comic and haven't posted it anywhere. Should I put my creation online or just keep it to myself?
If you want to!
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fipindustries · 3 months
so! @mrcatfishing grabbed my art and used it to train a model on my style, which is super dope! check it out!
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its super fascinating how the machine interpreted my artstyle, i can see it in how it draws the expressions, particularly the eyes and the mouths, there is also in how it does hands and in how much it shows the clavicles, is not *quite* exactly how i draw but it certainly looks like someone that was inspired by how i draw, super fascinating
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