#New to rural living Country living Rural Housing living the good life Agri-Access/Rural Living  Challenges & Benefits of Country Living
myalinemoe · 6 years
I have a daily prompt that I check out when I seem to run dry of stories. It prompts me to think about my next wonderful writing inspiration. This one doesn’t actually make me thing of a new story but I do have one that I will republish. Just in case someone hasn’t read it before. So with the cat on my shoulder giving a very good impression of a fur collar, warm coffee in hand, looking out side. And celebrating a new year I give you a blast from the past…. one of my very first blogs! I have to say that it looks nice and sunny out but the temp is only about 15 – New Year old WEATHER and of course an OLD blog.
Bessie is warm in the barn. So glad I am not milking today!
Last Spring’s blog
Where is the strangest place you have ever had a conversation? Behind the bleachers in school? ” OMG, he likes you! he like likes you!”? Next to the produce aisle “does this look fresh to you?” or maybe under the restrooms stall “Hey, sorry to bother you but I seem to be out of toilet paper over here, could you maybe give me some?” I admit that was the strangest place I have had a conversation!
Until now. I am currently residing on a farm/ranch. Which leads to a whole new class of odd. “Hey, got some udder butter?” “When you milk make sure you dip each teat in the iodine.” followed closely by “I TOLD YOU TO CLOSE THE GATE!” “Did you make sure to wipe the nipple?” and of course my favorite “Where in the hell did you put the bucket!?” a whole new group of questions has opened up but I have to say the strangest place I have ever had a conversation? As you might have guess from the trend of these questions, UNDER A COW! Up to three years ago I would have told anyone that they were crazy, if they had said I would be talking to anybody under a cow.
She is a nice mellow cow, if you make sure she has her grain while she does her best to tolerate the conversations, swearing and plain awkwardness of my brother Harvey and I trying to get the automatic milker going to relieve her udder of the white milk that she hoards there. I can tell you that we have had some real problems just trying to get the stupid thing to work properly. When we do we are both under the cow trying to make sure that she doesn’t break the suction by hitting the “claw” with her hoof. Which would mean that we would have to restart the entire process. Due to the fact that the stall she is milked, is well, it is farm equipment. ‘nuff said? Good. While we may be learning the ropes the only one who really knows what they are doing is the cow, and she ain’t sharing! We keep her grain bucket full and her teats clean, and hope for the best.
My partner in crime is my brother Harvey. Yep that is him under the cow with me. Doesn’t he looked so PLEASED?!? The last picture was taken yesterday. Cold out?!? He looks like Nanook of the North!
Just an update on the cows. Bessie is pregnant and so we decided with it being dead winter and she is trying to keep herself warm and growing a calf. We wouldn’t stress her out by milking her. She needs those calories to fuel her new calf. So in the next couple of days we will be headed to a cattle auction in Bush. Will we find a new cow? Will she be pregnant? HOW in the world are we going to get two cows in the squeeze shoot? Answer to these interesting questions to be posted here in the future.
[contact-form] Conversation I have a daily prompt that I check out when I seem to run dry of stories.
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myalinemoe · 6 years
I thought it was gross just having to give a urine sample for my pregnancy check. This makes that seem like sipping “Hi Tea”!
Yes that is exactly what you think it is… maybe mixed with a little MUD!
My brother Harvey went to a neighboring place to help keep the cattle moving on Preg check Friday! Head ’em up and move ’em out, Rawhide, I followed along to take pictures. From a distance.
I didn’t exactly get yelled at. It didn’t dawn on me that if I stood on the wrong side of the “chute” not only was I casting a shadow but the cow could see me and wouldn’t come near where they were to be. I figured this out just about the time “GET OUT of the way! You can’t stand there!” rang in my ears. Further pictures were from the other side of the chute.
OK, remember that little cup I was lamenting earlier? No big thing according to these cows. I am talking about shots, having a camera shoved up your “WHOOOHAA!” and last but by no means least, spray paint on your butt!! Open 2 years in a row got an X pregnant got a free ride on the spray paint. One even got a “?” on her. Not sure what that means. I couldn’t get picture because I didn’t want to interfere. Did I forget to mention the hair cut? Some of the cows had been tagged (ear tag with number) and it had been a while so the hair had grown over it. No cape or small talk just sissors and yep can see the number. She is DONE.
The cup doesn’t seem so bad now. Preg checking on me came in the way of a nice office. OK, stirrups not so nice but a whole different ball game from here!
So 180 cows were checked and over 80% were good (pregnant). Peter and his Dad have about 5 cows. They were all “good”. We are pretty sure that Bessie (Milk cow) is pregant  but didn’t want to put her in with the beef cows. They have a tendency to be rather rough and she is a Jersey (Smaller breed of cow). DAMN I even sounded like I know what I am talking about there. We are pretty sure she is pregnant anyway either that or we are grossely over feeding her! Hoping for a heffer calf in the spring. That way we will have two dairy cows… on our way to dairy stardom!
For the “Mothers to be” a trip to the corn field will be their reward for letting someone shove a camera up their “WhooHaa”. Hoping this means a healthy calf in the spring.
Just a little side note I am feeling very knowledgeable. I went to the feed store to get cat food for the barn cats. I asked if I could put up some business cards for my blog. Can’t pass on the chance to have a “Shameless blog Promotion” The guy said “Sure you can put up your business card. But what is a blog?” Tried to explain that it was just a place where I write stories and post pictures on the internet. I hope he visits my blog. I need all the readers I can get!
[contact-form] Preg check…not for the squeamish. I thought it was gross just having to give a urine sample for my pregnancy check. This makes that seem like sipping "Hi Tea"!
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