#Not my art style Ik but I can’t trust myself with that right now
sometimes you gotta let it out. The hair and the feelings.
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@koffeeaddiction I used you style as a reference because I don’t trust myself to draw in my own rn. I hope you don’t mind.
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by Mennon Pot
(Conchita) Wurst: 'I'm sorry I'm a walking cliché'.
Above all we know Conchita Wurst as the bearded 'female 'singer who won the ESC in 2014. But we've moved on and are a bit wiser. It´s just Wurst now, but the beard is still there.
With light feathered steps, Thomas Neuwirth (31) enters the conference room of the hotel in Groningen where he is staying: black combat boots, black leather pants, tight black T-shirt, the black beard and the perfect short trimmed jet black hair..
He introduces himself as Tom. It's not difficult to recognise the bearded drag queen Conchita in him. (Kopenhagen, 2014, remember?) but the dress and wig are stowed away for a while. Conchita has a sort of sabbatical, so to speak.
Neuwirth is on tour as a man. Stage name: Wurst. Yesterday evening he performed in Groningen; the next concert will be 7 february at the Melkweg in Amsterdam. His new album 'Truth over Magnitude' also carries the artist´s name Wurst.
Let's get this straight: when the subject is Conchita Wurst, the word 'transgender' sometimes comes a long. Wrongly. Neuwirth is a man, ('but incredibly gay, of course'), who has a choice from now on: being on tour as a drag queen (Conchita) or as a man (Wurst) .
´a lot of fun, being a masculine stage persona', he says. Conchita will turn up again somewhere else.
Holland appreciated Conchita's 'Rise like a Phoenix' with the highest score, almost 6 years ago.
Neuwirth didn't forget: twelve points, douze points from Holland for the bearded diva from Austria.
Then hectic years followed. 'After the Song Contest I thought, I have to make the most of it now, build my fame and cash it in. So I surrounded myself with all kinds of experts, managers, stylists, make/up artists, the whole circus. After 3 years I was exhausted. I couldn´t do it anymore. I told my audience every nigh, be yourself, believe in yourself. But along the way, I forgot myself.´
He got rid of the experts’ circus and is having a relaxed tour now, with a small entourage. He feels good again, although in 2018 he had to announce he is infected with the HIV virus. His manager politely asks, almost in an humble manner, not to talk about that.
Tom doesn´t appear to be very worried about that. There has seldom been a star who starts an interview so cheerfully. ´A great photo shoot and after that talk about things I find beautiful and fun.
Terrific, I was already looking forward to it when I came out of bed.´
´Curriculum Vitae'
1988 – Born as Thomas Neuwirth in Gmunden, Austria
2007 – Candidate at the talentshow Starmania, and boyband Jetzt anders!
2011 – Debut as female persona Conchita Wurst, the debut single `I´ll be there´
2012 - Second place at the Austrian Songfestival
2014 – ESC winner with ´Rise like a Phoenix
2015 – First album ´Conchita´, co-presenter ESC
2018 – Second album ´From Vienna with Love´
2019 – Debut as male stage persona ´Wurst´, third album ´Truth over Magnitude´
2020 – Wurst ´Trust over Magnitude´ Sony Music
Wurst will be performing in the Melkweg in Amsterdam on February 7
Music from the Motion Picture Titanic ...1997
´My first CD. I was 9 years old when I bought it. `My heart will go on´’changed my life´. As it were, Céline Dion gave me permission to be utterly dramatic and to be over the top. When I came out of the closet, I heard that song in my head.
It was also a liberation for me as a singer. My mom always sang with a thin, high falsetto voice. I thought that was how it should be. Dion taught me, you may yell as hard as you can, with all the power you have in you. When you sing so loud, you can’t fake it. The sound you push out of your body, is the sound of your body, unique and by definition authentic. Céline Dion taught me that singing is something really physical.´
The Crown ..Netflix..., 2016 until 2019
´For me it´s getting difficult to watch a movie to the end. I guess that´s because of all the series on Netflix and HBO. My favorite is `The Crown´.. ´the intro alone is so beautiful, that liquid gold that forms a crown, such art. I used to watch it twice. Ít says something about the fact that I can´t choose between the two women who play Elizabeth and the two men who play prince Philip. All the actors are great. The costumes, the stories, the palaces, it´s so delightful. The history also intrigues me, after every episode I checked on Wikipedia if it was really what had happened.
´At Christmas I always come back to Vienna. I love the lights, glitters and decorations, my inner Mariah Carey is looking forward to it every year. Christmas 2019 was extra special because it had been a long time since the whole family came together at my grandmother´s house.´
I would love it to be like that every year... A couple of days being together in one home. Talking, getting to really know my family. Maybe now you think, days on and on with uncles and aunts, such horror! It is easy to say that I don´t really have much in common with these people. But I do, Really. They all have a story and similarities with your stories. Ask them about your life and tell them about yours.´
That´s what Christmas is all about to me. To me, the birth of Jesus has not that much to do with it.´
I have an agreement with my best friends to go on vacation at least once every two years. We have been to Mykonos a couple of times, THE especially gay island. I´m sorry I sound like a walking cliché.´
The sun, the sea, the beaches, the small streets, so cosy. We rent a house with a pool and for a week or two we live in our own little paradise, actually being a bit tipsy the whole time. Go shopping and cook.´
`What´s also very important, on Mykomos, the wind is always blowing the right way. I love to watch the women, because their dresses and their hair flutter so beautifully.´
Victoria Beckham
I was and still am a big Spice Girls fan and I especially admire Victoria Beckham, because she lives her life the way she wants. She appears in tabloids every day, but has survived a crisis in her relationship and has stayed happy with the love of her life and her family. I think that it´s really strong.´
In regard to her style, she can go from very classy to very trashy, I like that. One day she´s wearing a designer dress, the next she and David Beckham are walking in identical jogging suits. She couldn’t care less. I think that it´s inspiring.´
´I think she is utterly authentic, raging through the glamour. Although I have never met her, I´m sure that I could have a lot of fun with her. I´d love to drink some tequila with her for an afternoon or so.´
´I thought becoming 30 was really special, I lost my wild behaviour, came to be more restful. Some way or another I think a lot about some things my mother said: in my twenties, I ignored those lessons, but now I´m 30, I suddenly realised she was right for example how important family and friends are.
I´m 31 now, I have inner peace and my life in order, but I still feel young. I´m convinced that this the best period of my life´. My advise to everybody... be 30.´
Recomposed by Max Richter / The Four Seasons ..2012
I don´t play any instruments and until not too long ago, I didn´t really know much about music. I really found that a pity sometimes. Fortunately, my good friend Martin studies at the School of Musical Arts... !! He´s studying the history of music intensely and tells me about a lot of great composers. I learn a lot from that.´´I never understood classical music and didn´t really know anything about it, but thanks to the listening sessions with Martin I fell in love with Vivaldi..
The pop artist of the classical artists.
´Max Richter interpreted Vivaldi´s Four Seasons and composed it in a modern fashion. It´s a modern, post minimalistic piece, completely different from the original one, but you still recognise it. Greatly done, at the moment it´s my favorite album.´
Friedrich Schiller « Ueber die aesthetische Erziehung des Menschen ». About the aesthetic upbringing of the people..´
´A good friend advised me to read the philosophical letters from Friedrich Schiller ..Letters, 1794-1795)
That´s a hard job to do. Because of the old fashioned German I had to read some sentences 5 times. You always have to wrestle yourself through a thick layer of 18th century sexism.
´But further on you´ll find something beautiful. Schiller writes a lot about finding your inner beauty and your own truth. Dare to be yourself. Embrace your darker sides. Those are important as well.´
´At the same time he preaches self-perspective.. don´t take yourself too seriously, you´re not the center of the universe. That is very worthy to me. Namely because I DO think I´m the center of the universe, haha.
`Still it´s very wise of him, to send a message from 1795 to a 21st century queen with a Mariah Carey complex.´
Circus in Vienna
´The Arena is a huge complex in Vienna, a concert building with a mega discotheque. A couple of times a year they organize Circus, my favorite gay club night. I always go there with my group of closest friends, but it´s actually a bit of a rule that we lose each other and disappear into the crowd.´
´I roam around all night- Every room, every floor has its own musical theme and decoration. I love the types of people I meet there, their clothes, their fetishisms, everything.´
….Arena Vienna, Baumgasse 80, Vienna
´I live in Vienna, I love Vienna and I will always come back there, but the greatest city I´ve been to is Amsterdam – since then I traveled all over the world so I know what I´m talking about.
´Of all the cities I visited, Amsterdam is the only one where I would want to live a period of time. So that´s what I´m gonna do, this summer, for a few months to begin with.´
´I can see that Amsterdam also has the flagship stores from all known store chains. And a lot of tourists, like every special city. But I see all these small jewelry shops where they sell their self-made jewelry. Little bakeries. Cosy streets. And a lot of water. I love water. I love cities with lots of water.´
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ventandraging · 7 years
Worried about someone
I have a friend. She is kinda unpredictable but the most amazing person. I can give you a detailed back story but I'm not sure that would be useful. We are different. She's pan and I'm straight. She wants to be a guy, (I don't want to be anything but since that's not possible,) I'm A-OK with being a girl, she believes in a God but that's it, I believe in God and the trinity and that He cares and talks to us. Her art style is even different than mine.. but we've been friends for years despite that. Partly cause our pasts crossed enough in the beginning and then we decided to purposely hang out after bonding over the same drama that bit us both in the butt 1 after the other. There are a lot of things we do have in common... like animes and shows, music takes for the most part, we love art and animation, cosplay, ...depression, hopelessness and anxiety too. Granted things like depression and anxiety look different for each person but if u have struggled with it or are struggling then u know it's something up wouldn't wish on ur worst enemy.(at least that what I think) we have become close over the years and I've treasured her friendship the way you would your very best friend and out of my friends she has been the very best friend I've ever met. For the last few years our paths didn't naturally cross but we saw each other regularly cause we both made an effort. We didn't have to do anything together or talk or message but we did cause we wanted to. Neither of us like people pressuring us to be, do or act a certain way but we do see reason in acting or being certain ways and no one likes being put in a box so we gave each other free will so to speak. (This is going somewhere I promis..) so the last 8 months or so (idk exactly ) we've grown distant... it sucks.. and it hurts.. I take friendships seriously and I care deeply.. it's just how I'm wired (which also sucks most the time) as a result I also have a very hard time letting go... On the 1 side I see this; she's not putting even half as much effort into talking to me or hanging out as normal, she's hanging out with other people and specifically a girl who screwed us both over way back but is now back in my friends good graces even though for me, I've forgiven her but I haven't been given any reason to trust her again yet. She has stopped telling me about random stuff in her life(though it's apparent she does tell others instead) there are times when she and her friends not only interrupt and cut me off midsentance but also ignore the fact that I'm there at all.. and other times when it's just chill. All of these point to the fact that for whatever reason I'm getting pushed further and further away..possibly on purpose by her... if that's the case then sticking with the free will bases of our friendship.. I should gracefully bow out and ..let go. It hurts like hell but when u cage and force something like friendship or love then you kill it... out of respect for the beautiful friendship we have had I do not want to kill it.. which means I have to let it go..set it free. On the other hand I see this; it's a new phase of life for both of us and for any friendship to survive through this kind of change, it has to be intentional and you have to put a lot of effort in... as someone with depression, you don't always have that effort and energy to put in and even more so if ur in a new stage of life and shit gets real, you can't always see past ur own turmoil and stress. So putting your foot forward, going the extra mile and putting intentional effort into a friendship when ur soo overwhelmed with changes and emotions and inner turmoil and anxiety of various kinds and stuff is super hard and is impossible to do all the time. Ik for me if I had put more effort and thought and time into this like 7+ months ago then maybe I would of done a better job but I didn't realize and got so caught up and distracted dealing with myself and new things. ..so that being said... what if she also had a similar experience, where it's just overwhelming and too much... if that's the case then it's doesn't mean that I have to let go. In fact.. it would mean I need to cling tighter and stick around, even if it's hard because why should I let emotional crap destroy a perfectly good and rather rare kind of friendship... Here's where the real worry and concern comes in though. I thoroughly thought about this and eventually tried to address it with her and ask (in what I think in retrospect was wayyy too many words) why are you pushing me away? Why aren't u wanting to talk to me anymore? Basically her response made me think it has to be the second option. She's exhausted and tired of life and tired of trying. She run herself down, and personally I don't think she gets enough sleep either which always makes things worse. She doesn't want people to help her cause in all honesty they cant, she has to help herself and she can't because she is too worn out. ... So my response was genuine but not thought out.. I've been stressed about it and anxious about the friendship for so long that I was so freaking relieved that she wasn't trying to push me out that I was unconsciously riding and emotional high so I told her that I'm sticking around and that she's amazing (told her more details than just saying she's amazing) and how she makes my life better but I ended up stupidly and unintentionally bringing it back to how she makes me feel better and back to me.. stupid stupid stupidity. It was left at that because it was late at night. Heres the part that worried and concerns me most through. The next day I get a text saying that she needs to take a break from social life and sort some shit out basically..... I said ok and after several hours of wanting to say something and stressing I just said don't get too lonely.. which is the stupidest thing ever...of all time. I don't even know what to do. I think in some ways she's right and making a wise move in taking some time and sorting things out but I also think the biggest thing she needs is emotional and mental rest which is hard to attain... also I could always be wrong about what she needs.. for me the only way I have ever found real emotional and mental rest is in God's pressance but ik that that's not the same for everyone (though given how many testimonies there are I'd bet it's more common than it seems) but I don't think or know if she's in a place where she's open to hearing that, never mind trying it. I'm so freaking worried that I want to just text her and her family asking how she's doing but I know that won't do any good. I don't think there's anything I can really do for her which makes me feel helpless but most of all.... i don't, cant.. I DON'T WANT HER TO GIVE UP. No matter what the outcome, I don't want her to quit. She is too precious and unique, the world NEEDS more people like her. She is a treasure. Oh God please don't let this world crush her. I need to stop stressing and worrying about her cause it's hindering me from doing my jobs properly even though it's only been like 2 days... In the back of my mind I also worry about my past repeating itself in a different situation, like what if it's all of her and her friends conspiring to get me out of their life, what if I really am unwanted and they don't have the guts to tell me. It's scary. .. do I let go.. do I stay.. Ugh an the end of the day, I'm sticking around until she tells me to my face to fuck off.. come what may. If they are conspiring then I guess this is going to hurt.. alot.. call me a sucker for pain or crazy or whatever but I've decided.. besides I told her I would stick around, so I better stick to my word.
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