#OMG sorry I got excited
kingkatsuki · 9 months
During the first few days of your relationship with katsuki, you give him a quick kiss each time you're with him. But the thing is those kisses always land near but not on his lips— you're such a tease!
So you reach up to hug him, like definitely not expecting a kiss on the first date but he turns his head to the side just as you go to kiss his cheek and your lips end up right on the corner of his.
And you’re flustered and apologising as your train pulls into the station, stepping onto it to try and disappear from the situation because you just almost kissed him on the first date (when he hasn’t even asked you for a second date!!).
So now he’s standing there watching you rush onto the train and he’s even more shy and nervous because he was going to ask you on a second date, and then that happened, and now he’s just thinking about how soft your lips felt against his skin.
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daily-dr-ratio · 6 months
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guys im ngl argenti has completely taken over my brain,,i cant draw dr ratio like at all it always ends up being argenti BUT pls take this for now,,,
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hannahssimblr · 1 month
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“I said, you tore me out of this photo. I was there too,” I unpin it and hold it out to point to the crooked edge next to Jen where my eleven year old self once stood, tanned and grinning in red swimming shorts, “There, I was there.”
She looks at it, then me, but says nothing. 
“You can still see my shoulder.”
“You tore me out of it.”
Again, nothing. 
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I let my arm drop, limply holding the photo between two fingers, speechless I just stare at her as though she might explain herself, give me some reason that makes sense, but she doesn’t, she just stands there chewing on her lip. 
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I tug my shoulders sharply toward my ears, “Why did you do that? That was a nice day. We went swimming in the sea, I rescued you from a jellyfish, remember? I grabbed a piece of driftwood and flung it out of the water for you.”
“And later your mam brought us back to my house and we had a water fight on the lawn and made ice cream and coke floats,” I hold the photo out to her in a last ditch appeal, “It was a great day.”
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“Yeah it was nice, we had fun.” She won’t meet my eyes and looks everywhere but at me, like acknowledgement is unbearable.
“What, Michelle? I don’t get it. What did I do that was so horrible?”
She scoffs and turns away. 
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“C’mon, just tell me. I’ve had enough of all this bullshit between us, I’m serious. What is it?”
“Oh come on.”
“No, what?” I toss the photo onto her desk and approach her, my hand on her arm makes her flinch as I spin her to look at me, eyes livid, as I insist upon her, “What?” 
“My God, you’re awful,” she hisses, “Why do you need to hear me saying it? Is it an ego thing? Is it because you’re all single and sad again?”
“What are you on about?”
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“You already know what this is all about, it just gives you a thrill to bring it up.”
“No! I don’t know!”
“Oh cop on,” She slaps my hand off her, “That stuff with Holly, you just don’t remember? That’s convenient.”
“Oh my God,” she tries to twist away from me but I stop her, “What did Holly say to you?”
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Michelle glares right into my face with a fury that would make a lesser man cower, but I don’t budge. “Tell me!” 
“That you don’t fancy me,” she grinds out, “and that I’m not even pretty.”
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I hesitate. 
She tosses her hand at me and hacks out a laugh, “See, you don’t even deny it.”
“Yeah, I was thirteen and stupid, she was jealous and I suppose I was just telling her what she wanted to hear. Shell!” she backs off and I follow, trying to insert myself into her eye line, “I didn’t mean it, she just didn’t get it, the way it wasn’t like that between us, but I don’t know why she told you that.”
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“It’s because she knew I fancied you, and she thought it was funny how you didn’t fancy me back.”
“You don’t know that.”
“You didn’t, you fancied Holly.” 
I sigh, “Holly was… everyone expected that of me.”
“What does that even mean?” 
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“She liked me, and she was the sort of girl that all the other boys talked about all the time, I felt like I should just go out with her because it’d be the most normal thing to do.”
“Oh my God, that’s ridiculous.”
“Yeah, I know, but I was still a kid and, I don’t know, you, Jen and I had a good thing going, I just didn’t want to risk ruining it.”
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“Well obviously you did, by saying I was ugly and throwing your birthday gifts back in my face.”
“I never said you were ugly, and the birthday gifts… she told me I couldn’t have them because they were from you, but I still liked them! Those pens were better than her gift, you know, I didn’t even like the movie she took me to see,” my attempt at a laugh sounds very weird and tight, “It was actually so shit.”
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Michelle is unmoved, with her arms crossed over her chest she says, “You read what I said in the card and you still threw it away like it was nothing.”
“No, I didn’t- I skimmed- I barely read it.”
She reels back like I’ve spit in her face, “Is that supposed to be better?”
I don’t answer. 
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“‘Dear Jude,’” She recites, “‘Happy thirteenth birthday! I hope you have an amazing day! I just want to say that being your friend is the best! You’re so nice and funny and talented, I’m glad all of the time that you started going to our school because you make our friend group so much better. I hope you like the gel pens, I know you hate drawing with yellow colours because they don’t show up on the page, but I couldn’t exactly take it out of the packet or it would look pretty strange! Maybe you can use them to draw more comics. I look at the one you drew for me with the cowboy cats every day and it still makes me laugh. Is that weird? I hope not. Anyway, I hope you have an amazing birthday because you’re an amazing friend! xxx Michelle.’” She glares at me. The way she positively spat that message at me threw me off a bit, but the essence of it still comes across and makes my stomach sink with shame all of the same. It really was a nice card, and I wish for the millionth time in my seventeen-and-a-half years that I wasn’t such a fucking idiot. 
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“I remember the cowboy cat comic,” I mutter, “Do you still have it?”
It seems as though my stupidity is confounding her, “No, I fucked it into the bin. Obviously. I was heartbroken.”
“Heartbroken?” A bit dramatic, surely. 
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“Yeah. Holly and her friends bullied me for years, and you just went and abandoned me for them.”
“That’s not fair, I didn’t. You pushed me away, remember? You accused me of choosing them, I never chose them. You chose not to be my friend.” 
“Yeah, I wonder why.”
“Why are you being like this?”
“Like what?”
“So stubborn. You can't let this go.”
“Uh! Yeah! Because it’s humiliating.”
“What is? That you fancied me?”
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She brings her hands to her cheeks, burning not with rage, but embarrassment. She takes a shaky breath, “did you know?”
“About you-”
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I chew on my lip. Of course I did. It was written all over her, the way she was so eager to sit next to me in class or in the car, squeezing into the middle seat just so that her leg could rest against mine. How she jumped at the chance to help me out with something before anybody else could, her laugh, a little bit harder and longer than everyone else's when I told a joke, but not addressing it was always easier. Maybe I liked the attention a little bit, enjoyed being admired by a cute girl, or maybe it was easier, less disruptive than admitting my own uncomfortable, friendship-group-ruining feelings. 
“No, I had no idea,” I say. 
Her eyes are fixed upon the carpet between our feet as though by looking so intently at the looped fibres she can transport herself anywhere other than here with me and my interrogations. 
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“Hey, look at me.”
I sigh, “Look, Michelle, I did think you were pretty. That’s why Holly was so jealous. Our friendship made her insecure, and she hated how much I liked hanging out with you. She could sense that I liked you.”
“Oh, come on, that’s the kind of thing you say to those stupid girls at school so that they’ll let you borrow their homework or something.”
“I really did!”
“You used to throw potato wedges at me outside the deli!”
“Yeah! That’s how you show a girl you fancy her when you’re twelve!”
Her laugh is humourless, “Please.”
“I’m telling you I did,” I take her wrist, with her pulse jumping under my fingers and hold her like that, for reasons I’m not sure of, perhaps just for connection. Close like this I can feel the heat of her body. I am desperate to show her how serious I am. “And if I wasn’t so stupid I might have done something about it.”
“Too late.”
“It’s not.”
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I bend and kiss her before she can argue any more. Once, just once, but insistently, and I pull back hard with a smack expecting outrage on her face but I find only surprise, desire, and eyes that flick from my eyes to my mouth and back. I kiss her again, slow this time, deep, sure, as my hands hold her hips close to mine, willing for this kiss to wipe it all away, all of the years of hurt and anguish between us, and she lets me kiss her, and she kisses me back with hands that thread through my hair and lips that part so I can slide my tongue inside her mouth.
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My knees knock against hers in our clumsy waltz towards her bed and we come down on it together, my body pressing against hers and my fingers finding the warm skin beneath her t-shirt. I draw back to look at her again, dark eyes and full lips and skin, as is mine, blushed amber with the first rays of dawn that stream through the window. 
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“Do you want to stop?” I say, and she shakes her head. 
And outside, as the sun creeps up over Clontarf, the branches of the cherry blossom trees hold their leafy arms up in surrender. 
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Beginning // Prev // Next
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beeduoo · 2 months
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will he burn down the kitchen
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clownsuu · 1 year
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squidpedia · 2 months
What was it like for you starting out as a beginner artist? How did you improve?
I mostly just incessantly practiced, experimented, and observed a lot for as long as I can remember. I grew up on a lot of videos going over tips and techniques for beginner artists and mostly just observed their processes and would try to bring them into my art. Othertimes I would just constantly experiment with my artstyle (what if I made the shoulders more defined, what if I changed the size of how I draw eyes, what if tried drawing different body types, what if I tried a pose with a lot more foreshortening etc etc). I tried to push myself a bit further everytime like maybe spending more time on the overall piece, adding backgrounds, drawing multiple people interacting. Drawing challenges also helped a lot I think since they pushed me out of my comfort zone or forced me to approach my art in different way than what I was used to. Things like “draw something using only one line and not lifting your pen from the paper”, or “create a bunch of random shapes using a colored marker and then turn them into characters/objects”, or even just dtiys challenges were great for this. A lot of the drawings I made from these didn’t really end up being things I was super proud of after finishing them, but thats fine since I still learned a lot and they still helped with improving. A lot of it was honestly just not being afraid to draw something I might not be happy with later in the name of getting that practice in and trying new things all the time.
I hope this is helpful, but I’m not too sure so I’m sorry if it isn’t, this is the best way I could think of summarizing it!
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sugarpasteltmnt · 2 months
I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THE BLOOD BEING SHED THIS FIGHT- all in good fun though, GOSH what a battle, I am watching this thing like a sports game
LOL ITS TOTALLY FINE!!! and omg of course I’ve been having a lot of fun with the comp and so SHOOK about this matchup omg. I really love Poptart and Sprout so I’m rooting for your boys!!! (*´ᗜ`*)
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phighting-x-you · 9 months
on my knees BEGGING for a broken down betagraft that was thrown out by subspace x a silly reader from playground . literally I don't care how it can be a short fic or headcanons whatever works best for u . thank you have a joyous and wonderful day
Finding a broken Biograft 🧡🤖
(Biograft uses it/it's)
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Honestly, it was upsetting for the poor robot to be thrown out by it's creator.
It thought it was doing a great job, however Subspace wasn't pleased with it at all.
After seeing it malfunction so many times, he decided he'd make a better one and decided to get rid of Biograft.
"Useless waste of materials..!" Subspace hissed as he ruthlessly threw Biograft into a pile of rubbish on the outskirts of Playground. He gave the flawed machine one last cold glance before marching off back to his lair. Subspace may have though Biograft had been switched off, but it heard every word his creator said.
"I'M SORRY...CREATOR..." Biograft said in it's usual monotone voice before powering down.
Biograft didn't have any hope for the future, thinking it had failed it's only purpose and was going to just rust away, however, you came along.
You were running about with your friends Boombox and Skateboard when the three of you stumbled upon Biograft.
Skateboard took a step back, but you and Boombox stepped forward with interest.
"Man, the thing looks busted!" Boombox said in awe as he eyed the broken Biograft. "Yeah! Talk about a malfunction." Skateboard added, eyeing up it's paintwork, still maintaining his distance incase the robot suddenly springs to life. "What do you think about it, (Phighter name)?"
You took a look at the broken Biograft...and your eyes widened. "It looks so frickin' cool!!" You exclaim, trying to sit it up straight. "I'm gonna try turn it on!"
It turns out you didn't need to find a power switch because as you said those words, Biograft sparked to life.
"WHO..ARE YOU..?" It said, wearily analysing you and your friends. Boombox and Skateboard took a step back but you? You were enthralled.
Eventually, you and your friends managed to drag Biograft from the trash pile all the way to Medkit to try fixing it
"Hey, man, why Medkit of all people? Isn't he a doctor?"
"Yeah, but I found out he prefers mechanical stuff over whatever doctor stuff he needs to do!"
Btw you had to beg Medkit for this, and after throwing yourself on the ground he finally let out an annoyed sharp sigh and agreed
After ages and ages, Medkit managed to fix up Biograft the best he could
Moving on from fixing up Biograft, you literally became it's best friend
^ Like, it's literally so grateful you and your friends came along it decided it'd serve as a bodyguard of some sort
Overall, Biograft is grateful and happy you came along and found him!!
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derpinette · 4 months
girls being nice to me gets me higher than ecstasy ever could
#SORRY for the corny post but this is how i truly feel not waxing poetic here like literally it does#i just met the cool girl i keep talking about & IT WAS SÅ FREAKEING ÅSUM ^_^_^_^_^_^ YAY#HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY HAPPY HAPPY JOY#OK sorry for screaming But i really am very excited...#turns out she is autistic & we discussed our neuroses while eating & ugh she is just as cool as i thought she was#always tell people you think have Swag that you noticed it on them see how it worked for me#i was so scared of spilling my spaghettis but turns out that was exactly what i needed to do to be friends ^_^ YAY#we went to a lot of different libraries together & i got a small old eyeless bunny plush from the event we went to caus i felt bad for it#i even showed her my pony art & i told her about my cringe interest (that music event i like...♯RealOnesKnow )#& she thought it was COOL.& i felt like it was really genuine & she talked about reading BL LOL we discussed fujos together#we even talked about finding moids ugly#it was so awesome she was so cool & Nice To Me... i feel like i am on CUMULONIMBUS ( cloud 9 ) ^_^_^_^_^_^#talking to her in person was so much better than online OMG now i wish i really was friends with you muties IRL#i wish you a Girl Friend experience just like this to those who post about wanting them i really do#also the reason why i even like my Music Event so much is because the first time i watched it was with a bunch of women#& i had so much fun & they were so nice to me i keep returning & now that Event means so much to me & I LOVE IT sorry (NOT)#i know this sounds like tumblrina fiction i would not believe it either IDK what to say to make it sound legitimate 0_0 like it is so crazy#to me as well IDK i can barely get over it & IDK if i really want to so um well YAY ^_^ AIMU SO HEPI :DDD
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avastyetwats · 7 months
The Writer and his Songbird
Plotted starter for @izzyeffinhands <3
It wasn't the full moon that made the night so serenely beautiful. It wasn't the ocean way out in the distance that Stede longed to be near, but grateful that he could now see, it wasn't the clear night sky with the thousands upon thousands of stars twinkling above him, nor the calm ocean breeze that he so loved to feel...
It wasn't any of those things that made the night so serenely beautiful - though they did add to it - but it was the mesmerizing voice above him. A voice he's heard a few times before since moving into the apartment complex a few weeks ago and oh, how this made Stede's move worth it. Suddenly, he wasn't dreading his stay here, he wasn't feeling as unhappy as he did the second he set foot into this building... not that there was anything wrong with it. Not at all. It was comfortable and safe, but it wasn't where he longed to be. It was somewhere he had to be until he could get back on his feet and figure some things, having divorced from his wife some weeks ago. A divorce that was a long time coming, a divorce that should have happened long ago, but really, a marriage that shouldn't have happened at all.
It wasn't a marriage that happened out of love, but convenience and security. A marriage his father practically forced him into, bullied him into, made him feel as though he had no other option and wasn't worthy of anything else... a marriage that was more about his father and his business than Stede's own happiness and wellbeing. But finally, he was out.
And so was she. Mary. An ending that would bring about a new beginning for them both.
But not one that was easy for Stede. He left his home, left his family behind, intending to start anew and live the life he always wanted to live, but it was proving to be a challenge. Depression and anxiety got the best of him some nights, so did self-doubt and uncertainty, and the challenge of fitting in, but he was thankful he still had one place he felt comfortable in: his tea and bookshop.
But the third night inside his new home, that's when he heard it: the angelic voice from above singing into the night. He's never heard anything more beautiful, or more inspiring, and for the first time in what felt like years, Stede sat down at his desk and wrote. Yes, he was a writer. An avid reader of many things and an avid writer of some fictional stories and some poetry. A hobby more than anything, having never pursued a career due to the life forced upon him and the scolding of what he wanted to do and where he wanted to be.
But thanks to that voice above, inspiration had returned to the writer. Every night he kept his balcony door open and on the nights that voice returned, Stede would often lean against the railing outside or sit at the table outside and write.
Though he wasn't quite brave enough to meet the man the beautiful voice belonged to, he would leave him little notes outside of his door praising his voice, crediting him with helping to find lost inspiration and bring joy back into his life, and he'd only ever sign it The Polite Menace down below with a little heart over the i.
Stede kept this up for a good few days, anytime Izzy would bless him with his voice, and eventually Stede started receiving delicious baked goods outside of his door signed with his own special nickname. But it was instant that Stede figured out who it was - the melodious mystery man above - and so the notes continued, leaving even more now to praise his talent in baking, too.
Something that inspired Stede to try again. He was never an expert at it by any means, but he'd baked a thing or two in his previous life, though it had been a long time, but perhaps he, too, could leave a delicious treat for his Angelic Siren above...
Unfortunately that hadn't gone well at all. Made evident in the amount of smoke that billowed out of his balcony door and into the night above, eventually sounding off the alarms that sent Stede into a panic as he tried to put out the small fire inside of his oven. And this is why he wasn't near brave enough to reveal himself to the man above that he's had a crush on for weeks now, because he was nothing but a big, embarrassing mess.
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vimbry · 17 days
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similar to strong bad
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whatudottu · 23 days
Can you post a link to your "Altered loyalties" tfp fic? Because I keep looking for it and for the life of me I can't find it. I saw some of your posts here about it and I really want to read it
Oh no, I hate to break it to you but… I haven’t written an Altered Loyalties fic 😫 but you’re not alone in this feeling because god I want it to be written- I’m just uh… not the best at long form multichapter fics which… an entire rewrite of TFP would do that-
But hmm, since you’re asking for Altered Loyalties content I should probably make a masterpost for it or something- I haven’t done something like that before but there’s a first for everything!
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hyp3rfixation-h3ll · 8 months
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[ HONKS HORN ] GET IN LOSERS WE'RE GOING FANFIC READING !!!!!!! " OPERATION: STEAK CUTS ! " CHAPTER 4 IS OUT NOW , and this one is a bit different from the usual happy-go-lucky plots ive shown so far , I hope u all enjoy ^__^
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aupermittymeowmeow · 1 year
yall cannot tell me you did not think that one scene was Christain Brutal Sniper in Emesis Blue
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 9 months
fulcrum….sabine finally wearing her armor…!!! ahsoka flexing and using only one lightsaber against the inquisitor because she only needs one to absolutely destroy them…very snips of her…. “funny, he never mentioned you”!!! carson teva my boy…the way sabine caved because she loves Ezra and couldn’t bring herself to risk losing the opportunity to get him back…fucking ANAKIN AND AHSOKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT FUCKING HAPPENED FUCK I’M NOT OKAY. HER FACE WHEN SHE HEARD HIS VOICE NOBODy TALK TO ME
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starheirxero · 2 months
I am back again! :D Laes was Suprisingly lighthearted this time around-
It was really cathartic to see Earth not just stand up to the creator, but actively calling him out on his bullshit and criticizing him about it👀 He was so perplexed about it!
Hell, only Moon and Sun seem to be as cautious of him as they should be! Monty and Earth really just talked over the guy and thought of a way to get rid of em- They did NOT take his ass seriously! XD Gotta love Lunar's enthusiasm about destroying him as well-
I also CANNOT get over Monty yelling at the sky! They really went "AYO, GET YO ASSES DOWN HERE, YOUR BOYFRIEND'S IN TROUBLE-"
Sams did have me more perplexed🤔
I wonder, if Molten Freddy is gonna become an active threat. Though considering he's after Ruin, he might become more of an inconvenience more than anything. He could cause Ruin to shut down, or destroy the code Moon scanned, putting more relevance on the creator's deal? I'm honestly trying to figure out his place in this-
More so, how is he alive?? How come he wasn't destroyed with the dimensional collapse??? So many questions!!
I really, really hope, I don't annoy you with my reviews, analysis', and rambles! I'm just really excited about everything involving this show, and I think you're a really cool person! I adore listening to your own thoughts and opinions, and honestly just your general ideas! 😊 If it is too much though, please don't hesitate to tell me!
I KNOWWWWW THE CREATOR'S BAFFLEMENT WAS SO FUNNY TO ME. The way Monty walked in and Earth was just like "Hi Monty there's a PEST in here there's a NASTY ROACH on the premises there's a RANCID THING in the BUILDING." and the Creator just had to sit there and take it like 🧍 AND MONTY YELLING AT THE SKY THAT WAS SO EVERYTHING YEAHSHJABAHAHA they don't know whats going on but they've got the spirit!! <3
AND YEA MOLTEN FREDDY. I'm still mildly torn on him but ghod yea his involvement w/ Ruin could either end up with more problems or some sorta fascinating lil situation. I've been seeing everywhere it coulddd be a wink and a nod to Davis's other projects bc playing Molten Freddys are a staple for him?? But I wouldn't know that tho. shrug LOL
Maybe it's a matter of chance? Maybe there's certain "safe" spots? Maybe other characters that are "between life and death" like our Creator can cheat being sucked into the collapse? Idk but honestly I'm super relieved bc now it means my "omega timeline" idea can still ring true LMAOAJAOS
ALSO UR ABSOLUTELY FINE ur thoughts and rambles are such a delight to me and I look forward to ur asks whenever lore episodes drop!! Never keep it down, analyze and review to ur hearts content all day everyday if u so wish <3
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