#Painting classes melbourne
dyaaustralia · 1 year
Art Courses in Melbourne
Starting out as an artist may be challenging. There are many various art forms to discover, and gaining inspiration from others may help you expand your artistic horizons and inspire you to produce your own works of art.
Taking art courses in Melbourne may be a fantastic way to develop your creative abilities. From total beginners to expert students, there are art lessons available for people of all ages and ability levels. A good experience and confidence booster is taking an art class.
A student pass is available, providing unrestricted access to all teachers, coaches, and masterclasses. You can find new friends, new hobbies, and new passions in this way.
You may study a range of artistic techniques from a professional, including painting, drawing, and portraiture. Your ability to create art from visual concepts will improve with practise, according to an art tutor. You may improve your creativity and practise self-care by learning a new art form.
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Beginner painters will benefit greatly from watercolour painting workshops. The basics of painting and colour mixing are the main topics covered in the lessons. They are also perfect for artists who wish to hone their craft and are intermediate or seasoned.
The Victorian Artists Society is another excellent location for art classes. The historic VAS studio is where these courses are held. The tutors cover a variety of methods and are renowned painters.
You might also enrol in a group painting lesson with your loved ones or friends. There will be a helpful instructor on hand to demonstrate various techniques and inspire you to be your own artist.
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arianamortenson · 2 months
6 Great Date Night Ideas
Date nights should become a part of your life. Whether you are married or unmarried, spending time with your romantic partner will help you strengthen the bond. It gives you time to understand each other and will make you stand strong against the difficulties that you face in your life. Luckily, Melbourne has many date night spots so that you can plan differently each time you want to go on a…
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paintforfun1 · 1 year
Melbourne's wine and painting classes
Paint and Sip Melbourne is a great way to bond with family and friends. These workshops are not only fun but also encourage creativity. They can also be used as a hen's night activity or corporate team building event.
There are many different types of paint and sip workshops to choose from in Melbourne. Some of the most popular are Pinot and Picasso, Decanter Fine Wines & Ales, Hunter Seeker, Cork & Chroma, Bayside Paint and Sip, and Paint For Fun. Each type of workshop offers a unique experience, allowing you to create a masterpiece while enjoying a beverage.
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Aside from the painting process, you can enjoy music, bottle openers, and glassware. The atmosphere is relaxed, and you can take your time to paint and socialize with other attendees.
If you're new to painting, a paint and sip class is a great place to start. A professional art host will guide you through the painting process and provide all the necessary materials.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, you'll find a class to suit your needs. These fun and easy classes are a wonderful way to spend an afternoon with friends and family.
Located in the heart of Melbourne's CBD, the Paint and Sip Experience is a great option for families or bachelorette parties. You'll receive step-by-step instructions on how to create a unique artwork while enjoying a delicious bottle of wine.
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tornadoyoungiron · 8 months
TRAINTOBER DAY 11 - Roundhouse
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Scotsman feels lonely in Australia, so a couple of R Class's invite her to their roundhouse.
I’ve mentioned this before but Flying Scotsman is Genderfluid in my AU. So if you're confused as to why Scotsman is female here, this is why.
“That handsome English engine here yet? I heard he was going to be here tonight,” the Victorian R Class 761 teased the other R Class that sat beside her in their roundhouse. It was surprisingly empty today as the other engines were out doing night runs.
“Sadie he’s not that pretty!” The R Class 707, City of Melbourne, scoffed and her sister leered at her, deeply amused by her denial.
“And I suppose that was someone else gushing about him to that J Class hmm?” Sadie teased and 707 turned as red as her paint.
“Shut up Summer!” She shrieked but Sadie just laughed at her.
Her peels of laughter echoed around the empty roundhouse as the loud chuffing of another engine started to ricochet off of the walls. 
Summer began to quiver nervously, but stopped when a familiar tender started to back into the sheds.
“Hey Jodie, how’s it going?” Summer greeted the smaller J Class engine as she gave a yawn and started to settle in for the night.
“Oh you know, so so,” Jodie tiredly responded.
“So have you met the English engine yet? Mr famous Flying Scotsman?” Sadie probed and Jodie looked at the bigger R Class.
“I have, but ‘he’ is currently a ‘she’ and she’s very nice!” Jodie corrected and Summer looked surprised.
“Oh, I was hoping to-” She began but her sister quickly interjected.
“Flirt with her?” She teased and Jodie giggled as Summer threw her a glare.
“I was hoping to invite her back to the roundhouse,” Summer clarified. “But I figured she might feel a bit weird surrounded by females. I heard they're mostly male over there."
“Yeah nah, I don’t think that bothers her all that much,” Jodie pointed out. “From what I gathered she’s a proper ‘lady-like’ engine. You know, all hoity-toity and class. I offered her a berth here but she didn’t take me up on the offer because she thought it might be rude.”
“Oh, those fucking uptight snobbish engines!” Sadie huffed annoyed.
“I don’t think she was trying to be a snob,” Jodie pointed out. “I think she’s just being polite. She’s in a foreign country after all.”
Sadie and Summer looked at each other before starting to build up some steam. Jodie looked confused.
“Where are you going?” The J Class called as the two of them began to roll out of the roundhouse.
“Picking up a rude cunt!” Sadie shouted back to which Jodie just sighed in response.
R Class’s could be such a hassle sometimes.
They found the foreign green Pacific sitting in a lonely shed near one of the working freight yards, the smell of diesel fuel and the sharp crackle of electricity stun in the air. She was sitting there with her eyes closed a peaceful look up her face.
“Oi you!” A loud voice jolted her out of her sleep and she gasped, looking around wildly before she noticed a large red and black engine hauling tender towards her at speed. Behind her, a similar-looking engine was chasing the first.
“Sadie, please! This isn’t going to help!” The one lagging behind called to her but it was no use as Scotsman found herself, practically nose to nose with a large engine with German smoke deflectors.
“You think you’re better than us Ms. perfectly famous huh?” The engine in her face, Sadie, demanded angrily.
“Most certainly not!” Flying Scotsman put on her best smile to try and placate the engine before her. “I simply do not wish to intrude on your business.”
“Intrude?” The R Class not in her face questioned. “You’re not intruding! We’d love to share a roundhouse with you Flying Scotsman! It would be an honour! If anything you're being a right prick by refusing our hospitality!"
“Oh, right well, of course! I meant no offence by turning down that lovely J Class’s invitation!” Scotsman admitted flustered. “I will happily accept her invitation if you both insist!”
“It's not just that," the other R Class 707 put in. "You look lonely out here by yourself. It reflects badly on us if you're not accommodated."
Scotsman looked at her buffers for a second before looking back up at the two R Class's before her. 
"I am a long way from home," she admitted. "And, I miss my friends, my family. I needed a small moment to myself, away from everything."
"Well if you need space-" 707 started to say but was quickly talked over by 761.
"Then you can make friends here!" 761 exclaimed. "I'm Sadie and this is my sister, Summer."
"Sadie and Summer, what marvellous names!" Scotsman praised. "I'm the Flying Scotsman but everyone here seems to call me Scottie."
"Scottie!" Summer cheered. "Well even if you need space, don't be afraid to come back to our roundhouse. These diesels will keep up all night if you stay here!"
Scotsman smiled at the two R Class's gratefully. 
"I do have quite a run tomorrow, I'd like some sleep," she conceded and the R Class's cheered. 
"So you'll come back with us?"
"Of course! Of course!" Scotsman beamed, her grin wide. "Please, lead the way!"
"Hooray, it's a girls night!" Sadie squealed delighted before moving so that Scotsman could be coupled to her.
“Sooo do you have a girlfriend, boyfriend, someone to share a berth with?” Sadie bluntly asked as Flying Scotsman settled herself between the 2 R Class’s.
“Sadie!” Summer was flabbergasted at her sister but their visitor just laughed in good humour.
“No, no, it’s quite alright,” she cheerfully assured Summer. "No, I'm not seeing anyone."
"Oh well then-" Summer squeaked but she was abruptly cut off by Scotsman. 
"I'm not looking for anyone either," she clarified and Summer's face fell. 
"It's okay Ms Summer, I'm sure a beautiful engine such as yourself will find someone out there!" Scotsman assured Summer and the R Class blushed a deep red. 
"Our girl Summer here likes them famous," Jodie revealed. "She has a super big crush on 3801 too."
"No, I don't! Shut up, Jo!" Summer hissed at the J Class who just laughed at her. 
Summer rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Scotsman who watched them with a goofy grin on her face. 
"What about you Scottie? Got any crushes back home?" Summer asked her and now it was Scotsman's turn to become bright red. 
"Well I uh…" she mumbled to herself and Jodie stopped laughing and turned her full attention to the English engine. 
"Oh go on, who is it?" Jodie urged. "Your secrets will never leave this roundhouse."
"Ah well it's quite embarrassing really, you see they're not from the same railway as I," Scotsman spluttered incredibly nervous and flustered. 
"Not from the same railway? Who cares?" Sadie flippantly cried. 
"Ah well, it's a bit taboo over in the UK to have a relationship with an engine of a different railway or the same gender or… a lot of things really," Scotsman exclaimed looking downtrodden. 
"That's stupid," Jodie scoffed and Scotsman sighed. "But tell us who it is, maybe it'll take it off your mind."
Scotsman looked unsure for a long time but then smiled.
She was halfway across the world and it was unlikely her secrets would find their way back to the UK.
The City of Truro.
"It's Pendennis Castle!" She exclaimed and instantly cursed herself. 
"Oh, the other UK engine here in Australia! How lucky!" Summer gasped but Sadie snorted in response. 
"Not lucky, more like planned," she mused. "We ask for Mallard, get Scotsman and somehow her honey boo is also here in Australia? Hmmm? Really now?"
"Ha ha you got me," Scotsman laughed awkwardly. "What a cheeky little scamp am I!
"I think it's romantic! Leave Scottie alone!" Summer hissed at her sister. 
As the conversation wore on she regretted more and more for accepting the engine's invitation to their roundhouse. 
Oh, why had she lied? Why couldn't she have just said Truro? 
The Australian Tour was about to get a lot more interesting for her.
Scotsman accepts all pronouns being genderfluid. It's my take on why a lot of rail fans call the engine her/she but also he/him and they/them. 
They're usually seen as male in Young Iron but can and will change if they feel like it but will always appreciate it if you need to ask.  
Video footage of R Class’s 761 and 707 escorting Flying Scotsman out of the city of Melbourne to head west on their tour.
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talisidekick · 5 months
Do you really and genuinely believe that nazis and feminists agree and have the same ideology
I'm not sure where you got this from, but I've never expressed that idea. Ever.
Feminists, the real ones, not the ones that brand themselves as "Gender Critical" or "TERF", believe that a womans' body, her biology, does not define her capabilities and position in society. There is nothing a man can do that a woman can't. Any restrictions placed on women by society about what they can and can't do are arbitrary and constructed. There are biological differences between all sexes, but none of these differences are the grounds or basis to build a social or class structure upon. A woman does not need to be married to a man to be successful.
Nazi's, like my great grandfather, believed in "Kinder, Küche, Kirche", which were the three responsibilities of women: Children, Kitchen, Church. This firmly put most women, save those the fascist regime couldn't easily or effectively replace, at home and out of the work force. It defined women broadly by their biology as child bearers and wives of straight men. This same regime also defined women by their biology, and tied their societal their capabilities to it not only to hold power over women but also to deny queer women, even transgender women, equal status or standing. This later helped form the many reasons for the pink triangle and the rounding up of queer individuals as the regime had criminalized what it deemed was 'sexual deviancy'.
If we take a look at the "Gender Critical" and "TERF" groups who like to try and associate themselves with feminism, their very reasoning for denying transgender women and transgender men their identity is based on the same ideals held by the Nazi regime. That a womans body, her biology, DOES define her as a woman. Furthermore those same two groups will additionally not only point out biology, but behaviours that aren't "traditionally feminine" as reasons why transgender women aren't women. Things like being loud, being gaudy, being outspoken, and even strongly opinionated and emotionally passionate, or dominant. As if to say women are supposed to be quiet, modest, reserved, and submissive. Yet when a transgender woman abides by these supposedly "traditionally feminine" behaviours, she's ridiculed for being stereotypical. Which is the same tactics used by oppressive governments and oppressive political movements, like the Nazi Party, to be contradictory to their own rhetoric for the expressed purpose of simply pressing down on those they don't see as equal.
So the short, is no. Feminism is in direct opposition to Nazi ideology.
However, "Gender Critical" and "TERF" groups that like to try and co-opt feminism to try and lend themselves an air of legitimacy (a similar tactic used by Nazis via the appropriation of symbolism and ideals, ie, Nazi's were grossly Capitalistic but painted themselves as Socialist) despite being closer to the ideals of the fascist Nazi regime. After all, why do you think Nazi's showed up in support of the "Gender Critical" and "TERF" rally held by Posie Parker in Melbourn Australia in 2023? Their ideals are remarkably similar if not identical in a lot of areas. Nazi's just take that rhetoric a half-step further and use it to justify the removal of rights from all women, not just transgender.
Glad we could have this talk. I love that we're still trying to paint me as some kind of conspiracy theorist or something. I've spent my whole life learning my families fucked up and aweful history of violence, abuse, and genocide with the expressed purpose of doing my best to make sure no one else becomes a victim of their bigotry and hatred. If you want a more modern example of what the hatred behind genocide looks like, go take a look at what the Israeli government is saying about Palestinians to justify bombing hospitals and murdering children. That is bigotry at it's climax. Mass extermination with a complete lack of empathy for the individual. And if the United States of America keeps going they way it is, you'll get to see the genocide against transgender people reach it's bloody stage too.
Feminism is an Egalitarian movement. Naziism, "Gender Critical" and "TERF" ideology, and Zionism is exclusionism.
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Big Harry Is Ailing by Jack Evans
The Argus, Saturday July 21, 1951
I took the text because the article shape is so awkward.
*cues in Sad Henry music*
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HEAVY HARRY, the bad boy who later become the pride of the Victorian railways, is ill. Seriously ill. All 260 tons of him. Slumped in hospital - the repair sheds at Newport workshops, Victoria's only H220 engine could hardly raise steam above a whisper yesterday.
Heavy Harry, built at Newport - the heaviest locomotive in the Southern Hemisphere, is the only one of its type in Australia. His massive size and varied adventures made him pride of the rail engine fleet during World War II.
"Overwork, that's what caused it," he gasped yesterday. "I've got something wrong with my boiler." He said sadly: "You know, you're the first visitor I've had since I came to hospital. No one cares."
Work Of Two
"Why, Mr. Hyland, Transport Minister, was proud to drive me when I was launched in '41. Kiddies flocked to see me when I went on exhibition. "But as soon as you get sick you're forgotten. "In 10 years I've travelled more than half a million miles for the Railways. And I've pulled millions of tons of freight between Albury and Melbourne, doing the work of two engines."
He added, indignantly: "These new R Class engines are getting all the limelight now. Running around painted red and black, with all the glamor of Essendon footballers "
"And letting girls ride on their footplates. I was brought up better than that, and I've never worn anything but decent black all my life!
"Going to haul passenger trams from Bendigo, are they? Bah! When the Railways got into a jam with the Spirit, who did none Help they yell for? Heavy Harry! "They tell me those R Class engines stole the show in the Engineering section at the Festival of Britain. They sound more like mannequins instead of machines. "And boasting about their mechanical stokers! Let me tell you, I had the first mechanical stoker in the whole of Victoria. And the best! "I heard my boss, Commissioner Wishart, say that 70 of them -were coming from England. And half-a-dozen streamlined diesels from U.S.A.
"What about accommodation problems? He wants to remember there is a shortage of engine round-houses here." Harry brightened up towards the end of the interview.
"I'll be back on the track soon," he prophesied. "All 92ft. 6in. of me, and fighting fit. "Those glamor jobs had better hunt a quiet siding. If I meet them on a foggy night I'll show them that Old Harry hasn't lost his punch."
A couple of notes:
Jack Evans seems to be using the character of Heavy Harry to critique the VR, which is entirely valid since the railways were about to get absolutely slaughtered by our own native version of Beeching and didn't recover for another 60 years.
The North British Works-built Hudson R-class "glamor jobs" they talk about weren't bad engines, just wholly unsuited to the jobs VR assigned to them, which were goods trains rather than express passenger trains like they were built for.
(And they're Scottish, Harry! They were built at Glasgow! You know this!)
They did bear a scarlet and black color scheme... possibly to connote in a new era their passenger engine status (red, used on express passenger locos in the pre-Clapp era on A2s and other passenger locomotives), wedded to standard VR black.
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(Hudson R 707 "City Of Melbourne")
The Lancastrian built J-Classes, the last steam engines built for VR, also bore this scarlet and black scheme.
Essendon Football Club were the glamor team of the Victorian Football League (Australian Rules football) at the time, having appeared in almost every single Grand Final since 1941, which is kinda funny that he gives the Rs a serve for their color scheme... as I have Harry as an Essendon supporter in my OC headcanon, lol. (strong IRL historical associations between Essendon and Heavy Harry).
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(Outside of Essendon Railway Station, bearing a photo of ‘Harry on the Express to Albury at Essendon, 1949’… old timers living here would recall Harry shaking the earth as he passed).
Him threatening to bash the "glamor jobs" though... is dead on like my OC Harry! Cranky, prone to melancholia, painfully aware of how alone he is. That is Heavy Harry.
"Overwork, that's what caused it," he gasped yesterday. "I've got something wrong with my boiler." He said sadly: "You know, you're the first visitor I've had since I came to hospital. No one cares."
Both rebellious, troublesome engines with issues.
Canonically both melancholy and lonely engines with wide angry streaks.
Both are fairly unique engines. Harry is the sole Pocono with a third cylinder that exists, sole member of his class. Henry was a failed hybrid turned Black Five, the sheer fact of this makes him fairly unique.
Both seem fond of flowers (see the illustration in my earlier Heavy Harry post).
Both he and Henry were originally meant to be express passenger locomotives but turned to the purpose of night/early-morning fast goods.
Both are fond of their "special coal" (Harry worked best on the Oz version of Welsh coal, Maitland coal).
"Harry" is a variant of the name Henry.
This particular article was put out less than two weeks after the publication of the book "Henry the Green Engine", on the 10th of July 1951.
Neither seem interested in ladies, canonically.
The little drawing they put in it is basically Henry…
Just sayin'! If Twin Flames existed... It’d be these two. Har’ is basically an Oz version of Henry…
So fucking weird when you find such off-kilter content about something you are interested in. Also, H220 and its the 22nd of the month so...
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mybeingthere · 11 months
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John Walker (b 1939 in Birmingham, UK), New paintings.
Born and raised in Birmingham to a classically working class family who gave blood to the British cause from the Boer to the Second world war, bold commitment and brave decisions mark out the turning points that have guided John’s life. It is indicative perhaps that he would accept the role of teaching at the Royal College of Art but turn down an invitation to become its principal, moving instead to Australia. Walker had a strong influence as Dean of Victoria College of Art Melbourne in the 1980’s – where there is still a bursary in his name. In 1969 he was awarded the Harkness Fellowship to visit New York and subsequently he would be awarded the Guggenheim Fellowship in1981. By then Betty Parsons had found her way to his studio door in the UK, recognising the strength of his painterly language.
It was through Betty that John found Maine, taking a holiday cottage that would become his home and a teaching post at Boston where he is still Professor Emeritus. Life is the carapace of our choices and John is a rare species, a British born internationally applauded abstract painter. He is considered one of their own by both Australia and America, two countries that readily adopted him and more recently China where he is visiting teacher in art at Beijing.
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lauvra · 6 months
To set the scene, my office is a small nook beneath a tin roof under a fig tree. Taloned and pawed creatures of the evening scuttle across overhead while squealing bats bash each other off the draping branches dragging over the metal in the wind. I'm probably covered in spiders and I have no professional artistic qualifications to speak of. I've had a few realisations this week around my own maladaptive coping mechanisms and have been writing a long entry but instead of experiencing the vulnerability headache that comes with sharing all that garbage, I'm going to talk about something I saw today that I felt a strong reaction to and explore that.
I think vandalism is important.
It is at least interesting and it cannot be denied that it says something. This morning I was scrolling on IG and saw a post by Artist duo Gillie and Marc Schattner, their business and social handle is gillieandmarc. They shared that they were devastated because several of their public sculptures in San Francisco have been vandalised, spray-painted, broken, stolen and even thrown into rivers. If you're here in Melbourne, you've likely seen the tall hybrid human-animal creatures on the inner city streets. Their works are on display in major cities all over the world. There's a financial burden to replace them, they attempt and fail to find the culprits and they're emotionally distressed by these events which is so natural; it's an intimate process to make let alone share artwork and some comments have suggested they're being targeted for their beliefs. They wrote they're at a loss as to what to do, then asked what we think. My initial reaction was quite strong and I want to be honest about it. I sent a message to a friend asking "How can Artists be confused about vandalism? How can they be so out of touch?" He responded "They don't see art as a conversation. They want to TELL YOU SOMETHING and not have to experience your REACTION."
Earnestly, I immediately wondered how much the city paid those artists for the sculptures, and I can't be bothered figuring it out - and maybe they were donated; but if I was struggling to make ends meet and my government was paying tens to hundreds of thousands to sometimes MILLIONS for sculptural works to make the city appear more affluent despite the horrors - or I even assumed they were, I'd be pissed too and I can imagine a violent reaction. That's likely too small-minded an assessment but I can't help but marvel at it all, it's interesting and sad but either way true public engagement. It's art, arting. Whenever I see in the news that artworks have been smoothied, tongue-kissed, shredded - I just think wow how interesting, as these pieces become even bigger than themselves. Like, add-on social lore. So my opinion (again, I'm likely covered in spiders) these events do the opposite of diminishing the works in their value. It is also incredibly interesting to me the way people interact with a piece when the Artist Is Not Present. Last week a mutual in LA shared his work with his class and when his peers reacted negatively or apathetically; refusing to engage meaningfully with him or each other about the work, he called the event a farce and left. He got a call from his teacher afterward who informed him that the class discussed his work openly and emotionally for nearly an hour after he had left the building. I suggested even any contempt would surely have been more valuable to him as an Artist than total apathy.
Finally; in exploring Marc and Gillie's website, they've clearly expressed a hope that their work “brings attention to the social and environmental issues of our time” and; ambition achieved. There’s a quote by Karin Flood, the Executive Director of the Union Square Business Improvement District who wrote “These pieces will make you stop in your tracks, tilt your head, and smile. That’s exactly what we want to see.” The folly there, is telling the public how they should engage with a piece. I’m sure that is what you’d like to see, and that engagement with the public is beautiful and I personally along with many others consider the work to be unique, interesting and beautiful - and the Artists are right to feel devastated but any confusion over vandalism in 2023 is out of touch. Sometimes the truth lay also in vandalism. We are, after all, deeply in the era of ripping down statues; perhaps it's an era we never left and never will.
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didipromocode · 9 months
A Showdown for the Ages: AFL Grand Final - Collingwood Magpies vs. Brisbane Lions
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The Australian Football League (AFL) Grand Final is the pinnacle of Australian Rules Football, a day when two of the country's top teams go head to head in a clash of skill, strategy, and determination. In this article, we delve into the anticipation, history, and excitement surrounding the blockbuster matchup between the Collingwood Magpies and the Brisbane Lions.
The Magpies' Pursuit of Glory
Collingwood is a name synonymous with AFL success. They have a rich history dating back to 1892 and are one of the most successful clubs in the league. With 16 premierships to their name, the Magpies are always considered contenders for the title. This year, they have a talented squad led by captain Scott Pendlebury and coach Nathan Buckley, both of whom have their sights set on bringing another premiership cup to the club's illustrious history.
The Rise of the Brisbane Lions
On the other side of the coin, the Brisbane Lions are a relatively new franchise in the AFL landscape, formed in 1996 through the merger of the Brisbane Bears and the Fitzroy Lions. However, despite their short history, the Lions have achieved remarkable success, winning three consecutive premierships from 2001 to 2003. This year, under the guidance of coach Chris Fagan, the Lions have made it back to the Grand Final and are eager to add another chapter to their success story.
Key Matchups
The Grand Final is not only about the teams; it's also about the individual battles that unfold on the field. This year, fans can look forward to some thrilling matchups:
Scott Pendlebury vs. Lachie Neale: Two of the league's best midfielders will go head to head in the battle for supremacy at the center. Pendlebury's class and poise against Neale's relentless ball-winning ability will be a spectacle to watch.
Taylor Adams vs. Dayne Zorko: These two midfield bullies will be pivotal in their respective teams' efforts. Adams' toughness and contested ball-winning skills will be matched against Zorko's agility and creativity.
Mason Cox vs. Harris Andrews: In the forward line, Collingwood's Mason Cox, known for his towering presence and marking ability, will face the daunting task of competing against Brisbane's Harris Andrews, one of the league's premier defenders.
Historical Significance
This Grand Final carries a unique historical significance as it represents the clash between the old and the new. Collingwood, with its long and storied history, is the epitome of tradition and excellence in the AFL, while Brisbane, a relatively young club, symbolizes the league's expansion and growth beyond its traditional heartlands.
Both teams have their own compelling narratives – Collingwood seeking to add to their illustrious trophy cabinet, and Brisbane aiming to establish themselves as a modern-day dynasty. The result of this contest will shape the AFL's history and future.
The Fan Experience
The AFL Grand Final is not just about what happens on the field; it's also a festival of football for fans. Thousands will flock to the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), while millions more will watch from their homes or local pubs, making it one of Australia's most-watched sporting events.
The atmosphere at the MCG is electric, with fans decked out in team colors, face paint, and waving banners. The pre-game entertainment is always a highlight, featuring top Australian musical acts. Whether you're a die-hard supporter or a casual fan, the Grand Final is an event that brings people together to celebrate their love for the sport.
The clash between the Collingwood Magpies and the Brisbane Lions in the AFL Grand Final promises to be a memorable showdown. It's a battle of tradition and history versus modern success and growth, with both teams having a lot at stake. As the teams take to the field, the eyes of the nation will be fixed on the MCG, awaiting the crowning of this year's AFL champion. Regardless of the outcome, one thing is certain – the 2023 AFL Grand Final will be a spectacle of Australian Rules Football at its finest.
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blurredblonde · 8 months
BUCKET LIST, including the strange, the wild, the weird, and the borderline undoable
Go to a nude beach
spread eagle naked towards the sun
use Pinterest business to do brand links and get any amount of $$ from that alone
go to a pole dancing class
try hot yoga
do a burlesque show in Melbourne
post an animation to youtube
start a webtoon
learn to sew
get an apartment by myself
get an apartment with friends
post a shitty homemade music video in a lana del rey way with the help of friends
get a perm
visit coney island
be 125 pounds
get a the dachshund tattoo
post a vlog like im famous
be a extra in a movie
act in a gay indie movie like norman reedus
go to a gorillaz concert
get a snake
get a record player
meet a sugar mommy
go to a jazz bar alone
get a dressed up like a old hollywood star and go have a night on the town
get my license
own a mustang
ride a motorcycle
go to a mosh pit
go to a rave
get black out drunk
go skinny dipping
publish a art book
own a beach house
get a red gingham bikini
take a slutty picture in a american flag bikini and post it to instagram
go diving with whale sharks
be a art director on a project
do a mural on a wall
complete a painting on an obnoxiously large canvas
make a pop song with no knowledge of music or mixing
work on a big animated film
Do a boudoir photoshoot
party in paris
do a full cosplay
pet a pigeon
get a scuba diving license
explore an abandoned building
kiss a stranger
get in a fist fight
flash my boobs at something
attend a figure drawing class
be the nude model at a figure drawing class
receive fanart of my own characters
create a reel showing school doodles
be the cinematographer for a project
take a history class
be a dive instructor
post a animation meme to a jack stauber song
go on vacation all by myself
have sex
be in a youtube video
go on the video side of omegle
visit japan
go to a film festival
jump off a pier
do a pin-up photoshoot
go to an acting interview
open an online store
do artist alley at a convention
cross country roadtrip with friends
stargaze on top of a car
invest in stocks and real estate
go on a cruise to thailand and thrift there
go to the new york library
visit bora bora
learn to play guitar
draw on the sidewalk with chalk
nurture and take care of a plant
grow my own food
get chickens
join a club in uni
take a pottery class
work out in a gym
surf a barrel
buy a surfboard
meditate for 50 days in a row
travel in a van
fly first class
go on a blind date
buy and fill a photo album book
kiss in the rain
do a thirty-day photography challenge and post the whole thing
explore the woods by my house
go to a ball/masquerade party
host a dinner party
say yes to everything for a day
grow my hair past my ass
become mildly fluent in french
attend golbeins animation workshop
buy an obnoxiously large rug
smell the tomford cherry perfume
get a Brazilian wax
get henna done
go to Brisbane museum by myself
get my i.d
go wine tasting
visit Miami
Meet my online best friend
dine at the ritz
go on a gameshow
do tent camping
win a sweepstake
create a artist porfolio/website
be featured in a gallery
go to okinawa
learn to ballroom dance
ride a horse on a beach/ and or backwards
go to a country club
bake a pie
buy a tourist t-shirt
do a escape room
live in Santa Barbara
stay in cape cod
belly dancing class
get my art viral on tiktok
do a commision
buy a fancy wardrobe
have a room with a slanted roof
sleep in a pool in an inflatable pool
snuggle with nurse sharks
bayonetta mui mui glasses.
go out in a pair of high heels
do a show at a convention
stay at the madonna inn
do lesbian handkerchief flagging in public
do a 'nude' photoshoot
own every sims 4 pack
complete a sims4 generations challenge
play subnautica
swim a motel pool at night
pick a girl from a bar
get a drinks bought for me
smoke a ciggrette
try mixology
get a hickey
have a friend or myself sew vintage patterns
wear a tailored suit
buy real cowgirl boots
bathe in a heart shaped tub
take a rose petal bath
stick a polaroid of myself somewhere public
use spray paint
do a vintage glamour competition
own a house with stain glass windows
go to a cathedral
get pink lace curtains
paint a room
milk a cow
replay Detriot become human
do a live stream
do a lesbian event like a cruise or smth
go to a pride parade
participate on a float in a parade
be a scare actor
act in a play
see a broadway show
shoot a gun
drive a convertible
see lana del rey in concert
do modelling work
do a commercial
buy a sewing machine
drive the road without directions
write a screenplay
submit a film for a competition
pitch an animated show
take a opportunity that scares me
do public karaoke
buy a shitty 2000s camera
get a boat license
buy a boat
go to a random diner
sell clothes on depop
play a drinking game with mates
stay in a hotel with mates
do a draw my life
do a drawing for each section of my Pinterest board
get my fortune told/ future read
buy some mega flare jeans
post a picture of myself to Pinterest/ start a 'me' board
buy some colorful tights
get blue streaks through my blonde hair like aquamarine
drop in on a skateboard
buy a castle
party at Hearst castle
post another fanfic to ao3
dress up in a slutty Halloween costume,its a rite of passage
bake and decorate a fancy cake for someone
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blubushie · 1 year
I am not from Australia and the little things I know from there are basically for reading your post... so is okay if I ask what is wrong with M*lbourne ?
No worries mate! I'm not gonna use the funny asterisk because this a serious reply. (Yes, I censor Melbourne for the bit and no I'm not serious about it.)
They're just very up themselves. A lot of people in the cities are like that and look down on people from rural areas/Outback towns but in my experience people in Melbourne are just obnoxiously worse about it than elsewhere. They have a tendency to have a "better than thou/holier than thou" attitude even towards other Melburnians and it's a constant competition of who's better and if you disagree with them on anything you're equivalent to a nonce. They often break the time-old Australian tradition of not discussing politics with people you don't know. Melbourne is FULL of politics. Everything has to be political and you can't escape it. Melburnians live and breathe politics and as an outsider, it's suffocating. They're PC to the point of detrimental. They are the personified strawmen you hear about in right-wing memes. They're making themselves a self-fulfilling prophecy.
For such a beautiful city with penguins and the occasional aurorae, the lot of Melburnians are massively self-absorbed cunts. They're massively cliquey, act like they're still in high school, and are the spitting archetype of obnoxious hipsters.
People on the roads are angry. People on the footpaths are angry. Traffic is a bloody nightmare. People there are generally very well-off and wealthy and look down on the less fortunate. Class segregation is massive and almost as bad as Sydney. They're the artsy hipster types that think money laundering via a red canvas is actually art and WILL get aggro with you if you say otherwise. Everything is exclusive (again, cliques) and pretentiousness runs amok, especially in the more affluent areas.
Also there's a lot of vegans/ARAs in Melbourne and last time I was there a mob of ARAs chucked red paint on my ute because I have my pest control stuff advertised on the bumper (for customers, of course) and it took fucking days to get all of that paint off. It's been almost a year and I still find red paint in the outside cracks of the cabin sometimes. Everyone loves kangaroo meat, no one likes roo shooters what get it to you.
TLDR: The city itself is beautiful. You have penguins, you have the occasional aurorae, street art, botanical gardens, good food, open-air markets, science exhibits, river cruises, festivals, zoos, and some great bushwalking. It's a beautiful city, but it's also a greedy city full of daddy's money and people who think they're better for never getting dirt on their shoes. It's a beautiful city ruined by people that are so far up their own arses that they're smelling shit and convincing themselves it's roses.
And the rest of Australia hates Melbourne too.
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bivas007 · 3 days
2024's Best Painting Classes in Australia: Where to Refine Your Skills
In the vibrant world of art, Australia stands as a beacon for creativity and innovation. As 2024 unfolds, aspiring artists and seasoned painters alike are on the lookout for the best avenues to refine their skills and unlock their full artistic potential. From bustling cities to serene coastal towns, Australia offers a diverse array of painting classes tailored to suit every style and level of expertise. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the top painting classes across the country, providing insights into what makes each one unique and why they stand out in 2024.
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The Sydney Art Institute: Nestled in the heart of Australia's cultural capital, The Sydney Art Institute stands as a premier destination for aspiring painters. Boasting state-of-the-art facilities and a roster of esteemed instructors, this institution offers a range of painting classes catering to beginners and advanced artists alike. From traditional oil painting to experimental mixed media, students can explore various techniques while receiving personalised guidance from industry experts.
Melbourne School of Fine Arts: Renowned for its commitment to artistic excellence, the Melbourne School of Fine Arts continues to be a cornerstone of the city's creative scene. With a focus on traditional methods and contemporary practices, the school's painting classes provide students with a comprehensive understanding of composition, color theory, and expression. Whether pursuing realism or abstraction, participants benefit from hands-on instruction and constructive feedback in a supportive environment.
Brisbane Creative Studios: For those seeking a dynamic and collaborative learning experience, Brisbane Creative Studios offers a range of painting classes designed to ignite creativity and foster artistic growth. Located in the vibrant West End precinct, the studio's classes cater to individuals of all skill levels, from absolute beginners to seasoned professionals. Through engaging projects and interactive workshops, students are encouraged to explore new techniques and push the boundaries of their creativity.
Adelaide Art Academy: Situated in the cultural hub of South Australia, the Adelaide Art Academy is renowned for its comprehensive approach to art education. With a diverse curriculum encompassing drawing, painting, and sculpture, the academy's painting classes provide students with a solid foundation in the fundamentals of visual expression. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, participants develop their technical skills while cultivating their unique artistic voice.
Perth School of Contemporary Art: Embracing the spirit of experimentation and innovation, the Perth School of Contemporary Art offers a range of painting classes that push the boundaries of traditional artistic practices. From multimedia installations to site-specific projects, students are encouraged to explore unconventional materials and techniques while challenging established norms. With a focus on conceptual thinking and critical dialogue, the school fosters a dynamic and forward-thinking approach to painting.
Hobart Academy of Fine Arts: Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Tasmania, the Hobart Academy of Fine Arts provides a serene and inspiring setting for artistic exploration. Offering a range of painting classes inspired by the natural beauty of the island, the academy encourages students to connect with their surroundings and draw inspiration from the world around them. Through plein air painting sessions and studio-based projects, participants develop their observational skills and hone their artistic vision.
As 2024 unfolds, the Australian art scene continues to thrive, offering a wealth of opportunities for aspiring painters to refine their skills and pursue their passion. From bustling urban centers to idyllic coastal towns, painting classes across the country provide a diverse range of experiences tailored to suit every style and level of expertise. Whether seeking traditional instruction or embracing avant-garde practices, artists can find inspiration and guidance in the vibrant community of painters that call Australia home.
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paintforfun1 · 1 year
Melbourne Paint and Sip courses
A trained art presenter will guide you through the painting process. Additionally, the host offers all required tools to get you started. Guests are invited to bring their own beverage in addition to the apron, brushes, and canvas.
Several art studios in Melbourne offer Paint and sip workshops. Cork & Chroma, 345Art Creative, and Paint For Fun are examples of studios. Whether you want to unwind after a long day or celebrate a particular event, you'll find the perfect class.
Pinot & Picasso is Australia's most popular paint-and-sip event. They are noted for their extensive step-by-step education and have more than 50 studios around Australia.
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Thematic sessions include Beach Huts, Hakuna Matata, and Starry Night. After the session, you will also be able to take your artwork home.
Attend an advanced or basic paint-and-sip class if you are new to the art world. The hosts can assist you in learning the fundamentals of sketching, composition, and perspective.
If you are interested in learning more about painting, you may join a course taught by one of the area's many skilled artists. Additionally, you may register for a private group painting session.
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figdailyart · 15 days
Daily art post day 1
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(Images taken by me)
Tom Roberts
Evening, when the quiet east flushes faintly at the sun's last look 1887-88
50.8 x 76.4 cm
oil on canvas
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
———- info ! ————
I wrote an essay about this artwork recently for class so it’s on my mind (plus it’s my header image)
Compared to other paintings of Australian landscape at the time, this is a lot happier and brighter. Often artists painted with a more melancholy approach, their fears of this unknown land being expressed in their dark, cold works. Instead, Robert’s has demonstrated his welcoming and hopeful belief for the future of white settlement in Australia. The lone, tall tree is a representation of himself, alone but standing tall and strong, towering and dominating over the natural land.
There is plenty more I could write about this work (and I have) but I’ll leave it here for now !
- fig :)
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Visiting the ARHS has got me moody
First, a link to Under The Clocks, a part two to the article I posted previous.
I visited the Australian Railway Historical Society Museum at Newport a few days ago.
The experience was beautiful and sad at the same time... , most of this is written in this spirit. I understand that a lot of the problems I am outlining are called 'wicked problems', in which there are no easy solutions and some... have no viable solution at all.
Beautiful because you can actually approach, see and touch the static locomotives. A lot of places you can’t, but here you can. Climb aboard some and put a hand on the regulator and imagine how it might have been to unleash that hideous strength on the rails. Appreciate how big they really are up close. Even the tank engines are huge, and some of them are positively titanic.
(I sat in Heavy Harry's cab, he is a true behemoth. I can only imagine the titanic presence the greater American articulated locomotives like Big Boy and Challenger...).
Sad because you can see that however much the vollies love the locos and what they do, they can only do so very much. They rely upon the public to visit them and are only open on Saturdays. It is all volunteer run, and on a shoestring budget.
How much of a difference between this and the enthusiast culture in Britain, which has more people generally to support it and perhaps more of the kind of eccentric wealthy people that are willing to tip in some loose change to help Flying Scotsman (Oz's rich list is to be seen to be believed, positively pig-shit thick and grasping individuals).
Meanwhile, the only loco in Oz that has even a skerrick of this much attention devoted to it is NSWGR C-38 Pacific 3801, and she had a lot of problems in preservation as well (the case of the ill-fitting German boiler...).
Meanwhile, Australia's largest locomotive, the sole existing 3-cylinder Pocono in existence, VR H-Class Pocono H220 "Heavy Harry", whom I banged on about heaps before, ... gets a roof over his smokebox. After so many years exposed to the elements.
And the AHRS were asking for donations to build a roof extension to cover VR C-class Consolidation C10 and others. They do get government assistance but they could always need more.
Its a frequent argument in gunzel circles whether it is worth it to restore Heavy Harry to operating condition, I'm of the camp that it is difficult and borderline impossible without a shit load of money, and he cannot run anyway due to lack of suitable turntables, lack of will and poor track. I say this in deep sadness, for there is nothing that can be done. (He needed a new boiler when he was mothballed, good luck finding someone now who will part with a boiler for a 4-8-4...).
Other than that, the vollies do the work themselves to preserve, paint and care for the locos.
I don’t know what I am sad about specifically, probably because the rail museum feels like a last ultimate stop for a lot of the locos and rolling stock there; but if any internationals on my followers list ever come to Melbourne. Or indeed any Melbourne dwellers; please visit the Newport Railway Museum, it will be worth your while.
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