#Pakistani migrants
welcometoqueer · 10 months
the tonal whiplash is jarring from the way tumblr (and reddit refugees) talk about the submersible vs the way twitter, the news, and the government talks about it
like yeah we’re making fun of it but we still recognize it’s a horrible way to go out…they still (mostly) brought this on themselves tho
on the other hand, everyone else is like “it’s a tragedy, we need to divert all our resources and attention to this specific situation, if you don’t feel extreme sympathy and kinship for these people then you’re a terrible person”
the best example I can think of that shows what I’m talking about is how we all think it’s incredibly funny that the stepson of one of the billionaires on board went to a Blink-182 concert during search efforts while most people on twitter were clutching their pearls like “oh, he doesn’t care, how horrible that’s he’s continuing to live his life and not pray these poor, rich souls”
and ik if someone said this on somewhere like twitter people would accuse them of putting one cause above others but seriously, what about literally anything else happening, like the thousands of migrants lost at sea that are being overlooked because of these billionaires who absolutely knew the risks when they agreed (also, the only cause in this situation was a lost cause from the start, that is, if we’re gonna call anything to do with billionaire lifestyles a “cause”)
sink the rich
yes, human empathy and all that but billionaires aren’t people and you’re not a horrible person for laughing at or making fun of this situation where the odds, nature, and literally everything else that could be were absurdly stacked against these five from the beginning
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risingpakistan · 1 year
یورپ کے متوالے پاکستانیوں کے نام کھلا خط
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دو ہفتے ہوئے کہ کچھ تصاویر موصول ہوئیں جن میں مردہ جوان تھے، منہ سے جھاگ نکلی رہی تھی، بال بکھرے ہوئے اور جسم سیاہ ہوتے ہوئے۔ دن کے وقت سوشل میڈیا پر ماتم بپا تھا۔ ہمارے جی میں آیا کہ میڈم نورجہاں کی قبر پر جا کر ان سے پوچھا جائے کہ یہ ہیں وہ بیٹے جو دکانوں پر بکنے نکلے تھے، جن کے پاس پاسپورٹ اور عربی میں بنے اقامے موجود تھے مگر وہ یورپی بننے اس راستے پہ چلے تھے جہاں موج و منجدھار نے اپنے پرائے میں آج تک فرق نہیں کیا۔ جی میں آیا کہ ان میں سے ایک کو جگا کر بتایا جائے کہ تیرے لیے تیرے باپ نے پچیس، تیس، پچاس یا ساٹھ لاکھ بھر دیا اور تو نے خود کو سمندر کی حوالے کر دیا۔ اب تیرا والد سر میں خاک ڈالے گا، تیرا ماتم کرے گا اور وہ قرض اتارے گا جو تیرے لیے اس نے صرف اس لیے لیا کہ تجھے یورپی بننا تھا۔ جی میں آیا کہ ان میں سے ایک کو بتایا جائے کہ یورپ وہ جنت نہیں جس کے تمہیں خواب دکھائے جاتے ہیں۔ یہاں پہلے تو آنا جان جوکھم میں ڈالنا ہے، اگر بچ بچا کر پہنچ بھی گئے تو تمہیں کم از تین سال غیر قانونی رہنا پڑے گا اور کسی دکان پر چار گھنٹے کے کنٹرکٹ پہ تیرا اپنا کوئی پاکستانی بھائی ہی تیری کھال کے نیچے چربی تک پگھلا دے گا۔
چار گھنٹے کام کے لالی پاپ پر جب تو 14 گھنٹے بعد کام سے نکلا کرے گا تو تجھ پہ کھلے گا کہ اس نے جو تیرے نرخ طے کیے تھے تجھے وہ بھی پورے نہیں ملے یوں تجھ پر جب کئی مہینے بیت جائیں گے تو تو حقیقت جان جائے گا کہ مگر تیرے پاس کوئی راستہ نہیں ہو گا۔ خدا خدا کر کے تین سال پورے کرنے کے بعد تو دس بار پندرہ ہزار یوروز جمع کرے گا جس کا اکثر مانگے تانگے کا ہو گا کہ تیرے مغربی پاکستانی مالک نے تجھے جو رزق دیا اس سے تو پیٹ بھر سکتا تھا یا کسی چھڑوں (خاندان کے بغیر، کنوارے، جان اور ادھیڑ عمر مل کر رہنے والے) کے اپارٹمنٹ میں کرایہ دے سکتا تھا۔ وہی فلیٹ جہاں تین کمروں میں چھ سات یا دس دوسرے چھڑوں کے ساتھ صرف اس لیے رہے گا کہ تجھے کاغذ بنوانے تک بہر حال زندہ رہنا ہے۔ حد ہو گئی تو تجھے کسی دور دراز گاؤں میں سبزیاں بونے اور پھل توڑنے کے لیے سخت سردی یا جان لیوا گرمی میں کام کرنا پڑے گا۔ کام جتنا مشکل ہو گا وہ تو نے کرنا ہی ہے کہ تیرے ساتھ پیچھے سات آٹھ مشرقی جانیں بھی جڑی ہیں جو تجھے سونے نہیں دیں گی۔
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تیری قسمت یاوری کرے گہ تو کسی یورپی پاکستانی کی تعمیراتی کمپنی میں مزدور بھرتی کر لیا جائے گا مگر تیرا استحصال ہر جگہ ہوتا رہے گا کہ تیرے اصل مالکوں اور تیرے درمیان یورپ میں مقیم پاکستانی تیرے بھائی بند واسطہ ہیں۔ جی میں آیا کہ اسے بتایا جائے کہ تجھے معلوم ہونا چاہیے کہ یہاں ہر شے کے لیے پیسے دینے پڑتے ہیں۔ مکان میں رہنے کی رجسٹریشن سے لے کر معمولی سی درخواست کے لیے رقم دینا پڑے گی۔ تین سال دھکے اور استحصال برداشت کر کے جب تو اِس قابل ہو گا کہ قانونی طور پر خود کو منوا سکے تو تیر سے سامنے اپنا ہی کوئی پاکستانی بھائی کھڑا ہو گا جو تجھے کام کا کانٹریکٹ دے گا اور اس کے عوض تجھ سے دس بارہ ہزار مزید یوروز اینٹھ لے گا۔ پچیس، تیس، پچاس لاکھ روپے دے کر آنے والے بچے، دیکھ آج کا ریٹ دیکھ، پاکستان میں 12 ہزار یوروز کا مطلب 34 لا��ھ روپے ہے۔ یعنی تو اگر یہاں پہنچ گیا ہوتا تو تمام مصائب، دھکوں اور ٹھڈوں کے ساتھ تین سال میں اپنے والدین کو 60 لاکھ سے ایک کروڑ میں پڑ چکا ہوتا جو ابھی تک زیادہ تر قرضہ ہی ہوتا اور یہ قرض تجھے ان موسموں میں اتارنا ہے جن کی تجھ سمیت کسی کو خبر نہیں کیسے تند ہوں گے اور کاغذات بن جانے کے بعد وہ تجھ پر گزریں گے۔
تین سال میں اِسی ایک کروڑ کا آدھا ہی وطن میں لگایا ہوتا تو تیری حالت پتلی ہوتی، نہ تجھ پہ بھوک بیتی ہوتی نہ تو افلاس کا رزق ہوا ہوتا، ایک سے دوسرے ملک در بدر ہوا ہوتا، نہ کسی سرحد کو پار کرتے تجھے گولی کی فکر ہوتی۔ تو سمندروں کے کنارے پھول بیچتا، نہ شراب کے ٹِن۔ تو نے زندگی کے وہ مہ و سال جو سمندر کا لطف لینے کے تھے وہ پھولوں کو سوکھنے سے بچانے اور ٹِن بیچنے میں گزار دیے۔ سینٹ سینٹ بچا کر تو نے جو پیسہ جمع کیا وہ کاغذات بنوانے کے بہانے کوئی اور لے گیا۔ ان میں سے وہ جِس کے لبوں پر جھاگ جمع ہے وہ آنکھیں نیم وا کرے تو اس کے بالوں میں انگلیاں پھیر کر بتایا جائے کہ تو کن کاذب اور بھیڑیوں کی باتوں میں آ گیا۔ وہ جنہیں ایک ہاتھ میں نیا موبائل اور دوسرے میں سگریٹ پکڑے لش پش تو اپنی گلی کوچوں میں دیکھتا تھا، چھوٹے اور جھوٹے لوگ تھے۔ ان میں سے اکثر کا پیسہ تجھ جیسے بیسیوں کا استحصال کر کے کمایا ہوا ہے۔ یہ کروفر تجھ جیسے کئی جوانوں کے ماتھے کا پسینہ پی کر اپنے اوپر طاری کیا گیا ہے۔ اِن کے پاس اتنی دولت نہیں جتنی یہ تجھے بتاتے ہیں، اِن کے جسم سے آنی والی خوشبو سے تو دھوکہ کھا گیا۔
گھر سے نکلنے سے پہلے پوچھتا تو تجھے بتاتے کہ اِن میں سے اکثر کے جسم پر خوشبو تک چوری کی ہوتی ہے۔ یہ اپنی زندگیوں کو بڑھا چڑھا کر پیش کرنے والے دھوکہ باز ہیں۔ یہ تیری آنکھوں میں وہ خواب بھرتے ہیں جو انہوں نے خود دیکھے اور چالیس چالیس سال بعد وہ خواب ہی پورے ہوئے، اِن کے پیٹ بھرے نہ ہی آنکھیں۔ جی میں آیا کہ ان میں سے ایک کو بتا جائے کہ دبئی سے لیبیا اور وہاں سے اٹلی جانے کے خواب دیکھنا چھوڑو اور واپس لوٹ جاؤ۔ جو ہے، جہاں ہے جیسی ہے، اپنی مٹی میں محنت کرو اوروہاں ہی پلو، بڑھو، پڑھو، جوان ہو، نکاح کرو، نوکری، کاروبار اور تجارت کرو۔ یقین کرو ہر مغربی کو تدفین کی خواہش پاکستان میں ہے جِس کی میت کو غسل دے کر یہاں سے روانہ کیا جاتا ہے تو اس سے پہلے قانونی ضابطے ہیں اور جب وہ مختلف جہازوں اور واسطوں سے ہوتی وطن پہنچتی ہے تو دوبارہ غسل دینے والی ہو چکی ہوتی ہے۔ کیا تم نے وہ شخص دیکھا ہے جس کا کفن کھول کر دوبارہ غسل دیا گیا ہو؟ باکس کھول کر سونگھے کون، میاں؟ بس جیسا ہوتا ہے ویسا دفنا دیا جاتا ہے۔
ایسی موت سے بچو! ہو سکے تو اپنے گھر کے قریب اپنا جہان پیدا کرو، وہاں جہاں تمہاری نال گاڑھی گئی۔ ہو سکے تو گھر کے قریب رہو، اور دور جانا ہی پڑے تو اتنا دور نہیں کہ قرض اٹھا کر جان گنوانی پڑے۔ ہماری طرف دیکھنا بند کرو، ہمیں تو یہاں آنکھ بھر کے کوئی نہیں دیکھتا اور پہنچ جاتے ہیں تمہیں آنکھیں دکھانے۔ ہم سے مرعوب ہونا چھوڑ دو، ہماری افسریاں وطن سے آئے کلرک کے آگے بچھتی ہیں، ہمارے بڑے بڑے سٹورز سے شاندار چوک جہلم میں چاٹ والا بہتر ہے، وہ بن جاؤ۔ ہماری باتوں پہ یقین نہیں تو ہسپانیہ، اٹالیہ اور یونان کے اردو سوشل میڈیا پیجز کا ایک چکر لگاؤ، سب دھندا ہے، میاں۔ مسائل میں کمر اور گلے تک دھنسے ہوئے ہجوم کا واویلا ہے بھائی، جس پہ کرونا کی افتاد پڑی تو یہ ہر حالت میں وطنِ عزیز پہنچنا چاہتا تھا۔ وجہ ہم سے بہتر کون بتا سکتا ہے؟ ڈر، موت کا ڈر، تدفین کی خواہش اور وطن میں دفن ہونے کی جستجو۔۔۔
ڈاکٹر عرفان مجید راجہ 
بشکریہ انڈپینڈنٹ اردو
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nemoverne · 10 months
In light of the OceanGate incident, I’d like to bring more awareness to another similar maritime incident that I feel more people to need to know about. Just last June 14, a fishing boat named the Andrianna sunk off the coast of Greece while it was trying to carry in Libyan and Pakistani immigrants, dozens of whom died in the sinking: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/06/17/world/greece-boat-worst-ever-tragedy-mediterranean-sea-intl-hnk/index.html
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thedreadvampy · 5 months
Twitter's back on the American food vs British food shit. why don't you all eat a vindaloo and calm down.
we all love texmex, we all love curries, we've each got our own national versions of Chinese food and Vietnamese food and kebab and falafel and West African food and Caribbean food. tikka masala is British and chilli con queso is American and they're both p great.
we're all culturally mixed communities with most of our food cultures built off the influence of immigrant communities, it's chill. it's all haggis pakora baybeeeeee
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citruscloudsandmoon · 10 months
2023 seems like an year of death for Pakistanis.
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flaynbestgirl · 1 year
i get that when americans talk about "british english" theyre most likely talking about RP english and they, like, Dont Know about all the classist implications of mocking various uk english dialects
but it still fucking sucks to see, yknow?
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gallopinggallifreyans · 10 months
Let’s make this clear: none of the people on that sub even make it into the list of the richest people in the world. Dawood and his son are not even a blip on the radar. I’m all for eating the rich and letting them suffer the consequences of their quite frankly STUPID decisions but these people aren’t those guys. Y’all would eat your doctors because they make more than you.
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readingthenight · 4 months
Pardes Katenda - Adnan Dhool | Sarmad khoosat | Rabia Butt | HABIBMETRO ...
Dear God I am crying at the line sona manawe eidaan paraiyaan
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septembriseur · 10 months
A few facts for you as we contemplate all things [sub]marine today:
- more than 600 people, many of them Afghans and Pakistanis, may have drowned in the Mediterranean last week after Greek authorities allegedly chose not to intervene when they encountered the vessel in distress to avoid the politically toxic spectacle of allowing so many migrants ashore.
- $250,000 in the right hands could arrange asylum for up to 12 refugees or, alternatively, support an Afghan family for about 80 years.
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
I get why people are talking about the whole submarine titanic thing.
It's awful.
But I'm here to address a different boat related tragedy.
One that absolutely breaks my heart.
Where a boat of migrants sank off the coast of Greece.
This boat had 300 Pakistanis and more than 500 Syrians.
The boat was carrying migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and Egypt who were fleeing their countries dire economic conditions.
And we're trying to reach relatives in Europe.
What happened with the submarine is a terrible thing.
I just wish this story got the same coverage.
One is about billionaires the other about people escaping economic disasters.
Both about people losing their lives.
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p00p-sc00p · 10 months
Ok so, I agree with everyone else here on the stupidity of the Titan incident, lack of empathy/sympathy for billionaires who openly and proudly flaunted safety to ogle at a graveyard of mostly oppressed working-class people killed by similar billionaire arrogance, criticism of the lack of similar coverage and search-and-rescue for the Pylos migrant boat, etc.
BUT one thing I will say; apparently 19yr old Suleman Dawood (son of wealthy Pakistani billionaire Shahzada Dawood) was terrified of going on the trip.
He possibly succumbed to social pressure from his family and rich father to go on a trip that killed him, he was right to be afraid. THAT is genuinely sad.
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ausetkmt · 10 months
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Video shows migrants waiting before ill-fated migrant boat voyage
03:41 - Source: CNN
CNN  — 
The hull of the fishing trawler lifted out of the water as it sank, catapulting people from the top deck into the black sea below. In the darkness, they grabbed onto whatever they could to stay afloat, pushing each other underwater in a frantic fight for survival. Some were screaming, many began to recite their final prayers.
“I can still hear the voice of a woman calling out for help,” one survivor of the migrant boat disaster off the coast of Greece told CNN. “You’d swim and move floating bodies out of your way.”
With hundreds of people still missing after the overloaded vessel capsized in the Mediterranean on June 14, the testimonies of those who were onboard paint a picture of chaos and desperation. They also call into question the Greek coast guard’s version of events, suggesting more lives could have been saved, and may even point to fault on the part of Greek authorities.
Rights groups allege the tragedy is both further evidence and a result of a new pattern in illegal pushbacks of migrant boats to other nations’ waters, with deadly consequences.
This boat was carrying up to 750 Pakistani, Syrian, Egyptian and Palestinian refugees and migrants. Only 104 people have been rescued alive.
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CNN has interviewed multiple survivors of the shipwreck and their relatives, all of whom have wished to remain anonymous for security reasons and the fear of retribution from authorities in both Greece and at home.
One survivor from Syria, whom CNN is identifying as Rami, described how a Greek coast guard vessel approached the trawler multiple times to try to attach a rope to tow the ship, with disastrous results.
“The third time they towed us, the boat swayed to the right and everyone was screaming, people began falling into the sea, and the boat capsized and no one saw anyone anymore,” he said. “Brothers were separated, cousins were separated.”
Another Syrian man, identified as Mostafa, also believes it was the maneuver by the coast guard that caused the disaster. “The Greek captain pulled us too fast, it was extremely fast, this caused our boat to sink,” he said.
The Hellenic Coast Guard has repeatedly denied attempting to tow the vessel. An official investigation into the cause of the tragedy is still ongoing.
Coast guard spokesman Nikos Alexiou told CNN over the phone last week: “When the boat capsized, we were not even next to (the) boat. How could we be towing it?” Instead, he insisted they had only been “observing at a close distance” and that “a shift in weight probably caused by panic” had caused the boat to tip.
The Hellenic Coast Guard has declined to answer CNN’s specific requests for response to the survivor testimonies.
Direct accounts from those who survived the wreck have been limited, due to their concerns about speaking out and the media having little access to the survivors. CNN interviewed Rami and Mostafa outside the Malakasa migrant camp near Athens, where journalists are not permitted entry.
The Syrian men said the conditions on board the migrant boat deteriorated fast in the more than five days after it set off from Tobruk, Libya, in route to Italy. They had run out of water and had resorted to drinking from storage bottles that people had urinated in.
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“People were dying. People were fainting. We used a rope to dip clothes into the sea and use that to squeeze water on people who had lost consciousness,” Rami said.
CNN’s analysis of marine traffic data, combined with information from NGOs, merchant vessels and the European Union border patrol agency, Frontex, suggests that Greek authorities were aware of the distressed vessel for at least 13 hours before it eventually sank early on June 14.
The Greek coast guard has maintained that people onboard the trawler had refused rescue and insisted they wanted to continue their journey to Italy. But survivors, relatives and activists say they had asked for help multiple times.
Earlier in the day, other ships tried to help the trawler. Directed by the Greek coast guard, two merchant vessels – Lucky Sailor and Faithful Warrior – approached the boat between 6 and 9 p.m. on June 13 to offer supplies, according to marine traffic data and the logs of those ships. But according to survivors this only caused more havoc onboard.
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“Fights broke out over food and water, people were screaming and shouting,” Mostafa said. “If it wasn’t for people trying to calm the situation down, the boat was on the verge of sinking several times.”
By early evening, six people had already died onboard, according to an audio recording reviewed by CNN from Italian activist Nawal Soufi, who took a distress call from the migrant boat at around 7 p.m. Soufi’s communication with the vessel also corroborated Mostafa’s account that people moved from one side of the boat to the other after water bottles were passed from the cargo ships, causing it to sway dangerously.
The haunting final words sent from the migrant boat came just minutes before it capsized. According to a timeline published by NGO Alarm Phone they received a call, at around 1:45 a.m., with the words “Hello my friend… The ship you send is…” Then the call cuts out.
The coast guard says the vessel began to sink at around 2 a.m.
The next known activity in the area, according to marine traffic data, was the arrival of a cluster of vessels starting around 3 a.m. The Mayan Queen superyacht was the first on the scene for what soon became a mass rescue operation.
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Human rights groups say the authorities had a duty to act to save lives, regardless of what people on board were saying to the coast guard before the migrant boat capsized.
“The boat was overcrowded, was unseaworthy and should have been rescued and people taken to safety, that’s quite clear,” UNHCR Special Envoy for the Central Mediterranean Vincent Cochetel told CNN in an interview. “There was a responsibility for the Greek authorities to coordinate a rescue to bring those people safely to land.”
Cochetel also pointed to a growing trend by countries, including Greece, to assist migrant boats in leaving their waters. “That’s a practice we’ve seen in recent months. Some coastal states provide food, provide water, sometimes life jackets, sometimes even fuel to allow such boats to continue to only one destination: Italy. And that’s not fair, Italy cannot cope with that responsibility alone.”
Survivors who say the coast guard tried to tow their boat say they don’t know what the aim was.
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There have been multiple documented examples in recent years of Greek patrol boats engaging in so-called “pushbacks” of migrant vessels from Greek waters in recent years, including in a CNN investigation in 2020.
“It looks like what the Greeks have been doing since March 2020 as a matter of policy, which is pushbacks and trying to tow a boat to another country’s water in order to avoid the legal responsibility to rescue,” Omer Shatz, legal director of NGO Front-LEX, told CNN. “Because rescue means disembarkation and disembarkation means processing of asylum requests.”
Pushbacks are state measures aimed at forcing refugees and migrants out of their territory, while impeding access to legal and procedural frameworks, according to the Berlin-based European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR). They are a violation of international law, as well as European regulations.
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And such measures do not appear to have deterred human traffickers whose businesses prey on vulnerable and desperate migrants.
In an interview with CNN last month, then Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis denied that his country engaged in intentional pushbacks and described them as a “completely unacceptable practice.” Mitsotakis is widely expected to win a second term in office in Sunday’s election, after failing to get an outright majority in a vote last month.
A series of Greek governments have been criticized for their handling of migration policy, including conditions in migrant camps, particularly following the 2015-16 refugee crisis, when more than 1 million people entered Europe through the country.
For those who lived through last week’s sinking, the harrowing experience will never be forgotten.
Mostafa and Rami both say they wish they had never made the journey, despite the fact they are now in Europe and are able to claim asylum.
Most of all, Mostafa says, he wishes the Greek coast guard had never approached their boat: “If they had left us be, we wouldn’t have drowned.”
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itkrnowsyou · 10 months
fuck that submarine i thereby implore you to read this report and any further reports on this tragedy i know it’s fun to explore the mental gymnastics behind the idiocy of the rich and the phenomenon of a white man’s hubris but the lack of response and acknowledgment bothers me so much
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max1461 · 10 months
Okay, here is one such policy. Here is a specific example of a large governing body actually using the term “replacement” to describe its immigration goals for Europe and the United States. https://archive.is/YH9cY I am sending you an archive link because the actual page was taken down. Surprise surprise, people don’t want to be replaced.
Now of course, the world is somewhat complex. It’s not like the UN is the world government. So you need to go to other people and other governments. Look into the immigration policy of every single western nation - the immigration policy of all of them are moving third world trash in the millions into White nations. Do you think those migrant boats (which luckily do sometimes sink) come from nowhere? No, they come from anti-White governments and NGOs working in tandem to change the demographics. It must be also remembered that immigration is not natural. Immigrants are imported. Immigration could be curbed at any moment - in fact, one of the principle reasons for founding civilization at all is “protecting ourselves from outsiders.”
I sent you quotes from individual people, which you then described as “quotes from randos.” An example of one such rando was Joe Biden, a rando who I think has some government position nowadays. He stated at the 2015 White House global conference on confronting global extremism (where they sometimes let randos speak) that “the black box” for America, which he defined as “the secret hidden strength,” was 1. Skepticism for orthodoxy, and 2. The fact that White people will become a minority through mass migration.
An important concept I sent you, which you just kinda glazed over, was the Celebration Parallax. A parallax is the effect where the same thing is viewed differently by different angles. If someone says “the Great Replacement is real, and it’s bad and awful,” then they are a right-wing nutjob conspiracy theorists freak like me. If someone says “the Great Replacement is real, and it’s a good thing. White people will become a minority, your grandkids will be brown” like you then they are not incorrect in any way. Ash Sarkar is a Pakistani politician within British who has specifically pointed to changing demographics being real, and described it with “we’re winning.” Why would she say that? Why would she say “we’re winning” when describing how Pakistanis are replacing the British through demographic change? Mark Sotok of the SPLC has a chart on his wall of the declining White population, specifically singling out the year 1965 when the immigration act was passed. The 1965 immigration act was passed under false pretenses, by the way. People at the time correctly pointed out it would change the demographics of the USA, and it’s supporters simply lied and said it wouldn’t do that. It was passed, and demographics changed, which was always the purpose.
But I’m getting off on tangents. The point is, once you say the Great Replacement is good, you are no longer a conspiracy theorist. It’s only people who say it is bad who are conspiracy theorists.
“The man of the future will be a mongrel. Today's races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." - Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi, Austrian politician, father of the modern European Union, certainly not a right wing crank
“We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." - Jose Angel Gutierrez, Chicano activist, attorney and university professor, who probably doesn’t mean that, right?
“The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race. The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed White supremacists. We'll keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed. Treason to the White race is Loyalty to Humanity." - Professor Noel Ignatiev at Harvard
The 21st century will be a century of mass genocide so complete and total that the genocides of the 19th and 20th (even the fake ones) will pale in comparison. The only question now is which races aren’t surviving.
Ok, let's start at the very beginning. That link does not say what you are claiming it says.
To quote from your link:
United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing. The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration. Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.
So, first of all, this is not a policy. It is a report by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, reviewing the scientific evidence for whether a particular policy would be successful. This is similar to the IPCC climate change reports. If you know anything about those, you'll know that the advice of reports like this is not necessarily likely to be followed by world governments at all.
Ok, with that out of the way, what policy is this report examining? Well, you can read it for yourself, but it says it right there in the bit I quote: the report is examining the policy of offsetting already declining local populations through immigration. So it's not about shrinking the white population on purpose! It literally does not advocate that. It's basically saying "in developed countries where the native born population is already shrinking, can immigration be used to provide a source of young laborers to bolster the economy?"
That is the policy of "replacement" they're talking about, not some policy of intentionally shrinking the native born (white, Japanese, Korean, whatever) population!
Do you understand how this is different than what you claimed?
And, just to be clear, the report mentioned Japan and South Korea as countries where this policy could be tried as well, because they have low birthrates and shrinking native-born populations. But, again, the report is not advocating wiping out Japanese people. It's saying "Japan's population is already shrinking for reasons that we can't control. Given that it's already shrinking, could Japan offset its population decline through immigration."
This is not a policy of intentional race extermination. It just isn't. It's clear that you didn't even read the fucking report you linked, because that is simply not what it says.
So, on to the next thing.
[Joe Biden] stated at the 2015 White House global conference on confronting global extremism (where they sometimes let randos speak) that “the black box” for America, which he defined as “the secret hidden strength,” was 1. Skepticism for orthodoxy, and 2. The fact that White people will become a minority through mass migration.
Ok, this is a fun one because it's obvious you just saw the Tucker Carlson clip on this, and didn't actually go to the original source. Anyway, you can watch the full clip of Biden speaking here.
Tucker Carlson excerpted the following quote for a segment on his show, and it's what's apparently got everyone in hysterics:
An unrelenting stream of immigration, nonstop, nonstop. Folks like me who were Caucasian, of European descent for the first time in 2017 will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority. Fewer than 50 percent of the people in America from then and on will be White European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s as a source of our strength.
Anyway, if you actually watch the whole clip, Biden starts talking about the "constant stream of immigration" referring to (primarily white) immigration in the 1700s. He specifically mentions the Irish (because he's Irish)! Later in the discussion he mentions that white people will be less than 50% of the population in 2017, and it's pretty clear that he's saying this to illustrate the point that America is very open to immigrants. Like, he's not saying this because he thinks the demographic change itself is great, or because he wants white people to be a minority. It's extremely clear that he's just using this as one among several ways to illustrate the old "America is nation of immigrants" talking point, which he was already discussing just a few sentences earlier.
I frankly think there's basically no ambiguity at all here, when he says "that's the source of our strength", he means "immigration is the source of our strength", not "white people becoming a minority is the source of our strength". Like, just watch the whole clip!
The "America is a nation of immigrants" talking point isn't new. That talking point has been around for over a hundred years at this point! Emma Lazarus wrote The New Colossus in 1883! It's just a fucking talking point that every American president parrots. It has nothing to do with intentionally manipulating racial demographics, it has very little to do with actual policy (because American immigration policy has always been hostile to whatever the newest wave of migrants is), and it definitely isn't because of some UN report. Biden is trying to sound progressive, and he knows that pro-immigration talking points poll well with progressive voters, and so he's repeating the oldest one in the book.
This is really obvious. He's just a politician being a politician. It's not a conspiracy.
I'll give you one thing, he does unambiguously say that it's not a bad thing for white people to become less than 50% of the population. And, well, I agree! It's not a bad thing, it's not a good thing, it's just a neutral thing. Populations change and I'm not worried about it. But just because Joe Biden and I agree that it's not a bad thing doesn't mean either of us are trying to fucking orchestrate it happening in a grand conspiracy. This is just dumb.
Ok, next thing:
An important concept I sent you, which you just kinda glazed over, was the Celebration Parallax. A parallax is the effect where the same thing is viewed differently by different angles. If someone says “the Great Replacement is real, and it’s bad and awful,” then they are a right-wing nutjob conspiracy theorists freak like me. If someone says “the Great Replacement is real, and it’s a good thing. White people will become a minority, your grandkids will be brown” like you then they are not incorrect in any way.
Now, I want you to read this next paragraph very carefully, because you have repeatedly ignored it, and I will not respond to any future messages in which it is clear you have not read it carefully:
When you very first messaged me, I asked you to define the Great Replacement. You defined it to me as an intentional policy, by Western governments, of trying to shrink the white population and replace them with immigrants. That is what you said. Do you understand this? Ok. And I said "demographics are changing, but it's not because of an intentional policy to get rid of white people. It's just the natural result of people having more freedom to move around the world. Demographic change is a neutral fact, it's not good or bad. People having more freedom of movement is good. So I support laxer immigration policies, and I don't really care about demographic change one way or the other".
Do you understand the position I am stating here? Again, I will not respond to any future messages in which you show me that you don't understand what I am saying. So read that paragraph as many times as you need to to be really confident that you've got it.
We do not simply have a "difference of perspectives" on the same thing. We are saying different things. You are saying there is a set of intentional policies to replace white people. I am saying there is not. We both agree that demographics are changing. I agree that the white population in the US seems to be shrinking, and although I haven't looked at the stats for any EU countries, I don't have any reason to doubt that it's shrinking in some of those countries too. We agree about this part.
You keep accusing me of thinking that this demographic change is good, and of wanting to exterminate white people. I keep telling you that I think this demographic change is neutral, and I don't care how many white people there are.
Do you understand? I have said this to you at least six times at this point. You have shown me that you can actually follow what I'm saying if I tell you that I won't respond to you otherwise, so you need to read what I just said until you understand it if you want to keep having this conversation. The above paragraphs are the most import part of this post. If you show me that you did not pay attention to them I will not respond to your message.
Ok, next thing:
Ash Sarkar is a Pakistani politician within British who has specifically pointed to changing demographics being real, and described it with “we’re winning.” Why would she say that? Why would she say “we’re winning” when describing how Pakistanis are replacing the British through demographic change?
I have no fucking idea. Ash Sarkar is a fucking YouTube political commentator, this is someone I would describe as "a rando". It does not matter to me what she thinks. Having seen a couple of her videos I suspect it was probably a joke, but I don't know, and even if she was serious it doesn't support your point. Because she is a fucking rando. I can find just as many internet commentators actually saying they want to exterminate black people. There are members of the KKK in elected office in the US. If you can use randos to back up your point then so can I. People believe all kinds of shit. If you want to show that some policy exists, you need to point to the evidence of that policy actually being carried out. For white supremacist policies I can actually do this, I can point you to evidence of segregation and redlining and so on. If you can't do this for the Great Replacement (as you fucking defined it) then you have no argument.
Next thing:
Mark Sotok of the SPLC has a chart on his wall of the declining White population, specifically singling out the year 1965 when the immigration act was passed. The 1965 immigration act was passed under false pretenses, by the way. People at the time correctly pointed out it would change the demographics of the USA, and it’s supporters simply lied and said it wouldn’t do that. It was passed, and demographics changed
Again, I don't care that demographics changed. I don't care about what percentage white people are of the population. I like when people have freedom of movement and I do not care if this changes population demographics.
which was always the purpose.
I strongly suspect it was not. If you think that it was, please provide any evidence at all.
“The man of the future will be a mongrel. Today's races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." - Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi, Austrian politician, father of the modern European Union, certainly not a right wing crank
I agree that this guy thought this. I don't deny that, like, some people have held this ideology. But if you think this is what motivates either the modern left or major world governments, I think you're just not paying attention to what's actually going on. There are pro-immigration camps and anti-immigration camps in every democracy. Sometimes people in the pro-immigration camps use rhetoric like this, but mostly they don't. They use they same rhetoric that I'm using, or they talk about the economic benefits, or whatever. The anti-immigration camps have their own rhetoric. The policies that actually get passed, like all policies, are then compromise positions between the desires of the various factions involved. But there's no conspiracy to eliminate white people, and the kind of position you are quoting here is very uncommon in my experience.
“We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." - Jose Angel Gutierrez, Chicano activist, attorney and university professor, who probably doesn’t mean that, right?
No I'm sure he means that, he's just a fucking random academic. I told you that quotes from random academics and shit are not evidence. There's random academics who say the physical world doesn't exist, it's all a product of subjective consciousness. Do you think that guides the policy of Joe fucking Biden? Cause I don't.
“The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race. The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed White supremacists. We'll keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed. Treason to the White race is Loyalty to Humanity." - Professor Noel Ignatiev at Harvard
I'm pretty sure this person is talking about abolishing the concept of whiteness, which is actually a pretty common position among academics. There are a lot of academics who talk about "abolishing race", and what they mean is abolishing the idea of race, so that people will no longer think of themself as "white" or "black" or whatever, but just as "people". Pretty often they specifically want to abolish the idea of a "white race" because they think that the concept of "whiteness" been used as a tool of oppression. So they'd rather white people just identify their ethnicity as like "Italian" or "Irish" or whatever if they have to, and not as "white". Like I said, this is a pretty common position among humanities academics.
I know this is what these people are saying because I've met these people. They like to dress up their ideas in the most radical sounding language they can, which is basically a strategy for making themselves sound cool to their in-group. But what they actually believe is pretty moderate; it's not that all white people should die, it's that white people should no longer use the collective identity of "white".
I don't know if that's what this person is saying, but it kind of sounds like that's what this person is saying. It has all the hallmarks of a humanities academic trying to sound provocative for clout. Do you see how they refer to "the social construct of the White race"? So they're not saying they want to kill white people, but that they want to kill the idea of "Whiteness".
It's unfortunate that they talk this way, because it feeds into conspiracy theories like yours. I've tried to explain this to people but they usually don't listen. Unfortunate.
The 21st century will be a century of mass genocide so complete and total that the genocides of the 19th and 20th (even the fake ones) will pale in comparison. The only question now is which races aren’t surviving.
This is so fucking stupid, and I'm gonna be frank with you, I kind of think you know it's stupid. Like I've avoided pointing this out until now, but you insert all these cheeky little comments and provocative asides into what you're saying in a way that makes me think at some level you know you're saying it to get a rise out of people, you like adding in the most extreme bits you can because it's fun. You're a dumbass.
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khalidistan · 10 months
Originally published to Twitter on October 11, 2021. Full piece under the cut.
Much of the Squid Game fandom neuters and infantilizes Abdul Ali, the Pakistani migrant worker who participates in the games as Player 199, and this is part of a larger problem where brown men must be emasculated in order to receive any grace or humanity.
“Gendered identities do not exist independently of other factors, and must be viewed as intertwined with, for example, race or ethnicity if we are to understand the hierarchical organization of identities.” —Maryam Khalid
Ali is polite and formal in his interactions with the other Koreans because he has a power differential with all of them. John Lee writes “Ali’s character is an undocumented migrant worker from Pakistan. What that means is that as far as social hierarchies go, Ali is WAY at the bottom of it. It explains why he’s been unpaid by his employer for months” (1). Ali acts subservient because he’ll get beaten if he doesn’t. He’s supposed to express how “grateful” he is for the assistance.
Ali acts subservient because he’ll get beaten if he doesn’t. He’s supposed to express how “grateful” he is for the assistance.
But Ali has demonstrated multiple times that he can fend for himself. He advocates for his fair pay to his Korean boss, even wrestling his paycheck out of his boss’s hands. During the night fight he fights on his own with a metal beam before reuniting with his team. He even has the courage to mock Mi-nyeo after she spews xenophobic statements at him, defending his honor and calling her out on her hypocrisy and doubt of the team’s strategy.
People want to make Ali out to be naïve but fail to recognize that he immigrated to south Korea from Pakistan. He knows nothing of the language and customs. Heather Chen writes that Ali is “an outsider and knows that the odds would always be stacked against him in the unpredictable competition.” Ali cannot be naïve, because Ali is given no reason to doubt Sang-woo’s kindness from earlier: Sang-woo provides bus fare after the first game, offers bread, and shares companionship with Ali all the way until the marble game.
East Asia has a huge racism and colorism problem. Ali is forced to be submissive. He is docile because if he isn’t, he’s immediately labeled a threat. That is the dichotomy people are missing. Why do brown men walk on eggshells when they have to answer to authority or go through security checks? Brown men can either be cunning, savage, sneaky terrorists, or they can be naïve, dumb, effeminate and castrated. There’s never any middle ground or nuance to understanding them.
“The colonized man is simultaneously a boogeyman incapable of redemption, unworthy of saving/advocating for and excluded from occupying a position of vulnerability—that’s reserved for their ‘women & children’ counterparts—while also in-need of (white/colonial) civilizing, fascinating.” —Joshua Briond
Khalid writes that “Orientalist notions of the masculinity of the ‘Eastern’ male as uncivilized also inherently ascribe primitiveness, ineptness and a certain amount of weakness to the barbarized ‘other.’” Those doomed to the mythical Orient are automatically placed lower in masculinity than their white and colonial counterparts.
However, this reduced masculinity co-exists, paradoxically, with the idea that men from the Orient are simultaneously aggressive, belligerent, and violent. Elgin Brunner writes: “Such a framing—the association of the enemy with barbarism, as opposed to the self, which is civilized—includes two, often simultaneous, moves, that is: the ‘hypermasculinization’ of the enemy on the one hand, and his ‘effeminization’ on the other… The very same opponent is, by virtue of being categorized as a cowardly barbarian, rendered effeminate.”
It’s true that Ali is compassionate, looking out for others and not expecting things in return. But the woobification of Ali into a bumbling fool is more than gross misinterpretation—it’s character assassination and fails to recognize how race influences his reception by the community.
Works Cited:
Brunner, E. M. (2008). Consoling display of strength or emotional overstrain? the gendered framing of the early “War on terrorism” in transatlantic comparison. Global Society, 22(2), 217–251. https://doi.org/10.1080/13600820801887223
Khalid, M. (2011). Gender, orientalism and representations of the ‘other’ in the War on Terror. Global Change, Peace & Security, 23(1), 15–29. https://doi.org/10.1080/14781158.2011.540092
VICE MEDIA GROUP. (2021, October 6). A shout-out to Ali, a character too pure for the dark humanity in 'squid game'. VICE. Retrieved from https://www.vice.com/en/article/5db74b/ali-netflix-squid-game-character-interview-anupam-tripathi
Link to original Twitter thread
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radfemverity · 1 year
Be very mindful of people who use unrelenting denialism to dismiss a very real pattern, cultural phenomena, or circumstance which you’re trying to point out to them. The chances are they just literally don’t want to know, because the truth of the matter either makes them feel uncomfortable, contradicts their flawed value system, or both.
The denier usually displays a sequence of behaviour that comes in four stages. When confronted with your observation, say, for example you are highlighting the risk that trans-identified men pose to women when placed in their prisons, they will respond in this order:
1. “Nope. That literally never happens. You’re a conspiracy nut/delusional/*insert buzzword here, most likely transphobia*.”
Then, when you present them with multiple clearcut examples, citing mainstream media sources that they cannot so easily discard they way they would with a smaller, alternative media source:
2. “But my point still stands, that this is uncommon. Why are you so focused in on this tiny thing? Your *insert buzzword here* is showing.”
Then, when the issue bubbles in prominence, leaves the niche corner of the internet from whence it came, and becomes more socially acceptable to publicly assert due to the overwhelming evidence:
3. “Okay but I don’t see why you have such a big issue with this? Why don’t you talk more about *insert totally separate issue here as a means to shift the goalpost*? Because by focusing so much on this specific thing, you’re just inciting hatred/promoting ignorance.”
This stage attempts to toe the line between not explicitly acknowledging the existence of the problem, but also not condoning it (because they quietly know that it does exist – that it is very real), instead choosing to insult the character and motivations of the claimant.
Many deniers will stop there, but the more spiteful and maliciously motivated among them will escalate to:
4. “Yeah well they brought it on themselves anyway. They fucking deserve it.”
I have noticed this across all sides of the political spectrum, both sexes, and all age groups, with so, so many different issues, including, but not limited to:
- TRAs denying TIMs’ abuse of women in women’s prisons, domestic abuse shelters and hospital wards
- TRAs denying how ‘gender identity’ has replaced biological sex in the practice of state institutions across the West (eg on passports)
- TRAs denying how self ID laws will be abused by ‘cis’men who do not sincerely consider themselves trans, but will claim to be to gain access to, and film women and girls in, changing rooms and toilets
- Catholics denying priests’ sexual abuse of children in the Church
- Conservative parents denying religiously influenced child abuse within their communities
- Healthcare practitioners and defenders of differing countries’ healthcare systems denying the prevalence of medical misogyny, the pathologising of women and girls, and the dismissal of their symptoms, which results in delayed diagnoses turning terminal and/or causing death
- The ‘progressive’ British left denying the targeted mass-grooming of working class white girls by Muslim, mostly Pakistani, men
- The ‘progressive’ British left denying that the government are buying out fancy private hotels to put up male illegal migrants in
- The political left across most of the Western world denying the recent demographic changes to its countries, and the cultural changes that come with that
- Men of all political orientations denying that women on porn sets are tricked with dodgy contracts, blackmailed, drugged, gangraped, and sex trafficked, and that this is the footage they see on PornHub and wank off to
- People across the world, of all nationalities, ages, sexes, socioeconomic statuses, and political orientations denying the larger-than-officially-acknowledged likelihood of suffering adverse side effects to the various Covid19 vaccinations, or the coercive policies of governments across the West to maximise the number of people who felt compelled to have it
The point of the diverse range of examples above is not to make a value judgement (you may not consider some of those things as ‘issues’, instead believing that they are good. That is your right), but rather 1. to point out just how bloody common this pattern of behaviour is, especially among those who consider themselves politically progressive, and 2. to potentially aid anyone who reads this in pointing it out in future discussions.
We do not live in a transparent political culture. People employ all sorts of backward mental gymnastics to justify their harmful beliefs, just because they make them feel better, and feel like they are supporting a good cause. That’s really all mainstream left wing progressivism is in the Global North: doing what feels good and makes you look good to your peers (this is why radical feminism is seen by the woke lot as right wing. We don’t operate off of that value system. We don’t do what feels nice in the moment, we want actual fucking results). So we need to be able to reply with: “If you are going to support [x] thing, bloody well be honest about the potential consequences that you have absolutely no problem with taking place.” We need to stop giving these people plausible deniability, and allowing them to fall back on “well I couldn’t have possibly known that [y] bad thing would happen if [x] thing was implemented.” Because yes you did.
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