#Professional support
sweetkoalastarfish · 6 days
Eating Right but Not Losing Weight: Understanding the Obstacles
If you're eating a reasonable amount but not losing weight, several factors could be influencing this even beyond the common ones related to aging. Here are some possible reasons and strategies to address them:
1. Caloric Intake vs. Expenditure
. Underrating Calorie Intake: It's easy to underestimate how many calories you're consuming. Even small snack and beverages can add up.
. Overestimating Calorie Burn: Similarly, overestimating how many calories you burn through exercise can lead to an imbalance.
2. Metabolic Adaptation
. Body's Adjustment: Your body can adapt to lower caloric intake by slowing down your metablosim making it harder to lose weight.
3. Nutrient Composition
. Macronutrient Balance: The types of food you eat matter. A diet high in refined carbs and sugars can hinder weight loss, even if your overall calorie intake is not excessive.
. Protein Intake: Sufficient protein helps maintain muscle mass and can increase satiety.
4. Physical Activity
. Exercise Type: Not all exercises are equally effective for weight loss. Incorporating both cardiovascular and strength-training exercises is essential.
. Activity Levels: Beyond structured exercises, overall daily activity levels ( non- exercise activity thermogenesis or NEAT) can significantly impact calorie expenditure.
5. Hormonal Factors
. Tyroid Function: Hypothyroidism can lead weight gain and difficulty losing weight.
. Insulin Resistance: This condition can make it harder to lose weight and may require specific dietary adjustments.
6. Sleep Quality
. Sleep Deprivation: Poor sleep can affect hunger hormones and increase appetite, particularly for high-calorie foods.
7. Stress and Mental Health
. Cortisol: Chronic stress increases cortisol levels, which can promote fat storage, especially around the abdomen.
. Emotional Eating: Even if not eating large quantities, stress can lead to poor food choices.
Strategies to Address These Issues
1. Track Your Intake: Use a food diary or an app to accurately track what you eat and drink. 2. Monitor Portions: Be mindful of portion sizes and avoid mindless snacking. 3. Optimize Diet Quality: Focus on whole, nutrient- dense foods and minimize processed foods and sugary drinks. 4. Increase Protein: Ensure adeguate protein intake to support muscle mass and satiety. 5. Diversify Exercise: Combine cardio with strength training to boost metabolism and muscle mass. 6. Stay Active: Increase overall daily movement through walking, taking stairs, and other activities. 7. Check Health Conditions: Get medical tests to rule out conditions like thyroid disorders or insulin resistance. 8. Improve Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night and address any sleep disorders. 9. Manage Stress: Incorporate stress-reducing practices such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
Medical and Professional Support
. Consult a Doctor: To rule out any underlying medical conditions.
. Dietitian/ Nutritionist: For personalized dietary advice.
. Fitness Professional: For a tailored exercise program.
By addressing these factors, you can create a more conducive environment for weight loss.
Thank you for reading. Until next time, salamat and see you soon!
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Personalized support
Team of Jobcoach.in will work with you to provide personalized support to your career goals. We will help you identify your strengths and skills, and assist you in getting job aligned with your interests.
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Unlocking Effective Psychotherapy Techniques
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Psychotherapy, a cornerstone in mental health care, continues to evolve with technological advancements.Telepsychiatry practice in Annapolis, Maryland has revolutionized how individuals access therapy. Through this modality, patients can receive professional support from the comfort of their own homes. With the increasing demand for remote mental health services, telepsychiatry practice ensures convenience without compromising the quality of care.
Read More: https://www.lilyhealthtelepsychiatry.com/unlocking-effective-psychotherapy-techniques
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alphahealthpsychiatry · 2 months
As a trusted behavioral healthcare provider in Katy, Texas, we understand the crucial link between sleep and mental health if you struggle to catch those elusive Zzz. Sleep deprivation isn’t just about feeling groggy the next day—it can also have severe repercussions on your emotional well-being.
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Mental healthcare in Baltimore, Maryland, has seen a significant shift towards personalized and holistic approaches, especially within home healthcare settings. With the growing recognition of mental health as a crucial aspect of overall well-being, individuals are seeking more accessible and tailored services to support their psychological needs within the comfort of their homes.
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In an era marked by technological advancements, the landscape of mental health services in Thibodaux, Louisiana, has undergone a transformative shift with the integration of telehealth. This innovative approach to mental health care offers individuals a convenient and effective way to access professional support.
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Being a caregiver sure has its moments. We’ve all felt that deep satisfaction of making someone’s life better. But, we’ve also had days when everything feels overwhelming—that exhaustion creeping into our bones and souls. It’s what providers of home care services in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, call “caregiver burnout.” But don’t worry; we’ve got some practical strategies to help you dodge this sneaky critter.
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fredhugesfan · 4 months
Thu. 9/1/2022
At times, I experience a sense of mental fog, making it difficult to concentrate on things I enjoy. Even when I manage to focus, it tends to be on trivial matters. This often leaves me feeling as though something is amiss within myself. I wonder if such experiences are common among neurotypical individuals or if they are unique to those who are neurodivergent. There are instances when I feel compelled to undertake tasks even when I lack the desire to do so. Most of the time, I only proceed because I fear negative consequences if I don't, despite recognizing that the stakes are usually minimal. My motivation for activities has waned, with gaming being my sole remaining interest, though even that is losing its appeal. While I acknowledge that not every action or thought has a profound rationale, I sometimes question my own motivations, aware that this may not be entirely healthy. From childhood, I have grappled with a delusion wherein I believe that both people and inanimate objects can read my thoughts, particularly in photographs and videos where the subject appears to make direct eye contact with the lens. This has left me feeling devoid of personality and often self-describing as dull or morally flawed. I recognize the need for therapy to address these issues, as well as a broader concern that I lack fulfillment in life. I also feel excessively immersed in online activities, which exacerbates my feelings of detachment and intellectual stagnation. Occasionally, I even question my sexual orientation and desires, oscillating between identifying as asexual, experiencing intense sexual urges, or exploring the possibility of being bisexual or aromantic. There is a fear of sex not living up to expectations, with my imagination primarily focused on fictional scenarios rather than envisioning myself in real-life situations. Despite understanding the moral reprehensibility of such thoughts, I sometimes find myself entertaining disturbing impulses, such as wishing harm upon my father. These thoughts and feelings weigh heavily on me, highlighting the urgent need for professional intervention and support.
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With the many media portrayals of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), it’s understandable how some may find the recovery journey overwhelming. As advocates for better mental health care in Glenn Dale, Maryland, let us guide you as you explore the journey to recovery and offer practical insights for those grappling with PTSD.
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The journey to recovery from opioid addiction can be challenging, but with professional support like our telehealth services in Texas, it becomes a path paved with hope. Let’s delve into a pivotal player in this process—Suboxone—and understand how it aids in overcoming opioid addiction.
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Depression is a condition difficult to battle with. It drains your energy, hope, and drive, making it hard for you to feel better. It may be counterintuitive, but the things that are difficult to do are the same things that will help you out of this unending spiral of negativity.
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When wanting to shed extra pounds, primary care is not often the first resource that comes to your mind. However, it’s an unsung hero in the journey to healthy weight loss.
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Because we provide elderly care services in Canada, we are experts when it comes to senior care. We highly recommend them to maintain good hygiene for several important reasons, including:
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countrysquareafc · 7 months
Declining health is often a part of growing older, but when a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, it can make their days more difficult. However, memory loss does not necessarily mean your loved one has to sacrifice their quality of life. Assisted living facilities support cognitive function.
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While many people associate depression with feeling persistently sad, it’s essential to recognize that depressive disorders can manifest in different ways and impact people differently.
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sexypinkon · 8 months
Sexypink - A closer look at the fine print.
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