#Province de Hainaut
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Moulbaix Castle - Ath, Wallonia, Hainaut, BELGIUM
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gentlemanpixelator · 1 year
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Charleroi. Quai de Flandre.
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wikiuntamed · 1 month
Five steps of Wikipedia for Thursday, 14th March 2024
Welcome, أهلا بك (ahlan bika), nuqneH, 환영 (hwanyeong) 🤗 Five steps of Wikipedia from "Famous Accountants" to "County of Holland". 🪜👣
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Start page 👣🏁: Famous Accountants "Famous Accountants is a contemporary art gallery located in Ridgewood, in the New York City borough of Queens, near the border with the Bushwick, Brooklyn. It was founded in October 2009 by artists Kevin Regan and Ellen Letcher, who opened the space to carry on the community spirit of Austin..."
Step 1️⃣ 👣: Brooklyn "Brooklyn is a borough of New York City. Located on the westernmost edge of Long Island, it is coextensive with Kings County in the U.S. state of New York. With 2,736,074 residents as of the 2020 United States census, Kings County is the most populous of the five boroughs of New York City and the..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by Suiseiseki
Step 2️⃣ 👣: 's-Gravenzande "'s-Gravenzande is a town in the province of South Holland, in the Netherlands. It is a part of the municipality of Westland, and lies about 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) southwest of The Hague. Until 2004 it was a separate municipality and covered an area of 20.77 km2 (of which 3.38 km2 water). The town of..."
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Image by Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
Step 3️⃣ 👣: Floris IV, Count of Holland "Floris IV (24 June 1210 – 19 July 1234) was the count of Holland from 1222 to 1234. He was born in The Hague, a son of William I of Holland and his first wife, Adelaide of Guelders. Floris succeeded his father in 1222. His regent was Baldwin of Bentheim. He acquired the Land of Altena. He had..."
Step 4️⃣ 👣: Adelaide of Holland "Adelaide of Holland (Dutch: Aleide (Aleidis); c. 1230 – buried 9 April 1284), was a Countess of Hainaut by marriage to John I, Count of Hainaut. She acted as the regent of the County of Holland during the minority of her nephew Count Floris V between 1256 and 1263. She was a daughter of Floris IV,..."
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Image by Wikifrits
Step 5️⃣ 👣: County of Holland "The County of Holland was a state of the Holy Roman Empire and from 1433 part of the Burgundian Netherlands, from 1482 part of the Habsburg Netherlands and from 1581 onward the leading province of the Dutch Republic, of which it remained a part until the Batavian Revolution in 1795. The territory of..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by Sir Iain
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kelangthang024 · 3 months
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Anvaing Castle (French: Château d'Anvaing) or Château de Lannoy is a historic residence in the village of Anvaing in the municipality of Frasnes-lez-Anvaing, province of Hainaut, Wallonia, Belgium.
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hainaut-seniors-news · 5 months
Comment éviter de se faire escroquer
La plate-forme provinciale des Conseils consultatifs communaux des aînés s'est penchée sur les arnaques visant les seniors avec une question de base...  #Hainaut, #province, #social, #senior, #commune, #conseil, #observatoire, #santé, #arnaque, #escroquerie, #vol, #cambriolage, #Silly, #Quiévrain, #police, #internet, #DGAS, #OSH, #CCCA
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conatic · 10 months
 Bard vient d'être mis à jour.  Voir la mise à jour
Que sais-tu de la ville de Mons ?
Mons est une ville de Belgique, située en Région wallonne. C'est la capitale de la province de Hainaut. La ville a une population d'environ 100 000 habitants.
Mons est une ville historique, qui a été fondée au 1er siècle avant J.-C. sous le nom de Castrum Menapiorum. La ville a été capitale du comté de Hainaut au Moyen Âge. Mons abrite de nombreux monuments historiques, dont la Grand-Place, la collégiale Sainte-Waudru, le beffroi de Mons et le musée du Doudou.
Mons est une ville moderne, qui est un important centre économique et culturel. La ville abrite de nombreuses entreprises, dont des industries textiles, chimiques et pharmaceutiques. Mons est également un centre culturel important, avec de nombreux musées, théâtres et salles de concert.
Mons est une ville agréable à vivre, avec un centre-ville piétonnier, de nombreux parcs et jardins et une vie nocturne animée. La ville est également bien desservie par les transports en commun, avec une gare TGV et un aéroport international.
Voici quelques-unes des choses à voir et à faire à Mons :
Visiter la Grand-Place, une place classée au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO
Voir le beffroi de Mons, le plus haut beffroi de Belgique
Visiter la collégiale Sainte-Waudru, une église du 14ème siècle
Visiter le musée du Doudou, un musée consacré aux géants de Mons
Assister à une procession du Doudou, une fête populaire qui a lieu chaque année en juillet
Se promener dans les parcs et jardins de Mons, notamment le parc de Mons et le parc du Château
Profiter de la vie nocturne animée de Mons, avec ses nombreux bars, restaurants et clubs
Mons est une ville qui a beaucoup à offrir aux visiteurs. C'est une ville historique, moderne et agréable à vivre.
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oliviaduhamel · 10 months
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Ce lIvre a été créé dans le cadre du labo-projet Peca des écoles st MartIn de Pecq et ste Aldegonde d'HérInnes (Personnages + identité + histoires + fonds)
Coordonné en 2022 et 2023 par l'asbl MôMA
Tous les enseignants des écoles : st MartIn de Pecq et ste Aldegonde d'HérInnes
Ecriture : Coline Smal, Olivia Duhamel, Charlotte Vanoverbeke
IllustratIon en plus, collages : Olivia Duhamel, Charlotte Vanoverbeke
Mise en page : Olivia Duhamel
Les partenaires :
la biblIothèque centrale de la ProvInce de Hainaut la biblIothèque de Mouscron la Maison de la culture de tournai la biblIothèque de Pecq la biblIothèque d'estaImpuIs le centre Marcel MarlIer la Maison de la Marionnette de tournai
Les animateur.ice.s :
Coline Smal, Olivia Duhamel, Chloé Jacquart, Magali Deleersnyder, Ansou DiedhIou
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
1. 'Not a taboo': Brussels to create unified policy for sex work
The Brussels-Capital Region authorities have agreed to establish an integrated approach to sex work in the region, creating a unified policy to replace the fragmented municipality-based rules currently in place. Read more.
2. Brussels Summit scandal: PM agreed to grant visas for Iranian delegation
In the latest development of the Brussels Urban Summit saga, it transpires that Prime Minister Alexander De Croo agreed to the visas granted to Iranian officials attending the event, his cabinet confirmed to Le Soir. Read more.
3. Mussels from Brussels: How moules-frites became the capital’s go-to dish
A staple of Belgian cuisine, the winning combination of seafood and french fries is a must-try for tourists visiting Brussels. But few are aware of the origins of the dish. Read more.
4. Man dies in violent fight with brother in Wallonia
A violent brawl between two brothers in the municipality of Wodecq, in the Walloon province of Hainaut, led to the death of a man on Sunday. Read more.
5. Belgians determined to enjoy a travel-filled summer despite budget pressures
A large number of Belgians are gearing up for holidays, with some even heading for multiple locations in a travel-filled summer. But whilst some are expanding their horizons others are looking to save costs and fit their journeys to their budget. Read more.
6. Why I want a second home in Brussels
“But why? The weather is the same as here in London. What about Nice or Madrid? Brussels is boring.” Read more.
7. Hidden Belgium: Kafei Korner
Two brothers and their sister have brought something new to coffee culture in Brussels. Read more.
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luciolebrune · 1 year
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mikaelpetitjean · 1 year
Premières ballades en vélo électrique et promotion pour notre petit coin de bien-être, dans cette belle province du Hainaut, pourtant la plus pauvre de Belgique, à quelques kilomètres de la frontière française, dans laquelle j'ai pu m'enraciner à nouveau. Et quel défi cela reste, après l'Afrique que je ne pourrai jamais remplacer. Félicitations à ma fille pour ce petit montage. "La nature se suffit", écrivait Hegel. Pour ceux qui reconnaîtront la musique, nous ne sommes pas en septembre, je sais. Mais cette chanson est si belle :-)
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gentlemanpixelator · 1 year
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Mons. Rue Rogier et Monument Houzeau de Lehaie 1956
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Savona, in scena al Teatro Chiabrera lo spettacolo “Birdie” di Agrupación Señor Serrano
Savona, in scena al Teatro Chiabrera lo spettacolo “Birdie” di Agrupación Señor Serrano.   Birdie, di Agrupación Señor Serrano, al Teatro Chiabrera il 17 Febbraio ore 21.00. La Compagnia catalana porta sul palco una rappresentazione al contempo visionaria e razionale, magnetica e suggestiva con l'ausilio, spesso, di riferimenti non teatrali ma legati alla letteratura, alla grafica pubblicitaria, al cinema, e al multimedia. Una narrazione apparentemente caotica che mette in luce, drammaticamente, le contraddizioni della nostra società. “Per la prima volta a Savona e in prima regionale, Agrupación Señor Serrano, Leone d’argento per l’innovazione teatrale alla biennale di Venezia, porta uno spettacolo – descrive il Direttore del Teatro Chiabrera, Rajeev Badhan – che attraverso la ricerca tra video, oggetti e video live, fa affiorare grandi domande sul nostro tempo”. “Lo spettacolo, spiega la Compagnia, rappresenta due miraggi. In uno: guerre, siccità, massicce deforestazioni, litorali inquinati, sfruttamento del lavoro, instabilità politica, condizioni sanitarie scarse, persecuzioni, deportazione forzata, abuso di risorse naturali, siccità, carenze alimentari. Nell’altro: supermercati, strade sicure, famiglia, stabilità, servizi sanitari, libertà, lavoro retribuito, rispetto dei diritti umani, benessere, riciclaggio, energie rinnovabili, prosperità, mobilità sociale…” Il Gruppo Señor Serrano è una compagnia teatrale con sede a Barcellona che crea produzioni originali su aspetti discordanti dell'esperienza umana contemporanea. Gli spettacoli di Señor Serrano mescolano video dal vivo, modelli, testi, performance, suoni e oggetti. Le produzioni della compagnia vengono presentate in anteprima e in tournée a livello internazionale. Si tratta di uno spettacolo in inglese con sottotitoli in italiano. Dopo lo spettacolo seguirà l’incontro del Direttore con gli artisti e il pubblico. Per informazioni e prenotazioni: tel. 019. 820409, mail: [email protected]. I biglietti possono essere acquistati on-line sul sito www.teatrochiabrera.it. Birdie di Agrupación Señor Serrano; creazione: Àlex Serrano, Pau Palacios e Ferran Dordal; performance: Àlex Serrano, Pau Palacios e David Muñiz; voce: Simone Milsdochter; project manager: Barbara Bloin; light design e videoprogrammazione: Alberto Barberá; sound design e colonna sonora: Roger Costa Vendrell; produzione: Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona, Agrupación Señor Serrano, Fabrique de Théâtre – Service des Arts de la Scène de la Province de Hainaut, Festival TNTTerrassa Noves Tendències, Monty Kultuurfaktorij and Festival Konfrontacje Teatralne; foto: Roger Costa Vendrell, Pasqual Gorriz.    ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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hainaut-seniors-news · 5 months
Comment gérer votre Conseil consultatif communal
Le tout nouveau guide méthodologique des Conseils consultatifs communaux a été présenté, en première, à la plate-forme des CCCA de la Province de Hainaut.  #Hainaut, #province, #senior, #aîné, #conseil, #consultation, #commune, #SPW, #observatoire, #santé, #Quiévrain, #plateforme, #méthodologie, #méthode, #DIY
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garadinervi · 3 years
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Marthe Wéry, Untitled, 1976. From: Marthe Wéry, BPS22 – Musée d'art de la Province de Hainaut, Charleroi, February 25 — July 23, 2017 [Elsa TEVEL - Blog]
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acommonloon · 2 years
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Cheers! OMG it's not even 7PM but it seems sooo much later. To be fair, I cracked a beer at about 3:30, just before D got home. This one.
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G picked this one out for me in a bottle shop in Ypres. He didn't mention it to me at the time. D gave it to me when we were packing to come home saying, "G" said you needed this. Ummm yeah okay?
A brewery I never heard of and I've so little space to pack beer to bring home but... Fuck Yeah!
Delicious tripel blonde from the Ardennes region. I left a bottle of my fav tripel to bring it home and...while I don't love its flavor more than my beloved Straffe Hendrik, I love I got to drink it more.
In between, I had this one.
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G brought this one home to me in July. I asked him to find me something from Brasserie De Blaugies and so he did. I remember why.
In 2018 just before our trip over that year I was sitting in my favorite local brewery, Monick Brewing in Louisville. I was sitting next to Scott Hand, the master brewer there and I'd just told him I was going to Belgium in a few days.
Scott was a striking figure with his long reddish hair and large stature, maybe a Viking should he don a horned helm. Yet Scott brewed beer instead of pillaging and I knew he often came out on Friday afternoons to sit at the first bar seat nearest the register.
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A few times I got there early and sat at the next one so I could fanboy. This day Scott called over one of the owners and introduced me.
The owner had recently returned from a trip to Belgium so I asked him if there was some place I should visit if I could. He related a story in which he and his wife had shown up at Brasserie De Blaugies unannounced. This was significant because the brewery was just a farmhouse, a one man operation and not really open everyday to the public. The brewer was somewhat discomfited but as you might imagine everything turned out well as they often do.
A few months ago, Scott Hand died from a sudden illness. So...not everything in life turns out well.
I doubt Scott ever drank a beer from Brasserie De Blaugies, he told me he'd never traveled, but he brewed beer that would be well received in that area.
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So tonight I end this drinking session with a beer I know Scott brewed. It's a grisette. Per Google - A grisette is a low alcohol beer with origins in the Hainaut province of Belgium. Grisettes are crisp, medium/light-bodied, citrusy beers—brewed to be endlessly approachable. ... Grisettes are actually a subset of a slightly better known farmhouse-style ale we adore: the saison.
I have some of Monick's saison, but I'm unsure if it was brewed by Scott so I'll drink this/his beer tonight and remember how kind and endlessly approachable he was.
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louisedebelgique · 3 years
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2020 Christmas celebrations in Belgium 
Queen Mother Wilhemina, Crown Princess Louise, Prince Léopold and Princess Joséphine celebrated the holidays with Belgians in new ways this year. Reportedly, it was thought to be improper to continue decades long traditions while the country was in the middle of a war. They skipped the usual christmas concert, receptions at the palace and lighting of the Christmas tree ceremony.
Princess Louise chose to spend Christmas in a military camp in the Province of Brabant, she was overheard telling people she wanted to be with the women and men defending her country. She told the press that if those soldiers both Belgian and otherwise could not go home and celebrate with their families, then neither should she.
Prince Léopold chose to celebrate Christmas with refugees from the Duchies of Hainaut and Namur. His presence appeared to brighten their spirits, he assured his people that he and his family had their best interest at heart and were looking to resolve the conflict in their provinces with haste.  
The royal family also hosted a small reception at Laeken Castle and gave gifts to orphans and refugees. They also visited several hospitals and bases. Extraordinarily, it is believed that the Royal Family didn’t visit King Albert at any point, citing his unchanged condition and their duty to the people of Belgium as the reason.
Public opinion is divided about the royal family’s actions. Critics are openly finding fault with the de Saxe-Cobourg et Gotha’s approach to the holidays, claiming their actions are propaganda and full of nothing but fake photo opportunities. They have been particularly harsh on the Crown Princess and the Prince who will return to the Royal Protection Program presumably before the New Year. Others are touched that the Royal Family chose to spend Christmas with the Belgians and are moved that they tried to bring hope and show gratitude and kindness to their people in such a trying time.
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