#Raban der Held
incorrectdwkquotes · 1 year
Raban: My policy is that if you see something, say something.
Nerv: I saw a frog on the sidewalk today!
Raban: Outstanding! That’s what I’m talking about!
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ariyastlinn · 7 days
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HELP i tried to make a sketch of Raban from the movies.
And I know I'm not the best at drawing and sketching but wtf is that💀
Btw. Sorry that I couldn't post so much, but my school has ✨️Klausurphase✨️ in the moment so I've been pretty busy😭
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sillygingerfox · 7 years
Wochenende damit verbrachte in Kindheits Erinnerungen zu schwelgen. Binge watching Die Wilden Kerle. 😍 Oh heiliger Muckefuck, was haben meine Schwester und ich diese Filme geliebt. Und ich liebe sie immer noch. Einmal ein Wilder Kerl, Immer ein Wilder Kerl. Dafür lege ich meine Beiden Beine ins Feuer. Meine Beine, Meine Seele und mein ganzes Herz. Alles ist gut, solange du wild bist. Sei wild, gefährlich und wild.
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orikeel · 7 years
Raban’s hips are #goals to be honest
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wolkenlichtblitz · 3 years
Die wilden Kerle Mitglieder
Leon Wessel-Masannek - Der Slalomdribbler
Marlon Wessel - Die Intuition
Juli Reik - Die Viererkette / Huckleberry der Streuner / Fort Knox
Joschka Reik - Die siebte Kavallerie
Vanessa Butz - Die Unerschrockene
Raban Bieling - Der Held
Maxi Maximilian - Der Mann mit dem härtesten Bumms auf der Welt / Maxi Tippkick Maximilian
Markus von Theumer - Der Unbezwingbare
Nerv - Das erste Schicksal
Deniz - Die Lokomotive
Annika - Die Drachenreiterin
Jojo - Der, der mit der Sonne tanzt
Fabi Bau - Der schnellste Rechtsaußen der Welt
Klette - Das zweite Schicksal
Rocce - Der Zauberer
Felix - Der Wirbelwind
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incorrectdwkquotes · 2 years
Raban: I'm just trying really hard to win the award for your weirdest friend.
Leon: You won that a long time ago.
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incorrectdwkquotes · 3 years
Fabi: Never make decisions out of fear, Raban. Only out of spite.
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incorrectdwkquotes · 3 years
Joschka: Did you know that atoms don't touch each other? And since we are made of atoms, we've never touched anything in our entire lives?
Raban: …
Joschka: So, to answer your question, no, I did not punch Juli.
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incorrectdwkquotes · 3 years
Klette: If you had to choose between Raban and all the money in my purse, which would you choose?
Joschka: Hm. How much money do you have?
Raban: Joschka!
Klette: 63 cents.
Joschka: I'll take the money.
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incorrectdwkquotes · 3 years
Leon: How long did it take before you guys started liking me?
Raban: Couple weeks.
Maxi: Six months.
Marlon: Jury's still out.
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incorrectdwkquotes · 3 years
Raban: I'm going full nerd again, aren't I?
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incorrectdwkquotes · 3 years
Raban: Marlon, where are you going?
Marlon: To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense.
Raban: And who's that?
Marlon: Myself, Raban.
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incorrectdwkquotes · 4 years
Marlon: Have you heard from Leon?
Raban: I'm sure everything is fine. We left him with Fabi.
Marlon: Those two sentences don't go together.
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incorrectdwkquotes · 3 years
Raban: Joschka, can you do something for me?
Joschka: You are my best friend. I would literally cover up a murder for you, plant my DNA at the scene and take the blame for the crime.
Raban: Great. Can you do the dishes for me?
Joschka: No.
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incorrectdwkquotes · 3 years
Raban: Look, if you can't accept me for who I am, then I don't need this group chat.
Felix: Okay, great.
Raban: No, no, no, I need to be included so badly! I'll do whatever you say. I literally have zero pride.
Felix: And that's what I like to hear.
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incorrectdwkquotes · 4 years
Joschka: Hey, can you teach me to play the trumpet?
Marlon: Why?
Joschka: Because I want to follow Juli around and annoy him with it.
Raban: Technically you don't need to know how to play the trumpet to do that.
Joschka: You're right.
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