#Real Doll
2alcia2 · 1 month
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siremasterlawrence · 8 months
Lawrence’s Playground: Opening
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“Bondage…Dominance…Master…Slave. All of that and anything your inner freak can imagine. Join us at Lawrence’s playground. We will fix you right up.” - Master Lawrence.
I read my new sensational store ad that will appear on rather don the cover of popular magazine, splash the newspaper ads, tv commercials, radio jingles and so much more.
The building literally in a small store in the midst of Queens, New York is quite boring on the outside but the inner area could truly rival the craziness of Manhattans window decorated stores.
I smirk walking inside the door automatically locks behind me as I turn my attention to the naked displays and the recruitment process that is unfolding for me. Thinking for a hot minute it hit me.
I snap my finger using my hand to stir with my finger spinning a portal into a new reality as a small herd young men exit the hole into my store and watch them stand in front of me.
My magical reinforcement moving assembly belt they roll out one after another former human beings now modified dolls ready and willing to be programmed to serve in any and all ways.
I spot one so fine I could not help but stare as he turns to me his neck so robotic walks over to me and he stood in motionless also rigid robotic motion but stares down at me with piercing eyes.
His eyes begin to scan mine taking a map like blue print of my mind, scanning my body to register everything with precise precision of every inch and slowly I begin to imprint on him.
His mind spins shutting down to reboot as my own even though I know it’s a natural meet where a slave instantly chooses his Master at first glance and he knew that automatically he is mine.
I can feel the energy burst through his body as he woke up in excitement a bright smile cover his face looking at me with love and devotion taking my right hand in his he sets it on.
The imprint is complete I command him to sit up on the floor then to kneel without any effort because he knew his place at my feet the man is mine project now for the longest time.
His eyes roll back coming down the changes have begun his hands settle on to my waist firmly and he yearns to kiss me feel my lips on his.
The rest stand motionless as I point for him to sit on the available chair then I pop onto his lap and face him soaking up all of the enjoyment in his body the hot heavy move of his soul connecting to me.
The assembly like moves ever forward onto the next station a new mold is made to be polished into perfect clear skin as I watch them from her.
I have no idea when the lot of them appear into the room setting up in the window and the rest of the store for display this business will be a smashing success I have no doubt in that matter.
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“What is your name?”
“My name is Al”
“I am your Master Lawrence “
“Master Lawrence “
“Good boi “
“Mmmmm…how may I please you?”
“I have great plans for you but for now”
“Yes Master”
“That main spot in the window that says not for sale.”
“I’ll go there and wait for your instructions”
“I will pick you up at lunch time”
“Yes, babe”
“You are statue”
“Pretty Boi Pose”
“I will not regret this”
“Back to work “
“All of my products so obedient “
“Who is the next to succumb?”
“So many fine choices”
“Work horse worthy “
The end
Lawrence’s Playground: The Defective
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A week later thanks to a ridiculous massive successful opening weekend to the insane viral campaign I worked on the sale are in the thousands.
One night Al is fast asleep when the alarm for my storage facility is triggered causing me to speed down the block to the factory to find nothing is broken.
“Must be a defective alarm”
“I might as well check around”
“Who are you?”
“Eric! I think”
“You think?”
“I am confused”
“I can help you “
“Do you know who I am?”
I yell at the flash light hitting someone’s face except it is one of my creations standing in the middle of the area he is lost it’s pretty obvious.
I can see his pupils react zooming to inside and outside at unrecognized speed in a fast attempt checking me out it hits him his one true maker.
He is defective I offer my hand for him to be able to take in his he stares aimlessly then happily grabs it imprinting on me as he is instinctively almost imprinting before me .
“Your name is Eric”
“You are my slave “
“Yes Babe”
“You are no longer lost “
“You are not defective”
“I am at your mercy”
“Kneel for me”
“I am your everything “
“I will do whatever pleases you “
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“Yes boi”
“I love when you call me that “
“May I come home with you?”
“It’s your new home”
“Follow me”
“Head up the stairs”
“Zip your mouth”
“Wait here”
“Al this your brother”
“Yes bro”
“Both of your crawl to me”
“Yes Master”
“All worship my body “
“Eric kiss me”
“Perfect “
“Two tight bodies”
“I am loving this “
“We hope so”
“Bend over “
“Let them swat that ass”
“As you wish “
The end
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xxsir-official · 9 months
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SED247 157cm/5ft1 H-cup Fullsize Sex Doll|LifesIze Sex Doll Melody.B
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alpojones · 2 years
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dolls and real dolls
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palmiz · 2 years
Next frontier, sentient real dolls.
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2alcia2 · 1 month
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sexdolladulttime · 2 years
High-tech (not to mention, high-priced) silicone sex dolls—like the ones sold by Sexy Real Sex Dolls—are growing in popularity. Some women are (understandably) not thrilled about it. When it comes to the bedroom, we’re all for promoting a healthy curiosity (if you haven’t tried one of these penis-friendly sex toys, it’s about time you gave it a shot) and even embracing new trends (we’re looking at you, astral sex converts).
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But there’s one increasingly popular trend we haven’t made our mind up about just yet: frighteningly realistic sex dolls, like the ones sold by Sexy Real Sex Dolls. (The name says it all, no?) You can file this one under the same, ever-expanding category as these hyper-sexualized robots of the future.
These silicone beauties are high-tech (some can simulate orgasms, flirt with you, and even be made to feel warm like real skin), very expensive (easily more than $2,000), and totally customizable down to the eye color (and other things).
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the-technocracy · 2 years
I never thought I'd find myself saying this, but RealDoll's new Serenity model actually looks really nice:
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And that she's a redhead has nothing to do with it! Much. 😏
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I'm not entirely about having a gynoid to just have sex with her - I as much wish for a life companion in general, as much to assuage the loneliness in my life - but I'm impressed with the growing realism and tech integration with these.
Think how this could be, if combined with some of Ameca's tech, with a soupçon of Boston Dynamics, for example.
The mind veritably boggles.
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xxsir-official · 9 months
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SED239 157cm/5ft1 H-cup Fullsize Sex Doll|LifesIze Sex Doll Phoebe.B
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alpojones · 1 year
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Real dolls
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schonpuppen · 1 day
Stimulierende Veränderungen im täglichen Leben
Manchmal können langfristige Liebesbeziehungen sogar im Schlafzimmer langweilig werden. Aber es gibt eine neue Erfahrung, die Ihnen und Ihrem Partner beispiellose Aufregung bereiten kann – die Herstellung von Intimität mit einer Sexpuppe. Es ist eine aufregende Erkundung, die auf jeden Fall einen Versuch wert ist.
Ein neues Dreiererlebnis
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Eine Option für Fernliebe
Vielleicht führen Sie eine Fernbeziehung mit Ihrer Freundin, was Ihr Verlangen verstärkt, es aber schwieriger aushält. In diesem Fall könnte eine Sexpuppe eine kluge Wahl sein, insbesondere wenn Sie sich für eine entscheiden, die wie Ihre entfernte Freundin aussieht. Dies kann Ihnen helfen, schöne Erinnerungen bis zur Wiedervereinigung zu bewahren. Noch interessanter ist, dass Ihre Freundin möglicherweise auch Spaß an Sexpuppen hat und sich bald nicht mehr von diesen entzückenden Gefährten trennen kann.
Liebe vertiefen
Eine lebensgroße Liebespuppe kann Ihr Liebesleben auf eine neue Ebene heben. Der Aufbau einer tiefen Verbindung zu einer billigen Sexpuppe kann die Intimität zwischen Ihnen und Ihrem Partner verbessern. Diese Puppen werden nicht zu Fremden; Sie sehen immer realistischer aus. Sie werden Emotionen und Ausdrücke in ihren Augen sehen. Auf den ersten Blick mögen sie leblos erscheinen, aber mit der Zeit spiegeln sie die Eigenschaften Ihrer wahren Liebespuppe wider. Aus dem Blick einer echten Sexpuppe können Sie verschiedene Emotionen ablesen, sei es Verlangen, Glück oder Kontemplation.
Bedingungsloses Zuhören
Sie können Ihre Bedenken mit einer lebensgroßen Sexpuppe teilen, und sie wird aufmerksam auf Ihre Stimme hören. Wenn Sie keine Freundin haben, können Sexpuppen eine wertvolle Option sein. Manche Dinge lassen sich vielleicht nicht am Telefon besprechen, aber Sie müssen nicht allein sein, denn eine lebensgroße Puppe vertritt Ihren Liebsten. Sexpuppen werden zu echten emotionalen Begleitern und bieten Ihnen wertvolle Gesellschaft.
Ein farbenfrohes Erlebnis
Wie Sie sehen, eröffnet der Besitz einer lebensgroßen Liebespuppe Ihnen und Ihrem Partner unzählige Möglichkeiten. Sie versüßen Ihre Nächte und bereichern Ihr Leben. Wenn Sie Sexpuppen mit sorgfältig gestalteter Kleidung ausstatten, werden sie Ihrer Freundin ähnlicher und ihr Stil wird es auch sein. Das wird Sie glücklicher machen, als Sie sich vorstellen können.
Der Realismus und die Intimität von Anime-Sexpuppen machen sie zu idealen Begleitern, um Zeit mit Ihrem Partner zu verbringen, und bieten gleichzeitig neue Spannung und Möglichkeiten. Scheuen Sie sich nicht, es auszuprobieren, denn Sexpuppen sind nicht Ihre Konkurrenten; Sie bringen Ihnen und Ihrem Partner mehr Spaß und Glück.
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