#Retail Management
giomacs · 1 month
Courses in Retail Management in Trivandrum
GioMacs provides with the best Courses in Retail Management in Trivandrum. These courses teach everything you need to succeed in retail and give you practical skills. GioMacs is the best option for Retail Management courses in Trivandrum because they emphasize quality and practical learning.
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piercethebrittany- · 3 months
Why do I have to be an adult? I just wanna lay around in my chair and play video games all weekend.
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horror-heks · 5 months
Curious am I in the wrong? Amazing the audacity of certain humans. Yesterday there was an active shooter in my shopping mall where I work and when things calmed down police said we had to shut stores down entirely and leave the building. Regional manager called and first thing said, "We can't abandon our job just because the police say so. I need proof you had reason to leave. Is anybody dead? Is the store ok? What's the problem?"
My response after about screaming what i really thought of her was, "I know gorillas with more sensitivity than you. Your aren't above the law babe cops said we needed to evacuate."
I don't think this was an undermining response as she is insinuating and saying I and my co worker will be written up. Sounds like a power trip to me 🤔
Everyone stay safe and never let a looser pretend they own your life.
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sigzen · 2 hours
Maximize Efficiency: How ERPNext Transforms Retail & Wholesale Businesses by Sigzen
ERPNext is a powerful, open-source ERP solution designed to meet the diverse needs of retail and wholesale businesses. By integrating various business processes into a single platform, ERPNext simplifies management and enhances operational efficiency. For retail businesses, ERPNext offers tools to streamline point-of-sale (POS) operations, manage inventory in real-time, handle customer…
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maharghaideovate · 5 days
Conquer the World: Unveiling SCDL's Program for International Retail Success
The retail industry has shed its national borders. The rise of e-commerce and a globally interconnected society have opened doors for retailers to expand their reach far beyond their domestic markets. But venturing into the international arena requires a unique skillset that goes beyond understanding product trends and managing inventory. The Retail Management Program at Symbiosis university…
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daddysothermusic · 2 months
If you or someone you know works in retail give them a hug. It's a thankless job.
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solufyerp · 3 months
Transforming Retail Management with SolufyERP: A Robust Solution for Retailers
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In today's techno driven retail landscape, staying in font of the competition requires more than just offering quality products; it demands efficient management of operations, manage processes, and insightful decision-making. As retailers strive to increase customer experiences, optimize inventory, and boost profitability, the adoption of robust Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems has become imperative. Among the array of ERP solutions available, ERPNext emerges as a game-changer for the Retail industry, offering comprehensive features tailored to meet the unique needs of retail businesses.
ERPNext, an open-source ERP platform, is designed to empower retailers with seamless management across various functions, including inventory management, sales tracking, customer relationship management (CRM), accounting, and more. Let's delve deeper into how ERPNext revolutionizes retail management:
Integrated Inventory Management: With ERPNext, retailers gain real-time visibility into their inventory across multiple locations. From tracking stock levels to managing product variants and handling replenishment orders, the platform ensures optimal inventory control. This capability minimizes stockouts, reduces excess inventory costs, and enhances overall operational efficiency.
Efficient Point of Sale (POS): ERPNext offers a user-friendly POS interface that enables retailers to process transactions swiftly, manage cash registers, and generate invoices seamlessly. Integration with inventory and accounting modules ensures accurate recording of sales data and simplifies reconciliation processes, facilitating smoother operations at the point of sale.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Building and nurturing customer relationships is essential for retail success. ERPNext's CRM module enables retailers to centralize customer data, track interactions, and analyze purchase histories. Armed with valuable insights, retailers can personalize marketing efforts, tailor promotions, and enhance customer satisfaction, ultimately fostering loyalty and repeat business.
Insightful Analytics and Reporting: ERPNext empowers retailers with comprehensive analytics and reporting tools that provide actionable insights into various aspects of their business. From sales performance analysis to inventory turnover rates and profitability metrics, these tools enable retailers to make data-driven decisions, identify trends, and capitalize on opportunities for growth.
Streamlined Supply Chain Management: In the retail industry, efficient supply chain management is crucial for ensuring timely product availability and meeting customer demands. ERPNext facilitates seamless coordination across the supply chain, from procurement and vendor management to logistics and order fulfillment. By optimizing supply chain processes, retailers can minimize lead times, reduce costs, and enhance overall operational agility.
Scalability and Customizability: Whether a small boutique or a large retail chain, ERPNext caters to businesses of all sizes. Its modular architecture allows retailers to scale their operations effortlessly while adapting the system to suit their specific requirements through customization. This flexibility ensures that ERPNext remains a viable solution as retailers grow and evolve.
Cost-Effectiveness and Accessibility: As an open-source solution, ERPNext offers a cost-effective alternative to proprietary ERP systems, eliminating hefty licensing fees. Moreover, its cloud-based deployment option makes it accessible from anywhere, enabling retailers to manage their operations remotely and stay connected to their business at all times.
In conclusion, ERPNext emerges as a comprehensive and versatile ERP solution that addresses the diverse needs of the retail industry. By streamlining operations, enhancing customer experiences, and enabling data-driven decision-making, ERPNext empowers retailers to thrive in today's competitive market landscape. As retailers continue to adapt to evolving consumer demands and market trends, ERPNext remains a valuable ally in their quest for sustainable growth and success.
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sofiadragon · 4 months
This has been in my drafts as a reblog for ages, but I've decided to share the story on it's own instead of inviting drama I don't have time for. Enjoy the tea:
I was a shift lead at a chocolate shop and there was one person who just could not get to work on time Sunday. I would work a closing shift Saturday night, open to close Sunday, and then open on Monday with one of the two owners [boss 1] - so I was completely responsible for the state of things. Every Sunday I'd start out making chocolates before opening at noon and then manage the store straight though mopping up. The crowd that came after church for treats with their kids was truffles to the wall busy. The tips though, oh how the tips flowed like our fondue service. We could not be down a man without long wait times that hurt the (pooled) tips that the college and high school students I managed very much needed.
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Everybody loved working there. It was a chocolate shop that made chocolates right there behind the counter, sold chocolate based drinks (non-compete with a coffee shop next door so no espresso) and served fondue at a few café tables or as takeout. It was retail, it was light food service, but it was the best team I ever worked with for the decade or so I was there.
This one guy walking in up to an hour late, usually only 15-20 minutes, and needing to get all the info about special orders, reservations, and who needs what done when while customers are stacking up 3 deep was a problem. We were only open 5 hours and served as much as we did during the 10 hour Friday business hours. Sundays were slammed starting at 12:10 and going until people started thinking about supper.
I talked with the owners and he just stopped being scheduled on Sunday. He moaned and complained about the later closing shifts eating into his social life, but if you wanted to clock out at 6pm instead of 10pm you should have been on time for our short day. He was constantly in need of switching hours with people, and complained like a squeaky hinge when he couldn't get what he wanted. Once, he talked one of the high-school kids into coming in for the last two hours of a closing shift so he could go home early, which would have been illegal if we let it happen because under 17 can't work that late in that state. He was scheduled for fewer hours to accommodate his "actual availability" and got pissy about that.
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I very quietly attended a Wiccan drum circle on full moons and Wednesday evenings at the time, but I talked about that exactly zero times in my place of work. I'd told boss 2 over tea at a private meeting off-site because she was all upset about asking me to skip church for work so she could do more with her kids and teach Sunday school every week instead of alternating. She had never asked why I was unavailable to close on Wednesdays and was not the gossiping type. I thought we were on good enough terms, and it got me a raise and a management position so the risk worked out, but man did I lay my head on the chopping block. I do not recommend doung that in a "we want to promote you" meeting unless you are very sure of where you stand. Bonus: I told her when my holidays were and got them all off for the rest of my time working there, so then I could volunteer at my place of worship too, and I did.
Come to find: he was late because he was staying at church. Don't remember what exactly he was there for so late and during seeminly random evenings, some social thing and I got the impression he was fishing for a girlfriend while he was there (do mega churches host speed dating?,) but most people who worked at the shop went to one of two churches (one mega, one Baptist) so he was found out quick enough. I'm thinking he figured with one owner being a Sunday school teacher she'd give him a break for being late if it was a church activity. This was not the case.
After a while, we had a meeting about dude bro's continued moaning, which had started to happen in front of customers instead of just in the back or during closing after the doors were locked. He asked me how I could possibly get all the things done that I said I did on Sunday, trying to get me in trouble for lying about my own hours to try and derail the meeting. After all, I can't be coming in at 9 to make multiple trays of fresh chocolates on a Sunday. It must be work left unfinished from Saturday night. The "bookeeping" oriented boss[1] said they have cameras for that. The "front of house" boss[2] said I was made a shift lead for my availability so they could both have Sunday off. The thought that I might not go to the same Mega Church as he did - and possibly that I have a different religion altogether - dawned on him right in that moment. I got to see this man reevaluate me in real time. When he tried to ask me the obvious question of why I'm not at church I just said "All you need to know is I close every Saturday night and run through until I open with [boss 1] every Monday as I was asked to. You are the only one causing scheduling issues on the weekend that I know of."
Later that week he came on shift as I was turning over to the other manager and refused to do work. Said he couldn't work with a non-Christian, loudly, right in the middle of the shop. Got himself sacked on the spot. Guess he thought it would lose us business if he told people that the people who worked on Sunday weren't Christian.
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Honey child, Jews, atheists, and pagans have been doing service jobs for ya'll on Sunday for centuries now. It ain't news.
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flectrahq · 4 months
Maximizing Retail Success: Innovative POS Management with Flectra's System
Transform your checkout experience with Flectra POS Management System! Fast, reliable, and user-friendly - it's the smart choice for businesses aiming high.
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adventures-in-retail · 5 months
Corp says “TV in lobby must be at an audible level”
My staff keeps turning it all the way down so there is no sound
Today I hid the remote from them so they can no longer change the volume
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giomacs · 1 month
Retail Management Certificate Course in Trivandrum
GioMacs provides the valuable Retail Management Certificate Course in Trivandrum. This course gives you all the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in retail management.
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proeffico123 · 6 months
👉 Do you own retail stores and manually track each store activity on screen share or getting reports from managers regularly?
👉 What if all that is available with a click in your hand held device, accessible from anywhere?
👉 Try our Prolificapp Retail chain management solution and improve your productivity, profitability and efficiency
For more details, visit out website: https://proeffico.com/centralized-retail-chain-management/ #RetailManagement#prolificapp#retailtech#retailsoftware#businesssolutions#businessgrowth
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Desidesign Technologies is dedicated to providing organizations with unique and tailored technological solutions. We take pleasure in providing excellence and exceeding expectations as a leading provider of website design and development, customized software development, enterprise software development, and customized CRM and ERP software development services.
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sigzen · 26 days
Scaling Up: The Role of ERPNext in Retail & Wholesale Expansion By sigzen
In today’s fast-paced retail and wholesale landscape, businesses are facing both challenges and opportunities. To succeed, they must efficiently manage operations, inventory, and customer relationships. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems like ERPNext are crucial in this regard. ERPNext is designed specifically for these sectors, offering tools to streamline processes, boost productivity,…
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aptechaviation07 · 9 months
Top Retail Management Courses In Dehradun To Boost Your Career
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The retail management courses in Dehradun are rising at a compound annual growth rate. As the retail management course has become more popular among individuals in Dehradun, the course’s name and fame in the retail business have grown.
Click this link to read more... https://aviationacademydehradun.com/top-retail-management-courses-in-dehradun-to-boost-your-career/
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beaconsmind · 10 months
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