#Ruby and Weiss from Ice Queendom (the ones that are sitting)
lesbianneopolitan · 10 months
Knowing that once I go back home on Sunday, it will be like fricking early Christmas
with gifts from me, to me
I made friends buy a ton of things in Japan and I'm seeing them on Sunday to get them all o(<
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bridgyrose · 2 years
Yang goes into Weiss' grimm induced nightmare, only to find herself not only as Weiss' bodyguard... but her wife as well! (ice Queendom AU)
Yang opened her eyes and started up at the ceiling of a large, white room. She sat up and looked around the bedroom with a bit of a sigh. “So, this is Weiss’s dream?” 
“Ah, Lady Yang, you’re awake.” 
Yang paused for a moment as she looked towards the mechanical butler. “Y-yeah, I am. I’m… looking for Weiss?” 
“Yes yes, Mistress Weiss is this way. Follow me.” 
Yang nodded and started to follow the butler as she walked through the halls of what she could only assume was Schnee Manor. Though, none of it seemed like anything she’d seen before. The stone halls were covered in vines and thorns, a cold breeze blew through the halls and moved the tapestries and curtains that lined the walls. Even with the jacket, the cold air gave her a chill as she continued. 
The butler finally stopped at a large door at the end of the hall and moved to the side. “Lady Weiss is just through here.” 
Yang nodded and opened the door to what she could only describe as a command center with Weiss at the end of a table as she watched a SDC train get derailed and robbed by the White Fang. She cleared her throat and softly spoke. “W-Weiss?” 
Weiss almost seemed to relax as she stood up and gave Yang a smile. “Yang, you’re finally awake.” 
“I’m glad I found you. We need to get out of here-” Yang was swiftly interrupted by Weiss rushing over with the help of her glyphs and pulling her into a deep kiss. Her body wouldnt pull away, no matter how much she wanted to. Once Weiss broke the kiss, she finally was able to pull away. “W-Weiss? Are you okay?” 
“I’m feeling better now that you’re here.” Weiss went to sit back down and motioned for Yang to follow her. “The White Fang is starting to get more open with attacking the dust supply chains and I’m not sure what to do anymore. Nothing seems to work.” 
Yang slowly nodded and watched the recording as it played again. The longer she looked at the White Fang that attacked the train, the more she thought they looked like grimm in White Fang uniforms. “Have… you thought of maybe trying to make peace-” 
“There is no place in Atlas for faunus,” Weiss said as she slammed a fist on the table. “They have shown over and over that they do not belong here. No matter how human they look, they’re not.” 
“What about Blake? You’ve gotten to know her, you accepted her-” 
“And she betrayed me!” The command room started to shake as a few glyphs opened up around Weiss. With a deep breath, she started to calm herself and the room stopped shaking. “She made it clear that she no longer belongs here.” 
Yang sighed and sat down next to Weiss. “Please, you need to listen to me. Everything that’s going on here, none of it is real. Its all just a manifestation of a grimm that’s making you see what it wants you to. I need you to come with me and wake up.” 
Weiss was silent for a moment as she thought over Yang’s words. After a few silent moments, she finally spoke. “You just want me to… wake up?” 
“Yes, I want you to wake up and come back home with me to our team. To Ruby and Blake so we can be a team again-” 
“So you’re going to betray me for her, arent you?” 
Yang took a step back as a few glyphs started to form around Weiss again. “N-no, I’m not, I want to help you.” 
“You want to help me by bringing me to Blake?” Weiss slowly stood up, a scowl across her face as she drew Myrtenaster to her hand. “The one who betrayed me? I had to expel her from Atlas, and you want me to go back to her?” 
“To the real Blake, not the Blake that this nightmare has provided to you.” Yang took a few more steps back and found her back right against the closed door. “I want to save you.” 
“Save me? I dont need to be saved. Humanity needs to be saved from the monsters that are the White Fang. Starting with you.” 
Yang felt the thorny vines start to wrap around her legs and arms and pull them tightly to the door. She watched as Weiss walked closer to her, unable to use her coins for help. “Weiss, please, think about what you’re doing here.” 
Weiss stopped in front of Yang and gently put a hand on her cheek. “Dont worry, my love. Once you wake up, you’ll be free.” 
Yang struggled against the thorns that held her in place as the wall behind Weiss started to open up. Her eyes widened as she watched the nightmare grimm move closer to her and start to wrap a few more thorny vines around her, each thorn pierced into her skin. The pain started to dull as she started to feel numb as she was picked up and held upside down as the red grimm eye started to glow. A voice started to fill her ears as her eyes started to close. 
“Blake lied to you, just the same way dad lied to you about your mother.” 
Yang tried to speak as she saw herself walk around the thorns that held her. “That’s… that’s not the same-” 
“Its all the same, and you know it.” The second Yang stopped in front of her and smirked as she slowly started to fade. “Can you really trust anyone who leaves you in the dark?”
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skye-huntress · 2 years
RWBY Ice Queendom Reaction
Episode 4 “Ice Queendom”
I’m late to posting this. Between the Closed Caption bungle and other distractions, this post was left mostly completed but sitting in my drafts for a week. For the record, most of what I’ve written here was before watching Episode 5, and reflect my thoughts prior to that episode.
So Ruby has gone in alone first for reconnaissance, which makes sense for the most part. Ruby is the closest to Weiss, and would likely have more freedom to move about, but she isn’t the most stealthy or subtle.
As for the recon, it makes sense. The “Nightmare” in Weiss is more powerful and has a lot to work with to hide and protect itself within Weiss’ dream.
So Blake and Yang are currently waiting on the sidelines, with nothing to do yet of course they’re kicking themselves for not noticing anything sooner, and in Blake’s case, being distracted with her own issues. I mean, they’re not entirely without fault, but Weiss is an easily misunderstood individual and was not a very open person to begin with. She’s not used to being vulnerable and not to mention she’s trying to prove to herself and her family that she is capable and worthy of being the Heiress and a Huntress. It’d be difficult for her to accept that she might be in a situation where she needed to rely on others to get her out of it.
As I suspected, the alternate outfits are versions of the characters within Weiss’ dream and reflect how she views them subconsciously. With the “Nightmare”’s meddling, it’s likely the more negative parts are being pushed to the surface, and the good parts are probably buried or locked away out of sight.
Klein, for example, was the most positive and warmest influence on Weiss’ life prior to Beacon, but he was also the family butler and he had specific roles to play by Jacques’ design, hence why he is a bunch of robots in this dream. Each personality has its own duty or purpose.
Weiss does not really know Jaune, Nora and Ren, so most she associates with them is being silly and making a lot of noise. I don’t think it’s anything to think too deeply about.
As a Weiss fan, I’m sort of giddy about how deeply the show is delving into her character, but I’m anxious to see where they’re going with this, and how we go from this nightmare showcasing all the worst parts of both her life and early personality to showing the real Weiss, the one who was always there.
So the White Fang are also like Grimm. They are the monsters of Weiss’ world (and not without reason, either), but I’m also getting the sense that the conflict between the SDC and White Fang are important to the designs the “Nightmare” has for Weiss. After all, the point of the dream is to keep her trapped, and the threat of the White Fang might be how it plans to distract, confuse and weaken Weiss.
It might also be important for character development for both Weiss and Blake. The latter was still just coming to terms with what the Fang was becoming, but also her part in it. After all, what happened to the train in the dream was a small step away from what Blake actually did do in Episode 1. Blake needs to face her past as much as Weiss needs to let go of her hatred.
So, the coins are part of Zaiden’s semblance, and a lucid dreamer can use them to help them out like setting up waypoints, creating decoys and contacting the outside, but they’re naturally limited by Zaiden’s aura. Ruby seems to be a little too liberal with how she uses them.
Of course, Jacques’ face is everywhere, he has eyes everywhere, and is depicted as in control of everything, since he pretty much runs Weiss’ life and had her under near constant surveillance back in Atlas.
Really, Ruby? You were there for a minute and you already broke one of Weiss’ toys.
In Weiss’ defence, even Ruby has admitted she went a little overboard designing Crescent Rose. I’m not surprised the dream version got a little mixed up. That does pose an interesting problem though, if their weapons don’t work the way the expect them to, the way that makes sense with their training, it’ll probably make fighting more difficult for Ruby, Blake and Yang. Of course, Weiss won’t have that problem, she would know Myrtenaster inside and out even in her sleep.
Nightmare Weiss definitely knows Ruby in her dreams, she seemed surprised and shocked she was there. Based on Jacques’ comments, Weiss snuck out of Atlas and met with Dream Actor Ruby. Their relationship was important enough that Weiss still managed to manifest it in the dream despite it likely going against the “Nightmare”’s designs.
Also, we hear mention of a person in black clothing, definitely Blake. She’s the only face Weiss could put to the White Fang, and perhaps the “Nightmare” has twisted things to make Blake out to be some sort of antagonist. I doubt Nightmare Weiss will be lucid enough to tell the difference between her real friend and her imaginary nemesis. That could complicate the rescue efforts.
Ruby still has doubts about whether Weiss actually wants her around, which is unsurprising. Between the obstacles she’s faced trying to find her and seeing the Sillies’ Jail combined with any doubts she had before, it’s probably weighing on her a lot. But even seeing some of the worst sides of Weiss, she still wants to be around her, it’s only the thought that Weiss wants nothing to do with her that’s making her doubt if being more than just teammates is possible.
I am being 100% serious, with how much the bunkbeds keep being mentioned, I am only more certain we will see one in Weiss’ dream, in fact, I’ll go even further now. I predict we will see a dream version of Team RWBY’s dorm in the dream.
As for Winter, I don’t really give much consideration for it, but now that I am, she is a really bad role model for Weiss. She’s harsh, strict, and way too formal, and definitely not someone Weiss should consult on matters of morality or justice. Especially since at this time, for Winter, what is right is what General Ironwood says is “right”. Still, Weiss follows her own path, she chose not to follow the same path as Winter, in part because she actually still believes in reclaiming her grandfather’s legacy from Jacques. I have to wonder how much Nightmare Version Weiss actually listens to “Winter”’s judgments.
Ruby vs Weiss is not something I’ve ever really wanted to think about. I’d imagine they’ve sparred together a lot but their real strength is working together. This “fight” is fairly one-sided. In part because Ruby isn’t working with the weapon she designed, but probably also because she probably doesn’t want to hurt Weiss. Crescent Rose, even the twisted Nightmare version of it, isn’t really an ideal weapon for fighting against an opponent you don’t want to maim or kill. Meanwhile, Weiss has the home field advantage on top of being an exceptional fighter. It can’t be stated enough that Weiss had the hardest path to get into Beacon and she might be one of the most capable fighters among her peers, not to mention this is her Nightmare, so she can theoretically be as powerful as she wants to be.
That’s quite the cliffhanger to leave it on. Ruby’s outmatched and nearly out of coins so escape is her only option.
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bloodyshadow1 · 2 years
not sure what the ice queendom thing for rwby is, at first glance it looks like the first season redone anime style, but that doesn’t make sense with their new character art, the name, and the promo art. 
Just planting a flag, the ice queendom thing is going to be a dark au sort of world where the characters have never met (aside from Yang and Ruby since they’re sisters).  At first we’re not going to know why things went bad or what was the nail that changed the world.  Until like episode 4 or five when it shows that summer is alive, she somehow managed to kill Salem on her mission that she never came back from and that was the defining incident.  
Without Salem things should be better on paper, there’s still grimm around because they’re the God of Darkness’ creations that spawn from a god’s pools, but without Salem to create Super Grimm and Leviathans, without her creating armies of Grimm you don’t have the need for huntresses and huntsmen anymore.  But you do have a country that focused on their military for years with Atlas. a kingdom that lost the great war 70 or so years ago with nothing but military technology and no one to use it on.  
Why wouldn’t they turn from exterminating Grimm to conquest, like the fire nation in avatar, if they have the superior technology why not share their greatness with the rest of the world.  It would be the perfect set up for them to become the big bad of a dark au and would fit the name Ice Queendom, with Weiss sitting on a throne in front of a assembly line of robots.  
I don’t think it will actually happen, but like I said i’m planting a flag just in case it turns out I’m right.  I came up with this after discussing the artwork with my brother for 5 minutes or so and I think it sounds like a cool idea even if they wouldn’t do soemthing like this
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spartan2545 · 5 years
Happily Ever After?
White Rose Week Day 5: Loss
General Audience
2050 Words
Links: AO3, FF 
Link includes 2 other short one-shots
She couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t since it happened.
So much blood
Because every time she closed her eyes she relieved that horrible day.
Polished steel stained crimson and black
Three screams: An unholy, deafening wail. Her own cry of tortured agony.
And a muffled, pained yell.  
A sound that would always haunt her. It still rang in her ears.
The piece fabric she clutched tightly in her arms the only small comfort she had on night such as this. But even this, most of it dyed a different hue than she knew it used to be, served as a dark reminder. A reminder of why she had it now at all.
“Please don’t go! Don’t leave me!”
“At least you're safe now. . .”
She would never forget the way tears mixed with blood.
The princess sat up in her dark room, only one candle driving away some of the shadows. Were it not for the walls being painted as white as her hair it would have still been too inky to see.
Sitting on the edge of her bed, again she felt the pull she had felt before. And again not sure if she was imagining that it felt like something else was pulling at her soul. She couldn’t convince herself it wasn’t her imagination; an excuse so she could cope with what she had done.
She tried to fight the urge, fight what she saw as her own selfishness. But she had tried before, so she knew she would lose and gave in quickly. The princess held out a shaking hand to the floor in front of her.
Magic lit the room in a pale glow, a large rune danced along the floor directly in front of her. A power she had once seen as a gift, but now it was a curse.
And from it arose a human figure, slightly larger and taller than herself, quickly taking form. Around its shoulders she gingerly placed the cloak she had been holding.
This was where it belonged anyway.
Now in front of her, all stained a light blue was something very familiar. Something that should have never been that color.
Someone she knew very well, and cared very dearly for.
And she could hardly bare to look upon what she had done.
The first time this had happened, she had wondered if it was really the woman she knew. Or if it a figment of her powers, imagination, and guilt. A mere copy like all of her other summons.
But when Blanche looked in to those silver eyes. Eyes that should have been blue, like on her and everything she created, she knew.
She knew that Garnet really was there.
Or part of her. . .
Her soul was at least. . . .
There had been no other way, she knew that.
But that didn’t make it hurt any less.
They had done it, completed their quest, but it was a terrible price to pay.
Even with all this, the smile looking back at her said that it was going to be okay.
But she couldn’t keep Garnet here. She shouldn’t. It wouldn’t be right, it wasn’t right.
That smile that Blanche knew she didn’t deserve.
It hurt to look at Garnet like this. A shadow of who she used to be.
The princess put on a soft smile, banishing the remorse and pain, instead letting show through the happiness she always felt seeing this woman, even now. It was so Garnet wouldn’t worry. She had hurt her enough already.
“H-hello Garnet,” She tried to keep her voice steady, to hide the sorrow.
Garnet smiled, and held up one finger. She was gone for a split second, but quickly found what she wanted; a quill and parchment.
Her voice was a privilege that Garnet no longer had.
Just one of so many things ripped away.
The quill moved as she wrote her reply.
Hey Blanche! How are you?
The penmanship was atrocious as always, but Blanche had long learned how to interpret those marks and had substantial practice doing so. Those little things brought back memories, memories now held even more dear now that they hurt.
“I’m fine,” She lied, though Blanche knew that the Garnet would be able to tell that it was, both because of how well they knew one another and Garnet’s condition. “How are you doing?” Blanche asked timidly, fearing the worst answer.
I’m doing okay. It still feels a little weird but I’m used to it. Was written in front of her.
You shouldn’t have to get used to this Blanche thought, guilt  further seeping in to her. Loud scribbling pull her from those thoughts.
How’s your kingdom doing? The smile had never Garnet’s face, a sight that still brought more joy than pain. But the pain still came.
“It’s not my kingdom yet, the Queen is very much still alive and mother does plan to keep it that way for a while. Though it’s doing great,” Blanche said, thankful she didn’t have to lie this time, “With the evil gone, its prospering again. And everyone in the kingdom has you to thank for that.” Her eyes started to water, her mind drawn once again back to that day.
We did it together! You, me, Noir, Yin, and the others, none of us could have fought Salem alone.
But we all made it back. Blanche thought for a second before seeing Garnet write something else.
How is Yin doing?
That was the first time that Garnet looked concerned that day, a different sparkle in those silver eyes.
“It's been hard, but your sister’s doing okay,” That was an overstatement. Yin had taken this all as hard as Blanche had. If she didn’t have Noir to help her through it, they all may have lost two friends that day. She had made a promise, to herself and their mother, that she would protect Garnet. And at least to Yin, she had failed.
No thanks to me Seeing what it had done to Yin was terrible. Yet she had never blamed Blanche, saying that she understood there wasn’t a choice. Yin only sought fit to condemn herself, that she should have been able to do something.  
“She and Noir are still the best guards and friends I could ever have.”  
They were the only other people who knew about how Garnet was now. Though they hadn’t talked to or seen her. Unless garnet wanted to say goodbye, they didn’t want to make it any harder for her.
And Yin trusted Blanche with her sister, to do what Garnet wanted and what was best for her. The princess knew that even as a queen, she could never be given a higher honor.
Garnet again looked more at ease after hearing her sister was fine. But then she noticed Blanche.
The princess had tears running down her face, despite making an effort to stop them. A few fell to the paper below.
What’s wrong?
“I-. . I need to let you go.” Blanche was able to choke out, “You deserve to finally rest.” There lives had been hard, now at least one of them could stop fighting.
And so she put her head down and Blanche started to weep, now not an uncommon sight like it use to be.
For a moment the woman before her took a hold of her hands.
Every other summon felt cold, eternally frozen ice molded by the sorceress.
But Garnet was warm, like she had always been.
Hands again held hands when the quill stilled.
Do you want me here?
Blanche lifted her head to read those words, made difficult by her tears, the gloom, and the handwriting.
And the message made it all hurt even more. What could she say? What should she say?
On the face in front of her was only care and concern.
Garnet knew nothing else to feel for her friend, someone more than a friend, so clearly in need.
Blanche could always lie. She had many times before. But that never made anything better, so with what little strength she had she replied.
“I do.” Voice shaking, tears still falling, “But you shouldn’t stay here just for me. Not in this world that has already taken so much. You would never have to hurt again. Never have to fight again. You can be at peace.”
I made a promise didn’t I? The characters were bold, the smiling face adamant.
But it only served as another bittersweet reminder.
“We both did.” They had made that promise just before the end, just in case anything happened. But this wasn’t part of it.
I’ll stay with you as long as you need me.
And once again the words stung deeper than any wound she had received. And again she thought to lie; lies that Blanche didn’t were either selfish or selfless, but one that might make some of the guilt go away.
But Garnet deserved better than that.
Garnet’s face showed the unwavering conviction that she almost always had, especially now when she had to be strong for someone she cared for. It was one of the things Blanche adored about her so much.
“I-I. . . I think I always will.”
And Blanche looked into to silver once more, scared of any answer she might find. But their softness and the smile not far beneath revealed what Garnet was writing before the quill even stopped.
Then I’ll never leave you.
And the blue woman wrapped her arms around the princess, a warm embrace that they had both once feared they would never share again. Garnet freed one hand for a moment;
I love you.
How could so few words make so much torment go away?
“I love you too.”
And they had their happily ever after, not the one they had hoped, but they were happy.
After all, they had each other.
The Queendom would learn to live with one of their queens being blue.
Ruby found herself a bit teary-eyed when she finished the story and closed her little story book.
The two children in front of her were still in a slight trance after having listened to intently.
And then she looked up for the first time in what was probably many minutes; to see her wife had returned from her errands with the amount of groceries one would expect for Ruby Rose and her offspring. Which meant it was a good thing she had the strength of a trained huntress.
How long she had been standing there, Ruby did not know.
“So you turned my worst nightmare about us in to a story for our kids?” Weiss asked somewhat amused.
“I don’t know what you are talking about. Neither of us are even in the story at all.” Ruby responded sheepishly, clearly not telling the whole truth, arms folded across her chest.
“The white-haired princess-sorceress ‘Blanche’ together with her partner turned girlfriend, a huntress named ‘Garnet’ go off and fight to save the world. Of course together with the huntress’s sister, a blonde brawler named ‘Yin’, and her eventual girlfriend, the cat faunus assassin Noir. Among many other things.” Apparently she had been standing there long enough. Weiss raised her eyebrow and looked inquisitively at her spouse.
Admittedly, it had not been hard to figure out. The children probably recognized it.
Still, Ruby grinned and blushed, looked somewhat embarrassed at having been found out.
“Well I still liked it,” Weiss said with a smile, “But it still is a school night,” looking to her now evidently sleepy children between the two of them “so you are both going to bed.” Turning her attention back to Ruby, “I’ll tuck them in while you put away the groceries”
The children made their complaints to going to sleep now, but they knew that it almost never worked so the whining was merely a token resistance. Weiss picked up the younger Wilda while Summer followed close behind up stairs. They were both in their pajamas already, so they just needed to be put to bed.
As Ruby listened to her wife whom she loved so dearly singing one of her lullabies in that sweet voice she loved so much, to their little whiterosebuds that she also loved with all her heart, Ruby wondered:
What had they done to deserve such a happily ever after?
Hope Y’all liked it! This is my first time posting so I hoped I did it right! :)
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skye-huntress · 2 years
Okay, now that I’ve gotten all the information we’re likely to get for a while now, I have to talk about RWBY: Ice Queendom.
Let’s start simple, Weiss is my favourite character, and the fact that even from the first teaser image it was clear she would be the focus of this new project already peaked my interest.
The trailer was mostly scenes from early Volume 1, and the White trailer, and maybe even one from the Weiss character short, in case it somehow wasn’t clear who is getting all of the focus. From what I understand, this anime is supposed to be viewable even for people new to RWBY so it makes sense to revisit these moments, while at the same time they also serve as the set up for the actual story. Aside from Weiss, there was also a lot of focus on Ruby in particular as well as the early relationship between the two. Again, makes sense as despite their rough start Ruby is still Weiss’ first real friend and that relationship is especially important to both of them and the early stages of their arcs. Less focus on Jaune’s bully drama, and more focus on the relationship between my favourite pairing? Sign me up!
As for what it is all actually about, my best guess from the start was it had something to do with an alternate reality, and I know a lot of people are on the same page. I’ve seen the new outfits, and I definitely don’t think the versions of Weiss, Pyrrha and probably even Blake are the same as those we met in Volume 1. For a start, Blake seems to have a tail and looks like she’s spent too much time with Neon Katt. Between the outfit, hairstyle and pose, this version of Pyrrha doesn’t seem to be a fighter at all, and given the design of the outfit she definitely has some connection to the new Weiss. For now, I do consider Schneekos a real possibility.
Last but in no way the least, Queen Weiss, as I’ll call her for now, is lacking her iconic scar. The fact that the anime is making a point to revisit the White trailer should make it clear this is an important detail. Weiss earned her scar fighting for her independence, against a foe she should not have been able to defeat alone at her current skill level. She managed anyway, because she didn’t want to be a pawn for her father, nor did she want to follow her sister into the military and serve a different man’s agenda. Which makes me wonder about Queen Weiss, has she been broken down and is just a simple tool for Jacques or Ironwood? I seriously doubt it would be that simple, after all this is her story and in the first teased image she was sitting on a throne. As Blake put it, Weiss is the personification of defiance, I doubt there is a single reality where she doesn’t take charge of her own destiny. That’s one of the main reasons I love this character so much and if this anime captures that essence of Weiss, I’m sure it will at least be an interesting watch.
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