#the Elpis flower from FFXIV
lesbianneopolitan · 10 months
Knowing that once I go back home on Sunday, it will be like fricking early Christmas
with gifts from me, to me
I made friends buy a ton of things in Japan and I'm seeing them on Sunday to get them all o(<
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akirakirxaa · 10 months
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There's a ghost in my lungs And it sighs in my sleep Wraps itself around my tongue As it softly speaks Then it walks then it walks with my legs To fall at your feet
-I'm Not Calling You a Liar; Florence and the Machine
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noxtivagus · 1 year
#🌙.rambles#i got like 5 hours of sleep though i'll survive#i was gna wake up in a few minutes anyways so i'll just stay up!!!!#i think apollo's gna have complete hours of sleep though ehe#oh man rn i just thought of the ffxiv. eorza symphony 2022 concert or wtvr it was called#the field of elpis flowers 🥹#oh my god if ever infinally went to one of those orchestras or wtvr i'd seriously be crying sm#i hate hate crying in public but i wldn't be able to help myself anymore#a sea of stars..#but not rlly stars it's the glow of the flowers illuminating the. yeah#reading a thread again i like every single tweet from it last night but i didn't read everything properl#looking at the setlist i'm srs very sure i wld cry so much wtf#the whole ffxiv ost just.. means so much to me :<<#everywhere i have sm memories w different ppl in different points of my life n. same but rather different me throughout it all#everything abt ffxiv is just so dear to me#was it distant worlds..? i can't remember well if it that was also this year but#my aunt went to distant worlds before. so.. someday one day maybe i cld join too. i'd cry a lot too wtfq#ignore the q i'm on phone rn n i can't be bothered to retype that just to remove that accident 💀#but yeah! ff in general n then music. i still remember moments two years back when 'not alone' wld comfort me when i was crying or#not just ff but vg in general w like cyrus the scholar n yonah n weight of the world n hfksdkfhshf so much it's just so dear to me#i ended up rambling a lot but i think yesterday w all that happened rlly just. softened me n reminded me of my love for lifw#especially with.. the night before that oh man i'm never tdoing that to myself ever again#i'll go 'wake up' in a bit now! waking up early even though i'm lacking on sleep is really nice#i'm rather energetic rn this is so funny watch soon i'll be reclusive n anxious again but i'll make the most of this for now >:3#i'm gna. fix my life. yeah c:
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balladingbard · 2 years
Hythlodaeus and Why Everyone is Important
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It’s no surprise that Hythlodaeus is one of the most beloved characters to come out of FFXIV. He’s charming, loyal, funny, and just downright adorable.
But if we compare him and his talents to other Ancients of his time, he’s pretty…average, despite his keen sight. He can’t transform. He’s pretty terrible at manipulating aether. When he was nominated for the Convocation seat and refused it, people didn’t disagree. They essentially said, “Yep - you’re right. Hades is a better choice.” And went with him instead.
Hythlodaeus himself downplays his own importance, using words like “abysmal” to describe some of his skills. And when other Ancients are soaring to great heights and using their talents to make the Star better, he says that his purpose is to support Azem and Emet-Selch - their dreams, their talents, their purpose.
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But if we look at Hythlodaeus’ role in Shadowbringers and Endwalker, we see that his importance is pretty essential. Despite implying he was the weakest link of the Azem/Emet/Hyth trio, he was actually the one holding them together. Once he sacrificed himself to Zodiark, the pair split - Azem going one way and Emet another, with the latter descending into grief and madness because of the loss.
But despite being in Zodiark’s clutches for millennia, Hythlodaeus’ influence remained, and his actions (or the actions of his shade) became critically important to saving the star.
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In shade Amaurot, he helped the Warrior stay calm and not succumb to the light, giving them vital information on what happened during the Final Days.
He provided the crystal of Azem, allowing the Warrior to summon allies in important battles that would’ve been lost had they not been there.
On the moon, he stopped the other shades from hindering the Warrior’s progress.
In Elpis, he recognized the Warrior’s essence and convinced Emet-Selch to help, allowing the Warrior to learn of Meteion and Hermes, as well as provide information to Venat for the future.
In Ultima Thule, he helped Emet-Selch bring the Elpis flowers forth, making Meteion realize that all hope hadn’t been extinguished.
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If we could ask Hythlodaeus what kind of role he played, he’d probably downplay it and say it was small. After all, he sort of says that in Ultima Thule, saying “he won’t say no to a bit part.” But as we can see, even the the ones who may think they aren’t important, are. Without Hythlodaeus, key events may not have played out, and both Azem and Emet-Selch would’ve had drastically different destinies.
It just goes to show that no matter how “abysmal” we may feel, we are still important. Small things can have big impacts, and even if we aren’t considered the hero who saves the day, our actions still matter. In fact, they may be the very thing that helps save the universe.
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kouriimei · 6 months
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FFXIV Themis - Inspired Handmade Earrings (Pierce/Non-Pierce)
Elidibus Week 2023 - Day 2: Wish
Handmade earrings inspired by the one and only Emissary in the Convocation of the Fourteen, Themis. Heavily inspired by his wish to you -who met him as a falling star-, his final words translated from Japanese below, the fragility of his mind post-sundering, and his final, fleeting moments of his memory-projected self.
[in JPN]: 「数多の星のどれでもない。 君という星が私の前に現れたことを、幸福に思う。どうかこれからも、この世界すら超え、思うがまま飛び給え。遥か彼方を目指す、ほうき星の如く・・・・・・。」 [Transl.] "You are not one of the many, countless stars [but a special one].... but the one that I met. That I could appear in front of you is [one of the greatest] blessing[s] [I could ever have]. From now on, go beyond this world, and fly as you wish. Aim far, far away, like a comet...."
Earrings will be available in both pierced and non-pierced versions on December 10th, 2023 - 10pm PST - in my shop
Themis earrings feature: 💠 Diamond earring posts, akin to trapping the creations of Pandaemonium 💠 Carved White Mother of Pearl flower, resembling the Elpis flower - the reason of yours and his final meeting when'st he was Elidibus 💠 Light sapphire chaton in the flower, to represent his soft, glowing color of his eyes 💠 Crystal matte-coated Czech glass, to match his etherealness and robes 💠Coated aquamarine cut glass bicone, referencing to the glow of his diamond cages 💠 Stardust-textured star, referring to you, the Warrior of Light, that fell upon him with his initial meeting in Elpis 💠 A dangling metal wave with a rhodium-coated star, signifying the comet he wishes you to be 💠 Light sapphire-colored cut glass drop, representative of the shine in his eyes as an Ancient
‧‧‧✧‧‧‧ K O U R I I M E I . E T S Y . C O M ‧‧‧✧‧‧‧
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pallisia · 1 year
hello, gg! I had your flower fella in my head while I was gposing around some flowers in Elpis, and it brought a question to mind. How did you feel about the Elpis arc in Endwalker? On my first playthrough, it absolutely blew me away, but on my replay, I feel like parts of it retroactively cheapened Shadowbringers (if that makes any sense). idk, I'm curious to hear your thoughts, if you have any to share. :>
sure. i feel like i mentioned a while back that i'm not crazy about endwalker for this exact reason. like, i had fun playing through the msq and i acknowledge the difficulties of trying to wrap up a decade-long story for a massive fanbase with varying expectations, but it just didn't land for me. especially the elpis arc. this is going to be really long and full of spoilers, so i'll keep the rest of it under a cut.
arriving in amaurot in shadowbringers was easily one of my favorite story beats in all of ffxiv. i loved that the ancients were portrayed as kind strangers, the anxiety about the final days from their dialogue, the vulnerability from the villain; it was all just great. one of the things that helped sell amaurot to me was how little was concrete about it. it was a faint memory of a place that didn't exist anymore. we couldn't see anyone's faces, we couldn't feel like we actually belonged there in any meaningful way. and when you confront emet-selch, it's like, "sure, it's sad that this happened to you, but we're here now, so you have to let it go."
looking back, i feel like elpis is the polar opposite of all that. i smiled at hades' beautiful wife and shitty haircut as much as the next guy, but it just felt...unnecessary? where shadowbringers said "the unsundered world is not coming back, you have to get over it," endwalker said "Bring It In, Guys !!" and showed me more of the ancients than i ever really wanted to see. i didn't need to go back in time and run around with my pal emet to sympathize with him. and again, he's beautiful, but i didn't really need to put a face to hythlodaeus, either. i thought he was much more compelling when i didn't know anything except that he was nice and emet-selch loved him.
this is more personal preference than anything, but i was also let down that the ancients were just...humans? i was hoping that the origin of all the sundered races would have more varied features to reflect that, and the way they were portrayed in shadowbringers allowed me the freedom to imagine them that way. 
anyway, going back to the the time travel... in shadowbringers, i loved the bittersweetness of the doomed timeline continuing even after g'raha tia fixed everything. elpis changed how time travel works within the story to tie everything up with a bow. i know it functions the same way in the alexander raids, but i thought it was bizarre to rewrite the rules within the main scenario right after the expansion where it was a big deal. (using the same time machine, even!)
venat was fine. i didn't really consider her to be the same character as hydaelyn at all, and it felt like a stretch to equate the emotionless crystal god voice to this nice, cool lady we spent an afternoon with. also, explaining the echo the blessing of light as a "traveler's ward" was such a letdown, man. it was a tremendous deal when hydaelyn and zodiark were revealed to be primals, but endwalker essentially threw out the concept of tempering, so it didn't matter at all. again, i get that retcons are inevitable in a decade-long mmo storyline. but the way she'd been built up as a morally questionable figure as early as heavensward made me hope for more flavor than what i got from venat. 
hermes was a pretty interesting character. i liked meeting someone who didn't fit in with ancient society, and even resented a lot of what was considered normal for them. he just didn't get enough time to cook. i probably don't have to harp on the stupid amnesia machine, so i'll skip that part.
meteion was... well, getting back to the point of your question, i kind of hated that the final days ended up being "a bird in space is beaming us with nihilism energy." i'm not sure what i wanted the final days to be, but the mystery of it was so much more intriguing than the explanation. the idea that the ancients' creation powers went out of their control was so cool! but, oh, it was because they were too aetherically dense to transform into monsters, i guess... okay...
maybe that's my overall problem with elpis, that it eliminated all mystery for the sake of neatly wrapping up loose threads, even when the mystery was more fun. every subsequent dev interview really drives this home, to the point where i wish they'd stop explaining things altogether. i'm feeling the same way now with the alliance raid series and its explanation of the twelve. of course, that storyline is still going, but i don't have high hopes for the last part.
wow that was long. sorry. thank you for your question i've been bottling this up for like a year lmao
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autumnslance · 1 year
Back to it...
Sharlayan and Labyrinthos today!
I'm always fond of the conservationist angle FFXIV takes in many of the crafting and gathering quests, and Erencille's duties, at least, fall along the same lines.
Other gleaners dealing with procuring knowledge not related to flora and fauna...we don't hear a lot of, though Shaggles' quest chain has a gleaner who apparently pestered an alchemist for a specific tool when they probably just coulda...gotten a similar one? But that might be that particular gleaner; it's a "not enough info" situation.
Mandatory MMO poop side quest. Also a Werlyt mention for a rare cheese created by masters in that region.
Erenville says workers right, and we love him for it. Also for clocking Our Heroes in their frog disguises.
The "heartbloom", better known later as Elpis flower, introduced here too, with Krile finally realizing why she's had issues since arriving in Labyrinthos. What we know now, it makes sense this is where they start conversing. Also where we get reassured as to the fate of Minfilia's soul, hints of Emet-Selch's, and reassurance Hydaelyn hasn't bound the WoL.
Keep Galuf Baldesion's name out of your mouth, lady. The Crystal Exarch comes out to play with the Forum; G'raha's experience with civic matters and city budgets and planning coming in quite handy. His slight tone and stance shifts when he goes Exarch-mode are my favorite things.
Thanks for the hand, Scholarch. Also Sevestre in the background, one of the few not wearing one of the Forum's dumb hats.
And time to meet Ameliance. Another mention here of her funding and donating to the Scions, as a way to support her children, though later we learn she was involved even before the twins left Sharlayan, keeping a hand in her father-in-law's endeavor. But she's a tad cautious here in this discussion with the WoL.
Also pretty sure her correspondence with Tataru is what got her the twins' current measurements and clothing preferences, and is the reason our receptionist didn't gift them new gear on returning from the First; Tataru knew Mom had it covered.
There's also the gift of Fourchenault's old nouliths for Alphinaud.
A few hints too from Ameliance on Fourchenault's behavior versus his true feelings, and who exactly is actually running this household. In fact, there's something about Ameliance that reminds me of Venat; not just the superficial "pale white-haired woman" angle, but the mischief, rule bending, the general delight at the world--while underneath there is a sharp, canny mind, a will of iron, and a desire to do what's right, though perhaps in a more roundabout way than we might prefer. And I feel like there's an intent there and I may need to muse over it a bit more.
You can really see where the twins get a lot of their traits when studying both Fourchenault and Ameliance.
Also sorry Alisaie, but your house is massive and fancy. My apartment could fit in the foyer. You were raised as a "spoiled princess" (and we have the receipts from ARR, darlin'), just deal with it.
So many little lore reminders and hints of things to come in later quests, or even the patches. Well worth replaying so much later for the refresher, as well as fixing my notes.
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cynda-queer · 7 months
Tag Game: Get To Know My Boy
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Name: Z’Uzuoaka Tia - “Uzuoak’a” is an Ala Mhigan name that his parents gave to him and was written on the letter that they left with Zu’zu when they left him. The “Z” comes from the patriarch of his village, “Zuli Nunh.” Despite the fact that Zu’zu was born a Keeper of the Moon, his naming convention is a Seeker of the Sun name because the village he was raised in was a Seeker of the Sun village, so they got rid of the “‘a” in his name and added the “Z’” and the “Tia” suffix.
Nickname: “Zu’zu” is the name his childhood best friend, Z’rotar, gave to him because he couldn’t pronounce the full name (a lot of people couldn’t). When he left the Village of Orphans, he picked up the last name “Duhawl” and started going as “Zu’zu Duhawl” as his adventurer name. No one knows him by anything other than his adventurer name save the people he grew up with. The Scions occasionally call him just “Zu”. Other than that, the only “nicknames” he gets is when G’raha occasionally calls him pet names (his favorites are “my moon and my stars” and “my guiding light”)
Gender: nonbinary man
Star Sign: FFXIV kinda has its own star signs, he was born during the 4th Umbral Moon and his nameday assigned patron is Rhalgr, but his personal patron is Nymeia. In non-FFXIV terms, his star sign is Virgo.
Height: 6’ 0” (I don’t care that miqo’te don’t normally come in that height, I make the OC and I decide he’s six feet tall)
Orientation: Gay
Nationality/Ethnicity: He is Ala Mhigan, but was raised in Eorzea, specifically Thanalan in a place called the Village of Orphans. His parents were Ala Mhigan freedom fighters and when Garlemald invaded Ala Mhigo, they left to go fight and left Zu’zu in Thanalan because they knew they would probably die. He doesn’t find this out until he’s well into adulthood and returns to Ala Mhigo to help with the liberation and is told that “Uzuoak’a” is an old Ala Mhigan name and then is told he looks like his mother who died in the rebellion with his father and that they had a son. He spends a lot of the time after trying to connect with a background he doesn’t fully understand and people he never knew. Zu’zu has complicated feelings about it and flips between considering himself Ala Mhigan and not.
Favorite Fruit: Zu’zu loves apples and his favorite apples are from Norvrandt known as miracle apples. G’raha remembered Zu’zu liked apples from when they were working together on the Crystal Tower and brought him some in his early days on the First, claiming that they were his own favorites and he figured Zu’zu would like them. He apologized because they weren’t exactly the same and at the time Zu’zu had complained that they were too sour (which was saying something because his second favorite strain of apples are faerie apples from Coerthas), but he rapidly grew to enjoy them because that meant the Crystal Exarch would come and talk with him while they sat alone in either the Ocular or his room and shared apples. Zu’zu would sometimes go to the First specifically to pick some up and bring them back to share with G’raha when they’re alone. In the time recent after the Final Days and the incident with Meteion now that the Scions are separated, he sometimes will send them to New Sharlayan for G’raha as a care package.
Favorite Season: Winter, he loves the winters in Ishgard specifically because he loves snow and never grew up with it. When he’s traveling, he’ll bitch about it up and down, but when he’s in his comfortable little apartment with frosted windows, a million blankets, and coffee, he’s content as can be.
Favorite Flower: Elpis flowers are a new favorite of his, but his all time favorites are yellow carnations because they were always in a vase on the table in Haurchefant’s outpost in Coerthas. He often goes to Haurchefant’s grave when he can and brings some for him.
Favorite Scent: Cured wood or softened leather, they remind him a lot of growing up because he spent a lot of time with Z’aria, a bow maker. The Village of Orphans’ chief exports were parentless children and the best bows in Thanalan. Zu’zu often spent a lot of time skirting around Z’aria’s wares, breaking them until she chewed him out and started teaching him how to take care of them and use them. Zu’zu always repairs his own bow and related equipment, keeping alive the skills he grew up with and sometimes will turn to looking after his bow when he’s stressed and needs to calm down.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate, but only made a certain way and, unfortunately, the only person who made it perfectly is now buried on a hill in Ishgard
Average Hours of Sleep: It ranges. Zu’zu either sleeps 10+ hours or sleeps for 3 for days and there is no in-between. When it’s particularly bad, the Scions will take turns sitting with him trying their various methods of sleep-including tricks. More often than not, Zu’zu will start playing one of his instruments and they end up asleep slumped on him. Most of the time with them laying on him, he tends to find sleep.
Dogs or Cats: …he’s a catboy. Is that cheating?
Dream Trip: Zu’zu is honestly on his dream trip right now touring Eorzea (and occasionally going to other places like Doma or Rhalgar’s Reach) from tavern to tavern playing as just an idle, nameless bard. That being said, Zu’zu would fuck up a Margaritaville.
Number of Blankets: When he’s on the road, Zu’zu sleeps with one blanket and, more or less, in a pile with the rest of his traveling companions. On his own in his apartment he sleeps with a metric fuckton of blankets unless G’raha is spending the night with him, then he’s sleeping with no blankets next to a large cocoon of containing one (1) single miqo’te.
Random Fact: Zu’zu’s travel kit is a harmonica, a violin, and sometimes a lute, but his instrument of choice is a piano.
Tagged by: @full---ofstarlight
Tagging: @keclan @evelynnsometimes @lenkagamine133 @fluffy-fern @dykedotexe (I don’t know who has OCs they want to talk about, but if you do, you should tell me about them) and literally anyone else who has a character that they want to gush about and do some soul searching for
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the-manderville-mambo · 4 months
For the ask game. Top 5 memories and top 5 jobs
Hmmm, top 5 memories...
Well, off the top of my head, the cutscene that comes immediately after The Dying Gasp trial is probably number 1, because seeing my brother go through that cutscene was what got me interested in FFXIV. The cinematography was just phenomenal, and since my brother refused to tell me what was going on, I decided to give the game a try so I could find out for myself. I've been here ever since :3
Number 2 would be when I was going through EW MSQ and, during the In from the Cold quest, had "You sense the presence of a powerful mark..." show up on the screen while Zenos was monologuing at me. Helped me come down from the tension of the mission just before it.
Taking the spot of number 3 is the final cutscene and end credits of 6.0. There's just so much good stuff going on there—the Scions' fretting, the Ragnarok's victory lap around the world and seeing everyone, the Final Fantasy theme playing—and seeing my WoL as part of the credits really got to me.
For number 4, I'll have to go with my wedding for tax benefits :3 I had it on Feb. 15th 2023, aka Discount Chocolate Day (one of them, anyways). It was lovely and a friend made arrangements for a band as part of the reception :D
Finally, number 5 goes to the cutscene just before the Dead Ends—specifically, the part where the field of Elpis flowers appears. That bit was absolutely gorgeous and heartwrenching and dammit I want a rainbow Elpis flower hair accessory in-game.
Gonna split the jobs between myself and my WoL just because I can.
For myself, my top 5 jobs are:
Summoner (please give us back the DoTs qwq)
This mainly boils down to what jobs I find the most fun to play. Honorable mentions to Warrior, Reaper, and Machinist for also being very enjoyable.
(Please don't make me heal I get nervous)
For Zaide, her top 5 jobs are:
She also dabbles a little in Dark Knight, and also works as an Alchemist and Fisher on occasion. Is this list very similar to my personal one? Yes. Did I come up with lore reasons for that? Also yes.
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haellen-o · 9 months
FFXIV Write Prompt #1: Envoy
(figured i'd take part in this after some convincing. though its only unofficially, no 24 hour time limit and no sticking to any orders. Just whatever tickles my fancy and what prompts i like)
“To walk a land bereft of world ending danger…” Halcyon smiled softly, holding an elps flower in their hand “Tis an odd feeling after such a long time” They spun the flower slowly, examining it… Who knew such a small thing could’ve been so important to the survival of the very star itself
They stood there for a time, listening to the crashing waves against the rocks, the sound of birds. And the quiet chatter of sharlayan… A gentle smile crept across halcyons face “If only you could’ve seen the beauty of this world, maybe things would have been different?” They mused idly to themself
“I was wondering where you were” a familiar voice called out from behind
“Ah, Y’shtola” Halcyon turned with a gentle smile “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I was merely curious where the hero of the star had gone after their battle, most would be celebrating” Y’shtola joined halcyon on the edge of the cliff. Enjoying the sounds
“I came to think, to contemplate… To unwind” They responded “It's not everyday you summon your best friend and the man you would’ve wanted to be your boyfriend from beyond the grave to help deal with an existence ending threat” A short laugh escaped, followed by a deep sigh “It's not everyday you realise you’re truly the last of your kind” They said with a solemn tone
Y’shtola had no idea how to really comfort that… How do you comfort a being far older than you who is the last of their kind?, still. Y’shtola placed a comforting hand on halcyon's shoulder “Try not to bear that weight alone will you? I can’t ever begin to understand how you feel. But you’ve got friends who are willing to help you whenever they can”
Halcyon smiled, a gentle warmth filling their body “Thank you” They responded simply, returning their gaze to the ocean as the two stood there for a moment in silence
“What will you do now?” Y’shtola asked
“Well… My duty I suppose” Halcyon laughed “i am the Fourteenth seat of the Convocation of Fourteen. Shepard to the stars, it is my duty to travel the world and know its cultures and people. While my kin and fellow members of the convocation may be gone, I still remain to walk the lands. As azem has always done” Halcyon paused, face twisting in thought “No… Shepard to the stars is too forward, it sets a bad precedent…”
“For the warrior of light? I don’t believe anyone could argue your title” Y’shtola laughed
“My deeds go far and wide, tis true. But there are corners of this world where my deeds have not yet reached, my words yet touched” They let out a small grumble of thought, bringing their hand up to cup their chin between finger and thumb “Something to get one’s head around i suppose”
Y’shtola chuckled slightly again and shook her head “Well, I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually. You have a way of managing that even when it comes to the most obscure of thoughts. I shall leave you to think” Y’shtola bowed her head and began to walk away
“Y’shtola?” Halcyon called out, glancing back
“Apologies for earlier, my wounds were deep and no healing magic you could conjure would heal them” Halcyon said simply 
Y’shtola shook her head “Think nothing of it. I’m glad you’re okay at the very least. A temporary discomfort outweighs your survival. I believe” Y’shtola smiled softly “If you need me. I’ll be with the others. An envoy from the new world arrived and i’m curious what business they have in sharlayan” With that y’shtola continued walking away
“Envoy…” Halcyon mumbled, eyes widening “That’s brilliant!. Envoy…” They mumbled to themself, the fog cleared and the thoughts were finally crystal clear “Halcyon. The world walker. Last of their kind. Envoy of the sundered world…” Halcyon looked out to the ocean, holding their hand out and letting the wind carry the elpis flower away “Yes. That will do quite nicely i think” Halcyon put their hands behind their back with a triumphant smile
The wind blew gently, carrying the scent of grass and ocean far past them… It was time to enjoy this new world and truly discover what it had to offer, to meet new people and break bread again. No longer obsessed with stopping the evil that lurked in the shadows… Though maybe one more adventure wouldn’t hurt “What would you think of this world had you the chance to explore it. My old friends?” They mumbled idly again, thinking of the past once more…
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hopepetal · 1 year
What's your favorite piece of personal writing? It doesn't have to be something shared on Tumblr.
Oh gosh, I really don't know. I can't remember all of my writing... but I do have this one unfinished bit with ocs! (Set in the FFXIV universe, slight Endwalker spoilers ahead!) Would love if this got some attention, but doubt it because it's not my usual stuff lol
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Persephone often found herself in Elpis, by that lone pink tree surrounded by vibrant purple flowers. It was a place she came to in order to calm herself, destress, take her mind off things, and generally just enjoy the view. From the vantage point on that tiny sanctuary in the sky she could look out upon the rest of Elpis with a caring gaze, watch the sun set and rise, or just lay back and close her eyes, feeling the soft breeze bring strands of her hair to tickle her cheeks.
Not often, however, were others there. Given her tendency to take respite from her duties at the strangest hours, it was rare that she ever ran into another during her time off. It was to her surprise to find a familiar person sitting in the grass, staring blankly towards where the lightening skies promised the sunrise. As Persephone drew closer, she noticed how Soteria's hand twitched slightly– the only sign that they knew someone was there. Having grown closer to them after what everyone had taken to calling “the incident”, Persephone had learned much about them. Their tells, body language, how their soul would seem dim compared to the vibrancy with which it would shine before it had been torn apart and pieced back together.
When Persephone first laid eyes upon Soteria's soul, she had been, for lack of a better word, heartbroken. Before the incident, the bright shine of their soul had only been rivaled by the vibrancy of Venat's, the previous Azem as well as Soteria's mentor. Battered and broken, she knew it would never be the same again, just as the bearer of the soul would never quite be the same. Persephone knew this to be true the moment she saw that one of Soteria's eyes had become the same blue shade of their soul. Just like Eleos. A nagging thought that she quickly swept away. ‘You did the right thing,’ she told herself, ‘sacrifice is necessary for the greater good.’ And yet she could not help but recall those vibrant eyes, the way Eleos had clung to her, looked to her for guidance and comfort, and how she had begun to find comfort in them as well.
“May I?” Gesturing to the ground next to Soteria, Persephone waited for the muted nod they gave her before she sat down. The grass was soft and dewy, the sky beginning to bleed oranges and pinks, gold ichor mixing with calming reds to paint the background for a lovely sunrise. Persephone's gaze briefly turned to Soteria, who was continuing to silently stare out at the sunrise. Their hair was down, she noted, seeming much longer now that it wasn't in their usual braid. They looked tired, bags under their eyes like those Hades would have after a long day of meetings with the Convocation of Fourteen. Without their mask and cowl, it was much easier to notice...
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And that's where I left off! Lemme know what you guys think?
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bitterfates · 9 months
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It wasn’t that Nephele disliked his career path; far from it. His expertise on meteorology and how global aether currents influence climate and local weather patterns made him a very popular choice for young scholars to shadow (if only to predict the ideal spots for vacationing or taking breaks), and he adored all of his mentees, but the constant demand for his attention wore him down emotionally.
Every once in a blue moon —- quite literally more than metaphorically sometimes, as his current location was an enigma beyond the pale —- he would make his way to one of the many secluded, floating islands at the Elpis testing facility to immerse himself in the solitude it would offer him. (It helped to have a strong network of influential connections so he could come and go as he pleased without unnecessary questioning.)
He had been planning his small retreat for a few days, as weather events here often changed within the hour of their spawning, but he had predicted this time frame on this night would be perfect not only for some alone time but also for his favorite pastime of stargazing.
Nephele had truly missed this: the quiet of the nighttime, outside in a field of flowers under the ever-resplendent heavens, for once free of the burden of the company of others. Already, he could feel his worries and the tightness in his body scatter to the warm winds of fading summer. There had been a recent downpour of water-aspected aether in the area, so every inhale flooded his senses with calming scents of wildflowers and fresh dew.
Though there were clouds on the distant horizon that potentially threatened more wetness later, the rains had ceased for now, and according to his data, the morning would be just as beautiful and pleasant as it currently was for the evening.
He would be sure to see it.
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universal-kitty · 1 year
    Also, have more ideas for fic I will eventually write. This time FFXIV edition! (Spoilers for character deaths up to post-Stormblood.)
    "This...shouldn't be possible." And yet, there he stands, smiling as brightly as the day he died. There's more life in those brilliant blue eyes, his smile softer with affection...but this is truly Haurchefant before her. Even his wound is gone; symbolized alone by a glimmering shard of never-melt ice he now wears. It shimmers like his wound had...
    Even his worn gloves feel impossibly warm.
    "And yet, it is. For a time, anyways," he says, mirth in his voice before a low chuckle escapes. "Now, we cannot dawdle here all day, as much as I'd adore monopolizing your time, dearest. Others wish to see you too, after all."
    "Others?" Rhela can only parrot the word back, eyes wide and misty. Like a lost kit, he leads them deeper into the comforting, glowing void they have found themselves in. Step by step, it takes form into...something else. The vast emptiness they walk on turns to dirt and grass; specks of flowers coming into view the more they walk. Then the trees... A walkway, almost forming from nothing at all. Structures come into view...and then a blue sky, with fluffy clouds.
    ...It is reminiscent of Elpis. Perhaps without impossibly large beasts, a sky that is inhumanly beautiful... But the rest is; a beauty that chokes them up, from mind to heart. However, when their eyes drift to take in more of the sights...
    Ysayle, sitting on her own on a bench in the shade of a tree. Yotsuyu, who looks more at peace here than she ever has in life. Papalymo speaks with a blonde woman, who looks terribly familiar. Moenbryda is reading a book on the ground, also in shade.
    Even Noraxia is here, fluttering about the flowers, but upon seeing Rhela and Haurchefant approaching...
    "Oh, friend! Friend~!!" They cry, hurrying to their approaching figures. Conversation ebbs away, smiling faces greeting the two as they walk ever closer.
    By the time the duo reach their awaiting figures, Rhela is in tears.
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aetherstorms · 1 year
Favorite Scene: When you show Hermes to the Elpis flowers and he has that honest conversation with you.
Saddest Scene: After the first dungeon after the Final Days when Y’shtola reveals that every enemy you fought didn’t have a soul and so they’ve ceased to exist (I think they really ended up in Ultima Thule, but first go around I didn’t have that)
Funniest Scene: Arriving outside Radz-at-Han via Sharlayan and everyone getting aether sickness except the one guy we can’t trust to be left unsupervised.
Most Intense Scene: In From the Cold and what takes place until you can get back to your body.
Most Badass Scene: Fighting Endsinger on Shinryu’s back.
Favorite Character In Endwalker: Fandaniel/Hermes :3~ 
Show off Your WOL!: 
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Tagged by: Technically no one, but I got this from @bladeshowers​
Tagging: Anyone else who wants to do the thing.
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paula-ahumadart · 9 months
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"Gazing up at the stars in the heavens, it ever sings a song of hope." Starbird with some elpis flowers from FFXIV. Watercolors, gouache and pencils.
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keicordelle · 10 months
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My World
Fandom: FFXIV Rating: G Pairing: WoL/Erichthonios Word Count: 1074 Tags: Female Warrior of Light, Named Warrior of Light, SMN Warrior of Light, Developing Relationship, Fluff, Romance, Feelings Realization, POV Third Person
Summary: Erichthonios was hopelessly in love with Taimu. It just took an unexpected encounter for him to notice.
A commission for Robo of their lovely WoL Taimu and Erichthonios!
She was radiant. Even in the gloomy depths of Pandaemonium, she shone with the light of all the stars. Her smile pierced the shadows that blanketed the dark cage of a dungeon - and that shaded Erichthonios’s soul.
He watched quietly from a distance as Taimu ruffled Emmy's fur, gentle fingers sliding along the long pinna of its ear. She toyed with it, twirling the tufted tip through her fingers, a soft, private smile on her face as she cooed sweet praises to her beloved carbuncle. Her voice was too quiet for Erichthonios to hear, but he didn't have to hear her words to know the dulcet tone she used, the one she used only for Emmy when she thought no one was watching. Affection shone in her mismatched eyes, icy blue and sanguineous red glimmering with warmth to match the bloom that spread through Erichthonios’s own chest at the sight. Oh how he wanted her to turn that gaze on him, to look up from the glittering carbuncle who held her heart and grace him with that same loving smile. As fierce as she was when she faced down her foes, she was twice as kind to those she loved - her pocket full of treats proved it, and her fingers scratching in just the right spot behind Emmy's ear.
And then she did turn, those beautiful eyes landing on Erichthonios, and sweet heavens have mercy, that warmth lingered in her gaze as she extended her arm to him, a dried fig from that familiar pouch in her fingers as she waved him forward. He went, like a puppet on a string, drawn to her inexorably and unceasingly. He wouldn't have it any other way. "Do you want to pet her too? If you feed her this treat, she'll even sit still long enough to let you."
Erich took it from her, relishing the brush of her fingers against his hand. Warm. "Sure." And belatedly, too distracted by the look in her eyes to remember until it was almost too late, "Thank you."
Somehow, impossibly, that smile grew brighter, her eyes crinkling at the edges as she turned it on him. "Any time."
But even when she wasn't smiling, one look at her could light up Erichthonios’s world. The slight furrow to her brow when she concentrated, tongue peeking out between her lips. The petulant pout that curved her mouth without her knowing when something didn't go her way. The determined set to her jaw as magic spouted from her fingertips, eyes locked on her foe and her focus absolute. Her satisfied grin as she licked crumbs from her fingers, and the wide-eyed wonder as she stumbled on a new creation in the gardens of Elpis. Her face was an open book, her every emotion playing out on it for all to see, and Erich relished each and every one - even the unbridled fear that twisted her features that day that they stumbled upon a slug in the fields of Philomythes Notos. In fact, he thought that one might be his favorite expression of all - not because he had any desire to see her afraid, but because that was the day he realized he was fully and completely in love with her.
The sun shone on fields of flowers and grasses as high as their waists, but in truth Erichthonios only noticed for how it shone off the stormy grey of Taimu’s hair, catching in the streaks of white to make them glimmer like starfall. She chatted amiably about everything and nothing, her hands swaying through the grasses and occasionally brushing against his own. An invitation, maybe? But one he was too nervous to take.
Her mellifluous voice cut off mid-sentence, her footsteps stopping dead in her tracks. "Is everything alr-" The question died on Erich’s tongue. The look on her face proved well enough that everything was not, in fact, alright: eyes widened with alarm, fear plain in the quickening of her breath and the way she recoiled. Erich reached for what little power he could summon, scanning for the threat. If even she was afraid, it must be something truly fearsome.
He found... nothing. The same placid fields they’d been wandering, petalouda fluttering contentedly nearby, monoceroses grazing sedately in the distance, and before them, almost hidden among the brightly colored petals, the amorphous blob of a slug, its slimy body pebbled with grit and as large as your average remora.
He looked back to Taimu, puzzled, but her eyes were trained firmly on the slug, watching it's undulous movements with a wariness that went far beyond mere trepidation. "Taimu?"
As if her name were the catalyst for action, she launched herself into motion - not forward, as Erichthonios had expected, to slay the slug for whatever offence it had caused that he was unaware of, but backwards, into him. The solid weight of her body crashed into him, and he barely kept his footing as she shifted around behind him, her hands clutching into his robes and the book at her waist jamming into his thigh. His eyes flicked from her to the slug and back again, laughter bubbling up at the sight of her: a peerless warrior who had felled hordes of Pandaemonium's fiercest monsters and laid low Lahabreah himself, clinging to his robes and hiding from an innocuous little slug.
He swallowed it down before it could slip free - the last thing he wanted was to make fun of her very real fear. But there was something so indescribably charming about the way she held onto him, staring up at him with eyes limned with silver and the faintest of trembles running through her lower lip. There was trust there, too - trust that he would protect her. Trust that he wouldn't judge her for her fear.
Erichthonios slipped an arm around her shoulders, holding her tight to him. "It's alright, I've got you." He held his tongue against the questions that rose; if she wanted him to know the story behind her terror, she would tell him when she was comfortable. Right now, all that mattered was that she feel safe. She leaned into his embrace, and his heart fluttered in his chest to have her so near, to be able to hold her close and protect her for once. "I've got you," he repeated.
And in that moment, staring down into her beautiful, mismatched eyes, he knew he'd never let go.
Originally here on Ao3!
Ficlet commissions are open on my kofi - or if you’re interested in something longer, just send me a DM and we can talk ^.^
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