#Santa Rosa Scandal
conjuringjustice · 1 year
Bye Bye Scotty!
On January 9th, Scott Haines reported to Maxwell AFB Federal Prison Camp. It appears this is minimum security camp rather than prison. I still find it less than acceptable that this is all he gets. How ridiculous! Terrorizing a family; stealing; conspiring; exploiting and he gets camp for a year. Previously, I have voiced my disgust over this situation, and it may seem like I’m harping on this,…
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blueiskewl · 1 year
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Murderous 1600s Pirate Henry Every Hid Out in US Colonies
One tarnished silver coin at a time, the ground is yielding new evidence that in the late 1600s, one of the world's most ruthless pirates wandered the American colonies with impunity.
Newly surfaced documents also strengthen the case that English buccaneer Henry Every — the target of the first worldwide manhunt — hid out in New England before sailing for Ireland and vanishing into the wind.
“At this point, the amount of evidence is overwhelming and indisputable,” historian and metal detectorist Jim Bailey, who's devoted years to solving the mystery, told The Associated Press. “Every was undoubtedly on the run in the colonies.”
In 2014, after unearthing an unusual coin engraved with an Arabic inscription at a pick-your-own-fruit orchard in Middletown, Rhode Island, Bailey began retracing Every’s steps.
Research confirmed that the exotic coin was minted in 1693 in Yemen. Bailey then discovered that it was consistent with millions of dollars’ worth of coins and other valuables seized by Every and his men in their brazen Sept. 7, 1695, sacking of the Ganj-i-Sawai, an armed royal vessel owned by Indian emperor Aurangzeb.
Historical accounts say Every's band tortured and killed passengers aboard the Indian ship and raped many of the women before escaping to the Bahamas, a haven for pirates. But word quickly spread of their crimes, and English King William III — under enormous pressure from a scandalized India and the influential East India Company trading giant — put a large bounty on their heads.
Detectorists and archaeologists have since located 26 similar coins stretching from Maine to the Carolinas. All but three coins turned up in New England, and none can be dated later than when the Indian ship was captured.
“When I first heard about it, I thought, ‘Wait a minute, this can’t be true,’” said Steve Album, a rare coin specialist based in Santa Rosa, California, who helped identify all of the silver Arabic coins found in New England.
“But these coins have been found legitimately and in a few instances archaeologically, and every single one predates the sacking of the ship," said Album, who has lived in Iran and has traveled widely in the Middle East.
Detectorists have also unearthed a gold nugget weighing 3 grams (a tenth of an ounce) — slightly heavier than a U.S. penny — from a potato field perched on a hilltop in seaside Little Compton, Rhode Island.
There’s no documented evidence that naturally occurring gold has ever been found in the state. Bailey and other experts believe that the nugget likely originated somewhere along Africa's Gold Coast, a center for the slave trade in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Adding to the intrigue, two silver Arabic coins were recovered not far from the nugget, and Every is known to have seized a considerable amount of gold while sailing off the coast of West Africa.
The latest evidence putting Every on American soil isn't just metallic — it includes paper and pixels.
Bailey had already found records showing that the Sea Flower, a ship used by Every and his men after they ditched the vessel they'd used in their murderous raid, arrived in 1696 in Newport, Rhode Island. He's since surfaced documents that show that the pirate captain was accompanied by three Rhode Islanders he took aboard from another pirate vessel when he fled India. All three came ashore with Every in the Bahamas on March 30, 1696, and Bailey said that they essentially served as getaway drivers in exchange for plunder.
Captured pirates William Phillips and Edward Savill testified on Aug. 27, 1696, that one of two ships that left the Bahamas went to Virginia and New England before reaching Ireland. Critically, Bailey said, the records clarify a muddy timeline that long has been misinterpreted by historians to suggest Every lingered two months on the Caribbean island — something he'd never have done as a fugitive.
“There's no way he stayed in the Bahamas to sit on the beach and work on his tan while waiting to be captured,” Bailey said. “Indeed, Every was in New England for over a month weighing his options for starting his life anew in the colonies or going back home to England.”
Every’s exploits have inspired Steven Johnson's book “Enemy of All Mankind,” and the final installment of PlayStation’s popular “Uncharted” video game franchise. Earlier this year, Sony Pictures released a movie adaptation starring Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg and Antonio Banderas.
Bailey’s next challenge: figuring out what happened to Every after the trail ran cold following his arrival in Ireland on June 20, 1696. It's the mystery's elusive final chapter — one he hopes to detail in a forthcoming book about the cold case.
“We’re chasing down the lost history behind one of the greatest crimes of the 17th century,” he said.
By William J. Koal.
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lamilanomagazine · 7 months
Lecce in scena a ottobre, musica nei quartieri e in centro, festival e appuntamenti di richiamo
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Lecce in scena a ottobre, musica nei quartieri e in centro, festival e appuntamenti di richiamo. Sarà un mese di ottobre caratterizzato da iniziative in tutta la città, festival di quartiere e importanti appuntamenti di richiamo nazionale ed internazionale. Un calendario ricco, vario e diffuso che coinvolgerà anche i quartieri e che è il risultato di un lungo lavoro dell'Amministrazione comunale con il sostegno della Regione Puglia (operazione finanziata a valere su Por Puglia Fesr-Fse 2014/2020 – Asse VI Azione 6.8 – "Palinsesto PP-Tpp Puglia. Riscopri la meraviglia 2023"). «La programmazione di ottobre – spiega il sindaco Carlo Salvemini – ci dà la possibilità di riassumere alcuni risultati: il primo è la capacità di proiettare le nostre attività culturali e di spettacolo oltre i mesi propriamente estivi, di fatto, come dicono gli esperti, destagionalizzando. Fino a qualche anno fa, passato Ferragosto, si chiudeva la stagione turistica. Oggi non è più così e i dati delle presenze ci confermano anche quest'anno arrivi e prenotazioni nei mesi di ottobre e novembre. L'altro risultato è che attorno alla città di Lecce si raccolga l'interesse di esperienze che vanno oltre i confini regionali, come True Puglia, Semi, Conversazioni sul futuro, Manibus. A tutte queste manifestazioni di prestigio si accompagnano una serie di attività programmate nei quartieri che riconoscono protagonismi e creatività locali. E qui sta l'altro risultato: prima solo il centro storico era teatro di manifestazioni piccole e grandi, mentre adesso ci sono i festival a San Pio, a Santa Rosa, ai quartieri Stadio e Leuca, si fa musica nei mercati e nelle piazzette, perché la città è di tutti e ovunque, oltre i luoghi consueti. Per tutto questo ringrazio Regione Tpp, Puglia Promozione e tutti gli operatori che scommettono con noi in questo processo di trasformazione dell'organizzazione turistica, culturale e ricettiva della città, che è un investimento per il futuro ma che garantisce già dividendi importanti nel presente». «Dal 2018, abbiamo creato – aggiunge l'assessore allo Spettacolo Paolo Foresio – una sinergia fruttuosa con tutti i soggetti pubblici Regione, Tpp, Puglia Promozione, per la formazione Conservatorio, Accademia, Università e per la valorizzazione dei luoghi con Soprintendenza e Direzione Musei Puglia, e con gli operatori privati del territorio. Questa sinergia forte è alla base dei risultati che stiamo presentando oggi. Senza questo lavoro di squadra non ci saremmo riusciti. A ottobre, come a settembre, puntiamo molto sui quartieri per riscoprire il senso di comunità, e far ripartire dal basso la voglia di partecipazione e dello stare insieme nelle piazze. Infatti, per esempio, nei dieci piccoli concerti che stiamo portando nei quartieri, chiediamo alle persone di portarsi una sedia da casa, come si faceva una volta. Quest'anno, su input sempre dei residenti, abbiamo innescato un nuovo festival di quartiere, We love Parco Tafuro, e l'obiettivo resta quello di avere un festival in ogni quartiere. Coinvolgere i residenti è fondamentale così come i cittadini temporanei». «Dall'importante programmazione che presentiamo oggi – dichiara Luca Scandale, direttore generale di Pugliapromozione – emerge come, dalla nostra collaborazione con il Comune di Lecce e il Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, si arrivi ad un'attività coerente con il prolungamento della stagione turistica. Fra i mesi significativi c'è quello di ottobre e SEMI di Cultura Italia, risponde a questa necessità di continuare ad offrire occasioni di intrattenimento culturale. In particolare, il turismo straniero sceglie percorsi di vacanza in altri periodi dell'anno oltre a quello estivo. Siamo impegnati in varie iniziative a Lecce, come nel resto della Puglia, proprio per continuare ad attrarre il turismo internazionale». «Lecceinscena rappresenta una straordinaria occasione per valorizzare Lecce fuori dalla stagione estiva – il commento di Paolo Ponzio, presidente Teatro Pubblico Pugliese – il cartellone infatti punta ad offrire spettacoli, concerti ed iniziative di grande richiamo in grado di richiamare pubblico extra territoriale. Ancora una volta Regione Puglia, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese e Puglia Promozione lavorano insieme per realizzare progetti che valorizzano e promuovono il territorio attraverso la cultura». «Lecce è una punta di diamante dell'offerta turistico-culturale della Puglia – conclude Aldo Patruno, direttore generale del Dipartimento Turismo, Economia della Cultura e Valorizzazione del Territorio di Regione Puglia – e in questo momento sta interpretando al meglio la fase 2 della strategia politica culturale e turistica della Puglia, nella quale è fondamentale lavorare sulla qualificazione e diversificazione dell'offerta per destagionalizzare e internazionalizzare». Nei quartieri: fra conferme e nuove esperienze Dopo il successo di Eppoi Festival che si è tenuto nel quartiere San Pio, dal 15 al 17 settembre, torna "A Vele Spiegate", il festival della musica e delle arti promosso da varie realtà del quartiere Stadio in programma alla Trax Road il 7 e l'8 ottobre, facendo dialogare le espressioni artistiche locali con quelle di altri paesi europei sul terreno di rap, trap e hip hop: dopo la Francia, quest'anno il paese protagonista dello scambio culturale sarà l'Albania. Novità di quest'anno è "We love Parco Tafuro", nel quartiere Rudiae-Ferrovia, un'iniziativa di comunità promossa dall'omonimo comitato con l'associazione OpenArtLab ETS, che ne fa parte, e che coniuga l'intrattenimento e la rigenerazione urbana. Partita il 22 settembre, proseguirà il 7, 8 e 15 ottobre con una serie di iniziative per i bambini, e culminerà, nell'ultima giornata, con una biciclettata e la pulizia del parco. Altra novità che interessa in questo caso più quartieri cittadini è la rassegna "Impressioni di settembre...ma anche un po' di ottobre", dieci piccoli concerti in collaborazione con TTEvents dedicati ai cantautori, nei quali sarà proposto un viaggio nella musica leggera italiana e internazionale, ma anche locale con uno speciale omaggio al cantautore popolare Pino Zimba. Protagonisti di questi tributi a cantanti e cantautori saranno alcuni dei musicisti ed interpreti più noti del panorama musicale salentino che si esibiranno, ognuno in una piazza o piazzetta diversa, per i prossimi tre fine settimana a partire dal 29 settembre fino al 15 ottobre (qui il programma completo: https://bit.ly/impressioni-settembre-ottobre). Ultima novità fra quelle diffuse nei quartieri è "Magia al Parco" con lo spettacolo di magia del Mago Yuri che farà la felicità dei più piccoli nei parchi cittadini per tre domeniche di ottobre (l'8, il 15 e il 22). Nello specifico, al Parco dei Bambini, al Parco Borgo San Nicola, nei pressi della Torre, e al Parco Baden Powell. In centro: festival, musica, poesia e teatro Continua con gli ultimi quattro appuntamenti (5, 7, 12 e 13 ottobre) nel giardino dell'ex Conservatorio Sant'Anna la rassegna organizzata dal Fondo Verri "Qui se mai verrai...Il Salento dei poeti", dedicata alla contemporaneità della ricerca poetica nel Salento e in Puglia. Il complesso degli Agostiniani e la biblioteca OgniBene con Biblioteca Bernardini, Officine Cantelmo, Officine Culturali Ergot e Liberrima sono i luoghi che ospiteranno, dal 12 al 15 ottobre, la decima edizione di "Conversazioni sul futuro", organizzato dall'associazione Diffondiamo idee di valore, con un ricco programma che coinvolgerà circa 150 speaker nazionali e internazionali per parlare di ambiente, attivismo, clima, comunicazione, design, diritti, economia, esteri, giornalismo, fotografia, fumetto, lingua, musica, satira, storia e molti altri temi di attualità (programma completo sul sito www.conversazionisulfuturo.it). Improvviva, la rassegna teatrale di improvvisazione promossa da Improvvisart che coinvolge e fa divertire il pubblico, torna con due appuntamenti ospitati agli Agostiniani (28 settembre) e al Teatro Koreja (13 ottobre) e prosegue poi fino a dicembre al Teatro Asfalto e al Paisiello, mentre, sempre rimanendo in tema teatro, non può mancare l'appuntamento annuale con il Barbonaggio teatrale, il raduno degli artisti-barboni guidati da Ippolito Chiarello e Nasca Teatri, in programma il 14 ottobre, fra piazza Sant'Oronzo e le vie limitrofe. Saranno le tre porte della città, Porta Rudiae, Porta Napoli e Porta San Biagio, a fare da scenografia al nuovo format, ideato da Lobello Records con il Comune di Lecce, "Lecce V: vini, vintage e vinili", che prevede, il 14 ottobre dalle 18, degustazione di vini, musica, stand di vinili e vintage, cabinati arcade vintage per fare un tuffo nella sala giochi degli anni '80/90.Ognuna delle tre porte avrà anche il suo intrattenimento musicale con dj set ed esibizioni di ballo. Infine, con data ancora in via di definizione, il mese si concluderà con "Lecce suona", un'iniziativa musicale che coinvolgerà tutto il centro storico dalle 18 a mezzanotte in collaborazione con associazioni di categoria e attività commerciali. Dieci pedane ospiteranno altrettanti spettacoli a libera fruizione. Frigole in festa con la Patata Zuccherina Il 14 e il 15 ottobre il Borgo di Frigole ospiterà la "Mostra della Patata zuccherina di Frigole", organizzata dalla cooperativa di comunità "Terra e Mare" con l'associazione dei produttori della patata zuccherina e l'Ecomuseo delle bonifiche di Frigole ed il coinvolgimento degli chef della città e degli alunni del Presta-Columella. TRUE Events – 1-4 ottobre Dall'1 al 4 ottobre si terrà a Lecce,la seconda edizione di TRUE Puglia, una full immersion di tre giorni esclusivamente su invito, che dà spazio ai rappresentanti dei migliori boutique hotel, resort e Dmc della Puglia e del Sud Italia. Il meglio dell'ospitalità made in Puglia incontrerà più di 50 buyer internazionali provenienti da Stati Uniti, Canada, Australia e India per promuovere il territorio e creare business, grazie ad un ricco palinsesto di eventi coinvolgenti riservati ad un ristretto numero di partecipanti. Partecipare a TRUE significa far parte di una comunità selezionata di professionisti ed esperti di viaggi con diversi background, divisi tra imprenditori dell'ospitalità e general manager, consulenti di viaggio, sales agents e importanti giornalisti, che condividono esperienze, strategie, idee e visione sul presente e il futuro del settore. S.E.M.I 2023 – Storie di Eccellenza, Merito e Innovazione – 6-8 ottobre La tre giorni organizzata dall'Associazione Cultura Italiae assegna il titolo di 'Presidio Culturale Italiano' alla città di Lecce, che lo scorso anno è stato appannaggio di Bergamo. Qui gli ospiti confermati e il programma: https://www.culturaitaliae.it/s-e-m-i-2023-lecce/. MANIBUS 14 ottobre-19 novembre Dopo il successo dell'edizione zero del 2022, il progetto "Manibus" si fa ancora più grande e diventa Premio Internazionale Manibus, sotto la guida del direttore artistico Nicola Miulli, l'appuntamento premierà le eccellenze dell'artigianato, nazionali e internazionali, e i grandi nomi legati alla valorizzazione della cultura e del "made in Italy". La cerimonia di Premiazione, prodotta dalla Nicola Miulli Creations cofinanziato da Regione Puglia e Agenzia Regionale del Turismo Pugliapromozione e con il contributo di Direzione Regionale Musei Puglia, si terrà il 14 ottobre 2023 alle ore 18.30 presso il Castello Carlo V di Lecce. Conclusa la serata di premiazione, dal 14 ottobre al 19 novembre 2023, il Castello ospiterà la grande collettiva "Volumi di carta". La mostra presenta opere tridimensionali in carta, realizzate da 4 artisti dal curriculum prestigioso – Caterina Crepax, Daniele Papuli, Perino&Vele, Anila Rubiku – i quali usano questo materiale in maniera originale e affascinante. Le loro opere attestano l'indubbia capacità di un materiale, nato circa 2000 anni fa in Cina, di essere duttile, efficace e raffinato medium artistico. Bosco di Lecce di Yuval Avital Bosco di Lecce di Yuval Avital, promossa dal Comune di Lecce - Assessorato alla Cultura, MUST – Museo Storico della città di Lecce e sostenuta e finanziata da Regione Puglia, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, Polo Biblio-Museale di Lecce e concepita in collaborazione con Fondazione Biscozzi | Rimbaud, è un complesso progetto di arte relazionale che mette in dialogo l'artista e la città in un processo di creazione collettiva, di performance, riti d'arte, composizioni materiche e co-creazioni realizzate insieme alla cittadinanza, trasformando idealmente gli abitanti di Lecce in alberi e la città in un bosco umano. Il risultato artistico si concretizzerà in una serie inedita di opere audiovisive delle performance realizzate con la cittadinanza (minimo 5 opere video-art e una serie fotografica di minimo 50 opere) che saranno presentate negli spazi del MUST, Museo della città di Lecce, così come in ambiti museali nazionali ed internazionali.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 10.9
768 – Carloman I and Charlemagne are crowned kings of the Franks. 1238 – James I of Aragon founds the Kingdom of Valencia. 1410 – The first known mention of the Prague astronomical clock. 1446 – The Hangul alphabet is published in Korea. 1594 – Troops of the Portuguese Empire are defeated on Sri Lanka, bringing an end to the Campaign of Danture. 1604 – Kepler's Supernova is the most recent supernova to be observed within the Milky Way. 1635 – Roger Williams is banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony after religious and policy disagreements. 1701 – The Collegiate School of Connecticut (later renamed Yale University) is chartered in Old Saybrook. 1708 – Peter the Great defeats the Swedes at the Battle of Lesnaya. 1740 – Dutch colonists and Javanese natives begin a massacre of the ethnic Chinese population in Batavia, eventually killing at least 10,000. 1760 – Seven Years' War: Russian and Austrian troops briefly occupy Berlin. 1790 – A severe earthquake in northern Algeria causes severe damage and a tsunami in the Mediterranean Sea and kills three thousand. 1799 – HMS Lutine sinks with the loss of 240 men and a cargo worth £1,200,000. 1804 – Hobart, capital of Tasmania, is founded. 1806 – Prussia begins the War of the Fourth Coalition against France. 1812 – War of 1812: In a naval engagement on Lake Erie, American forces capture two British ships: HMS Detroit and HMS Caledonia. 1820 – Guayaquil declares independence from Spain. 1825 – Restauration arrives in New York Harbor from Norway, the first organized immigration from Norway to the United States. 1831 – Ioannis Kapodistrias, the first head of state of the Kingdom of Greece, is assassinated. 1834 – Opening of the Dublin and Kingstown Railway, the first public railway on the island of Ireland. 1847 – Slavery is abolished in the Swedish colony of Saint Barthélemy. 1854 – Crimean War: The siege of Sevastopol begins. 1861 – American Civil War: Union troops repel a Confederate attempt to capture Fort Pickens at the Battle of Santa Rosa Island. 1864 – American Civil War: Union cavalrymen defeat Confederate forces at Toms Brook, Virginia. 1873 – A meeting at the U.S. Naval Academy establishes the U.S. Naval Institute. 1874 – The Universal Postal Union is created by the Treaty of Bern. 1900 – The Cook Islands become a territory of the United Kingdom. 1911 – An accidental bomb explosion triggers the Wuchang Uprising against the Qing dynasty, beginning the Xinhai Revolution. 1913 – The steamship SS Volturno catches fire in the mid-Atlantic. 1914 – World War I: The Siege of Antwerp comes to an end. 1918 – The Finnish Parliament offers to Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse the throne of a short-lived Kingdom of Finland. 1919 – The Cincinnati Reds win the World Series, resulting in the Black Sox Scandal. 1934 – An Ustashe assassin kills King Alexander I of Yugoslavia and Louis Barthou, Foreign Minister of France, in Marseille. 1936 – Boulder Dam (later Hoover Dam) begins to generate electricity and transmit it to Los Angeles. 1937 – Murder of 9 Catholic priests in Zhengding, China, who protected the local population from the advancing Japanese army. 1941 – A coup in Panama declares Ricardo Adolfo de la Guardia Arango the new president. 1942 – Australia's Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 receives royal assent. 1950 – The Goyang Geumjeong Cave massacre in Korea begins. 1962 – Uganda becomes an independent Commonwealth realm. 1963 – In Italy, a large landslide causes a giant wave to overtop the Vajont Dam, killing over 2,000. 1966 – Vietnam War: the Republic of Korea Army commits the Binh Tai Massacre. 1967 – A day after his capture, Ernesto "Che" Guevara is executed for attempting to incite a revolution in Bolivia. 1969 – In Chicago, the National Guard is called in as demonstrations continue over the trial of the "Chicago Eight". 1970 – The Khmer Republic is proclaimed in Cambodia. 1980 – Pope John Paul II greets the Dalai Lama during a private audience in Vatican City. 1981 – President François Mitterrand abolishes capital punishment in France. 1983 – South Korean President Chun Doo-hwan survives an assassination attempt in Rangoon, Burma (present-day Yangon, Myanmar), but the blast kills 21 and injures 17 others. 1984 – The popular children's television show Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends, based on The Railway Series by the Reverend Wilbert Awdry, premieres on ITV. 1986 – The Phantom of the Opera, eventually the second longest running musical in London, opens at Her Majesty's Theatre. 1986 – Fox Broadcasting Company (FBC) launches as the "fourth" US television network. 1992 – The Peekskill meteorite, a 27.7 pounds (12.6 kg) meteorite crashed into a parked car in Peekskill, New York 1995 – An Amtrak Sunset Limited train is derailed by saboteurs near Palo Verde, Arizona. 2006 – North Korea conducts its first nuclear test. 2007 – The Dow Jones Industrial Average reaches its all-time high of 14,164 points before rapidly declining due to the 2007-2008 financial crises. 2009 – First lunar impact of NASA's Lunar Precursor Robotic Program. 2012 – Pakistani Taliban attempt to assassinate outspoken schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai. 2016 – The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army launches its first attack on Myanmar security forces along the Bangladesh–Myanmar border. 2019 – Turkey begins its military offensive in north-eastern Syria.
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rgr-pop · 5 years
I need an ENTIRE afternoon wall of noise. 4/3 music library on shuffle until I hit a killdozer song.
the thermals - “god and country” reset - "double cross" nirvana - "polly" (1986-88 home recording) nirvana - "radio friendly unit shifter" (2013 mix) peterbuilt - "sateliteyes" the dickies - "got it at the store" apocalypse hoboken - "box of pills" fiona apple - "slow like honey" tex & the horseheads - "big boss man" everclear - "the drama king" anti-flag - "america got it right" neil young - "tonight's the night, pt. ii" everclear - "brown-eyed girl" noooooooooo oh my god no please millencolin - “israelites" listen you know that i'm p tolerant when it comes to this subject but why specifically did you boys do this. specifically you useless id - "note" never accuse me of pop punk nationalism again! that's three of global pop punk the selecter - "selling out your future" built to spill - "some things last a long time" holidays - "proof" let's wrestle - "bad mammaries" radhos - "one breath" ween - "boing" bracket - "g-vibe" local h - "'cha!' said the kitty" sublime - "40oz to freedom" failure - "saturday saviour" blink-182 - "don't leave me" (tmtts live take) why did they make this live album, they were so bad live shrimp boat - "melon song" interpol - "not even jail" the ataris - "angry nerd rock" 50 million - "superhero" skankin pickle - "violent love" the breeders - "put on a side" all - "honey peeps" the commandos (suicide commandos) - "weekend warrior" suicide machines - "friends are hard to find" the eclectics - "laura" good ska block! love this band pansy division - "jack u off" rocket from the tombs - "ain't it fun" dynamite boy - "devoted" young pioneers - "downtown tragedy" the breeders - "so sad about us" fenix tx - "jean claude trans am" fuck i love this song nofx - "bob" hickey - "happily ever after" bob dylan - "tangled up in blue" (bootlegs vol. 2) gas huffer - "king of hubcaps" tullycraft - "crush this town" atom and his package - "goalie" faith no more - "the real thing" carly rae jepsen - "tell me" bis - "listen up" one direction - "still the one" mtx - "she's no rocket scientist" eugene chadbourne - "roger miller medley" grouvie ghoulies - "carly simon" white town - "thursday at the blue note" gas huffer - "moon mission" rx bandits - "sleepy tyme" everclear - "rocket for the girl" failure - "kindred" blood on the saddle - "johnny's at the fair" the distillers - "red carpet and rebellion" cruiserweight - "dearest drew" stp - "plush" everclear - "wonderful" (live, from the closure ep) (don't hate it) new found glory - "sonny" everclear - "otis redding" (impure white evil demo) (BEST song) stp - "adhesive" incubus - "have you ever" cub - "tell me now" everclear - "short blonde hair" i simply do not hate it letters to cleo - "happy ever after" amazing transparent man - “the ocean is a fuck of a long way to swim” nerf herder - “(stand by your) manatee” kitty kitty - “ab tokeless” osker - “the mistakes you made” perfume genius - “hood” radhos - “shut up & deal” (welcome to the jungle take) osker - “the body”  gas huffer - “the sin of sloth” the fall - “bombast” excuse 17 - “code red” mad season - “lifeless dead” unwritten law - “differences” hanson - “two tears” the eyeliners - “anywhere but here” moby grape - “lazy me” brian wilson - “wonderful” 88 fingers louie - “something i don’t know” sicko - “wisdom tooth weekend” the replacements - “love you till friday” suicide machines - “green world” midtown - “another boy” hickey - “cool kids attacked by flying monkeys” the roman invasion suite - “carnations” the beat - “tears of a clown” local h - “24 hour break up session” okay i’m awake i want to end this now toots & the maytals - “funky kingston” local h - “strict-9″ his name is alive - “her eyes were huge things” nirvana - “frances farmer will have her revenge on seattle” slapstick - “almost punk enough” urge overkill - “bionic revolution” janet jackson - “you want this” piebald - “long nights” small brown bike - “now i’m a shadow” the story so far - “left unsaid” crj - “more than a memory” tracy + the plastics - “my friends end parties” liz phair - “6′1″“ fastbacks - “555, pt. 1″ this mix is feminist now swindle - “one track” shockabilly - “burma shave” temple of the dog - “say hello to heaven” amazing transparent man - “shove” cool soul asylum cover from dekalb illinois :)) the vindictives “eating me alive” midwests only!! the judys - “radiation squirm” gulfs only!! frogpond - “sleep” flipp - “rock-n-roll star” throwing muses - “red shoes” everclear - “santa monica” throwing muses on summerland??? mekons - “atone & forsaken” holidays - “take me home country roads” this is a good tone to lead up to killdozer... true believers - “all mixed up again” prince - “adore” beulah - “queen of the populists” eveclear - “rocky mountain high” (99x live acoustic--I don’t have a date for this actually) of montreal - “dustin hoffman thinks about eating the soap” heatmiser - “stray” rickie lee jones - “woody and dutch on the slow train to peking” tar - “viaduct removal” common rider - “carry on” the frogs - “u bastards” mudhoney - “this gift” hammerbox - “outside” fuck my mom would have loved this song if it had gotten the airplay it deserved in 1993... hammerbox on summerland!!!! letters to cleo - “little rosa” kay hanley on summerland!! nine pound hammer “wrongside of the road” hanson - “with you in your dreams” (3cg demo) hamson on summerland!!! fastbacks - “555, pt. 1″ again... fastbacks on summerland!!! face to face - “sensible” soul asylum - “happy” soul asylum on summerland!!!! television - “see no evil” pinq - “careful not to mention the obvious” the dickies - “nights in white satin” tar - “mel’s” truly - “chlorine” babes in toyland - “deep song” hole - “berry” hellbender - “half driven” hammerhead  - “new york? ...alone?” everclear - “malevolent” guzzard - “last”  archers of loaf - “tatyana” hum - “stars” hum on summerland die kreuzen - “don’t say please” this is not fair joanna newsom - “sadie” down by law - “peace, love and understanding” nirvana - “aneurysm” (1990 demo) hovercraft - “endoradiosonde” modest mouse - “cowboy dan” rage against the machine - “born of a broken man” skatalites - “scandal ska” pylon - “driving school” the vindictives - “babysitter” jimmy eat world - “ten” the get up kids - “lowercase west thomas” oh we’re doing this now? hot rod circuit - “knees” fine triple fast action - “the rescue” FINE  full disclosure i do skip emo diaries tracks at my discretion the amps - “bragging party” everclear - “am radio” this is not fair mxpx - “middlename” MXPX ON SUMMERLAND chokebore - “your let down” bob dylan - “you’re a big girl now” helmet - “primitive” pond - “filterless” blink-182 - “all the small things” local h - “ralph” tar - “over and out” pearl jam - “black” the gits - “sniveling little rat faced git” local h - “eddie vedder” >:) tar - “flow plow” i always misremember this as a subpop single so i’m like “i’m not amphetamine reptile biased?” but it was an a/r release, lol. brad wood produced it. lake michigan as hell  unicorns - “jellybones” this song makes me sad ever since i didn’t get to adopt the jellybones cat oblivion - “clark” desmond dekker - “jeserene” veruca salt - “one last time” veruca salt on summerland!!!! dead moon - “dead moon night” extremely dead moon on summerland fishbone - “i like to hide behind my glasses” dead moon - “on my own” paw - “sleeping bag” tar - “goethe” doc dart - “casket with flowers” smashing pumpkins - “zero” i don’t want billy corgan on summerland and i am sorry for that kicking giant - “&” kicking giant on summerland lmao shockabilly - “pile up all architecture” ween - “sorry charlie” sublime - “april 29, 1992 (miami)” heatmiser - “blackout” the clash - “pressure drop” hellbender - “pissant’s retrospective” the queers - “i won’t be” the vindictives - “circles” the beat farmers - “selfish heart” screaming trees - “end of the universe” 7 year bitch - “second hand” bourgeois filth - “above” nirvana - “scoff” the breeders - “cannonball” saturday looks good to me - “save my life” cara beth satalino - “good ones” communique - “dagger version” soul asylum - “sometime to return” sublime - “jailhouse” tullycraft - “twee” nuns - “wild” beyonce - “countdown” the replacements - “sixteen blue” living colour - “what’s your favorite color” britney - “why should i be sad” mdc - “church and state” alice in chains - “junkhead” rage against the machine - “mic check” everclear - “nervous and weird” soundgarden - “fresh tendrils” helmet - “army of me” the gits - “it all dies anyway” pansy division - “smells like queer spirit” mtx - “i’d do anything for you” 5 year sentence - “just a punk” pennywise - “nothing” mudhoney - “thirteenth floor opening” yesterday’s kids - “eighteen” mxpx - “punk rawk show” small brown bike - “zerosum” incubus - “trouble in 421″ hanson - “speechless” incubus - “circles” dead moon - “my time has come” (!!!!) first of all is this killdozer blink-182 - “here’s your letter” everclear - “electra made me blind” (nervous & weird take) saves the day - “through being cool” groovie ghoulies - “don’t go out into the rain (you’re gonna melt)” babes in toyland - “never” husker du - “target” guzzard - “biro” fairweather - “next day flight” mcr - “house of wolves” broadcast - “until then” liz phair - “never said” the dicks - “rich daddy” quasi - “the iron worm” mustard plug - “not again” janitor joe - “boyfriend” snapcase - “new academy” neil young - “someday” blindsided - “spaceman” placebo - “without you i’m nothing” the creeps - “lakeside cabin” solomon grundy - “time is not your own” the clash - “the card cheat” silversun pickups - “common reactor” lagwagon - “leave the light on” denali - “where i landed” system of a down - “highway song” sprinkler - “personality doll” the vindictives - “structure and function” unplugged” the queers - “ursula finally has tits” we’re entering no repeats territory  buffalo springfield - “expecting to fly” hit squad - “pictures of matchstick men” cows - “almost a god” hop along - “young and happy” pixies - “i’ve been tired” the fall - “spoilt victorian child” camper van chadbourne - “knock on the door” queens of the stone age - “tension head” choking victim - “war story” cool that we have gotten to drop by the greatest song ever recorded :) guttermount - “happy loving couples” audio karate - “nintendo 89″ tad - “pork chop” the kelley deal 6000 - “where did the home team go” colorfinger - “hateful” :} man or astroman - “evil plans of planet spectra” pere ubu - “arabian nights” accepting repeats for  new found glory - “my friends over you” cool moving on american steel - “optimist” tom petty & the heartbreakers - “even the losers” meat puppets - “another moon” black cat music - “wine in a box” wallside - “ready” crucifucks - “pig in a blanket” the bananas - “my charmed life”
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phoenix1966sbottom · 6 years
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Stories where Jared (and a few Sam Wesson AUs) is a ghost or around them. I’m sticking to Jared (and AU Sam), since Sam Winchester is often around them. Given the nature of the rec, please be aware there are death fics in this lot. As always, heed the warnings where the stories are posted!
Shadow of Doubt by saucyminx on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Jared sees spirits. It's something that he's learned to live with in a rather dysfunctional way - that is - until the next spirit to visit him is one he knows. Detective Ackles might be the one person who can help him. (no penetrative sex)
A Cottage With A Sea View by Tempestquill on LiveJournal. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  In 1993 Jared Padalecki inherits a cottage with a sea view on Santa Rosa Island, just off of the California coastline. 2008, jaded actor Jensen Ackles buys a beach house on a small island off of the California coastline from his therapist to escape the frenzy that his life has become after a recent scandal. See how the lives of these two men collide...
The Darkest Things I’ve Seen by anyothergirl415 on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Jared sees ghosts and has a hard time coping.
A Ghost in Your Garden by dimeliora on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  A very loosely based AU of Season One of American Horror Story, Romcom style. Jensen has suffered an accident, and moves into a new home as a form of occupational and geographical therapy. He's surprised on arrival to find that his house is haunted and that his relationship is more damaged than he imagined. Luckily his new neighbor Jared is there to help him deal with the mysteries of his new home, and pick up the pieces of his broken life
Giving Up the Ghost by dimpleforyourthoughts on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Since his parents’ divorce, Jensen Ackles has just about given up on the living. Moving from town to town with his Mom and Sister, his only solace has been found in music, and ignoring pretty much everything else. The latest move to a massive plantation home in Louisiana feels like a dream come true: he'll have all the space and privacy he's ever wanted. But there's something--someone--else living in the house. And they're absolutely bent on making Jensen's peace and quiet a living hell. Jensen's just a moody teenager who wants to be left alone. And Jared is the lonely ghost that haunts his bedroom. Determined to get rid of the pesky poltergeist, Jensen makes it his mission to get Jared to move on from this earth. But the more time they spend searching for Jared's way to cross over, the more Jensen is discovering that Jared might be one of the few people on this earth--living and dead--that he might want to keep around.
Soundproof Box by orphan_account on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  After Jared's mother dies, he buys an old, old house far away from his childhood home. Alone and introverted, always thought to be too weird, the ghost living in the house is Jared's only company. Jared doesn't exactly mind -- turns out Jensen is just as weird, if not weirder. Oh, Jared likes him.
The Crying Boy by etoile_etoilee on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Jensen Ackles' journalist career has hit an all-time low. He's ready to jump on whatever story that could make an interesting article. Come along student-journalist Jared Padalecki, who might have found a legitimate haunted house. (no penetrative sex)
Breaking Free by MorganaDW on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Jensen Ackles is a psychologist who breaks free of his old life to hunt ghosts in a small New England town. When he finds out that his new home is actually haunted by the cursed spirit of a young Puritan man he becomes determined to help free him from the torment and pain that has kept him trapped.Jared Padalecki has long since given up hope of ever being freed from the curse that’s held him prisoner for over 300 years. He lives in fear of the old evil that originally cursed and abused him and knows there’s no hope or freedom for him.When Jensen’s arrival starts an unexpected chain of events that brings hope back to Jared, he also begins to learn more about himself and the lies and guilt he was told three centuries earlier that makes him long for a life that he was never allowed to have.As the pair struggle to break the curse they will soon discover that it’s not only the power of the evil witch that still seeks to hold Jared captive they’ll have to face and overcome but feelings that Jensen wasn’t expecting and Jared doesn’t fully understand.
Ghost Sex by Anon on Spn-blindfold. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. From the prompt:  Jensen is a spirit haunting Jared. Every night Jensen fucks Jared to exhaustion, but the sex is the best that Jared has ever had. The longer that it goes on the more isolated that Jared becomes - Jared doesn't want to leave Jensen and Jensen doesn't like Jared away from him. Jared's friends don't know how to save him.
High Spirits by Blueeyedliz on LiveJournal. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Jensen is engaged to Danneel but when they take a weekend break together at an old - supposedly haunted - hotel in Texas, Jensen meets someone who turns his life upside down and steals his heart.  This story is a J2 retelling of the 1988 film ‘High Spirits’.  
The Lengths I Would Go To by insertcode11. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. The author deleted her journal but allows her work to be shared. Jared runs a matchmaking business and Jensen is looking for a date. 
In My Thoughts… by spn_j2fan on A03. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Jensen just wanted to be a father and a husband. He never pictured himself a serial killer. (warning: Implied but not described that Jared tops once)
First Days Gone by insertcode11. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Jared and Jensen are soldiers in WW1. The author has deleted their work but allows sharing. The story is one of many in the file. I have said it before and I’ll say it again…run, don’t walk to download this author’s work. It is amazing and almost all bottom!Sam/Jared!
Because Ghosts by indiachick on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Jared's had a terrible summer, what with all the hereditary insanity, possible hauntings, and Jensen.
Haunted Houses are Love by tigbit on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Jared moves into a haunted house. He takes it in stride. (no penetrative sex)
Don’t Even Fix a Price by cleflink on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Heroes sure have changed since Jensen became the ferryman of the dead.  (no penetrative sex)
Paranormal 101 by dugindeep on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  There are currently 19 paranormal TV shows broadcast across the world, and the Paranormal National Investigators of the Supernatural are no different. Led by Jensen Ackles, the show is a staple on the Travel Channel and of Jared’s TV (and masturbatory) habits. When there’s an opening in the crew, Jared jumps for the chance to join his ghost-hunting heroes. It’s not an easy transition into the cocky gang of paranormal experts, but Jared manages to find his way, and prove what he’s believed all along: ghosts are real. (no penetrative sex. Warning: Jared rims Jensen)
The Lost by Phoenix1966 (me) on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Big screen star Jensen Ackles was on his way to Brazil to continue filming his latest project. He was glad to lose himself in the role and bury the pain of his broken heart by slipping on a stranger’s skin. Because of his manager’s twisted attempt to help, he found himself on a private jet with a high-class rent boy. Before he could figure out what to do with that, a bolt of lightning sent them tumbling into the rainforest.With them believing there were no other survivors, Jensen has to figure how to get them back to civilization. It was a good thing he was as strong and capable as the leading men he portrayed on screen, because how much help could an expensive hooker really be in the middle of the Amazon?
Cheyenne by Magser on mediafire. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  An actor looking to hide, a quaint cabin by a beautiful lake and an old ghost story... (no penetrative sex)
Here Burns a Candle Out by erushi on LiveJournal. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  WWI steampunk AU. Aeronaut and part-time spy Jensen Ackles has every intention of leaving the spy service after his last job in Europe during the Great War ends poorly. Instead, he finds himself sent to a resort outside the city to recuperate, where he meets Jared, an eccentric ghost hunter who is determined to unlock the secrets of a nearby haunted house. Unfortunately for Jensen, things at the resort aren't quite what they seem, and when matters take a sinister turn, Jensen discovers just how impossible it is for anyone to truly ever leave the world of espionage. (no penetrative sex, but Jared seems the more forward/dominant of the pair)
Heaven’s Just A Sin Away by jeyhawk on LiveJournal. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Jared is a medium and Jensen a ghost...and the sequel And Her Lips Were Cherry Red. After separating from his lover of five years, psychic Jared Padalecki finds himself at loss for what to do, but a plea from help from the FBI turns his life around and soon Jared and his estranged lover find themselves knee-deep in mystery, murders and ghosts with a very real threat towards their lives hanging over their heads. Can they unravel the truth before it's too late, or will their separation turn out to be of the terminal kind? (warning: although there is no penetrative sex onscreen, it is heavily implied they switch.)
Stigmata by Jenshih_Blue on A03. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Jared Padalecki is a tattoo artist in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania living a carefree party life until a twist of fate makes him a messenger of God-a God he wants no part of nor believes in either. Father Jensen Ackles is a priest and a scientist, who after years of disproving miracles across the world is jaded. When their worlds clash, they find themselves faced with a truth that will either destroy them or unite them in a way neither expected.
Song of the Reaper by Jenshih_Blue on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Private detective Jensen Ackles is a cynic and believes he's seen the worst humanity has to offer until one night a dark haired beauty by the name of Genevieve walks into his office. The job, discover the truth behind the death of her fiancé Jared Padalecki, a local artist. The cops have labeled it a suicide, case closed, but she refuses to believe it. As Jensen digs into her fiancés mysterious past, he finds himself drawn into a world darker than he imagined, a world leading to a path of emotional self-destruction. After all—how can you fall in love with a dead man? (warning: although bottom!Jared onscreen, Jensen thinks about bottoming)
Haven’t Met You Yet by sandymg on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  After an unsettling break-up with his lover, well-known horror writer Jared Padalecki has settled into the quiet and privacy of his new home. Except he's developing an obsession about the visitor in his garden who feels like someone Jared has been waiting for his whole life. Trouble is, the man he wants to meet lives in a world where Jared hasn't even been born. (no penetrative sex, ambiguous who tops and bottoms)
Wincest AU
Crimson Peak by TwoBoys2Love on Ao3. Sam/Dean. Wincest AU.  In the aftermath of a series of family tragedies, Sam Wesson finds himself swept off his feet by the debonair Baronet Dean Winchester. When he arrives at his new home he discovers a place with far too many memories and spirits. Things are not at all what they seem and Sam finds himself struggling to stay alive. Based on the Del Toro film: Crimson Peak.
Uninvited by TwoBoys2Love on Ao3. Sam/Dean. Wincest AU.  Sam buys a new house. All is going well until strange things begin to happen. This brings a strange man into his life and together they fight what is inhabiting Sam's home.
Can’t Take the Sky by saucyminx on Ao3. Sam/Dean. Unrelated wincest. Sam’s brought to yet another foster home but this time he finds a friend. Of course, he also finds an enemy and something other-worldy he wasn’t quite prepared to accept.
Love Make Monsters by riyku on Ao3. Sam/Dean. Wincest.  Sam’s sure of only two things in this world. A Crimson Peak Au.
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the-book-queen · 2 years
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Hide your wallets, it’s that time again! #TBQsBookDeals
Your Thursday thread of #romancedeals is ready, FREE to $0.99. Happy shopping! 📚❤
    FREE ✦ Married for Christmas by Noelle Adams
Friends to lovers. Marriage of convenience. Widower who wants to be a pastor (not an inspirational rom though!)
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3pk4J1i 
FREE ✦ Unexpected Gifts by Elena Aitken
A snowstorm and a booking mixup leaves her stranded with the hero for the holidays.
Note: Closed door scenes.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3Ifhe74 
FREE ✦ All I Want by Stella Starling
Elliott is a shy retail clerk. Ash is the heir to the prestigious department store, and as penance for a media scandal must be the store Santa.
Contemporary Romance (MM) | https://amzn.to/3DeEpKW 
$0.99 ✦ Rafe by Rebekah Weatherspoon
Doctor/single mom + the bearded and tattooed new nanny.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3ph32lg 
$0.99 ✦ To Tempt a Scandalous Lord by Liana De la Rosa
Widow who voices her critiques of politics + Marquess who is working on legislation to help his fellow Scots. After a wardrobe malfunction in public, they must wed.
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3xWAyBj 
 Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq 
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sweetiepie08 · 6 years
The Musician with Poison Tears (Chapter 2)
Miguel Rivera’s been fascinated by the story of the legendary ghost, the Musician with Poison Tears, since he was a kid. He’s always wanted to know the full story behind the weeping specter that haunts the train station with its invisible guitar. Now 18, the travels to Mexico City to try to observe the ghost from afar and get some clues about its origin. Who knows? He might even get a song out of it.
This story is based on the art and ghost!au created by @melcecilia14​. Go check out her artwork here, here, here, and here. It’s really awesome.
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8. Chapter 9. Chapter 10. Epilogue.
Miguel placed his song book in his suitcase, did a quick mental check to make sure he had everything, and closed the lid. He and his cousins Rosa and Abel were going to Mexico City for a week. They were staying with Miguel’s grandparents on his mother’s side to supposedly spend time together. Miguel, however, had an ulterior motive. He placed the suitcase on the floor and grabbed his guitar case next. He opened it up just to take one more peek at the instrument. He bought it when he was fifteen with his own money. He needed a new one after Abuelita found and subsequently smashed the one crafted himself. He saved up shoeshine money and birthday gifts for 3 years. It wasn’t the flashiest or most expensive guitar, but he loved it because it was his. He managed to keep this one hidden better, but it was eventually found. At least Abuelita didn’t smash it. She respected the work and savings he put into earning it too much. Instead, she demanded he sell it. He never did. He took it to a friend’s house, asked that he keep it until the heat died down, then snuck it back in. It wasn’t until a week ago that he revealed he still had it.
He was 18 now, and a fresh graduate from preparatoria. The day after his graduation, he announced that, not only was he accepted into the Conservatorio Nacional de Musica, but he was also the recipient of the Ernesto de la Cruz Memorial Scholarship given out by the de la Cruz estate to one talented aspiring musician every year. He’d expected a fight, in fact he prepared for a fight. He even made notecards for himself so that he could rehearse every logical argument he had about why they should support his musical dream. Of course it snowballed into a knock-down-drag-out the likes of which the Rivera household hadn’t seen since 1932 when Mama Coco was caught dancing in the Plaza with a strange boy. Said strange boy eventually grew up to be her husband, but that was beside the point.
It was a battle of the generations. Miguel vs Abuelita, Papa Franco, and his parents. His aunts and uncle didn’t say much, but it was obvious by their disapproving stares whose side they were on. Rosa and Abel both tried to back Miguel up. Abel argued that Miguel was exceptionally talented and should be encouraged. Rosa argued that being a musician didn’t necessarily mean abandoning your family. She then rattled off a list of famous musicians who were close with their families and never had a single scandal. “Besides,” she added, “he sucks at making shoes anyway.” However, they backed off when it came to light that they aided in Miguel’s covert auditions.
Both learned about Miguel’s musical talent years earlier having separately come across him practicing in secret. Abel’s reaction basically amounted to “That’s so cool. Where did you learn to do that? What do you mean you taught yourself? Show me!” Rosa didn’t say anything, but gave him a withering stare. He was sure it was all over and avoided the rest of his family for most of the day. It wasn’t until he reluctantly sat down for dinner and received nothing but the usual “Why don’t you eat more? This is why you’re so skinny” chides from Abuelita that he realized he was not about to be killed. When he asked Rosa about it later, she admitted that, while she disapproved of him directly disobeying the familial laws, (God, why did she always have to talk like a lawyer?) she did respect the obvious hard work he put into his craft. Over the next few years, the two of them became the only members of his family he could play for and get feedback from. Finally, when Miguel told them he wanted to audition to study music, they concocted a plan. They told their family that they were going on a “cousins’ weekend,” borrowed the truck, and drove up to Mexico City. He managed to schedule his auditions for both the Conservatorio and the de la Cruz people in the same whirlwind weekend. When they got home, their family was non-the-wiser.
The fight boiled over when Abuelita threated to smash the guitar just like she had the last one. Miguel blocked her way and told her it wasn’t there. As a forethought, he hid it at a friend’s house again, so she couldn’t get at it if it got to that point. He refused to tell her where it was. Everyone became angrier with him and started shouting at the same time. He couldn’t remember what set him off, but he finally shouted back “Maybe great-great grandfather was right to leave!”
The family stopped all at once. Stunned silence suffocated the air. His mother couldn’t look at him. His father demanded he apologize immediately. Worst of all was Abuelita. The hurt in her face was clear. She couldn’t even muster the strength to take off her shoe. Miguel had never seen her like this. She only let out a defeated breath and walked out of the room. She hasn’t spoken to him since.  
Miguel shut the guitar case and set it down by the dresser. When he straightened up, he paused to look at the picture he kept on top. It was a photo of himself and Mama Coco taken on her 99th and final birthday. He crouched by her wheelchair, and showed off his dimple while Mama Coco beamed in her pink party hat. Right next to it, he kept the last gift he ever received from her. She died before she could give it to him. She passed away a week before his 13th birthday and they found the gift while they sorted through her things. It was a small rectangle carefully wrapped in red paper with a little yellow bow on top. A card displaying his name in her shaky handwriting proved it was his. He never opened it and he never planned to.  
“Mama Coco, I messed up real bad,” he admitted to the picture. “I know they don’t want me to be a musician but it’s my life. It’s what I’m good at. It’s what I love to do. Why can’t they just accept that?” Miguel sighed and rubbed his eyes. “Still, I shouldn’t have said that to Abuelita. I took it too far. I know, I know. I need to apologize, even if she disapproves.” But she could also stand to apologize to me.
Miguel picked up his bags and headed out the door. His parents stood in the hallway waiting for him. “All packed?” his mother asked, all the usual joy and nurturing gone from her voice. The tension still lingered from the fight the week before.  She pulled him into the most impersonal hug a mother could give, which is to say, not all that impersonal, but still had an underlying discomfort to it.
“You, uh, have a safe trip,” his father said, patting him on the back. “And try to talk to your Abuelita before you leave.”
Miguel nodded and shuffled down the hallway to the living room. He could hear Abuelita’s favorite telenovela on the tv. When he peaked his head in, he saw her watching with the same sour look on her face she wore all week. He set his bags down by the door, took a long, deep breath, and stepped in with all the ease and eagerness of a man about to face a firing squad. “Abuelita,” he called, as he tip-toed up to her chair.  “Abuelita, no one’s been telling me to eat all week. I think I got even skinnier…” She shifted her head just enough to give him the tiniest glance, then went back to her program. Miguel sighed and approached her. He knelt down beside her recliner the way a peasant knelt before his queen. “I’m leaving, Abuelita. I’ll be gone for a week. I just wanted to say goodbye.”
Her eyes slid in his direction, but she said nothing.
“I know you’re still mad about the whole musician thing, but it’ll be okay. I’ll be home all the time, you’ll see… except when class is in session, then I’ll be staying with Abuela Josephina and Abuelo Roberto. You know, Mama’s parents?” She gave him back a blank stare. “Come on, you know them. You kick Papa Roberto’s ass at poker every Christmas? They may not be in Santa Cecilia, but they’re still family.”
She gave him the slightest turn of her head.
Miguel let out a breath. He was all out of words for her. He knew what she wanted. She wanted him to throw out his guitar, forfeit his acceptance to the Conservatorio and the scholarship, and apologize for ever considering becoming a musician in the first place. Well, that wasn’t going to happen. He worked too hard for those things. Why couldn’t she at least respect the work he put in like Rosa had? Why couldn’t she just support him?
Still, he didn’t want to leave her on a bad note. Fortunately, he had another trick up his sleeve. “I know what’ll cheer you up,” he said, taking off his own boot. She looked over, apparently curious about what he was about to do next. Well, here goes nothing. One… two… On the mental count of thee, he smacked himself in the face with his own boot. As he looked up and rubbed his sore cheek, he saw Abuelita forcing her lips closed, defiantly holding back a snicker. “Careful Abuelita, you almost smiled there.” He hazarded a kiss on the cheek and got out unscathed. “I’ll be back in a week. I promise.” With that, he got up and headed out the door.
His next stop was the courtyard where his baby sister, Coco, was furiously at work with her crayons. He announced his presence by picking up a spare piece of paper and placing it on her head. She reached up when she felt the impromptu hat land on her head and turned to see her brother standing behind her. “Miguel!” she gasped, throwing herself onto her artwork. “Don’t look! It’s not ready!”
“Aw, Coco, are you making that for me?” he asked, leaning in to sneak a peek.
“I said don’t look!”
“Sorry.” He turned away and used his hand to shield his eyes. He waited patiently and listened to the sound of crayon scribbling against the paper until she announced that it was done. He turned back to see her proudly holding her crayon magnum opus. “It’s beautiful,” he said, taking it gingerly in his hands. “Another masterpiece. It belongs in the Lourve.”
“That’s you and that’s me,” she said, pointing at the two humanoid figures. The shorter one had her trademark pigtails and the taller one had his shaggy hair and soul patch. Her little finger moved up to a smiling yellow ball in the corner. “And the sun is happy because you’re home.” Her face suddenly fell and she sunk down on the bench. “You’re not leaving forever, are you?”
“Oh, Coco no.” He set aside his bags, placed the drawing back on the table, and scooped Coco onto his lap. “I’m just going on a trip with Rosa and Abel for a week. We’re staying with Mama Josephina and Papa Roberto. I’ll be back soon.”
“But I heard Abuelita arguing with Mama and Papa. They said…”
“Never mind what they said. There’s no reason I can’t be a musician and see you all the time. Plenty of other people do it.”
“But when you’re at music school, you won’t be here,” she sulked.
“No, but how about this?” He shifted Coco so that she could see his face better. “When I get my class schedule, you and I will pick out a time that we can have a FaceTime date. Would you like that?”
“I guess,” she mumbled as she flopped bonelessly against his chest. “It won’t be the same.”
“No, it won’t be exactly the same,” he conceded, “but you’ll still see me all the time, I promise.”
Coco hardened her face and, for a second there, looked just like Abuelita laying down the lay. “You’d better.”
“Anything you say.” He heard Abel firing up the truck and placed Coco back on the bench. “I’ve got to go now. Hug for the road?” He held out his arms and she flung herself into them. “I’ll be back soon, Coco. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
He set Coco down and headed out to Abel’s truck. Rosa was already in the passenger seat, so Miguel threw his suitcase in the truck bed and climbed in the back. “Still planning on writing that ghost song?” Abel asked, spotting the guitar case by Miguel’s side in the rearview.
“Yup,” he chirped, fastening his seatbelt.
“You’re really gonna spend a good chunk of this vacation ghost hunting in a train station?” Rosa rolled her eyes, but Miguel paid her no mind.
“Sure am.” He’d let it slip earlier that he wanted to visit Buenevista Station. People might think it’s crazy to go on a trip to a train station, but Miguel had his reasons. That train station housed the legendary Musician with Poison Tears. The spirit was Miguel’s life-long obsession, apart from Ernesto de la Cruz that is. He wanted to see it for himself. He felt a formless song churning in the back of his mind. He wanted to write it, needed to write it. There was something stuck in his brain and he needed to get it out.
Rosa sighed and shook her head. She never did get on board with the whole ghosts-existing belief. Abel gave one last wave goodbye to the family and pulled the truck away. No radio. Just because Miguel openly defied the music ban didn’t meant anyone else was up to the task.
Miguel rolled down his window and let the wind blast him in the face. At least it was something other than silence. He felt a beat in him from the roll of the truck and he tapped it out on his guitar case. Now that they brought it up, he couldn’t stop thinking about the ghost at the station. Like all urban legends, very little was known about who the spirit was in life. But scraps of the story helped paint the picture. It played an invisible guitar, so it must have been a musician. It had poison tears, so most people assume it died by poison as well. It kept trying to board trains, so it was trying to go somewhere. And lastly, it poisoned child abusers, so it fiercely protected children. Who was this ghost? Why was he stuck there? And why was he so protective of children?
Miguel wanted to see the ghost up close. He wanted to get closer than anyone had before. Most of all, he hoped observing the ghost, what it looked like, where it went, how it acted, would give him some clues as to the ghost’s past. He thought, if he could learn just a little bit more about the ghost, he could finally get this nagging song out of his head.
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conjuringjustice · 2 months
Ms. Dot's Will
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studioneiro · 3 years
Pensando en ti
Pensando en ti by .{кαяα мια}. Via Flickr: Featuring: ∇ SCANDALIZE. LULU SET FATPACK ⤖ Wearing: LULU TOP Available at TRES CHIC February 17th to March 10th ∇ [JUSTICE] KAYLEE SKIRT - FATPACK Available at COSMOPOLITAN February 22th to March 6th ∇ ~ OMN ~ Loli Mask Available at the Mainstore For #SOKAWAIISUNDAYS February 28th ∇ :studiOneiro: Pulp BENTO Available at POSEVENT February 27th to March 19th ∇ Check under "About" Tab for a link to my blog for more information about the items in this photo. Song: ∇ Gilberto Santa Rosa - Pensando En Tí (Salsa Version (Cover Audio)) www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2hJkydJbFU .•∇•. тнanĸ yoυ all ғor yoυr ғaveѕ, coммenтѕ and awardѕ .•∇•.
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masterofd1saster · 4 years
CJ current events 5 Feb 20
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Pamela Carr, 69, was arrested Sunday at her Clearwater mobile home and charged with aggravated domestic battery, a Pinellas County Sheriff's Office report said.
Carr and her husband got into an argument Sunday morning after he told her he wanted to end their marriage of nine years, the report said. At some point, Carr pulled out a Taser and stunned her husband several times at close range, rather than shooting him with barbed darts, investigators said.
Deputies said Carr admitted to stunning her husband but claimed she acted in self-defense.
Carr was released from jail Monday on $1,000 and ordered to stay away from her husband. She'll be allowed one visit with a law enforcement escort to retrieve her belongings from the Serendipity mobile home community.***
https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/florida/fl-ne-domestic-battery-separation-request-20200205-blhzju24b5bjlclbhq32iwz2fa-story.html   Her husband is 73.  
Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office FL
February 3 at 4:12 PM
Santa Rosa K-9 Deputies recently assisted FHP on a traffic stop on I-10 where a large amount of narcotics were discovered. Note to self- do not traffic your illegal narcotics in bags labeled “Bag Full Of Drugs”. Our K-9’s can read.
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Father Jamie Forsythe has always felt his purpose was to be a priest. He pursued that calling even after he pleaded guilty in 1989 to a charge of attempting to take indecent liberties with a 15-year-old boy in Kansas, serving time in prison, and being laicized — officially removed from the priesthood — by the Catholic Archdiocese of Kansas City.
Forsythe, then in his 30s, was released from prison after less than four months of his one-to-five-year sentence, and eventually found work at Metropolitan Community Church of the Black Hills, a progressive Christian church in South Dakota that primarily serves LGBTQ worshippers.  [When they found out he was a pedo, who didn’t register, they fired him.  He found employment with a]
church system called The National Catholic Church of North America, but it is not affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church. Forsythe was hired as a priest there in 2005, according to the church. The alternative diocese is home to about 200 parishioners in seven parishes in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Washington, D.C.***
****The current LAPD scandal around gang identification began early last year when a Van Nuys mother complained that her teenage son had erroneously been added to CalGang after a field interview with officers. Police supervisors reviewed the body camera footage from the involved officers and found it did not match their accounts, leading to an expanded internal investigation and a recent move by LAPD Chief Michel Moore to fire one of the involved officers.
The LAPD uses CalGang more than any other law enforcement agency in the state. From Nov. 1, 2017, to Oct. 31, 2018, the period covered by a 2018 report by the attorney general’s office, it was responsible for 20,583 records – more than 20% of the records in the database. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department had the second highest count with 17% of total records.
Melanie Ochoa, a staff attorney with the ACLU, said the problem with allowing subjective criteria like clothing or the place where police see a person is that they can be discriminatory and are open to abuse. More than 90% of people in the database in 2018 were men of color, predominantly Latino and black, according to data from the California Department of Justice.***
https://twitter.com/i/status/1225062446865534976 is a video of a police chase along the route of the KC Chiefs’ victory parade route.
***Over the objections of the Oscar-winner’s defense, five photos of a naked Harvey Weinstein were passed around Tuesday to the Manhattan jurors considering the sexual abuse case against the disgraced Hollywood honcho.
The jurors were instructed to review each photo while holding them in a fashion where the crowd inside the courtroom couldn’t get a peek. Jurors No. 11 and 12 appearing to wince as they peered upon the images of a naked Weinstein, who showed no signs of owning a gym membership.****
Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer announced today that his office plans to drop all charges in a high-profile case in which a Newport Beach doctor and his girlfriend were accused of drugging and sexually assault multiple women.
Spitzer said at a press conference that a review of the case by his office found “There’s insufficient evidence to prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Dr. Grant Robicheaux, 39, and Cerissa Riley, 32, were charged in 2018 with charged with rape by drugs, oral copulation by anesthesia, and assault with intent to commit sexual offenses, among other crimes.****
Since the charges against the pair went public, as many as 18 women have accused the couple of  drugging and sexually assaulting them; seven of those are charged as victims in the case, while the remainder are not being pursued in court because they were outside the statute of limitations or the incidents occurred out of state.****
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calliethompson · 4 years
Another Catholic diocese faces bankruptcy: Should Catholics give a damn?
I don't know whether Rhett Butler was a Catholic, but Catholics should adopt Rhett's attitude about the rising tide of bankruptcies among America's Catholic dioceses.  Frankly, my dears, we should not give a damn.
Nineteen Catholic dioceses have filed for bankruptcy in recent years, due to payouts forced on the Church by child-abuse victims, almost all of whom were raped or sexually abused by Catholic priests. The National Catholic Reporter compiled a list of 131 financial settlements between the Catholic Church and child abuse victims--most of them for a million dollars or more.
According to the Buffalo News, the Diocese of Buffalo, New York may be the twentieth American diocese to file for bankruptcy.  NCR's Carolyn Thompson reported a few days ago that the Buffalo Diocese has already paid out about $18 million to 100 child abuse victims and has 220 lawsuits pending against it.
Not surprisingly, the sexual abuse scandal has demoralized Catholic laypeople all over the United States. No one knows how many Catholics have left the Church due to this moral catastrophe, but it is clear that Catholic laypeople have drastically cut back on their financial contributions to the Church.
The Buffalo Diocese provides an example. Jay Tokasz, writing for the Buffalo News, reported that the diocese suffered a $5 million budget deficit last year even though it cut its budget by $1.9 million.
Donations to the diocese had dropped by a whopping one third in just one year.  In 2018, the Buffalo Diocese received approximately $18 million in donations. In 2019, donations fell to about $13 million.  That's a huge vote of no confidence in the Buffalo hierarchy's leadership. 
Catholics are frustrated and enraged by the Church’s sexual abuse scandal. How, we ask ourselves, can a church that calls itself the Bride of Christ allow men to rape and sodomize children—both boys and girls?  How could the Church allow rapists to continue in their ministry and how could it have resorted to sleazy legal maneuvers to hide the scandal?
The arrogance and indifference of the American Catholic bishops are destroying the Church’s financial viability—which is a good thing. Lay Catholics have simply stopped giving money to the son-of –a-bitches who have countenanced human trafficking in parish rectories for more than half a century. In fact, it is not too much to say that many Catholic bishops are themselves human traffickers who moved pedophiles around from parish to parish.
I stopped giving money to the Catholic Church about three years ago. My wife and I now make regular monthly contributions to Casa Juan Diego, the Catholic Worker hospitality house in Houston, Texas. We know that every dollar we send to Casa Juan Diego will go to help the poor.
I urge other disappointed Catholics to join me. Stop funding the creeps who run the Catholic Church and give it to people who are doing Christ’s work—whether or not they are Catholics. 
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·        According to the National Catholic Reporter, the Catholic Church has paid out more than $3 billion in settlements and court awards to child abuse victims.  The following is a list of 131 settlements and the number of victims in each case (as reported by NCR).
·        2000-03-15 — Santa Rosa, California — $1.6 million — 4
·        2000-12-04 — Los Angeles, California — $5.2 million — 1
·        2001-03-08 — Bridgeport, Connecticut — $15 million — 26
·        2001-12 — Oklahoma City, Oklahoma — $5 million — 1
·        2002-01-30 — Tucson, Arizona — $14 million — 11
·        2002-04-01 — Orange and LA, California — $1.2million — 1
·        2002-06 — Los Angeles, California — $1.5 million — 1
·        2002-06-14 — Omaha, Nebraska — $800.000 — 1
·        2002-08-23 — Orange, California — $400.000 — 1
·        2002-09-04 — Los Gatos, California – Jesuits — $7.5 million — 2
·        2002-09-09 — Providence, Rhode Island — $13.5 million — 36
·        2002-09-18 — Boston, Massachusetts — $10 million — 86
·        2002-10-10 — Manchester, New Hampshire — $950.000 — 16
·        2002-11-26 — Manchester, New Hampshire — $5.1 million — 62
·        2003-01-09 — Boston, Massachusetts (Jesuits) — $5.8 million — 15
·        2003-01-29 — Metuchen, New Jersey — $800,000 — 10
·        2003-03-13 — Camden, New Jersey — $880,000 — 23
·        2003-05-08 — Manchester, New Hampshire — $815.000 — 4
·        2003-05-22 — Manchester, New Hampshire — $6.5 million — 61
·        2003-05-22 — Manchester, New Hampshire — $2.1 million — 33
·        2003-06-10 — Louisville, Kentucky — $25.7 million — 243
·        2003-06-30 — San Bernardino, California — $4.2 million — 2
·        2003-07-01 — Chicago, Illinois — $1.9 million — 1
·        2003-07-10 — Chicago, Illinois — $4 million — 4
·        2003-08-14 — Tucson, Arizona — $1.8 million — 5
·        2003-09-09 — Boston, Massachusetts — $84.2 million — 552
·        2003-09-11 — Seattle, Washington — $7.9 million — 15
·        2003-10-02 — Chicago, Illinois — $8 million — 15
·        2003-10-11 — Covington, Kentucky — $5.2 million — 27
·        2003-10-16 — Bridgeport, Connecticut — $21million — 40
·        2003-11-24 — Oakland, California — $1 million — 1
·        2003-12-04 — Covington, Kentucky — $1million — 5
·        2004 — Bridgeport, Connecticut — $40,000 — 2
·        2004-01-23 — Oakland, California — $3 million — 1
·        2004-01-28 — Covington, Kentucky — $2 million — 7
·        2004-04-15 — St. Petersburg, Florida — $1.1 million — 12
·        2004-04-21 — St. Louis, Missouri — $1.7 million — 1
·        2004-05-27 — Altoona-Johnstown, Pennsylvania — $3.7 million — 21
·        2004-07-03 — Toledo, Ohio — $500,000 — 2
·        2004-08-17 — Springfield, Massachusetts — $7.8 million — 46
·        2004-08-20 — Toledo, Ohio — $1.2 million — 23
·        2004-08-26 — St. Louis, Missouri  — $2 million — 18
·        2004-09-22 — Miami, Florida — $3.4 million — 23
·        2004-10-08 — Newark, New Jersey — $1 million — 10
·        2004-10-28 — Davenport, Iowa — $9 million — 37
·        2004-12-02 — Orange, California — $100 million — 91
·        2004-12-17 — Seattle, Washington — $1.8 million — 12
·        2004-12-23 — Oakland, California — $6.3 million — 3
·        2005-02-15 — Paterson, New Jersey — $5 million — 27
·        2005-03-08 — Cincinnati, Ohio — $3.2 million — 120
·        2005-03-24 — Oakland, California — $437,000 — 1
·        2005-03-31 — Fort Worth, Texas — $1.4 million — 1
·        2005-04-07 — Fairbanks, Alaska-Jesuits — $1 million — 1
·        2005-04-09 — Fort Worth, Texas — $2.7 million — 1
·        2005-04-15 — Oakland, California — $1.9 million — 2
·        2005-04-20 — San Francisco, California — $5.8 million — 4
·        2005-04-22 — Santa Rosa, California — $3.3 million — 1
·        2005-05 — Orlando & St. Augustine, Florida — $1.5 million — 3
·        2005-05-09 — Davenport, Iowa — $1.9 million — 1
·        2005-05-19 — Stockton, California — $3 million — 1
·        2005-06-10 — San Francisco, California — $21.2 million — 15
·        2005-06-10 — Seattle, Washington — $1.7 million — 4
·        2005-06-29 — Sacramento, California — $35million — 33
·        2005-06-30 — Boston, Massachusetts — $33.1 million — 257
·        2005-07-01 — Santa Rosa, California — $7.3million — 8
·        2005-07-08 — San Francisco, California — $16.0 million — 12
·        2005-08-05 — Oakland, California — $56 million — 56
·        2005-08-27 — Seattle, Washington – Benedictines — $2.6 million — 7
·        2005-09-02 — San Francisco, California — $4 million — 4
·        2005-10-11 — San Francisco, California — $2.6million — 2
·        2005-11-01 — Hartford, Connecticut — $22million — 43
·        2006-01-09 — Covington, Kentucky — $2.5 million — 19
·        2006-01-09 — Covington, Kentucky — $79 million — 243
·        2006-02-21 — Dubuque, Iowa — $5 million — 20
·        2006-03-13 — Los Angeles, California – Franciscans — $28 million — 25
·        2006-03-16 — Jackson, Mississippi — $5.1 million — 19
·        2006-04-01 — Seattle, Washington — $1 million — 2
·        2006-06-30 — Boston, Massachusetts — $6.3 million — 86
·        2006-08-04 — Anchorage, Alaska and Boston, Massachusetts — $1.4 million — 5
·        2006-09-01 — Milwaukee, Wisconsin — $16.7 million — 10
·        2006-10-27 — Los Angeles, California – Carmelites — $10 million — 7
·        2006-11-30 — Norwich, Connecticut — $1.1 million — 1
·        2006-12-01 — Los Angeles, California — $60 million — 45
·        2006-12-16 — Washington, D.C. — $1.3 million — 16
·        2007-01-05 — Denver, Colorado — $1.5 million — 15
·        2007-03-27 — Dubuque, Iowa — $2.6 million — 9
·        2007-03-29 — Fairbanks, Alaska and Oregon Province of Jesuits — $1.9 million — 4
·        2007-05-10 — Rockford, Illinois — $2.2 million — 2
·        2007-05-16 — Portland, Oregon — $1.3 million — 2
·        2007-05-18 — Rockville Centre, New York — $11.4 million — 2
·        2007-05-29 — Chicago, Illinois — $6.6 million — 15
·        2007-06-30 — Boston, Massachusetts — $2.1 million — 34
·        2007-07-14 — Los Angeles, California — $660 million — 508
·        2007-07-30 — Charleston, South Carolina — $10.3 million — 80
·        2007-08-30 — Charleston, South Carolina — $1.375 million — 11
·        2007-09-07 — San Bernardino, California — $15.1 million — 11
·        2007-09-13 — Santa Rosa, California — $5 million — 10
·        2007-10-05 — Orange, California — $6.6 million — 4
·        2007-10-19 — St. Louis, Missouri – Marianists — $160,000 — 1
·        2007-11-16 — Fairbanks, Alaska – Jesuits — $50 million — 110
·        2008-01-04 — Spokane, Washington – Jesuits — $4.8 million — 16
·        2008-01-18 — Wilmington, Delaware — $450,000 — 1
·        2008-04-10 — Dubuque, Iowa — $4.7 million — 18
·        2008-05-13 — Burlington, Vermont — $784,000 — 1
·        2008-05-14 — Los Angeles, California – Salesians — $19.5 million — 17
·        2008-06-30 — Boston, Massachusetts — $5.4 million — 55
·        2008-07-01 — Denver, Colorado — $5.5 million — 18
·        2008-08-12 — Chicago, Illinois — $12.6 million — 16
·        2008-08-19 — Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri — $10 million — 47
·        2008-08-27 — Belleville, Illinois — $5 million — 1
·        2008-08-29 — Providence, Rhode Island — $1.3 million — 4
·        2008-09-11 — Chicago, Illinois — $2.5 million — 1
·        2008-09-18 — Chicago, Illinois — $1.7 million — 1
·        2008-10-30 — Pueblo, Colorado – Marianists — $4.2 million — 23
·        2008-11 — Seattle, Washington - Christian Bros — $7.2 million — 11
·        2008-12-03 — Springfield, Massachusetts — $4.5 million — 59
·        2008-12-17 — Burlington, Vermont — $784,000 — 1
·        2009-01-29 — Seattle, Washington - Christian Brothers — $7million — 13
·        2009-02-28 — Memphis, Tennessee — $2 million — 1
·        2009-04-08 — Wilmington, Delaware — $1.5 million — 1
·        2009-06-03 — Monterey, California — $1.2 million — 1
·        2009-06-30 — Boston, Massachusetts — $3.6 million — 27
·        2009-07-21 — Chicago, Illinois — $3.9 million — 6
·        2009-10-09 — Burlington, Vermont — $784,000 — 1
·        2009-10-22 — Belleville, Illinois — $1.2 million — 1
·        2009-10-28 — Savannah, Georgia — $4.2 million — 1
·        2009-11-05 — Portland, Maine — $200,000 — 1
·        2010-05-03 — Indianapolis, Indiana — $199,000 — 1
·        2010-05-13 — Burlington, Vermont — $17.6 million — 26
·        2010-06-10 — Charlotte, North Carolina and Capuchins — $1.2 million —
·        2010-08-11 — Lansing, Michigan — $250,000 — 1
Another Catholic diocese faces bankruptcy: Should Catholics give a damn? published first on https://myreviewnow.tumblr.com/
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thejesusreport · 6 years
Wildfires in Santa Rosa and Meaningful Coincidence
My half-sister lives in Santa Rosa, California, the site of recent deadly wildfires which claimed over 40 lives and hundreds of billions in damage and destruction. My sister and I have not spoken in probably six years, even though I attempted contact more than a few times during this period. Recently I saw her name appear on someone else’s Facebook page and I sent Donna a “friend request”. The request went nowhere, and her silence really hurt and annoyed me. Strange coincidence that just after the request was ignored, a wildfire of unknown origin breaks out just north of her and my brother-in-law’s house. God’s warning for disrespecting and blowing off this evangelist? I’ve forgiven her, but the coincidence makes a valid point. Carl Jung, famous psychologist, once wrote of the fact of “meaningful coincidences” which are against the odds (the coincidence) and are meaningful in that they impart some message, meaning, sign or warning. Could this be a warning to my sister? Don’t think I’m crazy, I don’t claim to be able to be certain or prove this example of Jung’s “Synchronicity” as he called it. But later I left a message on my sister’s cell phone and when I didn’t hear from her, as I was concerned that the fire had spread to their house, I left a message on my brother in law’s cell. Low and behold, to my astonishment, I received a text message from my brother-in-law (not my sister), which said they were OK, just without power and safe outside of the fire zone. Coincidences like these have followed me since 1999 when my evangelistic ministry began. There are other recent examples. Earlier this year, during the winter, a huge boom shook my hometown, near my section of town, and prompted hundreds of calls to police and firefighters. After a thorough search and contacting military officials and other agencies, no cause could be found for this earth-shaking window-rattling “invisible explosion”. What does that mean? The question is, does the world see the signs, warnings, coincidences and other devastating natural and unnatural disasters that I see, and that are unfolding at a time when the anti-Christ is in power in the U.S. -- and Europe and the world are coming apart at the seams? I’ll list a few of the warnings which are signs that mankind should repent and turn to God and stop fawning over money and materialism: TWA Flight 800 (meaning the Lake of Fire), Air Alaska in late winter 2000(in concert with my “beasts needing Viagra“ analogy), 1st WTC bombing and 9/11 (goes without saying and predicted in my book and earlier during my imprisonment), various earthquakes, myriad wildfires, hurricanes (such as Andrew, Katrina, Sandy, Harvey and Irma), floods, droughts, blackouts at Mass. State prison hospitals (Bridgewater), famines, tsunamis, nuclear and chemical meltdowns, deadly bombings (including Oklahoma City), mass shootings at Columbine, Vegas, Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook to name a few, etc. When will our world, and especially the extraordinarily gifted and wealthy America finally realize that we are off course and that God is angry and that there will be hell to pay? Men were the leaders of society and they shoulder most of the blame, as the sex scandals of prominent persons, including Mr. Weinstein, Mr. O’Reilly and the President of the U.S. will attest. Please don’t disregard this warning as I don’t know how long He will withhold His wrath and the Judgement Seat of His Son. Don’t be a goat, become an obedient follower and “deny thyself and take up thy cross.” Although many are skeptical and do not listen, I continue to tell the Truth.
Stephen M. Theriault
Stephen M. Theriault is the author of The Practical Guide to Real Christianity and is organizer/founder of International Citizens Against Corruption and Overdevelopment, one of many groups he has begun.  (on Facebook) and Avenger-Equalizer Blog and The Jesus Report blog on Tumblr.
 P.S. My two former “best friends” were atheists and weren’t always nice to me, blowing me off, criticizing, judging, condemning, like most men.  Funny that their last names are “Rotiroti” (round and around in circles), and “Godfrey”.  (“God-free” )?.  Coincidence, fate, God??? Atheists choose the former, new-agers choose the middle, and I choose the latter.  
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todayclassical · 7 years
August 30 in Music History
1693 Birth of Dutch composer Jacobus Nozeman. 1767 Birth of German composer, organist and conductor Christian Friedrich Gottlieb Schwencke. 1769 Birth of Italian composer and harpsichordist Bonifazio Asioli. 1809 Birth of composer Adolf Friedrich Hesse.
1820 Birth of American composer George F. Root.
1820 Birth of bass-baritone Edouard Gassier.
1842 Birth of composer Victor Alphonse Duvernoy.
1868 Birth of mezzo-soprano Armida Parsi-Pettinella.
1875 Birth of tenor Rudolf Jager.
1879 Birth of Austrian soprano Fritzi Scheff in Vienna.  1883 Death of mexicannsoprano Angela Peralta. 1887 Birth of pianist Yolanda Mero in Budapest. 
1891 Birth of Italian composer Tomaso Gardella in Carmogli.
1902 Birth of Moravian-born Canadian composer Arnold Walter. 1904 Death of English composer and pianist Kate Fanny Loder in Headley. 
1910 FP of Arnold Bax In the Faery Hills, in London. 1922 Birth of American soprano Regina Resnick in NYC. 
1923 Birth of Austrian composer Gerhard Wimberger.
1926 Birth of composer Olgerts Gravitis.
1927 Birth of Dutch composer Piet Kee in Zaandam.
1930 Birth of Welsh horn player Ifor James.
1933 Birth of baritone Terence Sharpe.
1933 Birth of composer Arne Mellnas.
1933 FP of Samuel Barber's Overture to the School for Scandal by The Philadelphia Orchestra at a Robin Hood Dell concert in Fairmount Park. 
1935 Birth of baritone Peter Van Der Bilt.
1940 Death of baritone Fritz Feinhals.
1943 Birth of American composer David Maslanka in New Bedford, MA.
1945 Birth of American composer David Schiff.
1948 Birth of American composer Theadore Dollarhide in Santa Rosa, CA.
1952 Birth of English composer and conductor Simon Bainbridge in London. 1953 Death of Bulgarian composer Dimiter Nenov in Sofia.
1953 Death of Italian-American opera director and conductor Gaetano Merola.
1957 Birth of Chinese-American composer Chen Yuan Lin. 
1960 Birth of American composer Kevin Oldham in Kansas City. 
1969 Birth of Greek pianist Dimitris Sgouros in Athens.
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timeline-delta · 7 years
Don’t cry for me Argentina
Down in the former Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, the states of Entre Rios and Corrientes secede from the Argentine Confederation over a dispute with the state of Buenos Aires in 1851 and a year later at the Battle of Caseros, with the help of Brazil, they defeat Buenos Aires and send its governor, Juan Manuel Rosas, into exile in Great Britain. The governor of Entre Rios, Justo José de Urquiza, becomes the provisional president of the Argentine Confederation and he calls a constituent assembly in in 1852 in order to write a new constitution but things remain as turbulent as ever. While Urquiza is out of state for diplomatic reasons, the city rebels on September 11, 1852 and proclaims their secession from the Confederation. The capital is moved to Paraná, Entre Rios and armed conflict ensues as Buenos Aires attempts to stop the new government which puts the new constitution in place on May 1, 1853 and invites Buenos Aires to return. Instead, the city-state writes its own constitution in 1854. In 1856 the Confederation attacks Buenos Aires, only to be repulsed but the country otherwise at peace. On April 1, 1859, following the assassination of former San Juan Province Governor Nazareno Benavídez by a presumed Buenos Aires agent, the Confederation Congress passes a law by which President Urquiza is obliged to “reincorporate the dissident province of Buenos Aires", peacefully if possible but he is allowed to make use of the national army to accomplish that purpose. Buenos Aires interprets that law as a formal declaration of war and in May, the Legislature of the State allows the Governor to repel any military aggression with the Province's militia. Colonel Bartolomé Mitre, in charge of Buenos Aires troops, is ordered to attack Santa Fe Province while the Navy is sent to blockade Paraná, the capital city of the Confederation.
Given the seriousness of impending conflict and its probable effect on trade, Brazil, Paraguay, the United States and the United Kingdom try to prevent it by diplomatic means. The neighbouring country of Paraguay sends a young Francisco Solano López as a plenipotentiary minister to intercede in the emergency. Every attempt at resolution of the conflict fail since Buenos Aires demands Urquiza's resignation as President, and the Confederation will not comply to that. On the 23rd of October the Confederation attacks and eventually lays siege to Buenos Aires while seeking mediation through Solano. Bowing to the international pressure, Buenos Aires agrees to rejoin the Confederation on November 11, 1859, based on the passing of certain amendments to the constitution and that Buenos Aires would give up customs control to the federal government as well as management of foreign relations, all spelled out in the Pact of San Juan de Flores. The amendments are passed, but when President Derqui leaves for his home province of Córdoba to temporarily assume the governorship during a period of unrest, the Argentine Assembly threatens to reject the Buenos Airean delegates for not being elected as per Confederation laws. The foreign powers who pressured the Confederation into signing the Pact of San Juan de Flores indicate that they would see such a rejection as an abrogation of the pact and throw their support behind Buenos Aires and the Assembly backs down. In the ensuing scandal over foreign influence, Derqui, who is blamed by both unionists and federalists for letting the Assembly make such a rash move, is outed from the presidency in January of 1861. In a move that was designed to placate Britain, France and the other trading partners, the Assembly names Buenos Airean governor Bartolomeo Mitre as interim president after he commits to upholding the constitution and new amendments.
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