boookfreeak · 5 months
I am aware that (probably) the only other german people I know on this app are my friend and my literal sibling, but I can't NOT speak about thisss
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Their names are Maria Ehrich and Jannis Niewöhner and they play the main characters in the movie adaption of one of my favorite German book series, Rubinrot <3<3
The English name is The Ruby Red Trilogy. Even though I do believe the country they're known in second best is Russia. For some reason.
ANYWAY. It's been 7 years since the last movie aired and I still haven't gotten over them. So I got real giddy when he appeared on her insta story yesterday!!
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thepencilgirlsv · 1 year
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-"ruby red" cover redesign i did as an assignment for my illustration class last year-
💙 you can find my "sapphire blue" redesign here!
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litas-writings · 6 months
Die Edelstein-, Silber- und Vergissmeinnicht Trilogien sind miteinander verbunden (und Wolkenschloss irgendwie auch)
//!\\SPOILER //!\\ Für alle oben genannten Buchreihen!
Das habe ich schon früher immer gedacht, als ich Silber gelesen habe, was ja genau wie Rubinrot in London spielt. Da habe ich mir immer vorgestellt wie Gwendolyn in Tempel durch die Zeit springt, während Liv in Hampstead lustig durch Träume spaziert.
In beiden Roman-Reihen ist nicht so recht klar, wo der magische Teil aka das Zeitreisen und die Traumtüren eigentlich herkommen. Natürlich gibt es den Grafen von St-Germain in der Edelstein-Reihe, der den Chronographen entdeckt und die ganzen Prophezeiungen schreibt. Die Frage ist nur: Warum gibt es überhaupt Zeitreisende? Wo kommt der Chronograph her? Der Graf hat ihn zwar entdeckt aber nicht gebaut! Wo kommt er also her? Woher wusste der Graf dass dieses Teil mit Zeitreisen verbunden ist? Ähnliche Fragen kann man sich auch bei Silber stellen: Warum können Liv und die anderen sich gegenseitig in ihren Träumen besuchen? Die ganzen Rituale stellen sich ja als kompletter Schwachsinn heraus. Nichtdestotrotz gibt es diese Traumtüren und eine Erklärung zu ihrer Existenz bekommen weder die Figuren, noch der Leser.
Und dann kommt Vergissmeinnicht um die Ecke: im ersten Teil gibt es einige Easter-eggs zu Rubinrot und Silber. Zum Beispiel der Wasserspeier Bax der von Matilda mit Xemerius verglichen wird. Oder der Saum, den Menschen nur in ihren Träumen betreten können. Im zweiten Teil wird das alles natürlich eindeutig, mit Professor Cassian, der in London von der Geheimloge der Wächter erzählen möchte, dann aber von Fee unterbrochen wird; oder eben Matilda die mit Bax' Hilfe ihre Traumtür entdeckt und somit in den Saum gelangen kann. Und schon hat man eine Erklärung für die Unerklärten Dinge der zwei früheren Trilogien: Zeitreisende haben einen Ursprung, nämlich aus dem Saum. Beziehungsweise sind sie entfernte Nachkommen von Saumwesen. So erkläre ich es mir jedenfalls. Denn in diesem Fall haben sie keine Lentigos, die in Vergissmeinnicht alle Nachfahren haben. Aber vielleicht haben die Zeitreisenden auch eine Art Lentigo und wissen es nur nicht. Schließlich hat Gwendolyn ein Muttermal in der Form eines Halbmondes unter ihrem linken Auge. Möglicherweise sind die Zeitreisenden mehr Mensch als Saumwesen, weswegen ihre Lentigos sich im laufe der Generationen mehr und mehr zu etwas weniger magischem entwickelt haben d. h. ein etwas ausgefallenes Muttermal. Gut, Gideon scheint kein ausgefallenes Muttermal zu haben, genausowenig wie Lucy und Paul und die anderen Zeitreisenden...
Dennoch ist seit dem zweiten Teil Vergissmeinnicht klar, dass die Zeitreisenden auch dort existieren und dass sie den Saumwesen wie Cassian bekannt sind. Also müssen sie in irgendeiner Weise mit dem Saum verbunden sein. Eine Zufriedenstellende Erklärung kriegt man jedoch für die Traumtüren und Korridore aus Silber, denn man erfährt, dass diese dem Untergrund angehören, welcher ein Teil des Saums ist.
Was Wolkenschloss betrifft, hat dieses Buch deutlich weniger Verbindungen mit den drei anderen Reihen, was größtenteils daran liegt, dass es weniger fantastische Elemente dort gibt. Dennoch gibt es auch dort einige Parallelen, zumindest zu Vergissmeinnicht. Das ganze Hotel scheint seinen eigenen Willen zu haben, denn es hilft und rettet die Protagonistin Fanny an mehreren Stellen. Aber besonders auffällig ist der Concierge des Hotels, Monsieur Rocher, der angeblich nicht älter wird, wenn man dem russischen Oligarchen Viktor Igorov glauben soll. Laut ihm ist er Monsieur Rocher schon als 12-jähriger in diesem Hotel begegnet und dieser scheint seitdem nicht gealtert zu sein. Auch sonst wird Monsieur Rochers Alter nie genannt und Fanny bezeichnet ihn als alterslos. Monsieur Rocher könnte also ein Arkadier aus dem Saum sein, da diese unsterblich sind, was erklären würde warum er nicht älter wird.
Als großer Fan der Edelstein und Silber Reihen habe ich mich sehr gefreut, Anspielungen auf die beiden Trilogien in Vergissmeinnicht zu entdecken. Außerdem habe ich das Gefühl, dass mit Vergissmeinnicht Fragen beantwortet werden, die man sich in den anderen Reihen gestellt hat. Wenn Kerstin Gier also weiterhin Verbindungen zwischen Vergissmeinnicht und den anderen Reihen herstellt und somit womöglich ein einziges Universum erschafft, wird das meiner Meinung nach richtig interressant und ich kann es jetzt schon kaum erwarten den dritten Teil von Vergissmeinnicht zu lesen ^^
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romanticizethislife · 6 months
Rewatching movies that hold a part of your childhood is so precious to me🫶🏼 I just finished my nth rewatch of the ruby-red trilogy and cannot even begin to describe how dear these movies are to me.
Yes I've read the books and I know the adaptation gets a lot of hate esp. in comparison to them BUT I watched these movies 10 years ago and yet I still cry every time I see them now as a 19 year old. I can basically mouth the dialogue with the actors and know exactly what will happen next, but I revisit a part of myself - the little girl inside of me - that is gone most of the time these days and only comes out in the comfort of things she's familiar with.
And I love getting in touch with that part of myself over and over again and to take my time and sit with her. To remind myself that while the word is fast paced and sometimes (all the time) things spin out of control and you can't keep up - in you lives that little girl who just really wants to fall in love and experience crazy adventures like her heroins do. And then I remind myself that in truth I'm still just that girl and at my core my dreams haven't chanced a bit in the last 10 years.
So yeah I love rewatching childhood movies! Also I might've started crying while typing this lol
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sovamurka · 10 months
hi it's camsaroyan! i saw you just reblogged my post about gideon and the time wrap so obviously i need to ask you if you have any theories to that i would love to hear it👀
Hi! I DO have a theory about that!
It is probably the easiest and the most "boring" one. I think that Raphael is definitely a type of sibling who shows everything he discovers to his other siblings! During one of Raphael's visits they watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show and it... let's just say it was definitely an ✨experience✨. Gideon definitely said that he didn't like it much and that it was "insufferably grotesque" for his liking. But he was lying. He DID like it. A lot. In fact, he liked it an embarrassing amount. He liked it to the point of buying a soundtrack on vinyl (which is hidden somewhere in his room - I like to imagine a situation of Gwen accidentally finding it and connecting the dots and crying from laughter because she wondered why he knew the song, so getting the answer like this was hilarious) and learning the notes and the lyrics.
And something also tells me that Gideon de Villiers is constantly trying to hide his theatre kid extravaganza under this snobbish bitch personality.
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ineecho · 10 months
Who made everything?
Just finished a reread of the Edelstein Triolgie and something that was bothering was that I don’t know who actually like made the Chronograph? 
I’m not sure if I accidently skipped over the explaination but who actually wrote the prophecies and made the chronograph. We know the Graf made the organization but its not like he could see the future so how did he come up with all the propecies that happen? I get the whole Newton calculating their birthdays thing, sure whatever, but the rest?? 
I thought maybe there was someone like Tante Maddy in the past and he used them but idk. Also my only guess for the Chronograph is that either he went into the past and had all his smart friends to build it or like after he made the Organization build it. 
He did also talk to that one girl he impregnated all about everything he knew which included the whole “Stein der Weisen” meaning he had the Prophecies as a younger man? 
If anyone knows please help!
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luciehercndale · 2 years
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2022 books: the edelstein (ruby red) trilogy by kerstin gier Although I had never seen him before, I recognized him immediately. I'd have known his voice anywhere. This was the guy I'd seen on my last journey back in time. Or more precisely, the one who'd kissed my doppelgänger while I was hiding behind the curtain in disbelief.
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botticellisflora · 1 year
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Four against five?
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tessxblxckthorn · 2 years
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i loved,
and i loved,
and i lost you.
and it hurts like hell.
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wildesqdreams · 10 days
i need some friends who i can talk to about the ruby red trilogy. idc if u have read or watched the films, i just need people who know what i'm talking about.
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poetkid · 9 months
Do I want to marry Gideon De Villers or do I want to be Gideon De Villers?
We may never know
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thepencilgirlsv · 3 months
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"Ruby Red" and "Sapphire Blue" by Kerstin Gier
Side-by-side of my cover redesigns for the first 2 books of the Edelstein/Precious Stone Trilogy, hoping I can add Emerald Green soon!
❤️ ruby red post
💙 sapphire blue post
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litas-writings · 4 months
The more I think about it, the more I get mad over Charlotte's characterization in the Gemstone trilogy. Like she's being so awfull to Gwendolyn during all three books, she gets no redemption and the last thing we read about her in the books, is about her getting drunk on that birthday party and embarrassing herself to the point the whole school talks about her. I get how it's supposed to give some satisfaction to the reader, since she has been that miss perfect that treats Gwendolyn like shit from book one, but on the other hand it is so unfair for Charlotte. Yes, she is miss perfect, yes she has been horrible to Gwendolyn, but let's look at this from Charlotte's pov:
1) she was never able to have a real childhood, because everyone thought she was the Ruby. Meanwhile Gwendolyn gets to grow up in a cottage at first and then later in London, she has a great relationship with her siblings and her mom, she has a best friend who'd do everything for her and they always spend all their free time together watching movies. Charlotte only has her toxic mother who will never accept that her daughter is any less than perfect. She is supposed to be a time-traveler, but also a perfect student with perfect grades, she has to learn the piano, dancing, etc... she basically gets no free time! And when it's time for her to have her first time-jump, it gets taken away from her, because her COUSIN, who never had to suffer through anything she had to, is the actual ruby. So the ONE THING she prepared her whole life for and which she actually enjoyed, is taken from her. So yes, of course she is pissed. Of course she is jealous. Of course she treats Gwendolyn badly! She feels like her life lost all it's purpose. I would be pissed too!
2) not only is the time-travelling taken away from her, but also the only real friend she ever had: Gideon. Ofc she has no time for friends with her tight schedule, so the only person she can really consider her friend, is the one she spent most of her time with, and that is Gideon. And suddenly your cousin, who already has a way easier life than yourself, comes in and takes your only real friend away from you and even starts dating him. I don't know if Charlotte ever had romantic feelings for Gideon. Probably yes, but even if not, Gideon is still her closest friend and now she has to watch him spending most of his time with Gwendolyn.
So yes, she behaves badly, but I think her behaviour is justified. Because despite of how 'perfect' and grown-up she has to behave, she is still a sixteen year old girl in the middle of puberty which is already the not easiest time to go through, and now she has to deal with all this sudden change! Why couldn't she have gotten a good heartfelt conversation with Gideon at some point, where they talk things out and where she had a change of behaviour towards Gwendolyn? You can say what you want about the movies, but one positive point of them was Charlotte. I hated her in the first two movies (her actress played her arrogant behaviour towards Gwendolyn very well too) but her suddenly smashing those guardians with her Krav Maga skill in the third movie and thus helping Gwendolyn was an amazing scene! And then seeing the two cousins becoming closer over time warms my heart! Book Charlotte deserved a redemption arc too. She deserved better than this embarrassing end.
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fandom-fae · 1 year
i’m re-reading the ruby red trilogy rn and its just as fun as i remember!!! i literally started this re-read today and i’m already on page 75 lol (of the first book obv but yea-)
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wednesdayche · 8 months
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Saphirblau 2015 BTS
Jannis Niewöhner
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mavrjie · 10 months
𝙴𝚡 𝚑𝚘𝚌 𝚖𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚜.
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