#Sirius was fucking careless Snape was a fucking idiot
rollercoasterwords · 1 year
☕️ the prank! how do u think it went down, when, howd it affect their trust or timeline of getting together, etc. i know its common in fics to make the prank a huge fucking deal that almost breaks the marauders or has remus not talking to sirius for weeks which i find interesting bc i think according to canon sirius wasnt remorseful at all about it? and remus forgive him pretty quickly and casually (either bc he didnt want to lose his friends or maybe he just didnt care - he does after all at one point say they were idiots when they were kids and almost getting caught as animagi several times and not really taking things seriously). obviously it doesnt have to follow jkrs version of events but im curious what u think abt it all!
oh boy oh boy oh boy okay let's get into it i think. this might be a long one. i LOVE the prank as i have talked about on this blog in the past xx
personally i think there are so many ways to write the prank and just SO much to explore with it so. it is difficult for me to choose one set story of how i think it went down because i think it would depend on what story i was writing it into!! however hmmm how can i go about this...i think i'm gonna break it down step by step maybe and kinda talk about my preferred interpretations for each bit? so...here u go!
sirius telling snape
ok so when i am writing sirius. well one thing about him is that he IS a little mean to me. like i do not think kindness comes naturally to him i think it's something he has to work at and that if he isn't watching himself he can just be careless with other people's feelings, which is why he's a bit of a bully to the people he doesn't like. so while i can see interpretations of the prank where he is like...very intentionally and maliciously trying to put snape in danger, for whatever reason, and while i can also see interpretations where it was 100% unintentional and he was even tricked or forced or whatever, i prefer to take an approach sort of in between those two extremes.
so for me, sirius telling snape is generally more of like...a snapping situation. like there's other shit going on in sirius's life with his family (because this is the year he ran away, right? and i usually imagine the prank happening sometime after that) that he's dealing with and i think he is ALSO discovering his queerness and dealing with being closeted or perhaps trying very hard to suppress his feelings for a certain best friend that also make him particularly protective of said best friend and less willing to deal with snape's shit. and i imagine like all this going on and snape getting sirius alone at some point and antagonizing him in some way about remus or where the marauders all keep sneaking off to, and sirius just breaks and snaps at snape in a fit of anger where he's like. giving into that meanness that comes so easily and just wants to insult snape and yell at him. and i think sirius isn't really expecting snape to actually. go down the tunnel that very night but at the same time i think he's a bit careless about it as previously stated and just does not think through the full consequences and like storms off in a huff. and then once he realizes what he's done at first he like tries to tell himself snape probably WOULDN'T because he's embarrassed and guilty and doesn't want to admit he's fucked up...but then eventually he does tell the others and well. that's when james goes to the rescue!
snape going down the tunnel
so this is another point where i think there's quite a bit open to interpretation, because sure we hear that harry's dad supposedly saved snape's life, but...well let's be honest that could be an exagerrated account. as others have pointed out snape's worst memory is not this night, but rather a different instance where he clashed with the marauders. so! i think there's really quite a range here. you could write snape going down the tunnel as if he was barely in any danger at all and james just yanked him out right after he caught a glimpse or heard something that confirmed remus was a werewolf, or you could write a whole dramatic showdown where james had to face down with the wolf and risked his life to save snape.
personally i like to make things a little bit dramatic here, just for the angst. obviously james probably can't actually transform in front of snape if this is canon-compliant because snape didn't know the animagi secret, right? but...well i supposed james could like shove snape down the tunnel shut the door and then transform or something. so i do like this section with a little bit more risk, where james is perhaps put in a bit of danger as well, simply because i think it makes the opportunities for angst in the next section a little juicier <3
the fallout
aaaaand the part that everyone really loses their minds over!! again, quite a range of options here all of which i think are fertile ground for exploration, and obviously however u wrote the scene of snape going down the tunnel and sirius telling snape are going to impact the fallout a lot. again, i can see the interpretation where all of the marauders are really, really upset with sirius and sort of turn against him for a while, where there's some huge split in the friend group, etc etc. i can also see the interpretation that takes the canon more at its word when sirius and remus brush the incident off years later, and say that remus honestly didn't care that much once it became clear that no one was hurt and his secret wasn't going to get out.
however, following along from my interpretation of sirius-snapping-at-snape and somewhat tense tunnel danger, i once again like to take more of a middle ground approach between these two extremes. i quite enjoy prank angst where remus feels incredibly betrayed, even once he understands that sirius didn't intend to out his secret and that it was largely just carelessness, because i think sirius being careless with this secret would still really, really hurt remus. i also love when this is like...just around the time that both r + s are discovering their feelings for each other and still sort of dancing around it, because that just twists the knife a little bit more in them suddenly falling apart for a while as sirius repents and remus tries to figure out whether he can forgive sirius and like...deal with the pain of knowing this person who knows him so intimately in so many ways still doesn't understand how being a werewolf affects him.
however, for me this is not a situation where all the marauders turn against sirius. i think james's loyalty to his friends is one of his biggest blind spots, and i also like to write him with this tendency towards a bit of black and white thinking when it comes to morality as an additional flaw, such that he can't really believe that his friends, the people he loves, could ever actually be bad people. because...they're his friends! of course they're good! and in this way, i think the prank fallout can be used for really good foreshadowing about how these flaws will later come back to hurt james during the war.
so for me, james is upset with sirius, but he forgives him very quickly--perhaps even too quickly--because...well of course sirius didn't mean to!! sirius is a marauder! he's their best friend! he's dealing with a lot of shit, and james has a unqiue insight into that shit, being the person who sirius ran away to! and sirius is a good person, so obviously he deserves forgiveness! it was a horrible mistake, but nobody was actually hurt!
i think peter mostly goes along with james, because to me a canon peter is more concerned with james than either remus or sirius. like, i think him having a sort of secondary role within the friendgroup where he's always sort of following james around fits very much with his canon characterization and also sets up well, again, for his actions during the war. i also think peter wouldn't care very much, because...well. i don't think canon peter is a great person or has the strongest moral compass. i kinda feel like he'd be like "no one was hurt, all's well that end's well, let's just move on," though of course he would never say that out loud, because clearly all his friends think this is very upsetting.
and then. of course. remus and sirius.
to me, the prank is a critical moment in their relationship. like i said before, i imagine the prank happening just as their sort of beginning to explore their attraction to each other and the possibility that they might be more than just friends. for remus, i think the prank is sort of a wake-up call and a reminder that he and sirius have lived very different lives, and there are certain things about him that sirius will probably just...never understand. i also think it's a moment where remus sees a darker side of sirius, in that like...well remus has grown up with sirius and he knows this kid can be kind of mean sometimes, but he's never been on the other end of that. but now he knows that sirius, as hard as he tries, is still someone who just. hurts the people he loves sometimes. in very brutal ways. and the fact that it's largely unintentional almost makes it worse. because how can remus blame him? how can remus hold him accountable when he didn't even mean to do it?
so for remus i think it's this moment where he has to sort of balance the scales and decide if this budding love he feels for sirius is like...worth it, almost. if it's enough to override all the parts where they don't fit, all the ways they can hurt each other. and i think the fact that he does, eventually, choose to forgive sirius is an incredibly important indication of how much he loves him, and what he is willing to do for that love.
and for sirius this is also very much a wake-up call. like, up to this point i feel like sirius has very much sort of been this spiraling hot mess because of just all the shit building up with his family and him dealing with the aftermath of running away and being disowned. but this is a point where he has to step back and realize--hey, i don't want to be this kind of person. i don't want to be the guy that hurts the people he loves just because he's careless, and angry, and lashing out in whatever way he can to try and get a grip on a life that feels so largely out of his control. and i think it's also a wake-up call that there are things he hasn't understood about remus or hasn't really tried to understand, that since remus being a werewolf has never mattered that much to him (and has even been almost this fun thing, where it's like hey let's become animagi and run around during the full moon!) he just....hasn't considered how much it impacts remus's life. he's been selfish. and he doesn't want to be selfish anymore, because remus matters to him so much, and above all, he doesn't want to lose that. the prank, to me, marks a restructuring of sirius's priorities, and a sort of renewed focus on trying to actually become a better person and deal with his shit.
so i like to imagine...like, a pretty lengthy period of time, ranging anywhere from a few months up to like a year, during which remus and sirius are a bit estranged as they're both figuring all this shit out. and of course that places strain on their friend group--and i think this is the perfect time for remus to get a lot closer with lily, as he seeks out other friends when he doesn't want to be around sirius. but i do think that remus begins to slowly forgive sirius, and they just naturally start to float back together, until they finally do have like. one big conversation one day where they talk about what happened and remus forgives sirius. and i think that marks such an important shift in their relationship, and things get a lot more serious for them from there, because they have both now prioritized each other in a way that they were sort of dancing around before. regardless of how quickly they get together afterwards, i feel like it's after the prank that they each really become each other's person, because they both know they never want to lose the other like that again.
and there u have it!! my take on the prank. like i said, i can see lots of different interpretations even within the constraints of canon, but i think this is my favorite one <3
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green-ville · 1 month
pt 4
TW: talk of a past suicide, with detail. also talk of a past character death with detail.
Synopsis: When Sirius Black came to her and asked her to watch over his godson, she didn’t think it would end up like this.
            A Triwizard Tournament. The strongest, bravest, most courageous. Three willing participants to take on challenges larger than life and only one would be the victor of eternal glory. People had died in this challenge. Only an idiot would put their name in it.
            When Sirina’s name is called, it was the last thing she expected.
            When Harry’s name was called, the fourth wizard in a tournament of three, she knew her Uncle Sirius was right.
            Someone was trying to kill him. And from the fact that she didn’t put her name in the Goblet of Fire, someone was clearly trying to kill her as well.
            Family meant everything to her. Sirina refused to let Harry Potter die, and she’d take every risk to keep him alive.
            Classes weren’t that bad. She knew no one in any of her classes and since she was always the first one there, she got preferential treatment. Aka, she picked her favorite seat. It was in the back corner of the room.
            The only class she foresaw issues with was Potions. Professor Snape, for a reason she could not figure out, hated her. He called on her frequently, as if trying to catch her off guard. She always paid attention in class. The boarding school she had gone to before Ilvermorny had seared that into her head. The issue was she didn’t have 84 years of experience in potions, and when asked about the history of eyes of Newt she was at a bit of a disadvantage.
            One particular lesson a few weeks in stuck out like a sore thumb.
            “Perhaps you will remember to pay attention, next time,” he drawled slowly. “Or at the very least, read the required material before showing up to class and wasting everyone’s time. Your father may have gotten by with a careless attitude, but rest assured, you will not.”
            The embarrassment that disabled her clashed into her boiling rage in a storm more violent than any hurricane, any tornado, any tsunami that had ever been, or ever will be. The glare that fixed itself onto her face could kill any grown man with a mere glance.
            Did he know her father? How could he say such horrible things about him if he knew Regulus? Or perhaps he was just another one of the crowds that said Regulus was a monster, Regulus was a Deatheater and deserved to fade from existence, forgotten by everyone.
            Siri bet that Snape had never even had a single fucking conversation with him.
            He would not ruin her image of Regulus no matter what he said. She knew her father better than anyone.
            When they finished their potions they could leave. The intense emotions made it harder to focus and Siri had trouble reading Snape’s handwriting. Even after copying it down in her notebook, written in a way that made it harder for her brain to screw up, she still took a long time.
            She was actually the last in the room.
            When she was finally done, flustered and on the verge of throwing something, she bottled it up and set it on one of the stands on Snape’s desk.
            He didn’t even look at her to remark, “Troll.”
            “Oh, now you’re calling me a Troll?” She exclaimed, about to lose it, halfway lost already. “You are one of the most unprofessional – “
            “No,” his lip curled with a snarl. “That’s your grade. Troll. It’s the lowest failing grade I can give you for not turning in what I very simply ordered. You have eyes and yet you can’t seem to read the clear instructions laid out on the board. Your father always did what he wanted too, without any care for anything. And look at where he is now.”
            Her father was dead.
            He had the nerve to insult a dead man right to the face of his daughter?
            Tears burned her dry eyes, and it happened. She lost it.
            She didn’t know how he found out that Regulus Black was her father when her Uncle had gone to such lengths to make sure she was only known as Sirina Argent. Headmaster Dumbledore said the secret would stay between them, but apparently he was just another liar. Her Uncle trusted him too much, it would seem.
            “You’re right,” Siri said with a sweet smile, eyes shinning with promise for a revenge so ruthless Satan would tell her to calm down. “The instructions were simple. I do have eyes. Forgive me, your majesty, for my insolence. Perhaps next week we can work on a potion to cure my Dyslexia because sometimes my brain switches letters around and your ‘simple instructions’ become an unsolvable clusterfuc-“
            “I did not ask for excuses,” he cut in cooly. “Though I should have expected them from you – “
            “Oh what,” she exclaimed, stepping back, “did my father give excuses for everything too?”
            He snarled a, “yes. And one day his past will catch up to him again and he’ll return to Azkaban just as he belongs. I’m sure there’ll be a cell waiting for you beside him as well since you’re so desperate to follow in his footsteps. Why don’t you start by 2 weeks of detention, 7 pm. Sirius would be very proud – “
            Siri did the most shocking thing yet.
            She slapped him clean across the face.
            Finally he was silent.
            Siri seethed quietly, more enraged than she had ever thought possible. “My father,” she began quietly, barely controlled. “Was Regulus Black, not Sirius. If you’re going to hate me, at least get that straight. And don’t bother trying to alert him of my behavior, he died 16 years ago. You could try my mother, but she’s dead as well. My Uncle, on the other hand, will be informed of exactly how you have treated me these past few weeks and you rest assured, Professor Snape, there will be consequences to your actions.”
             She stormed off, flicking her wand in the direction of her books, sending them straight into her hands. She snatched her backpack as it soared her way too, and then she stormed out of the room and into the crowd of the next class.
            In it, finally, a face she recognized.
            Harry blinked at her as she shoved her way through. “Siri! What’s wrong?” He called after her.
            “Everything’s absolutely alright! Snape, on the other hand, is on his period.”
            Siri seriously considered skipping Defense Against the Dark Arts. She was too emotional right now for it to be any good for her.
            But she had a perfect record. She had never missed a class period. She had to at least try. Or at least show up to get credit for the class.
            Professor Moody was unorthodox and borderline unethical. Today was a stations day and honestly, she never should have gone.
            Not with potions having happened. Not with her lack of sleep. Not with that damn Deatheater that she saw during the day now.
            It was a cumulative exam day. They were going to be faced with a number of different trails they had to overcome. All but one were easy. All but one she passed with flying colors. She had taken extra-curricular defense magic since she could do magic, of course she passed it all.
            And then the Boggart came.
            Siri wasn’t thinking, how could she? She was still flustered, fried, exhausted from potions.
            Inside the large wooden wardrobe, it rattled. Professor Moody stood off to the side, leaning against the wall.
            “Wand at the ready Argent. Wand at the ready.”
            Her quivering hand raised. That shake had persisted since the World Cup.
            “Steady now,” he warned, and opened the wardrobe.
            Black fog washed out of the wardrobe in heavy puffs. It covered the entire ten feet in front of her, and her wand shakily remained aimed forward.
            Even when the smoke dissipated, and she saw who was in front of her, even then it remained forward.
            A man she didn’t remember. A woman she couldn’t forget. His arm was around hers. He was barely taller than her, but he had eyes that were kind for a rare few.
            “You weren’t enough to keep me alive,” her father told her. The façade dropped as water gushed out of his mouth, and he held his throat, choking on water that kept gushing. Splattering on the floor in front of them.
            One of the many students behind her gasped loudly.
            “Argent,” Moody warned, gruff.
            Her father fell to his knees, choking. Face turning pink. . .red. . .blue. He collapsed to the ground as it became too much, body shaking as his body suffered from too little oxygen inside it. . .then none at all.
            Her mother barely looked at him as she stood on a chair, a rope coming down from the ceiling, noose already tied. It came into her awaiting hands. Her father stopped moving entirely, water soaking the floor. Her shoes.
            “Professor!” A student exclaimed.
            “You weren’t worth fighting for,” her mother said, fitting the noose snuggly on her head. “And one day soon you’ll give up like we did. No one to keep you going because no one will ever care about you.”
            “PROFESSOR!” The same student exclaimed.
            Her mother stepped off the chair just like she had done all those years ago. The rope pulled taught –
            “Ridiculous,” a soft whisper. The boggarts vanished in a swirl of black fog, sucking back into the wardrobe that Moody closed with a tap of his gnarled walking stick.
            The silence didn’t even register to her.
            She hadn’t seen that part of it. Her mother stepping off. She heard a chair clatter. Little Siri was curious. She went to find out.
            She found a body swinging from the ceiling, and she screamed.
            She didn’t see the first part though.
            And her father. She had never seen how he died. All she could confidently say was that he didn’t think he was going back, and the location he had told her of was near the cliffs of Moher.
            As she thought about it later on, when she was older, she assumed drowning. She had never confirmed it.
            “Argent. . .”
            Siri blinked, languid, and stared at Professor Moody.
            “Go to Madame Pomfrey.” She didn’t think it possible for him to speak in anything that resembled a gentle tone.
            Siri turned, ignoring the crowd of staring students, and left the room. This time she forgot her things entirely.
            She didn’t know who Madame Pomfrey was. Quite frankly she didn’t give a shit.
            Siri needed to write a letter and she was going to write one, so she went to the Owlery. She found some paper, pulled out a stupid freaking quill because apparently pens were archaic, and wrote her longest message ever. Her hands kept shaking, and honestly she couldn’t read her own words. They moved around and showed her words she hadn’t wrote, calling her idiot, dumb, failure in more ways than dialect had invented.
            She had to trust he’d be able to decipher it, because she was already sending the message away on a borrowed Owl.
            When she heard other people coming she slipped away quietly, unseen, and went to her hiding place. She normally only came here during the night when she couldn’t sleep. No Deatheater had ever bothered her on the roof tiles of Hogwarts. Coming during the day was different. The tiles were warm on her back.  The breeze that brushed past carried the scent of pine and fall weather, which had set in not long ago.
            It was peaceful.
            “Care if I join you?”
            If she had the energy, she’d have jolted from fear. She didn’t have the energy. Even turning her head was a chore.
            Cedric Diggory was not who she expected.
            She faced the sky again.
            “Alright, taking that as a tentative yes,” he said, carefully making his way towards her, balance perfect. He sat down slowly, and then fully committed to laying down right beside her, his left side against her right side.
            “I heard what happened.”
            She didn’t respond.
            “That’s a lot to happen all in a day.”
            What was he expecting from this conversation? A teary revelation?
            “Snape was out of line. Potter heard everything, relayed the message to me because he couldn’t find you. I had an idea on where you were though, and here you are.”
            Her brow raised. Her voice was raspy. “You knew I was here?”
            “Course. You always come here at night.”
            He knew?
            “I’m a Prefect. It’s my job to know when people are out of bed,” he admitted, and those butterflies in her stomach died. “When I first saw you I was terrified. Thought you were going to. . .but you didn’t. You just laid there. For hours. You don’t sleep a lot, do you?” He asked gently, staring at the cloudy sky with her.
            “I try.”
            “I don’t suppose it’ll help at all if I said I’m sorry for what happened?”
            “No.” She had heard enough “I’m sorry” the day of her mother’s funeral. She was sure she had heard them for her father’s funeral, but that she didn’t remember. No memories haunted her of her father, only the lack of them.
            “Then I guess I’ll just be here for you if you need to talk.”
            “And what if I never want to talk?” She asked, still raspy. “What if I want to pretend this never happened? That everything was normal again?”
            “Well, I don’t know how likely that is to happen. Word spread. . .I think the entire student body knows you’re Sirius’ Black niece by now.”
            Tears pooled again. “And Potter still tried to look for me?”
            “If I’m to be honest, he didn’t seem to care about that fact.”
            The tears slipped down, the silence settled and he didn’t leave. He stayed beside her as if he could actually content where he was. And perhaps it was her need to finally talk, perhaps it was because she hadn’t seen Mandy in forever and they hadn’t spoken since she left; perhaps it was because she was so freaking tired she couldn’t even think right now without her head throbbing so bad she wanted to vomit.
            It was likely multifactorial.
            She started to speak.
            “My father died when I was young. I don’t remember him,” she admitted with a sniffle. “He wrote me letters though. From before I was born to the day he never came back. So it feels like I knew him. He made a lot of bad choices. For a time he was a bad person. He made the right decisions in the end. . . and. . .and my mother tried to hold on. She did. It was too much. I found her after she took her life.”
            “Sirina. . .”
            “So I grew up and I had this code. I wouldn’t have any regrets. My father had regrets and to amend for them, he gave his life for the cause. And my mother died because she couldn’t live without him. So I wouldn’t have regrets. Even if I didn’t like what I was doing, I refused to regret my decision. . .Until that day.”
            “The World Cup,” he responded, knowing.
            She nodded as much as she could, tears slipping into her hair. “I saw those Deatheaters. . .I tried to stop them. . .and there was this spell. I had never heard of it before, never seen it before. . .I can’t stop thinking about it now.” She laughed humorlessly. “I remember it cutting me open. I was choking on my own blood. I thought I was going to die – I should have died. Someone saved me, they knew the reversal spell. I kinda wish they hadn’t because now I can’t sleep. And at first it was just I can’t sleep, but now the Deatheater haunts me during the day. I see him and it’s always the same thing over and over again. He uses that spell and I go down, choking, helpless. . .”
            “It won’t happen again,” Cedric stated, his own firm belief prominent in his tone.
            She laughed again. “You can’t be certain of that.”
            “If I’m always by you, yes I can. I’ll protect you.”
            “From a Deatheater?” She asked, disbelieving.
            He turned his head down to hers. As if drawn by an invisible pull, she looked up to him.
            “From anything,” he responded simply. “Anything and anyone.”
            “You can’t. . .” She couldn’t whisper anymore.
            “I will,” he answered again, just as simply. “Like now, I am going to protect you from a great long fall by asking that we go to a safer location to hide from people. Have you ever been to the Astronomy Tower? Just as high up, but with bars in the way.”
            Despite the shift in tone, he carried the same level of intimacy as before.
            “Don’t tell me you’re scared?” She asked, trying to joke.
            He shook his head. “Of course not, but I can’t chivalrously save you from falling to your death if I am also falling to my death.”
            She didn’t know how she would’ve responded to that, her stomach growled first.
            “I have food in my satchel,” he offered.
            “We’re not allowed to take food out of the Great Hall, mister Prefect” she said, brow piqued.
            “I didn’t,” he grinned, winking. “Took it out of the kitchen directly. Fifth year’s area always stressed and forget to eat. I’ve found it best to keep some snacks on hand at all times to prevent hunger deprived studying.”
            His care for others was the reason she allowed him to help her up. Why he decided to keep hold of her hand was beyond her. When they got up though, she stopped right away.
            Cedric glanced to her. “It’s that way,” he pointed.
            “I’m hallucinating a pirate ship now.”
            “What?. . .Nope. . .I see it too. . .”
            “So we’re both hallucinating a pirate ship?”
            “It must be the hunger. We should go eat something.”
            They left the roof but both kept looking in the direction of the Pirate ship that docked in the Black Lake. Neither knew that if they had kept searching the grounds on the rooftop, they’d also find a French Mansion newly added to the landscape.
            Instead they sat in the Astronomy Tower right beside the railing. They leaned against the metal bars, on opposite side of the opening from each other, feet intermittently intertwined. Cedric’s foot, her foot, Cedric’s foot, her foot.
            He knocked her foot again with another question.
            “I could help you in potions. . .if you need.”
            “I. . .Everything circulated, didn’t it?”
            “A bit. It would be covert. No one would know about it. Just you and me.”
            She took a bite of the brownie. She liked that idea.
            “I have trouble reading sometimes,” all the time, but whatever. “I uh, I have Dyslexia. The letters kinda get screwy. Normally I can figure it out, but under pressure it’s harder.”
            That alone was hard to admit.
            “I’ll do my best to help. . .” He drifted off, both of them picking up on the sounds of leather shoes on stairs.
            This belonged to nicer shoes than what they wore.
            And it belonged to a man better dressed than them too.
            Siri couldn’t help her surprise, the emotion showing on her face as clear as day.
            “You came?” She asked, not expecting that. She thought maybe a letter to Dumbledore, but this?
            Her Uncle, Mr. Argent, entered the Astronomy Tower. He found her immediately, and sighed in relief.
            “Sirina, first things first,” he was professional and orderly even now. “Are you alright?”
            “Better now,” she admitted, standing up. “I. . .I didn’t mean to pull you away, I’m sorry, I was upset – “
            “And you had every right to be,” he cut in. “I plan to talk to Dumbledore immediately. I’m supposed to be in a meeting with him now but when he said you had skipped the rest of your classes for the day, I had to find you. You never skip classes, I knew it was serious.”
            She didn’t have anymore tears inside her. What she did have? The energy to surge forward and throw her arms around him, squeezing him as tight as she could. He didn’t hesitate this time to hug her back.
            And for the first time ever, she knew what it was like to have a father.
            The meeting with Dumbledore, Professor Sprout (Head of House), Madame Pomfrey, Snape, and Moody was eventful.
            Snape was reprimanded, not only had to provide a verbal apology but agree to corrective action, and he was put on warning that if anything of the sort ever happened again, he’d be terminated on the spot. Her Uncle helped with that last bit. Being close co-workers with the Minister of Magic had its benefits.
            Professor Moody, seeing as it was his first offense, had to provide his course syllabus for intense review. He had to apologize for not intervening when the situation clearly became inappropriate for sixth year expectations.
            The conversation with Madame Pomfrey was private, just Siri and her. She told the Healer of her nightmares, of her difficulty sleeping. Madame Pomfrey was going to be providing her sleeping potions for a dreamless night, and Siri had to schedule a meeting with her twice a week for chatting.
            Apparently she needed ‘therapy’. It was either that or detention for swearing and accusing a male professor of having a period in front of younger students.
            “So,” Professor Dumbledore said, hands folded on his desk. “Do we have a deal, Mr. Argent? All your requests will be met, and in exchange you will abstain from legal action?”
            “You’ll never hear from me again, as long as I don’t get another letter like the one I received,” he assured. “If I do, then I will return and without the opportunity for you to keep your Professors in check.”
            Professor Dumbledore smiled. “I’m glad we’re in agreement. May I see you out?”
            “If you so choose.”
            They made their way out, heading down the spiral staircase controlled by a bronze Gryffin with its wings spread wide. That seemed like he was picking favorites.
            She didn’t expect to see Cedric waiting just outside it, and she stopped, brows raised.
            “Hey! Oh. . .Headmaster,” he nodded, “Sir,” he nodded to her Uncle.
            “Cedric,” her Uncle repeated, “Amos’ boy?”
            “Yes sir. Pleasure to meet you,” he held out his hand.
            Her Uncle shook it, gaze calculating. “I trust you can show her back to her dorms?”
            “I’d be happy to sir.”
            “Good.” He nodded, then turned to Sirina, giving her a kiss on the forehead that had her blinking. “Write me if anything else comes up. I’ll see you tomorrow for lunch.”
            “See you then. . .” She stopped herself from saying ‘love you’, and instead finished with, “thanks for everything.”
            “Of course. Be good.”
            He walked off with Professor Dumbledore, chatting with him privately.
            “You didn’t have to wait – “
            “That was never in question. I had to see how you were doing.”
            Damnit, why was he so nice?
            She sagged, running a hand through her wavey black hair. “Better, actually. A lot better. Had a bit of a mental breakdown earlier. . .apparently talking through things helps?”
            Cedric laughed as he walked beside her. “I could’ve told you that. You can talk with me anytime, I’ll be happy to listen.”
            “Obviously the same to you. Anytime you need to rant or shout, I’m there, got it?”
            He smiled down at her. “Sounds like a plan Siri. How about we don’t study potions tonight and take it easy instead? I figured out why that pirate ship was in the Lake.”
            “We’re being attacked?”
            “Even worse,” he said, tsking, “the Triwizard Tournament.”
            That was the last thing she really heard from him. It acted as a trigger word, yanking her right back to the conversation she had with Sirius.
            Triwizard Tournament.
            Something happens to Harry every year.
            Protect him.
            And she had been so overwhelmed these past weeks that she had completely forgot.
            “They put an age restriction on it though,” Cedric explained. “Only 17 and up.”
            Thank God. He was 14, he was nowhere near close to being able to do it.
            “I was thinking of putting my name in it.”
            She stopped, chest tightening. “What? But – but no, that’s dangerous. C’mon.”
            He turned to face her, smiling again like her fear made him happy. “They’ve got more protection this time Siri. And there’s no way of knowing if I’ll actually get in. Loads of people are putting their names in. . .I’d regret it if I didn’t actually try.”
            That word. Damn that word.
            She understood because she was the same way, and she refused to be a hypocrite.
            Piercing her lips, she reached for his hand, holding it tightly. “If you get in, I’m ordering you to be careful, alright? No stupid heroics. You be careful.”
            “You worried about me Black?” He grinned, stormy gaze twinkling.
            “I’m always worried about you Diggory,” she huffed out. “You saw me and thought I’d make a good friend. Clearly there are a few wires loose up there.”
            “How could I not want to be your friend? You’re one of the most loyal and compassionate people I’ve ever met. Anyone would be lucky to be your friend.”
            She hugged him before she knew what she was doing. He smelled like outside and she loved the outdoors, so she hugged him tighter, eyes shutting.
            “If you get in, you’re going to be careful. Whatever happens I’ll do my best to help, okay? You need to practice spells, I will figure out the best spells. You need to practice potions, I’ll grab the ingredients if you point to them cause I can’t fucking read,” he chuckled as he hugged her back, cheek on her head. “But you have to be careful, okay?”
            “It’s a deal Siri. I help you with potions, and if my name is called, you help me with the Tournament.”
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enchantedblackrose · 3 years
All the Pieces Pt 3
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Gif not mine. Full credit to the owner. Taken from Google Images
All the Pieces
Sirius Black/Fem Reader
Warnings: unedited, mild language, alcohol consumption, brief mentions of underage drinking, small mention of bullying. Lengthy author's notes at the end. Also this was a huge PIA to write so hopefully it doesn't read too disconnected
Part 1|| Part 2|| Part 4|| Part 5
Part 3 of ?
When you touch me gently I remember how you know And the sun shines rings around your smile And I'm here laughing like a child -Pieces, Dan Powell
If it was any other person on your doorstep, you'd probably berate them for inducing that almost heart attack you just experienced. Instead you grab the familiar face by the sleeve of his worn jacket, pulling him into your living room.
"I could deck you, Remus John Lupin. I thought someone came for him. Ugh. Come here." Your arms wrap  around him for a tight hug, which he returns. "He's here, Remus. He's safe." You feel Remus let out a deep sigh of relief. Pulling away, you look at him with gentle scrutiny, knowing what a toll last night took on him. "You look awful. Did you walk far? You should've told me you were coming. I could have met you."
Remus shakes his head. "I caught a train and apparated most of the way."
"Stop fussing over him, y/n. Let the poor man get past the door."  Sirius's teasing voice calls out from behind you; no doubt his canine ears allowed him to hear the familiar voice even through the closed bedroom door and knew it was safe to come down.
The two men embrace; this encounter being much more relaxed than their last. No Peter, no warranted need for revenge, no threat of execution.
As you all stand in your living room, a haunting thought hits you: you three are it, the last of your true friends. Peter is the traitor. You suppress a shudder, swearing to make the most of this moment.
"You know," you say with a grin, "I happen to have a large bottle of firewhisky. Fancy a drink, boys?" Sirius's grin mirrors your own. Remus has a small tentative smile, but it's all the encouragement you need to send you to the kitchen to fetch the bottle.
The small, quaint kitchen appears even smaller with the disregarded dishes from breakfast still sitting out on your table. The sight causes a small frown to appear on your face. All the rest of the morning and most of your afternoon had been lost to the unplanned nap with Sirius. You fill your sink with soap and hot water. A few flicks of your wand and your dirty dishes are submerged in the water, scrubbed, and rinsed. The process begins again as now clean plates make their way to the drying rack, which is concerning because you dont believe you cast a spell for that. Confused, you turn to see Remus in the kitchen. He winks and wordlessly reaches your top cabinet without so much of a stretch to retrieve the bottle of firewhisky. You follow him back to the livingroom, toting three glasses.
"Cheers to freedom," you say once everyone has a full glass, "and to being reunited with old friends."
"You hear that, Remus? She thinks we're old." You roll your eyes good naturedly. Remus rests a hand on Sirius's shoulder, giving it a brotherly pat. "We are old," he says simply, before all three of you raise your glasses to your lips, sipping at the burning liquid. You each settle comfortably in your living room. Remus sits in the armchair, leaving the overstuffed couch for Sirius and you. You sit at an end, while he opts for the middle seat, but in a respectable distance of your space. The bottle of alcohol sits in arms reached on the coffee table.
"I thought you swore off this stuff y/n." Remus says with a twinkle in his eye as he takes another drink from his glass. "You know, considering your history with it.." You groan and Sirius throws his head back in laughter.
"I almost forgot," Sirius says breathlessly from laughing. "Was that seventh year?"
"Sixth. Just before we got together. I suppose I was trying to impress you," you tell him.
"You matched me drink for drink that night."
"Which was mad seeing how I never had a drink before. I spent all next morning and afternoon in bed, throwing up. It was awful."
"You're forgetting the best part," Remus interjects.
"Dancing on top of that old table in the Shrieking Shack, singing the chorus of "Rock and Roll all Nite" at the top of my lungs was far from the best part. I only wish I could forget it."
"That wasn't singing, love. More like cats dying," Sirius quips while he and Remus laugh. You say nothing, well aware how accurate the description fits. You take a long drink from your glass.
"Yes, well as, uh, entertaining as that moment was, I wasn't referring to it," says Remus. You look at him questioningly. "Have you forgotten sneaking into the Slytherin boys' dorm, stealing all their robes, turning them hot pink, changing the crest to a mountain troll, and then returning them to the dorm?"
"Oh,  Merlin. That was the same night wasn't it? James had never been so keen on lending me his invisibility cloak until I concocted that plan!" The two men laugh and you join in.
"You know most of my other friends thought I was strange for being into muggle music." You say as the laughter dies down.
"Lily shouldn't have?" Sirius asks after he swallows his drink.
"No. You're forgetting Lily and I weren't friends first. We didn't really talk or hang out until she and James started dating."
"That's right. I forgot. I remember the two of you constantly together."
"Because we bonded over you two idiots. Prior to that, she never came out and said it, but I think she thought I was daft hanging around you lot most of the time. The other girls were more forgiving, but they had crushes on you all." You give a careless shrug. It was no secret how sought after the boys had been in their schooldays.
"I never quite understood how you became friends with us," Remus says.
"It was easy with you. You were so nice, calm, dependable, and not obnoxious. Peter…" you pause, choosing words carefully, not wanting present feelings to influence memories. "He was quiet and lonely. Pretty much agreeable. Again, easy. James and Sirius? I was determined to never speak to either after that boat ride our first night."
"We saved your life that night!" Sirius interjects.
"You two were the reason it needed saving! Standing up in a fucking boat because you two saw whatever in the lake. James knocking me overboard in the process."
"It was a giant squid and we rescued you."
You roll your eyes. "I was drenched, freezing and completely mortified. And as apologetic as James was, he kept calling me the wrong name." You all laugh. 
"It wasn't until second year that I thought they might be okay. We had already become friends," you say looking at Remus. "I missed about a week of classes due to acute bronchitis. You spent time with me afterwards, helping me catch up. When you missed later that month, I was ready to return the favor."
Remus nods, remembering the time fondly. "You were an excellent note taker. Much better than the other three."
"Did you even take notes?" You ask with a playful glance to Sirius.
"In second year? Probably not." He grins ever so cheekily. You shake your head, but are smiling.
"So we became friends and you befriended James and Sirius by default?" Remus muses.
Sirius feigns hurt. "Are you implying we were some sort of consolation prize?"
"Actually," you interject, "They saved me once again. A group of four older boys were harassing me, just dumb taunts and knocking my books out from my hands. They came right over, not caring about being outnumbered. Got the gits to leave me alone. James finally learned my name and I realized Potter and Black weren't so awful after all."
"Those guys were jerks. It didn't sit well with us to see anyone bullied like that."
"Unless of course it was Snape," you counter.
"That was different," Sirius's free hand clenches into a fist as he takes a hard drink.
Remus is quick to change the subject. "Do you still have that remembrall?"
"The one we enchanted to go red only for James? Mhm! It's at my flat in the city."
"Do you mean our flat?" Sirius asks.
Your smile falters. "No. Sirius. I got a different place. After…everything. It was too hard."
A deafening silence falls. Each of you taking long sips from your glasses.
"Oh!" You jump up suddenly, which given your somewhat inebriated state is not the brightest idea. You stumble slightly, but Sirius steadies you, grabbing you by your hips. His fingers linger and your eyes meet. You lose yourself; for a moment you're sixteen again and his touch is more intoxicating than the alcohol. His gaze tells you he feels the same.
Remus clears his throat loudly before taking a drink from his glass.
"Thanks," you mumble, setting your glass on the table.
Sirius releases you from his grasp, though you still feel the ghost of his touch. "'Tis no trouble, darling." You sense his eyes on you as you disappear from the room, heading upstairs. Your head is buzzing, but you blame that on the alcohol…
You return downstairs to the living room, the fetched item tucked securely out of sight under your arm, and find the boys, men talking with easy smiles. It makes you so happy to witness and spend this time together. Your presence has their full attention.
"Follow me, please." You fill your glass with more firewhisky. Sirius mimics the gesture and offers Remus a refill, but he just shakes his head no and silently indicates to the liquid still in his glass. You grab your wand and lead your little group outside to the backyard. The sun sits low in the west, the sky becoming more plum and black than pink and gold. Buckbeak sits on the ground near your shed, one wing tucked over its head.
You hand Sirius your wand and then produce his prisoner robes. He laughs and even Remus looks as if he approves. Sirius waves your wand and the dingy, tattered garment is set ablaze. 
After a while, you all make your way back inside. You prepare a light dinner and the eating and drinking continue with more laughs and shared memories. Hours pass. The contents of the bottle nearly drained signal the night coming to an end.
"I'm one drink away from dancing on tabletops and singing, or, screeching some A-ha, or something equally as embarrassing." you laugh. "I'm going to bed. Remus, I offered Sirius your room, but you're welcome to the couch. There are blankets and pillows in the hall closet." 
"Thank you, y/n. But I should be going."
"What? No. Stay. I insist. I need to see your bemused face sipping tea when I come downstairs with a bloody hangover and you're just fine."
Remus grins. "I hate depriving you both of such a moment, but I have an appointment tomorrow morning. I've already rented a room." You frown but don't press the issue any more. "Though if you don't mind, I thought I'd travel by floo."
"Of course. Help yourself. Powder is on the mantle." You hug him close and kiss his cheek. You excuse yourself, giving the other two time to say goodbye.
As you head for the bathroom, you pause hearing their low voices.
"I'm so sorry, old friend, for believing you... betrayed them. I should have known better. I-"
"There's nothing to forgive. I doubted you, too. The war made us all fear the worst.."
Mentally, you chastise yourself for eavesdropping and begin washing your face.
Sirius has made his way upstairs. In passing his room, you say goodnight. You're about to close the door to your bedroom when he calls your name and you turn to see him stepping towards you. Without warning his lips crash down on yours. Your fingers intertwine in his dark curls at the nape of his neck as you let the kiss deepen. His hands grip your waist and he hoists you up off your feet with little effort just as he did many times all those years ago. Your legs wrap themselves around his waist as he carries you to your bed. He drops you gently and only breaks the kiss to look at you. Still hovering over you, his gray eyes search your face for the answer to an unasked question. You nod in response, but he continues to gaze at you longing to hear you say it.
"I want you."
A slow breath of relief leaves him and his mouth finds its way back to yours. 
The night ends with two former lovers once again completely losing themselves in a perfect moment.
There's an unspoken understanding that the night you and Sirius shared together was more than a drunken hookup after a long night of reminiscing. But you don't repeat the night, though you share your bed with him. Nights are hard for him. Sleep doesn't always come easy and he often wakes in the middle of the night screaming, or panicked with sweat pouring off his body. But your presence brings him a comfort he can't otherwise achieve. And so, you spend your night together in your bed. Sleeping.
As days turn into weeks, a comfortable routine has set. Remus visits about once a week. Surprisingly, Sirius has taken to caring for your garden. You go into town as needed and you and Sirius cook dinner together most nights. Buckbeak, now known as Witherwings per a letter from Hagrid that reached Sirius, roams your yard freely, occasionally taking flight in the safety of the countryside night skies, always returning by daybreak. As precautions for the hippogriff and Sirius you casted Protego totalum over the cottage and yards. 
During this time together, Sirius learns how you took over your parents' shop*, how you've taken on a promising young woman who mostly looks after it, leaving you to spend more time here at the cottage, which also belonged to your parents. With tears in your eyes, you told him how they died months apart just over two years ago. He comforted you, remembering them both fondly and told you they'd be proud of you.
The day is still young when you tell him you have to go to the shop to take inventory. Before you leave you call out to him.
"Since it looks like rain, can you please go through some of your things in the attic?"
"Yes, dear," he uses the term mockingly and you playfully glare back at him.
"Try not to burn the place down while I'm gone." With that, you close the door behind you.
It's late afternoon when you return home. Sirius is waiting for you. A midnight blue box in his hand.
"Will you marry me, y/n?"
*a/n: I kept this vague so you can imagine a shop that fits your personality/likes/whatever. I'll only specify this later if needed for storylines. I wanted something where you could be allotted time off easily. Personally I imagine maybe an apothecary? Or maybe an antique shop. What about you?
2: I'm thinking of writing a prequel? More like blurbs, highlighting moments between you and Sirius. But I need to know what you want to read. First engagement? First kiss? When Sirius realizes he's in love? Time at Hogwarts? Post Hogwarts but pre Azkaban?
Taglist <3:  @oingo233 @marimorena06 @medalloway-blog
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messrsmemoirs · 5 years
So, I’m sorry this’ll be long, but I’m v interested in your perspective on this: how do u think this series of events: the werewolf prank, coupled w Sirius leaving home the very summer after that prank - played out from Remus’s perspective? Bc the prank might’ve confirmed to Remus all fears that Sirius dehumanised him & was way more like his family than they all thought, & maybe he was partly right on both counts. [1]
But I’ve never been able to disconnect Sirius’s leaving home from this incident (we know it happened the summer after the Prank bc that’s the only summer he could’ve been @ GP when he was 16, which is when he tells Harry that he left). & I have to wonder if Sirius so definitively siding against his upbringing (which ofc meant siding against a lot of toxic ideas, but their idea of werewolves being subhuman - given how Bellatrix talks about Remus & Tonks - is included in that) [2]
played a role in Remus forgiving Sirius to whatever extent for that prank. Bc it showed that if he was more like them than he could admit, he at least did NOT want to be, he wanted to be with James, Remus and Peter instead. It’s a different mindset from having an idea about werewolves and constant conviction that your idea is right; so given that, I’m wondering how Remus would’ve responded to it.[3]
I know it’s canon Remus forgave him, but tbh I’ve always had trouble working out the exact logistics of WHY - at least w/out bringing Wolfstar into it. [4]
Right, so firstly let me apologize to you and all the askers still waiting for me and my serious lack of response. It’s not personal, and it has everything to do with me and how I’m a complete mess of a human being. I take hours writing and formulating responses to asks and because it takes so long I end up setting aside a few hours just to answer one ask, and that feels like a big stress (and what if I can’t focus blah blah) so I end up getting stressed, and then avoid it for what feels like a month and surprise, it’s been six. .. Or more. So. Uh. … Sorry. 
So anyway, digging in to the core of the post:
I think we have to begin by examining firstly Sirius’ callousness and how it relates to his background with Remus. I do think that Remus was aware that Sirius could be downright abusive if he was left alone, and I would cite the way that JKR says Sirius’ features become like a dog with a scent at the sight of Snape: Sirius is an excitable person in that it was easy for him to lose track of what he was doing. When he zeroes in on something, there is a massive capacity for escalation. If ever there was a heat-of-the-moment excuse, Sirius’ face would be pictured with it. And while I think Remus and the others were aware of this (and of course it was something that Remus dealt with as a Prefect) I think it was something that they begrudgingly accepted as a part of Sirius that they, as a group, could try and help to subvert. Of course, with James “Arrogant Toe-Rag” Potter at his side, it wasn’t always easy to do the right thing. This is why someone like Peter helped to balance the group: a second voice of reason (though one not well-respected and one which was often overlooked, to be fair, but nonetheless). That isn’t to say that Sirius is a violent sociopath or that he’s unstable, but he was clearly a reckless, head-first, and very proud sort of teenager who would certainly shoot first and ask questions later. 
It’s easy to surmise that based on Sirius’ overall character and where he comes from, he didn’t grow up to be someone with a lot of emotional maturity. I think to a teenage Sirius especially, other people’s experiences weren’t as valid as his own. Other people mattered to him, clearly, but I think it was more that only the people he loved mattered above all else. And even with those he did care about, there was somewhat of a hierarchy: James, to Sirius, was like a brother. Like blood. James was family, and if anyone ever hurt James Sirius would destroy them. I think Remus was very important to Sirius, and Peter, too. But I think outside of James there was this sort of dispensability: to Sirius, he was always waiting to be abandoned by the people he loved. He loves Remus and Peter just as he loves James, but there’s something he can’t let go of and for whatever reason he doesn’t let them as near to him as James. And as far as other people? I think Sirius was wary. Un-trusting at best, and a bit of a “get them before they get me” kind of man, which on top of his emotional immaturity allowed him to be able to hurt people like Snape and not think much of it. It didn’t matter because the people Sirius cared about were having fun, and so was he. Snape (etc) didn’t matter, not in the long run. It’s also important to remember that Sirius was raised from birth to be someone for whom other (read: lesser) people dealt with the consequences of his actions. I think this would have been tempered somewhat by living among his friends at Hogwarts for so long, but it brings us back to the thing with Snape and such and how Sirius seemed not to have a line drawn in the sand–that is, no line that was too far to cross, no act that was too reprehensible. A detention served for bullying Snape was to Sirius an annoyance to be escaped from, not a punishment. His rejection by people like Lily was their problem to deal with, not his. I would argue that there is a sense of nobility in there as well, and that Sirius didn’t come down on those he didn’t feel deserved it. But that means that regardless of his intentions Sirius could justify whatever it was he was doing, because it was for him, or more importantly, for those he loved. 
Going back to Remus, I don’t think Sirius ever did consider Remus subhuman or anything like that. I do think there was a time around their initial discovery where Sirius had to confront the ideas he’d been taught about werewolves and that he decided (likely alongside and with the help of James and Peter) that Remus was none of those things and was a normal human, and their friend. I think it was more that Sirius just didn’t think of the consequences, or what it would mean for Remus that the Prank happened at all, because Sirius wasn’t the type of person for whom consequences truly mattered and that he just never got far enough in his train of thought to really consider Remus in all of it. Remus is someone Sirius is used to seeing constantly coping–whether it’s coping with his Furry Little Problem, or coping with the things that Sirius and James do for “fun”. Sirius may have just assumed that Remus would simply cope with this, too. He’s got enough practice with people being angry at him that he’s not scared of whatever Remus will say.
In the aftermath, I don’t think Sirius actually felt bad about what he had done. I think he knew full well that he had done something wrong, but that it was easier for him to understand and deal with the fact that Remus was in a great deal of pain rather than for him to understand the why’s about wrongness. For all his emotional immaturity I think Sirius understands pain, and I think it was really the scale of that pain which drove him to be apologetic and explain his intentions–which, I would bet, sent Remus up the wall, because Sirius didn’t actually have bad intentions towards him and yet through sheer carelessness had done something horrific. 
Rather than resulting in any great insight into why Sirius is the way he is, I have a feeling it was more that what saved their relationship was that brotherly bond that they both held for one another. I do think there was this shock initially about the whole thing, where Remus would have been distraught enough to think that maybe Sirius was just like his whole family, etc. etc. But, I think Remus would have eventually come down enough to really think about who Sirius is and what he represents by rebelling against his family in the past (as he had by accepting Remus as a friend and confidant, for example). I think Remus would have (with James’ help) really reflected on Sirius as a whole person, because the significance of the incident really merited a sit-down tbh. I think Remus decided that Sirius was his friend, his brother, and that while what he had done was horrific that he could take precautions not to let it happen again and that what mattered was that Sirius’ intentions were never to hurt him. Sirius realizing that he had caused Remus a significant amount of pain (again with James’ help to deal with it) would have more than likely seen him try to restore his good graces with Remus, though attempts to justify what he had done would have made it worse. I think for SIrius, saying “I fucked up and I admit that I fucked up” were enough for Remus at a certain point, because he knew that it was the closest Sirius could come to “I did something wrong and I apologize.”Remus, ever the self-sacrificing and deeply loving soul, probably forgave Sirius out of compassion. He saw that Sirius was not deliberately trying to ruin him, but that he was also a complete idiot. I think he made the decision to forgive knowing that the hurt would never truly go away, and knowing down the road that he needed to go about things differently after what happened. I think James was also a big buffer between their animosity as well, and that he really helped them move on. 
(However. I think it’s worth mentioning that rather than after his escape from Grimmauld place, I think this might be something that Sirius reflected on in Azkaban, actually. I think this is part of why he’s a little less guns blazing in the rest of the series–that, and certainly his need to protect Harry, whom he loved like a son.)
ASK COMPLETE! … Sorry it took so long, but I hope I did well enough!
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