gothmusiclatinamerica · 11 months
"Insomne Mare" by Rio De Janeiro, Brazil-based instrumental dark surf synth act Seashore Darkcave off of 2023 release Synthtales
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Nightwing and Dawnwing
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Skeleton: Sans Bird: Raven Height: 9 Inches Wingspan: 2 feet Diet: Omnivorous (whatever requires the least amount of effort)
Main Personality Traits:  - Lazy - Laidback - Kind of a Goof
Likes: - Ketchup - Pranks - Naps - Jokes
Dislikes: - Being forced to be active - Having nap time disturbed (IMPORTANT: Nap Time is SACRED to Nightwings and should not be interrupted for anything less than a life-or-death emergency!)
Notes: - Nickname: Night or Night-Night - Nightwings also love “sharing” food (he will eat off of your plate because he’s too lazy to get his own and then claim it’s a “bonding thing”)
Skeleton: Papyrus Bird: Cockatiel Height: 12 Inches Wingspan: 2.5 feet Diet: Omnivorous (will eat just about anything, but enjoy maintaining well balanced diets)
Main Personality Traits: - Mom-Friend - Mother-Hen
Likes: - Spaghetti - Caring for others - Kids
Dislikes: - Bad language (especially in front of “innocent young ears”) - Cruelty - Drastic and/or Sudden Change
Notes: - Nickname: Dawn - Dawnwings are incredibly nurturing and love taking care of others.
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themenagerie · 3 years
LF Undertale RP (Plots and Stories)
Hello! I’ve entered the Undertale fandom about five years late and have a mighty need to do some roleplay in that particular universe and a number of the related AUs. I am looking for individuals who are 18+, who are comfortable with mature as well as darker themes (violence, sex/sexuality, psychological elements, racism, etc.) and who are comfortable with canon characters and OCs in an RP setting.
I am looking to do 1x1 with myself and the other person taking on the roles of multiple canon characters (cross fandom friendly!) and OCs (OCs aren’t required but I like giving people the option for it) with the other person at least being able to play Sans the Skeleton (canon and most AUs accepted) and/or Underswap Papyrus. Yes, I’m willing to double up :)
Below is further details including AUs I’m interested in dabbling in, plot/storyline ideas, information about myself, characters I’m interested in playing, and other need-to-know’s since I’m still coding my blog! The best way to reach me if any of this is of interest to you is to boop me either in DMs here or over on discord! ---> Lilacs#8103
About Myself! I’m a 25+ year old woman who has been RPing for a little over 20 years! I do a lot of RP between discord and MMOs and met my husband over an MMO about 7 years ago! We’ve been married for over 2 of those years :D I love world building, reading, cooking, and harassing my cats. Below are some writing samples! Larger ‘World Building’ Style Post || More Average Sized Post || My Stories on Ao3!
What I Can Provide! - Active Posting: I only work a few days a week so I’m around a lot and this is RP I’ve been craving for weeks so it would have a lot of my attention! I’m AZ so my timezone fluctuates a bit but I’m typically active between 11AM-1AM PST (give or take a few hours depending on the day of the week). - An Extensive Roleplay and Storytelling Background: I’ve ran RP groups and guilds across mediums and games from plots that involve over a dozen people to cozier one-on-one dynamics. Some places I’ve done RP is Discord, City of Heroes, World of Warcraft, MSN Groups, MSN Messenger, Guild Wars 2, Final Fantasy 14, forums, and many others! - Memes, Shitposting, and More: I love to chillax inbetween writing. I will absolutely drown you in headcanons, drabbles, musical inspiration, and whatever else! You scream I scream we all scream for skeletons. - Literate Responses: I typically do 3-6+ paragraphs a post depending on the scene and circumstances. Especially for the kind of RP I have in mind where we’d basically be fleshing out a world between ourselves that will often have cameos from other characters as need be. - A Love of Every Theme, Like, Ever: I have written just about every theme/genre out there and there’s very little I won’t indulge in either for my sake or my writing partner’s. From the fluffiest of fluff to casual slice of life to gruesome horror and crazy adventures. I typically blend a little of everything into what I do and have a habit of putting characters through their paces before giving them a reprieve only to do it all over again.  LGBT+ Friendly: I’m a pansexual polyamorous woman who loves everyone and everything that has ever existed.
What I’m Looking For! - At Least a Post a Day!: I’m looking for someone who is able to be active on a similar level as I am. Ideally an individual who can post multiple times a day but I’ll settle for once a day since RL happens. I’m currently doing a Mafiafell plot with a friend and as lovely as it’s been they only post every few days or so and I’m itching for something more active! - 3-6+ Paragraphs on Average: I don’t expect novels and quite frankly I tend to lean closer to 2-4 paragraphs on average myself! But I’m not interested in someone who can only do a few lines at a time, either. - Someone With a Love of World and Story Building!: I love those with creative, active imaginations. A number of these plots will involve having to flesh out particulars together and I don’t want to be doing all the work while someone goes ‘idk’ in a corner. I want us both to love what we’re writing together and to pour a little of ourselves into it :) - Openness to RPing Mature Themes: I tend to incorporate a lot of mature subject matter into my writing. Smut, gore, substance abuse, elements of anxiety/depression, violence and more aren’t strangers in my stories. I find that opening a story to such realistic elements adds a richness to what can be written. Of course I’m happy to abide by the comfort levels of another and to be respectful of triggers/limits, but if you’re easily squeamish then writing with me probably isn’t the best thing for you! - Acceptance of AUs/Multiverse: There’s a chance of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey things to happen in most of these plots and an open mind to such is super appreciated! A number of these plots may also deviate from canon and enter into more AU territory depending on how we progress certain things. - OC and Canon Friendly: I like to use both canon characters and OCs in most of my RPs and plots. I know some prefer one or the other and preferably those interested are fine with both.
The Characters and AUs! Below are characters I’m interested in playing as well as what I’m interested in seeing being played. As I mentioned above the only real hard request I have is the other person involved is able to play a Sans and/or Underswap Papyrus. Interested in Playing: Both adult and child versions of Frisk (depending on the RP/AU), Papyrus, some Sans’, Undyne, Alphys, Toriel, Mettaton, OCs Interested in Seeing Played: Sans, Papyrus, Grillby, Asgore, OCs, and pretty much any other characters you’re comfortable playing! As stated at the top, I’m also cross-fandom friendly! AUs I’m Interested In: Some of Underswap, Underfell, Flowerfell, Mafiafell, Mafiatale, Undertale, Swapfell, Horrortale, Dancetale, Axetale, Undersail, Synthtale, possibly others!
The Plots/Ideas! I have more ideas than what’s listed here but these are some of the biggies! - Boats and Birds: This can take place in multiple different AUs or in the canon depending on how we want to set it up. This plot loosely follows the events of the game except Frisk isn’t alone when they land in the Underground and instead is accompanied by a relative that happened to be with them on the mountain. Said relative would be an OC of mine and either their cousin, sister, or mother (the mother angle being that they had Frisk quite young as Frisk would be a child in this plot and their mother would be in their 20s). While traversing through the Underground, Frisk and their relative would be trying to figure out a way to break the barrier in a way that doesn’t involve sacrificing a soul. This plot idea is loosely inspired by the fanfiction ‘Would That Make You Happy?’. - The Iron Door: This is much more AU/Multiverse friendly and is based off ideas I’ve had that I put into a story already. Frisk’s abilities with the RESETs and SAVEs has revolved to the point that they can travel across multiple timelines and verses at will. They can’t leave the Underground during any of these travels but when you can go virtually anywhere it’s not like it matters. I’d be interested in playing Frisk, Chara (who is joined with Frisk), and an OC for this particular plot along with any other characters as the characters investigate the fracturing state of the multiverse. - After All’s Said and Done: Most AUs or just the canon (from true pacifist to a near genocide playthrough) can fit into this, as it’s involving exploring what happens after the barrier is taken down and monsterkind acclimates themselves in the surface world. Human beings have mixed feelings about monsters being in their world and this tends to cause a LOT of problems as monsters are just trying to learn how to adapt to finally being free. Would involve a lot of mini story ideas depending on how myself and those involved would want to further develop the setting! - Housemash: This is less a plot and more just a very casual idea of having whatever characters we want living in one big house together and letting shit steamroll from there. Would involve canon characters, OCs, and even whatever other fandom characters we’d want to squeeze in for shits and giggles.  As I said before there’s more but here are the big ones off the top of my head!
Additional Notes - I’m super open and flexible to playing a lot of characters and catering to the desires of my partner. That being said I am hoping to have a Sans/OC or a Sans/Adult!Frisk depending on what idea gets settled on.  - For most versions Sans I tend to lean towards them having at least loose knowledge of the RESETs. Tends to add a healthy dose of angst and headfuckery that way. - Openness to polyamory, harem/reverse harem, and A/B/O dynamics a plus!
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Progress is made and conclusions are reached.
Special thanks to @addicted-to-the-fic, @ariinya, @noplotnostory, and @vex-bittys
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Elvis and Sinatra
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Skeleton: Swap Sans Bird: Lovebird Height: 9 Inches Wingspan: 18 Inches (1.5 feet) Diet: Herbivorous
Main Personality Traits: - Super affectionate - Loves love
Likes: - Everyone they meet - Cuddling
Dislikes: - People who are intentionally rude and/or hurtful
Notes: - Plural: Elvisses - Elvisses are prone to developing very strong crushes very quickly. They will become dedicated to the object of their affection and begin doting on them immediately. - However, Elvisses operate under an “Easy come, easy go” mentality. If the object of their affection rejects them or proves to be uninterested, the Elvis will accept this and move on, developing a crush on another individual. The only time an Elvis is hurt by unrequited feelings is when the object of their affection has led them on.
Skeleton: Swap Papyrus Bird: Umbrella Cockatoo Height: 12 Inches Wingspan: 3 feet Diet: Herbivorous (fresh fruit, nuts, some vegetables)
Main Personality Traits: - Loyal - Lazy - Practical
Likes: - Singing - Memes - Cuddles - Honey - Sweets
Dislikes: - Being ignored - Being left along
Notes: - Plural: Sinatras - Sinatras will eat sugary and pre-packaged foods if they can manage it. They WILL drink honey straight if not stopped. - Sinatras love to sing and mimic the voices of others.
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When State College University was first founded by Tobias Strahling Fox more than a century ago, the state government agreed to set aside several acres of land in order to preserve much of the local flora and fauna and protect the local ecosystem while the nearby area was developed.
Protecting and celebrating nature in our modern age.
The City Park was home to the Tuyoki Chang Observatory for forty years before the building was destroyed due to a magical storm. After lying empty for years, the observatory was recently torn down so that the Coalition Aviary could be built in its place. Now, the park is home to a unique species of Bitty known as the "Birbitty". Though the Birbitties are available for adoption, they are considered a protected species.
Guests and visitors are permitted to enjoy the Aviary Visitor Center and are encouraged to ask questions. The surrounding grounds (measuring at 10 acres) are off limits to the general public and are only open to guests and visitors who have acquired prior authorization. This is to ensure the safety and conservation of the Birbitties and their natural habitat.
The remaining 30 acres of land are open to the general public and have beautiful hiking, walking, and biking trails. There are also several pavilions and picnic plots that can be reserved for private use.
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How would the birbitties react to rain? And how would the birbitties react to different holidays like Halloween and Christmas?
Actually most of the birbs love the rain!
Be at cuddling up in their nest and watching it or rolling around in a puddle, -chuckles-
Oh for Holidays?
Most of them don’t really understand until you show them What ‘Christmas’ and ‘Halloween’ is. 
They mostly just think humans are being weird.......which is a given.
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Smoke and Mirrors
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Skeleton: Swap-Fell Sans Bird: Magpie Height: 9 Inches Wingspan: 2 feet Diet: Omnivorous (fruits, nuts, grains, fresh/unprocessed meat)
Main Personality Traits: - Proud - cunning
Likes: - Shiny objects - Vibrant and colorful things - Decorating himself and his nest to be as eye-catching as possible 
Dislikes: - Taking his treasures - Ignoring him - Not appreciating his awesomeness
Notes: - Plural: Smokes - Smokes love to find and collect shiny baubles and treasures which they use to decorate their nests and themselves. - NEVER take anything away from a Smoke. Attempting to do so will only result in losing a finger.
Skeleton: Swap-Fell Papyrus Bird: Hyacinth Macaw Height: 12 Inches Wingspan: 4 feet Diet: Herbivorous (nuts, fruits, seeds, and vegetables.)
Main Personality Traits: - TROLL - They change their temperament based on who they are interacting with. They like to mess with people, but they don’t want to push too far.
Likes: - Jokes - Pranks - Mimicry
Dislikes: - Anyone who is genuinely mean
Notes: - Plural: Mirrors - Mirrors love to mimic the voices of others to troll and prank people around them. - Mirrors are the ultimate hype-men. They will egg on anyone who they think will prove entertaining. Mirrors like to play with their food, so try to avoid feeding them anything that is messy or likely to stain.
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Cosmos and Vogue
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Skeleton: Fell Sans Bird: African Grey Height: 9 Inches Wingspan: 2 feet Diet: Herbivorous (need lots of nuts and fruits, but are too lazy to peel/shell them; they do NOT share food.)
Main Personality Traits: - TSUNDERE - Wants affection, but will not initiate
Likes: - Science - Learning
Dislikes: - Excessive noise
Notes: - Plural: Cosmoi - Cosmoi crave affection and attention, but they will adamantly deny it. They will regularly find themselves in other people’s personal space and complain loudly. Despite their outward behavior, they will love any and all attention lavished on them - If a Cosmos genuinely wants you to stop or give them space, they will reply with a flat “NO”. Any other kind of “objection” is merely their way of saving face while enjoying the attention.
Skeleton: Fell Papyrus Bird: Scarlet Macaw Height: 12 Inches Wingspan: 3 feet Diet: Herbivorous (nuts, leaves, berries, seeds. NEVER peel or shell for him; able to eat fruits that are toxic to others)
Main Personality Traits: - Narcissistic - Showy
Likes: - Showing off - Being praised
Dislikes: - Being ignored - Being insulted
Notes: - Plural: Vogues - Vogues are incredibly prideful to the point of being vain. It is important to acknowledge a Vogue’s grace and beauty to ensure any kind of stable relationship.
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Coalition Aviary Field Guide Vol. 1 Index
Warning and Disclaimer, Table of Contents
Mission, Vision, Overview, Map
General Info
Language, Magic
General Care Part 1
General Care Part 2
Eggs, Hatchlings, and Adolescents Part 1
Eggs, Hatchlings, and Adolescents Part 2
Nightwing and Dawnwing
Mr. Bowties
Elvis and Sinatra
Cosmos and Vogue
Smoke and Mirrors
The Team
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I have a question, for someone who is kind of afraid of birds, but really wants to practice drawing wings and coloring things, would it be ok to come by and see if any of the milder birbitties would be ok with being sketched?
Awwwwww, sweet Art Anon!
Of course you can come and draw the burbs, Lucky for you, you don’t even have to enter the aviary to observe them. Most will be more than happy to show off their feathers to you!
Via through a window or in the trees outside.
-gasps- oh!
That’s how I met my dear Allen so long ago, I was sketching one day and he decided to be a most handsome model!
Allen: I bet you ‘egret’ that decision. -chuckles-
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Can i hug the Elvieses and Mr Bowties? I'm having a bit of a rough day.
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Oh of course you can! Those sweet boys will give you all the TLC you could ever need!
Though watch yourself you might get clothes-lined in the process, Bowies tend to be ankle huggers and Elvises are dive-bomb Lovers. -exhales-
That’s a mouthful, ha. -Gentlely pushes you in the right direction- go have fun!
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This strange new discovery sends the whole gang for a loop. Who is this little Bitty and where did she come from?
special thanks to @addicted-to-the-fic, @ariinya, @noplotnostory, and @vex-bittys
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Mr. Bowtie
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Skeleton: Aster Bird: Humboldt Penguin Height: 18 Inches (1.5 feet) Wingspan: N/A (flightless)  Diet: Carnivorous (mostly sea foods: fish meat, crab meat, etc.)
Main Personality Traits: - Inquisitive - Kind
Likes: - Flying (or trying to invent a way to fly) - Swimming - Cuddling - Learning
Dislikes: - Violence - Angry noises
Notes: - Nickname: Bowie - Mr. Bowties are the only flightless Birbitty, so they like to come up with different ways of mimicking flight, whether it be through magical or mechanical means
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Welcome one and all to the Coalition Aviary Bitty Adoption Center! The Aviary is now officially open for business! Feel free to send us questions, match-up requests, and adoption requests!
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Lady has finally realized that her place is in the Aviary. Now she's cleaning and packing to prepare for the move. Unfortunately, the gang encounters a few bumps along the way.
Special thanks: @addicted-to-the-fic, @ariinya, @noplotnostory, @vex-bittys
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