#Ttte Salty
thebunnylord · 2 months
Ttte swearing headcanons
Thomas: swears at least once a day when nobody is around, thinks saying no-no words is funny
Edward: never said a bad word in his life, will remind everyone to watch their language
Henry: would if he could but knows that swear words hurt people.
Gordon: thinks swearing is undignified, despicable, disgraceful, and disgusting.
James: doesn’t swear except for that time he derailed when his brake blocks were on fire.
Percy: learned a new word, uses it, until he’s told that it’s a bad word
Toby: scolds Percy and Thomas for foul language, swear police
Duck: thinks that swearing is not the Great Western Way ™. Swear police no. 2
Donald: swears in his sleep when he’s stressed out.
Douglas: will swear occasionally for fun
Oliver: will swear occasionally when Duck and toad aren’t around
Emily: is a proper lady and thinks swearing isn’t ladylike
Salty: picked up his vocabulary from the sailors. Has quite the sailor mouth
Cranky: sailor mouth no. 2
Diesel: has a potty mouth so big that it’s a septic tank
Bill and Ben: turn into a pair of giggling middle schoolers when anyone swears.
Mavis: will tell bill and Ben to “stop saying that Word! It’s a swear word and it’s not a nice !!$#&!! Thing to say!”
BoCo: scolds anyone for swearing
Duncan: if Diesel has a septic tank mouth, then Duncan has an entire sewage treatment plant mouth. He uses words like !!$&#!!, !!$#&!!, and !!$#&!! So liberally that they are now conservative.
(Get it, like the political spectrum where theoretically you can go so far in one direction that you wind up on the other side…
I’ll take my leave)
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ohmystarrynight · 9 months
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I’m. Not dead.
I’m very sorry for being so radio silent but nobody sat me down and said 2.5 jobs and bills and rent was gonna be so hard >:,0
who the fuck is out here Live Laugh Loving in these conditions!!!
ANYWAY I think this scene is very funny so I made it people-y-er
Toodles til later :))
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steam-beasts · 5 months
A Salty ol' lizard
A small teaser to my new short story. Hope it looks good.
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theredengineapologist · 4 months
I plugged in Thomas the Tank Engine characters into the Hunger Games Simulator. Here's how it went.
To begin, here's the tribute lineup! Unfortunately, the program wouldn't take any of the image urls I tried to enter so we're just gonna have to use our imaginations.
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The horn has sounded! What is everyone's first move?
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Oof! Looks like we've already got 2(3?) eliminations folks! Say goodbye to Bertie, Annie, and (probably) Duck.
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Honestly Bill stealing from Boco is very on brand for him. XD
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Damn. We lost a lot of Steam Team members this round. And it's only the first day. *sad salute*
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Here's who we have left after only just one day. The "Magic Railroad" duo really be out for blood.
First night, here we go!
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Damn, I guess Henrietta and Percy couldn't take it anymore. Sad. :(
Status Check:
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Continuing into Night 2.
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Day 3 Status Check. I'm placing my bet right now, I think Bill is going to win. It would be the funniest and most in-character thing for him to do:
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Bill is out for blood. We're also down to our last Steam Team member.
Day 4 Status Check. Bill has officially surpassed Diesel 10 for most kills.
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The engines who have killed have now killed the one engine who HASN'T committed a murder.
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We are now down to our last three tributes.
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The tension is brewing.
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And in an unexpected turn of events, Diesel 10 throws the game.
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And here are the final placements for the Thomas and Friends Hunger Games.
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𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕤
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𝚂𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚢 𝙰𝚄 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚜
(𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚝𝚘 @steam-beasts 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚘 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚄)
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skettchyartendevours · 2 months
So the other night my brother and I started brainstorming a somewhat Choo Choo Charles inspired Thomas & Friends AU where almost everything is the same, except the trains have legs...
And I've done a bit of concept drawing
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The point of these sketches were basically just to flesh out the proportions/structure of a handful of the character's hypothetical legs
I've also decided to give each type of vehicle legs that match a general species group, such as: The mainline steam engines will have mammalian legs akin to big cats or dogs (e.g, lions, wolves, foxes, etc), diesel engines will have somewhat bug-like legs, narrow gauge engines will have hoofed goat-like legs since they generally traverse mountainous areas, flying vehicles will have avian (bird-like) legs, water traversing vehicles will have fins or flippers, and road vehicles' legs will likely fall into a more ambiguous species category
There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as Duck having avian legs (I couldn't resist taking his name literally) or Salty having reptilian legs with webbed feet, but for the most part the characters will follow this species category rule
As for the amount of legs the engines will have, that will differ depending on the engine's size. Tank engines and standard diesels would have 6 legs each, bigger mainline engines would have up to 8 legs (12 with a tender coupled), and narrow gauge engines would typically have 4 legs.
The biggest exception to this rule would be Mighty Mac. Since they're conjoined twins they have a set of legs each, making them the only narrow gauge engine to possess 8 legs. Plus all of their limbs are front legs with opposeable thumbs, another anomaly among engines in general.
Since this has been an unusually text heavy post for my blog, I shall leave you with two bonus (very rough) sketches:
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Here we have James in a pinup-style pose (my brother's suggestion) as well as Thomas and Percy hanging out on a shed roof after somehow fining a way up there
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uselessalexis165 · 2 months
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tried making some ttte memes (313)
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anonymousboxcar · 9 months
Some Cranky Headcanons
-A dockworker once tried decorating him for Christmas. They climbed up to Cranky’s cab with coils of lights and garlands. A lot of yelling and thrashing later, they climbed back down with said coils snarled around themselves.
-Everyone got the message loud and clear… except for Salty, who praised Cranky for his “proper sailor’s knots.”
-He has a camera attached to his sign — done at the behest of the NWR for some self-promotion — that livestreams the docks every now and then. The view from his height is stunning, replete with incredible shots of Sodor’s industry and coast.
-He didn’t like the camera at first, griping about its extra weight. But then he heard about the glowing comments from viewers about his camera work. His occasional grumbles the camera picked up even earned him some fans, who found his comments funny/endearing.
-Now he complains whenever they turn the camera off. Knowing lots of people appreciate him and are right there, looking out to the ocean with him, is a comfort.
-Cranky hated Bill and Ben for their pranks and general mischief. That is, until he teamed up with them to humble a dockyard manager who was a massive jerk to all parties.
-(“Can’t we just report him?” Cranky asked them.
“Well, yes. But that wouldn’t be as fun,” Bill said.
Ben grinned. “Don’t you think he deserves some payback?” Cranky didn’t grin back. He didn’t, because that would mean he liked these clowns. But for a moment, he understood how they had friends. “Yeah,” he said after a long pause.)
-Bill and Ben baited the manager over by not following his arbitrary directions. The ensuing argument kept him aggravated enough to not notice Cranky maneuvering his arm into position. From there, it was easy to let go of his cargo: bags of guano.
-And the beauty of it was that the bags landed in the truck. It was the manager’s fault, Cranky later argued, for climbing onto the edge of the truck to better scream in Bill’s face.
-The dockyard manager received a pink slip with guano splattered all over his back.
-Ever since, Cranky can’t bring himself to hate Bill and Ben. He still thinks they’re pests, but he’s more tolerant of them. For their part, Bill and Ben don’t bother Cranky quite as much.
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henryisalesbian · 1 year
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diesel deserves to have a little a found family. as a treat.
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fuck you *learning segment cgi-ifies your engines... and harold*
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and... as a bonus, have mavis in this ominous white fog.
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wysteriaisapenguin · 9 months
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Can we get a Team Diesel?
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thespeedywagon98 · 6 months
Re-design for Kevin and Victor and designs for Salty and Cranky. I’ve always imagined Cranky being some kind of bird and decided to make him a Pacific Gull. I was thinking of making him a stork but eventually went with a seagull because somehow I got storks and seagulls mixed up and didn’t wanna go back and change it.
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sekiumiarashi · 1 year
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more engine designs! whistle wednesday has just finished season 20 and we all live in fear of bwba but we’re living the high life right now and I’m planning on riding the hype train all the way to our inevitable crash 
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steam-beasts · 15 days
In a general sense, who was infected via bite/scratch ratter than getting the suspicious coal?
Salty - got attacked by a feral Porter. He actually doesn't mind being a reptile-like beast. It means he can go visit Rusty and crawl up Cranky's support beams to talk to him better, plus, he can swim!
Diesel - got scratched up by a feral Duck. Duck suddenly remembered the beef he had with him and just went up and scratched him, then left. He refused to elaborate.
Mavis and Daisy - got cornered by Thomas, Percy and Toby while trying to escape Ffarqhuarr.
Bertie - Got bitten while trying to keep his passengers safe.
Annie and Clarabelle - couldn't go anywhere and got a bit scratched up.
Henrietta - was attacked by a feral Toby. Tried reasoning with him, but it was too late.
Carolyn - was chased around a bit, but escaped. If she could, she would spray water at them. She now treats them like big kittens whenever they act all adorable, and treats Diesel 10 like a dinosaur if she ever sees him.
Cleo - managed to hide from the infected. She's still secretly afraid of them, and has to have Ruth reassure her that they're still the same engines she got to know before.
Ace - escaped, he still treats the engines and infected road vehicles as his friends, but he also treats them like Australian wildlife, and sometimes just pisses one of them off to see what happens. He tried that with Edward to see if he could get on the old guy's nerves. Spoiler; it worked after the 1000th time.
Paxton - got jumped by the NG engines, all at once. He's pretty unnerved now when he goes to the BM quarry and literally squeaks when an engine just suddenly pops out of one of the tunnels without warning. He also struggles to understand Rusty. That little diesel just sometimes spawns everywhere Paxton looks. Rusty's an definite enigma...
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neutrallyobsessed · 7 months
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someone said diesel team? owu
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cerenemuxse · 3 months
concept reenactment for an animatic that I want to do but im not sure WHEN i'll get to it. Thomas is there because there is no Porter in BTWF: Exploring Sodor :///
Thomas derailed because of the points that are right behind James. They switched when I moved him back o7
I already have massive respect for BTWF or any other TTTE Roblox YouTuber, but I have WAAAY more for them now. This is really time consuming. Also that camera is really finicky.
anyways uh- yeah take this :3
edit: i was going to use RWS James but he's kinda broken. He doesn't have faces yet and probably never will since the game isn't receiving updates anymore. The Thomas model is RWS Thomas and he works fine.
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