#Twitter neg
thepenguisalive7 · 5 months
i hope a large majority of qBBH enjoyers just move to tumblr and abandon Twitter at this point. It’s a toxic wasteland over there, I don’t know if any of it is salvageable anymore. No need to beef, just leave forever and never look back.
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sugahyeon · 2 months
All my heart goes to the admins
Unpaid artwork is theft.
Unpaid acting work is exploitation.
Some devs were barely paid, same for builders. Eggs' admins weren't paid for their rp job.
Translations? Unpaid.
Background checks? Never done.
People got fired for being burned out or not available due to personal issues. They were FIRED, from a VOLUNTEER post that was UNPAID for not being ''available enough'' (which doesn't seem to be a very defined criteria)
Lea got paid 169€.
The minimum wage in France is (very roughly) 1200€.
A plastic figurine isn't compensation for all of that unpaid work.
It's a nice gift, at most, and here, it mostly feels like a joke.
The admins are the backbone of the server, from lore planning, translations, roleplay, builds, devs, art, clips and art gathering, designs...
Without them, the QSMP literally wouldn't be able to function.
That's the number of french admins on the mc server. There's only one left now.
Let's remember how the french ccs kept getting forgotten about. And now, let's realize that Lea said that multiple times, they had to quickly add stuff about the french because the others had forgotten.
It happened often enough to be noticed by the viewers.
It happened even more behind the scenes.
To say that i feel sick is an understatement.
Pay your artists.
Pay your employees.
Not allowing them to speak to each other only reveals how wrong you know you are: if there was nothing to hide, you wouldn't be scared to let them talk.
(oh and also: not allowing ANONYMOUS people to express themselves about ABUSERS? That's fucked. Support Shelby and all the victims, always.)
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rainecreatesstuff · 3 months
Mcyt twitter is so funny to me bc they all still have their ships they just act like they don’t ship them
ppl being like
the tension between qbbh and qfoolish is SO palpable I bet they… argue… SO often behind closed doors
qphil and qmissa are adorable omg they’re so sweet, can’t stop thinking abt them sleeping in the same… room… and giving each other… high fives…. All morning
Like bestie plz this is so much worse just say they fuck
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trashfangirlsworld · 3 months
I’ve always said it, but there are no words that can accurately describe how much I despise twitter. What happened with cellbit is just one of many examples of how bad it’s become. Lately all you see going there are people that fight each other over who’s more morally superior by going “fuck *random cc*” in the name of activism without actually bothering to do the activist part. It’s why a lot of ccs have deleted the app/ have drastically reduced how much they look there, and people still refuse to accept this and actively use it a as a way to criticize them, but god help you if you point this out, because everyone should know everything all the time since they do, and all the people that don’t want to look there are pieces of shit, right?
I hate how much power that app has over ccs, and I hope they all leave there eventually, because people there get so caught up thinking they have the moral high ground that they actively never actually help.
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lionheartedmusings · 4 months
"qsmpblr isn't better than qsmptwt" honestly every community is deserving of criticism and no one's perfect but actually at least around here i see oceans of people with braincells that function. also very few people are total cunts. so, i actually am going on the record to say that qsmpblr is a breath of fresh air bc every time i open twitter i take psychic damage of the highest order.
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arisu-arts · 6 months
Man it's kinda upsetting seeing people be mad at bolas team for honestly just wanting to have fun and do the competition? Like they have been working so hard and were logging on so many times, they really tried so of course they are not too found of just letting it go after they went this far
And like celbit mention how he would not find it fun if he had to just let blue team win becouse they are the curse team and how he wouldn't like if blue team let them just win either.
And that's honestly valid like he is a copetetive person and all his team tried so hard he just wants to have fun in the competition, this event at the end of the day is suppose to be fun
But now people are mad at them for playing the competition and that they don't care about the eggs, and how they hope all the eggs will die becouse of team Bolas, and idk man it feels icky to me Cc's just want to have fun, and not throw out of the window their work of 2 weeks.
I get people are worried about the eggs but hating on cc's for wanting to have fun at a even doesn't sit right with me
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the-crimson · 3 months
I hate that people are dismissing the sign upgrades as purely aesthetic because the unique designs for the signs have a purpose! They are not just for shits and giggles! The unique designs for each sign are specifically to help people with color blindness differentiate between the egg’s signs! (And because some of the sign colors like em and ramon look very similar)
Nothing about this is frivolous it’s specifically a project to make the qsmp more accessible to people with various different vision impairments! Idk how many times bbh, Richas, and Pomme need to explain that.
Like these people hate bbh so much that they are discounting both Pomme and Richas’s work in this and are completely ignoring how this will make the qsmp and the eggs more accessible to so many people!
It’s frustrating but I guess that’s why I refuse to touch twitter with a ten foot pole :/
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zzomb2ie · 4 months
quackity could be doing the most obvious joke between friends towards bad and people would somehow take it seriously post a tweet saying "omgggg the shade🤗🤗" "quackity spitting the truth!!!!!!" and it would somehow still get 11k and 200 rts
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dappersautismcreature · 3 months
people on twt irk me so much and i wish i was talkin abt this in better circumstances but like O___O
the qsmp is hugely abt grief, especially the beginning, when like 3 eggs died within a few weeks, and then when bobbyy died even more so. death literally haunts this server.
im so grateful for it coming along because it allowed me to process my own very recent grief (our system has a qslime introject that deals with that grief) so it just grinds my gears when people use that grief to justify CHILD MURDER,, when child death is what caused that grief in the first place.
qslime was perpetuating a cycle, of violence, thats not a good thing
when a young person dies there is a lot of anger that comes with that grief, trust me, I know, so claiming that inflicting that pain on another person is fine? eurgh
responsibility for your actions people. like fuck dude!
anyways i just want to remind people, as ive been doing on twt for the past hour, that qslime tried to murder dapper very intently, as well as bobby and i think ramon? and has not shown to qbad that he has changed totally, or healed totally. all things considered i think qbad (at least on the island) has been very kind to him, giving him stuff and telling him he can always stop by and hang out. why should he lie to sunny.
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littlexpiece · 4 months
At this point the only reason I even go on Twitter is to just see what sort of bullshit people come up with to hate on q!bbh (which doesn’t even feel like they’re talking about just the character). Like I literally saw a tweet of someone saying they should revoke his title as the egg babysitter because they were mad about how ‘insensitive’ he was when telling Niki about Em losing a life- this is literally the reason why so many ghosties migrated here-
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rainbowchaox · 2 months
Slept. And ate some breakfast. I’m so much calmer now. Anyways everyone needs to chill and be patient. Don’t be like how I was (legit made so many people uncomfy here). Twitter is being Twitter. Dont go on it for your mental health. Don’t get wrapped into all the mess going on. It’s just a Minecraft server. It will be solved soon just wait and be patient. Anyways do come in my ask box if you wanna talk about pissa.
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odusseus-xvi · 10 months
Good news guys I deleted twitter. (I think everyone should, including ccs)
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hey-i-am-trying · 2 months
Twitter cannot be normal about woman, Baghera getting hated and Étoiles getting praised when they both basically said the same thing.
I will not pretend to be polite about this, fuck them.
Bando de filho de chocadeira mal-amado.
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kadextra · 3 months
I never post discourse but this time I am because I am annoyed :)
hey if any of you twitter people find my post about the accessible signs on here. y’alls reading comprehension in the negatives for real
let me stress once again this primarily is about Accessibility. personalization means nothing if the text can’t even be read. it literally does not matter if another cc had the idea to personalize the signs too, bro be serious that is such a common idea, I bet all of us have had it before, I have had it before. but this is about ACCESSIBILITY. the title of the post SAYS that, not “oooh look at the pretty sign ideas!” context is clearly in the post and the thread.
Bad saw that chatter’s message and immediately got to work to make the signs more accessible. he spent like two hours talking personally to this person to figure out a solution that would work for them- the customization is a fun little bonus. gosh I know it’s a lot to ask, but maybe acknowledge when people do good things? :0
because if your first thought when seeing this is to make up an imaginary competition, discredit someone’s work, and disregard the feelings of the chatter + the main focus of this change which is an inclusive accessibility feature for visually impaired viewers, you need to self-reflect.
if you have twitter, please send some love to this thread and to the user who suggested these changes @/AngelYoonki
edit: new clip thread
edit #2: thank you ricardão :]
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sugahyeon · 1 month
/!\QSMP neg
To say that i'm beyond disgusted is an understatement.
We knew that communication was bad. That people weren't paid.
It was already far more than upsetting.
But ignoring Pomme's admin? Banning her from the server and removing her from the discord? Refusing to answer her questions?
She doesn't even know why she was FIRED from a project she spent MONTHS on.
The background checks? Probably never even read. The egg kidnapping? No communication. Getting paid? God, they were SCARED to ask the higher manager. SCARED of getting fired for the smallest mistake.
Knowing that she sacrificed her health for a project that she loved and yet didn't get anything in the end, apart from silence.
Beyond Pomme's admin, Dapper.
Dapper was in pretty much the same situation, apart from the extra work Pomme was putting in (unpaid, in case you had forgotten).
Hours making puzzles, warned hours to a few days (entirely too short delay) in advance? Having to translate Quackity's streams because they wouldn't get any info otherwise?
Yea, i can understand why they left.
Ramon's first admin? Banned. Fired. No reason.
The twitter team? Understaffed, overworked, trapped in a volunteer position that was just pure exploitation.
Hey, dare i say it again:
Not paying volunteers is normal. Forcing volunteers to work full time jobs with no contracts, no pay and no clear positions (oh sorry, they had discord roles, my bad /s) is abuse.
Quackity not being aware is one thing. Tbh, i was kinda ok with the lack of communication with the public.
Ignoring your workers despite promising change is another. You can't keep quiet and hope for people to let you be.
So ye, i don't think i'll watch the QSMP any further, other than for lore gathering (QSMP News, my beloveds, i'm never leaving) and for the QSMP fan zine (that you should check out when it's out, it's an awesome project)
Honestly, the mere idea of them releasing figurines makes me gag. The fucking audacity to make money out of characters created by people who themselves never got paid.
The french cc will probably be leaving, from what they said in earliers streams.
And if that doesn't scream the end, idk what does.
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sorry-octopus · 10 months
ok but why is it so normal for people on twitter to just. dig through people’s pasts to make them seem like a bad person. I do believe if the past hasn’t been addressed already it should, but I always found it weird.
People grow and change as they get older they don’t always stay the same
I’m sorry i keep saying i’ll stop talking then keep talking abt it djdjjdjdj
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