kampfsporttechnik · 1 year
Des einen Freuds, des anderen Leids.
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Book of the Dead of Khary Wesay
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the-evil-pizza · 1 year
@azemessence​ I looked it up, it's scooter in english. Which is, admitably, a funny ass word.
oh, it’s scooter? We actually do use that word in italy too but, like, not for monopattino but for those things
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while when wesay monopattino we mean this
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towseefbhat · 2 years
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I know, Time will come again when I ll get my " Peace of Heart ♥️ " back. Sabr, is what my religion has taught me. I’m getting so desperate to find her. Because i’m already 24 and never wanted to go for an arrange marriage. And it feels like no one will choose me now at this age. But um moving forward with patience. I’ve been waiting from 9 years. So I ll wait more.
If I were not single, I wouldn’t have experienced a lot of things in my life. This single life exposed me to countless different experiences. I’m 24 but you can consider me 28. Because I’m adventurous. I take risks. I love excitement. And in the end this exciting single life is never enough to keep you happy. Until you find someone. There is a void. There is a guilt also. Not all the experiences are good ones. Some of them were evil. But again I had no one in my mind or in my life to stop for. I remember saying to myself, " Zara chal na, mera wesai be koi nahi hai "
I just want to cage myself in her prison. Others will say, Look at him he’s dependent now. He’s not free. But in real, It ll be the paradise inside her prison. Heaven will be in her arms. Even a mind full of rage she can calm down.
#life #story #regrets #experiences #single #patience #tawakkul #soulmates
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conlanging101 · 1 month
Conlanging Tools: Honest and Direct
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You dive into conlanging tools, hoping for miracles. What you find? A mix of disappointing software. Word generators like VulgarLang give you empty words. Sound change appliers? Stuck in the past, barely pushing your conlang forward. IPA on TypeIt helps, but doesn't fix everything. And 'custom' dictionaries? They limit creativity. These tools are like using a dull knife for surgery: crudely effective but deeply flawed. Yet, there's a hint of hope in navigating these tricky waters.
Conlang Tools Overview
- Tools like VulgarLang make unique conlang vocabularies. - To evolve conlang sounds over time, use sound change appliers. - Use tools like Freelang Dictionary and Contionary to organize and grow conlang words. - Keyboard layout tools, such as Ukelele, make typing in conlangs with special characters easier. - Use IPA on TypeIt for precise conlang phonology with the International Phonetic Alphabet.
Essential Software Tools
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To make your conlang creation smoother, you need tools like word generators and sound change appliers. Many don't realize their importance. Word generators, such as VulgarLang and Awkwords, are crucial. They shape your language's identity, not just spit out random syllables. And sound change appliers? If you haven't used them, you're way behind. Keyboard layout creators are also vital. Ever tried typing your conlang without one? It's a nightmare. Tools like Ukelele make typing easy, turning your unique characters into something as simple as the ABCs. And don't forget about the International Phonetic Alphabet. Tools like IPA on TypeIt are necessary for precision. Lastly, wiki tools like Clade Editor are essential for organization. Without them, managing your conlang's details is like trying to herd cats. In short, without these tools, you're not just complicating your work; you're missing out on modern conlanging essentials.
Creating a Custom Dictionary
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Creating a custom dictionary for your constructed language (conlang) requires essential tools. Vulgar, Freelang Dictionary, WeSay, and Contionary are helpful. But, they often fall short. They provide a place to store words but not the essence of your language. You want to create a language with complexity and beauty. The basic templates of these tools can restrict creativity. The online translator features? They're unreliable, often misinterpreting the nuances of conlangs. These tools offer a starting point. But, creating a detailed language requires more. It's like using a screwdriver to build a house. It's a tool, but not the right one for such a task.
Advancements in Phonology Tools
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Advancements in phonology tools have greatly improved how conlangers create their languages. You might think this makes creating an online translator for your conlang easy. But, most tools still leave you hanging, much like William S. did with his characters in the middle of their speeches. These tools promised precision and control. You could adjust phoneme frequency, manage clusters, and set syllables. But in reality, it feels like directing a symphony through a command line. The last update? Ages ago. Yes, you can set word length and more. But moving from theory to practice is like jumping over a canyon without a bridge. The evolution of these tools? It's a slow crawl forward. Premium versions offer advanced features, but innovation should be standard, not expensive.
Navigating Social Media Resources
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I'm here to help you. Just let me know what you need assistance with.
Exploring Unique Language Tools
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I understand. Thank you for letting me know. If you have any other questions or need assistance with something else, feel free to ask.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is the Website for Making Conlangs? You want a website for creating artificial languages? FrathWiki is your place. It has tools and resources like word generators and linguistic databases. It makes creating languages easy. Is There an App to Create Your Own Language? Yes, you can make your own language easily. Use apps like Vulgar, Lexifer, and GenGo. They let you create words and control syllables, making your language unique. How Do You Come up With Vocabulary for a Conlang? To make words for your conlang, mix language parts and cultural hints. Use patterns and rules to grow. It's mixing creativity and order to make a distinct language identity. How Do You Evolve a Language in Conlang? To evolve your conlang, start with a proto-language. Apply sound changes, shift meanings, and add new grammar. Consider culture's impact. Record the changes for realistic growth. Simply put, conlanging tools promise ease but often disappoint. They leave you stuck in shallow phoneme pools, not the linguistic seas you hoped for. The 'advanced' phonology generators? Just fancy noise. And custom dictionary creators? Their clunky interfaces and poor customization frustrate. It's a false promise of efficiency. You're better off with pen, paper, and patience. Believe me, the 'shortcut' leads to frustration. Read the full article
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
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and he acts like he has the stoneships. and doesnot. does not have the daimonds. does not have a planetoid. and soon no fleet and prectically no army. only old lucky strike cigs. and really it is megan merkle. still not huge but he wants no cars. and macs dont. and he feels he can ride. and is called it. but thinks our son is the key.
picked his daughter for veep not grandaughter and tehy will fight the girls but no not as hard. and he is a dummy still but still there and a irritant.
we smoke him. now thi is the deal he does not see yet. and is a horror show he is so incompetent. freed the computer and it took the module as macs wanted. and he shrinks as they want threatens our son like they want.
so we cant stop the dope so we hit and htey did not expect it this much expected it. and the threats are then on them. and they are attcked finally.
we use this the dope looks for a word or soemthing our son misses and so on. is a dope. we need him out so irritatiing. now too. we flush now the faggot.
stops teh septic and is an ass
we use it but ok he is this guy in the movie wiht the school kids. and is a shooter in miammi. a big guy ok big man on one kid he says. so we hit you. tons do. you calm and get fired.
now you take our time berrigner we hit you good. and you mess with dep and other presidential candidates. and the macs setup ourselves to hire Damian and by force in order to try for his body. and want to shoot him as paris shot the clone and tried to take their stuff. now thi is real and they want it doen prior tous having power and we need what o ur son said to happen now. we do the plan he came up wiht will have enough. thesse wont.
and they are ridiculous. and meet on it now so they are cookedand due to this faggot here and wesay this he provolks it wont stop wants to be pwesident doesnt care bout the demon they speak about it now
Thor Freya
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anjerako · 7 months
2020年から箇条書きで見れば大した活動もなく、とても穏やかな日々を過ごしていたと思う。 やったことと言えば新曲を1曲だけyoutubeで公開した程度なもので、 あとは3ピース編成での活動となったくらい。 それとLANPAZIE柴兄の今はなきダッチバンでキャンプに行ったとか。
おそらくは近しい距離感の多くの人たちに言えることだと思うが、 望む望まずに関わらず急に与えられた平穏や時間は自問自答するだけでは有り余る位のもので、 跋扈する様々な意見や行動を冷めた目で見ながらも人並みの焦燥感を覚えつつ、 だからと言って慌てふためいて何かに執着したり、我関せずと通常営業をする気分にもなれず、 引っ越したり矯正治療を始めたりと私的な環境の変化で何となく時間をやり過すことを「何もしないこと」への免罪符にして折り合いをつけていた。
医療や世界情勢に明るくない自分の肌感覚で2年はこれが続くだろうと思って実際に迎えた2022年、 免罪符を常備して、気づけば穏やな日常にチューニングされた自分の心身に、 「これは世情の問題ではなく自分の問題なんだ」と早い段階で分かり切っていながら、 対峙するのが面倒なので蓋をしていた答えをいい加減引きずり出してメンバーに連絡する。
そこから約1年、良くも悪くもすっかり健康体となり、 知人の新作を喜ぶ「まあまあ耳肥えリスナー(バンドマン)」と化した自分には地獄のような準備期間でした。 そもそも3ピ-スになってアメリカに行くのも初めてだし、 何だか初めてのアメリカツアーの準備で右往左往していた時の気持ちから新鮮味を抜いたような感覚で、 不安が期待を遥かに上回って、自律神経をぶっ壊し浅い眠りの中でうなされて勝手にバッドに入りながらも、 つい最近まで有り余った時間を甘受していた分際で、今は時間の無さに文句を言うような、 自己矛盾甚だしいメンタリティで日々を過ごしていたのであった。
久しぶりに会う人からはほぼ100%「やつれた?」と言われ、 「常に低空飛行ではあるが墜落はしない」というかねてからの自己分析もいよいよ当てはまらなくなった今夏、 国内外色んな方々のお力添えのもとでなんとか出国にこぎつけることが出来た。
明日9/27、新譜を携えてアメリカへ発ちます。 帰国してからのこと、来年のこと、何も考えていません。 ただ、まずは自問自答の答え合わせをしたい。 ※本文要約:そろそろやるか~...
LONG TIME NO SEE 1 laincarnation 2 nerve cave 3 "where are you?" 4 wesay 5 drop the mind 6 it's my toy 7 "do you wanna come?" 8 bikyu
アメリカの人たちも、日本の人たちも、お久しぶりです。 これからもよろしくお願いいたします。
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REC&Mix,Mastering:八木仁志(at 大塚MEETS) Jacket design:鳥羽さん
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writingisinthemilk · 1 year
My life does not pass the bechdel test
somehow everytime we talk you still bring up
i am justlike
insomany  Ways
you neverfail to remind me Facebrainspowerdriveangerangeranger pour
into a smaller vial, and
and inasmuch and insofar and inthesameway
my friends neverfail to remind me
who looked
across the bar
didyouseehimlookatyourtits ?
or the
He kissedme
at that oneparty because
my life is simplythe
patchwork of Men who
wantmelovemetouchmefuckme askmyage
and grin
He ?
seconds after wesay hello
do youlike Him ?
didyoulike when
iam the girlfriendof the
whodidthat  thing thatonetimethat was so coolwasn’tit
and it is not as though iam faultless inthis because
iwant to be noticed by the manacrossthebar and i wanthimtowantmesothat iknow
so iask and another conversation has fallen prey to my daddyissues yet again
and iask mom about
even though they’ve been divorced for yearsnow to make sure iam stillbeautifulandsmartandwitty justlike my
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kashmirmonitor · 1 year
'Hi, hi vasayae': Kashmir's 'Reshma' is no more
‘Hi, hi vasayae’: Kashmir’s ‘Reshma’ is no more
Srinagar, Nov 06: Famous third gender Kahsmiri Singer Abdul Rashid popularly known as Reshma passed away early on Sunday morning. Rashid breathed his last at SMHS hospital, his neighbour told adding that he died at 12 O clock. Reshma was known for the typical and unique song “Hai Hai Wesai, Yaran hai tadepevnas” sung in various wedding functions that went viral on social media. A resident of…
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Before I left San Francisco, my friend Milan, pictured lovingly with me here, read me this chapter called ‘The Age of Silence’ from Nicole Kraus’s The History of Love:
The first language humans had was gestures. There was nothing primitive about this language that flowed from people’s hands, nothing wesay now that could not be said in the endless array of movements possible with the fine bones of the fingers and wrists. [and...] The gestures were complex and subtle, involving a delicacy of motion that has since been lost completely.
During the Age of Silence, people communicated more, not less. Basic survival demanded that the hands were almost never still, and so it was only during sleep (and sometimes not even then) that people were not saying something or other. No distinction was made between the gestures of language and the gestures of life. The labor of building a house, say, or preparing a meal was no less an expression than making the sign for I love you or I feel serious. When a hand was used to shield one’s face when frightened by a loud noise something was being said, and when fingers were used to pick up what someone else had dropped something was being said; and even when the hands were at rest, that, too, was saying something. Naturally, there were misunderstandings. There were times when a finger might have been lifted to scratch a nose, and if casual eye contact was made with one’s lover just then, the lover might accidentally take it to be the gesture, not at all dissimilar, for Now I realize I was wrong to love you. These mistakes were heartbreaking. And yet, because people knew how easily they could happen, because they didn’t go around with the illusion that they understood perfectly the things other people said, they were used to interrupting each other to ask fi they’d understood correctly. Sometimes these misunderstandings were even desirable, since they gave people a reason to say, Forgive me, I was only scratching my nose. Of course I know I’ve always been right to love you. Because of the frequency of these mistakes, over time the gesture for asking forgiveness evolved into the simplest form. Just open your palm was to say: Forgive me.
Aside from one exception, almost no record exists of this first language. The exception, on which all knowledge of the subject is based, is a collection of seventy- nine fossil gestures, prints of human hands frozen in midsentence and housed in a small museum in Buenos Aires. One holds the gesture for Sometimes when the rain, another for After all these years, another for Was I wrong to love you? They were found in Morocco in 1903 by an Argentine doctor named Antonio Alberto de Biedma. He was hiking in the High Atlas Mountains when he discovered the cave where the seventy-nine gestures were pressed into the shale. He studied them for years without getting any closer to understanding, until one day, already suffering the fever of the dysentery that would kill him, he suddenly found himself able to decipher the meanings of the delicate motions of fists and fingers trapped in stone. Soon afterwards he was taken to a hospital in Fez, and as he lay dying his hands moved like birds forming a thousand gestures, dormant all those years.
If at large gatherings or parties, or around people with whom you feel distant, your hands sometimes hang awkwardly at the ends of your arms—if you find yourself at a loss for what [to] do with them, overcome with sadness that comes when you recognize the foreignness of your own body---it’s because your hands remember a time when the division between mind and body, brain and heart, what’s inside and what’s outside, was so much less. It’s not that we’ve forgotten the language of gestures entirely. The habit of moving our hands while we speak is left over from it. Clapping, pointing, giving the thumbs-up: all artifacts of ancient gestures. Holding hands, for example, is a way to remember how it feels to say nothing together. And at night, when it’s too dark to see, we find it necessary to gesture on each other’s bodies to make ourselves understood.
This is a blog about finding common languages in South Asia.
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toastlimit · 2 years
blidsided By the Bweat. clapping Ur ahnds stomping Ur feet U didnt know thatcha fell. hooh ho oh oh now uve fallen under our spell. ho oh.ohohohoh oh we've got the music makes u move it its the song that makes U lose it we say jump U say How Higg Put ur hands up to the sky we've got the music makes U move it go t the song that makes U lose it wesay jusml U say how high put ur hands up 2 the sky howaoh. jowaoh. U didnt know that U fell howaoh howaoh now that ur under our spell howaoh howaig u didnt know that U fell howaoh howajb no that ur under our spell. listen to the sound of my voice. howahowaoh soon Youull find U dont have a Choice. howa howaoh. captured in the web of my Soul. howaih ohwaohwoh Soon ull all B singing along. we've got the music makes U move it got the song that makes U lose it we say jump U say how high put ur hands up 2 the sky howaoh howaoh u didnt know that U fell.now thatnU R under our Spell.
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Khary Wesay depicted with his wife Puia, “Lady of the House” New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, c. 1292-1190 B.C. Read more: https://egypt-museum.com/fragment-from-the-book-of-the-dead-of-khary-wesay/
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grumpygorman · 2 years
skiddin’ ondeath valley freeway– toppropped, sun glowing downour backs– burning ina goodway.. or so wesay. pixabay
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kenshinscp · 3 years
en miau México #kenshinscp #lunascp #LunayKenshinscp #cats #pets #wedontsay #dontbelieve #wesay #said #inMexico #sunday #gatos #nodecimos #enMexico #cosas #pasan #sedice #notecreo #domingo #adoptdontshop #adoptanocompres https://www.instagram.com/p/CVJgtvhA4_v/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shengyulublog · 4 years
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Day 28 02/19/2020
Publicly, We Say #MeToo. Privately, We Have Misgivings” is written by Daphne Merkin. Merkin is very disappointment for the people who charge others with no reason. Merkin thinks some of them are wronged. Merkin also talks about the harass for women and says the women can not to be the harassed person, if women get some harass, that will be the women’s fault.
“Grow up, this is real life.” I really like this quote. When we grow up we should to face the problems in our lives by ourselves. Merkin wants to tell women don’t need to complain this world because they are adult and the adult’s life is really different between the children’s life. It is very obscure.
This is a kind of new viewpoint for the harass. I disagree with this kind of view point, we can not say the girls harassed by the people because of those are the girls’ problem. This is the harasser’s problem, they can not control themselves to do the bad things. We can not all of the wrong to the girls, we should to focus on those harasser’s mind. To figure out why they want to do those things. I just want more and more girls to stand up and fight with those bad things.
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rss-b0ys · 7 years
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#itsofficial #ptt #polskiteatrtańca #wesele #poprawiny #marcinliber #premiera #october #październik #soon #rssb0ys #theatre #poznań #announcement #dance #ballet #music #awesome #opportunity #instant #classic #wesay _______ 👰🏻🤵🏼 (w: Polski Teatr Tańca - Polish Dance Theatre)
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