#actually the first character i drew and colored too was gus but he's not here :( he will be missed
howdyboh · 2 years
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collection of some of the drawings I did since watching all of The Owl House like, 2 weeks ago
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secretly-of-course · 4 years
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“Who are you? And how did you find me?”
So a while ago I drew a quick sketch of muffy Tangled au and I really liked the idea so I revisited it and added more detail, color, and a real background for once lol
I got way too carried away and wrote this whole thing how this au would go down. It’s not a fic per se,,,,since fics require full sentences,,,,but it’s something.
I do not recommend reading if you haven’t seen Tangled, because I skipped over a lot of context and at a few points abandoned actual words for emojis.
This is trash but if literally one person tells me to draw the full line up of characters I’ll do it
My Silly Muffy Tangled AU
~featuring background Tyrus and a little Ambi if you squint~
- Buffy is Rapunzel, Marty is Eugene, but goes by Flynn Rider
- Instead of Pascal her buddy’s name is Noodle like the fake tamagotchi
- *Noodle sticks tongue in Marty’s ear*
Buffy: First of all he is a chameleon. Second why would you eat a live frog?
- Gothel is herself bc no one on AM is *that* evil (not even Miranda.....I guess 😪)
- Pat Driscoll as the queen (of course)
- Reed and Lester as the stabbington bros
- Shenanigans
-The Spoon is the Snuggly Duckling
- THE PUB THUGS AND THEIR DREAMS: TJ wants to be a concert pianist, Amber wants to fall in love, Jonah likes frisbee, Walker paints, and Iris collects ceramic dinosaurs
- Captain of the guard Cyrus Goodman stops by the spoon at least once a week “on patrol” to make sure they aren’t hiding any criminals (cough cough Flynn Rider) and tOTALLY NOT FOR ~OTHER REASONS~
-Gus is also a guard
- So anyways Buffy and Marty are at the Snuggly Spoon
- TJ: look captain Goodman will be here any minute you guys need to get out of here.
Jonah: oooooooo tj knows when the captain is coming 😉
TJ: 😳 it’s Tuesday ok? he always comes on Tuesday 😳 Jonah: come on Teej I think he likes you too
TJ: No he doesn’t, I’m just a Scary Ruffian Guy and he’s captain of the freaking royal guard 😔
Jonah: TJ why don’t you play him a song and treat him to some baby tate—-
- The guards arrive. Amber shows Buffy and Marty the secret tunnel while everyone else tries to distract the guards.
Amber: “Go live your dream.”
Marty: “I will, thanks”
Amber: “Your dream stinks. I was talking to her.”
- They escape while TJ practically drags Cyrus to the piano.
- TJ: You’ve got to hear this song I wrote, Cyrus.
Cyrus: 😳 um that is Captain Goodman to you Kippen
- Cy notices the tunnel and is all 😒
- Cyrus: I’m going after Flynn Rider this way. Gus you stay here with the Stabbingtons.
Gus: 😟
- Shenanigans
- “Marty. My real name is Marty Fitzherbert. Someone might as well know.”
- In town, Bex is practicing hair/makeup on Bowie, Andi sees Buffy and goes “um mom, take a look at this”
- Andi and Bex braid Buffy’s hair, Marty gets *that look* on his face
- Romance and shenanigans
- Angst
- “I am the lost princess.”
- More Angst
- [ ] “Buffy, you were my new dream.” “And you were mine.” 😢
- ✨🌼✨🌼✨🌼✨
- “Marty?” *strained* “Hey, do I know you?” 😉
- Big hug 🤗
- Buffy touches new short hair, “wow talk about shrinkage”
- And Marty just goes “I like it” with a Soft Look™️
- 😚😚
- Reunited 👸🏾
- Party time! TJ is at the piano and Cyrus approaches him
Cyrus: That was a nice thing you did to help them.
TJ: well ya know sometimes there’s a nice person on the inside trying to get out...
Cyrus: I know that now ☺️
- Tyrus: *hold hands* 🤝
- Meanwhile Amber bumps into Andi and they’re both like 😳 hi
- Happily ever after 🤩🥳💕
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jammatown919 · 4 years
Hey, I just saw the request masterpost. I wanted to ask if you could write about Luz and Amity reuniting after years with Luz now convinced that the Isles were a delusion because Camila took her to a psychiatrist after her return.
I sure can! Sorry for the wait, I’ve been a little busy.
                                                An Old Delusion 
Content: Luz does not keep her promise to return to the Boiling Isles, and Amity is determined to figure out why.
The day Luz left the Boiling Isles, she promised to return as soon as possible. She expressed the hope that she could have her first visit over this weekend or the next, but there was still a large chance that she'd have to wait longer. At the latest, she swore, she'd return next summer. It was with these assurances in mind that Amity kissed Luz goodbye, watched her walk through the portal, and returned home to begin waiting.
When Eda's 'Human Trash Day' rolled around that Sunday, Amity made her way to the Owl House to wait with its inhabitants, as well as Willow and Gus. For a while, they all sat around staring at the portal and not talking to one another, which Amity found a bit uncomfortable, but she sure as hell wasn't going to be the one to say anything. The day was only saved once King suddenly ran from the room and returned with a board game, demanding that somebody play with him. In Amity's opinion, the game was a bit childish, but it gave them all something to do while they waited. They played eight times before Eda herded everyone into the kitchen for lunch, after which they played three more times.
Luz did not return to the Boiling Isles that day, which, while disappointing, was not a particular cause for concern. Clearly, she was having trouble convincing her mother to let her come, or was being otherwise held up. There was always next week.
For the next few weeks, the group continued to meet up on Sundays and open the portal. They'd starting trying out more board games, helping each other cook lunch, and swapping stories of the week's events. It was nice to be able to get together and relax for a little while, but there was a constant tightness in Amity's chest, even during these hours when she was happiest. Her gaze often lingered on the portal, but there was never any sign of Luz.
When they hit the two month mark, everyone resigned themselves to the fact that they were probably going to have to wait for summer, but they kept meeting regardless. Human Trash Day had become a sort of personal weekly holiday, and none of them were willing to give it up, especially not Amity. They kept the portal open each time, but it was really more of a just-in-case at this point. Everyone was quite sure that Luz wasn't coming for a while yet.
The first day of summer was a Tuesday, but Eda still called everyone over to open the portal. This was it. This was the day that Luz would return to them. The group was so certain that Luz was coming that they waited two hours to start their games, just so Luz wouldn't have to wait to join in if she walked in during a round. They made one of Luz's favorite human recipes for lunch. They set a place for her at the the table. For an hour, Amity forbade anyone to start eating, lest Luz arrive and realize they'd started without her.
Ultimately, lunch was eaten without Luz, and the group returned to the living room to continue waiting. Games were played, but Amity did not participate. She just sat beside Willow and stared at the portal, swearing to herself that if she waited just one more second, Luz would appear.
Gus and Willow left around the usual time that the portal would be closed, but Amity stayed behind and begged Eda to keep it open for just a little longer. Luz was just late, she was going to come any minute now. Eda gave her a sad look and agreed while King curled up in Amity's lap, giving her arm a comforting nuzzle every few minutes. She sat there, numbly staring into the portal, for what felt like years before Eda let out a loud sigh and snapped her out of her trance.
"Kid, Luz isn't coming today." Eda told her gently. "You should get home before your parents start to worry."
"No, she said she'd be here." Amity shook her head. Luz had made a promise, and Amity had never known her to break promises. She just had to wait a few more minutes.
"I really don't want to have to kick you out." Eda rose from her chair and began slowly walking toward the portal, reaching into her shirt for her key. "But this," She gestured vaguely in Amity's direction. "Is not healthy. I want Luz here as much as you do, but she isn't coming today."
"Then why don't we go to her?" Amity suggest suddenly. She had no idea why she hadn't thought of it sooner. If something was stopping Luz from coming back, then they should go and see what it was.
"I've been to the Human Realm a few times," Eda turned to face Amity, key in hand. "And let me tell you, my pale, bat-eared, giant-fanged self draws some attention. Humans are weird about anyone who looks different."
"Then why don't I go?" In her excitement, Amity tried to jump up, but then realized just in time that King was still in her lap. She ended up giving a weird hop in her seat, earning a yelp from King. "My fangs and ears are small. If I keep my hood up and don't talk to anyone, I'll pass as human."
"Humans don't have green hair and yellow eyes." Eda pointed out.
"Okay, first of all, the dye is pretty obvious." Amity jabbed a finger at her brown roots. "And second, I'll keep my head down. Luz said the portal opens like, right behind her house, so I probably won't even run into many other people."
"Mmm," Eda said to herself, considering. She tucked the key back into her shirt and grabbed her staff from where it rested on the arm of the couch. Slowly, she began to unscrew her palisman from her staff. "Alright, fine. But you have to take Owlbert with you. He's been to the Human Realm every week for years, he can be your guide."
"Thank you so much!" This time, Amity lifted King from her lap and placed him beside her on the couch before jumping up.
"Just be careful out there, alright?" Eda opened her hand to allow Owlbert to flutter out of it and onto Amity's shoulder. Amity winced as the little owl's small talons pierced through her sleeve.
"I will." Amity nodded, bringing a hand up to stroke underneath Owlbert's beak. "I promise I won't be long."
Luz had grown to enjoy sunsets. Even back in winter, sunsets had always had always given her this warm feeling, but now that it was getting into summer, the feeling was tangible. She'd taken to sitting outside with her sketchbook until it was too dark to see what she was drawing.
She'd been drawing a lot more, too. Her psychiatrist had advised drawing out her fantasies, so that she could put them down with her sketchbook and not let them seep into the real world again. After her three month delusion last year, Luz had been spooked enough to finally put in the effort to reel back her fantasies.
It still scared her to know that there was an entire summer of her life that she didn't remember, replaced with memories of a world she'd invented in her head. She drew that world a lot. She'd drawn out the Owl House itself a few times, but mostly, she drew characters that she remembered. Eda the Owl Lady, with her adorable demon friend, King, dominated many of her pages. She drew them together most of the time, for some reason disliking the idea of separating them. A few weeks ago, she'd sketched out Eda as a monster, but looking at it was upsetting, so Luz had hastily erased it and scribbled normal Eda over it.
Then there were Gus and Willow, who she also liked to draw together. The first time she drew them, they were on either side of a drawing of herself, but her psychiatrist, upon seeing the picture, had insisted that Luz not draw herself with her characters.
Usually, Luz didn't have a problem keeping herself out of her drawings, but she hated drawing Amity alone. Amity, she recalled, was a girlfriend she'd created for herself. She adored drawing the character, but it didn't feel right to keep her by herself. She looked better grouped with Gus and Willow, but Luz could never shake the feeling that Amity probably still wasn't happy.
"Idiot," She muttered to herself, lifting her pencil from the notebook in her lap. She'd been drawing Amity again, pondering how to make her happier. "She's just a drawing."
Luz let out a sigh and placed her sketchbook beside her on the front step where she sat. That was enough remembering the Boiling Isles for one day. Maybe she should just stop drawing it. It might be better to forget.
She looked out across the front yard and into the street. With such nice weather, a lot of people were out for evening walks, but there was one girl in particular that caught Luz's attention. She was on the same side of the sidewalk as Luz's house, staring around with wide eyes that, with the dimming light, almost looked yellow. Through the hood pulled over the girl's head, Luz could see a hint of green hair.
Wait. Yellow eyes, green hair. Luz grabbed her sketchbook and began frantically flipping through the pages. After a moment, she landed on a colored illustration of Amity, Gus, and Willow. That girl on the sidewalk kind of looked like Amity.
"Luz!" Luz jumped at the sound of her name and looked up. The girl was staring right at her now, and Luz realized with a jolt that there was a tiny owl sitting on her shoulder.
"What?" Luz said under her breath. How did this girl know her name? Why did she look so much like the character on the page beside her? Why the hell was she running across Luz's front yard?
"Where have you been?!" The girl was right in front of her now, smiling. Were those fangs in her mouth? "You said you were coming back. We've all been waiting for you."
"A-Amity?" Luz asked tentatively. Was this actually happening?
"Yeah?" Amity's expression grew concerned as she lowered her hood to reveal small pointed ears. "Are you alright?"
Luz squinted at Amity, trying to figure out how she should respond to this situation. She stood and made eye contact, her prolonged silence seeming to confuse Amity. This didn't feel like her imagination. Tentatively, Luz reached out and poked Amity on the arm, probably a little too hard. Part of her had been expecting her hand to pass right through, but she was met with solid flesh. Startled, the owl left Amity's shoulder and fluttered off to a nearby tree.
"Ow!" Amity yelped and gave Luz a disgruntled look. "What is the matter with you? First you break your promise, and now that I'm here you just poke me instead of talking to me."
Her eyes narrowed and her ears drooped, a sure sign that she was starting to get agitated. Luz clearly recalled kissing the tips of those ears every time they drooped just to get them to perk up again. She distinctly remembered the genuine little giggles she'd get from Amity every time. She kind of wanted to do that again.
"Are you... real?" Luz asked quietly, giving Amity another, gentler poke on the cheek.
"What?" Amity asked incredulously.  "What the hell are you talking about? Of course I'm real!"
"And the Boiling Isles?" Luz went on, suddenly excited. "They're real?"
"Luz, you're freaking me out." Amity took a step back, her ears twitching even farther downward. "What happened after you got back?"
"I told my mom about everything, but she didn't believe me." Luz explained. A part of her was still wondering if Amity was actually there, or if she was talking to empty air, but the rest of her thought that a hallucination could never feel like this. Amity being here brought a warm that the sunset could never hope to best. She had to be real. "She took me to a psychiatrist. They said that I'd blocked out my memories from summer camp and replaced them with the Boiling Isles."
Luz wasn't entirely sure what reaction she was expecting, but she did know that anger was not in. Amity's ears were nearly all the way down, and on one side of her mouth, her lip had moved up a bit to expose one of her fangs. A soft growl rose from somewhere in her throat.
"So that's why you haven't been back?" She demanded. "Because they had you thinking you were crazy?"
"Well, yeah, but..." Luz struggled for the words to defend her mother. She knew that her mother had only been trying to help her, but if she was being honest, she was mad too. For months, she'd had different people telling her she was insane, to the point that she'd been doubting her own memory of the only place that had ever made her truly happy. "My mom was just concerned. It did sound pretty crazy."
"We spent a year waiting for you!" Amity exclaimed.
"I'm sorry," Luz put her hands on Amity's shoulders, gently squeezing. "But I'm here now."
"Will you come back with me? Everyone wants to see you."
"Yeah," Luz nodded. She wanted nothing more than to return to the Boiling Isles. "Just for a little while though, or my mom will start to worry. Maybe tomorrow I can introduce you guys to her. She'll have to believe me if she sees you for herself."
"I'll meet her, but only so she stops thinking you're insane." Amity decided, a small hint of aggression still lingering in her voice.
"Thank you." Luz said with a smile, pressing a kiss to Amity's cheek. Amity let out a soft huff, adorably trying to hold onto her irritation. "C'mon, let's see those ears perk." Luz cooed as she began repeatedly smooching Amity's left ear.
Amity lasted about five seconds before she dissolved into light giggles, gently shoving at Luz's chest.
"Quit it!" She said through her laughter. Luz continued to pepper her face with kisses until a shrill hoot interrupted them.
"Oh, right, you brought Owlbert!" Luz held out one hand as Owlbert flapped his way over, landing in her palm. "I missed you, little buddy." She chuckled he nuzzled against her thumb.
"We should probably be getting back now." Amity pointed out as Owlbert jumped up and found a comfortable spot on Luz's shoulder. "Eda told me not to be too long."
"Right," Luz set her took one of Amity's hands in her own. "Let's go."
Together, they began walking away from Luz's house. She knew her mother would worry if she came outside and found that Luz was gone, but it would only be a few hours. Besides, she'd have an explanation, proof included, by tomorrow. Luz chuckled to herself as she imagined her mother's reaction to see witches and demons for the first time. She was going to freak out.
But that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was that Luz was finally going back to the Boiling Isles. She was finally going home.
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carltonlassie · 3 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favorite Works
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread love and link each other to awesome works!
@goobzoop thank u for tagging me ily <3 ur my number one woohoo
...... so to be entirely frank i only started writing fics and drawing shit in 2020. I guess there were attempts like 10 years ago, but then it never really went anywhere and my English probably sucked back then lol idk. So this will be a cool record of what I’ve done this year and a celebration of more stuff to come ahh
I would tag sum peeps before the cut so u don’t have to read below if u don’t want to, but the only person i know that comes to my mind who creates content is @jawnwicks. I see grendel creating things but I don’t know him personally..... i am always looking respectfully though. But anyone! If u see this feel free to do one and tag me! I wanna see :)
📼 Bow Chicka Wow Wow [Shawn/Lassiter, Psych]
My first ever published Psych fic 🥰 I read through this again (even though I’ve vowed to never read my fics again bc... what if it’s embarassing) and it’s actually hilarious. I think I’m hilarious. I don’t know where the idea came from and who wrote it, but it’s a solid story. The pacing is pretty good too and there’s enough details I think to get the story going. Also goobzoop’s accompanying art is so good. 10/10
🍊Orange Creamsicle [Shawn/Gus, Psych]
I know Shawn/Gus isn’t a popular pairing, but I absolutely believe that Shawn would just be like, wanna blowjob? And give Gus the most amazing blowjob he’s ever gotten. And he’d be completely nonchalant about it too skskdfs. Also I have such a hard time writing oneshots and endings, and i think this was a pretty solid attempt at both of them. I think the ending could have used more care but like eh, it’s out it’s good.
👔 Drawing of Professor Hotchner [Reid/Hotch, Criminal Minds]
When I read the first few exposition chapter of @goobzoop’s fic I was like holy....... i can literally imagine the scene and i just had to draw it. I think this is one of my first proper drawings involving people too. I remember i was trying out different brushes and just kinda seeing how it goes... and i was like hm, how do u background... and just slathered colors until it looked serviceable haha.
🩲Drawing of Pinup Lassie [Psych]
I absolutely think this is hilarious. Lassie with a bootyshort. It’s so wild because the drawing just kinda came out in one sitting and i was surprised that i drew it afterwards. I got a new brush set and i finally found a brush i liked so i guess i was in the zone. I absolutely think they should make a psych episode where it’s full of bad porn tropes such as this drawing. Anyways. If you’re interested in the time lapse video, here it is! I still think it’s wild that i drew that even as I’m watching the time lapse video. WHy can’t i draw stylized characters like this anymore. Why must i go through a faux-realism phase. Idk
💭 Mr. Monk and The Dream [Monk/Stottlemeyer, Monk]
And I think as the final one, I Have to mention the fic that started it all. My first ever published fic. I was so scared to post this since this was for Monk who’s canonically against anything sex or anything that involves touching other people’s body or exchanging bodily fluids lmao... I remember posting all seven chapters at once and bailing because i was so scared of reviews haha. But the response I’ve gotten was so good and i was so encouraged by everyone who left such nice comments <3. All I remember was that I kept on having this scene playing in my head, and more scenes kept on coming and coming until it HAD to be written. I published it late July, but I must have started it around April or so. I wrote the entire fic on my phone, lying in bed past 4am, 5am, until there were birds chirping outside. Unhealthy, but we were all going thru unprecedented times and quarantines lmfao.
So you somehow made it all the way down here! Here’s the stats on all the written work that I’ve accomplished in 2020. Wild
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I still don’t really know stuff about writing and I’m learning every day, I just write in a style I like to read, what is worldbuilding and what is consistency and POV. Idk, i just work here. I still have absolutely no idea how to tag things on AO3, but keeping the spreadsheet above is helping me with continuity and avoiding plot holes, and honestly just getting motivated to actually do things because i love completing tasks and putting lil check marks and labels on them haha monkey brain go boop booop
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eirian-houpe · 4 years
The Library Beneath the Clock Tower - Chapter 37
Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Belle/Gaston (Once Upon a Time)
Characters: Belle (Once Upon a Time), Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Widow Lucas | Granny, Grumpy | Leroy, Maurice | Moe French, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Merida (Once Upon a Time), Jiminy Cricket | Archie Hopper, Gaston (Once Upon a Time), Le Fou, Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Prince Charming | David Nolan, Gus | Billy, Huntsman | Sheriff Graham, Mother Trude (Fairytale Character)
Additional Tags: Bookshop On the Corner, slightly AU, Cursed Storybrooke (Once Upon a Time), Alternate Universe - In Storybrooke | Cursed (Once Upon a Time), Eventual Smut
Summary: Storybrooke has no library, and neither does Belle, not since the library where she worked in Boston discovered her past as an inpatient at a mental hospital. Taking her future into her own hands, Belle travels to Storybrooke where her intention is to open up the town library, but all does not go according to her plan. Obstacles and false starts, and diversion along very wrong pathways interrupt her journey toward fulfilling her dream, as well as taking her rightful place and becoming a part of the Storybrooke community.
Read Previous chapters on AO3
Chapter 37 - Everyone Does
After the jangling bustle of Boston, and all of the emotion that had been piled on top of her, the quiet of Storybrooke felt like a welcome balm, soothing a soul that ached for all that seemed to have eluded her through her whole life, and eluded her still. Ruby, at least, had promised to think about moving to Storybrooke, so perhaps she wouldn’t be alone forever.
Even as she was thinking that, working on cataloging the books she had brought back from Ruby’s and the ones she had purchased at the book sale as a distraction from such thoughts, the town reminded her, in its own unique way, that she was not as alone as she feared.
“Now there’s a sight for sore eyes,” Leroy bellowed as he pushed through the library doors. “Welcome home, Sister.”
Belle smiled. How could she not with that kind of greeting? She put down the book she had been labeling and came around the desk to give Leroy a brief hug.
“It’s good to see you too,” she said as she drew back. “What can I do for you.”
Leroy’s expression became a little sheepish, and he colored a little before reaching inside his jacket to pull out a well worn paperback book. She recognized it at once. It was the copy of Mystic River that she had been reading when she first came to Storybrooke, and which she had left behind.
“I hope you don’t mind,” Leroy said, hanging his head almost like a school boy confessing to wrongdoing in the classroom, “but when you left it behind, I picked it up and read the back… and then the first few pages, and…” he shrugged.
“Of course I don’t mind,” Belle said, and her eyes truly twinkled with delight as she reached out to squeeze Leroy’s arm. “What did you think of it?”
“I loved it!” Leroy looked up, the worry and contrition and sheepishness leaving his face as he became animated. “I never thought they’d write books about people like this. I hated having to put it down, but as I said, the hospital keeps me busy and… well that’s why it took me such a long time to read it.”
“It doesn’t matter how long it takes, so long as you enjoy a book,” Belle said.
“Anyway,” Leroy nodded his agreement, “I wanted to be sure to return it, and…” he shrugged again.
“Yes?” Belle asked softly.
“Well, I was wondering if you had… any more like this one?” Leroy half gestured around the library.
Belle nodded with a smile, “We have quite a few, actually, by this author. He’s very good.” She gestured toward the adult fiction section of the library and said, “Fic: LEH”
Leroy hesitated, then asked, “You couldn’t… recommend one, could you?”
Belle thought for a moment. “Hmmm,” she said at last, “I’d perhaps try either, Sacred, or Darkness, Take My Hand. They should have a similar kind of feel.”
Leroy beamed his thanks and hurried off into to find  one of the books in question, and Belle returned to the circulation desk, pulling up his library account so that she would be ready to check his book out for him when he returned.
As lunch time approached, Belle decided to go across to Maggie’s grocery store to see if she had any of her bannocks. She had a craving for them. Maggie greeted her with a cheery smile, and a knowing twinkle as she began to package a few of the bannocks into a paper bag for Belle to take.
“I heard ye were back a day or so ago, and I figured you’d be in soon,” she said by way of explanation. “So, are ye ready?”
“Ready?” Belle asked, puzzled. “For what?”
“The weekend,” Maggie said, but Belle kept her expression blank as she wondered what on earth was special about the weekend. “Midsummer?” She watched Maggie’s expression dissolve into a mixture of exasperation and shock. “The Miner’s Day Festival.  Don’t tell me no one’s told ye about it.”
“No one at all,” Belle confirmed, finding herself suddenly curious about it. “What is—?”
“It’s huge around here. A whole day and into the night,” Maggie began to explain even though she’d cut off Belle asking what it was. “Traditionally it was a holiday thrown to honor the miners for all their hard work in keeping the town alive in the early days. Then, when the date shifted to Midsummers, it became the place for couples and lovers to find one another.” She chuckled then, “Now, it’s just one big party, although I wouldnae say that none of the latter goes on, and no necessarily behind closed doors, if ye catch ma drift.”
Belle couldn’t help but blush. She did catch Maggie’s drift.
“Ye’ll be going of course,” Maggie said. “Everybody does.”
“Everybody?” Belle asked, feeling uneasy, and wondering whether it was like the Mayor’s Ball, where those that didn’t turn up were ostracized from the town.
“Aye,” Maggie confirmed, “Even Gold, though that’s only been since Milah… well, that was a sorry mess if ever there was one, and probably none o’ ma business to speak on, since you two are— and it was such a long time ago now… you know?”
Belle blushed at Maggie’s insinuations, and tried not to ask, truly she did, but she could not contain her curiosity.
“No, it’s fine, really,” she said, “You can tell me.”
Maggie looked at her dubiously for a long time before saying anything more. “The rumor is that he caught Milah with another man, and even then tried he tried to make things work as best they could because of their wee boy.” Belle nodded, following so far the gossip that Maggie was telling her. “Then one day, after a while, Gold showed up at the apartment to collect the boy and he was missing, along with his mother. Years later, some guy shows up, says he was with Milah since she left, and…  well, she’d died. There was never any news about the boy. Everyone assumed he got lost inside the system. Broke his heart it’s said.”
“My gods!” Belle covered her hand with her mouth, “That’s horrible!”
She couldn’t help but recall the tall, dark haired man that had looked like a pirate wannabe at the Mayor’s ball, and wondered if that was the man.
“Aye, it’s tragic, is what it is.” Maggie agreed, “They say that Gold has all manner of investigators out looking for him, but still… nothing.”
“Poor man,” Belle’s heart softened, understanding a little more why Gold should be so bitter and sarcastic most of the time. “And the poor boy.”
“Aye,” Maggie said. “Listen, I shouldnae really have said anything, so…”
Belle reached out and placed a hand over Maggie’s. “I won’t say anything,” she promised.
Maggie nodded with a smile. “So… ye should go to the festival. Enjoy yourself. Ye’ve earned the right to let your hair down a wee bit.”
Belle returned to the library after paying for the bannocks, and assuring Maggie that she would give some serious thought about the weekend. Her mind was filled with what she had just learned even as she tried to push it aside.
It was a day when Paige was supposed to be coming and she wanted to be fully present so that she could be sure to make her feel wanted and valued. Since school finished for the summer vacation, Paige had been coming more regularly again, and Belle had suffered less run-ins with her dreaded neighbor, but still, whenever Trude spotted Belle in the street, Belle felt the dagger that embedded itself between her shoulders. What the hell did the woman have against her?
When she arrived, Paige came in and all but dropped into one of the bean bags in the reading nook.
“Everything all right?” Belle asked softly, coming over to run the tips of her fingers over Paige’s hair, glad of the opportunity to escape from the obvious attempts by Doctor Whale to hit on her.
The girl shrugged. “Just been a lot to do all day, and with the weekend and all.” She sighed and fell silent for a long time before suddenly bursting out, “I hate the Miner’s Day Festival.  It’s stupid!”
“Why do you say that?” Belle asked, and pulled another bean bag closer to where Paige sat.
“It’s supposed to be all about family, and togetherness, but all people ever do is show how we aren’t,” Paige said, running a hand over her little forehead.
“You only say that because you don’t appreciate a lot of the things that happen at the festival,” Doctor Whale’s voice sounded from beside the circulation desk. “You’ll get it when you’re older.”
“Don’t be so… stuck up!” Paige blurted, and surprised, never having seen such behavior from the girl before, Belle gasped softly - even though she agreed with Paige’s assessment of the doctor’s interruption.
“Paige,” she said softly, “The word you’re looking for is condescending.”
Then getting up from the bean bag, she walked across to the desk, ready to check out the books Whale had set there and ignoring the way he was leaning her way.
“So tell me, Doctor Whale, what is it about the festival that you appreciate?” she asked as she did, offering Paige a cheeky twinkle of her eye over Whale’s shoulder.
“I think it is good the way everyone comes together to celebrate a common value,” he said. “We’re lucky, here in Storybrooke; a small town, with old world values in a big world. It gives us a strong sense of community and as Paige said, family. Everyone dresses in their finery, and the whole atmosphere is one of celebration. It epitomizes Storybrooke.”
“Easy for you to say,” Paige muttered.
Belle raised an eyebrow at her before turning back to Whale and asking somewhat sarcastically, “And of course nothing at all to do with how easy it is at big parties like that to get a date for the night…?”
Across the room, Paige let out a small huff.
“No, of course, nothing,” Whale protested a little too quickly. “My point is… I really think you should come, Belle.”
Belle began to worry that the Miner’s Day Festival would be like the Mayor’s Ball after all. It wasn’t something she wanted to do, even if she did have something to wear. What would she do?
“You should,” Whale repeated. “Everyone does.”
“Oh, because that’s a great reason!” Paige snarked.
Seeming somewhat uncomfortable at the comment, Whale picked up the books he had checked out of the library, and gave Belle a nod, and then glanced over at Paige to add, “You should bring your mother, Paige. It’ll be fun!”
Paige paled as the doctor left the library hard on the heels of his words, and as if he’d just fired the first salvo in some kind of larger war.
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