#advertising provides
elftwink · 9 months
to preface this post i am anti-advertising i think we should explode the entire industry but it's sooo funny when you people make posts like "and they don't even work!!" like. sorry to be the bearer of bad news but yes they do. that's why we have to put up with so many despite everyone hating them and thinking its annoying. because they actually work really well and make a shit load of money
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bleue-flora · 1 month
if a therapist came to the dsmp to treat the characthers they would need therapy after doing it probably
You and @piscespixiewastaken think alike it seems.
Indeed they would. In fact, this point actually pushed me to ask my sister-in-law, who is a therapist/counselor about it just out of curiosity. 
Here’s what I learned:
Despite what my counselor said, not all therapists were required in school to do counseling themselves to get certified. Some counselors have actually never even been to therapy themselves (not sure how I feel about that to be honest… not to deter people from going to therapy - please do if you are able) something my sister-in-law didn’t seem to be a big fan of.
When asked if she felt like she needed counseling after/because of a specific client she said that yes that can definitely be the case. She noted that empathy fatigue is often common after listening to people all day, which makes sense and that would be a common reason for some needed personal counseling. As expected, while she hasn’t had to deal with a lot of it, she did note that dealing with people with antisocial behavior disorders (ie narcissistic, histrionic… think sociopath disorders) can be especially taxing.
Given that the dsmp is a group of povs of the same story and events, I was curious on whether she often found herself taking sides when she does couples counseling. She said that there can be an initial bias at first when the base facts are presented to her, which is something she often has to check herself on, but that actually she finds that usually there is truth and wrongdoing on both sides and there is no true ‘bad guy.’ Though she did add that she has not dealt with any relationships involving more intense abuse especially relating to antisocial behavior disorders. In other words, the couples she sees likely came willingly and are sound enough in mind on both sides to want to fix the problems, if that makes sense.
So in other words, there are, much to my surprise, counselors who do not go (may not have gone) to therapy themselves, but that doesn’t make it healthy and considering the characters in the dsmp it would likely be recommended that this counselor also see someone. I will say though the implication that people in the dsmp are more problematic then real world people are is perhaps an underestimation of irl mental illness. Just because the dsmp members wear armor and carry around weapons doesn't make them more troublesome than people irl, though perhaps that is me viewing it from their world standards which I assume the therapist would be from. In either case, whether the therapist was from the realm of Minecraft world circumstances or more irl, I do imagine they being either inhumanly sane and not need a therapist of their own, or they get together with another therapist and perhaps drink over all the dsmp insanity. And whether they would be inclined to take sides I think is hard to say since there are definitely some characters who need a psych ward. Anyways… hope you enjoyed my info dump. :)
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mlpoutofcontext · 1 year
In the Cheesecake Factory
Where your fears and horrors come true
In the Cheesecake Factory
Where not a single soul gets through
In the Cheesecake Factory
Where your fears and horrors come true
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theriverbeyond · 6 months
my fav thing to do is lean down and get real close to my cat's head but not quite touching so he has to bump up into me for a kiss
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
on that note, if you were going to rewrite the sisters/write a similar group, what sort of approach would you take? ( planning on doing something like that if the motivation gods bless me)
i've made some big changes for the sisters for my beanie blog (pspspsps @askwcbean) but I think it really depends on the group you're trying to create. I wanted to keep the Sisters as a sustainable, self-growing group but keep some of the flaws (their strong sense of a gender binary). I don't want to make a utopian society out of spite, but I do want to make a society that could reasonably survive. Soooo (a combo of my ideas & stealing from others):
my collection of bullet point ramblings under the cut
The Sisters are very open to those willing to join and learn. They are a collection of loners, rogues, and kittypets. Not only does this keep our bloodlines less janked up, but it makes sense as to why the group can keep a reasonable amount of cats - they aren't closed off like the clans.
They'll often adopt abandoned kits, cats who are in bad situations, and generally anyone who is willing to learn and work with the group. This is a group that relies on diplomacy and good relations with others, they should be very open to outsiders.
Get rid of the super special bloodline thing. It's both a personal and practical thing, it doesn't work for a group like this. Have being able to see spirits be something you can be taught
I'm not giving Tree super special ghost powers. Sorry, I'm going to forever make fun of his novella it's so fucking stupid. He can see ghosts and has a heightened sensitivity to them, but it takes multiple Sisters and Brothers to be able to summon ghosts into views.
Keep the "Mother" kittypet origin story.
But how do they function? Well, the Sisters seem to operate a fairly small group, it doesn't really make sense to me for them to need a centralized structure. So, going for a decentralized system in the Sisters, power is distributed across the group and there is an emphasis on teamwork and decision making on all parts.
Choosing representatives for when meeting new groups tends to fall on reputation, charisma, and experience. Moonlight was chosen for these reasons, but she does not control the entirety of the group, though cats will lean on her words when she gives advice. She doesn't have legitimate power like a Clan leader, she relies on social influence and respect. Her word isn't law, but she does carry some weight due to her experience.
The Sisters have a fairly strong gender binary: Brothers, Sisters, Mothers, Fathers. You can be one or the other, they'll try to work around those who feel they don't fit for either role....but it doesn't always work out. I lean towards this not being decided by agab, you can shift from Brother to Sister and vice versa, it's those cats that don't exist in that binary who may feel out of place (but this is a wip idea and I want to tweak it more before i commit. i know for sure that Bean is one of those cats who doesn't want to fit this binary and is why she left to take up a "Brother" role despite not seeing herself as a Brother. I don't want them to treat them poorly, though it can happen, but that there's a lot of...reluctance to try and expand their ideas for these cats).
Toms don't get kicked out as babies. It's dumb, sorry everyone who likes that. There's no real logic to it besides a very half-assed attempt at trying to expand on the Sisters beliefs and even then, a kid with no training would get the shit kicked out of him by the wilderness lol
So, Brothers are socialized and trained on how to survive on their own. They're given information on medical herbs, hunting and gathering skills, best material to build dens and where to find a makeshift one in case of an emergency. Once again, this is not suddenly thrust upon them, they are socialized, this is something that they are believed to be as completely natural and an expectation for them.
When they are sufficiently deemed to be ready, the Brother is sent out to find a territory. They just don't just wander around (because I mean...the Sisters fill that role. They're nomadic). This is where I am yoinking a bit from others (notably bonefall's take on them), these territories act as base camps for the Sisters during their travels when they need to restock on herb supplies, have an injured or pregnant member, young kits, etc. That's why it's so important to them to have as many wide varieties of camps across their travels, and it's why Tree and Moonlight have some tension upon their meeting.
Boy picked a bad territory in their opinion, but in his defense, he didn't pick it for the Sisters. My base idea for these is Tree had a bad bad outing, but it needs work. I'll keep their strained relationship, but I'd like a little more depth to it just than the Erins beloved eeeeevvuuuulll mommmmyyyy (sooo scary!).
The Sisters believe they have a duty to help put spirits to rest, as well as help more malevolent ones find peace in the afterlife. They help with hauntings, lingering spirits, malicious spirits, etc.
They work in groups! The more malicious the spirit, the more Sisters it will take to pacify them and eventually release them from whatever is trapping them to the mortal plane.
Annnd so far that's what I've got! I have some more spirit lore over on my Bean blog, but this has been my working ideas for the Sisters themselves. Hope it helps :D
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grapejuicegay · 2 years
Alright so I got a bit curious... just how much of Vice Versa was ads? So I went in and cut out all the intros and up next screens and previews to get the total run time of the actual show, and also isolated the product placement segments.
I was generous with the product placement. I didn’t count the entire segments that were clearly based around the product, just the points where they actually interacted with the products.
Here’s my calculations (unless I’ve got the math entirely wrong)
The total run time was 11:32:11, which comes 692.18 minutes
The ad segments were 1:51:17, which comes to 111.28 minutes
Approximately 16% of Vice Versa was purely product placement
Basically, what I’m getting at is
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Part of boycotting is not helping it trend, children. It's time to shut the fuck up and keep its name out of your mouth.
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cyphyra · 1 year
May or may not be working on making a public Discord server again...
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itstimetodrew · 11 months
It's wild how companies keep copying each other's methods for short-term financial gain even when they've seen it bring financial ruin in the long-term. Just right now they're watching media companies invest billions in new streaming platforms that offer less content in order to get subscribers, but not even knowing if it's a profitable pursuit (it isn't). They're watching movie studios devote almost their entire upcoming film slate and excessive budgets to cinematic universes and sequels, assuming audiences will rush for tickets every time (they aren't).
And their huge brain business strategy with this information is to just keep putting all their half-rotten eggs in one shabbily-woven basket. Instead of you know, developing a product that can stand on its own and won't get dragged down on a sinking ship because it's become nothing else but clone #17 of That Other Popular Thing.
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dbssh · 11 months
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"lore enthusiasts" buddy you have 300 followers you arent creating any freaking content nobody is flying you to blizzcon. "lore enthusiasts" you are a fan. youre a fan.
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begging everyone to learn the difference between "influencer" and "just a regular person posting on the internet" w/r/t struck work because oh my god everyone and their mother are unintentionally spreading misinfo by classifying everyone posting online as influencers
this is what classifies an influencer per SAG-AFTRA's own FAQ:
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^ if this applies to you so do the strike guidelines that SAG-AFTRA has put out, if it doesn't then you are not an influencer and all that union reps have asked casual fans to do is be vocal in support of the strikes and try to weave that support into things like cosplay etc.
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chaplinfortheages · 9 months
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The Sunday Tribune, Providence R.I. July 1st 1917
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anissapierce · 22 days
.... Ok so this older people lgbt support group that i was planning on starting at the local library....im gonna transition it into being for lgbt adults but specifying that were interested in creating connections btwn ppl of all ages. Also it did initially start out as for older trans ppl and i still havent heard back from the library abt the change from that to the second thing. But i feel better abt it being for adults generally if im the one apparently facilitating it
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rayo1-productions · 2 years
My deepest apologies for the absence on Tumblr. But I’m here to kick off Wave 2 of my wallpapers. Let’s start things off with a revolution!
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Posts will still be irregular, but to accommodate the uncertain amount of time I may spend away from this platform, releasing the wallpapers in Waves seems like a good idea.
Background art collaged and retrieved from Generator Rex environmental art. 
Credit for White Knight and Doctor Holiday goes to Virt, whose headshots were retrieved from here: https://ffunseen.tumblr.com/post/620579479623958528/are-there-any-sketches-of-gen-rex-characters
As always, you can find the first story in this series right here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11418172/1/Cartoon-Network-Universe-Earth-One-FusionFall
Previously on Cartoon Network... Coming up on Cartoon Network...
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kayayeteae · 7 months
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pvffinsdaisies · 2 months
I have to be so honest I think for what Duolingo is and what it offers it’s wayyyyy overly criticised
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