#akdong musician locks
prplocks · 2 years
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☆ ! suhyun wallpaper ! ☆
=^._.^= ∫
reblog if you saved
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uwua3 · 4 years
i stumbled across your blog and i adore your writing!! if it’s not too much to ask, can i get some fluffy cafe date hcs w/ kazu?
YES!!!!!!!!! kazunari Best Boy ever ♡_♡ but thank you so much for the support!!! i hope you’ll adore this piece as well~
summary: you’re kazunari’s greatest gift of them all this christmas
author’s note: i know it’s summer, but this is a christmas! kazunari who is spontaneous and loves the holiday spirit ♡ i miss christmas so much even though i don’t celebrate. enjoy the puns~
word count: 1,771
music: chocolady – akdong musicians (akmu)
i like you a latte!
🌻🎨 miyoshi kazunari
kazunari regretted procrastinating on his big final project of the school year before winter break
he couldn’t help it! he said he’d start soon, but scrolling through his entire timeline took hours! liking posts and making his own creative trends was basically a requirement in his career as a social media influencer!
one thing led to another, and by the time kazunari looked up from his screen, he was surrounded by supplies and only less than half a week to finish a project he got assigned two months ago
no need to panic, just got to do everything right! kazunari went pale like the snowflakes outside and groaned, already stressed as he rubbed his face. this was not going to end well at all... he would need to pull all–nighters just to pass!
kazu⭐️ posted an update! : gonna be offline for a bit~ ♪ don’t miss me too much!!! rip my procastination (^з^)-☆
just a hour after he posted his stresses to the internet, his ears perked up at the custom ring tone he set for you blaring through his room. he took the phone out of his apron pocket and put it to his ear, still mapping out his design as he tried to hide his tiredness
(he hated worrying you, he’d rather have your attention when he was at his best over his exhausted, procrastinative state)
“yolo~! what’s up?” kazunari loudly asked, affectionately calling out your pet name as you laughed on the other end. kazunari could hear you put something on and the jingle of keys. coat? keys? where were you going at this time of night? kazunari pouted, looking at his work, he wished he could go out, too!
kazunari glanced out at his window, seeing it was dark outside. he was about to ask what you were doing before he heard your door close, his facetime screen popped up as he quickly pressed accept, wanting to see your face to motivate him to make some progress
you were walking down your sidewalk in the cold, wearing clothes that were too put–together at this time of night. your cheeks and nose were red from the frost as you grinned at him with all the energy in the world
“i saw your post! i know you’re tired, come on, let’s go get coffee!” you offered, and kazunari felt all his energy come back as he immediately nodded without considering staying behind to focus on his work. he needed you, his energy boost!
“whoa~ why are you so cute?! you know i love coffee! (and you)” kazunari complimented, pushing himself up and heard the crack of his bones. his neck was sore and his clothes were already stained, but he just wanted to see you as he shoved his feet in his shoes and left the studio he was renting
nothing could get between kazunari and his much needed picker–upper (you and caffeine, of course)!
you guys didn’t even have to say which café it was, you two went to the same place as always. it was the 24/7 café that felt like it always stuck in the holiday spirit. the colorful lights were up, there was a jukebox playing christmas classics, and kazunari felt like he was home when he stepped into the warm atmostphere
(like the social butterfly he was, kazunari animatedly exclaimed his greetings and held a small–talk conversation with the exhausted barista at the register. how he remembered the barista’s name was beyond him, and the employee just tried to stay awake as he moved to the back to take a nap. kazunari shrugged, you can’t win everybody, he’ll just try again at a better time)
when kazunari saw you at your usual table by the window with his favorite order and cookies, kazunari rushed over and pulled you into a hug, giving you a big kiss like always did when he wanted to express how much he loved you but couldn’t do it in words
you two were the only ones in the café since it was so late. chocolady by akmu was over the radio this time as the guitar strum made kazunari feel his worries melt away
how could he be stressed when his partner and favorite foods were right in front of him? kazunari slid into the seat next to you, wanting to be as close as possible as he laid his head on your shoulder with a sigh
(it was rare for him to be so clingy without wanting to be the big spoon, so it was nice to have your best boy in your arms because he wanted your love & support)
he was so tired but you always let him rest, it was comforting to know you were here with him and knew coffee would fix him right away
“thank you~ you know i love you, right?” kazunari hummed, taking your hand as he sipped his coffee with the other. it was sugary sweet, just how he liked it. this time, there was peppermint to signify the upcoming holidays
“words cannot espresso how much you bean to me! we’re seriously the perfect blend~” kazunari joked, holding up his marshmallow cup like it was a toast when you two were the only one awake at this hour
you laughed again, patting his head and gently massaging his temples as kazunari cuddled into your side. you always knew how to make him feel better, you were his caffeine dose of the day but like, everyday
“i love you too, kazu. even if your coffee puns are terrible (hey! kazunari took offense), school must be hard on you if you had to go offline for a while!” you comforted him as he nodded, closing his eyes when you pressed a kiss to his forehead. he loved you so much, every act of affection felt like an energy boost even though he felt sleepy in the dim lighting
“s’ my fault anyways, i was busy online.” kazunari murmured, trying to keep his eyes open but your body was so warm. he was in his pajamas too since he didn’t change, and it felt like he was cuddling you back in bed. this was tortue! how could he stay awake when you were super adorable like this?!
kazunari blinked, pushing himself off you as he stood up to stretch, appreciating the quiet music and the stillness of the city at night. suddenly, the song faded and shifted into a christmas song he knew you loved. when you were about to mention it, kazunari placed his drink down and held his hand out with a flourish of a bow
“m’lady~ you are brew–ti–ful, where have you bean all my life?” kazunari asked as you took his hand without a doubt and let him whisk you to your feet. you giggled, trying to not be so loud as you two slow–danced in the public café. anyone walking could see you two dancing through the window, any of the employees could have walked out, but it felt like you two were the only people in the world
you rarely got to witness a tired, more mellow kazunari (even though this meant he was more prone to make insufferable puns). so when you got to see his quiet, more vulnerable side, you always enjoyed his contemplative nature and ability to make anything a special memory. he was tired, but his smile was wide as he attempted to sing along to the lyrics
(he was off–tune on purpose, but you thought you fell in love all over again at the sight of his paint–stained pj’s and his blonde hair illuminated by the warm yellow lighting)
“kazu, stop!” you tried to pull away to avoid being too public with your pda, but he whined as he held you closer, swaying back and forth
“i like dancing with you,” kazunari said, pretending to brush a lock of your hair behind your ear before he put his foot behind your heel, causing you to fall back as he held you in a dip. “do i sweep you off your feet, or do i keep you... grounded?”
kazunari winked and you couldn’t help but laugh at his spontaneous quirks, wanting to retort with something just as punny before you looked past his face and noticed something hanging from the ceiling. oh, mistletoe
without warning, you leaned forward and caught him in a kiss, surprising him to the point where he almost let you go (you would’ve absolutely pushed him out into the snow to freeze forever). but, kazunari quickly tightened his grip as he kissed you back like it was the first
(that was one of your favorite things about kazunari. how it felt like you would never get bored and how his love was new everyday)
he tasted like the mocha peppermint latte you ordered for him and the chocolate cookie he just ate. he was sweet like christmas and all things nice, like he came straight out of a gingerbread house
when you two seperated due to the very awkward cough of the underpaid employee at the front desk, you laughed with no shame as kazunari casually apologized with his instant charisma (he even addressed the barista by name, how’d he even know?)
you two took your time to leave, returning back to your seats to talk more about your plans for the holidays and what to do next before you headed out into the cold
kazunari tossed his empty cup into the trash, noticing the label written as he turned towards you, practically glowing underneath the christmas lights decorating the sidewalk
before you could even say anything, kazunari gave you a peck on the lips and smiled
“thank you, really,”
kazunari pressed another quick kiss even though your face was red (and not just from the winter air)
“i like you a latte, hot stuff! ♪”
(you definitely pushed him into the snow this time)
(you had to give him your jacket when his pajamas were all soaking wet)
because of your coffee date, kazunari always came to the café after school to get his quick dose of nostalgic memories with the same peppermint mocha latte as always
(he always posted a pic, tagging you and affectionately tagging it with every heart emoji to show he was thinking of you)
(he’d remember how amazing you looked when you danced with him, and officially deemed christmas the best holiday ever)
kazunari managed to pass his project in on time and made it to winter break! after all, how could he spend christmas with you if he failed his classes?
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unpetitregret · 5 years
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@motley-queen tagged me to post my lock screen, home screen, and the last song I listened to bc she’s nosy. For my lock screen we have the same Imae of Mr. Hwang Hyunjin that I have had for God knows how long. My home screen is a painting I did of Selene the moon goddess for my art class. The last song I listened to was Melted by Akdong musician because I’ve been in love with them literally since 2015. @omgspookykookie and anyone else who wants to do it ♥️
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jincentvangogh · 5 years
Get to know me - Kpop
rules: answer the questions below so your followers can get to know you a little better, and tag any blogs you also want to get to know more!
Tagged by queen Shirley
@jingertonic 💖💖💖
. Thnx babe!!!
let’s start with something easy! what’s your name?
any nicknames?
Vero most of the time.
During middle school, they called me Satan.
Scorpion Queen. I used to do THIS party trick (it’s called scorpion) A LOT and I was really good at it, as in had a really good aim... so yeah. THAT’S SIDE OF ME IS BURIED NOW.
I need cool nicknames somebody give me a cool one, please.
how do you identify/what pronouns do you prefer?
how tall are you?
time for you now?
astrological sign?
what is the meaning behind your blog name?
Its a wordplay (?) between Seokjin and Vincent Van Gogh. ZERO CORRELATION but I like both things hahaha
favourite kpop artists! as many as you stan:
BTS-2NE1 (QUEENS) - 4Minute - SNSD - BIGBANG - Wonder Girls - G Dragon - f(x) - Hyuna - Jessi - Winner - Zion T - NCT (all) - Lee HI (NATIONAL TREASURE) - Epik High - Akdong Musician - IU - Jay Park (does he counts?) - HEIZE - Hoody - Miso - Standing Egg (<3) - Swedish Laundry - GDragon - KARD - CLC - Pristin - Dreamcatcher - Dean - Offonoff - Suran - San E (I’m sowy people but he was BOPS) - PSY (BOPS) - BAP - Twice - Sistar - Exo - Taemin - Crush - Bolbbalgan4 - DPR Live -  Kisum - Blackpink - The Black Skirts (is this kpop) - Day6 - TAEK - Bobby (not Ikon) - Mino
Those are the ones I listen the most tbh.
five of your favourite kpop songs, if you can/if you stan, choose more than one group (bonus points for linking them so your followers can listen!):
134340 by BTS |HERE|
어딜 가든 나쁜 사람들은 있잖아요 by TAEK |HERE|
Confession by Standing Egg |HERE|
1+1=0 By Suran |HERE|
I think I have a type
what kpop song did you last listen to?
Dionysus by BTS
favourite kpop music video?
예뻐서 그래 by Standing Egg. Mainly because Yoo Yeonseok is THE IDEAL GUY AND I CONSUME ANYTHING HE GIVES ME
Dope by BTS... This is THE MV that made me stan them, the choreo, Jimin with red hair, I fell in love with Min Yoongi Jin actually my bias wrecker. Def holds a special place in my heart.
Bae Bae By Bigbang... let’s talk about a Sensory experience.
이러지마 제발 by K. Will THE MOST ICONIC VIDEO IN THE WORLD OKAY?? it has more substance than most dramas out there. The drama, the progression, the plot twist... way ahead of its time.
who are your top five bias wreckers?
T.O.P (he used to be my ultimate bias)
Bang Yongguk ( I still daydream about how he looked in Yamazaki UFF)
Min Yoongi (I DREAM WISH HOPE to marry a man like him ever since I was a kid)
MINO (not now with that hideous piercing and I’ll never admit it but he looks like a guy I used to see)
Kim Namjoon (If I ever brought a man like him into my house my mum would lock him in until I married him)
I like rappers... SUE ME
last but not least! post a photo of your top biases:
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Almost forgot!!! I tag --> @namjoonchronicles - @visualseokjin - @floralseokjin​ - @namiiyae​ - @dionysokjin​ - @daegusoftboys​ - @s0ckjinnie​
0 notes
edawns-bf · 7 years
Masterlist || Updated: October 5th, 2018
NCT 127 | NCT DREAM | NCT U |SMRookies
NCT 127, pastel
NCT 127, things I associate with NCT 127
NCT 127 x WILD
NCT 127 x Blurryface
NCT 127 x  Chewing gum
NCT 127 x Dream in a dream
NCT 127 x Hometowns
NCT 127 as things Dan and Phil say, gif
NCT 127 f•r•i•e•n•d•s lockscreens
NCT 127 tarotcards
NCT Dream, pastel
NCT Dream lock screens, pastel blue
NCT Dream x WILD
NCT Dream x Blurryface
NCT Dream season greetings
NCT Dream x Bangerz
NCT Dream x Fairy lights
NCT Dream x Red Velvet MV’s
NCT Dream x Hometowns (IG
NCT Dream x Dream in a dream
NCT Dream f•r•i•e•n•d•s lockscreens
Things I associate with NCT Dream, text post
NCT Dream x Lowlife lyrics, GIF
NCT Dream, new style
Renjun, Jeno, Haechan movie poster
NCT Dream (GO) as legendary creatures, IG version
NCT Dream, Neo Culture Technology magazine
NCT Dream “Joy”, IG version
NCT U, things I associate with NCT U
NCT U x Blurryface
NCT U x Chewing gum
NCT U graphic profiles
NCT U x Hometowns
NCT U x Dream in a dream
NCT U f•r•i•e•n•d•s lockscreens
NCT U the 7th sense
NCT U (BOSS) as legendary creatures, IG version
What it is like to date: Doyoung, Winwin, Kun, Yuta, Mark, Jaehyun, Taeyong, Taeil, Ten
NCT mv aesthetics
Things I associate with: Yuta, Kun, Winwin, Johnny, Hansol
NCT + SMRookies, pink: part 1, part 2
Winwin, Doyoung, Jaehyun, flowers
Random SMRookies songs lockscreens, pastel
1 year NCT anniversary
NCT + SMRookies, plants: part 1, part 2
NCT, instagram study dates: part 1, part 2, part 3
NCT as texts I’ve received/sent/convinced people to send
NCT Yukhei + Red Velvet Yeri instagram proposal
NCT and SMRookies as shit people around me say
Smrookies Switch MV gif
NCT 2018, yearbook 2, sad IG version
Doyoung, Jaehyun, Yuta (feat. Johnny) viva America, IG version
Loving Winwin with Taeil, Haechan, Yuta and Jaehyun
Winwin, Jungwoo and Yukhei in a different style
Individual (A-Z):
Chenle, rainbow
Chenle, peonies
Chenle, flowers
Chenle, China produced quote
Chenle, new style
Chenle dolphin laugh, video
Chenle, art (NCT 2018 yearbook 2)
Chenle, art as a Hufflepuff student
Doyoung, lock screen, pastel
Doyoung, bubbles, pastel
Doyoung, bunny, header/icon
Doyoung, spooky but soft drawing
Doyoung soft edit, icon
Haechan, pastel
Haechan, lockscreen, pastel
Haechan, hearts, pastel
Haechan, purple
Haechan, birthday, drawing
Haechan for May’s birthday, drawing
Jaehyun, Sagittarius, dark
Jaehyun, lock screen, pink
Jaehyun, ipad lock screens, plants
Jaehyun, pink and white
Jaemin, birthday, pastel blue
Jeno, peaches, pastel
Jeno, birthday, pastel
Jeno, white russian quote
Jisung, birthday, pastel
Jisung, white
Mark, scorpio, pastel
Mark x chewing gum, muted
Mark, gryffindor drawing
Mark going full homo bro, quote
Renjun, lock screen, pastel
Renjun, birthday, pastel
Renjun, pink
Taeil, purple and grey
Taeil, birthday
Taeyong, capricorn, dark
Taeyong, taurus, dark
Taeyong, lock screen, pastel blue / black
Taeyong, lace, pastel
Taeyong birthday, windows
Taeyong, drawing
Ten, elementary school teacher, pastel blue
Winwin, white
Winwin, lock screen, mixed
Winwin, rose gold
Winwin, lock screen, black
Winwin, softie
Winwin as Yuri Katsuki, drawing
Yukhei + Red Velvet Yeri instagram proposal
Yuta, serious / joke, mixed
Yuta, grey
Yuta, chewing gum theme
Previous Smrookies trainees:
Hansol, grey
TaeTen, JaeYong, MarkTen, pastel
WinKun, RenLe, pastel
DoTen, YuMin, pastel
DongEil, JenSung, pastel
MarkHyuck, pastel
WinKun icons, pastel
Mark’s kisses x3 (Chenle, Doyoung, Haechan), pink
TaeWin, lockscreens
TaeWin, yuri on ice
DoWin, pink
DoTae, hair based
TaeWin, gif, Van Gogh
MarkHyuck, TATINOF aesthetic
DoEil, JaeYong, MarkTen, pastel
JohnTen as Buzzfeed unsolved, gif
JohnTen boyfriend, IG version
MarkHyuck, warm aesthetic
MarkHyuck as harpy and merman
Other groups (besides NCT), A-Z:
Akdong musician
Akdong musician, pastel
Astro x NCT Dream chewing gum theme
BgA, pastel
Bigbang x Space, dark
Blackpink as legendary creatures, IG version
Block B
Block B aesthetic, mixed colours
BTS x Spring day, pastel
BTS Magic shop, fanart
Yoongi, fanart
EXO, things I associate with EXO
EXOs Power MV as famous movie posters
Sehun, pink
Previous EXO members:
Luhan, pink
Girls generation
Girls generation, soft colours
GOT7, aeroplane aesthetic
GOT7, study date aesthetic
Monsta X
Monsta X, aestheticgrams
If Monsta X the clan mv’s were aestheticgrams
Red velvet
Red Velvet x Ice cream cake, pastel
Individuals (A-Z)
Yeri + NCT’s Yukhei instagram proposal
Seventeen x Cool blue tones (part 1, part 2)
Seventeen study date aesthetic, IG version
What if Seventeen were florists? IG version
Triple H
199x aesthetic
365 Fresh, E'dawn cut, gif
U kiss
Sooseop kiss lock screens, muted
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