#aliens: Fragmenta
etherealvoidechoes · 2 years
Languages - Fragmenta
Translation for the Fragmenta language(s), but holding back on some things. Not going to get into how sentences are structured as that varies between where the Fragmenta come from. And need to go and add a small translation key at the bottom for A Fine Red Mist 1 & 2.
Their words sound harsh, but somehow elegant. There are tings, reverberations, metallic groans, and the sounds of rushing wind; like wind brushing through wind chimes.  
Naming non-Fragmenta:
They have a tendency to come up with names for non-Fragmenta, finding words in their native tongue(and some borrowed) that best represent the species. Once something has been made, they don’t always use the native species name. Especially if they don’t like your species. Why they always refer to the Elders as Echtralls.
Ethereal/Elder Related:
Only a few Elders have received names from the Fragmenta. Which are the most pleasant/good they like dealing with. For the less pleasant, they rarely ever refer to them by their actual names and just use Echtralls or Vok’thrall’Uv. 
Ecthralls = Elders
Ect’esltial(celestial status) = Ascended Ethereal
Mak’Symmtra - Raal’Maker
Val’Fe’Weyta - Va'lo'Fe 
Weaver Related:
Wey’vo’ta - General names to the Weavers 
X’zea’shia - Name for the Weaver that’s gone mad(in a way). Meaning = Mad one that brings decay.
Me’mataka = me - Used as a title in a way for some Fragmenta when they refer to themselves. Sometimes third-person usage.
Some words are phrases.
Eadto’ta’adows = Beheaded shadows
Ektrata = Listen carefully
Ka’ektrata = I trust you this. Be careful.
No’vala = Do not speak
O’vota’ka’voth = Are you? (Very directed at a single person)
So’govoth = You all there
So’govath’rakta = You all trespassers
Toa ma = To me
Un’tash’x’ives = To keep your lives
Votalo = Till We meet again.
‘adows = shadows
An’xer  = answer
‘Asta = are
‘Ave = have
Cotalo = Silence… 
‘Eadto = head
Ectvander = wanderer
En’lsh’tash = English
Es’vo = before
eshe = we
esche = the. Tends to be used for titles more, but can be common like ‘ta’
esche’ta = to the
Govth’so = they
Ill’isha = positive version of one’s will
Ish’no = if not/or
Oshe = What
so’gov = you
So’gova’tish =your
Ta = this/the
Ta’cla = tongue
Toa’lava = dialect
Toa ma = to me
Un’manity = humanity
un’tyn = nothing
Un’vo = Please
une’ummon = common
Vind = blind
vind’eadto’ill =  one’s “will” to live/to do/to be, but in an insulting way. Saying your head is blind.
Vo’ish = leave
Vok’thrall’Uv = You - Specifically to Elders.  Derogatory, followed by a finger point and lots of growling.
Vosh = another use of “the” but more or so for titles/addressing important people.
Xa = a
Xa’vind = a blind
Xao = Now
Xor’vo’tan = more than
Toa’talo = slave/mindless slave.
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janeaudron · 1 month
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Chippn' away during my free time.
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mosquitoshow · 3 months
Apología de un cuerpo: Caleidoscopio
Que dificil habitarme, habitarnos
que extraño es compartir mi existencia con el universo a través de mi cuerpo, dejar que el cosmos se experimente a sí mismo a través de mi percepción.
Cuando esta se altera, cuando el alcohol, las emociones, las drogas o los trastornos psiquiátricos la distorsionan, cuando mi percepción se vuelve psicótica, cuando se tuerce como un caleidoscopio, cuando se fragmenta en un millón de pedacitos brillantes coloridos, un millón de piezas pequeñas reflejadas en los espejos de la vida, ¿Es acaso que el universo también es capaz de experimentarse a través de ella?
Cuando el universo se experimenta a sí mismo, me experimenta a mí, como un alien parasita mi cuerpo y me utiliza como un títere, como un demonio se infiltra en mi cerebro, y yo incapaz de decidir qué pensar, sucumbo ante el mismo, ante mis mayores y mas ocultos terrores, porque todo lo sabe, porque crece como una larva en mis lóbulos frontales y posteriores, mi neocortrex es ahora su habitación principal y siempre apaga las luces. Es entonces el universo aquello que siembra en mí y que me utiliza como vehículo .
Cuando me lleno de terror, cuando el pánico infecta cada poro de mi piel, ¿Qué es entonces? Que hace el universo, a realidad que necesita de mí o demostrar en mí para dejar de sentirlo.
Nada es entonces real, nada importa porque nada es cierto, hoy es hoy pero también es mañana y es ayer, todo es todo y sucede en mí al mismo tiempo, mi mente únicamente entonces solo lo experimenta a partir del concepto temporal, del constructo apocalíptico del fin de los días, propio y de la humanidad, el pánico al terror inminente, no de morir, sino de estar vivo con la seguridad de que somos finitos y que no tenemos control alguno sobre dicho acontecimiento al existir en este plano.
¿Qué hacemos aqui entonces? ¿A que vine a ser en este lugar yo?
El sufrimiento es simplemente un síntoma de la falta de información, del miedo a ella, del desconocimiento del plan general, del motivo inicial. El sentimiento es propio y no es general ni compartido, es individual y no repercute en el existir de la realidad que vemos, en la que existimos, ni siquiera estoy seguro de que intervenga en las demás cuerdas que nos construyen, sin embargo está ahí: sufrimos por dolor, sufrimos por amor, sufrimos por la muerte, sufrimos por la ausencia y sufrimos por el exceso... y de qué sirve? ¿ de que sirve cualquier acción que hagamos mas allá de cuanto sufrimiento genere en la vida misma del individuo particular?
Entonces es mejor no existir y al mismo tiempo, habitar al universo, sin que me use ni usarle, siendo uno solo.
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janeaudron · 1 year
Feel like my brain just opened to how the phonetic alphabet works and other things and may be able to better understand how to conlang(constructed language) now.
Gonna be killing by throat later for some of the alien lingo I've come up with over the years to give it a more solid foundation by matching it to the phonetics!
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janeaudron · 2 years
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Late night alien shape design. About time I drew the Fragmenta. My strange and sapient living nebulas.
Playing around with their shapes. Rarely do two share exactly the forms unless they are twins. They roughly model their looks around other species and people they have met.
Their orbs tend act as the anchors to all the metal, minerals, and cosmic dust.
Eventually will refine Arcturus‘ and Hera’tius forms in the far flung future. Not sure how many more will make an appearance in my XCOM fics.
And think I may also have these guys show up in Nomad Pathfinders story/comic too since they like to wander the cosmos and encounter various species they can impart wisdom and help unto. Something fun for Ra’ferti and crew to meet.
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etherealvoidechoes · 2 years
Chuckling at the idea of Hera’tius patting Maker’s head. They’re rather fond of him.
And still figuring out the heights for several Fragmenta, but most tower over people. But Hera’tius will always be taller than Maker. Was taller than his Ethereal form.
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etherealvoidechoes · 3 years
Worldbuilding - XCOM - Aliens in my XCOM fanfics a.k.a. Elders relations with aliens they have/have not Encountered.
Taking some liberties/making changes to fit my canon. This will be updated at random. Probably will do full profiles later. And there will be some spoilers.
And not covering any of the purely mechanical units. And questions are welcome!
*Dash in front of a species name = subcategory/variation in that species
Mixing from the old and new games
Ascended Ones - Encountered | Peaceful at first | Jealousy arose and they chased them out | Now have been seeking them in their quest to repair themselves and to face “what will consume all”
Andromedon - Encountered | Semi-peaceful in the beginning | Helped create their suits | Now subjugated | Both army and workforce
Codex - Semi-Creation | Integral part of information network | Possible evolution of Outsiders | Possible related to Fragmenta
Faceless - Creation | Mishmash of left over experiments | Infiltration Units
Muton & Berserkers - Encountered | Semi-peaceful at first | Originally hired mercenaries until issues developed | Now subjugated the whole species after that issue out of pure spite | Clones made up vast majority of army until new technology came around to “tame the beasts”
— Archon/Floaters - Semi-creation | Failed Muton experiments/possible other species | Constantly tortured into compliance
Outsiders (XCOM) -  Semi-Creation | Integral parts of ships | Related to Fragmenta
Sectoid - Encountered | Semi-peaceful in the beginning | Uplifted, disappointed in frailty and cowardice, and subjugated | Upgraded again, but treatment didn’t change | Puppetmasters/Interrogators 
Viper (Thin Men) - Encountered | Peaceful | Elders helped solved an ecological and biological issue | Very loyal to the Elders because of that | But semi - subjugated without truly knowing it | Use clones for vast majority of army minus “purebred” to be head leaders | “Purebred” tend to be Elite guards
Zudjari (Outsiders (The Bureau)) - Encountered | Not peaceful | Subjugated | Work Slaves | Stole their remaining technology from their collapsing/collapsed empire
Gatekeeper - Semi-Creation | Possible evolution of Cyberdisc | Subjugated
Chyssalid - Encountered | Not peaceful | Subjugated | Attack Animals/Terror units 
Cyberdisc - Encountered | Semi-peaceful | Uplifted and combined with machine | Subjugated
Reapers - Encountered | Used by Mutons | Possibly Native to Muton worlds | Subjugated along with Mutons | Attack Animals/Terror units 
Silacoid -  Encountered | Used by Mutons | Possibly Native to Muton worlds | Subjugated along with Mutons | Attack Animals/Terror units 
Mine/My Universe Aliens
From my various universes and stories I’m working on. 
Ferrojins - Encountered | Peaceful at first until Kra’Seous neighbors revealed the Elders true character | Them and Kra’Seous kicked them out of their solar system | Immune to Psionics | Lost some of their kind to the Elders during the war | Lost subject to experiments and currently in a diminished state | Possible inspiration for the Spectres
Fragmenta - Encountered | Semi-mutual tolerance | Semi-truce | Know of the danger that lies ahead | Elders know not to mess with them or else
Kra'Seous - Encountered | Peaceful at first | Until the Elders mask slipped | Immune to Psionics | Kicked the Elders from their solar system with the Kra’Seous | Lost some of their kind to the Elders during the war
— Os'seous  - Those who do not merge with the bone trees and Helper.
— Kra'tulcim - Those who merge with the bone trees and Helper.
“The Weavers“ - Encountered | Peaceful at first | Jealousy arose towards “the ones that ascended” | Elders chased them away/turned a deaf ear to their warnings | Elders now looking for them again(and species they’ve interacted with) for selfish reasons | Haven’t found them yet but...
— “The Voice” - Encountered | Peaceful at first | Fully hostile now | Elders saw through their twisted machinations | | Elders fear them greatly and are fleeing from them and their forces
Allo Sinew/Marro Lizard - Encountered | Native to Kra’Seous homeworld | Very intelligent reptiles | Social Creatures | Can be cantankerous | Elders nabbed a few of the lizards for experiments
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janeaudron · 2 years
I really didn’t expect my Fragmenta post to blow up so fast. Huh, y’all like my funky metal floating nebula alien people.
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etherealvoidechoes · 2 years
Hollowed Defiance - Chapter 24 - A Fine Red Mist Pt.2
XCOM gets glimpse at something new before they move in to secure the VIP and get out of the clinic and city.
Chapter numbers are gonna be weird for a bit as I’m inserting new chapters into the early parts and reworking others. And off I go to post those other chapters!
Think I got everything updated now.
Ao3 Link
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“Cotalo… Ektrata… Do not try my… patience. Vox.” 
A deep voice boomed and echoed through the Bridge speakers. Faint metallic echoes, like a chime, then grinding, followed the voice. But somehow much… calmer than when it was initially yelled.
Nearly all activity in the Bridge grind to a halt as all eyes focused on the screens. It was coming from that towering, metallic skeletal being, clothed in that red and white mist.
“Geez, thought some of the Elders sounded intimidating.” Dewpoint said.
“Hush!” Dimitri shushed him. “Trying to translate its words.”
“Ektrata… Do not… try my… patience.” As the Fragmenta spoke, the metal shards around its “face” twitched and shifted with each word. Anger oozing out with each bellowing echo.
“A-A-Arcturus,” Dr. Vox hesitantly addressed the Fragmenta, “you know how the Elders are and my people are doing what we can and will take the utmost—”
A grinding growl came from it, as it leaned towards the doctor again. The mist around its body glowed violently as it wick from its body erratically. Claws dug ever so deeper into the desk, causing the fine wood to splinter. Vox quickly hushed herself, sinking deeper into her chair like a frightened child.
“It… took time to replicate… this… and the others the Ecthralls so hastily… so greedily… dismantled.” Those sharp talons drummed against the table before the Fragmenta pointed at the chip. Lines of circuitry glowed a soft blue. It almost looked similar to the ones ADVENT used, though the construction was slightly different. Besides the glowing circuitry, it had a triangular base. If the Fragmenta hadn’t called it a chip, it almost resembled a key. 
“Reminds me of those Skeleton Keys we had to make to get into those alien bases.” Not always the fondest memories for Commander Reeves. 
Those base assaults were always an event. Teetering on the edge of nerve-wracking and exhilarating. If they succeeded, they took away a foothold from the aliens and greatly improved relations with the nation it was occupying. If they failed, not only did they lose valuable soldiers, the failed assault emboldened the aliens and damaged relations with the Council nation. They had lost a few minor nations in the early months, but they would come crawling back when XCOM truly started turning the tide against the aliens.
But something had her thoughts racing. Something about that key looked far too familiar for her liking. “Zu… Zudja… Zudjari…” She muttered a name that came to her mind.
It was a strange name, almost felt familiar to her tongue and brain. But she didn’t know why. But as she studied that chip more, something about that name felt like it fit the darn thing. “Zudjari…”
“What?” Central turned to her, hearing the mutter.
“Thinking.” She waved him off. She didn’t want to lose the thought as she continued to listen to the Fragmenta.
 “Don’t… squander our efforts…” Arcturus continued to dig its talons deeper into the desk. Ignoring Durga’s efforts to push it back. “There are not many… Zudjari left with these… intact in a way we can reform this… technology… due to its… self-destructive, self-consuming nature.”
“Yes, yes.” Vox nodded, too afraid to say anything more.
“Take care of this… My kind still works on…. Figuring out… the Mosaic….” The Fragmenta finally pulled itself away from the doctor. Releasing its damaging death grip on the desk. “Most of the documents and plans… have been destroyed… And this world… wisely kept little of it.” The erratic movement of the mist calmed down. That grinding in its voice disappeared. “Wisely. If only the Ecthralls had a shred of that…” It paused for a moment. Bringing a claw to their face, they tapped at one of the many shards.
“Correction.” A throaty growl came from them. Parts of their body shuttered letting off sharp chimes. “They have mostly stayed away from the more… destructive technology the Zudjari deployed in their conquests… Though we know how fleeting their emotions can be when defied.” A sharp metallic hiss followed their words. “Still… they are nothing like their wiser… benevolent counterparts. Ect’esltial. ‘Ascended Ones,’ as they call them.”
“Do not speak of the Elders in such a way.” Durga sneered. She removed her hand from its chest, but she continued to brace her other arm. Ready to draw her wakizashi and strike down the Fragmenta if needed.
“Silence, toa’talo. I pity you… and the others.” Arcturus barely turned its “face” to her. “A being taken and twisted… redeemed by Mak’Symmtra… only to be taken and twisted once more.” It stated. “I. Pity. You.” 
“Zudjari… Mosaic?” Commander Reeves muttered again under her breath as she listened. Another new word that was so familiar but distant. “This world wisely kept little of it?” 
Such strange statements the Fragmenta made. A conflicting of sorts. This Fragmenta went through the trouble of replicating something for the Elders, clearly annoyed with how much effort it took, but was glad the plans for this Mosaic were missing. Then how it spoke of the Elders. Complete disregard for that ‘elder’ title they loved and a few insulting comments. It was like it had strong a disdain for Them.
“Ascended ones?” Another phrase that tickled at her mind. Part of her was worried she was going to get a headache from all the information coming in and how her mind was trying to process it and search her memories. She glanced back at her chair. That bottle of pills Dr. Chalsa dropped off were looking tempting. Very tempting.
“You know what that thing is talking about?” Central asked. Her increased muttering had caught his attention. Especially the look on her face as she was studying the screen. Confused yet intrigued.
“It all sounds familiar. And I think I can translate what it said earlier when this is all done.” A truthful answer. She said the names a few more times, letting each word roll off her tongue. Why was it so familiar? Then her eyes lit up. A faint memory struck her. The image of a heavily redacted document. There was an image clipped to the document, but it was blurry. But she could see three words clear as day. Zudjari, Outsider, and Mosaic. Her mind still searched for the ‘Ascended Ones.”
She turned to Central. There was a slight smile on her face that accompanied the enlightened look in her eyes. 
“Do we still have the archives from the old base?
“Most.” He nodded. “A lot of it was lost and we haven’t had the greatest success recovering data from servers that weren’t connected to the old base. Aliens got to most of the places and trashed them. Others had corrupted data we’re still trying to recover. Slow process.”
“Hm.” Resting her hand under her chin, she bit her thumb. “It may be a long shot, but start trawling the archives for Zudjari or Outsider and Mosaic.” She paused as another memory came to her mind. “Clarification, not those constructs that would appear from those crystals in those downed UFOs back in the day. It’s another name for Zudjari. A species.”
“Huh.” He raised a brow. Intrigued by her giddiness and wondering what she’s fully thinking. “I’ll get our people on that.” He was already sending information to the part of the crew that handled the archives and other data.
“And tack on searching up the beginning days of XCOM. I feel like that’s connected.” A slight sigh slipped out as she thought about the earlier days. Especially the initiation and documents. “Hopefully, things aren’t too redacted.”
“Alright.” Another nod, but chuckled at her sigh. “I remember some of the papers. Heavy redactions. And then the initiation.”
“Don’t remind me of the papers.” She shook her head. Black lines after black lines after black lines. So much history hidden for the safety of mankind. Those that funded XCOM back in the day would only reveal that hidden information when it was needed. Which was sparingly, much to her distaste. She wondered if those documents could have turned the tides of the initial war much faster.“And barely remember the tests.”
“You probably breezed right through them. As always.”
“Ha, ha.” Only a dry laugh in return.
“Doctor…” Arcturus looked at Vox again. The mist around their head wick around intensely for a second. “Ka’ektrata… bring no harm to my… offspring with the tests the Ethereals… wish to conduct. Be gentle.”
Vox swiftly nodded. She nodded so fast it was almost like her head was going to pop off her shoulders. “Of course! Of course!” She smiled, the corners of her mouth twitching. “I wouldn’t dare dream of it! My workers are being extremely delicate as we speak.” 
In fact, she would show them everything was fine. She turned to her computer and worked to bring up the observations cameras.
“Let me just bring up the cameras and…” She paused, freezing really. Her eyes went wide. “Um…”
There were no camera feeds active. Then she noticed a notification.
“Power Outage Second Floor - Maintenance In Progress.”
Crap! What to do?
“Hm?” Arcturus leaned closer. Talons drumming against the desk.
“One second!” There was a hint of nervousness as she frantically typed and clicked. She had an idea. 
Something she learned from a coworker to buy time if something ever delayed a project being sent to the Elders. Everything was always being recorded, and she had administrative access to access these records. A little quick work and she could alter the timestamps.
“Aaaaand here we are!” She swiftly turned the monitor around, revealing several camera feeds of the labs below. “They are stored in the semi-open containment fields as you instructed when you delivered them. See? Same day and still like this.” 
“Hm…” A slight growl came from them as they studied the monitor. Shards twitching. “Good.” Vox tried her best not to immediately let out a sigh. Then their “face” shifted towards Durga. The shards twitched. 
“And relay that to your… masters. Toa’talo. They know… our deals.”
“I will.” Durga narrowed her eyes. 
“Hm…” Another metallic growl came from them. They started to look around the room. Like something was bothering them. Or they were sensing something. A few of the shards floating around them twitched.
“Wait…” Commander Reeves noticed something strange. The Fragmenta was looking in one direction with intensity.
“What is it now?” Central tried to see what she was seeing. The alien’s behavior was strange.
She pointed at the screen. Pointing to the room where Hexx, Warlord, and Iris were. “Is that thing picking up the squad?”
“It can’t be.” He shook his head.
“We’ve been silent.” Warlord let out a gruff whisper.
“Barely moved.” Trish said.
“Security system hasn’t picked up our breaches.” Iris whispered. “But it does look like it’s looking at us.”
Arcturus was looking in the direction where Menace 1-3 was. Then it shifted its head upward. Slightly moving, like it was tracking something.
“Hm…” Another throaty growl came from them.
“Now the roof…” She didn’t like that. She glanced over to a screen that had Menace 1-2. The Fragmenta’s subtle head movements look to be tracking Blackout’s pacing around the roof.
Then they shifted their attention to the camera.
“Now it’s looking at the camera.” Central said. “At us.” It was all too clear at that point.
“This may be bad.” She wondered what was going through the alien’s mind. Would the squad have to pull off a daring ‘kidnapping’ if their cover was blown? Or would they have to call the whole thing off and call the mission be a bust? The latter option would be for the best. They didn’t need to lose some of their best soldiers.
The Fragmenta’s attention stayed on the camera for an uncomfortable amount of time. Did it know? A few twitches of the shards on its face before they looked back at the doctor and Durga. Parts of their form shifted. Those floating, disconnected limbs became rigid. Locking into place as the Fragmenta’s body lifted off the ground. The freely floating shards came closer to their body. Its inner orbs spun and glowed vibrantly.
“Ka’ektrata, Dr. Vox.” Arcturus said. “Votalo.”
As the Fragment continued to float higher and higher. It suddenly shot upward like a bullet. Phasing through the roof like it wasn’t there.
“What the?” Both the Commander and Central were speechless. 
“Shit!” That familiar voice of Blackout shot into their ears.
A quick glance at her screen showed her on the ground, on her butt, for the moment before she sifted her gaze to the sky. There was a trail of red and white shooting off into the skies.
“What the hell was that!?” To startled from nearly colliding with what shot through the roof, she forgot about the volume of her voice.
“Quiet!” Warden hushed her and quickly went over to pick her up.
“Hope nobody heard that, Blackout.” Central said, already eyeing the cameras on the street.
“Looks like we’re still good.” Iris popped on. He’s intensely studying the doctor’s camera feed and outside cameras. No changes after the Fragmenta left and Blackout’s curse.
“Going to make a note of that thing.” Commander Reeves mumbled, rubbing her chin. It definitely knew her soldiers were there. Knew they were watching. Why didn’t it alert Durga of their presence? Strange…
A relieved sigh left the Dr. Vox’s lips. She collapsed in her chair. Slumping deep into it. Hands covered her face as she shook like a leaf. Though the Fragmenta was gone, she barely looked relaxed.
“Can you leave for a bit?” She peeked through her hands, looking at Durga. “I need some time to myself after… that.”
“No.” Durga answered rather bluntly. Narrow eyes focused on the doctor. Her posture had somewhat relaxed since the alien left. Hand no longer behind her back, resting on her blade. She now stood at attention, both of her hands behind her back. “You know my orders.” 
How lovely. Not something the doctor wanted to hear.
Vox let out a deep sigh, rubbing her face. So, she was going to have to around Durga and her unflinching sight. Not something she wanted to deal with, especially since she was expecting company very soon. Another sigh escaped her lips before she straightened herself. She just had to deal with it. Go through her routines until she could figure out a way to get Durga to leave the room and floor for some time. She glance at the cloak on her desk. Hopefully soon. I know they’re here and we don’t have much time. She then looked at the device the Fragmenta left on her desk. Let me take care of this before Durga suspects something.
  She got up, picking up the chip, and headed over to the bookshelf on the right. There was a security box there. She inputted a code, caused its door to open. There were some data sticks and a few other strange look alien materials. She placed in with them and then closed the box. It let out several clicks as it locked itself.
“That will be ready for transport in a few days.” She rubbed her hands. And hopefully into XCOM’s hands tonight. 
“Mhm.” Durga mumbled.
She looked over her shoulder, not surprised Durga was watching her like a hawk. Somebody guard she was. She returned to her desk and worked on some things. She had a few more data files she needed to download before her rescue. Data dealing with the Commander of XCOM. The reason why she was being rescued. And partially, she was investigating what was happening on the floor below her. She wondered if that was XCOM’s handiwork. 
“Where are they?” She thought as she eyed the clock again as she went through the camera feed and system reports. She closed her eyes as she held back a sigh. “Oh, I hope none of those orbs got damaged or else. Arcturus will kill me if the Elders don’t get to me first.”
As she opened them, eyes falling on Durga again. Still an unflinching statue watching over her. One that would kill her if she could read her thoughts right now. Thankfully, that chip in her brain was partially functional and ADVENT was none the wiser.
“Wonder if this plan will even work. If not, I’m dead either way.”
The trio were still in that room. Figuring out their next more.
“That thing’s gone, but how we gonna get to her?” Warlord said.
“Maybe I can trigger a false alarm…” Iris mused. He was already going through the clinic’s systems to set that up.
“Durga’s acting as head security and bodyguard to the doc. I think that’ll make her stick like glue to her even more.” Hexx shook her head.
“Right.” Iris’ fast fingers stopped. Right… bad idea.” 
“Remember, that’s my part.” That deep voice of Bones came onto their comms. Nearly spooked the trio. “I’ve got it all handled.”
“Need to get you a fuckin’ bell.” Warlord grumbled.
“I can have my friend wipe up a special little ringtone just for you, Warlord.“ Bones joked. That only made Warlord curse at him.
“Exactly what are you going to do, Bones?” Commander Reeves asked. She was watching the feed of the doctor. Durga was watching every move she made with great intent.
At first, nothing happened for a few minutes. Then something rang in the office and a tune played. The sound of a harp played. 
“Hm?” Durga glanced down at her waist. She retrieved a phone from her pocket. “Durga.” She answered.
She listened to the person on the side, nodded and making the occasional “mhm”. TThat stony face of hers barely changed. Until her eyes suddenly lit up for a moment before they quickly narrowed. “EXALT you said?” The left side of her lips lifted, twisting into a sneer. “I’ll be down shortly.”
With that, she ended the call. She looked at Dr. Vox. “I’ll be back. Do not leave.” After that, she left the room with great haste.
“EXALT?” Commander Reeves question. Surprise in her voice. That old terror cell was still active?
“Haven’t heard that name in years.” Central said, scratching his chin. “Annoying bastards.”
“They’re still around Bones?” She asks the Reaper. She had read little about them in the archives besides them disappearing shortly after the war.
“Yep.” Bones said. “Though in a diminished in capacity. They’re not fully satisfied with how the Elders are ‘uplifting’ humanity and want to fix that.”
“Seriously?” So they had barely changed.
“Still vying for global domination?” Central shook his head. “The loons.”
“Well, this cell of theirs will be getting a nice little wake up call.” Bones darkly chuckled. “Rautt! Keep up the act!!”
“Hm…” The Commander wondered if this Rautt was who Bones was using distract. Her eyes shifted over to another screen. The lobby floor was looking more active. There was some distraught citizen talking to the receptionist and the guards. They looked like they had been roughed up; their clothes were torn, and they were bleeding from several places. And Durga was just arriving, exiting out of the elevator.
“Menace 1-3, you have your opening.” She said. “Get moving.”
With Durga gone, the trio plotted their route. They had to wait for a passing patrol before they could leave the room and make their way to the doctor’s room. 
“You know what that Durga chick wearing looks Japanese.” Just an observation Warlord had made. He couldn’t help but share his thoughts as they walked. “And we’re in China.”
“Yeah? It’s a kimono like debriefing showed us.” Hexx wondered what he was getting at. “An armored one at that and heavily customized. Looks pretty on her.” She had to admit that. “Dress to kill in more ways than one.” She chuckled to herself.
“Don’t think the aliens care too much about Earth cultures or what’s left of it.” Iris rolled his eyes at the obvious observation. “They’ve destroyed and erased a lot. Didn’t care to rebuild many world landmarks they bombed to hell. Can barely recognize most famous places from the old world.” 
It was always strange for him, back in the day when he was with ADVENT, when he traveled to various ADVENT cities around the world and they all looked so similar. There were a few of the famous landmarks that still existed. So kindly repaired by their “benefactors” as they were too important for humanity to forget. But everything else… Everything else was too homogeneous in those cities. They barely sported any of the original architecture, the original flair from the people, the culture that was there before. Gone was the gothic architecture, those cathedrals that decorated parts of Europe. Those towering and colorful pagodas, many Asian cultures shared. It was rare to see something from the Old World in the new sterling cities. If it existed, they heavily changed it to fit in with the same geometric motif of ADVENT.
“Yeah, I know.” Warlord shrugged. He just wanted to share his thoughts. “Just thought it was weird…”
The trio made it to the door. Iris was at work inputting the bypass code, and Warlord and Hexx kept a lookout.
“This bypass better work, Bones.” Iris muttered as stabbed at the keypad with his fingers.
 Once the last digit was punched in and he hit enter, it shined a relieving green as it let out that satisfying acceptance beep. 
With a firm grip, he opened the door, and the trio swiftly entered. They stayed clear of the aquarium wall. Last thing they needed was it to flicker at the wrong moment as a patrol pass by.
“Back already, Durga?” Dr. Vox asked. She hadn’t looked up from her computer. “What was wrong? Unless you can tell m—“ She paused when she heard the sound of several things jingling. She looked up, eyes widening at the sight. She had three heavily armed intruders entering her office. Her hand quickly went under her desk, hovering just underneath the panic button.
“Who are you—” Just before she finished the question, she notice the patch on one of their shoulders. “Oh good! It’s you. XCOM.” A sigh of relief exited her lips. She slumped down into her chair. “You’re finally here.”
“Dr. Vox Wi’low.” Iris said as he headed over to her. “Ready to go?”
“Not yet, I still have files that need to be downloaded.” She said. “But,” she got up, pulled a portable security case, and headed over to the lockbox, “let me get this. One of you will carry it.” She unlocked the lockbox and places its contents into the security case. Minus one thing. “Except this.” After inputting a code into the security case to lock it, she handed off to one of them. And headed back to her desk. She plugged in what looked to be a data stick into her computer. It was strange looking. It was faceted and looked to be made of black crystal, that had a red tint as light shown through. “This is my insurance.”
“Insurance?” Hexx asked as she found a spot on herself to hold the case.
“The main reason why I requested a rescue.” 
“I see she’s making sure she gets out alive and we do our job.” Commander Reeves said. She understood the doctor’s precaution. Didn’t want her rescuers ditching her if things went south. Hold onto something valuable to make sure they protected her well.
“Smart.” Iris said.
“Ah.” Hexx nodded.
“Just so you know, we kinda need to get a move on, lady.” Warlord grumbled, eyes watching the aquarium wall as it flickered. So far, no passing patrols. He wondered why she didn’t have all the files prepped and downloaded.
“Unless that chip,” Iris tapped his head, the back out of it, “is going to go off or something.”
“I haven’t had the time with Durga on me and then a surprise visit from the Fragmenta. The files are nearly down.” She glared at Warlord. “And my chip is partially deactivated.”
“What? How?” Iris was curious.
“I wouldn’t be having this conversation with you all if it wasn’t. They would have picked up this ‘dissenting’ thoughts months ago.” She said  “Can’t tell right now. When you guys get me out of her and safe, I will tell.”
“That’s fair.” He nodded.
A few minutes passed by.
“There. Done.” She pulled the data stick from her computer and pocketed it. Then she wiped all data off her computer. She got up. “Okay, ready to go.”
“Finally.” Warlord said. He slightly cracked the door to watch for patrols.
“Okay.” Iris nodded. He brought out his tablet. “Got a few escape routes mapped if the roof doesn’t work out.” Always had to plan for a patrol swinging by at the worst moment. “A few fire escapes by some windows along the way to the ro—“
Suddenly, the facilities’s alarms went off. A deafening siren filled the air.
“What the hell!?” The trio looked around, trying to figure out what set that off.
“Oh… Oh no…” Dr. Vox nervously tapped her fingers.
“What set the alarms off?“ Commander Reeves started looking at the feeds.. 
“Dimitri! Orion! Decker! Nix!” Central called out several of the staff. “Look into it!”
She noticed something. Commotion on the first floor. The guards were taking cover. The receptionist looked to be screaming; painted in blood and viscera. The civilian… the civilian was on the ground. Their head was blown wide open. Skull fragments and brain matter spilling out and onto the floor.
“What the hell?”
“Damn.” She then heard Bones mutter.
“Rautt!” Followed by someone near him yelling. “That bastard killed Rautt!”
“Bones, what the hell is going on—“
“I do hope that wasn’t one of your people, Commander Reeves.” A slightly deep, teasing voice infiltrated their comms. An all too familiar voice. “Oh wait. No. That wasn’t one of your people. That was a Reaper.”
“You have got to be kidding me.” Of all people to show up now. Kon-Ris. The Hunter.
“Catch one of them.” Then a whispered voice rung in her head. 
“No, no, no.” No, not now. Not the time for Them to intrude.
“Damn, Chosen show up at the worst of times.” Central grumbled. “Lock onto his location. Firebrand get prepared for evac.”
“Menace 1-3, get moving now!” Commander Reeves ordered. “Menace 1-2, get off that roof now and into some cover. The Hunter is here.”
“Are you serious!?” They voiced their disbelief. What timing.
“Was wondering when you would show up.” Bones somewhat growled. “You’ll pay for that.”
“I’d like to see you try to get me.” Kon-Ris laughed. “I’ll play with you later. I have more interesting quarry to hunt. Come out. Come out now, oh XCOM.”
He was on a rooftop, not too far away from the clinic. Switching the vision on his scope, he was watching the panic unfold inside of the building. He noticed the two XCOM operatives making their way off the rooftops. Playthings for later when everyone was together. Something more interesting was about to unfold. He wanted to see what Durga would do. He noticed her signature heading back up to the third floor.
“Come on! Move! Move!’ Warlord said in a somewhat hushed voice.
The four of them were quickly making their way to the roof. Well, one of the fire escape exit. With the Hunter around, they did not not to make themselves bigger targets by going up there.
“Just turn to the left here and we should be by the windows that have the esc—“
“Bullocks!” A curse from Warlord cut him off.
“Oh, no.” A sharp gasp left Dr. Vox’s lips.
“Oh, crap.”
Ahead of them in the hall was Durga. The Painted Lady. Hands behind her back. A cold, white and red face looked at the four. Nose wrinkling at the sight. Such filth was before her.
“Dr. Vox.” Durga’s eyes locked onto her. Voice cold as ever. Her left hand shifted ever so slightly upward. “I’m disappointed in you. The Elders treated you so well. And now you do this… Such a pity.” She frowned. The color drained from the doctor’s face. She knew what that meant. She was good as dead.
Dr. Vox stepped backward, bumping into Iris. “We need to mo—“ 
In a blink of an eye, she dashed forward, drawing her wakizashi. She side stepped past Warlord and Hexx with blinding speed, as both barely had a chance to react. She was just as swift as the Assassin. And just as focuses. Her eyes were locked only on the doctor. 
Just within reach of the doctor, she swung her blade in a diagonal upward strike, aiming for her abdomen, and then another aimed at her neck. But Iris pulled Dr. Vox back and stepped into the path of the blade.
“ARGH!” He cried. The blade found its way through his armor. Digging in like a vicious tiger as it carved upwards through his side and abdomen.
“AH!” And do did the doctor.
The sheer power behind the strikes knocked them to the side and through the glass, shattering the reinforced window like it was mere paper. They landed in the alley below with a few sickening crunches.
“Oh, hell!’
Warden and Blackout were was halfway down the pipe when they witnessed that. Warden quickly slid down to get to his teammate.
“Iris!” Hexx cried out.
“We’ve got bigger problems, sis.” Warlord raised his shard gun. 
Durga looked out of the shattered window for a moment. Iris was somehow still moving, but a puddle of blood was growing under him. Dr. Vox was looking worse. Body shaking as she gasped for air. Durga spat out the window. Good. She then turned her attention to the other two.
“The same fate will befall you two.”
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