#almost to the end of s2 and he still makes me insane tbh
cowboykakashi · 1 year
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Season 1 Flint makes me insane
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Only Friends Backstories and Secrets
I don't do this usually but this show is making me insane so here it is, an Only Friends Theory.
My personal theory is that every main character (not sure if this applies to our lesbians yet, too early too tell) has 1 solo backstory detail and at least 1 or 2 relationship backstory detail to uncover. We already know some of them, but some are still a mystery. I have some theories. The biggest is the Mew-Boston one.
I'll go in order
Solo Backstory = Childhood trauma (almost died in a fire) + Insomnia (Can't sleep alone) + Possible drug problem??
Top-Boston = They fucked once, obviously
Top-Sand = This one is still a mystery but there is something there, drug delear? Ex hook-up? Top hired used to hire him to sleep with him (like in the same bed not for sex - or for sex we don't know). For now there is too many possibilities.
Solo Backstory = I have no idea, but there is something. There is a dark spark in that man eyes, I don't know what it means, but it's there.
Mew-Boston = Leaving my theory for Boston Section.
Not sure tbh maybe Mew-Ray = How they meet? Why does Ray love him?
Solo Backstory = His mom died, at first I thought it was suicide, but after reading @bengiyo stray thoughts I realized it was probably alchool poising.
This one is another sure. Mew-Ray probably (see above). Maybe also with Boston, they have not intereacted directly or alone yet, idk.
Solo Backstory = Based on the writer twitter response on the car accident theory my best guess is that someone he loved was in car accident because they were either drunk driving themeself or hit by a drunk driver.
Sand-Nick = When did they meet? Why? Are they university friends? Please tell me someone else is intrigued by how First and Mark played that scene, it literally sent sparks in my brain. I want to see more of them.
Sand-Top = Like stated above in Top section, there is definately something going on there. They do not like each other.
Solo Backstory = Something involving his parents, I think Nick lied about that store being a family business. I think he was living in a hole of an appartment because he was kicked out by his parents. Also is the Camboy theory correct? Is he one already or he is going to become one?
Nick-Sand = GIVE ME MOREEEEEEE!!!!!!
Nick-Top = Maybe, if Nick and Sand are friends he might have around when that thing between Sand and Top went down, and in the preview we saw him look at that picture with Boston and Top. Maybe it's not just jealousy but recognition on his face.
BONUS = Was anyone else reminded of Together With Me Side couple?? I had to look up the names: Farm and Bright the older Player Doctor and The University Student. Farm was an innocent boy and ended the series heartbroken and becoming just like the player and the player ended up lonely and regretting it. (We will ignore s2 for this parrallel).
This is my biggest theory section. It ties a bit into the Together with Me idea and with Parrelles in general.
Solo Backstory (+ possible reasons he seems particulary weird about Mew) = I am not sure if Jojo did something like this before because my memory sucks, but Boston could be the kind of character that had a bad expierience with sex and a realtionship and that turn into only wanting sex and thinking he is only good for sex.
What if he was someone's Nick? What if Mew and Boston knew each other first, either in High School or first year of University. What if they both liked the same boy. And they were both young and inexpierienced. What if that boy tried to get with Mew first. But Mew didn't sleep with him. And what if that boy then went to Boston. Young, wide-eyes Boston who fell for it. What if they had a sex relationship, it went on for months. What if that boy asked for sexual things, more and more, I am reminded of that Together with Me scene with Doctor Bright almost convincing Farm to an orgy and him leaving (at least I think he left before it could start). What if it was something like that except Boston didn't leave.
And then what if after all of it, the boy dumped him. Because well he couldn't bring Boston to his parents could he? He is a slut now? A sex thing, not boyfriend material, too easy. What if he compared him to Mew something like "Now your friend Mew, he is the kind of guy would make a great boyfriend, he has his virtue intact"
For now it's just a theory, something to explain Boston obsession with Mew's virginity and that wanting to basically win Top over Mew. I also love the idea of Boston being someone's Nick before and that Together With Me parrallel would not leave my brain. Anyway that's it.
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jellybeanium124 · 2 months
yknow... every time I watch ofmd, especially with people who aren't Into It™ and then discuss it with them makes me think there isn't as much distance between ed and izzy as we act like there is...
my friend was horrified by ed's actions in 2x01-02, really liked izzy's s2 arc, and said that they would prefer the "ignoring izzy dies" route in fanfic. after jim's infamous line in 2x02, my friend said: "ed and izzy have a complicated relationship, and friendship is part of it." my friend and my parents both think the inn is... not suitable for ed and stede. they all like ed and izzy. at the end of the day they are two flawed people who have both done horrible things, but they are more than that and they got better.
one of the themes of season 2 was moving on. ed cut off two more toes. he worked his crew too hard. he almost killed them in his efforts to kill himself. and we forgave and we moved on. izzy tried to kill stede. he called the navy on the crew to control ed. and then hurt ed when he was down. tbh... I think we're supposed to forgive and move on. izzy did start as an antagonist, while ed is one of our romantic leads. they're not on equal footing. but I don't think the show cared by the end?
I think because people have been so insane about izzy in one direction (canyon shit, I don't need to elaborate), that we spend all our time talking about how ed isn't literally the most evil horrible guy that we don't step back.
I've seen deeply hurt and traumatized people on both sides. people whose trauma makes them deeply relate to izzy for one reason for another (why haven't canyon people moved on? well I think it's because they still love izzy and don't want to let him go), and people whose trauma makes izzy genuinely triggering. and like... man I can't solve everything. I can't change someone's instinctual reaction to this character. I just wish it wasn't a big deal, because every rewatch, every irl conversation, I always come back to: why is this so complicated. it's not complicated.
pirates do bad stuff.
we forgive and we move on.
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doctorguilty · 5 months
F&c thoughts more (suicide ment a lot)
I think the story board discussion really backs up my point the narrative got really cruel to simon though like I've been saying, it was weird to go out of the way to bring up like brand new flashbacks and send him on like a guilt journey over things he didn't do wrong particularly like, the autism which I stand by, and the story at face value was simon being willing to, in a sense, commit mental suicide by sacrificing his life and sanity to protect fionna's world, which is sort of his like, excuse in a way to give up, you know? Like he was already so depressed he missed being ice king because he didn't have to face his life, you're following me right, about the serious depression?
And then we get these boards with some unused dialogue that is way more direct about Simon's intent when it came to doing the ritual to see betty. We're sort of under the impression he was somehow trying to save her, something like that, and then after he apologized for everything the lifting him towards her mouth and him resigning to it seems like a "I accept what's coming to me". But no, no no its worse..!! In the unused dialogue he outright says, out loud, he was attempting to do the ritual because he wanted golbetty to consume him (and he would die. That's what would happen.), and maybe that way they'd at least be reunited in a way. Before meeting fionna before deciding to find a new crown for her, and destroy his brain, he was trying to get to the place he wanted to be to finally kill himself, with the closure he wanted. Do you understand. Do you follow me. And he changed his mind after meeting fionna, (even following the unused dialogue) that he would prefer to live and instead just sacrifice his brain. We can pretty much assume, the scene we ended up with, was more of his implicit desire to die (and fionna no longer needed simon to be alive to exist), and instead golbetty grants him another chance because SHE wants him to live. Which is nice don't get me wrong ! Like really it's nothing betty did it's like, the writers choice to put him through weird guilt about (the almost non existent??) power imbalance and disregard everything in between, in both AT and what betty fucked around and found out with, And again like, disregarding the whole part of the f&c highlight that the world would be a wreck without him having survived with magic etc like ... the star.. did we forget the star .....
Its just. Idk maybe it just hits too close to home to have this blatantly autistic and dangerously suicidally depressed man go through all that extra apologizing and weird framing of what he's at fault for when there's nothing like TRULY there is nothing and I'm not even kidding like it just doesn't make sense ,,,, give him a happier ending in s2 I am just feeling so unsatisfied with how his suffering was treated in the end (when it was otherwise like???? Really terrific the rest of the way through? How it was handled??)
Tbh I think the horny fans have the right idea taking it and running with "simon has a giantess vore kink for his chaos god wife" because that's just less depressing than how the reality was handled. Like sure I'll align myself with that. At least he'd be like, rewarded a little more on par with the happiness he (and betty for that matter!!) deserves :[
Idk like am I insane!!! Can anyone hear me! It's still so dark in here
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suckishima · 2 years
oikawa for the character ask!
Oh boy haha, hope i don't cause any controversy with this one
First impression: didn't like him. at all. well, i think i was pretty neutral until end of season one with the flashback scene where he tries to hit kageyama, that put a bad taste in my mouth for a very long time. and the fact that he still teases kageyama even after iwaizumi knocks some sense into him—it's like he learned a lesson and that lesson just doesn't apply to the people he doesn't like lol
Impression now: this is verrrry hard to talk about without mentioning spoilers lol, but i will attempt. he's grown on me. even when i didn't enjoy him as a person, i always respected him as a player and a teammate. as the series goes on (s2 for example) you can tell his pettiness has evened out some, and i appreciate that. i think his drive, his hunger and the insane levels he will go to for volleyball are admirable. he's hinata&kageyama-level of volleyball obsessed and i think there's some nice parallels there. his role in the narrative is pretty fascinating and i like him from that perspective immensely. i definitely think he's interesting as a character and i don't actively dislike him anymore, but i'm not sure i would go so far as to say i'm fond of him either lol. i'm neutral
Favorite moment: if you know me at all and you've read the manga i hope you know what it is lmao, furudate is an absolute fucking genius and anime-onlys are in for a treat (oikawa stans and neutral people like me both). BUT for of what's been animated, it's gotta be that insane cross-court set to iwaizumi at the end of seijoh 2. it's their connection and effort together over the years come to it's ultimate peak and culmination and it's really stunning tbh
Idea for a story: i actually wrote an iwaoi fic last year, surprisingly, but i'm not sure if i really have any more ideas for them or oikawa specifically. if i did it would probably be a gen fic about when oikawa meets [redacted] in [redacted].
Unpopular opinion: this is gonna sound so weird i'm sure, but, my unpopular opinion for oikawa is that he is talented. i think all that stuff about him "not being as good as a genuis" is bs lmao, he just thinks he's not as good as kageyama because they have different skillsets. he's six feet tall, has a naturally athletic body, has one of the strongest serves in the series and as far as we know he's never actually struggled with any specific volleyball skill. sure, he can't do pinpoint accuracy like kageyama can, he's not a "genius" or w/e in that way, but oikawa is a natural born setter, easy. his entire attitude and demeanor reeks of setter aura—the way he can understand a person's playstyle almost immediately, the way he can subtly manipulate both his teammates and the opponents to dance to his tune—those are talents. i see a lot of rhetoric surrounding oikawa about how he had to work harder than everyone else because he "wasn't as talented" and tbh i just find that to be untrue in canon lol. i mean, he absolutely works hard—harder than almost everyone in the entire series—but, he does also have a ton of talents. his downfall comes in when he thinks that just because he can't be great in the same way someone else can, that that means he's lacking something—he can't see himself from the outside, he doesn't know how great he actually is. (tbh i think all of this is a good thing and makes him a really interesting character and a great temporary unreliable narrator. i just get kinda peeved when i see people talking about how 'hard' oikawa has it and how 'the world is against him' when he's one of the most naturally talented athletes we've seen lmao)
Favorite relationship: iwaizumi! god does oikawa need a balance check and iwaizumi is that for him haha. i wish we got to see more interactions between them in canon in terms of pushing each other even more. it's a good foundation rn, but i'd love to see it expanded on even further.
Favorite headcanon: his teammates roast him constantly, he cannot catch a break. like 10x what we see in canon lol. also, his hair product is really crunchy and crusty but he refuses to buy a new one bc he "likes the way this one shines" or something
send me a hq!! character 🏐💖
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elizabethshaw · 3 years
I finally finished listening to Gallifrey for the first time today (and I've loved it so much, I wasn't expecting it to be quite this good but it was AMAZING), so here's some incoherent thoughts in no particular order:
Starting off on a happy note before I get going - Gallifrey is just? So good?? I'd heard a lot of good stuff about it long before I'd even started listening to Big Finish generally, but it really blew me away with how brilliant it is!
I really love how well-defined the characters and their relationships are, and how they all grow over the course of the series. The developments all felt really natural and in response to what each character went through, and very believable in general
I wasn't prepared for how much I was going to love the main four characters either (I only really knew Leela and Romana from watching Classic Who, knew nothing about Brax other than "the Doctor's brother" and "causes problems", and almost nothing at all about Narvin), but I have to say I'm really attached to them all now :)
Leela and her whole arc throughout the series is just amazing. I'd already liked what I'd seen of her in Classic Who (even if I do have... issues with the basic concept of her character and the stereotypes it's based off), but imo she gets taken to another level in Gallifrey altogether. I just love her whole story about grief and healing and learning to find a place for yourself in somewhere you don't seem to fit... and Louise Jameson's acting is fantastic
Romana's arc and growth is also wonderful. Like she comes so far!!! She goes from being unable to admit even that she has friends and just cares about people, to saying that she loves Leela and Narvin in Unity and it really gets me :')
I'd heard a bit about Narvin and his character development beforehand, but it really impressed me how well done it all was? I'm gonna admit that when I was listening to s1/2, I didn't like him much at all, but the growth and changes he goes through as a character are incredibly well written and I have a lot of love for him as a character now
Brax is great. I wasn't sure exactly what to expect from him, but he's actually so much fun as a character! (Even if some of his decisions are... interesting, let's just say) I like the unique dynamic he has with the other main characters, and think he also provides a v interesting contrast to them as someone who's a bit more morally grey? But yeah. He's very cool I like him a lot
Leela and Romana's relationship in particular is my absolute favourite in the series, and just. I love them. They both care about each other so much and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I have thought about "There will be a place for you with me. For always. Whatever face I wear." every single day since I first listened to Spirit in November someone help me
I think overall (although I've enjoyed all of them) series 2 is probably my favourite? It's just so incredibly chaotic and the plot and character work tie together so well
In terms of favourite episodes, there's a lot tbh, but Spirit, Imperiatrix, Renaissance, Lies, Soldier Obscura, Mindbomb and Disassembled are all up there (you can see my s2 bias shining through there oops)
Idk if this is a controversial opinion (I've only really lurked around the edges of the fandom so I'm not 100% sure what the general consensus is) but for the most part I generally enjoyed the Time War series?
Like, I think overall the earlier series appealed to me more, but I did still get a lot of enjoyment out of the time war stuff and thought there were some really good stories in there (Soldier Obscura, The Devil You Know and Unity in particular were absolutely brilliant)
I guess my one main issue with that part of the show is probably (and this is something I've seen a couple of other people bring up) that the characters were all so far apart for most of it? Like I understand that the writers were wanting to try something new and were wanting to avoid retreading the same beats as before, but imo the crux of the show's drama is the relationships between Leela, Romana, Narvin and Brax, and the fact that they weren't together for most of the episodes after TW1 meant the emotional resonance wasn't quite the same - the plots were still v good and I enjoyed that aspect, but I did miss them interacting more regularly yknow :/
I think this also ties into my problems with the finale (although apparently bf have confirmed they're making more? so idk if it's really the end), because the story itself was pretty good, but the lack of any real emotion in the few interactions we got between Leela, Romana and Narvin hindered it from having as much impact as it could have, and some of the writing for them in general just felt very off (esp. in regard to Romana). I'm also just. Not hugely convinced by Matt Fitton's ability to write finales from my own listening experience and I think that feeds into it too but yeah
A similar issue that frustrated me a bit tbh was how consistently Brax was left out of the series altogether for most of the time post-s4? I'm not an expert on his character (Gallifrey!Brax is the only one I'm familiar with), but I liked him a lot and having him as part of the main cast of characters was really fun, so it was a bit disappointing that he didn't make as many appearances, especially as I would've loved to see his relationships with the group develop as much as the ones between Leela, Romana and Narvin did
On a completely unrelated note, as someone who's hyperfixated on the War Doctor audios a Lot™, I loved spotting all the little references and nods to those in the TW series. It just made me really happy and the sense of continuity was cool
I got very excited every time they mentioned Ollistra ngl. She may be Awful but I love her
The parallels in Gallifrey are also so good?!?!?? There's so many that I just go completely insane over
The parallel between Romana's promise that Leela will always have a place with her in "Spirit" and Leela telling Romana she'll never be alone because Leela is coming with her in "Renaissance" particularly is just. Yeah. I think about it a lot ngl
Also love the K9s. The bickering between them in the early series is incredible and I wish they'd kept that going longer
Darkel is just the Worst. Honestly think she's one of the most effective villains I've ever come across bc I don't think I've felt that much unbridled rage at a fictional character before. It certainly made watching Trial of a Time Lord for the first time the other week an Interesting Experience
The fact that seemingly all the main four basically adopt Ace as their child is incredibly funny to me ngl
And going on from that, what I'd love to see (and what I know Big Finish will never make :/) is a series set between Enemy Lines and TW1 that's just the gang + Ace messing around and having fun yknow? I want to see them all being happy and making chaos at the CIA
I also find it really funny that at the start of the show, all the characters would go on about how the CIA are Suspicious and Not To Be Trusted, and how the whole organisation is kind of antagonistic at that point, but then by TW1 every single main protagonist is involved with the CIA in some capacity, like. Way to go guys
I hadn't actually listened to The Apocalypse Element, Neverland, and Zagreus when I originally started listening, and it didn't stop me enjoying anything at the time but I have to say certain stories (especially Extermination) make a lot more sense with that context; it should be interesting relistening to the earlier stuff now I have that context tbh
And. Yeah. I am already wanting to relisten again even though there's a lot of free stuff from the BF website on my account which I haven't touched yet oops
Anyway long story short, Gallifrey is genuinely brilliant and I'm so glad I've listened to it
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irnwithdiego · 4 years
omg pls rant abt Lila i also have.. a lot of issues with her and how ppl have reacted to her character
okay well first and foremost: i Love ritu. i absolutely adore that woman and im so happy that she's finally getting the attention she deserves, i support her and david dating too - so my opinions are genuinely not based on anything to do with that. just bc ive been accused of that by people who didnt realize ive been rooting for them since last summer lol.
my biggest issue with lila is the fact that she was introduced as a chameleon. as brilliant or clinically insane as the situation requires. unpredictable. to me that sounded so incredibly interesting, because right from the bat i knew she was gonna turn out as the bad guy, or at least one of them and i was HOPING she would. i was really hoping she would be going batshit crazy on them, doing her thing as the evil person, then when s2 came along she got revealed to be the handler's daughter which to me made it even more exciting? because thats potential to get REAL crazy.
in the end, what we got was half-assed and incoherent and neither here nor there. we didnt get a chameleon, we got a mirror. lol. i expected her to be able to adjust to situations and people perfectly, charming them maybe, yknow. chameleon stuff. (would've loved it if she for example looked different to everyone and nobody actually knows what she looks like, alas. that would've been too creative i suppose)
and yeah her humor was "twisted" in a way, and she was charming... in a way. not to me, not to five, and i think the fact diego fell for her is really just him latching onto another problem/person/situation he needs to fix. the guy with the biggest trust issues on the show, openly telling her he prefers to know what people are even lying about, trying to cut her off multiple times the entire season, getting kidnapped and drugged by her to be shown off and introduced as "boyfriend" (??), turns out to be in love with her. okay. makes little to no sense, but i suppose you could partially blame it on her ability to be unpredictable and a chameleon (i still dont even know what they meant by that, where is the logic in calling her that-)
her undressing diego down to his underwear was creepy as hell to me, she knew exactly he’s only been stabbed and there was nothing else. she patches him up and climbs in bed with him as if they’ve known each other for ages. diego seems a bit "eh" at first, then just decides to fuck her. alright. a) diego, the guy with the biggest trust issues- b) i could see it as a letting off some steam thing tbh, just destressing or whatever. but he still had the stab wound that he allegedly almost bled out/died from so..... lmao. makes sense. in the end it wasnt just a quickie, it was ~love~ and that just doesnt sit right with me.
she lies to him from the get go, she manipulates his every move, she's invasive as all hell, she cant take a no in most situations, but sure. its love. sounds healthy.
the whole clusterfuck about their weird asylum relationship got completely drowned out by her "trying not to fall for diego", which essentially just made her character seem to be all over the place. she seems unfinished, like they disnt really know what to do with her, started off strong and then went off track and couldnt get back on. it seems like they changed a lot of things last minute and i cant make sense of her actions, especially not the way they wanted me to. its clear they were trying to keep up this guessing game about whether she would turn good for diego and his siblings or betray him. it was executed so poorly though, it just feels incredibly incoherent. she contradicts herself more often than not, and fine, lets say they wanted her to look confused about her situation and everything - it was still executed so poorly idk how else to put it. she was neither crazy enough for me to believe the character sheet we got beforehand, nor was she innocent enough for me to believe she really wanted to join them.
she literally tries to KILL all of diego's siblings and him in the end. she only seems to be considering joining them very last minute, like minutes before diego's little speech she was about to erase the entire hargreeves family. and she looked like she was having fun doing it too lmao. just doesnt sit right with me at all. diego proclaiming he loves her after all THAT doesnt sit right with me at all. like what, he tries to get away from her pretty much all season but decides she's worth it only after she tries to kill his family? diego??? im- come on.
i appreciate the thought of a redemption arc, but she wasnt nearly evil enough for me to even believe her original intentions, so i dont really know what her redemption would even look like.
and last but not least - the chameleon vs mirror thing. :) bro. that annoyed me so much. she essentially just goes and god-modes the entire season within 10 minutes, to say it with the words of a friend. like what was the point of that? the logic? how did they even know she could do that, if they allegedly dont know where the other kids with powers are? who did she train her powers on? plus, this is the oldest trope in the history of sci-fi/fantasy stories. someone turns out to be able to copy/mirror back the great powers of somebody else and overthrows everything. yawn.
what makes the others special if she can do whatever they do. maybe its just me being nit-picky at this point but i really dont want it. its so boring.
i had such high hopes for lila, i seriously was so excited to see her and it Still feels like such a let down just thinking of how s2 turned out. dont even get me started on all of them NEEDING a love interest apparently. because you cant be happy without one. thanks, but no thanks.
"s2 is gonna focus on the siblings' relationships!!" my ass. lila and diego's ~bond~ was as unnecessary and illogical as klaus' powers suddenly tenfolding and his paranoia of the spirits just lowkey vanishing with no real explanation other than "he's sober now ❤"
so yeah, all in all lila just seems the least fleshed out, randomnly thrown together and a Bit forced on the romantic part. i would've preferred her just being the big bad and going mental in the end. that would've been an interesting character choice for her.
from the bottom of my heart: why not.
sorry if this is too long, i couldnt help digressing here and there.
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eagles-translated · 3 years
Thank you so much for running this blog! I love Eagles now haha The only thing I didn't like was how out of character some of the characters seemed on S2. Like Klara hated Felicia for no reason and turned friendly over Elias who she claimed was a fuck boy in S1, Amie x Lude was insanely weird because Amie had no interest in S1 at all, and Klara x Elias seemed so random? I also didn't think Klara's home situation made her likeable because she treated her dad badly tbh, thoughts?
Thank you for checking out my blog!
I agree that a lot of characters made some unexpected choices in season 2, especially the whole Amie and Ludde relationship. I honestly never saw anything romantic between them and the fact that Amie claimed she was in love with him seemed so strange. I think the writers just included that for shock value because season 1 was too predictable and they wanted to move out of their comfort zone, but it just didn't work.
Their kiss scene was way too awkward to even watch and I know that was the purpose but I was never convinced that Amie was "in love" with him. When the season aired I actually kept insisting that Amie only saw him as a friend and that she was just confusing her feelings for love because Ludde was the only one who was there for her, but then in the last episode Amie confesses to Ludde that she's in love with him.
I think this whole storyline could've been executed much better because Amie's confession actually sounds like a prank call. It didn't seem genuine at all for me and I just personally didn't understand what the hell was going on with Amie, because she already knew Ludde was still in love with Felicia. She read the lyrics Ludde wrote for Felicia, AND she overheard Ludde talking to Felicia and confirming that he was still in love with her. So I genuinely don't understand why Amie would even think that there was a chance that Ludde liked her back, and I would've preferred that they skipped the confession scene entirely.
As for Klara I actually think she gets too much hate. I understand that people dislike her for what she did and that she didn't get to properly "pay" for filming Amie and Ludde making out, but she was actually a decent character in season 2.
In season 1, Klara is a mean girl who feels threatened by Felicia starting at their school. Felicia is famous and could easily replace Klara, so I think that's why Klara is so mean to her because Klara doesn't want to lose the attention and "control" she currently has. Her home life isn't good – her parents are arguing with each other and almost act like she isn't even there, and keeping the truth from her. I think she's taking out this frustration on Felicia, who she also feels is trying to "steal" her best friend Amie. We haven't seen this on screen but Klara and Amie were really close prior to the show's beginning and have known each other way longer than Felicia has known Amie. It's understandable why Klara feels threatened, because she cares about her friendship with Amie and she's seeing herself losing it when Amie gets closer to Felicia. That's why she's a bitch to Felicia because she just wants her out of the picture.
Yes, it's immature and rude, but Klara is a teenage girl. There are lots of girls who act just like her and they don't all end up coming around like Klara does. Some of them just keep being mean and never grow out of it. With Klara, she did regret how she posted the video of Amie and Ludde and she's shown to be a more caring character when she tells Felicia that Jack might be cheating on her. And this time, she's a lot more careful and really doesn't want to mess it up because she genuinely doesn't want to hurt Felicia – Klara just wants to look out for her.
I think the reason why she was so turned off by Elias in season 1 is because she literally didn't know him and was judging him from how other people talked about him. They didn't talk one on one until season 2 and that's when Klara saw the true side of Elias and most likely changed her mind about him.
I never got the impression that Klara treated her dad badly. She obviously really cares for him, as seen when his company is about to go down and she's helping out and protesting to her mom saying that she's not going to leave her dad. She cares about her dad and is distraught when she sees that her dad has been trying to call her at the party and Klara realizes that something bad has happened. She doesn't hesitate to leave the party and immediately decides to rush home. I mean, the fact that she's literally crying her eyes out while trying to get home as fast as she can should be evidence enough that Klara cares more about her dad than you think. I think if she ever treated him badly it was out of frustration over her parents fighting and them not telling her what was going on.
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wannawrite · 7 years
Don’t I Know You From Somewhere?
PD 101 / YH's Justin X Reader [ fem ] 
part two Fluff Word count: 2571 • you're an idol, Justin is your #1 fan • you meet him at a fansign and tbh he's adorbs so you're hella heart eyes for him ;) • soMehow you land the spot as a guest mentor for PD101 S2 even tho ur like young ( okay I'm sorry anon I had to, it isn't part of the original request but...a bit more of Justin fluff never hurts anyone....right? ) omfg, I love love love love love Justin ?? And my Yuehua boys ?? Yes ?? Bless them ?? Freaking adorable Euiwoong and Hyungseob and Jonghyun was a judge hoW CUTE gOD BLESS anyways, hope you like this anon, even if I modified it a little ok but am i the only one who goes soft for China line im so soft for Jung Jung. I love Jung Jung so much. might make a part two for this as well as • Crushing On You - Kang Daniel drop me feedback - admin L __________ Justin could barely contain his excitement as he clutched tightly onto his copy of your second mini album, shuffling in his spot in the queue. The entire venue was packed, fans buzzed with joy and the energy in the atmosphere was insane. Today was the day that Justin had waited for his entire life as a fan of yours. Today was the day of your fansign. When your fansign was announced, he screamed so loudly the whole Yuehua building trembled. Then, he proceeded to beg his manager to allow him to go. It was tough since he was set to participate in the survival show, Produce 101 a few weeks after but he sweet talked his way through. Once he got the 'okay' from his company, he managed to wrangle his best friend and fellow trainee, Zheng Ting to accompany him. Zheng Ting now stood behind Justin with pink cheeks, mildly embarrassed by his best friend's enthusiasm. I suppose it shows how dedicated of a fan he is.....He spent ages picking out his outfit today. I bet that's his $500 Star Wars shirt he was going to save for Produce 101. Justin even visited the salon to re-dye his hair for today. Oh my god. Zheng Ting was downplaying his own elation for his own sanity's benefit. Sure, he wanted to meet such a great inspiration to him but he wasn't a super die hard fan like Justin. Zheng Ting knew that Justin could practically chemically combust from all his zest, his grin was so wide it was sure to hurt. Oblivious to all the judgmental glares from Zheng Ting, Justin continued to keep his exhilaration levels high. His legs couldn't seem to stay still or root him to the floor properly. Even with his height, he still tip-toed to get a better look at you above the crowd. He sighed dreamily when he caught sight of your hair. Oh my god, Y/N looks so pretty today. She's the perfect idol. There's so much to learn from her. I wish she would look at me. Is this love? The expression on his face was so sheepish and dreamy, Zheng Ting nearly slapped him. "Yah, Justin! Wake up! The line is moving," he hissed. It was entertaining to see the maknae so incredibly spellbound by someone. 
The snaking queue moved listlessly and Justin's patience was running thin. To fuel his energy into something else so that he won't be all jittery, he combed through your photo cards that were included in your mini album, taking them out and reassembling them multiple times. People around him stared at him like he was a lunatic but really, he couldn't care less. Justin clamped a hand over his mouth to cover his yawn, he secretly regretted waking up at the crack of dawn, forcing Zheng Ting to drive them an hour out to the venue at five am and sitting in the queue since seven am. He was lucky he managed to sneak in breakfast and breath mints. Dedications of a fan. He huffed and shuffled along as the line gradually started to move. At least he was getting close to you. ... "Hello, Y/N. How was today's fansign? Everything okay?" Your manager asked, scribbling whatever feedback there was from other staff on her notepad. "Hmm, it went well. Thank you for arranging it. I was happy to be there. But right now, I want to sleep," you admitted with a small groan. Thankfully, your manager was an understanding and kind one, you two got along super well much to everyone's surprise. She laughed and nodded, telling the driver to speed up a little. "Go ahead and sleep. I'll wake you when we reach." Truthfully, you were exhausted but your mind was plagued with thoughts of that handsome blonde fanboy at the fansign. His happiness was infectious, it put a smile on your face when you admired how his curls bounced with that skip in his step. You managed to catch his name, Justin, and you remembered exactly what had happened. It was rare you remembered everything word for word but something compelled you to. He had politely waited until the previous fan had stepped off the stage then, practically dashed up the stairs two at a time. He had run a hand through his curls before blurting out an excited 'Hello!' and bowing, nearly bumping his head on the table. As if he was ashamed, he used his right hand to cover his mouth and the other to pass you his bag of gifts and album. You had asked for his name which he gladly revealed. "I'm Justin." He beamed, revealing perfect pearly whites. "Well, thank you for the letter and the gifts Justin," you had said, shooting him your best cover-worthy smile. Justin couldn't be that much older than you. "You're very handsome." His face had turned beet red and he managed to stammer out a reply before nearly tripping on his way down from the stage. He was the most put together mess of a boy you had ever seen and somehow, you were attracted. It was rare you had male fans your age, cute ones at that. But, he was just fan, a face in the crowd you would have to force yourself to forget. You let out an irritated sigh, wishing it didn't need to be limited by its circumstances. Oh why, why couldn't I have gotten Justin's number or something? All I have is a name and a face I would hate to let go. It was safe to say sleep didn't come easy that night despite how worn out you were by the day's activities. You tossed and turned in your blanket, unable to block that blonde boy from your mind. Maybe it did you a favour by lulling you into a deep sleep and as creepy as it sounds, a dream of him. ... Justin was partially gone from your mind a month later but this morning, you could barely keep your eyes open as stylists bustled about, brushing your hair and whatnot, so once again, you found yourself thinking about him. You wondered what he was up to. Perhaps he was leading a normal teenage life. Going to school. Hanging out at the mall with his friends. All the regular, domestic things. A part of you was envious if he indeed had that kind of lifestyle. Today is going to be sooooo tiring. I just hope nothing terrible happens. Today was the day you were guesting on the survival show, Produce 101 Season 2. A few of your friends had participated in season 1 but so far, you hadn't heard from anyone about the second season. It was only the first week anyway, only one episode had aired but you were too busy to even watch teasers of it. Your role was simple, throughout the next week, you were going to support and supposedly mentor a couple of lower ranked teams as they prepared for their stages. It was a good opportunity for exposure and to make new friends. From what you had seen - or lack of since your van had pulled up to the location at six in the morning - all the contestants seemed to be pleasant. The plan was that you were surprising them with a wakeup call and a special buffet breakfast. ( bc i must feed my boys that's why let me live ) You hoped the directors knew what they were doing. "Y/N? Y/N." Manager unnie's voice shook you from your nap, you blinked bleary-eyed at her. She patted your head and helped you to your feet. "Go wash your face or something. Filming will begin soon." You complied, glad that the long-lasting stage makeup was sealed with a waterproof spray. After refreshing, you swiftly changed into your shooting outfit and followed a bunch of crew members to the dining hall. There, another team was busily preparing the surprise breakfast, probably the most the boys were allowed to eat. ( let them eat properly pls ) You stifled laughs when your mini album blasted through the speakers as an alarm. It could become pretty hilarious to hear your own music in public. When the main director signalled your cue, you raised the microphone - which was connected to the speakers - to your lips and delivered the message in a sickeningly sugary voice. "Good morning to all the gorgeous Produce 101 Season 2 contestants. This is not a drill. Please assemble in the dining hall in half an hour. Failure to comply will result in elimination. I repeat this is not a drill. Please assemble in the dining hall in half an hour. Failure to comply will result in elimination." The last part was a lie. No one would be going home on your watch. ... Oh my god. Is that Y/N's voice? Is that her album? How sweet of her to appear in my dreams. "Justin! Justin! Wake up!" What? Why is she calling me? A pillow smacked his face. "Yah! Justin! Wake up!" Justin shot up, rubbing the sleepiness away from his eyes. He blinked at his roommates. "Why? What is it?" They didn't need to reply as the announcement sounded again. "Attention all Produce 101 Season 2 contestants, good morning! This is not a drill, please assemble in the dining hall in twenty minutes. Failure to comply will result in elimination." His jaw dropped, almost hitting the bottom bunk. "Is-is-is that Y-Y/N sunbaenim?" He stuttered out his question. "Yes! So that is why we need to hurry!" That was all it took. He washed up in a matter of twenty seconds and changed into his best outfit in five. Justin grabbed his training things out of his suitcase and bolted to the dining hall as fast as his legs would carry him, his roommates trailing behind. He needed to see with his own two eyes that it was really you. It was so crowded he was already pushed back to the end of the crowd. Somehow, Euiwoong and Seunghyuk found him, they called for Hyungseob and Zheng Ting to come over. "Is it her? Is it really Y/N?" He asked, lips trembling. Zheng Ting nodded, star-struck. Euiwoong had to hold Justin up to prevent his legs from giving way. He almost started sobbing. Does she remember me? I hope she does. He thought hopefully before sighing in realisation. No, there's no way she would have remembered someone as insignificant as me. Once everyone had arrived, you introduced yourself and explained your arrival. There were yells of jubilation and cheers. Some of the boy's jaws hung open and they had a hand over their mouths. It made you smile and amp up. Justin listened in awe to your motivational speech, he was in a daze the whole time as his friends led him to their usual table. Then, he noticed you were walking around and greeting some of the other boys. He scrambled to grab Euiwoong's arm across the table, almost making his hyung topple his tray of food. "Yah! Justin, are you okay?" Euiwoong was puzzled by his sudden behaviour. Justin frantically shot questions at him. "Is my hair okay?" "Do I smell good?" "How does my sweater look? Cute enough?" Euiwoong rolled his eyes and spooned some rice into Justin's mouth to make him shut up. "You look fine. I bet everyone else is worried about their appearance too. Full offence, these uniforms look awful," he said in a hushed tone. Justin fussed with his hair even more. Meanwhile, you too grabbed a tray and marched around the dining hall with your manager by your side, scanning for a place to sit. Suddenly, you spotted a familiar tuft of blonde hair. Justin? Oh my god, Y/N! Stop being delusional. Stop relating everything back to that......... fan. But your pace quickened as you approached his table, partially because he reminded you a lot of your long time crush who you would most likely never see again. As you neared, his face became more clear and you gasped. Even though the first and supposedly last time you saw him was a month ago, you still could recall what his face looked like. There was no mistaking that this trainee was Justin. Is the boy sitting next to him Zheng Ting? I met him too. It was cute to see Justin brushing his hair repeatedly with his hands. He whined when it still stuck out in different directions, the other participants sitting next to him only made fun of him. Should I address them formally? Are we friends? What if he is older than me? How do I call him? Oh my god, I don't want to be rude. These thoughts filled your head as you drew closer, palms growing all the more clammy. 'Oppa' isn't rude right? ( lmao guys this is such a koreaboo thing for me to add in my works but tbh i just didn't want to sound rude ??? and more realistic, not so Americanised but pls tell me what I should do. I don't want to offend anyone out here ) Should I call him that? I bet Zheng Ting is older though? What if I offend them? Do you want to sit with them or not? Another voice piped up. Yes, but- Just go! It gave you a push which pulled yourself together. Like the confident idol you are, you strutted up to the Yuehua boy's table, showing off your perfectly sculpted legs in the process, and tapped Justin on the shoulder. He spun round to face you and when he realised it was you, his jaw hung open and large eyes grew bigger. "Hi, Justin oppa, do you remember me?" You asked, beaming brightly. Justin was so shocked he couldn't form a coherent sentence. "The world would end if Justin forgot who Y/N is. He is your number one fan. Believe me, his wall in our dorm back at the company is filled with your posters. If-" Seunghyuk was abruptly cut off with a desperate yell from Justin. Zheng Ting shoved another spoonful of rice into his maknae's mouth. "You haven't eaten a thing on your tray." "Hello, Jung Jung oppa, I believe we met too." You bowed out of respect and Justin nearly fell on his knees. "Ahh, it's okay! Sunbaenim!" Gesturing to your tray, you asked if you could sit with them for breakfast. Seunghyuk moved over to sit next to Hyungseob which created a space next to Justin. The boy went red when you slid into the seat next to him, accidentally bumping his arm. "Sorry! I'm sorry!" You exclaimed but he assured you he was fine. Regardless, you grabbed his arm and ran your hand over it. "Are you sure? You can't get hurt!" He couldn't even utter words. Should I? Whatever, I should. You took his arm and slung it over your shoulders before turning back to him, a sultry ( keep it PG you're both kids ) smile on your lips. "Don't I know you from somewhere?" Justin cleared his throat and suddenly adopted a blank expression. "My girlfriend is here today." No...... He held up his - well Euiwoong's pocket mirror - to your face. You burst into a fit of giggles. "Nice one, Justin. I knew I could recognise you." Sigh, let's see what happens during this short time of filming. ( this is so bittersweet i’m sorry )
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